@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+package com.develop.step.ui.cook_step
+import android.annotation.SuppressLint
+import android.os.Bundle
+import android.util.Log
+import android.view.KeyEvent
+import coil.load
+import com.alibaba.android.arouter.facade.annotation.Route
+import com.develop.base.ext.setGone
+import com.develop.base.ext.setVisible
+import com.develop.base.ext.toJson
+import com.develop.base.ext.updateText
+import com.develop.base.util.MusicBackPlayerUtil
+import com.develop.base.util.ThreadUtils
+import com.develop.common.router.Screens
+import com.develop.common.widget.TimePickerView
+import com.develop.step.BuildConfig
+import com.develop.step.CookSettingType
+import com.develop.common.R
+import com.develop.common.data_repo.FoodDataProvider
+import com.develop.common.data_repo.db.entity.UserHistoryRecipes
+import com.develop.common.dialog.CancelConfirmDialog
+import com.develop.common.dialog.CookStepCompleteDialog
+import com.develop.common.dialog.PotCoverUnlockedDialog
+import com.develop.common.event.CookStepEvent
+import com.develop.common.food_sdk.FloatWindowManager
+import com.develop.common.food_sdk.FoodSdkUtils
+import com.develop.common.tag.CURRENT_USER_ID
+import com.develop.common.tag.PRESS_DOWN_KEY_CODE
+import com.develop.common.tag.TURN_DOWN_KEY_CODE
+import com.develop.common.tag.TURN_UP_KEY_CODE
+import com.develop.common.utils.TimeUtil
+import com.develop.step.ui.cook_step.model.CookStepStatus
+import com.develop.step.ui.cook_step.model.CookStepUiData
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.constant.core.CommonEventTypes
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.constant.core.DevStatus
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.constant.core.HeatModes
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.constant.core.MotorDirections
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.eventbus.core.DevInfo
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.eventbus.event.DevCommonEvent
+import com.kuyuntech.cofarcooking.device.sdk.util.core.CofarSDK
+import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe
+import java.io.File
+@Route(path = Screens.Cook.COOK_STEP2)
+class CookStepActivity : CookStepBaseActivity() {
+ private var timeArray = IntArray(3)
+ private val audioUtil = MusicBackPlayerUtil()
+ private var audioMute = false
+ private var pendingCookStep = false
+ private var isHistory = false
+ private var mSettingInstId = ""
+ private var mRunningInstId = ""
+ private var potCloverStatus = 1 //锅盖是否盖上 0 是 1 否
+ private var coverPath: Any? = null
+ private var isFromOverWrite = false
+ override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.onTimePickerCallback =
+ object : TimePickerView.OnTimePickerCallback {
+ override fun onTimePicker(
+ hours: Int,
+ minute: Int,
+ second: Int,
+ time: String,
+ setByUser: Boolean
+ ) {
+ if (setByUser) {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = true
+ val totalTime = second + (minute + hours * 60) * 60
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.uiData?.targetTime = totalTime
+ binding.controller.tvCookingTimeTarget.updateText("--${time}--")
+ CofarSDK.cfgTime(totalTime)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onTimePickerTouchFirst() {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = true
+ }
+ }
+ binding.viewAlarm.setOnClickListener {
+ audioMute = !audioMute
+ if (audioMute) {
+ audioUtil.stopBgSound()
+ binding.viewAlarm.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.ic_audio_mute)
+ } else {
+ binding.viewAlarm.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.ic_alarm)
+ }
+ }
+ initData()
+ }
+ private fun initData() {
+ viewModel.queryRecipeCookStep(recipeNumber ?: "", currentStepIndex)
+ viewModel.stepDisplay.observe(this) { it ->
+ coverPath = FoodDataProvider.getImagePath(it.source.photoVideoFilePath)
+ if (CofarSDK.devInfo().status == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) {
+ CofarSDK.changeMode(
+ "$recipeNumber:${viewModel.stepIndex}",
+ CofarSDK.devMode(it.workMode)
+ )
+ }
+ if (it.isWeightMode()) {
+ changeWeightPanel()
+ CofarSDK.stoptWeight()
+ CofarSDK.startWeight()
+ } else if (it.isTurboMode()) {
+ CofarSDK.stoptWeight()
+ changeTurboPanel()
+ } else if (it.isDescription()) {
+ CofarSDK.stoptWeight()
+ changeDescription()
+ } else {
+ CofarSDK.stoptWeight()
+ changeTempSettingPanel()
+ }
+ val stepCount = viewModel.getStepCount()
+ val stepIndex = viewModel.allSteps.indexOf(it)
+// //通知当前步骤信息给浮窗
+// EventBus.getDefault()
+// .post(
+// CookStepEvent(
+// recipeNumber ?: "",
+// coverPath as String,
+// stepIndex
+// )
+// )
+ cookProgressDrawable.setStepState(stepIndex, stepCount)
+ binding.tvStepName.text = it.source.description
+ binding.tvTitleStep.text = it.source.description
+ if (stepCount == 1) {
+ binding.ivPrevStep.setGone()
+ binding.ivNextStep.setGone()
+ } else if (viewModel.isFirstStep(it)) {
+ binding.ivPrevStep.setGone()
+ binding.ivNextStep.setVisible()
+ } else if (viewModel.isFinalStep(it)) {
+ binding.ivPrevStep.setVisible()
+ binding.ivNextStep.setGone()
+ } else {
+ binding.ivPrevStep.setVisible()
+ binding.ivNextStep.setVisible()
+ }
+ binding.ivCookBg.load(FoodDataProvider.getResourcePath(it.source.photoVideoFilePath)) {
+ error(R.drawable.bg_cook_session)
+ transformations()
+ }
+ updateUiSetting(it)
+ playStepAudio(it.source.audioFilePath)
+ tryConsumePendingCookStep(it)
+ initStepData()
+ }
+ backRequestDialog.apply {
+ title = "Keep cooking in the background?"
+ onDialogClickListener = object : CancelConfirmDialog.OnDialogClickListener {
+ override fun onConfirm() {
+ val cookStepEvent = CookStepEvent(
+ recipeNumber ?: "",
+ coverPath as String,
+ viewModel.stepIndex,
+ isMode = false
+ )
+ FloatWindowManager.showStepFlowWindow(cookStepEvent)
+ finish()
+ }
+ override fun onCancel() {
+ FloatWindowManager.hideStepFlowWindow()
+ CofarSDK.stop(false)
+ finish()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ overrideModeDialog.apply {
+ title =
+ "Overwrite current cooking process?\n By overwriting,your current progress will got lost."
+ onDialogClickListener = object : CancelConfirmDialog.OnDialogClickListener {
+ override fun onConfirm() {
+ isFromOverWrite = true
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.let {
+ viewModel.setTargetCookingStep(it)
+ configDataAndStart(it.uiData)
+ }
+ val cookStepEvent = CookStepEvent(
+ recipeNumber ?: "",
+ coverPath as String,
+ viewModel.stepIndex,
+ isMode = false
+ )
+ FloatWindowManager.showStepFlowWindow(cookStepEvent)
+ recordRecipes()
+ }
+ override fun onCancel() {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun playStepAudio(audioPath: String?) {
+ audioUtil.stopBgSound()
+ if (audioMute) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (!audioPath.isNullOrEmpty()) {
+ val filePath = FoodDataProvider.getResourcePath(audioPath)
+ if (File(filePath).exists()) {
+ audioUtil.playBgSound(filePath)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var configing: Boolean = false
+ private fun initStepData() {
+ configing = true;
+ if (runningState == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) {
+ viewModel.allSteps.get(viewModel.stepIndex)?.let {
+ it.uiData.applyRecipeSetting(it.source)
+ if (!it.isWeightMode() && !it.isDescription()) {
+ //设置初始参数
+ CofarSDK.cfgHeat(it.uiData.targetTemp.toShort(), 0)
+ CofarSDK.cfgTime(it.uiData.targetTime)
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorGear(it.uiData.currentSpeed.toByte())
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorDirection(it.uiData.direction.toByte())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ThreadUtils.runOnMainThread({
+ configing = false
+ }, 500)
+ }
+ override fun clickNextStep() {
+ if (viewModel.isCurrentOnCookingStep()
+ && viewModel.cookingStep?.isManualStep() == true
+ ) {
+ // 当前为手动步骤, 下一个步骤切换会设置为当前烹饪步骤
+ pendingCookStep = true
+ }
+ viewModel.nextStep()
+ initStepData() //初始化步骤参数
+ }
+ override fun clickPrevStep() {
+ if (viewModel.isCurrentOnCookingStep() && viewModel.cookingStep?.isManualStep() == true
+ || runningState == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()
+ ) {
+ // 当前为手动步骤, 上一个步骤切换会设置为当前烹饪步骤
+ pendingCookStep = true
+ }
+ viewModel.prevStep()
+ initStepData()
+ }
+ /**
+ * 前一个步骤为称重步骤, 切换到左/右步骤后自动设定为当前步骤, 有自动开始字段则自动开始烹饪
+ */
+ private fun tryConsumePendingCookStep(status: CookStepStatus) {
+ if (!pendingCookStep) {
+ return
+ }
+ pendingCookStep = false
+ viewModel.setTargetCookingStep(status)
+// if (status.source.autoStart == "1") {
+// configDataAndStart(status.uiData)
+// }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ override fun clickFirstButton(tag: String) {
+ handleButtonState(tag)
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ override fun clickSecondButton(tag: String) {
+ handleButtonState(tag)
+ }
+ private fun handleButtonState(tag: String) {
+ if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_START) {
+ if (CofarSDK.devInfo().potCloverStatus.toInt() == 1) {
+ showPotCloverDialog()
+ } else if (CofarSDK.devInfo().runningInstId != "${recipeNumber}:${viewModel.stepIndex}") {
+ overrideModeDialog.showDialog(supportFragmentManager, "overrideModeDialog")
+ } else {
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.let {
+ viewModel.setTargetCookingStep(it)
+ configDataAndStart(it.uiData)
+ }
+ recordRecipes()
+ }
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_PAUSE) {
+ CofarSDK.pause()
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_RESUME) {
+ CofarSDK.resume()
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_CONFIRM) {
+ CofarSDK.confirm()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setGone()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setGone()
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_STOP) {
+ CofarSDK.stop(false)
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_RESET) {
+ val current = viewModel.displayStep() ?: return
+ val stepIndex = viewModel.allSteps.indexOf(current)
+ val uiCopy = viewModel.dataCopy.getOrNull(stepIndex)
+ uiCopy?.let {
+ current.uiData.copyFrom(it)
+ updateUiSetting(current)
+ }
+ } else if (tag == BUTTON_TAG_CANCEL) {
+ CofarSDK.cancel()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setGone()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setGone()
+ }
+ }
+ override fun clickWeightTare() {
+ CofarSDK.clearWeight()
+ }
+ fun checkShowConfirm() {
+// if(runningState.toByte() != DevStatus.STOP){
+// viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify=true
+// }
+ }
+ override fun onUserChangeTemp(value: Int) {
+ val v = FoodSdkUtils.parseTemp(value.toShort())
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.uiData?.targetTemp = v.toInt()
+ binding.controller.tvCookingTempTarget.updateText("--${v}°C--")
+ binding.controller.tvRingTempText.updateText("${v}°C")
+ CofarSDK.cfgHeat(value.toShort(), HeatModes.PU_TONG)
+ checkShowConfirm()
+ }
+ override fun onUserChangeSpeed(value: Int) {
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.uiData?.currentSpeed = value
+ binding.controller.tvSetSpeed.updateText(value.toString())
+ binding.controller.tvSpeedText.updateText(value.toString())
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorGear(value.toByte())
+ checkShowConfirm()
+ }
+ override fun onSettingDirection(value: Int) {
+ viewModel.displayStep()?.uiData?.direction = value
+ if (value == 0) {
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorDirection(MotorDirections.FORWARD)
+ } else {
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorDirection(MotorDirections.REVERSE)
+ }
+ checkShowConfirm()
+ }
+ override fun onDevStateChange(devInfo: DevInfo) {
+ if (configing) {
+ return
+ }
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.let {
+ potCloverStatus = devInfo.potCloverStatus.toInt()
+ if (recipeNumber?.let { it1 -> CofarSDK.devInfo().runningInstId.equals("$it1:${viewModel.stepIndex}") } == true) {
+ mRunningInstId = devInfo.runningInstId
+ mSettingInstId = devInfo.settingInstId
+ it.uiData.runningStatus = devInfo.status
+ it.uiData.targetTemp = FoodSdkUtils.parseTemp(devInfo.targetTemp).toInt()
+ it.uiData.targetTime = devInfo.targetTime
+ it.uiData.currentSpeed = devInfo.motorGear.toInt()
+ it.uiData.weightNum = devInfo.weight.toInt()
+ it.uiData.direction = devInfo.motorDirection.toInt()
+ it.uiData.currentTemp = FoodSdkUtils.parseTemp(devInfo.temp).toInt()
+ it.uiData.remainTime = devInfo.remainTime
+ it.uiData.targetTimeBuffer = devInfo.targetTimeBuffer
+ it.uiData.isTimeChange = devInfo.mode.isTimeChange
+ it.uiData.isTempChange = devInfo.mode.isTempChange
+ it.uiData.isMotorDirectionChange = devInfo.mode.isMotorDirectionChange
+ it.uiData.isMotorGearChange = devInfo.mode.isMotorGearChange
+ it.uiData.limitMaxSpeed = devInfo.mode.maxMotorGear
+ it.uiData.limitMinSpeed = devInfo.mode.minMotorGear
+ it.uiData.limitMaxTemp = devInfo.mode.maxTemp
+ it.uiData.limitMinTemp = devInfo.mode.minTemp
+ it.uiData.limitMaxTime = devInfo.mode.maxTime
+ it.uiData.limitMinTime = devInfo.mode.minTime
+ }
+ if (!it.hasStarted && devInfo.status == DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt()) {
+ // 标记这个步骤曾经开始过了
+ it.hasStarted = true
+ }
+ if (it.hasStarted && !it.hasComplete && devInfo.status == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) {
+ // 这个步骤目前已经结束了
+ it.hasComplete = true
+ notifyStepComplete(it)
+ }
+ }
+ if (viewModel.isCurrentOnCookingStep()) {
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.let {
+ updateUiSetting(it)
+ }
+ }
+ // 重量设置
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.apply {
+ binding.tvWeightNum.updateText("${uiData.weightNum}g")
+ binding.weightView.setWeightNumber(uiData.weightNum.toFloat())
+ }
+ }
+ private fun showPotCloverDialog() {
+ val warnDialog = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("WarningDialog")
+ if (warnDialog == null) {
+ supportFragmentManager
+ .beginTransaction()
+ .add(PotCoverUnlockedDialog(), "WarningDialog")
+ .commitNowAllowingStateLoss()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun notifyStepComplete(cookStep: CookStepStatus) {
+ val dialog = CookStepCompleteDialog {
+ val nextStep = viewModel.getNextStep(
+ cookStep
+ ) ?: return@CookStepCompleteDialog
+ if (nextStep.source.autoStart != "1") {
+ return@CookStepCompleteDialog
+ }
+ // 自动切换到下一步骤
+ viewModel.setTargetCookingStep(nextStep)
+ }
+ dialog.showDialog(supportFragmentManager, "complete")
+ }
+ private fun configDataAndStart(uiData: CookStepUiData) {
+ CofarSDK.changeMode(
+ "$recipeNumber:${viewModel.stepIndex}",
+ CofarSDK.devMode(viewModel.cookingStep?.workMode)
+ )
+ CofarSDK.cfgTime(uiData.targetTime.toInt())
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorDirection(
+ if (uiData.direction == 0) {
+ MotorDirections.FORWARD
+ } else {
+ MotorDirections.FORWARD
+ }
+ )
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorGear(uiData.currentSpeed.toByte())
+ CofarSDK.cfgHeat(uiData.targetTemp.toShort(), HeatModes.PU_TONG)
+ CofarSDK.cancel()
+ if (isFromOverWrite) {
+ //覆盖调用
+ CofarSDK.startRunning("${recipeNumber}:${viewModel.stepIndex}")
+ isFromOverWrite = false
+ } else {
+ CofarSDK.start("${recipeNumber}:${viewModel.stepIndex}")
+ }
+ //通知当前运行的菜谱的ID和当前步骤索引
+ CofarSDK.startRecipe(recipeNumber, viewModel.stepIndex.toString())
+ }
+ override fun dispatchKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
+ if (event.action != KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
+ when (event.keyCode) {
+ operateByPhysical(true)
+ }
+ operateByPhysical(false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)
+ }
+ private fun rotateStep(): Int {
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.let {
+ if (it.uiData.targetTime >= 60) {
+ return 10;
+ }
+ if (it.uiData.targetTime >= 10 * 60) {
+ return 30;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ private fun operateByPhysical(increase: Boolean) {
+ val cookStep = viewModel.displayStep()
+ val tabType = getSelectedTabType()
+ if (tabType == CookSettingType.TEMP_SETTING) {
+ cookStep?.uiData?.let {
+ if (!it.isTempChange) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (increase) {
+ it.targetTemp += CofarSDK.getTempInterval()
+ if (it.targetTemp > it.limitMaxTemp) {
+ it.targetTemp = it.limitMaxTemp
+ }
+ } else {
+ it.targetTemp -= CofarSDK.getTempInterval()
+ if (it.targetTemp < it.limitMinTemp) {
+ it.targetTemp = it.limitMinTemp
+ }
+ if (it.targetTemp < 37) {
+ it.targetTemp = 0
+ }
+ }
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = true
+ binding.controller.tempRingView.updateProgress(it.targetTemp)
+ onUserChangeTemp(it.targetTemp)
+ }
+ } else if (tabType == CookSettingType.SPEED_SETTING) {
+ cookStep?.uiData?.let {
+ if (!it.isMotorGearChange) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (increase) {
+ it.currentSpeed++
+ if (it.currentSpeed > it.limitMaxSpeed) {
+ it.currentSpeed = it.limitMaxSpeed
+ }
+ } else {
+ it.currentSpeed--
+ if (it.currentSpeed < it.limitMinSpeed) {
+ it.currentSpeed = it.limitMinSpeed
+ }
+ }
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = true
+ binding.controller.speedRingView.updateProgress(it.currentSpeed)
+ onUserChangeSpeed(it.currentSpeed)
+ }
+ } else if (tabType == CookSettingType.TIME_SETTING) {
+ cookStep?.uiData?.let {
+ if (!it.isTimeChange) {
+ return
+ }
+ dealWithTimeByOperation(it, increase)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun dealWithTimeByOperation(uiData: CookStepUiData, increase: Boolean) {
+ //当前调节时间
+ var targetTime = uiData.targetTime
+ if (increase) {
+ targetTime += rotateStep()
+ } else {
+ targetTime -= rotateStep()
+ }
+ if (targetTime > uiData.limitMaxTime) {
+ targetTime = uiData.limitMaxTime
+ }
+ if (targetTime < uiData.limitMinTime) {
+ targetTime = uiData.limitMinTime
+ }
+ val sec = targetTime % 60
+ val min = ((targetTime / 60) % 60)
+ val hour = (targetTime / 3600)
+ var time = ""
+ if (hour > 0) {
+ time += if (hour < 10) {
+ "0${hour}"
+ } else {
+ "${hour}"
+ }
+ time += if (min < 10) {
+ ":0${min}"
+ } else {
+ ":${min}"
+ }
+ } else {
+ time += if (min < 10) {
+ "0${min}"
+ } else {
+ "${min}"
+ }
+ time += if (sec < 10) {
+ ":0${sec}"
+ } else {
+ ":${sec}"
+ }
+ }
+ uiData.isTimeChange = true
+ uiData.targetTime = targetTime
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.isTimeCanChange(true)
+ // 回调到上面那个地方来设置时间
+ TimeUtil.getTimes(targetTime, timeArray)
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.setTimeInternal(
+ timeArray[0],
+ timeArray[1],
+ timeArray[2],
+ changeSetting = true,
+ setByUser = true
+ )
+ }
+ override fun onKeyLongPress(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean {
+ if (CofarSDK.devInfo().status == DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt() || CofarSDK.devInfo().status == DevStatus.PAUSE.toInt()) {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = false
+ clickFirstButton(BUTTON_TAG_STOP)
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "click stop")
+ }
+ pressStartTime = -1L
+ return super.onKeyLongPress(keyCode, event)
+ }
+ private var canStart = true
+ override fun onKeyUp(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean {
+ pressStartTime = -1L
+ if (keyCode == PRESS_DOWN_KEY_CODE) {
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "catch key down")
+ //当前是turbo模式下
+ if (viewModel.cookingStep?.isTurboMode() != true) {
+ if (canStart) {
+ //非turbo模式
+ if (viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify && CofarSDK.devInfo().status.toByte() != DevStatus.STOP) {
+ //用户调节中
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = false
+ clickFirstButton(BUTTON_TAG_CONFIRM)
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "click confirm")
+ } else {
+ when (CofarSDK.devInfo().status) {
+ DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt() -> {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = false
+ clickFirstButton(BUTTON_TAG_PAUSE)
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "click stop")
+ }
+ DevStatus.PAUSE.toInt() -> {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = false
+ clickFirstButton(BUTTON_TAG_RESUME)
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "click stop")
+ }
+ DevStatus.STOP.toInt() -> {
+ viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify = false
+ clickFirstButton(BUTTON_TAG_START)
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "click start")
+ }
+ else -> {
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "nothing to do")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ turboUpEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ canStart = true
+ return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event)
+ }
+ private var pressStartTime = -1L;
+ override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean {
+ if (keyCode == PRESS_DOWN_KEY_CODE) {
+ Log.d("QQQQ", "catch key down")
+ //当前是turbo模式下
+ if (viewModel.cookingStep?.isTurboMode() == true) {
+ turboDownEvent()
+ } else {
+ if (pressStartTime == -1L) {
+ pressStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ }
+ if (pressStartTime != -1L && (System.currentTimeMillis() - pressStartTime) > 1000 && event?.keyCode == PRESS_DOWN_KEY_CODE) {
+ this.onKeyLongPress(keyCode, event);
+ event.startTracking()
+ pressStartTime = -1L
+ canStart = false
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 根据UI状态刷新View
+ */
+ @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n")
+ private fun updateUiSetting(status: CookStepStatus, focusUpdate: Boolean = false) {
+ val uiData = status.uiData
+ if (viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify && (uiData.runningStatus == DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt() || uiData.runningStatus == DevStatus.PAUSE.toInt())) {
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.updateText(getString(R.string.confirm))
+ binding.controller.btnReset.updateText(getString(R.string.cancel))
+ binding.controller.btnStart.tag = BUTTON_TAG_CONFIRM
+ binding.controller.btnReset.tag = BUTTON_TAG_CANCEL
+ } else {
+ if (uiData.runningStatus == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) {
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.updateText(getString(R.string.start))
+ binding.controller.btnReset.updateText(getString(R.string.reset_button))
+ binding.controller.btnStart.tag = BUTTON_TAG_START
+ binding.controller.btnReset.tag = BUTTON_TAG_RESET
+ } else if (uiData.runningStatus == DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt()) {
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setGone()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.updateText(getString(R.string.pause))
+ binding.controller.btnStart.tag = BUTTON_TAG_PAUSE
+ } else {
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setVisible()
+ binding.controller.btnStart.updateText(getString(R.string.resume))
+ binding.controller.btnReset.updateText(getString(R.string.stop))
+ binding.controller.btnStart.tag = BUTTON_TAG_RESUME
+ binding.controller.btnReset.tag = BUTTON_TAG_STOP
+ }
+ }
+ // 已经开始运行, 并且不是当前步骤, 隐藏操作按钮, 禁止操作
+ val modifyDisable = viewModel.isCookingStepStarted() && !viewModel.isCurrentOnCookingStep()
+ binding.controller.speedRingView.setCanTouch(!modifyDisable && uiData.isMotorGearChange)
+ binding.controller.tempRingView.setCanTouch(!modifyDisable && uiData.isTempChange)
+ binding.controller.tvTurnLeft.isEnabled = !modifyDisable && uiData.isMotorDirectionChange
+ binding.controller.tvTurnRight.isEnabled = !modifyDisable && uiData.isMotorDirectionChange
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.isTimeCanChange(!modifyDisable && uiData.isTimeChange)
+ if (modifyDisable || status.isManualStep()) {
+ binding.controller.btnStart.setGone()
+ binding.controller.btnReset.setGone()
+ }
+ binding.controller.speedRingView.setRange(
+ uiData.limitMinSpeed.toFloat(), uiData.limitMaxSpeed.toFloat()
+ )
+ binding.controller.tempRingView.setRange(
+ uiData.limitMinTemp.toFloat(), uiData.limitMaxTemp.toFloat()
+ )
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.setTimeRange(
+ uiData.limitMinTime, uiData.limitMaxTime
+ )
+ // 播放电机转动动画
+ if (viewModel.isCurrentOnCookingStep()
+ && uiData.runningStatus == DevStatus.RUNNING.toInt()
+ && uiData.currentSpeed > 0
+ ) {
+ playRotateAnimator(uiData.direction)
+ } else {
+ pauseRotateAnimator()
+ }
+ // 时间设置
+ if (runningState == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) {
+ TimeUtil.getTimes(uiData.targetTime, timeArray)
+ } else {
+ TimeUtil.getTimes(uiData.remainTime, timeArray)
+ }
+ if (!viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify || focusUpdate) {
+ binding.controller.clSetTime.setTimeInternal(
+ timeArray[0],
+ timeArray[1],
+ timeArray[2],
+ true
+ ) // 表盘时间设置-当前剩余时间
+ TimeUtil.getTimes(uiData.targetTime, timeArray)
+ binding.controller.tvCookingTimeTarget.updateText("--${TimeUtil.formatTime(timeArray)}--") // 下面的TAB-目标运行时间
+ }
+ TimeUtil.getTimes(uiData.remainTime, timeArray)
+ binding.controller.tvSetTime.updateText(TimeUtil.formatTime(timeArray)) // 下面的TAB-当前剩余时间
+ // 温度
+ val showTemp =
+ if (runningState == DevStatus.STOP.toInt()) uiData.targetTemp else uiData.currentTemp;
+ if (!viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify || focusUpdate) {
+ binding.controller.tvCookingTempTarget.updateText("--${uiData.targetTemp}°C--") // 下面的TAB-目标运行温度
+ binding.controller.tempRingView.updateProgress(showTemp) // 圆环设置-当前运行温度
+ binding.controller.tvRingTempText.updateText("${showTemp}°C") // 圆环内的数字-当前运行温度
+ }
+ binding.controller.tvTempValue.updateText("${uiData.currentTemp}°C") // 下面的TAB-当前运行温度
+ // 速度设置
+ if (!viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify || focusUpdate) {
+ binding.controller.speedRingView.updateProgress(uiData.currentSpeed) // 圆环设置-当前运行速度
+ binding.controller.tvSpeedText.updateText(uiData.currentSpeed.toString()) // 圆环内的数字-当前运行速度
+ binding.controller.tvSetSpeed.updateText(uiData.currentSpeed.toString()) // 下面的TAB-当前运行速度
+ }
+ // 方向设置
+ if (!viewModel.stepUiData.doingModify || focusUpdate) {
+ updateDirection(uiData.direction)
+ }
+ }
+ @Subscribe
+ fun onDevCommonEvent(event: DevCommonEvent) {
+ ThreadUtils.runOnMainThread({
+ val mode = CofarSDK.devMode(viewModel.cookingStep?.workMode)
+ if (CommonEventTypes.MOTOR_GEAR_RATHER_THEN_7 == event.type) {
+ CofarSDK.cfgTime((10 * 60))
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.let { updateUiSetting(it, true) }
+ }
+ if (CommonEventTypes.MOTOR_GEAR_RATHER_THEN_3_WITH_TEMP == event.type) {
+ CofarSDK.cfgMotorGear(3)
+ viewModel.cookingStep?.let { updateUiSetting(it, true) }
+ }
+ }, 500)
+ }
+ override fun onDestroy() {
+ super.onDestroy()
+ audioUtil.releaseMedia()
+ }
+ private fun recordRecipes() {
+ if (!isHistory) {
+ isHistory = true
+ FoodDataProvider.getUserDatabase().runInTransaction {
+ recipeNumber?.let {
+ FoodDataProvider.getUserDatabase().userInfoDao().removeHistoryRecipe(
+ )
+ }
+ FoodDataProvider.getUserDatabase().userInfoDao().insertHistoryRecipe(
+ UserHistoryRecipes(CURRENT_USER_ID, recipeNumber ?: "")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }