@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+package com.develop.common.data_repo.db
+import android.content.res.Resources
+import com.develop.common.R
+import com.develop.common.data_repo.db.entity.DevRecipe
+import com.develop.common.data_repo.db.entity.UserFavoriteRecipes
+object DataFactory {
+ fun createLanguageData(resource: Resources): MutableList<LanguageModel> {
+ val languageList = mutableListOf<LanguageModel>()
+ val strList = mutableListOf<String>(
+ resource.getString(R.string.english),
+ resource.getString(R.string.chinese),
+ resource.getString(R.string.france),
+ resource.getString(R.string.japan)
+ )
+ val iconList = mutableListOf<Int>(
+ R.drawable.ic_english,
+ R.drawable.ic_chinese,
+ R.drawable.ic_france,
+ R.drawable.ic_japan
+ )
+ val typeList = mutableListOf<LanguageType>(
+ LanguageType.English,
+ LanguageType.Chinese,
+ LanguageType.France,
+ LanguageType.Japan
+ )
+ for (i in strList.indices) {
+ languageList.add(LanguageModel(iconList[i], strList[i], typeList[i]))
+ }
+ return languageList
+ }
+ val modesTypeList = mutableListOf(
+ ModesType.WIGHT,
+ ModesType.BOIL_WATER,
+ ModesType.CHOP,
+ ModesType.SLOW_COOK,
+ ModesType.KNEAD_TOUGH,
+ ModesType.STEAM,
+ ModesType.TURBO
+ )
+ fun genGridModesList(resource: Resources): MutableList<ModelsModel> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<ModelsModel>()
+ val resIdList = mutableListOf(
+ R.drawable.ic_adapted_cooking,
+ R.drawable.ic_scales,
+ R.drawable.ic_boil_water,
+ R.drawable.ic_chop,
+ R.drawable.ic_slow_cook,
+ R.drawable.ic_knead_dough,
+ R.drawable.ic_steam,
+ R.drawable.ic_food_processor,
+ R.drawable.ic_turbo
+ )
+ val modeNameList = mutableListOf(
+ resource.getString(R.string.adapted_cooking),
+ resource.getString(R.string.wight),
+ resource.getString(R.string.boil_water),
+ resource.getString(R.string.chop),
+ resource.getString(R.string.slow_cook),
+ resource.getString(R.string.knead_dough),
+ resource.getString(R.string.steam),
+ resource.getString(R.string.food_processor),
+ resource.getString(R.string.turbo)
+ )
+ for (i in resIdList.indices) {
+ result.add(ModelsModel(resIdList[i], modeNameList[i], modesTypeList[i]))
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genGalleryModesList(resource: Resources): MutableList<ModelsModel> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<ModelsModel>()
+ val resIdList = mutableListOf(
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_adapted_cooking,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_weight,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_boil_water,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_chop,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_slow_cook,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_knead_dough,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_steam,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_food_processor,
+ R.drawable.ic_grid_turbo
+ )
+ val modeNameList = mutableListOf(
+ resource.getString(R.string.adapted_cooking),
+ resource.getString(R.string.wight),
+ resource.getString(R.string.boil_water),
+ resource.getString(R.string.chop),
+ resource.getString(R.string.slow_cook),
+ resource.getString(R.string.knead_dough),
+ resource.getString(R.string.steam),
+ resource.getString(R.string.food_processor),
+ resource.getString(R.string.turbo)
+ )
+ for (i in resIdList.indices) {
+ result.add(ModelsModel(resIdList[i], modeNameList[i], modesTypeList[i]))
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genTestNewsList(): MutableList<NewsModel> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<NewsModel>()
+ for (i in 0..4) {
+ result.add(
+ NewsModel(
+ "Good News!",
+ "The scattergun approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals.",
+ false
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genSettingModesList(resource: Resources): MutableList<SettingModel> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<SettingModel>()
+ val resIdList = mutableListOf(
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_language,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_wifi,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_voice,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_brightness,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_user,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_folder,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_reset,
+ R.drawable.ic_setting_about,
+ )
+ val nameList = mutableListOf(
+ resource.getString(R.string.language),
+ resource.getString(R.string.wifi),
+ resource.getString(R.string.sound),
+ resource.getString(R.string.brightness),
+ resource.getString(R.string.user_account),
+ resource.getString(R.string.storage),
+ resource.getString(R.string.reset),
+ resource.getString(R.string.about)
+ )
+ val settingTypeList = mutableListOf(
+ SettingType.LANGUAGE,
+ SettingType.WIFI,
+ SettingType.SOUND,
+ SettingType.BRIGHTNESS,
+ SettingType.USER_ACCOUNT,
+ SettingType.STORAGE,
+ SettingType.ABOUT
+ )
+ for (i in resIdList.indices) {
+ result.add(SettingModel(resIdList[i], nameList[i], settingTypeList[i]))
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genLocalRecipes(
+ categoryName: String,
+ recipesList: MutableList<DevRecipe>,
+ favoriteRecipes: MutableList<UserFavoriteRecipes>,
+ starList: MutableList<Int>,
+ sortedType: SortedType
+ ): MutableList<Any> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<Any>()
+ val bannerList = mutableListOf<HomeBannerModel>()
+ for (i in 0 until 3) {
+ bannerList.add(HomeBannerModel(R.drawable.ic_auth_banner, ""))
+ }
+ result.add(HomeBannerListModel(bannerList))
+ result.add(FilterSortModel(""))
+ result.add(categoryName)
+ val favoriteRecipesIds = mutableListOf<String>()
+ favoriteRecipes.forEach {
+ favoriteRecipesIds.add(it.favoriteRecipesId)
+ }
+ recipesList.sortWith(Comparator { t, t2 ->
+ when (sortedType) {
+ SortedType.Popular -> {
+ if ((t.useNum ?: 0) > (t2.useNum ?: 0)) {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ }
+ }
+ SortedType.Newest -> {
+ if ((t.updateTime ?: 0L) > (t2.updateTime ?: 0L)) {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ }
+ }
+ SortedType.Score -> {
+ val score1 = t.score?.toInt() ?: 0
+ val score2 = t2.score?.toInt() ?: 0
+ if (score1 > score2) {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ for (i in recipesList.indices) {
+ val recipes = recipesList[i]
+ result.add(
+ FoodContentModel(
+ recipes.photoPath ?: "",
+ recipes.name ?: "",
+ recipes.score?.toInt() ?: 0,
+ getTime(recipes.makeHours ?: 0, recipes.makeMinutes ?: 0),
+ recipes.difficultyLevel ?: "",
+ isLike = favoriteRecipesIds.contains(recipes.number),
+ foodId = recipes.number ?: "",
+ isNetRecipes = false,
+ hasDownloaded = false,
+ recipesEdition = recipes.edition,
+ useNum = recipes.useNum?.toInt() ?: 0
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genSortNameList(resource: Resources): MutableList<FilterSortModel> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<FilterSortModel>()
+ val sortNameList = mutableListOf(
+ resource.getString(R.string.most_popular), resource.getString(R.string.newest), "rating"
+ )
+ for (name in sortNameList) {
+ result.add(FilterSortModel(name))
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genTestSearchDataList(): MutableList<Any> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<Any>()
+ result.add(FilterSortModel(""))
+ val searchNameList =
+ mutableListOf("Guacamole", "Aioli", "Popular", "Chinese food", "Healthy")
+ val searchModelList = mutableListOf<CommonSearchItem>()
+ searchNameList.forEach {
+ searchModelList.add(CommonSearchItem(it))
+ }
+ result.add(CommonSearchModel(searchModelList))
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genOnLineHotTags(hotTags: MutableList<String>): MutableList<Any> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<Any>()
+ result.add(FilterSortModel(""))
+ val searchModelList = mutableListOf<CommonSearchItem>()
+ hotTags.forEach {
+ searchModelList.add(CommonSearchItem(it))
+ }
+ result.add(CommonSearchModel(searchModelList))
+ return result
+ }
+ fun genNetRecipesData(
+ categoryName: String,
+ recipesList: MutableList<DevRecipe>,
+ favoriteRecipes: MutableList<UserFavoriteRecipes>,
+ sortedType: SortedType
+ ): MutableList<Any> {
+ val result = mutableListOf<Any>()
+ result.add(FilterSortModel(""))
+ result.add(categoryName)
+ val favoriteRecipesIds = mutableListOf<String>()
+ favoriteRecipes.forEach {
+ favoriteRecipesIds.add(it.favoriteRecipesId)
+ }
+ recipesList.sortWith(Comparator { t, t2 ->
+ when (sortedType) {
+ SortedType.Popular -> {
+ if ((t.useNum ?: 0) > (t2.useNum ?: 0)) {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ }
+ }
+ SortedType.Newest -> {
+ if ((t.updateTime ?: 0L) > (t2.updateTime ?: 0L)) {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ }
+ }
+ SortedType.Score -> {
+ val score1 = t.score?.toInt() ?: 0
+ val score2 = t2.score?.toInt() ?: 0
+ if (score1 > score2) {
+ return@Comparator 1
+ } else {
+ return@Comparator -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ for (i in recipesList.indices) {
+ val recipes = recipesList[i]
+ result.add(
+ FoodContentModel(
+ recipes.photoPath ?: "",
+ recipes.name ?: "",
+ recipes.score?.toInt() ?: 0,
+ getTime(recipes.makeHours ?: 0, recipes.makeMinutes ?: 0),
+ recipes.difficultyLevel ?: "",
+ isLike = favoriteRecipesIds.contains(recipes.number),
+ foodId = recipes.number ?: "",
+ isNetRecipes = true,
+ hasDownloaded = false,
+ recipesEdition = recipes.edition,
+ useNum = recipes.useNum?.toInt() ?: 0
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+fun getTime(hour: Int, minute: Int): String {
+ var hourStr = ""
+ var minuteStr = ""
+ if (hour != 0) {
+ hourStr = "${hour}hour"
+ }
+ if (minute != 0) {
+ minuteStr = "${minute}minute"
+ }
+ return "$hourStr$minuteStr"