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Skin for now Login Online Recipes Cooking history Favourite recipes Settings Grid view List view ADAPTED COOKING SCALES BOIL WATER CHOP SLOW COOK KNEAD DOUGH STEAM FOOD PROCESSOR TURBO LANGUAGE SOUND BRIGHTNESS USER ACCOUNT STORAGE RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS ABOUT WEIGHT Local recipes Download Downloading Enter search Search Most popular Newest The most commonly searched Notice ALL Recipes Ingredients Brightness Screen lock time 3Min 5Min 10Min 20Min 30Min Sound Text to speech Language CONTINUE START COOKING OFF ON Update the recipes APK MCU FW SN MODEL Update About Are you sure to restore factory settings? YES easy medium hard Restore factory settings Connected, but unable to access the Internet Saved "Stopped" "IP address configuration failure" "WLAN connection failure" "There is a problem with authentication" Scanning... Connecting… Authentication in progress… obtaining IP address… Connected Suspended Disconnecting… Disconnected Failed Blocked Temporarily shut down (bad network condition) START PAUSE CANCEL CONFIRM STOP TURN\nRIGHT TURN\nLEFT TEMPERATURE TIME SPEED DIRECTION Bad Imperfect Ordinary Good Perfect Are you sure to delete? NO Please set the operation parameters Confirm Cancel Tips Finish! Для того, щоб користуватися програмою, необхідно мати та встановити відповідний додаток. The current temperature exceeds 60, and the motor speed exceeds the third gear. Are you sure to continue? The current temperature exceeds 60, turbo function cannot be operated System updating, please wait~ Do you want to upgrade to the new version? Downloaded Download failure Start to download Weighing overload Forgotten password Enter Email ID Enter Password Register Join us today and enjoy the ultimate cooking expenence Login / Sign up Skip for now Reset Password Enter Captcha Send Email Please fill in your email Enter Password Again Enter the Captcha obtained from the mail Nickname Enter Nickname Gender Male Age Save Cancellation of account Sign up, it\'s FREE Composed of letters and numbers,with no less than 8 digits. Please select age Cancel Female TARE Keep cooking in the background? Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити старі рецепти? RESET Finish! Error Download failed Warning! Lid unlock Share with more people Scan QR code with camera Enter what you want to say NOTE TITLE Type your notes here MAKES 1 JAR MAKES %1s JARS Per serving Preparation: h min Ready in: JAR Serving sizes Score Share Delete A total of {{num}} recipes have been found. Do you want to download them? No new recipe data package \n Currently the latest version ({{progress}})Recipe data downloading… Recipe data update completed Recipe update Are you sure to restore to the factory settings? The program is running, please close the program to perform this operation again! Exit calibration Calibrating.. Please put on weight 1 KGS Please put on weight 2 KGS Calibrate successfully! After switch the language, recipe languages will change at the same time and restart. Are you sure to switch the language? The lid is unlocked. Please lock the lid first and start. Do you want to enter the breath screen? Sex WEIGHT Please stop the running program and start new programs. Time has not been set. Empty Notice network error Help Evaluate successfully Reset to default settings >]]> rating Loading 20Min ENJOY YOUR MEAL Attention\n· High temperature\n· No contents in bowl when heating\n· Add ingredients, liquids Warning\n· Bowl lid not fully engaged\n· Motor overload, allow machine to cool down, Restart with less bowl contents. Attention\n· Weight was not measured, scale error\n· Scale faulty Attention: NTC is not working properly, please contact technical service. Attention\n· Mixing bowl not engaged, reposition bowl Attention: The device is abnormal, please check the device Failed to login, please try again Please connect to Wifi Please enter the fields above to login enjoy your meal Wrong captcha None Please fill in nickname RECIPE COMPLETED ENJOY YOUR MEAL! Press the button Please fill in Password is not the same ENTER REPEAT Automatic\nrecipes Automatic\nProgrammes Manual\ncooking Download\nnew recipes HOME BACK Historical search AUTOMATIC RECIPES AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMES MANUAL COOKING DOWNLOAD NEW RECIPES Incorrect account number or password Incorrect account number or password РЕЦЕПТИ АВТОMATИЧHI\nПPOГPAMИ BЛACHI\nHAЛAШTУBAHHЯ OHOBЛEHHЯ\nPEЦEПTIB Замішування тіста Приготування на пару Кулінарія Sous Vide Приготування рису Подрібнення рубання Turbo Smoothie Попереднє прання Ваги Нарізка кубиками Витискання соку з цитрусових Чищення картоплі AIR FRYER MEAT FISH BAKC DRUMSTICKS CHICKEN WING VEGETABLE SHRIMP PIZZA DEHYDRATE Confirm change dev mode ? WATER SPARY The current cooking mode is not consistent with the type of pot cover. Do you want to switch to the corresponding cooking mode? COOK EGGS COOK RICE MULSIFY PUREE ROAST SMOOTHIE SOVS VIDE AUTO CLEAN Current version is the latest version. Installing... Save success Reset password success! Email send Email not send The email has been already registered Please fill in your email Please fill in the captcha Please fill in the password Password uncorrect Password Add to favourite Please switch the corresponding pot and start again Verify code uncorrect Success Motor heat dissipation abnormal Plug in air fryer attachment Air fryer NTC abnormal Put air fryer lid into place Put air fryer bowl into place Air fryer attachment overheat protection. Pls use it after cool down. Air fryer water pump abnormal Unplug air fryer attachment when in robot cooker mode TFT screen dissipation abnormal Please put in the correct pot, or end the current program