vendor.js 819 KB

  1. (global["webpackJsonp"] = global["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["common/vendor"],{
  2. /***/ 1:
  3. /*!************************************************************!*\
  4. !*** ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin/dist/index.js ***!
  5. \************************************************************/
  6. /*! no static exports found */
  7. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  8. "use strict";
  9. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.createApp = createApp;exports.createComponent = createComponent;exports.createPage = createPage;exports.createPlugin = createPlugin;exports.createSubpackageApp = createSubpackageApp;exports.default = void 0;var _uniI18n = __webpack_require__(/*! @dcloudio/uni-i18n */ 3);
  10. var _vue = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(/*! vue */ 4));function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {var keys = Object.keys(object);if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;});keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);}return keys;}function _objectSpread(target) {for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};if (i % 2) {ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {_defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);});} else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));} else {ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));});}}return target;}function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();}function _nonIterableRest() {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");}function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;var _arr = [];var _n = true;var _d = false;var _e = undefined;try {for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {_arr.push(_s.value);if (i && _arr.length === i) break;}} catch (err) {_d = true;_e = err;} finally {try {if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();} finally {if (_d) throw _e;}}return _arr;}function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;}function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {if (key in obj) {Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true });} else {obj[key] = value;}return obj;}function _toConsumableArray(arr) {return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();}function _nonIterableSpread() {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");}function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {if (!o) return;if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);var n =, -1);if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =;if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);}function _iterableToArray(iter) {if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter);}function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);}function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {arr2[i] = arr[i];}return arr2;}
  11. var realAtob;
  12. var b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
  13. var b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+/]{3}=?)?$/;
  14. if (typeof atob !== 'function') {
  15. realAtob = function realAtob(str) {
  16. str = String(str).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, '');
  17. if (!b64re.test(str)) {throw new Error("Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.");}
  18. // Adding the padding if missing, for semplicity
  19. str += '=='.slice(2 - (str.length & 3));
  20. var bitmap;var result = '';var r1;var r2;var i = 0;
  21. for (; i < str.length;) {
  22. bitmap = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 18 | b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 12 |
  23. (r1 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))) << 6 | (r2 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)));
  24. result += r1 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255) :
  25. r2 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255) :
  26. String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255, bitmap & 255);
  27. }
  28. return result;
  29. };
  30. } else {
  31. // 注意atob只能在全局对象上调用,例如:`const Base64 = {atob};Base64.atob('xxxx')`是错误的用法
  32. realAtob = atob;
  33. }
  34. function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
  35. return decodeURIComponent(realAtob(str).split('').map(function (c) {
  36. return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
  37. }).join(''));
  38. }
  39. function getCurrentUserInfo() {
  40. var token = wx.getStorageSync('uni_id_token') || '';
  41. var tokenArr = token.split('.');
  42. if (!token || tokenArr.length !== 3) {
  43. return {
  44. uid: null,
  45. role: [],
  46. permission: [],
  47. tokenExpired: 0 };
  48. }
  49. var userInfo;
  50. try {
  51. userInfo = JSON.parse(b64DecodeUnicode(tokenArr[1]));
  52. } catch (error) {
  53. throw new Error('获取当前用户信息出错,详细错误信息为:' + error.message);
  54. }
  55. userInfo.tokenExpired = userInfo.exp * 1000;
  56. delete userInfo.exp;
  57. delete userInfo.iat;
  58. return userInfo;
  59. }
  60. function uniIdMixin(Vue) {
  61. Vue.prototype.uniIDHasRole = function (roleId) {var _getCurrentUserInfo =
  62. getCurrentUserInfo(),role = _getCurrentUserInfo.role;
  63. return role.indexOf(roleId) > -1;
  64. };
  65. Vue.prototype.uniIDHasPermission = function (permissionId) {var _getCurrentUserInfo2 =
  66. getCurrentUserInfo(),permission = _getCurrentUserInfo2.permission;
  67. return this.uniIDHasRole('admin') || permission.indexOf(permissionId) > -1;
  68. };
  69. Vue.prototype.uniIDTokenValid = function () {var _getCurrentUserInfo3 =
  70. getCurrentUserInfo(),tokenExpired = _getCurrentUserInfo3.tokenExpired;
  71. return tokenExpired >;
  72. };
  73. }
  74. var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
  75. var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  76. function isFn(fn) {
  77. return typeof fn === 'function';
  78. }
  79. function isStr(str) {
  80. return typeof str === 'string';
  81. }
  82. function isPlainObject(obj) {
  83. return === '[object Object]';
  84. }
  85. function hasOwn(obj, key) {
  86. return, key);
  87. }
  88. function noop() {}
  89. /**
  90. * Create a cached version of a pure function.
  91. */
  92. function cached(fn) {
  93. var cache = Object.create(null);
  94. return function cachedFn(str) {
  95. var hit = cache[str];
  96. return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
  97. };
  98. }
  99. /**
  100. * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
  101. */
  102. var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
  103. var camelize = cached(function (str) {
  104. return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) {return c ? c.toUpperCase() : '';});
  105. });
  106. function sortObject(obj) {
  107. var sortObj = {};
  108. if (isPlainObject(obj)) {
  109. Object.keys(obj).sort().forEach(function (key) {
  110. sortObj[key] = obj[key];
  111. });
  112. }
  113. return !Object.keys(sortObj) ? obj : sortObj;
  114. }
  115. var HOOKS = [
  116. 'invoke',
  117. 'success',
  118. 'fail',
  119. 'complete',
  120. 'returnValue'];
  121. var globalInterceptors = {};
  122. var scopedInterceptors = {};
  123. function mergeHook(parentVal, childVal) {
  124. var res = childVal ?
  125. parentVal ?
  126. parentVal.concat(childVal) :
  127. Array.isArray(childVal) ?
  128. childVal : [childVal] :
  129. parentVal;
  130. return res ?
  131. dedupeHooks(res) :
  132. res;
  133. }
  134. function dedupeHooks(hooks) {
  135. var res = [];
  136. for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
  137. if (res.indexOf(hooks[i]) === -1) {
  138. res.push(hooks[i]);
  139. }
  140. }
  141. return res;
  142. }
  143. function removeHook(hooks, hook) {
  144. var index = hooks.indexOf(hook);
  145. if (index !== -1) {
  146. hooks.splice(index, 1);
  147. }
  148. }
  149. function mergeInterceptorHook(interceptor, option) {
  150. Object.keys(option).forEach(function (hook) {
  151. if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) {
  152. interceptor[hook] = mergeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]);
  153. }
  154. });
  155. }
  156. function removeInterceptorHook(interceptor, option) {
  157. if (!interceptor || !option) {
  158. return;
  159. }
  160. Object.keys(option).forEach(function (hook) {
  161. if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) {
  162. removeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]);
  163. }
  164. });
  165. }
  166. function addInterceptor(method, option) {
  167. if (typeof method === 'string' && isPlainObject(option)) {
  168. mergeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method] || (scopedInterceptors[method] = {}), option);
  169. } else if (isPlainObject(method)) {
  170. mergeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method);
  171. }
  172. }
  173. function removeInterceptor(method, option) {
  174. if (typeof method === 'string') {
  175. if (isPlainObject(option)) {
  176. removeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method], option);
  177. } else {
  178. delete scopedInterceptors[method];
  179. }
  180. } else if (isPlainObject(method)) {
  181. removeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method);
  182. }
  183. }
  184. function wrapperHook(hook) {
  185. return function (data) {
  186. return hook(data) || data;
  187. };
  188. }
  189. function isPromise(obj) {
  190. return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function';
  191. }
  192. function queue(hooks, data) {
  193. var promise = false;
  194. for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
  195. var hook = hooks[i];
  196. if (promise) {
  197. promise = Promise.resolve(wrapperHook(hook));
  198. } else {
  199. var res = hook(data);
  200. if (isPromise(res)) {
  201. promise = Promise.resolve(res);
  202. }
  203. if (res === false) {
  204. return {
  205. then: function then() {} };
  206. }
  207. }
  208. }
  209. return promise || {
  210. then: function then(callback) {
  211. return callback(data);
  212. } };
  213. }
  214. function wrapperOptions(interceptor) {var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
  215. ['success', 'fail', 'complete'].forEach(function (name) {
  216. if (Array.isArray(interceptor[name])) {
  217. var oldCallback = options[name];
  218. options[name] = function callbackInterceptor(res) {
  219. queue(interceptor[name], res).then(function (res) {
  220. /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */
  221. return isFn(oldCallback) && oldCallback(res) || res;
  222. });
  223. };
  224. }
  225. });
  226. return options;
  227. }
  228. function wrapperReturnValue(method, returnValue) {
  229. var returnValueHooks = [];
  230. if (Array.isArray(globalInterceptors.returnValue)) {
  231. returnValueHooks.push.apply(returnValueHooks, _toConsumableArray(globalInterceptors.returnValue));
  232. }
  233. var interceptor = scopedInterceptors[method];
  234. if (interceptor && Array.isArray(interceptor.returnValue)) {
  235. returnValueHooks.push.apply(returnValueHooks, _toConsumableArray(interceptor.returnValue));
  236. }
  237. returnValueHooks.forEach(function (hook) {
  238. returnValue = hook(returnValue) || returnValue;
  239. });
  240. return returnValue;
  241. }
  242. function getApiInterceptorHooks(method) {
  243. var interceptor = Object.create(null);
  244. Object.keys(globalInterceptors).forEach(function (hook) {
  245. if (hook !== 'returnValue') {
  246. interceptor[hook] = globalInterceptors[hook].slice();
  247. }
  248. });
  249. var scopedInterceptor = scopedInterceptors[method];
  250. if (scopedInterceptor) {
  251. Object.keys(scopedInterceptor).forEach(function (hook) {
  252. if (hook !== 'returnValue') {
  253. interceptor[hook] = (interceptor[hook] || []).concat(scopedInterceptor[hook]);
  254. }
  255. });
  256. }
  257. return interceptor;
  258. }
  259. function invokeApi(method, api, options) {for (var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 3 ? _len - 3 : 0), _key = 3; _key < _len; _key++) {params[_key - 3] = arguments[_key];}
  260. var interceptor = getApiInterceptorHooks(method);
  261. if (interceptor && Object.keys(interceptor).length) {
  262. if (Array.isArray(interceptor.invoke)) {
  263. var res = queue(interceptor.invoke, options);
  264. return res.then(function (options) {
  265. return api.apply(void 0, [wrapperOptions(interceptor, options)].concat(params));
  266. });
  267. } else {
  268. return api.apply(void 0, [wrapperOptions(interceptor, options)].concat(params));
  269. }
  270. }
  271. return api.apply(void 0, [options].concat(params));
  272. }
  273. var promiseInterceptor = {
  274. returnValue: function returnValue(res) {
  275. if (!isPromise(res)) {
  276. return res;
  277. }
  278. return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  279. res.then(function (res) {
  280. if (res[0]) {
  281. reject(res[0]);
  282. } else {
  283. resolve(res[1]);
  284. }
  285. });
  286. });
  287. } };
  288. var SYNC_API_RE =
  289. /^\$|Window$|WindowStyle$|sendHostEvent|sendNativeEvent|restoreGlobal|requireGlobal|getCurrentSubNVue|getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect|^report|interceptors|Interceptor$|getSubNVueById|requireNativePlugin|upx2px|hideKeyboard|canIUse|^create|Sync$|Manager$|base64ToArrayBuffer|arrayBufferToBase64|getLocale|setLocale|invokePushCallback|getWindowInfo|getDeviceInfo|getAppBaseInfo|getSystemSetting|getAppAuthorizeSetting/;
  290. var CONTEXT_API_RE = /^create|Manager$/;
  291. // Context例外情况
  292. var CONTEXT_API_RE_EXC = ['createBLEConnection'];
  293. // 同步例外情况
  294. var ASYNC_API = ['createBLEConnection', 'createPushMessage'];
  295. var CALLBACK_API_RE = /^on|^off/;
  296. function isContextApi(name) {
  297. return CONTEXT_API_RE.test(name) && CONTEXT_API_RE_EXC.indexOf(name) === -1;
  298. }
  299. function isSyncApi(name) {
  300. return SYNC_API_RE.test(name) && ASYNC_API.indexOf(name) === -1;
  301. }
  302. function isCallbackApi(name) {
  303. return CALLBACK_API_RE.test(name) && name !== 'onPush';
  304. }
  305. function handlePromise(promise) {
  306. return promise.then(function (data) {
  307. return [null, data];
  308. }).
  309. catch(function (err) {return [err];});
  310. }
  311. function shouldPromise(name) {
  312. if (
  313. isContextApi(name) ||
  314. isSyncApi(name) ||
  315. isCallbackApi(name))
  316. {
  317. return false;
  318. }
  319. return true;
  320. }
  321. /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */
  322. if (!Promise.prototype.finally) {
  323. Promise.prototype.finally = function (callback) {
  324. var promise = this.constructor;
  325. return this.then(
  326. function (value) {return promise.resolve(callback()).then(function () {return value;});},
  327. function (reason) {return promise.resolve(callback()).then(function () {
  328. throw reason;
  329. });});
  330. };
  331. }
  332. function promisify(name, api) {
  333. if (!shouldPromise(name)) {
  334. return api;
  335. }
  336. return function promiseApi() {var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {params[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];}
  337. if (isFn(options.success) || isFn( || isFn(options.complete)) {
  338. return wrapperReturnValue(name, invokeApi.apply(void 0, [name, api, options].concat(params)));
  339. }
  340. return wrapperReturnValue(name, handlePromise(new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  341. invokeApi.apply(void 0, [name, api, Object.assign({}, options, {
  342. success: resolve,
  343. fail: reject })].concat(
  344. params));
  345. })));
  346. };
  347. }
  348. var EPS = 1e-4;
  349. var BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH = 750;
  350. var isIOS = false;
  351. var deviceWidth = 0;
  352. var deviceDPR = 0;
  353. function checkDeviceWidth() {var _wx$getSystemInfoSync =
  354. wx.getSystemInfoSync(),platform = _wx$getSystemInfoSync.platform,pixelRatio = _wx$getSystemInfoSync.pixelRatio,windowWidth = _wx$getSystemInfoSync.windowWidth; // uni=>wx runtime 编译目标是 uni 对象,内部不允许直接使用 uni
  355. deviceWidth = windowWidth;
  356. deviceDPR = pixelRatio;
  357. isIOS = platform === 'ios';
  358. }
  359. function upx2px(number, newDeviceWidth) {
  360. if (deviceWidth === 0) {
  361. checkDeviceWidth();
  362. }
  363. number = Number(number);
  364. if (number === 0) {
  365. return 0;
  366. }
  367. var result = number / BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH * (newDeviceWidth || deviceWidth);
  368. if (result < 0) {
  369. result = -result;
  370. }
  371. result = Math.floor(result + EPS);
  372. if (result === 0) {
  373. if (deviceDPR === 1 || !isIOS) {
  374. result = 1;
  375. } else {
  376. result = 0.5;
  377. }
  378. }
  379. return number < 0 ? -result : result;
  380. }
  381. var LOCALE_ZH_HANS = 'zh-Hans';
  382. var LOCALE_ZH_HANT = 'zh-Hant';
  383. var LOCALE_EN = 'en';
  384. var LOCALE_FR = 'fr';
  385. var LOCALE_ES = 'es';
  386. var messages = {};
  387. var locale;
  388. {
  389. locale = normalizeLocale(wx.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN;
  390. }
  391. function initI18nMessages() {
  392. if (!isEnableLocale()) {
  393. return;
  394. }
  395. var localeKeys = Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales);
  396. if (localeKeys.length) {
  397. localeKeys.forEach(function (locale) {
  398. var curMessages = messages[locale];
  399. var userMessages = __uniConfig.locales[locale];
  400. if (curMessages) {
  401. Object.assign(curMessages, userMessages);
  402. } else {
  403. messages[locale] = userMessages;
  404. }
  405. });
  406. }
  407. }
  408. initI18nMessages();
  409. var i18n = (0, _uniI18n.initVueI18n)(
  410. locale,
  411. {});
  412. var t = i18n.t;
  413. var i18nMixin = i18n.mixin = {
  414. beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {var _this = this;
  415. var unwatch = i18n.i18n.watchLocale(function () {
  416. _this.$forceUpdate();
  417. });
  418. this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', function () {
  419. unwatch();
  420. });
  421. },
  422. methods: {
  423. $$t: function $$t(key, values) {
  424. return t(key, values);
  425. } } };
  426. var setLocale = i18n.setLocale;
  427. var getLocale = i18n.getLocale;
  428. function initAppLocale(Vue, appVm, locale) {
  429. var state = Vue.observable({
  430. locale: locale || i18n.getLocale() });
  431. var localeWatchers = [];
  432. appVm.$watchLocale = function (fn) {
  433. localeWatchers.push(fn);
  434. };
  435. Object.defineProperty(appVm, '$locale', {
  436. get: function get() {
  437. return state.locale;
  438. },
  439. set: function set(v) {
  440. state.locale = v;
  441. localeWatchers.forEach(function (watch) {return watch(v);});
  442. } });
  443. }
  444. function isEnableLocale() {
  445. return typeof __uniConfig !== 'undefined' && __uniConfig.locales && !!Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales).length;
  446. }
  447. function include(str, parts) {
  448. return !!parts.find(function (part) {return str.indexOf(part) !== -1;});
  449. }
  450. function startsWith(str, parts) {
  451. return parts.find(function (part) {return str.indexOf(part) === 0;});
  452. }
  453. function normalizeLocale(locale, messages) {
  454. if (!locale) {
  455. return;
  456. }
  457. locale = locale.trim().replace(/_/g, '-');
  458. if (messages && messages[locale]) {
  459. return locale;
  460. }
  461. locale = locale.toLowerCase();
  462. if (locale === 'chinese') {
  463. // 支付宝
  464. return LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  465. }
  466. if (locale.indexOf('zh') === 0) {
  467. if (locale.indexOf('-hans') > -1) {
  468. return LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  469. }
  470. if (locale.indexOf('-hant') > -1) {
  471. return LOCALE_ZH_HANT;
  472. }
  473. if (include(locale, ['-tw', '-hk', '-mo', '-cht'])) {
  474. return LOCALE_ZH_HANT;
  475. }
  476. return LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  477. }
  478. var lang = startsWith(locale, [LOCALE_EN, LOCALE_FR, LOCALE_ES]);
  479. if (lang) {
  480. return lang;
  481. }
  482. }
  483. // export function initI18n() {
  484. // const localeKeys = Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales || {})
  485. // if (localeKeys.length) {
  486. // localeKeys.forEach((locale) =>
  487. // i18n.add(locale, __uniConfig.locales[locale])
  488. // )
  489. // }
  490. // }
  491. function getLocale$1() {
  492. // 优先使用 $locale
  493. var app = getApp({
  494. allowDefault: true });
  495. if (app && app.$vm) {
  496. return app.$vm.$locale;
  497. }
  498. return normalizeLocale(wx.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN;
  499. }
  500. function setLocale$1(locale) {
  501. var app = getApp();
  502. if (!app) {
  503. return false;
  504. }
  505. var oldLocale = app.$vm.$locale;
  506. if (oldLocale !== locale) {
  507. app.$vm.$locale = locale;
  508. onLocaleChangeCallbacks.forEach(function (fn) {return fn({
  509. locale: locale });});
  510. return true;
  511. }
  512. return false;
  513. }
  514. var onLocaleChangeCallbacks = [];
  515. function onLocaleChange(fn) {
  516. if (onLocaleChangeCallbacks.indexOf(fn) === -1) {
  517. onLocaleChangeCallbacks.push(fn);
  518. }
  519. }
  520. if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
  521. global.getLocale = getLocale$1;
  522. }
  523. var interceptors = {
  524. promiseInterceptor: promiseInterceptor };
  525. var baseApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
  526. __proto__: null,
  527. upx2px: upx2px,
  528. getLocale: getLocale$1,
  529. setLocale: setLocale$1,
  530. onLocaleChange: onLocaleChange,
  531. addInterceptor: addInterceptor,
  532. removeInterceptor: removeInterceptor,
  533. interceptors: interceptors });
  534. function findExistsPageIndex(url) {
  535. var pages = getCurrentPages();
  536. var len = pages.length;
  537. while (len--) {
  538. var page = pages[len];
  539. if (page.$page && page.$page.fullPath === url) {
  540. return len;
  541. }
  542. }
  543. return -1;
  544. }
  545. var redirectTo = {
  546. name: function name(fromArgs) {
  547. if (fromArgs.exists === 'back' && {
  548. return 'navigateBack';
  549. }
  550. return 'redirectTo';
  551. },
  552. args: function args(fromArgs) {
  553. if (fromArgs.exists === 'back' && fromArgs.url) {
  554. var existsPageIndex = findExistsPageIndex(fromArgs.url);
  555. if (existsPageIndex !== -1) {
  556. var delta = getCurrentPages().length - 1 - existsPageIndex;
  557. if (delta > 0) {
  558. = delta;
  559. }
  560. }
  561. }
  562. } };
  563. var previewImage = {
  564. args: function args(fromArgs) {
  565. var currentIndex = parseInt(fromArgs.current);
  566. if (isNaN(currentIndex)) {
  567. return;
  568. }
  569. var urls = fromArgs.urls;
  570. if (!Array.isArray(urls)) {
  571. return;
  572. }
  573. var len = urls.length;
  574. if (!len) {
  575. return;
  576. }
  577. if (currentIndex < 0) {
  578. currentIndex = 0;
  579. } else if (currentIndex >= len) {
  580. currentIndex = len - 1;
  581. }
  582. if (currentIndex > 0) {
  583. fromArgs.current = urls[currentIndex];
  584. fromArgs.urls = urls.filter(
  585. function (item, index) {return index < currentIndex ? item !== urls[currentIndex] : true;});
  586. } else {
  587. fromArgs.current = urls[0];
  588. }
  589. return {
  590. indicator: false,
  591. loop: false };
  592. } };
  593. var UUID_KEY = '__DC_STAT_UUID';
  594. var deviceId;
  595. function useDeviceId(result) {
  596. deviceId = deviceId || wx.getStorageSync(UUID_KEY);
  597. if (!deviceId) {
  598. deviceId = + '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7);
  599. wx.setStorage({
  600. key: UUID_KEY,
  601. data: deviceId });
  602. }
  603. result.deviceId = deviceId;
  604. }
  605. function addSafeAreaInsets(result) {
  606. if (result.safeArea) {
  607. var safeArea = result.safeArea;
  608. result.safeAreaInsets = {
  609. top:,
  610. left: safeArea.left,
  611. right: result.windowWidth - safeArea.right,
  612. bottom: result.screenHeight - safeArea.bottom };
  613. }
  614. }
  615. function populateParameters(result) {var _result$brand =
  616. result.brand,brand = _result$brand === void 0 ? '' : _result$brand,_result$model = result.model,model = _result$model === void 0 ? '' : _result$model,_result$system = result.system,system = _result$system === void 0 ? '' : _result$system,_result$language = result.language,language = _result$language === void 0 ? '' : _result$language,theme = result.theme,version = result.version,platform = result.platform,fontSizeSetting = result.fontSizeSetting,SDKVersion = result.SDKVersion,pixelRatio = result.pixelRatio,deviceOrientation = result.deviceOrientation;
  617. // const isQuickApp = "mp-weixin".indexOf('quickapp-webview') !== -1
  618. // osName osVersion
  619. var osName = '';
  620. var osVersion = '';
  621. {
  622. osName = system.split(' ')[0] || '';
  623. osVersion = system.split(' ')[1] || '';
  624. }
  625. var hostVersion = version;
  626. // deviceType
  627. var deviceType = getGetDeviceType(result, model);
  628. // deviceModel
  629. var deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand);
  630. // hostName
  631. var _hostName = getHostName(result);
  632. // deviceOrientation
  633. var _deviceOrientation = deviceOrientation; // 仅 微信 百度 支持
  634. // devicePixelRatio
  635. var _devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio;
  636. // SDKVersion
  637. var _SDKVersion = SDKVersion;
  638. // hostLanguage
  639. var hostLanguage = language.replace(/_/g, '-');
  640. // wx.getAccountInfoSync
  641. var parameters = {
  642. appId: "__UNI__CA02DBC",
  643. appName: "vrv-platform",
  644. appVersion: "1.0.0",
  645. appVersionCode: "100",
  646. appLanguage: getAppLanguage(hostLanguage),
  647. uniCompileVersion: "3.5.3",
  648. uniRuntimeVersion: "3.5.3",
  649. uniPlatform: undefined || "mp-weixin",
  650. deviceBrand: deviceBrand,
  651. deviceModel: model,
  652. deviceType: deviceType,
  653. devicePixelRatio: _devicePixelRatio,
  654. deviceOrientation: _deviceOrientation,
  655. osName: osName.toLocaleLowerCase(),
  656. osVersion: osVersion,
  657. hostTheme: theme,
  658. hostVersion: hostVersion,
  659. hostLanguage: hostLanguage,
  660. hostName: _hostName,
  661. hostSDKVersion: _SDKVersion,
  662. hostFontSizeSetting: fontSizeSetting,
  663. windowTop: 0,
  664. windowBottom: 0,
  665. // TODO
  666. osLanguage: undefined,
  667. osTheme: undefined,
  668. ua: undefined,
  669. hostPackageName: undefined,
  670. browserName: undefined,
  671. browserVersion: undefined };
  672. Object.assign(result, parameters);
  673. }
  674. function getGetDeviceType(result, model) {
  675. var deviceType = result.deviceType || 'phone';
  676. {
  677. var deviceTypeMaps = {
  678. ipad: 'pad',
  679. windows: 'pc',
  680. mac: 'pc' };
  681. var deviceTypeMapsKeys = Object.keys(deviceTypeMaps);
  682. var _model = model.toLocaleLowerCase();
  683. for (var index = 0; index < deviceTypeMapsKeys.length; index++) {
  684. var _m = deviceTypeMapsKeys[index];
  685. if (_model.indexOf(_m) !== -1) {
  686. deviceType = deviceTypeMaps[_m];
  687. break;
  688. }
  689. }
  690. }
  691. return deviceType;
  692. }
  693. function getDeviceBrand(brand) {
  694. var deviceBrand = brand;
  695. if (deviceBrand) {
  696. deviceBrand = brand.toLocaleLowerCase();
  697. }
  698. return deviceBrand;
  699. }
  700. function getAppLanguage(defaultLanguage) {
  701. return getLocale$1 ?
  702. getLocale$1() :
  703. defaultLanguage;
  704. }
  705. function getHostName(result) {
  706. var _platform = 'WeChat';
  707. var _hostName = result.hostName || _platform; // mp-jd
  708. {
  709. if (result.environment) {
  710. _hostName = result.environment;
  711. } else if ( && {
  712. _hostName =;
  713. }
  714. }
  715. return _hostName;
  716. }
  717. var getSystemInfo = {
  718. returnValue: function returnValue(result) {
  719. useDeviceId(result);
  720. addSafeAreaInsets(result);
  721. populateParameters(result);
  722. } };
  723. var showActionSheet = {
  724. args: function args(fromArgs) {
  725. if (typeof fromArgs === 'object') {
  726. fromArgs.alertText = fromArgs.title;
  727. }
  728. } };
  729. var getAppBaseInfo = {
  730. returnValue: function returnValue(result) {var _result =
  731. result,version = _result.version,language = _result.language,SDKVersion = _result.SDKVersion,theme = _result.theme;
  732. var _hostName = getHostName(result);
  733. var hostLanguage = language.replace('_', '-');
  734. result = sortObject(Object.assign(result, {
  735. appId: "__UNI__CA02DBC",
  736. appName: "vrv-platform",
  737. appVersion: "1.0.0",
  738. appVersionCode: "100",
  739. appLanguage: getAppLanguage(hostLanguage),
  740. hostVersion: version,
  741. hostLanguage: hostLanguage,
  742. hostName: _hostName,
  743. hostSDKVersion: SDKVersion,
  744. hostTheme: theme }));
  745. } };
  746. var getDeviceInfo = {
  747. returnValue: function returnValue(result) {var _result2 =
  748. result,brand = _result2.brand,model = _result2.model;
  749. var deviceType = getGetDeviceType(result, model);
  750. var deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand);
  751. useDeviceId(result);
  752. result = sortObject(Object.assign(result, {
  753. deviceType: deviceType,
  754. deviceBrand: deviceBrand,
  755. deviceModel: model }));
  756. } };
  757. var getWindowInfo = {
  758. returnValue: function returnValue(result) {
  759. addSafeAreaInsets(result);
  760. result = sortObject(Object.assign(result, {
  761. windowTop: 0,
  762. windowBottom: 0 }));
  763. } };
  764. var getAppAuthorizeSetting = {
  765. returnValue: function returnValue(result) {var
  766. locationReducedAccuracy = result.locationReducedAccuracy;
  767. result.locationAccuracy = 'unsupported';
  768. if (locationReducedAccuracy === true) {
  769. result.locationAccuracy = 'reduced';
  770. } else if (locationReducedAccuracy === false) {
  771. result.locationAccuracy = 'full';
  772. }
  773. } };
  774. // import navigateTo from 'uni-helpers/navigate-to'
  775. var protocols = {
  776. redirectTo: redirectTo,
  777. // navigateTo, // 由于在微信开发者工具的页面参数,会显示__id__参数,因此暂时关闭mp-weixin对于navigateTo的AOP
  778. previewImage: previewImage,
  779. getSystemInfo: getSystemInfo,
  780. getSystemInfoSync: getSystemInfo,
  781. showActionSheet: showActionSheet,
  782. getAppBaseInfo: getAppBaseInfo,
  783. getDeviceInfo: getDeviceInfo,
  784. getWindowInfo: getWindowInfo,
  785. getAppAuthorizeSetting: getAppAuthorizeSetting };
  786. var todos = [
  787. 'vibrate',
  788. 'preloadPage',
  789. 'unPreloadPage',
  790. 'loadSubPackage'];
  791. var canIUses = [];
  792. var CALLBACKS = ['success', 'fail', 'cancel', 'complete'];
  793. function processCallback(methodName, method, returnValue) {
  794. return function (res) {
  795. return method(processReturnValue(methodName, res, returnValue));
  796. };
  797. }
  798. function processArgs(methodName, fromArgs) {var argsOption = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};var returnValue = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};var keepFromArgs = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
  799. if (isPlainObject(fromArgs)) {// 一般 api 的参数解析
  800. var toArgs = keepFromArgs === true ? fromArgs : {}; // returnValue 为 false 时,说明是格式化返回值,直接在返回值对象上修改赋值
  801. if (isFn(argsOption)) {
  802. argsOption = argsOption(fromArgs, toArgs) || {};
  803. }
  804. for (var key in fromArgs) {
  805. if (hasOwn(argsOption, key)) {
  806. var keyOption = argsOption[key];
  807. if (isFn(keyOption)) {
  808. keyOption = keyOption(fromArgs[key], fromArgs, toArgs);
  809. }
  810. if (!keyOption) {// 不支持的参数
  811. console.warn("The '".concat(methodName, "' method of platform '\u5FAE\u4FE1\u5C0F\u7A0B\u5E8F' does not support option '").concat(key, "'"));
  812. } else if (isStr(keyOption)) {// 重写参数 key
  813. toArgs[keyOption] = fromArgs[key];
  814. } else if (isPlainObject(keyOption)) {// {name:newName,value:value}可重新指定参数 key:value
  815. toArgs[ ? : key] = keyOption.value;
  816. }
  817. } else if (CALLBACKS.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
  818. if (isFn(fromArgs[key])) {
  819. toArgs[key] = processCallback(methodName, fromArgs[key], returnValue);
  820. }
  821. } else {
  822. if (!keepFromArgs) {
  823. toArgs[key] = fromArgs[key];
  824. }
  825. }
  826. }
  827. return toArgs;
  828. } else if (isFn(fromArgs)) {
  829. fromArgs = processCallback(methodName, fromArgs, returnValue);
  830. }
  831. return fromArgs;
  832. }
  833. function processReturnValue(methodName, res, returnValue) {var keepReturnValue = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;
  834. if (isFn(protocols.returnValue)) {// 处理通用 returnValue
  835. res = protocols.returnValue(methodName, res);
  836. }
  837. return processArgs(methodName, res, returnValue, {}, keepReturnValue);
  838. }
  839. function wrapper(methodName, method) {
  840. if (hasOwn(protocols, methodName)) {
  841. var protocol = protocols[methodName];
  842. if (!protocol) {// 暂不支持的 api
  843. return function () {
  844. console.error("Platform '\u5FAE\u4FE1\u5C0F\u7A0B\u5E8F' does not support '".concat(methodName, "'."));
  845. };
  846. }
  847. return function (arg1, arg2) {// 目前 api 最多两个参数
  848. var options = protocol;
  849. if (isFn(protocol)) {
  850. options = protocol(arg1);
  851. }
  852. arg1 = processArgs(methodName, arg1, options.args, options.returnValue);
  853. var args = [arg1];
  854. if (typeof arg2 !== 'undefined') {
  855. args.push(arg2);
  856. }
  857. if (isFn( {
  858. methodName =;
  859. } else if (isStr( {
  860. methodName =;
  861. }
  862. var returnValue = wx[methodName].apply(wx, args);
  863. if (isSyncApi(methodName)) {// 同步 api
  864. return processReturnValue(methodName, returnValue, options.returnValue, isContextApi(methodName));
  865. }
  866. return returnValue;
  867. };
  868. }
  869. return method;
  870. }
  871. var todoApis = Object.create(null);
  872. var TODOS = [
  873. 'onTabBarMidButtonTap',
  874. 'subscribePush',
  875. 'unsubscribePush',
  876. 'onPush',
  877. 'offPush',
  878. 'share'];
  879. function createTodoApi(name) {
  880. return function todoApi(_ref)
  881. {var fail =,complete = _ref.complete;
  882. var res = {
  883. errMsg: "".concat(name, ":fail method '").concat(name, "' not supported") };
  884. isFn(fail) && fail(res);
  885. isFn(complete) && complete(res);
  886. };
  887. }
  888. TODOS.forEach(function (name) {
  889. todoApis[name] = createTodoApi(name);
  890. });
  891. var providers = {
  892. oauth: ['weixin'],
  893. share: ['weixin'],
  894. payment: ['wxpay'],
  895. push: ['weixin'] };
  896. function getProvider(_ref2)
  897. {var service = _ref2.service,success = _ref2.success,fail =,complete = _ref2.complete;
  898. var res = false;
  899. if (providers[service]) {
  900. res = {
  901. errMsg: 'getProvider:ok',
  902. service: service,
  903. provider: providers[service] };
  904. isFn(success) && success(res);
  905. } else {
  906. res = {
  907. errMsg: 'getProvider:fail service not found' };
  908. isFn(fail) && fail(res);
  909. }
  910. isFn(complete) && complete(res);
  911. }
  912. var extraApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
  913. __proto__: null,
  914. getProvider: getProvider });
  915. var getEmitter = function () {
  916. var Emitter;
  917. return function getUniEmitter() {
  918. if (!Emitter) {
  919. Emitter = new _vue.default();
  920. }
  921. return Emitter;
  922. };
  923. }();
  924. function apply(ctx, method, args) {
  925. return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args);
  926. }
  927. function $on() {
  928. return apply(getEmitter(), '$on',;
  929. }
  930. function $off() {
  931. return apply(getEmitter(), '$off',;
  932. }
  933. function $once() {
  934. return apply(getEmitter(), '$once',;
  935. }
  936. function $emit() {
  937. return apply(getEmitter(), '$emit',;
  938. }
  939. var eventApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
  940. __proto__: null,
  941. $on: $on,
  942. $off: $off,
  943. $once: $once,
  944. $emit: $emit });
  945. /**
  946. * 框架内 try-catch
  947. */
  948. /**
  949. * 开发者 try-catch
  950. */
  951. function tryCatch(fn) {
  952. return function () {
  953. try {
  954. return fn.apply(fn, arguments);
  955. } catch (e) {
  956. // TODO
  957. console.error(e);
  958. }
  959. };
  960. }
  961. function getApiCallbacks(params) {
  962. var apiCallbacks = {};
  963. for (var name in params) {
  964. var param = params[name];
  965. if (isFn(param)) {
  966. apiCallbacks[name] = tryCatch(param);
  967. delete params[name];
  968. }
  969. }
  970. return apiCallbacks;
  971. }
  972. var cid;
  973. var cidErrMsg;
  974. var enabled;
  975. function normalizePushMessage(message) {
  976. try {
  977. return JSON.parse(message);
  978. } catch (e) {}
  979. return message;
  980. }
  981. function invokePushCallback(
  982. args)
  983. {
  984. if (args.type === 'enabled') {
  985. enabled = true;
  986. } else if (args.type === 'clientId') {
  987. cid = args.cid;
  988. cidErrMsg = args.errMsg;
  989. invokeGetPushCidCallbacks(cid, args.errMsg);
  990. } else if (args.type === 'pushMsg') {
  991. var message = {
  992. type: 'receive',
  993. data: normalizePushMessage(args.message) };
  994. for (var i = 0; i < onPushMessageCallbacks.length; i++) {
  995. var callback = onPushMessageCallbacks[i];
  996. callback(message);
  997. // 该消息已被阻止
  998. if (message.stopped) {
  999. break;
  1000. }
  1001. }
  1002. } else if (args.type === 'click') {
  1003. onPushMessageCallbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
  1004. callback({
  1005. type: 'click',
  1006. data: normalizePushMessage(args.message) });
  1007. });
  1008. }
  1009. }
  1010. var getPushCidCallbacks = [];
  1011. function invokeGetPushCidCallbacks(cid, errMsg) {
  1012. getPushCidCallbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
  1013. callback(cid, errMsg);
  1014. });
  1015. getPushCidCallbacks.length = 0;
  1016. }
  1017. function getPushClientId(args) {
  1018. if (!isPlainObject(args)) {
  1019. args = {};
  1020. }var _getApiCallbacks =
  1021. getApiCallbacks(args),success = _getApiCallbacks.success,fail =,complete = _getApiCallbacks.complete;
  1022. var hasSuccess = isFn(success);
  1023. var hasFail = isFn(fail);
  1024. var hasComplete = isFn(complete);
  1025. Promise.resolve().then(function () {
  1026. if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
  1027. enabled = false;
  1028. cid = '';
  1029. cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
  1030. }
  1031. getPushCidCallbacks.push(function (cid, errMsg) {
  1032. var res;
  1033. if (cid) {
  1034. res = {
  1035. errMsg: 'getPushClientId:ok',
  1036. cid: cid };
  1037. hasSuccess && success(res);
  1038. } else {
  1039. res = {
  1040. errMsg: 'getPushClientId:fail' + (errMsg ? ' ' + errMsg : '') };
  1041. hasFail && fail(res);
  1042. }
  1043. hasComplete && complete(res);
  1044. });
  1045. if (typeof cid !== 'undefined') {
  1046. invokeGetPushCidCallbacks(cid, cidErrMsg);
  1047. }
  1048. });
  1049. }
  1050. var onPushMessageCallbacks = [];
  1051. // 不使用 defineOnApi 实现,是因为 defineOnApi 依赖 UniServiceJSBridge ,该对象目前在小程序上未提供,故简单实现
  1052. var onPushMessage = function onPushMessage(fn) {
  1053. if (onPushMessageCallbacks.indexOf(fn) === -1) {
  1054. onPushMessageCallbacks.push(fn);
  1055. }
  1056. };
  1057. var offPushMessage = function offPushMessage(fn) {
  1058. if (!fn) {
  1059. onPushMessageCallbacks.length = 0;
  1060. } else {
  1061. var index = onPushMessageCallbacks.indexOf(fn);
  1062. if (index > -1) {
  1063. onPushMessageCallbacks.splice(index, 1);
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. };
  1067. var api = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
  1068. __proto__: null,
  1069. getPushClientId: getPushClientId,
  1070. onPushMessage: onPushMessage,
  1071. offPushMessage: offPushMessage,
  1072. invokePushCallback: invokePushCallback });
  1073. var MPPage = Page;
  1074. var MPComponent = Component;
  1075. var customizeRE = /:/g;
  1076. var customize = cached(function (str) {
  1077. return camelize(str.replace(customizeRE, '-'));
  1078. });
  1079. function initTriggerEvent(mpInstance) {
  1080. var oldTriggerEvent = mpInstance.triggerEvent;
  1081. var newTriggerEvent = function newTriggerEvent(event) {for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];}
  1082. return oldTriggerEvent.apply(mpInstance, [customize(event)].concat(args));
  1083. };
  1084. try {
  1085. // 京东小程序 triggerEvent 为只读
  1086. mpInstance.triggerEvent = newTriggerEvent;
  1087. } catch (error) {
  1088. mpInstance._triggerEvent = newTriggerEvent;
  1089. }
  1090. }
  1091. function initHook(name, options, isComponent) {
  1092. var oldHook = options[name];
  1093. if (!oldHook) {
  1094. options[name] = function () {
  1095. initTriggerEvent(this);
  1096. };
  1097. } else {
  1098. options[name] = function () {
  1099. initTriggerEvent(this);for (var _len4 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) {args[_key4] = arguments[_key4];}
  1100. return oldHook.apply(this, args);
  1101. };
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. if (!MPPage.__$wrappered) {
  1105. MPPage.__$wrappered = true;
  1106. Page = function Page() {var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
  1107. initHook('onLoad', options);
  1108. return MPPage(options);
  1109. };
  1110. Page.after = MPPage.after;
  1111. Component = function Component() {var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
  1112. initHook('created', options);
  1113. return MPComponent(options);
  1114. };
  1115. }
  1116. var PAGE_EVENT_HOOKS = [
  1117. 'onPullDownRefresh',
  1118. 'onReachBottom',
  1119. 'onAddToFavorites',
  1120. 'onShareTimeline',
  1121. 'onShareAppMessage',
  1122. 'onPageScroll',
  1123. 'onResize',
  1124. 'onTabItemTap'];
  1125. function initMocks(vm, mocks) {
  1126. var mpInstance = vm.$mp[vm.mpType];
  1127. mocks.forEach(function (mock) {
  1128. if (hasOwn(mpInstance, mock)) {
  1129. vm[mock] = mpInstance[mock];
  1130. }
  1131. });
  1132. }
  1133. function hasHook(hook, vueOptions) {
  1134. if (!vueOptions) {
  1135. return true;
  1136. }
  1137. if (_vue.default.options && Array.isArray(_vue.default.options[hook])) {
  1138. return true;
  1139. }
  1140. vueOptions = vueOptions.default || vueOptions;
  1141. if (isFn(vueOptions)) {
  1142. if (isFn(vueOptions.extendOptions[hook])) {
  1143. return true;
  1144. }
  1145. if (vueOptions.super &&
  1146. vueOptions.super.options &&
  1147. Array.isArray(vueOptions.super.options[hook])) {
  1148. return true;
  1149. }
  1150. return false;
  1151. }
  1152. if (isFn(vueOptions[hook])) {
  1153. return true;
  1154. }
  1155. var mixins = vueOptions.mixins;
  1156. if (Array.isArray(mixins)) {
  1157. return !!mixins.find(function (mixin) {return hasHook(hook, mixin);});
  1158. }
  1159. }
  1160. function initHooks(mpOptions, hooks, vueOptions) {
  1161. hooks.forEach(function (hook) {
  1162. if (hasHook(hook, vueOptions)) {
  1163. mpOptions[hook] = function (args) {
  1164. return this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook(hook, args);
  1165. };
  1166. }
  1167. });
  1168. }
  1169. function initVueComponent(Vue, vueOptions) {
  1170. vueOptions = vueOptions.default || vueOptions;
  1171. var VueComponent;
  1172. if (isFn(vueOptions)) {
  1173. VueComponent = vueOptions;
  1174. } else {
  1175. VueComponent = Vue.extend(vueOptions);
  1176. }
  1177. vueOptions = VueComponent.options;
  1178. return [VueComponent, vueOptions];
  1179. }
  1180. function initSlots(vm, vueSlots) {
  1181. if (Array.isArray(vueSlots) && vueSlots.length) {
  1182. var $slots = Object.create(null);
  1183. vueSlots.forEach(function (slotName) {
  1184. $slots[slotName] = true;
  1185. });
  1186. vm.$scopedSlots = vm.$slots = $slots;
  1187. }
  1188. }
  1189. function initVueIds(vueIds, mpInstance) {
  1190. vueIds = (vueIds || '').split(',');
  1191. var len = vueIds.length;
  1192. if (len === 1) {
  1193. mpInstance._$vueId = vueIds[0];
  1194. } else if (len === 2) {
  1195. mpInstance._$vueId = vueIds[0];
  1196. mpInstance._$vuePid = vueIds[1];
  1197. }
  1198. }
  1199. function initData(vueOptions, context) {
  1200. var data = || {};
  1201. var methods = vueOptions.methods || {};
  1202. if (typeof data === 'function') {
  1203. try {
  1204. data =; // 支持 Vue.prototype 上挂的数据
  1205. } catch (e) {
  1206. if (Object({"VUE_APP_NAME":"vrv-platform","VUE_APP_PLATFORM":"mp-weixin","NODE_ENV":"development","BASE_URL":"/"}).VUE_APP_DEBUG) {
  1207. console.warn('根据 Vue 的 data 函数初始化小程序 data 失败,请尽量确保 data 函数中不访问 vm 对象,否则可能影响首次数据渲染速度。', data);
  1208. }
  1209. }
  1210. } else {
  1211. try {
  1212. // 对 data 格式化
  1213. data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
  1214. } catch (e) {}
  1215. }
  1216. if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
  1217. data = {};
  1218. }
  1219. Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (methodName) {
  1220. if (context.__lifecycle_hooks__.indexOf(methodName) === -1 && !hasOwn(data, methodName)) {
  1221. data[methodName] = methods[methodName];
  1222. }
  1223. });
  1224. return data;
  1225. }
  1226. var PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
  1227. function createObserver(name) {
  1228. return function observer(newVal, oldVal) {
  1229. if (this.$vm) {
  1230. this.$vm[name] = newVal; // 为了触发其他非 render watcher
  1231. }
  1232. };
  1233. }
  1234. function initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior) {
  1235. var vueBehaviors = vueOptions.behaviors;
  1236. var vueExtends = vueOptions.extends;
  1237. var vueMixins = vueOptions.mixins;
  1238. var vueProps = vueOptions.props;
  1239. if (!vueProps) {
  1240. vueOptions.props = vueProps = [];
  1241. }
  1242. var behaviors = [];
  1243. if (Array.isArray(vueBehaviors)) {
  1244. vueBehaviors.forEach(function (behavior) {
  1245. behaviors.push(behavior.replace('uni://', "wx".concat("://")));
  1246. if (behavior === 'uni://form-field') {
  1247. if (Array.isArray(vueProps)) {
  1248. vueProps.push('name');
  1249. vueProps.push('value');
  1250. } else {
  1251. = {
  1252. type: String,
  1253. default: '' };
  1254. vueProps.value = {
  1255. type: [String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, Date],
  1256. default: '' };
  1257. }
  1258. }
  1259. });
  1260. }
  1261. if (isPlainObject(vueExtends) && vueExtends.props) {
  1262. behaviors.push(
  1263. initBehavior({
  1264. properties: initProperties(vueExtends.props, true) }));
  1265. }
  1266. if (Array.isArray(vueMixins)) {
  1267. vueMixins.forEach(function (vueMixin) {
  1268. if (isPlainObject(vueMixin) && vueMixin.props) {
  1269. behaviors.push(
  1270. initBehavior({
  1271. properties: initProperties(vueMixin.props, true) }));
  1272. }
  1273. });
  1274. }
  1275. return behaviors;
  1276. }
  1277. function parsePropType(key, type, defaultValue, file) {
  1278. // [String]=>String
  1279. if (Array.isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
  1280. return type[0];
  1281. }
  1282. return type;
  1283. }
  1284. function initProperties(props) {var isBehavior = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;var file = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';var options = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined;
  1285. var properties = {};
  1286. if (!isBehavior) {
  1287. properties.vueId = {
  1288. type: String,
  1289. value: '' };
  1290. {
  1291. if (options.virtualHost) {
  1292. properties.virtualHostStyle = {
  1293. type: null,
  1294. value: '' };
  1295. properties.virtualHostClass = {
  1296. type: null,
  1297. value: '' };
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. // scopedSlotsCompiler auto
  1301. properties.scopedSlotsCompiler = {
  1302. type: String,
  1303. value: '' };
  1304. properties.vueSlots = { // 小程序不能直接定义 $slots 的 props,所以通过 vueSlots 转换到 $slots
  1305. type: null,
  1306. value: [],
  1307. observer: function observer(newVal, oldVal) {
  1308. var $slots = Object.create(null);
  1309. newVal.forEach(function (slotName) {
  1310. $slots[slotName] = true;
  1311. });
  1312. this.setData({
  1313. $slots: $slots });
  1314. } };
  1315. }
  1316. if (Array.isArray(props)) {// ['title']
  1317. props.forEach(function (key) {
  1318. properties[key] = {
  1319. type: null,
  1320. observer: createObserver(key) };
  1321. });
  1322. } else if (isPlainObject(props)) {// {title:{type:String,default:''},content:String}
  1323. Object.keys(props).forEach(function (key) {
  1324. var opts = props[key];
  1325. if (isPlainObject(opts)) {// title:{type:String,default:''}
  1326. var value = opts.default;
  1327. if (isFn(value)) {
  1328. value = value();
  1329. }
  1330. opts.type = parsePropType(key, opts.type);
  1331. properties[key] = {
  1332. type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(opts.type) !== -1 ? opts.type : null,
  1333. value: value,
  1334. observer: createObserver(key) };
  1335. } else {// content:String
  1336. var type = parsePropType(key, opts);
  1337. properties[key] = {
  1338. type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : null,
  1339. observer: createObserver(key) };
  1340. }
  1341. });
  1342. }
  1343. return properties;
  1344. }
  1345. function wrapper$1(event) {
  1346. // TODO 又得兼容 mpvue 的 mp 对象
  1347. try {
  1348. = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event));
  1349. } catch (e) {}
  1350. event.stopPropagation = noop;
  1351. event.preventDefault = noop;
  1352. = || {};
  1353. if (!hasOwn(event, 'detail')) {
  1354. event.detail = {};
  1355. }
  1356. if (hasOwn(event, 'markerId')) {
  1357. event.detail = typeof event.detail === 'object' ? event.detail : {};
  1358. event.detail.markerId = event.markerId;
  1359. }
  1360. if (isPlainObject(event.detail)) {
  1361. = Object.assign({},, event.detail);
  1362. }
  1363. return event;
  1364. }
  1365. function getExtraValue(vm, dataPathsArray) {
  1366. var context = vm;
  1367. dataPathsArray.forEach(function (dataPathArray) {
  1368. var dataPath = dataPathArray[0];
  1369. var value = dataPathArray[2];
  1370. if (dataPath || typeof value !== 'undefined') {// ['','',index,'disable']
  1371. var propPath = dataPathArray[1];
  1372. var valuePath = dataPathArray[3];
  1373. var vFor;
  1374. if (Number.isInteger(dataPath)) {
  1375. vFor = dataPath;
  1376. } else if (!dataPath) {
  1377. vFor = context;
  1378. } else if (typeof dataPath === 'string' && dataPath) {
  1379. if (dataPath.indexOf('#s#') === 0) {
  1380. vFor = dataPath.substr(3);
  1381. } else {
  1382. vFor = vm.__get_value(dataPath, context);
  1383. }
  1384. }
  1385. if (Number.isInteger(vFor)) {
  1386. context = value;
  1387. } else if (!propPath) {
  1388. context = vFor[value];
  1389. } else {
  1390. if (Array.isArray(vFor)) {
  1391. context = vFor.find(function (vForItem) {
  1392. return vm.__get_value(propPath, vForItem) === value;
  1393. });
  1394. } else if (isPlainObject(vFor)) {
  1395. context = Object.keys(vFor).find(function (vForKey) {
  1396. return vm.__get_value(propPath, vFor[vForKey]) === value;
  1397. });
  1398. } else {
  1399. console.error('v-for 暂不支持循环数据:', vFor);
  1400. }
  1401. }
  1402. if (valuePath) {
  1403. context = vm.__get_value(valuePath, context);
  1404. }
  1405. }
  1406. });
  1407. return context;
  1408. }
  1409. function processEventExtra(vm, extra, event) {
  1410. var extraObj = {};
  1411. if (Array.isArray(extra) && extra.length) {
  1412. /**
  1413. *[
  1414. * ['data.items', '',],
  1415. * ['metas', 'id',]
  1416. *],
  1417. *[
  1418. * ['data.items', '',],
  1419. * ['metas', 'id',]
  1420. *],
  1421. *'test'
  1422. */
  1423. extra.forEach(function (dataPath, index) {
  1424. if (typeof dataPath === 'string') {
  1425. if (!dataPath) {// model,prop.sync
  1426. extraObj['$' + index] = vm;
  1427. } else {
  1428. if (dataPath === '$event') {// $event
  1429. extraObj['$' + index] = event;
  1430. } else if (dataPath === 'arguments') {
  1431. if (event.detail && event.detail.__args__) {
  1432. extraObj['$' + index] = event.detail.__args__;
  1433. } else {
  1434. extraObj['$' + index] = [event];
  1435. }
  1436. } else if (dataPath.indexOf('$event.') === 0) {// $
  1437. extraObj['$' + index] = vm.__get_value(dataPath.replace('$event.', ''), event);
  1438. } else {
  1439. extraObj['$' + index] = vm.__get_value(dataPath);
  1440. }
  1441. }
  1442. } else {
  1443. extraObj['$' + index] = getExtraValue(vm, dataPath);
  1444. }
  1445. });
  1446. }
  1447. return extraObj;
  1448. }
  1449. function getObjByArray(arr) {
  1450. var obj = {};
  1451. for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  1452. var element = arr[i];
  1453. obj[element[0]] = element[1];
  1454. }
  1455. return obj;
  1456. }
  1457. function processEventArgs(vm, event) {var args = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];var extra = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : [];var isCustom = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined;var methodName = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : undefined;
  1458. var isCustomMPEvent = false; // wxcomponent 组件,传递原始 event 对象
  1459. if (isCustom) {// 自定义事件
  1460. isCustomMPEvent = event.currentTarget &&
  1461. event.currentTarget.dataset &&
  1462. event.currentTarget.dataset.comType === 'wx';
  1463. if (!args.length) {// 无参数,直接传入 event 或 detail 数组
  1464. if (isCustomMPEvent) {
  1465. return [event];
  1466. }
  1467. return event.detail.__args__ || event.detail;
  1468. }
  1469. }
  1470. var extraObj = processEventExtra(vm, extra, event);
  1471. var ret = [];
  1472. args.forEach(function (arg) {
  1473. if (arg === '$event') {
  1474. if (methodName === '__set_model' && !isCustom) {// input v-model value
  1475. ret.push(;
  1476. } else {
  1477. if (isCustom && !isCustomMPEvent) {
  1478. ret.push(event.detail.__args__[0]);
  1479. } else {// wxcomponent 组件或内置组件
  1480. ret.push(event);
  1481. }
  1482. }
  1483. } else {
  1484. if (Array.isArray(arg) && arg[0] === 'o') {
  1485. ret.push(getObjByArray(arg));
  1486. } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && hasOwn(extraObj, arg)) {
  1487. ret.push(extraObj[arg]);
  1488. } else {
  1489. ret.push(arg);
  1490. }
  1491. }
  1492. });
  1493. return ret;
  1494. }
  1495. var ONCE = '~';
  1496. var CUSTOM = '^';
  1497. function isMatchEventType(eventType, optType) {
  1498. return eventType === optType ||
  1499. optType === 'regionchange' && (
  1500. eventType === 'begin' ||
  1501. eventType === 'end');
  1502. }
  1503. function getContextVm(vm) {
  1504. var $parent = vm.$parent;
  1505. // 父组件是 scoped slots 或者其他自定义组件时继续查找
  1506. while ($parent && $parent.$parent && ($parent.$options.generic || $parent.$parent.$options.generic || $parent.$scope._$vuePid)) {
  1507. $parent = $parent.$parent;
  1508. }
  1509. return $parent && $parent.$parent;
  1510. }
  1511. function handleEvent(event) {var _this2 = this;
  1512. event = wrapper$1(event);
  1513. // [['tap',[['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]]]]
  1514. var dataset = (event.currentTarget ||;
  1515. if (!dataset) {
  1516. return console.warn('事件信息不存在');
  1517. }
  1518. var eventOpts = dataset.eventOpts || dataset['event-opts']; // 支付宝 web-view 组件 dataset 非驼峰
  1519. if (!eventOpts) {
  1520. return console.warn('事件信息不存在');
  1521. }
  1522. // [['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]]
  1523. var eventType = event.type;
  1524. var ret = [];
  1525. eventOpts.forEach(function (eventOpt) {
  1526. var type = eventOpt[0];
  1527. var eventsArray = eventOpt[1];
  1528. var isCustom = type.charAt(0) === CUSTOM;
  1529. type = isCustom ? type.slice(1) : type;
  1530. var isOnce = type.charAt(0) === ONCE;
  1531. type = isOnce ? type.slice(1) : type;
  1532. if (eventsArray && isMatchEventType(eventType, type)) {
  1533. eventsArray.forEach(function (eventArray) {
  1534. var methodName = eventArray[0];
  1535. if (methodName) {
  1536. var handlerCtx = _this2.$vm;
  1537. if (handlerCtx.$options.generic) {// mp-weixin,mp-toutiao 抽象节点模拟 scoped slots
  1538. handlerCtx = getContextVm(handlerCtx) || handlerCtx;
  1539. }
  1540. if (methodName === '$emit') {
  1541. handlerCtx.$emit.apply(handlerCtx,
  1542. processEventArgs(
  1543. _this2.$vm,
  1544. event,
  1545. eventArray[1],
  1546. eventArray[2],
  1547. isCustom,
  1548. methodName));
  1549. return;
  1550. }
  1551. var handler = handlerCtx[methodName];
  1552. if (!isFn(handler)) {
  1553. var _type = _this2.$vm.mpType === 'page' ? 'Page' : 'Component';
  1554. var path = _this2.route ||;
  1555. throw new Error("".concat(_type, " \"").concat(path, "\" does not have a method \"").concat(methodName, "\""));
  1556. }
  1557. if (isOnce) {
  1558. if (handler.once) {
  1559. return;
  1560. }
  1561. handler.once = true;
  1562. }
  1563. var params = processEventArgs(
  1564. _this2.$vm,
  1565. event,
  1566. eventArray[1],
  1567. eventArray[2],
  1568. isCustom,
  1569. methodName);
  1570. params = Array.isArray(params) ? params : [];
  1571. // 参数尾部增加原始事件对象用于复杂表达式内获取额外数据
  1572. if (/=\s*\S+\.eventParams\s*\|\|\s*\S+\[['"]event-params['"]\]/.test(handler.toString())) {
  1573. // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays
  1574. params = params.concat([,,,,,,,,,, event]);
  1575. }
  1576. ret.push(handler.apply(handlerCtx, params));
  1577. }
  1578. });
  1579. }
  1580. });
  1581. if (
  1582. eventType === 'input' &&
  1583. ret.length === 1 &&
  1584. typeof ret[0] !== 'undefined')
  1585. {
  1586. return ret[0];
  1587. }
  1588. }
  1589. var eventChannels = {};
  1590. var eventChannelStack = [];
  1591. function getEventChannel(id) {
  1592. if (id) {
  1593. var eventChannel = eventChannels[id];
  1594. delete eventChannels[id];
  1595. return eventChannel;
  1596. }
  1597. return eventChannelStack.shift();
  1598. }
  1599. var hooks = [
  1600. 'onShow',
  1601. 'onHide',
  1602. 'onError',
  1603. 'onPageNotFound',
  1604. 'onThemeChange',
  1605. 'onUnhandledRejection'];
  1606. function initEventChannel() {
  1607. _vue.default.prototype.getOpenerEventChannel = function () {
  1608. // 微信小程序使用自身getOpenerEventChannel
  1609. {
  1610. return this.$scope.getOpenerEventChannel();
  1611. }
  1612. };
  1613. var callHook = _vue.default.prototype.__call_hook;
  1614. _vue.default.prototype.__call_hook = function (hook, args) {
  1615. if (hook === 'onLoad' && args && args.__id__) {
  1616. this.__eventChannel__ = getEventChannel(args.__id__);
  1617. delete args.__id__;
  1618. }
  1619. return, hook, args);
  1620. };
  1621. }
  1622. function initScopedSlotsParams() {
  1623. var center = {};
  1624. var parents = {};
  1625. _vue.default.prototype.$hasScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId) {
  1626. var has = center[vueId];
  1627. if (!has) {
  1628. parents[vueId] = this;
  1629. this.$on('hook:destroyed', function () {
  1630. delete parents[vueId];
  1631. });
  1632. }
  1633. return has;
  1634. };
  1635. _vue.default.prototype.$getScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId, name, key) {
  1636. var data = center[vueId];
  1637. if (data) {
  1638. var object = data[name] || {};
  1639. return key ? object[key] : object;
  1640. } else {
  1641. parents[vueId] = this;
  1642. this.$on('hook:destroyed', function () {
  1643. delete parents[vueId];
  1644. });
  1645. }
  1646. };
  1647. _vue.default.prototype.$setScopedSlotsParams = function (name, value) {
  1648. var vueIds = this.$options.propsData.vueId;
  1649. if (vueIds) {
  1650. var vueId = vueIds.split(',')[0];
  1651. var object = center[vueId] = center[vueId] || {};
  1652. object[name] = value;
  1653. if (parents[vueId]) {
  1654. parents[vueId].$forceUpdate();
  1655. }
  1656. }
  1657. };
  1658. _vue.default.mixin({
  1659. destroyed: function destroyed() {
  1660. var propsData = this.$options.propsData;
  1661. var vueId = propsData && propsData.vueId;
  1662. if (vueId) {
  1663. delete center[vueId];
  1664. delete parents[vueId];
  1665. }
  1666. } });
  1667. }
  1668. function parseBaseApp(vm, _ref3)
  1669. {var mocks = _ref3.mocks,initRefs = _ref3.initRefs;
  1670. initEventChannel();
  1671. {
  1672. initScopedSlotsParams();
  1673. }
  1674. if (vm.$ {
  1675. _vue.default.prototype.$store = vm.$;
  1676. }
  1677. uniIdMixin(_vue.default);
  1678. _vue.default.prototype.mpHost = "mp-weixin";
  1679. _vue.default.mixin({
  1680. beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {
  1681. if (!this.$options.mpType) {
  1682. return;
  1683. }
  1684. this.mpType = this.$options.mpType;
  1685. this.$mp = _defineProperty({
  1686. data: {} },
  1687. this.mpType, this.$options.mpInstance);
  1688. this.$scope = this.$options.mpInstance;
  1689. delete this.$options.mpType;
  1690. delete this.$options.mpInstance;
  1691. if (this.mpType === 'page' && typeof getApp === 'function') {// hack vue-i18n
  1692. var app = getApp();
  1693. if (app.$vm && app.$vm.$i18n) {
  1694. this._i18n = app.$vm.$i18n;
  1695. }
  1696. }
  1697. if (this.mpType !== 'app') {
  1698. initRefs(this);
  1699. initMocks(this, mocks);
  1700. }
  1701. } });
  1702. var appOptions = {
  1703. onLaunch: function onLaunch(args) {
  1704. if (this.$vm) {// 已经初始化过了,主要是为了百度,百度 onShow 在 onLaunch 之前
  1705. return;
  1706. }
  1707. {
  1708. if (wx.canIUse && !wx.canIUse('nextTick')) {// 事实 上2.2.3 即可,简单使用 2.3.0 的 nextTick 判断
  1709. console.error('当前微信基础库版本过低,请将 微信开发者工具-详情-项目设置-调试基础库版本 更换为`2.3.0`以上');
  1710. }
  1711. }
  1712. this.$vm = vm;
  1713. this.$vm.$mp = {
  1714. app: this };
  1715. this.$vm.$scope = this;
  1716. // vm 上也挂载 globalData
  1717. this.$vm.globalData = this.globalData;
  1718. this.$vm._isMounted = true;
  1719. this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted', args);
  1720. this.$vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
  1721. } };
  1722. // 兼容旧版本 globalData
  1723. appOptions.globalData = vm.$options.globalData || {};
  1724. // 将 methods 中的方法挂在 getApp() 中
  1725. var methods = vm.$options.methods;
  1726. if (methods) {
  1727. Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (name) {
  1728. appOptions[name] = methods[name];
  1729. });
  1730. }
  1731. initAppLocale(_vue.default, vm, normalizeLocale(wx.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN);
  1732. initHooks(appOptions, hooks);
  1733. return appOptions;
  1734. }
  1735. var mocks = ['__route__', '__wxExparserNodeId__', '__wxWebviewId__'];
  1736. function findVmByVueId(vm, vuePid) {
  1737. var $children = vm.$children;
  1738. // 优先查找直属(反向查找:
  1739. for (var i = $children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1740. var childVm = $children[i];
  1741. if (childVm.$scope._$vueId === vuePid) {
  1742. return childVm;
  1743. }
  1744. }
  1745. // 反向递归查找
  1746. var parentVm;
  1747. for (var _i = $children.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) {
  1748. parentVm = findVmByVueId($children[_i], vuePid);
  1749. if (parentVm) {
  1750. return parentVm;
  1751. }
  1752. }
  1753. }
  1754. function initBehavior(options) {
  1755. return Behavior(options);
  1756. }
  1757. function isPage() {
  1758. return !!this.route;
  1759. }
  1760. function initRelation(detail) {
  1761. this.triggerEvent('__l', detail);
  1762. }
  1763. function selectAllComponents(mpInstance, selector, $refs) {
  1764. var components = mpInstance.selectAllComponents(selector);
  1765. components.forEach(function (component) {
  1766. var ref = component.dataset.ref;
  1767. $refs[ref] = component.$vm || component;
  1768. {
  1769. if (component.dataset.vueGeneric === 'scoped') {
  1770. component.selectAllComponents('.scoped-ref').forEach(function (scopedComponent) {
  1771. selectAllComponents(scopedComponent, selector, $refs);
  1772. });
  1773. }
  1774. }
  1775. });
  1776. }
  1777. function initRefs(vm) {
  1778. var mpInstance = vm.$scope;
  1779. Object.defineProperty(vm, '$refs', {
  1780. get: function get() {
  1781. var $refs = {};
  1782. selectAllComponents(mpInstance, '.vue-ref', $refs);
  1783. // TODO 暂不考虑 for 中的 scoped
  1784. var forComponents = mpInstance.selectAllComponents('.vue-ref-in-for');
  1785. forComponents.forEach(function (component) {
  1786. var ref = component.dataset.ref;
  1787. if (!$refs[ref]) {
  1788. $refs[ref] = [];
  1789. }
  1790. $refs[ref].push(component.$vm || component);
  1791. });
  1792. return $refs;
  1793. } });
  1794. }
  1795. function handleLink(event) {var _ref4 =
  1796. event.detail || event.value,vuePid = _ref4.vuePid,vueOptions = _ref4.vueOptions; // detail 是微信,value 是百度(dipatch)
  1797. var parentVm;
  1798. if (vuePid) {
  1799. parentVm = findVmByVueId(this.$vm, vuePid);
  1800. }
  1801. if (!parentVm) {
  1802. parentVm = this.$vm;
  1803. }
  1804. vueOptions.parent = parentVm;
  1805. }
  1806. function parseApp(vm) {
  1807. return parseBaseApp(vm, {
  1808. mocks: mocks,
  1809. initRefs: initRefs });
  1810. }
  1811. function createApp(vm) {
  1812. App(parseApp(vm));
  1813. return vm;
  1814. }
  1815. var encodeReserveRE = /[!'()*]/g;
  1816. var encodeReserveReplacer = function encodeReserveReplacer(c) {return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);};
  1817. var commaRE = /%2C/g;
  1818. // fixed encodeURIComponent which is more conformant to RFC3986:
  1819. // - escapes [!'()*]
  1820. // - preserve commas
  1821. var encode = function encode(str) {return encodeURIComponent(str).
  1822. replace(encodeReserveRE, encodeReserveReplacer).
  1823. replace(commaRE, ',');};
  1824. function stringifyQuery(obj) {var encodeStr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : encode;
  1825. var res = obj ? Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {
  1826. var val = obj[key];
  1827. if (val === undefined) {
  1828. return '';
  1829. }
  1830. if (val === null) {
  1831. return encodeStr(key);
  1832. }
  1833. if (Array.isArray(val)) {
  1834. var result = [];
  1835. val.forEach(function (val2) {
  1836. if (val2 === undefined) {
  1837. return;
  1838. }
  1839. if (val2 === null) {
  1840. result.push(encodeStr(key));
  1841. } else {
  1842. result.push(encodeStr(key) + '=' + encodeStr(val2));
  1843. }
  1844. });
  1845. return result.join('&');
  1846. }
  1847. return encodeStr(key) + '=' + encodeStr(val);
  1848. }).filter(function (x) {return x.length > 0;}).join('&') : null;
  1849. return res ? "?".concat(res) : '';
  1850. }
  1851. function parseBaseComponent(vueComponentOptions)
  1852. {var _ref5 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},isPage = _ref5.isPage,initRelation = _ref5.initRelation;var _initVueComponent =
  1853. initVueComponent(_vue.default, vueComponentOptions),_initVueComponent2 = _slicedToArray(_initVueComponent, 2),VueComponent = _initVueComponent2[0],vueOptions = _initVueComponent2[1];
  1854. var options = _objectSpread({
  1855. multipleSlots: true,
  1856. addGlobalClass: true },
  1857. vueOptions.options || {});
  1858. {
  1859. // 微信 multipleSlots 部分情况有 bug,导致内容顺序错乱 如 u-list,提供覆盖选项
  1860. if (vueOptions['mp-weixin'] && vueOptions['mp-weixin'].options) {
  1861. Object.assign(options, vueOptions['mp-weixin'].options);
  1862. }
  1863. }
  1864. var componentOptions = {
  1865. options: options,
  1866. data: initData(vueOptions, _vue.default.prototype),
  1867. behaviors: initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior),
  1868. properties: initProperties(vueOptions.props, false, vueOptions.__file, options),
  1869. lifetimes: {
  1870. attached: function attached() {
  1871. var properties =;
  1872. var options = {
  1873. mpType: ? 'page' : 'component',
  1874. mpInstance: this,
  1875. propsData: properties };
  1876. initVueIds(properties.vueId, this);
  1877. // 处理父子关系
  1878., {
  1879. vuePid: this._$vuePid,
  1880. vueOptions: options });
  1881. // 初始化 vue 实例
  1882. this.$vm = new VueComponent(options);
  1883. // 处理$slots,$scopedSlots(暂不支持动态变化$slots)
  1884. initSlots(this.$vm, properties.vueSlots);
  1885. // 触发首次 setData
  1886. this.$vm.$mount();
  1887. },
  1888. ready: function ready() {
  1889. // 当组件 props 默认值为 true,初始化时传入 false 会导致 created,ready 触发, 但 attached 不触发
  1890. //
  1891. if (this.$vm) {
  1892. this.$vm._isMounted = true;
  1893. this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted');
  1894. this.$vm.__call_hook('onReady');
  1895. }
  1896. },
  1897. detached: function detached() {
  1898. this.$vm && this.$vm.$destroy();
  1899. } },
  1900. pageLifetimes: {
  1901. show: function show(args) {
  1902. this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageShow', args);
  1903. },
  1904. hide: function hide() {
  1905. this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageHide');
  1906. },
  1907. resize: function resize(size) {
  1908. this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageResize', size);
  1909. } },
  1910. methods: {
  1911. __l: handleLink,
  1912. __e: handleEvent } };
  1913. // externalClasses
  1914. if (vueOptions.externalClasses) {
  1915. componentOptions.externalClasses = vueOptions.externalClasses;
  1916. }
  1917. if (Array.isArray(vueOptions.wxsCallMethods)) {
  1918. vueOptions.wxsCallMethods.forEach(function (callMethod) {
  1919. componentOptions.methods[callMethod] = function (args) {
  1920. return this.$vm[callMethod](args);
  1921. };
  1922. });
  1923. }
  1924. if (isPage) {
  1925. return componentOptions;
  1926. }
  1927. return [componentOptions, VueComponent];
  1928. }
  1929. function parseComponent(vueComponentOptions) {
  1930. return parseBaseComponent(vueComponentOptions, {
  1931. isPage: isPage,
  1932. initRelation: initRelation });
  1933. }
  1934. var hooks$1 = [
  1935. 'onShow',
  1936. 'onHide',
  1937. 'onUnload'];
  1938. hooks$1.push.apply(hooks$1, PAGE_EVENT_HOOKS);
  1939. function parseBasePage(vuePageOptions, _ref6)
  1940. {var isPage = _ref6.isPage,initRelation = _ref6.initRelation;
  1941. var pageOptions = parseComponent(vuePageOptions);
  1942. initHooks(pageOptions.methods, hooks$1, vuePageOptions);
  1943. pageOptions.methods.onLoad = function (query) {
  1944. this.options = query;
  1945. var copyQuery = Object.assign({}, query);
  1946. delete copyQuery.__id__;
  1947. this.$page = {
  1948. fullPath: '/' + (this.route || + stringifyQuery(copyQuery) };
  1949. this.$vm.$mp.query = query; // 兼容 mpvue
  1950. this.$vm.__call_hook('onLoad', query);
  1951. };
  1952. return pageOptions;
  1953. }
  1954. function parsePage(vuePageOptions) {
  1955. return parseBasePage(vuePageOptions, {
  1956. isPage: isPage,
  1957. initRelation: initRelation });
  1958. }
  1959. function createPage(vuePageOptions) {
  1960. {
  1961. return Component(parsePage(vuePageOptions));
  1962. }
  1963. }
  1964. function createComponent(vueOptions) {
  1965. {
  1966. return Component(parseComponent(vueOptions));
  1967. }
  1968. }
  1969. function createSubpackageApp(vm) {
  1970. var appOptions = parseApp(vm);
  1971. var app = getApp({
  1972. allowDefault: true });
  1973. vm.$scope = app;
  1974. var globalData = app.globalData;
  1975. if (globalData) {
  1976. Object.keys(appOptions.globalData).forEach(function (name) {
  1977. if (!hasOwn(globalData, name)) {
  1978. globalData[name] = appOptions.globalData[name];
  1979. }
  1980. });
  1981. }
  1982. Object.keys(appOptions).forEach(function (name) {
  1983. if (!hasOwn(app, name)) {
  1984. app[name] = appOptions[name];
  1985. }
  1986. });
  1987. if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && wx.onAppShow) {
  1988. wx.onAppShow(function () {for (var _len5 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) {args[_key5] = arguments[_key5];}
  1989. vm.__call_hook('onShow', args);
  1990. });
  1991. }
  1992. if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && wx.onAppHide) {
  1993. wx.onAppHide(function () {for (var _len6 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len6), _key6 = 0; _key6 < _len6; _key6++) {args[_key6] = arguments[_key6];}
  1994. vm.__call_hook('onHide', args);
  1995. });
  1996. }
  1997. if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) {
  1998. var args = wx.getLaunchOptionsSync && wx.getLaunchOptionsSync();
  1999. vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
  2000. }
  2001. return vm;
  2002. }
  2003. function createPlugin(vm) {
  2004. var appOptions = parseApp(vm);
  2005. if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && wx.onAppShow) {
  2006. wx.onAppShow(function () {for (var _len7 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len7), _key7 = 0; _key7 < _len7; _key7++) {args[_key7] = arguments[_key7];}
  2007. vm.__call_hook('onShow', args);
  2008. });
  2009. }
  2010. if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && wx.onAppHide) {
  2011. wx.onAppHide(function () {for (var _len8 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len8), _key8 = 0; _key8 < _len8; _key8++) {args[_key8] = arguments[_key8];}
  2012. vm.__call_hook('onHide', args);
  2013. });
  2014. }
  2015. if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) {
  2016. var args = wx.getLaunchOptionsSync && wx.getLaunchOptionsSync();
  2017. vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
  2018. }
  2019. return vm;
  2020. }
  2021. todos.forEach(function (todoApi) {
  2022. protocols[todoApi] = false;
  2023. });
  2024. canIUses.forEach(function (canIUseApi) {
  2025. var apiName = protocols[canIUseApi] && protocols[canIUseApi].name ? protocols[canIUseApi].name :
  2026. canIUseApi;
  2027. if (!wx.canIUse(apiName)) {
  2028. protocols[canIUseApi] = false;
  2029. }
  2030. });
  2031. var uni = {};
  2032. if (typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' && "mp-weixin" !== 'app-plus') {
  2033. uni = new Proxy({}, {
  2034. get: function get(target, name) {
  2035. if (hasOwn(target, name)) {
  2036. return target[name];
  2037. }
  2038. if (baseApi[name]) {
  2039. return baseApi[name];
  2040. }
  2041. if (api[name]) {
  2042. return promisify(name, api[name]);
  2043. }
  2044. {
  2045. if (extraApi[name]) {
  2046. return promisify(name, extraApi[name]);
  2047. }
  2048. if (todoApis[name]) {
  2049. return promisify(name, todoApis[name]);
  2050. }
  2051. }
  2052. if (eventApi[name]) {
  2053. return eventApi[name];
  2054. }
  2055. if (!hasOwn(wx, name) && !hasOwn(protocols, name)) {
  2056. return;
  2057. }
  2058. return promisify(name, wrapper(name, wx[name]));
  2059. },
  2060. set: function set(target, name, value) {
  2061. target[name] = value;
  2062. return true;
  2063. } });
  2064. } else {
  2065. Object.keys(baseApi).forEach(function (name) {
  2066. uni[name] = baseApi[name];
  2067. });
  2068. {
  2069. Object.keys(todoApis).forEach(function (name) {
  2070. uni[name] = promisify(name, todoApis[name]);
  2071. });
  2072. Object.keys(extraApi).forEach(function (name) {
  2073. uni[name] = promisify(name, todoApis[name]);
  2074. });
  2075. }
  2076. Object.keys(eventApi).forEach(function (name) {
  2077. uni[name] = eventApi[name];
  2078. });
  2079. Object.keys(api).forEach(function (name) {
  2080. uni[name] = promisify(name, api[name]);
  2081. });
  2082. Object.keys(wx).forEach(function (name) {
  2083. if (hasOwn(wx, name) || hasOwn(protocols, name)) {
  2084. uni[name] = promisify(name, wrapper(name, wx[name]));
  2085. }
  2086. });
  2087. }
  2088. wx.createApp = createApp;
  2089. wx.createPage = createPage;
  2090. wx.createComponent = createComponent;
  2091. wx.createSubpackageApp = createSubpackageApp;
  2092. wx.createPlugin = createPlugin;
  2093. var uni$1 = uni;var _default =
  2094. uni$1;exports.default = _default;
  2095. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../webpack/buildin/global.js */ 2)))
  2096. /***/ }),
  2097. /***/ 11:
  2098. /*!**********************************************************************************************************!*\
  2099. !*** ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js ***!
  2100. \**********************************************************************************************************/
  2101. /*! exports provided: default */
  2102. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  2103. "use strict";
  2104. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  2105. /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "default", function() { return normalizeComponent; });
  2106. /* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */
  2107. // IMPORTANT: Do NOT use ES2015 features in this file (except for modules).
  2108. // This module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will
  2109. // be included in the final webpack user bundle.
  2110. function normalizeComponent (
  2111. scriptExports,
  2112. render,
  2113. staticRenderFns,
  2114. functionalTemplate,
  2115. injectStyles,
  2116. scopeId,
  2117. moduleIdentifier, /* server only */
  2118. shadowMode, /* vue-cli only */
  2119. components, // fixed by xxxxxx auto components
  2120. renderjs // fixed by xxxxxx renderjs
  2121. ) {
  2122. // Vue.extend constructor export interop
  2123. var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function'
  2124. ? scriptExports.options
  2125. : scriptExports
  2126. // fixed by xxxxxx auto components
  2127. if (components) {
  2128. if (!options.components) {
  2129. options.components = {}
  2130. }
  2131. var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  2132. for (var name in components) {
  2133. if (, name) && !, name)) {
  2134. options.components[name] = components[name]
  2135. }
  2136. }
  2137. }
  2138. // fixed by xxxxxx renderjs
  2139. if (renderjs) {
  2140. (renderjs.beforeCreate || (renderjs.beforeCreate = [])).unshift(function() {
  2141. this[renderjs.__module] = this
  2142. });
  2143. (options.mixins || (options.mixins = [])).push(renderjs)
  2144. }
  2145. // render functions
  2146. if (render) {
  2147. options.render = render
  2148. options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns
  2149. options._compiled = true
  2150. }
  2151. // functional template
  2152. if (functionalTemplate) {
  2153. options.functional = true
  2154. }
  2155. // scopedId
  2156. if (scopeId) {
  2157. options._scopeId = 'data-v-' + scopeId
  2158. }
  2159. var hook
  2160. if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build
  2161. hook = function (context) {
  2162. // 2.3 injection
  2163. context =
  2164. context || // cached call
  2165. (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful
  2166. (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional
  2167. // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true
  2168. if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {
  2169. context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__
  2170. }
  2171. // inject component styles
  2172. if (injectStyles) {
  2173., context)
  2174. }
  2175. // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence
  2176. if (context && context._registeredComponents) {
  2177. context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier)
  2178. }
  2179. }
  2180. // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate
  2181. // never gets called
  2182. options._ssrRegister = hook
  2183. } else if (injectStyles) {
  2184. hook = shadowMode
  2185. ? function () {, this.$root.$options.shadowRoot) }
  2186. : injectStyles
  2187. }
  2188. if (hook) {
  2189. if (options.functional) {
  2190. // for template-only hot-reload because in that case the render fn doesn't
  2191. // go through the normalizer
  2192. options._injectStyles = hook
  2193. // register for functioal component in vue file
  2194. var originalRender = options.render
  2195. options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) {
  2197. return originalRender(h, context)
  2198. }
  2199. } else {
  2200. // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook
  2201. var existing = options.beforeCreate
  2202. options.beforeCreate = existing
  2203. ? [].concat(existing, hook)
  2204. : [hook]
  2205. }
  2206. }
  2207. return {
  2208. exports: scriptExports,
  2209. options: options
  2210. }
  2211. }
  2212. /***/ }),
  2213. /***/ 12:
  2214. /*!******************************************************************************************!*\
  2215. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/utils/http.js ***!
  2216. \******************************************************************************************/
  2217. /*! no static exports found */
  2218. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2219. "use strict";
  2220. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(uni) {Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.default = void 0;var http = {
  2221. get: function get(url, data)
  2222. {var _ref = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {},header = _ref.header,_ref$timeout = _ref.timeout,timeout = _ref$timeout === void 0 ? 20000 : _ref$timeout;
  2223. var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  2224. uni.request({
  2225. url: url,
  2226. method: 'GET',
  2227. data: data,
  2228. timeout: timeout }).
  2229. then(
  2230. function (res) {
  2231. resolve(res[1]);
  2232. }).
  2233. catch();
  2234. });
  2235. return promise;
  2236. } };var _default =
  2237. http;exports.default = _default;
  2238. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin/dist/index.js */ 1)["default"]))
  2239. /***/ }),
  2240. /***/ 13:
  2241. /*!******************************************************************************************!*\
  2242. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/config/api.js ***!
  2243. \******************************************************************************************/
  2244. /*! no static exports found */
  2245. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2246. "use strict";
  2247. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.default = void 0; //路径
  2248. var root = "";
  2249. //接口auth
  2250. var api = {
  2251. user: {
  2252. list: "".concat(root, "/user/list"),
  2253. add: "".concat(root, "/user/add"),
  2254. update: "".concat(root, "/user/update"),
  2255. detail: "".concat(root, "/user/detail"),
  2256. delete: "".concat(root, "/user/delete"),
  2257. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/user/batchDelete"),
  2258. bindRole: "".concat(root, "/user/bindRole"),
  2259. bindOperator: "".concat(root, "/user/bindOperator") },
  2260. operator: {
  2261. list: "".concat(root, "/operator/list"),
  2262. add: "".concat(root, "/operator/add"),
  2263. update: "".concat(root, "/operator/update"),
  2264. detail: "".concat(root, "/operator/detail"),
  2265. delete: "".concat(root, "/operator/delete"),
  2266. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/operator/batchDelete") },
  2267. project: {
  2268. list: "".concat(root, "/project/list"),
  2269. operatorList: "".concat(root, "/project/operatorList"),
  2270. add: "".concat(root, "/project/add"),
  2271. update: "".concat(root, "/project/update"),
  2272. detail: "".concat(root, "/project/detail"),
  2273. delete: "".concat(root, "/project/delete"),
  2274. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/project/batchDelete") },
  2275. gateway: {
  2276. list: "".concat(root, "/gateway/list"),
  2277. add: "".concat(root, "/gateway/add"),
  2278. update: "".concat(root, "/gateway/update"),
  2279. detail: "".concat(root, "/gateway/detail"),
  2280. delete: "".concat(root, "/gateway/delete"),
  2281. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/gateway/batchDelete") },
  2282. device: {
  2283. list: "".concat(root, "/device/list"),
  2284. add: "".concat(root, "/device/add"),
  2285. update: "".concat(root, "/device/update"),
  2286. detail: "".concat(root, "/device/detail"),
  2287. delete: "".concat(root, "/device/delete"),
  2288. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/device/batchDelete") },
  2289. deviceParam: {
  2290. list: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/list"),
  2291. add: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/add"),
  2292. update: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/update"),
  2293. updateParam: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/updateParam"),
  2294. detail: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/detail"),
  2295. delete: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/delete"),
  2296. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/deviceParam/batchDelete") },
  2297. deviceAlarmRecord: {
  2298. list: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/list"),
  2299. add: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/add"),
  2300. update: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/update"),
  2301. detail: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/detail"),
  2302. delete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/delete"),
  2303. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRecord/batchDelete") },
  2304. deviceAlarmConfig: {
  2305. list: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/list"),
  2306. add: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/add"),
  2307. update: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/update"),
  2308. detail: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/detail"),
  2309. delete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/delete"),
  2310. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmConfig/batchDelete") },
  2311. deviceAlarmRepairRecord: {
  2312. list: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/list"),
  2313. add: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/add"),
  2314. update: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/update"),
  2315. detail: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/detail"),
  2316. delete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/delete"),
  2317. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/deviceAlarmRepairRecord/batchDelete") },
  2318. operatorLog: {
  2319. list: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/list"),
  2320. add: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/add"),
  2321. update: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/update"),
  2322. detail: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/detail"),
  2323. delete: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/delete"),
  2324. batchDelete: "".concat(root, "/operatorLog/batchDelete") },
  2325. auth: {
  2326. verifyCode: "".concat(root, "/auth/verifyCode"),
  2327. login: "".concat(root, "/auth/login"),
  2328. updateUserPassword: "".concat(root, "/auth/updateUserPassword"),
  2329. userInfo: "".concat(root, "/auth/userInfo"),
  2330. logout: "".concat(root, "/auth/logout") },
  2331. role: {
  2332. list: "".concat(root, "/role/list"),
  2333. add: "".concat(root, "/role/add"),
  2334. update: "".concat(root, "/role/update"),
  2335. detail: "".concat(root, "/role/detail"),
  2336. delete: "".concat(root, "/role/delete") },
  2337. power: {
  2338. list: "".concat(root, "/power/list"),
  2339. add: "".concat(root, "/power/add"),
  2340. update: "".concat(root, "/power/update"),
  2341. detail: "".concat(root, "/power/detail"),
  2342. delete: "".concat(root, "/power/delete") },
  2343. rolePower: {
  2344. list: "".concat(root, "/rolePower/list"),
  2345. add: "".concat(root, "/rolePower/add"),
  2346. update: "".concat(root, "/rolePower/update"),
  2347. detail: "".concat(root, "/rolePower/detail"),
  2348. delete: "".concat(root, "/rolePower/delete") },
  2349. menu: {} };var _default =
  2350. Object.assign({
  2351. $base: {
  2352. root: root } },
  2353. api);exports.default = _default;
  2354. /***/ }),
  2355. /***/ 14:
  2356. /*!********************************************************************************************!*\
  2357. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/utils/moment.js ***!
  2358. \********************************************************************************************/
  2359. /*! no static exports found */
  2360. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  2361. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {!function (e, a) { true ? module.exports = a() : undefined;}(this, function () {"use strict";var e, n;function l() {return e.apply(null, arguments);}function _(e) {return e instanceof Array || "[object Array]" ===;}function i(e) {return null != e && "[object Object]" ===;}function o(e) {return void 0 === e;}function m(e) {return "number" == typeof e || "[object Number]" ===;}function u(e) {return e instanceof Date || "[object Date]" ===;}function M(e, a) {var t,s = [];for (t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) {s.push(a(e[t], t));}return s;}function h(e, a) {return, a);}function L(e, a) {for (var t in a) {h(a, t) && (e[t] = a[t]);}return h(a, "toString") && (e.toString = a.toString), h(a, "valueOf") && (e.valueOf = a.valueOf), e;}function c(e, a, t, s) {return Sa(e, a, t, s, !0).utc();}function Y(e) {return null == e._pf && (e._pf = { empty: !1, unusedTokens: [], unusedInput: [], overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, nullInput: !1, invalidMonth: null, invalidFormat: !1, userInvalidated: !1, iso: !1, parsedDateParts: [], meridiem: null, rfc2822: !1, weekdayMismatch: !1 }), e._pf;}function y(e) {if (null == e._isValid) {var a = Y(e),t =, function (e) {return null != e;}),s = !isNaN(e._d.getTime()) && a.overflow < 0 && !a.empty && !a.invalidMonth && !a.invalidWeekday && !a.weekdayMismatch && !a.nullInput && !a.invalidFormat && !a.userInvalidated && (!a.meridiem || a.meridiem && t);if (e._strict && (s = s && 0 === a.charsLeftOver && 0 === a.unusedTokens.length && void 0 === a.bigHour), null != Object.isFrozen && Object.isFrozen(e)) return s;e._isValid = s;}return e._isValid;}function f(e) {var a = c(NaN);return null != e ? L(Y(a), e) : Y(a).userInvalidated = !0, a;}n = Array.prototype.some ? Array.prototype.some : function (e) {for (var a = Object(this), t = a.length >>> 0, s = 0; s < t; s++) {if (s in a &&, a[s], s, a)) return !0;}return !1;};var d = l.momentProperties = [];function k(e, a) {var t, s, n;if (o(a._isAMomentObject) || (e._isAMomentObject = a._isAMomentObject), o(a._i) || (e._i = a._i), o(a._f) || (e._f = a._f), o(a._l) || (e._l = a._l), o(a._strict) || (e._strict = a._strict), o(a._tzm) || (e._tzm = a._tzm), o(a._isUTC) || (e._isUTC = a._isUTC), o(a._offset) || (e._offset = a._offset), o(a._pf) || (e._pf = Y(a)), o(a._locale) || (e._locale = a._locale), 0 < d.length) for (t = 0; t < d.length; t++) {o(n = a[s = d[t]]) || (e[s] = n);}return e;}var a = !1;function p(e) {k(this, e), this._d = new Date(null != e._d ? e._d.getTime() : NaN), this.isValid() || (this._d = new Date(NaN)), !1 === a && (a = !0, l.updateOffset(this), a = !1);}function D(e) {return e instanceof p || null != e && null != e._isAMomentObject;}function T(e) {return e < 0 ? Math.ceil(e) || 0 : Math.floor(e);}function g(e) {var a = +e,t = 0;return 0 !== a && isFinite(a) && (t = T(a)), t;}function r(e, a, t) {var s,n = Math.min(e.length, a.length),d = Math.abs(e.length - a.length),r = 0;for (s = 0; s < n; s++) {(t && e[s] !== a[s] || !t && g(e[s]) !== g(a[s])) && r++;}return r + d;}function w(e) {!1 === l.suppressDeprecationWarnings && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecation warning: " + e);}function t(n, d) {var r = !0;return L(function () {if (null != l.deprecationHandler && l.deprecationHandler(null, n), r) {for (var e, a = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) {if (e = "", "object" == typeof arguments[t]) {for (var s in e += "\n[" + t + "] ", arguments[0]) {e += s + ": " + arguments[0][s] + ", ";}e = e.slice(0, -2);} else e = arguments[t];a.push(e);}w(n + "\nArguments: " +"") + "\n" + new Error().stack), r = !1;}return d.apply(this, arguments);}, d);}var s,v = {};function S(e, a) {null != l.deprecationHandler && l.deprecationHandler(e, a), v[e] || (w(a), v[e] = !0);}function H(e) {return e instanceof Function || "[object Function]" ===;}function b(e, a) {var t,s = L({}, e);for (t in a) {h(a, t) && (i(e[t]) && i(a[t]) ? (s[t] = {}, L(s[t], e[t]), L(s[t], a[t])) : null != a[t] ? s[t] = a[t] : delete s[t]);}for (t in e) {h(e, t) && !h(a, t) && i(e[t]) && (s[t] = L({}, s[t]));}return s;}function j(e) {null != e && this.set(e);}l.suppressDeprecationWarnings = !1, l.deprecationHandler = null, s = Object.keys ? Object.keys : function (e) {var a,t = [];for (a in e) {h(e, a) && t.push(a);}return t;};var x = {};function O(e, a) {var t = e.toLowerCase();x[t] = x[t + "s"] = x[a] = e;}function P(e) {return "string" == typeof e ? x[e] || x[e.toLowerCase()] : void 0;}function W(e) {var a,t,s = {};for (t in e) {h(e, t) && (a = P(t)) && (s[a] = e[t]);}return s;}var A = {};function E(e, a) {A[e] = a;}function F(e, a, t) {var s = "" + Math.abs(e),n = a - s.length;return (0 <= e ? t ? "+" : "" : "-") + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, n)).toString().substr(1) + s;}var z = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,J = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,N = {},R = {};function C(e, a, t, s) {var n = s;"string" == typeof s && (n = function n() {return this[s]();}), e && (R[e] = n), a && (R[a[0]] = function () {return F(n.apply(this, arguments), a[1], a[2]);}), t && (R[t] = function () {return this.localeData().ordinal(n.apply(this, arguments), e);});}function I(e, a) {return e.isValid() ? (a = U(a, e.localeData()), N[a] = N[a] || function (s) {var e,n,a,d = s.match(z);for (e = 0, n = d.length; e < n; e++) {R[d[e]] ? d[e] = R[d[e]] : d[e] = (a = d[e]).match(/\[[\s\S]/) ? a.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "") : a.replace(/\\/g, "");}return function (e) {var a,t = "";for (a = 0; a < n; a++) {t += H(d[a]) ? d[a].call(e, s) : d[a];}return t;};}(a), N[a](e)) : e.localeData().invalidDate();}function U(e, a) {var t = 5;function s(e) {return a.longDateFormat(e) || e;}for (J.lastIndex = 0; 0 <= t && J.test(e);) {e = e.replace(J, s), J.lastIndex = 0, t -= 1;}return e;}var G = /\d/,V = /\d\d/,K = /\d{3}/,Z = /\d{4}/,$ = /[+-]?\d{6}/,B = /\d\d?/,q = /\d\d\d\d?/,Q = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/,X = /\d{1,3}/,ee = /\d{1,4}/,ae = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/,te = /\d+/,se = /[+-]?\d+/,ne = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi,de = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi,re = /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i,_e = {};function ie(e, t, s) {_e[e] = H(t) ? t : function (e, a) {return e && s ? s : t;};}function oe(e, a) {return h(_e, e) ? _e[e](a._strict, a._locale) : new RegExp(me(e.replace("\\", "").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (e, a, t, s, n) {return a || t || s || n;})));}function me(e) {return e.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");}var ue = {};function le(e, t) {var a,s = t;for ("string" == typeof e && (e = [e]), m(t) && (s = function s(e, a) {a[t] = g(e);}), a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {ue[e[a]] = s;}}function Me(e, n) {le(e, function (e, a, t, s) {t._w = t._w || {}, n(e, t._w, t, s);});}var he = 0,Le = 1,ce = 2,Ye = 3,ye = 4,fe = 5,ke = 6,pe = 7,De = 8;function Te(e) {return ge(e) ? 366 : 365;}function ge(e) {return e % 4 == 0 && e % 100 != 0 || e % 400 == 0;}C("Y", 0, 0, function () {var e = this.year();return e <= 9999 ? "" + e : "+" + e;}), C(0, ["YY", 2], 0, function () {return this.year() % 100;}), C(0, ["YYYY", 4], 0, "year"), C(0, ["YYYYY", 5], 0, "year"), C(0, ["YYYYYY", 6, !0], 0, "year"), O("year", "y"), E("year", 1), ie("Y", se), ie("YY", B, V), ie("YYYY", ee, Z), ie("YYYYY", ae, $), ie("YYYYYY", ae, $), le(["YYYYY", "YYYYYY"], he), le("YYYY", function (e, a) {a[he] = 2 === e.length ? l.parseTwoDigitYear(e) : g(e);}), le("YY", function (e, a) {a[he] = l.parseTwoDigitYear(e);}), le("Y", function (e, a) {a[he] = parseInt(e, 10);}), l.parseTwoDigitYear = function (e) {return g(e) + (68 < g(e) ? 1900 : 2e3);};var we,ve = Se("FullYear", !0);function Se(a, t) {return function (e) {return null != e ? (be(this, a, e), l.updateOffset(this, t), this) : He(this, a);};}function He(e, a) {return e.isValid() ? e._d["get" + (e._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + a]() : NaN;}function be(e, a, t) {e.isValid() && !isNaN(t) && ("FullYear" === a && ge(e.year()) && 1 === e.month() && 29 === ? e._d["set" + (e._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + a](t, e.month(), je(t, e.month())) : e._d["set" + (e._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + a](t));}function je(e, a) {if (isNaN(e) || isNaN(a)) return NaN;var t,s = (a % (t = 12) + t) % t;return e += (a - s) / 12, 1 === s ? ge(e) ? 29 : 28 : 31 - s % 7 % 2;}we = Array.prototype.indexOf ? Array.prototype.indexOf : function (e) {var a;for (a = 0; a < this.length; ++a) {if (this[a] === e) return a;}return -1;}, C("M", ["MM", 2], "Mo", function () {return this.month() + 1;}), C("MMM", 0, 0, function (e) {return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, e);}), C("MMMM", 0, 0, function (e) {return this.localeData().months(this, e);}), O("month", "M"), E("month", 8), ie("M", B), ie("MM", B, V), ie("MMM", function (e, a) {return a.monthsShortRegex(e);}), ie("MMMM", function (e, a) {return a.monthsRegex(e);}), le(["M", "MM"], function (e, a) {a[Le] = g(e) - 1;}), le(["MMM", "MMMM"], function (e, a, t, s) {var n = t._locale.monthsParse(e, s, t._strict);null != n ? a[Le] = n : Y(t).invalidMonth = e;});var xe = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/,Oe = "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_");var Pe = "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_");function We(e, a) {var t;if (!e.isValid()) return e;if ("string" == typeof a) if (/^\d+$/.test(a)) a = g(a);else if (!m(a = e.localeData().monthsParse(a))) return e;return t = Math.min(, je(e.year(), a)), e._d["set" + (e._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + "Month"](a, t), e;}function Ae(e) {return null != e ? (We(this, e), l.updateOffset(this, !0), this) : He(this, "Month");}var Ee = re;var Fe = re;function ze() {function e(e, a) {return a.length - e.length;}var a,t,s = [],n = [],d = [];for (a = 0; a < 12; a++) {t = c([2e3, a]), s.push(this.monthsShort(t, "")), n.push(this.months(t, "")), d.push(this.months(t, "")), d.push(this.monthsShort(t, ""));}for (s.sort(e), n.sort(e), d.sort(e), a = 0; a < 12; a++) {s[a] = me(s[a]), n[a] = me(n[a]);}for (a = 0; a < 24; a++) {d[a] = me(d[a]);}this._monthsRegex = new RegExp("^(" + d.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex, this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + n.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + s.join("|") + ")", "i");}function Je(e) {var a;if (e < 100 && 0 <= e) {var t =;t[0] = e + 400, a = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, t)), isFinite(a.getUTCFullYear()) && a.setUTCFullYear(e);} else a = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));return a;}function Ne(e, a, t) {var s = 7 + a - t;return -((7 + Je(e, 0, s).getUTCDay() - a) % 7) + s - 1;}function Re(e, a, t, s, n) {var d,r,_ = 1 + 7 * (a - 1) + (7 + t - s) % 7 + Ne(e, s, n);return r = _ <= 0 ? Te(d = e - 1) + _ : _ > Te(e) ? (d = e + 1, _ - Te(e)) : (d = e, _), { year: d, dayOfYear: r };}function Ce(e, a, t) {var s,n,d = Ne(e.year(), a, t),r = Math.floor((e.dayOfYear() - d - 1) / 7) + 1;return r < 1 ? s = r + Ie(n = e.year() - 1, a, t) : r > Ie(e.year(), a, t) ? (s = r - Ie(e.year(), a, t), n = e.year() + 1) : (n = e.year(), s = r), { week: s, year: n };}function Ie(e, a, t) {var s = Ne(e, a, t),n = Ne(e + 1, a, t);return (Te(e) - s + n) / 7;}C("w", ["ww", 2], "wo", "week"), C("W", ["WW", 2], "Wo", "isoWeek"), O("week", "w"), O("isoWeek", "W"), E("week", 5), E("isoWeek", 5), ie("w", B), ie("ww", B, V), ie("W", B), ie("WW", B, V), Me(["w", "ww", "W", "WW"], function (e, a, t, s) {a[s.substr(0, 1)] = g(e);});function Ue(e, a) {return e.slice(a, 7).concat(e.slice(0, a));}C("d", 0, "do", "day"), C("dd", 0, 0, function (e) {return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, e);}), C("ddd", 0, 0, function (e) {return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, e);}), C("dddd", 0, 0, function (e) {return this.localeData().weekdays(this, e);}), C("e", 0, 0, "weekday"), C("E", 0, 0, "isoWeekday"), O("day", "d"), O("weekday", "e"), O("isoWeekday", "E"), E("day", 11), E("weekday", 11), E("isoWeekday", 11), ie("d", B), ie("e", B), ie("E", B), ie("dd", function (e, a) {return a.weekdaysMinRegex(e);}), ie("ddd", function (e, a) {return a.weekdaysShortRegex(e);}), ie("dddd", function (e, a) {return a.weekdaysRegex(e);}), Me(["dd", "ddd", "dddd"], function (e, a, t, s) {var n = t._locale.weekdaysParse(e, s, t._strict);null != n ? a.d = n : Y(t).invalidWeekday = e;}), Me(["d", "e", "E"], function (e, a, t, s) {a[s] = g(e);});var Ge = "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_");var Ve = "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_");var Ke = "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_");var Ze = re;var $e = re;var Be = re;function qe() {function e(e, a) {return a.length - e.length;}var a,t,s,n,d,r = [],_ = [],i = [],o = [];for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {t = c([2e3, 1]).day(a), s = this.weekdaysMin(t, ""), n = this.weekdaysShort(t, ""), d = this.weekdays(t, ""), r.push(s), _.push(n), i.push(d), o.push(s), o.push(n), o.push(d);}for (r.sort(e), _.sort(e), i.sort(e), o.sort(e), a = 0; a < 7; a++) {_[a] = me(_[a]), i[a] = me(i[a]), o[a] = me(o[a]);}this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp("^(" + o.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + i.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + _.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + r.join("|") + ")", "i");}function Qe() {return this.hours() % 12 || 12;}function Xe(e, a) {C(e, 0, 0, function () {return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), a);});}function ea(e, a) {return a._meridiemParse;}C("H", ["HH", 2], 0, "hour"), C("h", ["hh", 2], 0, Qe), C("k", ["kk", 2], 0, function () {return this.hours() || 24;}), C("hmm", 0, 0, function () {return "" + Qe.apply(this) + F(this.minutes(), 2);}), C("hmmss", 0, 0, function () {return "" + Qe.apply(this) + F(this.minutes(), 2) + F(this.seconds(), 2);}), C("Hmm", 0, 0, function () {return "" + this.hours() + F(this.minutes(), 2);}), C("Hmmss", 0, 0, function () {return "" + this.hours() + F(this.minutes(), 2) + F(this.seconds(), 2);}), Xe("a", !0), Xe("A", !1), O("hour", "h"), E("hour", 13), ie("a", ea), ie("A", ea), ie("H", B), ie("h", B), ie("k", B), ie("HH", B, V), ie("hh", B, V), ie("kk", B, V), ie("hmm", q), ie("hmmss", Q), ie("Hmm", q), ie("Hmmss", Q), le(["H", "HH"], Ye), le(["k", "kk"], function (e, a, t) {var s = g(e);a[Ye] = 24 === s ? 0 : s;}), le(["a", "A"], function (e, a, t) {t._isPm = t._locale.isPM(e), t._meridiem = e;}), le(["h", "hh"], function (e, a, t) {a[Ye] = g(e), Y(t).bigHour = !0;}), le("hmm", function (e, a, t) {var s = e.length - 2;a[Ye] = g(e.substr(0, s)), a[ye] = g(e.substr(s)), Y(t).bigHour = !0;}), le("hmmss", function (e, a, t) {var s = e.length - 4,n = e.length - 2;a[Ye] = g(e.substr(0, s)), a[ye] = g(e.substr(s, 2)), a[fe] = g(e.substr(n)), Y(t).bigHour = !0;}), le("Hmm", function (e, a, t) {var s = e.length - 2;a[Ye] = g(e.substr(0, s)), a[ye] = g(e.substr(s));}), le("Hmmss", function (e, a, t) {var s = e.length - 4,n = e.length - 2;a[Ye] = g(e.substr(0, s)), a[ye] = g(e.substr(s, 2)), a[fe] = g(e.substr(n));});var aa,ta = Se("Hours", !0),sa = { calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, longDateFormat: { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }, invalidDate: "Invalid date", ordinal: "%d", dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, months: Oe, monthsShort: Pe, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 }, weekdays: Ge, weekdaysMin: Ke, weekdaysShort: Ve, meridiemParse: /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i },na = {},da = {};function ra(e) {return e ? e.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-") : e;}function _a(e) {var a = null;if (!na[e] && "undefined" != typeof module && module && module.exports) try {a = aa._abbr, !(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module 'undefined'"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }()), ia(a);} catch (e) {}return na[e];}function ia(e, a) {var t;return e && ((t = o(a) ? ma(e) : oa(e, a)) ? aa = t : "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn && console.warn("Locale " + e + " not found. Did you forget to load it?")), aa._abbr;}function oa(e, a) {if (null === a) return delete na[e], null;var t,s = sa;if (a.abbr = e, null != na[e]) S("defineLocaleOverride", "use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See for more info."), s = na[e]._config;else if (null != a.parentLocale) if (null != na[a.parentLocale]) s = na[a.parentLocale]._config;else {if (null == (t = _a(a.parentLocale))) return da[a.parentLocale] || (da[a.parentLocale] = []), da[a.parentLocale].push({ name: e, config: a }), null;s = t._config;}return na[e] = new j(b(s, a)), da[e] && da[e].forEach(function (e) {oa(, e.config);}), ia(e), na[e];}function ma(e) {var a;if (e && e._locale && e._locale._abbr && (e = e._locale._abbr), !e) return aa;if (!_(e)) {if (a = _a(e)) return a;e = [e];}return function (e) {for (var a, t, s, n, d = 0; d < e.length;) {for (a = (n = ra(e[d]).split("-")).length, t = (t = ra(e[d + 1])) ? t.split("-") : null; 0 < a;) {if (s = _a(n.slice(0, a).join("-"))) return s;if (t && t.length >= a && r(n, t, !0) >= a - 1) break;a--;}d++;}return aa;}(e);}function ua(e) {var a,t = e._a;return t && -2 === Y(e).overflow && (a = t[Le] < 0 || 11 < t[Le] ? Le : t[ce] < 1 || t[ce] > je(t[he], t[Le]) ? ce : t[Ye] < 0 || 24 < t[Ye] || 24 === t[Ye] && (0 !== t[ye] || 0 !== t[fe] || 0 !== t[ke]) ? Ye : t[ye] < 0 || 59 < t[ye] ? ye : t[fe] < 0 || 59 < t[fe] ? fe : t[ke] < 0 || 999 < t[ke] ? ke : -1, Y(e)._overflowDayOfYear && (a < he || ce < a) && (a = ce), Y(e)._overflowWeeks && -1 === a && (a = pe), Y(e)._overflowWeekday && -1 === a && (a = De), Y(e).overflow = a), e;}function la(e, a, t) {return null != e ? e : null != a ? a : t;}function Ma(e) {var a,t,s,n,d,r = [];if (!e._d) {var _, i;for (_ = e, i = new Date(, s = _._useUTC ? [i.getUTCFullYear(), i.getUTCMonth(), i.getUTCDate()] : [i.getFullYear(), i.getMonth(), i.getDate()], e._w && null == e._a[ce] && null == e._a[Le] && function (e) {var a, t, s, n, d, r, _, i;if (null != (a = e._w).GG || null != a.W || null != a.E) d = 1, r = 4, t = la(a.GG, e._a[he], Ce(Ha(), 1, 4).year), s = la(a.W, 1), ((n = la(a.E, 1)) < 1 || 7 < n) && (i = !0);else {d = e._locale._week.dow, r = e._locale._week.doy;var o = Ce(Ha(), d, r);t = la(, e._a[he], o.year), s = la(a.w, o.week), null != a.d ? ((n = a.d) < 0 || 6 < n) && (i = !0) : null != a.e ? (n = a.e + d, (a.e < 0 || 6 < a.e) && (i = !0)) : n = d;}s < 1 || s > Ie(t, d, r) ? Y(e)._overflowWeeks = !0 : null != i ? Y(e)._overflowWeekday = !0 : (_ = Re(t, s, n, d, r), e._a[he] = _.year, e._dayOfYear = _.dayOfYear);}(e), null != e._dayOfYear && (d = la(e._a[he], s[he]), (e._dayOfYear > Te(d) || 0 === e._dayOfYear) && (Y(e)._overflowDayOfYear = !0), t = Je(d, 0, e._dayOfYear), e._a[Le] = t.getUTCMonth(), e._a[ce] = t.getUTCDate()), a = 0; a < 3 && null == e._a[a]; ++a) {e._a[a] = r[a] = s[a];}for (; a < 7; a++) {e._a[a] = r[a] = null == e._a[a] ? 2 === a ? 1 : 0 : e._a[a];}24 === e._a[Ye] && 0 === e._a[ye] && 0 === e._a[fe] && 0 === e._a[ke] && (e._nextDay = !0, e._a[Ye] = 0), e._d = (e._useUTC ? Je : function (e, a, t, s, n, d, r) {var _;return e < 100 && 0 <= e ? (_ = new Date(e + 400, a, t, s, n, d, r), isFinite(_.getFullYear()) && _.setFullYear(e)) : _ = new Date(e, a, t, s, n, d, r), _;}).apply(null, r), n = e._useUTC ? e._d.getUTCDay() : e._d.getDay(), null != e._tzm && e._d.setUTCMinutes(e._d.getUTCMinutes() - e._tzm), e._nextDay && (e._a[Ye] = 24), e._w && void 0 !== e._w.d && e._w.d !== n && (Y(e).weekdayMismatch = !0);}}var ha = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,La = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,ca = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/,Ya = [["YYYYYY-MM-DD", /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["YYYY-MM-DD", /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW-E", /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW", /\d{4}-W\d\d/, !1], ["YYYY-DDD", /\d{4}-\d{3}/], ["YYYY-MM", /\d{4}-\d\d/, !1], ["YYYYYYMMDD", /[+-]\d{10}/], ["YYYYMMDD", /\d{8}/], ["GGGG[W]WWE", /\d{4}W\d{3}/], ["GGGG[W]WW", /\d{4}W\d{2}/, !1], ["YYYYDDD", /\d{7}/]],ya = [["HH:mm:ss.SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss,SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ["HH:mm", /\d\d:\d\d/], ["HHmmss.SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/], ["HHmmss,SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/], ["HHmmss", /\d\d\d\d\d\d/], ["HHmm", /\d\d\d\d/], ["HH", /\d\d/]],fa = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;function ka(e) {var a,t,s,n,d,r,_ = e._i,i = ha.exec(_) || La.exec(_);if (i) {for (Y(e).iso = !0, a = 0, t = Ya.length; a < t; a++) {if (Ya[a][1].exec(i[1])) {n = Ya[a][0], s = !1 !== Ya[a][2];break;}}if (null == n) return void (e._isValid = !1);if (i[3]) {for (a = 0, t = ya.length; a < t; a++) {if (ya[a][1].exec(i[3])) {d = (i[2] || " ") + ya[a][0];break;}}if (null == d) return void (e._isValid = !1);}if (!s && null != d) return void (e._isValid = !1);if (i[4]) {if (!ca.exec(i[4])) return void (e._isValid = !1);r = "Z";}e._f = n + (d || "") + (r || ""), wa(e);} else e._isValid = !1;}var pa = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/;function Da(e, a, t, s, n, d) {var r = [function (e) {var a = parseInt(e, 10);{if (a <= 49) return 2e3 + a;if (a <= 999) return 1900 + a;}return a;}(e), Pe.indexOf(a), parseInt(t, 10), parseInt(s, 10), parseInt(n, 10)];return d && r.push(parseInt(d, 10)), r;}var Ta = { UT: 0, GMT: 0, EDT: -240, EST: -300, CDT: -300, CST: -360, MDT: -360, MST: -420, PDT: -420, PST: -480 };function ga(e) {var a,t,s,n = pa.exec(e._i.replace(/\([^)]*\)|[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ").replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, ""));if (n) {var d = Da(n[4], n[3], n[2], n[5], n[6], n[7]);if (a = n[1], t = d, s = e, a && Ve.indexOf(a) !== new Date(t[0], t[1], t[2]).getDay() && (Y(s).weekdayMismatch = !0, !(s._isValid = !1))) return;e._a = d, e._tzm = function (e, a, t) {if (e) return Ta[e];if (a) return 0;var s = parseInt(t, 10),n = s % 100;return (s - n) / 100 * 60 + n;}(n[8], n[9], n[10]), e._d = Je.apply(null, e._a), e._d.setUTCMinutes(e._d.getUTCMinutes() - e._tzm), Y(e).rfc2822 = !0;} else e._isValid = !1;}function wa(e) {if (e._f !== l.ISO_8601) {if (e._f !== l.RFC_2822) {e._a = [], Y(e).empty = !0;var a,t,s,n,d,r,_,i,o = "" + e._i,m = o.length,u = 0;for (s = U(e._f, e._locale).match(z) || [], a = 0; a < s.length; a++) {n = s[a], (t = (o.match(oe(n, e)) || [])[0]) && (0 < (d = o.substr(0, o.indexOf(t))).length && Y(e).unusedInput.push(d), o = o.slice(o.indexOf(t) + t.length), u += t.length), R[n] ? (t ? Y(e).empty = !1 : Y(e).unusedTokens.push(n), r = n, i = e, null != (_ = t) && h(ue, r) && ue[r](_, i._a, i, r)) : e._strict && !t && Y(e).unusedTokens.push(n);}Y(e).charsLeftOver = m - u, 0 < o.length && Y(e).unusedInput.push(o), e._a[Ye] <= 12 && !0 === Y(e).bigHour && 0 < e._a[Ye] && (Y(e).bigHour = void 0), Y(e).parsedDateParts = e._a.slice(0), Y(e).meridiem = e._meridiem, e._a[Ye] = function (e, a, t) {var s;if (null == t) return a;return null != e.meridiemHour ? e.meridiemHour(a, t) : (null != e.isPM && ((s = e.isPM(t)) && a < 12 && (a += 12), s || 12 !== a || (a = 0)), a);}(e._locale, e._a[Ye], e._meridiem), Ma(e), ua(e);} else ga(e);} else ka(e);}function va(e) {var a,t,s,n,d = e._i,r = e._f;return e._locale = e._locale || ma(e._l), null === d || void 0 === r && "" === d ? f({ nullInput: !0 }) : ("string" == typeof d && (e._i = d = e._locale.preparse(d)), D(d) ? new p(ua(d)) : (u(d) ? e._d = d : _(r) ? function (e) {var a, t, s, n, d;if (0 === e._f.length) return Y(e).invalidFormat = !0, e._d = new Date(NaN);for (n = 0; n < e._f.length; n++) {d = 0, a = k({}, e), null != e._useUTC && (a._useUTC = e._useUTC), a._f = e._f[n], wa(a), y(a) && (d += Y(a).charsLeftOver, d += 10 * Y(a).unusedTokens.length, Y(a).score = d, (null == s || d < s) && (s = d, t = a));}L(e, t || a);}(e) : r ? wa(e) : o(t = (a = e)._i) ? a._d = new Date( : u(t) ? a._d = new Date(t.valueOf()) : "string" == typeof t ? (s = a, null === (n = fa.exec(s._i)) ? (ka(s), !1 === s._isValid && (delete s._isValid, ga(s), !1 === s._isValid && (delete s._isValid, l.createFromInputFallback(s)))) : s._d = new Date(+n[1])) : _(t) ? (a._a = M(t.slice(0), function (e) {return parseInt(e, 10);}), Ma(a)) : i(t) ? function (e) {if (!e._d) {var a = W(e._i);e._a = M([a.year, a.month, ||, a.hour, a.minute, a.second, a.millisecond], function (e) {return e && parseInt(e, 10);}), Ma(e);}}(a) : m(t) ? a._d = new Date(t) : l.createFromInputFallback(a), y(e) || (e._d = null), e));}function Sa(e, a, t, s, n) {var d,r = {};return !0 !== t && !1 !== t || (s = t, t = void 0), (i(e) && function (e) {if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) return 0 === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length;var a;for (a in e) {if (e.hasOwnProperty(a)) return !1;}return !0;}(e) || _(e) && 0 === e.length) && (e = void 0), r._isAMomentObject = !0, r._useUTC = r._isUTC = n, r._l = t, r._i = e, r._f = a, r._strict = s, (d = new p(ua(va(r))))._nextDay && (d.add(1, "d"), d._nextDay = void 0), d;}function Ha(e, a, t, s) {return Sa(e, a, t, s, !1);}l.createFromInputFallback = t("value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.", function (e) {e._d = new Date(e._i + (e._useUTC ? " UTC" : ""));}), l.ISO_8601 = function () {}, l.RFC_2822 = function () {};var ba = t("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.", function () {var e = Ha.apply(null, arguments);return this.isValid() && e.isValid() ? e < this ? this : e : f();}),ja = t("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.", function () {var e = Ha.apply(null, arguments);return this.isValid() && e.isValid() ? this < e ? this : e : f();});function xa(e, a) {var t, s;if (1 === a.length && _(a[0]) && (a = a[0]), !a.length) return Ha();for (t = a[0], s = 1; s < a.length; ++s) {a[s].isValid() && !a[s][e](t) || (t = a[s]);}return t;}var Oa = ["year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond"];function Pa(e) {var a = W(e),t = a.year || 0,s = a.quarter || 0,n = a.month || 0,d = a.week || a.isoWeek || 0,r = || 0,_ = a.hour || 0,i = a.minute || 0,o = a.second || 0,m = a.millisecond || 0;this._isValid = function (e) {for (var a in e) {if (-1 ===, a) || null != e[a] && isNaN(e[a])) return !1;}for (var t = !1, s = 0; s < Oa.length; ++s) {if (e[Oa[s]]) {if (t) return !1;parseFloat(e[Oa[s]]) !== g(e[Oa[s]]) && (t = !0);}}return !0;}(a), this._milliseconds = +m + 1e3 * o + 6e4 * i + 1e3 * _ * 60 * 60, this._days = +r + 7 * d, this._months = +n + 3 * s + 12 * t, this._data = {}, this._locale = ma(), this._bubble();}function Wa(e) {return e instanceof Pa;}function Aa(e) {return e < 0 ? -1 * Math.round(-1 * e) : Math.round(e);}function Ea(e, t) {C(e, 0, 0, function () {var e = this.utcOffset(),a = "+";return e < 0 && (e = -e, a = "-"), a + F(~~(e / 60), 2) + t + F(~~e % 60, 2);});}Ea("Z", ":"), Ea("ZZ", ""), ie("Z", de), ie("ZZ", de), le(["Z", "ZZ"], function (e, a, t) {t._useUTC = !0, t._tzm = za(de, e);});var Fa = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;function za(e, a) {var t = (a || "").match(e);if (null === t) return null;var s = ((t[t.length - 1] || []) + "").match(Fa) || ["-", 0, 0],n = 60 * s[1] + g(s[2]);return 0 === n ? 0 : "+" === s[0] ? n : -n;}function Ja(e, a) {var t, s;return a._isUTC ? (t = a.clone(), s = (D(e) || u(e) ? e.valueOf() : Ha(e).valueOf()) - t.valueOf(), t._d.setTime(t._d.valueOf() + s), l.updateOffset(t, !1), t) : Ha(e).local();}function Na(e) {return 15 * -Math.round(e._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);}function Ra() {return !!this.isValid() && this._isUTC && 0 === this._offset;}l.updateOffset = function () {};var Ca = /^(\-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/,Ia = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;function Ua(e, a) {var t,s,n,d = e,r = null;return Wa(e) ? d = { ms: e._milliseconds, d: e._days, M: e._months } : m(e) ? (d = {}, a ? d[a] = e : d.milliseconds = e) : (r = Ca.exec(e)) ? (t = "-" === r[1] ? -1 : 1, d = { y: 0, d: g(r[ce]) * t, h: g(r[Ye]) * t, m: g(r[ye]) * t, s: g(r[fe]) * t, ms: g(Aa(1e3 * r[ke])) * t }) : (r = Ia.exec(e)) ? (t = "-" === r[1] ? -1 : 1, d = { y: Ga(r[2], t), M: Ga(r[3], t), w: Ga(r[4], t), d: Ga(r[5], t), h: Ga(r[6], t), m: Ga(r[7], t), s: Ga(r[8], t) }) : null == d ? d = {} : "object" == typeof d && ("from" in d || "to" in d) && (n = function (e, a) {var t;if (!e.isValid() || !a.isValid()) return { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 };a = Ja(a, e), e.isBefore(a) ? t = Va(e, a) : ((t = Va(a, e)).milliseconds = -t.milliseconds, t.months = -t.months);return t;}(Ha(d.from), Ha(, (d = {}).ms = n.milliseconds, d.M = n.months), s = new Pa(d), Wa(e) && h(e, "_locale") && (s._locale = e._locale), s;}function Ga(e, a) {var t = e && parseFloat(e.replace(",", "."));return (isNaN(t) ? 0 : t) * a;}function Va(e, a) {var t = {};return t.months = a.month() - e.month() + 12 * (a.year() - e.year()), e.clone().add(t.months, "M").isAfter(a) && --t.months, t.milliseconds = +a - +e.clone().add(t.months, "M"), t;}function Ka(s, n) {return function (e, a) {var t;return null === a || isNaN(+a) || (S(n, "moment()." + n + "(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()." + n + "(number, period). See for more info."), t = e, e = a, a = t), Za(this, Ua(e = "string" == typeof e ? +e : e, a), s), this;};}function Za(e, a, t, s) {var n = a._milliseconds,d = Aa(a._days),r = Aa(a._months);e.isValid() && (s = null == s || s, r && We(e, He(e, "Month") + r * t), d && be(e, "Date", He(e, "Date") + d * t), n && e._d.setTime(e._d.valueOf() + n * t), s && l.updateOffset(e, d || r));}Ua.fn = Pa.prototype, Ua.invalid = function () {return Ua(NaN);};var $a = Ka(1, "add"),Ba = Ka(-1, "subtract");function qa(e, a) {var t = 12 * (a.year() - e.year()) + (a.month() - e.month()),s = e.clone().add(t, "months");return -(t + (a - s < 0 ? (a - s) / (s - e.clone().add(t - 1, "months")) : (a - s) / (e.clone().add(t + 1, "months") - s))) || 0;}function Qa(e) {var a;return void 0 === e ? this._locale._abbr : (null != (a = ma(e)) && (this._locale = a), this);}l.defaultFormat = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", l.defaultFormatUtc = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";var Xa = t("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.", function (e) {return void 0 === e ? this.localeData() : this.locale(e);});function et() {return this._locale;}var at = 126227808e5;function tt(e, a) {return (e % a + a) % a;}function st(e, a, t) {return e < 100 && 0 <= e ? new Date(e + 400, a, t) - at : new Date(e, a, t).valueOf();}function nt(e, a, t) {return e < 100 && 0 <= e ? Date.UTC(e + 400, a, t) - at : Date.UTC(e, a, t);}function dt(e, a) {C(0, [e, e.length], 0, a);}function rt(e, a, t, s, n) {var d;return null == e ? Ce(this, s, n).year : ((d = Ie(e, s, n)) < a && (a = d), function (e, a, t, s, n) {var d = Re(e, a, t, s, n),r = Je(d.year, 0, d.dayOfYear);return this.year(r.getUTCFullYear()), this.month(r.getUTCMonth()),, this;}.call(this, e, a, t, s, n));}C(0, ["gg", 2], 0, function () {return this.weekYear() % 100;}), C(0, ["GG", 2], 0, function () {return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;}), dt("gggg", "weekYear"), dt("ggggg", "weekYear"), dt("GGGG", "isoWeekYear"), dt("GGGGG", "isoWeekYear"), O("weekYear", "gg"), O("isoWeekYear", "GG"), E("weekYear", 1), E("isoWeekYear", 1), ie("G", se), ie("g", se), ie("GG", B, V), ie("gg", B, V), ie("GGGG", ee, Z), ie("gggg", ee, Z), ie("GGGGG", ae, $), ie("ggggg", ae, $), Me(["gggg", "ggggg", "GGGG", "GGGGG"], function (e, a, t, s) {a[s.substr(0, 2)] = g(e);}), Me(["gg", "GG"], function (e, a, t, s) {a[s] = l.parseTwoDigitYear(e);}), C("Q", 0, "Qo", "quarter"), O("quarter", "Q"), E("quarter", 7), ie("Q", G), le("Q", function (e, a) {a[Le] = 3 * (g(e) - 1);}), C("D", ["DD", 2], "Do", "date"), O("date", "D"), E("date", 9), ie("D", B), ie("DD", B, V), ie("Do", function (e, a) {return e ? a._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || a._ordinalParse : a._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient;}), le(["D", "DD"], ce), le("Do", function (e, a) {a[ce] = g(e.match(B)[0]);});var _t = Se("Date", !0);C("DDD", ["DDDD", 3], "DDDo", "dayOfYear"), O("dayOfYear", "DDD"), E("dayOfYear", 4), ie("DDD", X), ie("DDDD", K), le(["DDD", "DDDD"], function (e, a, t) {t._dayOfYear = g(e);}), C("m", ["mm", 2], 0, "minute"), O("minute", "m"), E("minute", 14), ie("m", B), ie("mm", B, V), le(["m", "mm"], ye);var it = Se("Minutes", !1);C("s", ["ss", 2], 0, "second"), O("second", "s"), E("second", 15), ie("s", B), ie("ss", B, V), le(["s", "ss"], fe);var ot,mt = Se("Seconds", !1);for (C("S", 0, 0, function () {return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);}), C(0, ["SS", 2], 0, function () {return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);}), C(0, ["SSS", 3], 0, "millisecond"), C(0, ["SSSS", 4], 0, function () {return 10 * this.millisecond();}), C(0, ["SSSSS", 5], 0, function () {return 100 * this.millisecond();}), C(0, ["SSSSSS", 6], 0, function () {return 1e3 * this.millisecond();}), C(0, ["SSSSSSS", 7], 0, function () {return 1e4 * this.millisecond();}), C(0, ["SSSSSSSS", 8], 0, function () {return 1e5 * this.millisecond();}), C(0, ["SSSSSSSSS", 9], 0, function () {return 1e6 * this.millisecond();}), O("millisecond", "ms"), E("millisecond", 16), ie("S", X, G), ie("SS", X, V), ie("SSS", X, K), ot = "SSSS"; ot.length <= 9; ot += "S") {ie(ot, te);}function ut(e, a) {a[ke] = g(1e3 * ("0." + e));}for (ot = "S"; ot.length <= 9; ot += "S") {le(ot, ut);}var lt = Se("Milliseconds", !1);C("z", 0, 0, "zoneAbbr"), C("zz", 0, 0, "zoneName");var Mt = p.prototype;function ht(e) {return e;}Mt.add = $a, Mt.calendar = function (e, a) {var t = e || Ha(),s = Ja(t, this).startOf("day"),n = l.calendarFormat(this, s) || "sameElse",d = a && (H(a[n]) ? a[n].call(this, t) : a[n]);return this.format(d || this.localeData().calendar(n, this, Ha(t)));}, Mt.clone = function () {return new p(this);}, Mt.diff = function (e, a, t) {var s, n, d;if (!this.isValid()) return NaN;if (!(s = Ja(e, this)).isValid()) return NaN;switch (n = 6e4 * (s.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()), a = P(a)) {case "year":d = qa(this, s) / 12;break;case "month":d = qa(this, s);break;case "quarter":d = qa(this, s) / 3;break;case "second":d = (this - s) / 1e3;break;case "minute":d = (this - s) / 6e4;break;case "hour":d = (this - s) / 36e5;break;case "day":d = (this - s - n) / 864e5;break;case "week":d = (this - s - n) / 6048e5;break;default:d = this - s;}return t ? d : T(d);}, Mt.endOf = function (e) {var a;if (void 0 === (e = P(e)) || "millisecond" === e || !this.isValid()) return this;var t = this._isUTC ? nt : st;switch (e) {case "year":a = t(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1;break;case "quarter":a = t(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3 + 3, 1) - 1;break;case "month":a = t(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1;break;case "week":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() + 7) - 1;break;case "isoWeek":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7) - 1;break;case "day":case "date":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1;break;case "hour":a = this._d.valueOf(), a += 36e5 - tt(a + (this._isUTC ? 0 : 6e4 * this.utcOffset()), 36e5) - 1;break;case "minute":a = this._d.valueOf(), a += 6e4 - tt(a, 6e4) - 1;break;case "second":a = this._d.valueOf(), a += 1e3 - tt(a, 1e3) - 1;break;}return this._d.setTime(a), l.updateOffset(this, !0), this;}, Mt.format = function (e) {e || (e = this.isUtc() ? l.defaultFormatUtc : l.defaultFormat);var a = I(this, e);return this.localeData().postformat(a);}, Mt.from = function (e, a) {return this.isValid() && (D(e) && e.isValid() || Ha(e).isValid()) ? Ua({ to: this, from: e }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!a) : this.localeData().invalidDate();}, Mt.fromNow = function (e) {return this.from(Ha(), e);}, = function (e, a) {return this.isValid() && (D(e) && e.isValid() || Ha(e).isValid()) ? Ua({ from: this, to: e }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!a) : this.localeData().invalidDate();}, Mt.toNow = function (e) {return, e);}, Mt.get = function (e) {return H(this[e = P(e)]) ? this[e]() : this;}, Mt.invalidAt = function () {return Y(this).overflow;}, Mt.isAfter = function (e, a) {var t = D(e) ? e : Ha(e);return !(!this.isValid() || !t.isValid()) && ("millisecond" === (a = P(a) || "millisecond") ? this.valueOf() > t.valueOf() : t.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(a).valueOf());}, Mt.isBefore = function (e, a) {var t = D(e) ? e : Ha(e);return !(!this.isValid() || !t.isValid()) && ("millisecond" === (a = P(a) || "millisecond") ? this.valueOf() < t.valueOf() : this.clone().endOf(a).valueOf() < t.valueOf());}, Mt.isBetween = function (e, a, t, s) {var n = D(e) ? e : Ha(e),d = D(a) ? a : Ha(a);return !!(this.isValid() && n.isValid() && d.isValid()) && ("(" === (s = s || "()")[0] ? this.isAfter(n, t) : !this.isBefore(n, t)) && (")" === s[1] ? this.isBefore(d, t) : !this.isAfter(d, t));}, Mt.isSame = function (e, a) {var t,s = D(e) ? e : Ha(e);return !(!this.isValid() || !s.isValid()) && ("millisecond" === (a = P(a) || "millisecond") ? this.valueOf() === s.valueOf() : (t = s.valueOf(), this.clone().startOf(a).valueOf() <= t && t <= this.clone().endOf(a).valueOf()));}, Mt.isSameOrAfter = function (e, a) {return this.isSame(e, a) || this.isAfter(e, a);}, Mt.isSameOrBefore = function (e, a) {return this.isSame(e, a) || this.isBefore(e, a);}, Mt.isValid = function () {return y(this);}, Mt.lang = Xa, Mt.locale = Qa, Mt.localeData = et, Mt.max = ja, Mt.min = ba, Mt.parsingFlags = function () {return L({}, Y(this));}, Mt.set = function (e, a) {if ("object" == typeof e) for (var t = function (e) {var a = [];for (var t in e) {a.push({ unit: t, priority: A[t] });}return a.sort(function (e, a) {return e.priority - a.priority;}), a;}(e = W(e)), s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {this[t[s].unit](e[t[s].unit]);} else if (H(this[e = P(e)])) return this[e](a);return this;}, Mt.startOf = function (e) {var a;if (void 0 === (e = P(e)) || "millisecond" === e || !this.isValid()) return this;var t = this._isUTC ? nt : st;switch (e) {case "year":a = t(this.year(), 0, 1);break;case "quarter":a = t(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3, 1);break;case "month":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), 1);break;case "week":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday());break;case "isoWeek":a = t(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1));break;case "day":case "date":a = t(this.year(), this.month(),;break;case "hour":a = this._d.valueOf(), a -= tt(a + (this._isUTC ? 0 : 6e4 * this.utcOffset()), 36e5);break;case "minute":a = this._d.valueOf(), a -= tt(a, 6e4);break;case "second":a = this._d.valueOf(), a -= tt(a, 1e3);break;}return this._d.setTime(a), l.updateOffset(this, !0), this;}, Mt.subtract = Ba, Mt.toArray = function () {var e = this;return [e.year(), e.month(),, e.hour(), e.minute(), e.second(), e.millisecond()];}, Mt.toObject = function () {var e = this;return { years: e.year(), months: e.month(), date:, hours: e.hours(), minutes: e.minutes(), seconds: e.seconds(), milliseconds: e.milliseconds() };}, Mt.toDate = function () {return new Date(this.valueOf());}, Mt.toISOString = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return null;var a = !0 !== e,t = a ? this.clone().utc() : this;return t.year() < 0 || 9999 < t.year() ? I(t, a ? "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") : H(Date.prototype.toISOString) ? a ? this.toDate().toISOString() : new Date(this.valueOf() + 60 * this.utcOffset() * 1e3).toISOString().replace("Z", I(t, "Z")) : I(t, a ? "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");}, Mt.inspect = function () {if (!this.isValid()) return "moment.invalid(/* " + this._i + " */)";var e = "moment",a = "";this.isLocal() || (e = 0 === this.utcOffset() ? "moment.utc" : "moment.parseZone", a = "Z");var t = "[" + e + '("]',s = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? "YYYY" : "YYYYYY",n = a + '[")]';return this.format(t + s + "-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS" + n);}, Mt.toJSON = function () {return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;}, Mt.toString = function () {return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ");}, Mt.unix = function () {return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);}, Mt.valueOf = function () {return this._d.valueOf() - 6e4 * (this._offset || 0);}, Mt.creationData = function () {return { input: this._i, format: this._f, locale: this._locale, isUTC: this._isUTC, strict: this._strict };}, Mt.year = ve, Mt.isLeapYear = function () {return ge(this.year());}, Mt.weekYear = function (e) {return, e, this.week(), this.weekday(), this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy);}, Mt.isoWeekYear = function (e) {return, e, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4);}, Mt.quarter = Mt.quarters = function (e) {return null == e ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month(3 * (e - 1) + this.month() % 3);}, Mt.month = Ae, Mt.daysInMonth = function () {return je(this.year(), this.month());}, Mt.week = Mt.weeks = function (e) {var a = this.localeData().week(this);return null == e ? a : this.add(7 * (e - a), "d");}, Mt.isoWeek = Mt.isoWeeks = function (e) {var a = Ce(this, 1, 4).week;return null == e ? a : this.add(7 * (e - a), "d");}, Mt.weeksInYear = function () {var e = this.localeData()._week;return Ie(this.year(), e.dow, e.doy);}, Mt.isoWeeksInYear = function () {return Ie(this.year(), 1, 4);}, = _t, = Mt.days = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return null != e ? this : NaN;var a,t,s = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();return null != e ? (a = e, t = this.localeData(), e = "string" != typeof a ? a : isNaN(a) ? "number" == typeof (a = t.weekdaysParse(a)) ? a : null : parseInt(a, 10), this.add(e - s, "d")) : s;}, Mt.weekday = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return null != e ? this : NaN;var a = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;return null == e ? a : this.add(e - a, "d");}, Mt.isoWeekday = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return null != e ? this : NaN;if (null == e) return || 7;var a,t,s = (a = e, t = this.localeData(), "string" == typeof a ? t.weekdaysParse(a) % 7 || 7 : isNaN(a) ? null : a);return % 7 ? s : s - 7);}, Mt.dayOfYear = function (e) {var a = Math.round((this.clone().startOf("day") - this.clone().startOf("year")) / 864e5) + 1;return null == e ? a : this.add(e - a, "d");}, Mt.hour = Mt.hours = ta, Mt.minute = Mt.minutes = it, Mt.second = Mt.seconds = mt, Mt.millisecond = Mt.milliseconds = lt, Mt.utcOffset = function (e, a, t) {var s,n = this._offset || 0;if (!this.isValid()) return null != e ? this : NaN;if (null == e) return this._isUTC ? n : Na(this);if ("string" == typeof e) {if (null === (e = za(de, e))) return this;} else Math.abs(e) < 16 && !t && (e *= 60);return !this._isUTC && a && (s = Na(this)), this._offset = e, this._isUTC = !0, null != s && this.add(s, "m"), n !== e && (!a || this._changeInProgress ? Za(this, Ua(e - n, "m"), 1, !1) : this._changeInProgress || (this._changeInProgress = !0, l.updateOffset(this, !0), this._changeInProgress = null)), this;}, Mt.utc = function (e) {return this.utcOffset(0, e);}, Mt.local = function (e) {return this._isUTC && (this.utcOffset(0, e), this._isUTC = !1, e && this.subtract(Na(this), "m")), this;}, Mt.parseZone = function () {if (null != this._tzm) this.utcOffset(this._tzm, !1, !0);else if ("string" == typeof this._i) {var e = za(ne, this._i);null != e ? this.utcOffset(e) : this.utcOffset(0, !0);}return this;}, Mt.hasAlignedHourOffset = function (e) {return !!this.isValid() && (e = e ? Ha(e).utcOffset() : 0, (this.utcOffset() - e) % 60 == 0);}, Mt.isDST = function () {return this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset();}, Mt.isLocal = function () {return !!this.isValid() && !this._isUTC;}, Mt.isUtcOffset = function () {return !!this.isValid() && this._isUTC;}, Mt.isUtc = Ra, Mt.isUTC = Ra, Mt.zoneAbbr = function () {return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : "";}, Mt.zoneName = function () {return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : "";}, Mt.dates = t("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.", _t), Mt.months = t("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead", Ae), Mt.years = t("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead", ve), = t("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.", function (e, a) {return null != e ? ("string" != typeof e && (e = -e), this.utcOffset(e, a), this) : -this.utcOffset();}), Mt.isDSTShifted = t("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information", function () {if (!o(this._isDSTShifted)) return this._isDSTShifted;var e = {};if (k(e, this), (e = va(e))._a) {var a = e._isUTC ? c(e._a) : Ha(e._a);this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && 0 < r(e._a, a.toArray());} else this._isDSTShifted = !1;return this._isDSTShifted;});var Lt = j.prototype;function ct(e, a, t, s) {var n = ma(),d = c().set(s, a);return n[t](d, e);}function Yt(e, a, t) {if (m(e) && (a = e, e = void 0), e = e || "", null != a) return ct(e, a, t, "month");var s,n = [];for (s = 0; s < 12; s++) {n[s] = ct(e, s, t, "month");}return n;}function yt(e, a, t, s) {a = ("boolean" == typeof e ? m(a) && (t = a, a = void 0) : (a = e, e = !1, m(t = a) && (t = a, a = void 0)), a || "");var n,d = ma(),r = e ? d._week.dow : 0;if (null != t) return ct(a, (t + r) % 7, s, "day");var _ = [];for (n = 0; n < 7; n++) {_[n] = ct(a, (n + r) % 7, s, "day");}return _;}Lt.calendar = function (e, a, t) {var s = this._calendar[e] || this._calendar.sameElse;return H(s) ?, t) : s;}, Lt.longDateFormat = function (e) {var a = this._longDateFormat[e],t = this._longDateFormat[e.toUpperCase()];return a || !t ? a : (this._longDateFormat[e] = t.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (e) {return e.slice(1);}), this._longDateFormat[e]);}, Lt.invalidDate = function () {return this._invalidDate;}, Lt.ordinal = function (e) {return this._ordinal.replace("%d", e);}, Lt.preparse = ht, Lt.postformat = ht, Lt.relativeTime = function (e, a, t, s) {var n = this._relativeTime[t];return H(n) ? n(e, a, t, s) : n.replace(/%d/i, e);}, Lt.pastFuture = function (e, a) {var t = this._relativeTime[0 < e ? "future" : "past"];return H(t) ? t(a) : t.replace(/%s/i, a);}, Lt.set = function (e) {var a, t;for (t in e) {H(a = e[t]) ? this[t] = a : this["_" + t] = a;}this._config = e, this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp((this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) + "|" + /\d{1,2}/.source);}, Lt.months = function (e, a) {return e ? _(this._months) ? this._months[e.month()] : this._months[(this._months.isFormat || xe).test(a) ? "format" : "standalone"][e.month()] : _(this._months) ? this._months : this._months.standalone;}, Lt.monthsShort = function (e, a) {return e ? _(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[e.month()] : this._monthsShort[xe.test(a) ? "format" : "standalone"][e.month()] : _(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort : this._monthsShort.standalone;}, Lt.monthsParse = function (e, a, t) {var s, n, d;if (this._monthsParseExact) return function (e, a, t) {var s,n,d,r = e.toLocaleLowerCase();if (!this._monthsParse) for (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = [], s = 0; s < 12; ++s) {d = c([2e3, s]), this._shortMonthsParse[s] = this.monthsShort(d, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._longMonthsParse[s] = this.months(d, "").toLocaleLowerCase();}return t ? "MMM" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : "MMM" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null;}.call(this, e, a, t);for (this._monthsParse || (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = []), s = 0; s < 12; s++) {if (n = c([2e3, s]), t && !this._longMonthsParse[s] && (this._longMonthsParse[s] = new RegExp("^" + this.months(n, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i"), this._shortMonthsParse[s] = new RegExp("^" + this.monthsShort(n, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i")), t || this._monthsParse[s] || (d = "^" + this.months(n, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(n, ""), this._monthsParse[s] = new RegExp(d.replace(".", ""), "i")), t && "MMMM" === a && this._longMonthsParse[s].test(e)) return s;if (t && "MMM" === a && this._shortMonthsParse[s].test(e)) return s;if (!t && this._monthsParse[s].test(e)) return s;}}, Lt.monthsRegex = function (e) {return this._monthsParseExact ? (h(this, "_monthsRegex") ||, e ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex) : (h(this, "_monthsRegex") || (this._monthsRegex = Fe), this._monthsStrictRegex && e ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex);}, Lt.monthsShortRegex = function (e) {return this._monthsParseExact ? (h(this, "_monthsRegex") ||, e ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex) : (h(this, "_monthsShortRegex") || (this._monthsShortRegex = Ee), this._monthsShortStrictRegex && e ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex);}, Lt.week = function (e) {return Ce(e, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;}, Lt.firstDayOfYear = function () {return this._week.doy;}, Lt.firstDayOfWeek = function () {return this._week.dow;}, Lt.weekdays = function (e, a) {var t = _(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays : this._weekdays[e && !0 !== e && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(a) ? "format" : "standalone"];return !0 === e ? Ue(t, this._week.dow) : e ? t[] : t;}, Lt.weekdaysMin = function (e) {return !0 === e ? Ue(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) : e ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin;}, Lt.weekdaysShort = function (e) {return !0 === e ? Ue(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) : e ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort;}, Lt.weekdaysParse = function (e, a, t) {var s, n, d;if (this._weekdaysParseExact) return function (e, a, t) {var s,n,d,r = e.toLocaleLowerCase();if (!this._weekdaysParse) for (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], s = 0; s < 7; ++s) {d = c([2e3, 1]).day(s), this._minWeekdaysParse[s] = this.weekdaysMin(d, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._shortWeekdaysParse[s] = this.weekdaysShort(d, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._weekdaysParse[s] = this.weekdays(d, "").toLocaleLowerCase();}return t ? "dddd" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : "ddd" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : "dddd" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : "ddd" === a ? -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : -1 !== (n =, r)) ? n : null;}.call(this, e, a, t);for (this._weekdaysParse || (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._fullWeekdaysParse = []), s = 0; s < 7; s++) {if (n = c([2e3, 1]).day(s), t && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[s] && (this._fullWeekdaysParse[s] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdays(n, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i"), this._shortWeekdaysParse[s] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysShort(n, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i"), this._minWeekdaysParse[s] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysMin(n, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i")), this._weekdaysParse[s] || (d = "^" + this.weekdays(n, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(n, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(n, ""), this._weekdaysParse[s] = new RegExp(d.replace(".", ""), "i")), t && "dddd" === a && this._fullWeekdaysParse[s].test(e)) return s;if (t && "ddd" === a && this._shortWeekdaysParse[s].test(e)) return s;if (t && "dd" === a && this._minWeekdaysParse[s].test(e)) return s;if (!t && this._weekdaysParse[s].test(e)) return s;}}, Lt.weekdaysRegex = function (e) {return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (h(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, e ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex) : (h(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || (this._weekdaysRegex = Ze), this._weekdaysStrictRegex && e ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex);}, Lt.weekdaysShortRegex = function (e) {return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (h(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, e ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex) : (h(this, "_weekdaysShortRegex") || (this._weekdaysShortRegex = $e), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && e ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex);}, Lt.weekdaysMinRegex = function (e) {return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (h(this, "_weekdaysRegex") ||, e ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex) : (h(this, "_weekdaysMinRegex") || (this._weekdaysMinRegex = Be), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && e ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex);}, Lt.isPM = function (e) {return "p" === (e + "").toLowerCase().charAt(0);}, Lt.meridiem = function (e, a, t) {return 11 < e ? t ? "pm" : "PM" : t ? "am" : "AM";}, ia("en", { dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 === g(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");} }), l.lang = t("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.", ia), l.langData = t("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.", ma);var ft = Math.abs;function kt(e, a, t, s) {var n = Ua(a, t);return e._milliseconds += s * n._milliseconds, e._days += s * n._days, e._months += s * n._months, e._bubble();}function pt(e) {return e < 0 ? Math.floor(e) : Math.ceil(e);}function Dt(e) {return 4800 * e / 146097;}function Tt(e) {return 146097 * e / 4800;}function gt(e) {return function () {return;};}var wt = gt("ms"),vt = gt("s"),St = gt("m"),Ht = gt("h"),bt = gt("d"),jt = gt("w"),xt = gt("M"),Ot = gt("Q"),Pt = gt("y");function Wt(e) {return function () {return this.isValid() ? this._data[e] : NaN;};}var At = Wt("milliseconds"),Et = Wt("seconds"),Ft = Wt("minutes"),zt = Wt("hours"),Jt = Wt("days"),Nt = Wt("months"),Rt = Wt("years");var Ct = Math.round,It = { ss: 44, s: 45, m: 45, h: 22, d: 26, M: 11 };var Ut = Math.abs;function Gt(e) {return (0 < e) - (e < 0) || +e;}function Vt() {if (!this.isValid()) return this.localeData().invalidDate();var e,a,t = Ut(this._milliseconds) / 1e3,s = Ut(this._days),n = Ut(this._months);a = T((e = T(t / 60)) / 60), t %= 60, e %= 60;var d = T(n / 12),r = n %= 12,_ = s,i = a,o = e,m = t ? t.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") : "",u = this.asSeconds();if (!u) return "P0D";var l = u < 0 ? "-" : "",M = Gt(this._months) !== Gt(u) ? "-" : "",h = Gt(this._days) !== Gt(u) ? "-" : "",L = Gt(this._milliseconds) !== Gt(u) ? "-" : "";return l + "P" + (d ? M + d + "Y" : "") + (r ? M + r + "M" : "") + (_ ? h + _ + "D" : "") + (i || o || m ? "T" : "") + (i ? L + i + "H" : "") + (o ? L + o + "M" : "") + (m ? L + m + "S" : "");}var Kt = Pa.prototype;Kt.isValid = function () {return this._isValid;}, Kt.abs = function () {var e = this._data;return this._milliseconds = ft(this._milliseconds), this._days = ft(this._days), this._months = ft(this._months), e.milliseconds = ft(e.milliseconds), e.seconds = ft(e.seconds), e.minutes = ft(e.minutes), e.hours = ft(e.hours), e.months = ft(e.months), e.years = ft(e.years), this;}, Kt.add = function (e, a) {return kt(this, e, a, 1);}, Kt.subtract = function (e, a) {return kt(this, e, a, -1);}, = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return NaN;var a,t,s = this._milliseconds;if ("month" === (e = P(e)) || "quarter" === e || "year" === e) switch (a = this._days + s / 864e5, t = this._months + Dt(a), e) {case "month":return t;case "quarter":return t / 3;case "year":return t / 12;} else switch (a = this._days + Math.round(Tt(this._months)), e) {case "week":return a / 7 + s / 6048e5;case "day":return a + s / 864e5;case "hour":return 24 * a + s / 36e5;case "minute":return 1440 * a + s / 6e4;case "second":return 86400 * a + s / 1e3;case "millisecond":return Math.floor(864e5 * a) + s;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit " + e);}}, Kt.asMilliseconds = wt, Kt.asSeconds = vt, Kt.asMinutes = St, Kt.asHours = Ht, Kt.asDays = bt, Kt.asWeeks = jt, Kt.asMonths = xt, Kt.asQuarters = Ot, Kt.asYears = Pt, Kt.valueOf = function () {return this.isValid() ? this._milliseconds + 864e5 * this._days + this._months % 12 * 2592e6 + 31536e6 * g(this._months / 12) : NaN;}, Kt._bubble = function () {var e,a,t,s,n,d = this._milliseconds,r = this._days,_ = this._months,i = this._data;return 0 <= d && 0 <= r && 0 <= _ || d <= 0 && r <= 0 && _ <= 0 || (d += 864e5 * pt(Tt(_) + r), _ = r = 0), i.milliseconds = d % 1e3, e = T(d / 1e3), i.seconds = e % 60, a = T(e / 60), i.minutes = a % 60, t = T(a / 60), i.hours = t % 24, _ += n = T(Dt(r += T(t / 24))), r -= pt(Tt(n)), s = T(_ / 12), _ %= 12, i.days = r, i.months = _, i.years = s, this;}, Kt.clone = function () {return Ua(this);}, Kt.get = function (e) {return e = P(e), this.isValid() ? this[e + "s"]() : NaN;}, Kt.milliseconds = At, Kt.seconds = Et, Kt.minutes = Ft, Kt.hours = zt, Kt.days = Jt, Kt.weeks = function () {return T(this.days() / 7);}, Kt.months = Nt, Kt.years = Rt, Kt.humanize = function (e) {if (!this.isValid()) return this.localeData().invalidDate();var a,t,s,n,d,r,_,i,o,m,u,l = this.localeData(),M = (t = !e, s = l, n = Ua(a = this).abs(), d = Ct("s")), r = Ct("m")), _ = Ct("h")), i = Ct("d")), o = Ct("M")), m = Ct("y")), (u = d <= && ["s", d] || d < It.s && ["ss", d] || r <= 1 && ["m"] || r < It.m && ["mm", r] || _ <= 1 && ["h"] || _ < It.h && ["hh", _] || i <= 1 && ["d"] || i < It.d && ["dd", i] || o <= 1 && ["M"] || o < It.M && ["MM", o] || m <= 1 && ["y"] || ["yy", m])[2] = t, u[3] = 0 < +a, u[4] = s, function (e, a, t, s, n) {return n.relativeTime(a || 1, !!t, e, s);}.apply(null, u));return e && (M = l.pastFuture(+this, M)), l.postformat(M);}, Kt.toISOString = Vt, Kt.toString = Vt, Kt.toJSON = Vt, Kt.locale = Qa, Kt.localeData = et, Kt.toIsoString = t("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)", Vt), Kt.lang = Xa, C("X", 0, 0, "unix"), C("x", 0, 0, "valueOf"), ie("x", se), ie("X", /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/), le("X", function (e, a, t) {t._d = new Date(1e3 * parseFloat(e, 10));}), le("x", function (e, a, t) {t._d = new Date(g(e));}), l.version = "2.24.0", e = Ha, l.fn = Mt, l.min = function () {return xa("isBefore", [], 0));}, l.max = function () {return xa("isAfter", [], 0));}, = function () {return ? : +new Date();}, l.utc = c, l.unix = function (e) {return Ha(1e3 * e);}, l.months = function (e, a) {return Yt(e, a, "months");}, l.isDate = u, l.locale = ia, l.invalid = f, l.duration = Ua, l.isMoment = D, l.weekdays = function (e, a, t) {return yt(e, a, t, "weekdays");}, l.parseZone = function () {return Ha.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();}, l.localeData = ma, l.isDuration = Wa, l.monthsShort = function (e, a) {return Yt(e, a, "monthsShort");}, l.weekdaysMin = function (e, a, t) {return yt(e, a, t, "weekdaysMin");}, l.defineLocale = oa, l.updateLocale = function (e, a) {if (null != a) {var t,s,n = sa;null != (s = _a(e)) && (n = s._config), (t = new j(a = b(n, a))).parentLocale = na[e], na[e] = t, ia(e);} else null != na[e] && (null != na[e].parentLocale ? na[e] = na[e].parentLocale : null != na[e] && delete na[e]);return na[e];}, l.locales = function () {return s(na);}, l.weekdaysShort = function (e, a, t) {return yt(e, a, t, "weekdaysShort");}, l.normalizeUnits = P, l.relativeTimeRounding = function (e) {return void 0 === e ? Ct : "function" == typeof e && (Ct = e, !0);}, l.relativeTimeThreshold = function (e, a) {return void 0 !== It[e] && (void 0 === a ? It[e] : (It[e] = a, "s" === e && ( = a - 1), !0));}, l.calendarFormat = function (e, a) {var t = e.diff(a, "days", !0);return t < -6 ? "sameElse" : t < -1 ? "lastWeek" : t < 0 ? "lastDay" : t < 1 ? "sameDay" : t < 2 ? "nextDay" : t < 7 ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse";}, l.prototype = Mt, l.HTML5_FMT = { DATETIME_LOCAL: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm", DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", DATETIME_LOCAL_MS: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS", DATE: "YYYY-MM-DD", TIME: "HH:mm", TIME_SECONDS: "HH:mm:ss", TIME_MS: "HH:mm:ss.SSS", WEEK: "GGGG-[W]WW", MONTH: "YYYY-MM" }, l.defineLocale("af", { months: "Januarie_Februarie_Maart_April_Mei_Junie_Julie_Augustus_September_Oktober_November_Desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mrt_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des".split("_"), weekdays: "Sondag_Maandag_Dinsdag_Woensdag_Donderdag_Vrydag_Saterdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Son_Maa_Din_Woe_Don_Vry_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "So_Ma_Di_Wo_Do_Vr_Sa".split("_"), meridiemParse: /vm|nm/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^nm$/i.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? t ? "vm" : "VM" : t ? "nm" : "NM";}, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Vandag om] LT", nextDay: "[M\xf4re om] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [om] LT", lastDay: "[Gister om] LT", lastWeek: "[Laas] dddd [om] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "oor %s", past: "%s gelede", s: "'n paar sekondes", ss: "%d sekondes", m: "'n minuut", mm: "%d minute", h: "'n uur", hh: "%d ure", d: "'n dag", dd: "%d dae", M: "'n maand", MM: "%d maande", y: "'n jaar", yy: "%d jaar" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e || 8 === e || 20 <= e ? "ste" : "de");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("ar-dz", { months: "\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0641\u064A_\u0641\u064A\u0641\u0631\u064A_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0641\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u062C\u0648\u0627\u0646_\u062C\u0648\u064A\u0644\u064A\u0629_\u0623\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0641\u064A_\u0641\u064A\u0641\u0631\u064A_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0641\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u062C\u0648\u0627\u0646_\u062C\u0648\u064A\u0644\u064A\u0629_\u0623\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0627\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0623\u062D_\u0625\u062B_\u062B\u0644\u0627_\u0623\u0631_\u062E\u0645_\u062C\u0645_\u0633\u0628".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0641\u064A %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: "\u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", ss: "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", m: "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", h: "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", d: "\u064A\u0648\u0645", dd: "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", M: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", MM: "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", y: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", yy: "%d \u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A" }, week: { dow: 0, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("ar-kw", { months: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0632_\u063A\u0634\u062A_\u0634\u062A\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u062C\u0646\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0632_\u063A\u0634\u062A_\u0634\u062A\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u062C\u0646\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062A\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0627\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u062A\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0641\u064A %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: "\u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", ss: "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", m: "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", h: "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", d: "\u064A\u0648\u0645", dd: "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", M: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", MM: "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", y: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", yy: "%d \u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A" }, week: { dow: 0, doy: 12 } });var Zt = { 1: "1", 2: "2", 3: "3", 4: "4", 5: "5", 6: "6", 7: "7", 8: "8", 9: "9", 0: "0" },$t = function $t(e) {return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : 2 === e ? 2 : 3 <= e % 100 && e % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : 11 <= e % 100 ? 4 : 5;},Bt = { s: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", "\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629"], m: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", "%d \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", "%d \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629"], h: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629"], d: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u064A\u0648\u0645", "\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u064A\u0648\u0645\u0627\u0646", "\u064A\u0648\u0645\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", "%d \u064A\u0648\u0645\u064B\u0627", "%d \u064A\u0648\u0645"], M: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0634\u0647\u0631", "\u0634\u0647\u0631 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u0634\u0647\u0631\u0627\u0646", "\u0634\u0647\u0631\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", "%d \u0634\u0647\u0631\u0627", "%d \u0634\u0647\u0631"], y: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0639\u0627\u0645", "\u0639\u0627\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u0639\u0627\u0645\u0627\u0646", "\u0639\u0627\u0645\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u0639\u0648\u0627\u0645", "%d \u0639\u0627\u0645\u064B\u0627", "%d \u0639\u0627\u0645"] },qt = function qt(r) {return function (e, a, t, s) {var n = $t(e),d = Bt[r][$t(e)];return 2 === n && (d = d[a ? 0 : 1]), d.replace(/%d/i, e);};},Qt = ["\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631", "\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631", "\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633", "\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644", "\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0648", "\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648", "\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648", "\u0623\u063A\u0633\u0637\u0633", "\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631", "\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631"];l.defineLocale("ar-ly", { months: Qt, monthsShort: Qt, weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0635|\u0645/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0645" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0635" : "\u0645";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u064B\u0627 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0628\u0639\u062F %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: qt("s"), ss: qt("s"), m: qt("m"), mm: qt("m"), h: qt("h"), hh: qt("h"), d: qt("d"), dd: qt("d"), M: qt("M"), MM: qt("M"), y: qt("y"), yy: qt("y") }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return Zt[e];}).replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } }), l.defineLocale("ar-ma", { months: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0632_\u063A\u0634\u062A_\u0634\u062A\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u062C\u0646\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0632_\u063A\u0634\u062A_\u0634\u062A\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0646\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u062C\u0646\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062A\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0627\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u062A\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0641\u064A %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: "\u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", ss: "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", m: "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", h: "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", d: "\u064A\u0648\u0645", dd: "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", M: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", MM: "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", y: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", yy: "%d \u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A" }, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } });var Xt = { 1: "\u0661", 2: "\u0662", 3: "\u0663", 4: "\u0664", 5: "\u0665", 6: "\u0666", 7: "\u0667", 8: "\u0668", 9: "\u0669", 0: "\u0660" },es = { "\u0661": "1", "\u0662": "2", "\u0663": "3", "\u0664": "4", "\u0665": "5", "\u0666": "6", "\u0667": "7", "\u0668": "8", "\u0669": "9", "\u0660": "0" };l.defineLocale("ar-sa", { months: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648_\u0623\u063A\u0633\u0637\u0633_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648_\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648_\u0623\u063A\u0633\u0637\u0633_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0635|\u0645/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0645" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0635" : "\u0645";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0641\u064A %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: "\u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", ss: "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", m: "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", h: "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", d: "\u064A\u0648\u0645", dd: "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", M: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", MM: "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", y: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", yy: "%d \u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0661\u0662\u0663\u0664\u0665\u0666\u0667\u0668\u0669\u0660]/g, function (e) {return es[e];}).replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return Xt[e];}).replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("ar-tn", { months: "\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0641\u064A_\u0641\u064A\u0641\u0631\u064A_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0641\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u062C\u0648\u0627\u0646_\u062C\u0648\u064A\u0644\u064A\u0629_\u0623\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u062C\u0627\u0646\u0641\u064A_\u0641\u064A\u0641\u0631\u064A_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0623\u0641\u0631\u064A\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u062C\u0648\u0627\u0646_\u062C\u0648\u064A\u0644\u064A\u0629_\u0623\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0641\u064A %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: "\u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", ss: "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", m: "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", h: "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", d: "\u064A\u0648\u0645", dd: "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", M: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", MM: "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", y: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", yy: "%d \u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var as = { 1: "\u0661", 2: "\u0662", 3: "\u0663", 4: "\u0664", 5: "\u0665", 6: "\u0666", 7: "\u0667", 8: "\u0668", 9: "\u0669", 0: "\u0660" },ts = { "\u0661": "1", "\u0662": "2", "\u0663": "3", "\u0664": "4", "\u0665": "5", "\u0666": "6", "\u0667": "7", "\u0668": "8", "\u0669": "9", "\u0660": "0" },ss = function ss(e) {return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : 2 === e ? 2 : 3 <= e % 100 && e % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : 11 <= e % 100 ? 4 : 5;},ns = { s: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", "\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u062B\u0648\u0627\u0646", "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629", "%d \u062B\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0629"], m: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u062F\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0642", "%d \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629", "%d \u062F\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629"], h: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629", ["\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A\u0627\u0646", "\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062A", "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629", "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629"], d: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u064A\u0648\u0645", "\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u064A\u0648\u0645\u0627\u0646", "\u064A\u0648\u0645\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", "%d \u064A\u0648\u0645\u064B\u0627", "%d \u064A\u0648\u0645"], M: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0634\u0647\u0631", "\u0634\u0647\u0631 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u0634\u0647\u0631\u0627\u0646", "\u0634\u0647\u0631\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631", "%d \u0634\u0647\u0631\u0627", "%d \u0634\u0647\u0631"], y: ["\u0623\u0642\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0639\u0627\u0645", "\u0639\u0627\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F", ["\u0639\u0627\u0645\u0627\u0646", "\u0639\u0627\u0645\u064A\u0646"], "%d \u0623\u0639\u0648\u0627\u0645", "%d \u0639\u0627\u0645\u064B\u0627", "%d \u0639\u0627\u0645"] },ds = function ds(r) {return function (e, a, t, s) {var n = ss(e),d = ns[r][ss(e)];return 2 === n && (d = d[a ? 0 : 1]), d.replace(/%d/i, e);};},rs = ["\u064A\u0646\u0627\u064A\u0631", "\u0641\u0628\u0631\u0627\u064A\u0631", "\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633", "\u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644", "\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0648", "\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648", "\u064A\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0648", "\u0623\u063A\u0633\u0637\u0633", "\u0633\u0628\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631", "\u0646\u0648\u0641\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u062F\u064A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631"];l.defineLocale("ar", { months: rs, monthsShort: rs, weekdays: "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u0627\u0644\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0623\u062D\u062F_\u0625\u062B\u0646\u064A\u0646_\u062B\u0644\u0627\u062B\u0627\u0621_\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621_\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0629_\u0633\u0628\u062A".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u062D_\u0646_\u062B_\u0631_\u062E_\u062C_\u0633".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0635|\u0645/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0645" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0635" : "\u0645";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextDay: "[\u063A\u062F\u064B\u0627 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastDay: "[\u0623\u0645\u0633 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0639\u0646\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0639\u0629] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0628\u0639\u062F %s", past: "\u0645\u0646\u0630 %s", s: ds("s"), ss: ds("s"), m: ds("m"), mm: ds("m"), h: ds("h"), hh: ds("h"), d: ds("d"), dd: ds("d"), M: ds("M"), MM: ds("M"), y: ds("y"), yy: ds("y") }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0661\u0662\u0663\u0664\u0665\u0666\u0667\u0668\u0669\u0660]/g, function (e) {return ts[e];}).replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return as[e];}).replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } });var _s = { 1: "-inci", 5: "-inci", 8: "-inci", 70: "-inci", 80: "-inci", 2: "-nci", 7: "-nci", 20: "-nci", 50: "-nci", 3: "-\xfcnc\xfc", 4: "-\xfcnc\xfc", 100: "-\xfcnc\xfc", 6: "-nc\u0131", 9: "-uncu", 10: "-uncu", 30: "-uncu", 60: "-\u0131nc\u0131", 90: "-\u0131nc\u0131" };function is(e, a, t) {var s, n;return "m" === t ? a ? "\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u0430" : "\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u0443" : "h" === t ? a ? "\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u0430" : "\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u0443" : e + " " + (s = +e, n = { ss: a ? "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434" : "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0443_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", mm: a ? "\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u0430_\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u044B_\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D" : "\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u0443_\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D\u044B_\u0445\u0432\u0456\u043B\u0456\u043D", hh: a ? "\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u0430_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u044B_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D" : "\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u0443_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D\u044B_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0456\u043D", dd: "\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0434\u043D\u0456_\u0434\u0437\u0451\u043D", MM: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446_\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446\u044B_\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446\u0430\u045E", yy: "\u0433\u043E\u0434_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u044B_\u0433\u0430\u0434\u043E\u045E" }[t].split("_"), s % 10 == 1 && s % 100 != 11 ? n[0] : 2 <= s % 10 && s % 10 <= 4 && (s % 100 < 10 || 20 <= s % 100) ? n[1] : n[2]);}l.defineLocale("az", { months: "yanvar_fevral_mart_aprel_may_iyun_iyul_avqust_sentyabr_oktyabr_noyabr_dekabr".split("_"), monthsShort: "yan_fev_mar_apr_may_iyn_iyl_avq_sen_okt_noy_dek".split("_"), weekdays: "Bazar_Bazar ert\u0259si_\xC7\u0259r\u015F\u0259nb\u0259 ax\u015Fam\u0131_\xC7\u0259r\u015F\u0259nb\u0259_C\xFCm\u0259 ax\u015Fam\u0131_C\xFCm\u0259_\u015E\u0259nb\u0259".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Baz_BzE_\xC7Ax_\xC7\u0259r_CAx_C\xFCm_\u015E\u0259n".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Bz_BE_\xC7A_\xC7\u0259_CA_C\xFC_\u015E\u0259".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[bug\xfcn saat] LT", nextDay: "[sabah saat] LT", nextWeek: "[g\u0259l\u0259n h\u0259ft\u0259] dddd [saat] LT", lastDay: "[d\xFCn\u0259n] LT", lastWeek: "[ke\xE7\u0259n h\u0259ft\u0259] dddd [saat] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s sonra", past: "%s \u0259vv\u0259l", s: "birne\xE7\u0259 saniy\u0259", ss: "%d saniy\u0259", m: "bir d\u0259qiq\u0259", mm: "%d d\u0259qiq\u0259", h: "bir saat", hh: "%d saat", d: "bir g\xfcn", dd: "%d g\xfcn", M: "bir ay", MM: "%d ay", y: "bir il", yy: "%d il" }, meridiemParse: /gec\u0259|s\u0259h\u0259r|g\xfcnd\xfcz|ax\u015fam/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(g\xfcnd\xfcz|ax\u015fam)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "gec\u0259" : e < 12 ? "s\u0259h\u0259r" : e < 17 ? "g\xfcnd\xfcz" : "ax\u015Fam";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0131nc\u0131|inci|nci|\xfcnc\xfc|nc\u0131|uncu)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {if (0 === e) return e + "-\u0131nc\u0131";var a = e % 10;return e + (_s[a] || _s[e % 100 - a] || _s[100 <= e ? 100 : null]);}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("be", { months: { format: "\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043D\u044F_\u043B\u044E\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0430_\u0441\u0430\u043A\u0430\u0432\u0456\u043A\u0430_\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0430\u0432\u0456\u043A\u0430_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u045E\u043D\u044F_\u0447\u044D\u0440\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044F_\u043B\u0456\u043F\u0435\u043D\u044F_\u0436\u043D\u0456\u045E\u043D\u044F_\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043D\u044F_\u043A\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u044B\u0447\u043D\u0456\u043A\u0430_\u043B\u0456\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430_\u0441\u043D\u0435\u0436\u043D\u044F".split("_"), standalone: "\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043B\u044E\u0442\u044B_\u0441\u0430\u043A\u0430\u0432\u0456\u043A_\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0430\u0432\u0456\u043A_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0447\u044D\u0440\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043B\u0456\u043F\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0436\u043D\u0456\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043A\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u044B\u0447\u043D\u0456\u043A_\u043B\u0456\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434_\u0441\u043D\u0435\u0436\u0430\u043D\u044C".split("_") }, monthsShort: "\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434_\u043B\u044E\u0442_\u0441\u0430\u043A_\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432_\u0447\u044D\u0440\u0432_\u043B\u0456\u043F_\u0436\u043D\u0456\u0432_\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u043A\u0430\u0441\u0442_\u043B\u0456\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u043D\u0435\u0436".split("_"), weekdays: { format: "\u043D\u044F\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043B\u044E_\u043F\u0430\u043D\u044F\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043A_\u0430\u045E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043A_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0443_\u0447\u0430\u0446\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u043F\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0456\u0446\u0443_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0443".split("_"), standalone: "\u043D\u044F\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043B\u044F_\u043F\u0430\u043D\u044F\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043A_\u0430\u045E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043A_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0430\u0446\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u043F\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0456\u0446\u0430_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), isFormat: /\[ ?[\u0423\u0443\u045e] ?(?:\u043c\u0456\u043d\u0443\u043b\u0443\u044e|\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043d\u0443\u044e)? ?\] ?dddd/ }, weekdaysShort: "\u043D\u0434_\u043F\u043D_\u0430\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0446_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u043D\u0434_\u043F\u043D_\u0430\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0446_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0433.", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0433., HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY \u0433., HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0421\u0451\u043D\u043D\u044F \u045E] LT", nextDay: "[\u0417\u0430\u045E\u0442\u0440\u0430 \u045E] LT", lastDay: "[\u0423\u0447\u043E\u0440\u0430 \u045E] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "[\u0423] dddd [\u045E] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:case 5:case 6:return "[\u0423 \u043C\u0456\u043D\u0443\u043B\u0443\u044E] dddd [\u045E] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:return "[\u0423 \u043C\u0456\u043D\u0443\u043B\u044B] dddd [\u045E] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0437 %s", past: "%s \u0442\u0430\u043C\u0443", s: "\u043D\u0435\u043A\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043A\u0456 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", m: is, mm: is, h: is, hh: is, d: "\u0434\u0437\u0435\u043D\u044C", dd: is, M: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446", MM: is, y: "\u0433\u043E\u0434", yy: is }, meridiemParse: /\u043d\u043e\u0447\u044b|\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0456\u0446\u044b|\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0440\u0430/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0440\u0430)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u043D\u043E\u0447\u044B" : e < 12 ? "\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0456\u0446\u044B" : e < 17 ? "\u0434\u043D\u044F" : "\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0440\u0430";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0456|\u044b|\u0433\u0430)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "M":case "d":case "DDD":case "w":case "W":return e % 10 != 2 && e % 10 != 3 || e % 100 == 12 || e % 100 == 13 ? e + "-\u044B" : e + "-\u0456";case "D":return e + "-\u0433\u0430";default:return e;}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("bg", { months: "\u044F\u043D\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0438_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0438_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u044E\u043D\u0438_\u044E\u043B\u0438_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043F\u0442\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u043D\u043E\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u044F\u043D\u0440_\u0444\u0435\u0432_\u043C\u0430\u0440_\u0430\u043F\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u044E\u043D\u0438_\u044E\u043B\u0438_\u0430\u0432\u0433_\u0441\u0435\u043F_\u043E\u043A\u0442_\u043D\u043E\u0435_\u0434\u0435\u043A".split("_"), weekdays: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u044F_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0441\u0440\u044F\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u044A\u0440\u0442\u044A\u043A_\u043F\u0435\u0442\u044A\u043A_\u0441\u044A\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u043D\u0435\u0434_\u043F\u043E\u043D_\u0432\u0442\u043E_\u0441\u0440\u044F_\u0447\u0435\u0442_\u043F\u0435\u0442_\u0441\u044A\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u043D\u0434_\u043F\u043D_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0442_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "D.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0414\u043D\u0435\u0441 \u0432] LT", nextDay: "[\u0423\u0442\u0440\u0435 \u0432] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0432] LT", lastDay: "[\u0412\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430 \u0432] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:case 6:return "[\u0412 \u0438\u0437\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0442\u0430] dddd [\u0432] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[\u0412 \u0438\u0437\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043B\u0438\u044F] dddd [\u0432] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434 %s", past: "\u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438 %s", s: "\u043D\u044F\u043A\u043E\u043B\u043A\u043E \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438", ss: "%d \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438", m: "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0430", mm: "%d \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0438", h: "\u0447\u0430\u0441", hh: "%d \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430", d: "\u0434\u0435\u043D", dd: "%d \u0434\u043D\u0438", M: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446", MM: "%d \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446\u0430", y: "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430", yy: "%d \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0435\u0432|\u0435\u043d|\u0442\u0438|\u0432\u0438|\u0440\u0438|\u043c\u0438)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10,t = e % 100;return 0 === e ? e + "-\u0435\u0432" : 0 === t ? e + "-\u0435\u043D" : 10 < t && t < 20 ? e + "-\u0442\u0438" : 1 === a ? e + "-\u0432\u0438" : 2 === a ? e + "-\u0440\u0438" : 7 === a || 8 === a ? e + "-\u043C\u0438" : e + "-\u0442\u0438";}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("bm", { months: "Zanwuyekalo_Fewuruyekalo_Marisikalo_Awirilikalo_M\u025Bkalo_Zuw\u025Bnkalo_Zuluyekalo_Utikalo_S\u025Btanburukalo_\u0254kut\u0254burukalo_Nowanburukalo_Desanburukalo".split("_"), monthsShort: "Zan_Few_Mar_Awi_M\u025B_Zuw_Zul_Uti_S\u025Bt_\u0254ku_Now_Des".split("_"), weekdays: "Kari_Nt\u025Bn\u025Bn_Tarata_Araba_Alamisa_Juma_Sibiri".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Kar_Nt\u025B_Tar_Ara_Ala_Jum_Sib".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ka_Nt_Ta_Ar_Al_Ju_Si".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY", LLL: "MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [l\u025Br\u025B] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [l\u025Br\u025B] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Bi l\u025Br\u025B] LT", nextDay: "[Sini l\u025Br\u025B] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [don l\u025Br\u025B] LT", lastDay: "[Kunu l\u025Br\u025B] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [t\u025Bm\u025Bnen l\u025Br\u025B] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s k\u0254n\u0254", past: "a b\u025B %s b\u0254", s: "sanga dama dama", ss: "sekondi %d", m: "miniti kelen", mm: "miniti %d", h: "l\u025Br\u025B kelen", hh: "l\u025Br\u025B %d", d: "tile kelen", dd: "tile %d", M: "kalo kelen", MM: "kalo %d", y: "san kelen", yy: "san %d" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var os = { 1: "\u09E7", 2: "\u09E8", 3: "\u09E9", 4: "\u09EA", 5: "\u09EB", 6: "\u09EC", 7: "\u09ED", 8: "\u09EE", 9: "\u09EF", 0: "\u09E6" },ms = { "\u09E7": "1", "\u09E8": "2", "\u09E9": "3", "\u09EA": "4", "\u09EB": "5", "\u09EC": "6", "\u09ED": "7", "\u09EE": "8", "\u09EF": "9", "\u09E6": "0" };l.defineLocale("bn", { months: "\u099C\u09BE\u09A8\u09C1\u09DF\u09BE\u09B0\u09C0_\u09AB\u09C7\u09AC\u09CD\u09B0\u09C1\u09DF\u09BE\u09B0\u09BF_\u09AE\u09BE\u09B0\u09CD\u099A_\u098F\u09AA\u09CD\u09B0\u09BF\u09B2_\u09AE\u09C7_\u099C\u09C1\u09A8_\u099C\u09C1\u09B2\u09BE\u0987_\u0986\u0997\u09B8\u09CD\u099F_\u09B8\u09C7\u09AA\u09CD\u099F\u09C7\u09AE\u09CD\u09AC\u09B0_\u0985\u0995\u09CD\u099F\u09CB\u09AC\u09B0_\u09A8\u09AD\u09C7\u09AE\u09CD\u09AC\u09B0_\u09A1\u09BF\u09B8\u09C7\u09AE\u09CD\u09AC\u09B0".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u099C\u09BE\u09A8\u09C1_\u09AB\u09C7\u09AC_\u09AE\u09BE\u09B0\u09CD\u099A_\u098F\u09AA\u09CD\u09B0_\u09AE\u09C7_\u099C\u09C1\u09A8_\u099C\u09C1\u09B2_\u0986\u0997_\u09B8\u09C7\u09AA\u09CD\u099F_\u0985\u0995\u09CD\u099F\u09CB_\u09A8\u09AD\u09C7_\u09A1\u09BF\u09B8\u09C7".split("_"), weekdays: "\u09B0\u09AC\u09BF\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09B8\u09CB\u09AE\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09AE\u0999\u09CD\u0997\u09B2\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09AC\u09C1\u09A7\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09AC\u09C3\u09B9\u09B8\u09CD\u09AA\u09A4\u09BF\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09B6\u09C1\u0995\u09CD\u09B0\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0_\u09B6\u09A8\u09BF\u09AC\u09BE\u09B0".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u09B0\u09AC\u09BF_\u09B8\u09CB\u09AE_\u09AE\u0999\u09CD\u0997\u09B2_\u09AC\u09C1\u09A7_\u09AC\u09C3\u09B9\u09B8\u09CD\u09AA\u09A4\u09BF_\u09B6\u09C1\u0995\u09CD\u09B0_\u09B6\u09A8\u09BF".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u09B0\u09AC\u09BF_\u09B8\u09CB\u09AE_\u09AE\u0999\u09CD\u0997_\u09AC\u09C1\u09A7_\u09AC\u09C3\u09B9\u0983_\u09B6\u09C1\u0995\u09CD\u09B0_\u09B6\u09A8\u09BF".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm \u09B8\u09AE\u09DF", LTS: "A h:mm:ss \u09B8\u09AE\u09DF", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u09B8\u09AE\u09DF", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u09B8\u09AE\u09DF" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0986\u099C] LT", nextDay: "[\u0986\u0997\u09BE\u09AE\u09C0\u0995\u09BE\u09B2] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0997\u09A4\u0995\u09BE\u09B2] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0997\u09A4] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u09AA\u09B0\u09C7", past: "%s \u0986\u0997\u09C7", s: "\u0995\u09DF\u09C7\u0995 \u09B8\u09C7\u0995\u09C7\u09A8\u09CD\u09A1", ss: "%d \u09B8\u09C7\u0995\u09C7\u09A8\u09CD\u09A1", m: "\u098F\u0995 \u09AE\u09BF\u09A8\u09BF\u099F", mm: "%d \u09AE\u09BF\u09A8\u09BF\u099F", h: "\u098F\u0995 \u0998\u09A8\u09CD\u099F\u09BE", hh: "%d \u0998\u09A8\u09CD\u099F\u09BE", d: "\u098F\u0995 \u09A6\u09BF\u09A8", dd: "%d \u09A6\u09BF\u09A8", M: "\u098F\u0995 \u09AE\u09BE\u09B8", MM: "%d \u09AE\u09BE\u09B8", y: "\u098F\u0995 \u09AC\u099B\u09B0", yy: "%d \u09AC\u099B\u09B0" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u09e7\u09e8\u09e9\u09ea\u09eb\u09ec\u09ed\u09ee\u09ef\u09e6]/g, function (e) {return ms[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return os[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u09b0\u09be\u09a4|\u09b8\u0995\u09be\u09b2|\u09a6\u09c1\u09aa\u09c1\u09b0|\u09ac\u09bf\u0995\u09be\u09b2|\u09b0\u09be\u09a4/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u09B0\u09BE\u09A4" === a && 4 <= e || "\u09A6\u09C1\u09AA\u09C1\u09B0" === a && e < 5 || "\u09AC\u09BF\u0995\u09BE\u09B2" === a ? e + 12 : e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u09B0\u09BE\u09A4" : e < 10 ? "\u09B8\u0995\u09BE\u09B2" : e < 17 ? "\u09A6\u09C1\u09AA\u09C1\u09B0" : e < 20 ? "\u09AC\u09BF\u0995\u09BE\u09B2" : "\u09B0\u09BE\u09A4";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } });var us = { 1: "\u0F21", 2: "\u0F22", 3: "\u0F23", 4: "\u0F24", 5: "\u0F25", 6: "\u0F26", 7: "\u0F27", 8: "\u0F28", 9: "\u0F29", 0: "\u0F20" },ls = { "\u0F21": "1", "\u0F22": "2", "\u0F23": "3", "\u0F24": "4", "\u0F25": "5", "\u0F26": "6", "\u0F27": "7", "\u0F28": "8", "\u0F29": "9", "\u0F20": "0" };function Ms(e, a, t) {var s, n, d;return e + " " + (s = { mm: "munutenn", MM: "miz", dd: "devezh" }[t], 2 !== e ? s : void 0 !== (d = { m: "v", b: "v", d: "z" })[(n = s).charAt(0)] ? d[n.charAt(0)] + n.substring(1) : n);}function hs(e, a, t) {var s = e + " ";switch (t) {case "ss":return s += 1 === e ? "sekunda" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "sekunde" : "sekundi";case "m":return a ? "jedna minuta" : "jedne minute";case "mm":return s += 1 === e ? "minuta" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "minute" : "minuta";case "h":return a ? "jedan sat" : "jednog sata";case "hh":return s += 1 === e ? "sat" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "sata" : "sati";case "dd":return s += 1 === e ? "dan" : "dana";case "MM":return s += 1 === e ? "mjesec" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "mjeseca" : "mjeseci";case "yy":return s += 1 === e ? "godina" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "godine" : "godina";}}l.defineLocale("bo", { months: "\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F7C_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F49\u0F72\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F66\u0F74\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F5E\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F63\u0F94\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0FB2\u0F74\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F51\u0F74\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F92\u0FB1\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F49\u0F72\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F7C_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F49\u0F72\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F66\u0F74\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F5E\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F63\u0F94\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0FB2\u0F74\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F51\u0F74\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F62\u0F92\u0FB1\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F45\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F49\u0F72\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F54".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F49\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F0B_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F72\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F58\u0F62\u0F0B_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F55\u0F74\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F74_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B_\u0F42\u0F5F\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F66\u0FA4\u0F7A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0F49\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F0B_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B_\u0F58\u0F72\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F58\u0F62\u0F0B_\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B_\u0F55\u0F74\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F74_\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B_\u0F66\u0FA4\u0F7A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0F49\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F0B_\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B_\u0F58\u0F72\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F58\u0F62\u0F0B_\u0F63\u0FB7\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B_\u0F55\u0F74\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F74_\u0F54\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44\u0F66\u0F0B_\u0F66\u0FA4\u0F7A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F54\u0F0B".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm", LTS: "A h:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0F51\u0F72\u0F0B\u0F62\u0F72\u0F44] LT", nextDay: "[\u0F66\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F49\u0F72\u0F53] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0F56\u0F51\u0F74\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F55\u0FB2\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F62\u0F97\u0F7A\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F58], LT", lastDay: "[\u0F41\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0F56\u0F51\u0F74\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F55\u0FB2\u0F42\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F50\u0F60\u0F0B\u0F58] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0F63\u0F0B", past: "%s \u0F66\u0F94\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F63", s: "\u0F63\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F66\u0F44", ss: "%d \u0F66\u0F90\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F46\u0F0D", m: "\u0F66\u0F90\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42", mm: "%d \u0F66\u0F90\u0F62\u0F0B\u0F58", h: "\u0F46\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F5A\u0F7C\u0F51\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42", hh: "%d \u0F46\u0F74\u0F0B\u0F5A\u0F7C\u0F51", d: "\u0F49\u0F72\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42", dd: "%d \u0F49\u0F72\u0F53\u0F0B", M: "\u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42", MM: "%d \u0F5F\u0FB3\u0F0B\u0F56", y: "\u0F63\u0F7C\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F45\u0F72\u0F42", yy: "%d \u0F63\u0F7C" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0f21\u0f22\u0f23\u0f24\u0f25\u0f26\u0f27\u0f28\u0f29\u0f20]/g, function (e) {return ls[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return us[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0f58\u0f5a\u0f53\u0f0b\u0f58\u0f7c|\u0f5e\u0f7c\u0f42\u0f66\u0f0b\u0f40\u0f66|\u0f49\u0f72\u0f53\u0f0b\u0f42\u0f74\u0f44|\u0f51\u0f42\u0f7c\u0f44\u0f0b\u0f51\u0f42|\u0f58\u0f5a\u0f53\u0f0b\u0f58\u0f7c/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C" === a && 4 <= e || "\u0F49\u0F72\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F74\u0F44" === a && e < 5 || "\u0F51\u0F42\u0F7C\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42" === a ? e + 12 : e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C" : e < 10 ? "\u0F5E\u0F7C\u0F42\u0F66\u0F0B\u0F40\u0F66" : e < 17 ? "\u0F49\u0F72\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F42\u0F74\u0F44" : e < 20 ? "\u0F51\u0F42\u0F7C\u0F44\u0F0B\u0F51\u0F42" : "\u0F58\u0F5A\u0F53\u0F0B\u0F58\u0F7C";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("br", { months: "Genver_C'hwevrer_Meurzh_Ebrel_Mae_Mezheven_Gouere_Eost_Gwengolo_Here_Du_Kerzu".split("_"), monthsShort: "Gen_C'hwe_Meu_Ebr_Mae_Eve_Gou_Eos_Gwe_Her_Du_Ker".split("_"), weekdays: "Sul_Lun_Meurzh_Merc'her_Yaou_Gwener_Sadorn".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sul_Lun_Meu_Mer_Yao_Gwe_Sad".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Lu_Me_Mer_Ya_Gw_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "h[e]mm A", LTS: "h[e]mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [a viz] MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hiziv da] LT", nextDay: "[Warc'hoazh da] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [da] LT", lastDay: "[Dec'h da] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [paset da] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "a-benn %s", past: "%s 'zo", s: "un nebeud segondenno\xf9", ss: "%d eilenn", m: "ur vunutenn", mm: Ms, h: "un eur", hh: "%d eur", d: "un devezh", dd: Ms, M: "ur miz", MM: Ms, y: "ur bloaz", yy: function yy(e) {switch (function e(a) {return 9 < a ? e(a % 10) : a;}(e)) {case 1:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 9:return e + " bloaz";default:return e + " vloaz";}} }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(a\xf1|vet)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e ? "a\xf1" : "vet");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("bs", { months: "januar_februar_mart_april_maj_juni_juli_august_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_\u010Detvrtak_petak_subota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ned._pon._uto._sri._\u010Det._pet._sub.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_ut_sr_\u010De_pe_su".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[danas u] LT", nextDay: "[sutra u] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT";case 3:return "[u] [srijedu] [u] LT";case 6:return "[u] [subotu] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[u] dddd [u] LT";}}, lastDay: "[ju\u010Der u] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:return "[pro\u0161lu] dddd [u] LT";case 6:return "[pro\u0161le] [subote] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[pro\u0161li] dddd [u] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "prije %s", s: "par sekundi", ss: hs, m: hs, mm: hs, h: hs, hh: hs, d: "dan", dd: hs, M: "mjesec", MM: hs, y: "godinu", yy: hs }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("ca", { months: { standalone: "gener_febrer_mar\xe7_abril_maig_juny_juliol_agost_setembre_octubre_novembre_desembre".split("_"), format: "de gener_de febrer_de mar\xe7_d'abril_de maig_de juny_de juliol_d'agost_de setembre_d'octubre_de novembre_de desembre".split("_"), isFormat: /D[oD]?(\s)+MMMM/ }, monthsShort: "gen._febr._mar\xe7_abr._maig_juny_jul._ag._set._oct._nov._des.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "diumenge_dilluns_dimarts_dimecres_dijous_divendres_dissabte".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dg._dl._dt._dc._dj._dv._ds.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "dg_dl_dt_dc_dj_dv_ds".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM [de] YYYY", ll: "D MMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm", lll: "D MMM YYYY, H:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm", llll: "ddd D MMM YYYY, H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: function sameDay() {return "[avui a " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "les" : "la") + "] LT";}, nextDay: function nextDay() {return "[dem\xe0 a " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "les" : "la") + "] LT";}, nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [a " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "les" : "la") + "] LT";}, lastDay: function lastDay() {return "[ahir a " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "les" : "la") + "] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[el] dddd [passat a " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "les" : "la") + "] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "d'aqu\xed %s", past: "fa %s", s: "uns segons", ss: "%d segons", m: "un minut", mm: "%d minuts", h: "una hora", hh: "%d hores", d: "un dia", dd: "%d dies", M: "un mes", MM: "%d mesos", y: "un any", yy: "%d anys" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(r|n|t|\xe8|a)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {var t = 1 === e ? "r" : 2 === e ? "n" : 3 === e ? "r" : 4 === e ? "t" : "\xe8";return "w" !== a && "W" !== a || (t = "a"), e + t;}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var Ls = "leden_\xFAnor_b\u0159ezen_duben_kv\u011Bten_\u010Derven_\u010Dervenec_srpen_z\xE1\u0159\xED_\u0159\xEDjen_listopad_prosinec".split("_"),cs = "led_\xFAno_b\u0159e_dub_kv\u011B_\u010Dvn_\u010Dvc_srp_z\xE1\u0159_\u0159\xEDj_lis_pro".split("_"),Ys = [/^led/i, /^\xfano/i, /^b\u0159e/i, /^dub/i, /^kv\u011b/i, /^(\u010dvn|\u010derven$|\u010dervna)/i, /^(\u010dvc|\u010dervenec|\u010dervence)/i, /^srp/i, /^z\xe1\u0159/i, /^\u0159\xedj/i, /^lis/i, /^pro/i],ys = /^(leden|\xfanor|b\u0159ezen|duben|kv\u011bten|\u010dervenec|\u010dervence|\u010derven|\u010dervna|srpen|z\xe1\u0159\xed|\u0159\xedjen|listopad|prosinec|led|\xfano|b\u0159e|dub|kv\u011b|\u010dvn|\u010dvc|srp|z\xe1\u0159|\u0159\xedj|lis|pro)/i;function fs(e) {return 1 < e && e < 5 && 1 != ~~(e / 10);}function ks(e, a, t, s) {var n = e + " ";switch (t) {case "s":return a || s ? "p\xe1r sekund" : "p\xe1r sekundami";case "ss":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "sekundy" : "sekund") : n + "sekundami";break;case "m":return a ? "minuta" : s ? "minutu" : "minutou";case "mm":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "minuty" : "minut") : n + "minutami";break;case "h":return a ? "hodina" : s ? "hodinu" : "hodinou";case "hh":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "hodiny" : "hodin") : n + "hodinami";break;case "d":return a || s ? "den" : "dnem";case "dd":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "dny" : "dn\xed") : n + "dny";break;case "M":return a || s ? "m\u011Bs\xEDc" : "m\u011Bs\xEDcem";case "MM":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "m\u011Bs\xEDce" : "m\u011Bs\xEDc\u016F") : n + "m\u011Bs\xEDci";break;case "y":return a || s ? "rok" : "rokem";case "yy":return a || s ? n + (fs(e) ? "roky" : "let") : n + "lety";break;}}function ps(e, a, t, s) {var n = { m: ["eine Minute", "einer Minute"], h: ["eine Stunde", "einer Stunde"], d: ["ein Tag", "einem Tag"], dd: [e + " Tage", e + " Tagen"], M: ["ein Monat", "einem Monat"], MM: [e + " Monate", e + " Monaten"], y: ["ein Jahr", "einem Jahr"], yy: [e + " Jahre", e + " Jahren"] };return a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}function Ds(e, a, t, s) {var n = { m: ["eine Minute", "einer Minute"], h: ["eine Stunde", "einer Stunde"], d: ["ein Tag", "einem Tag"], dd: [e + " Tage", e + " Tagen"], M: ["ein Monat", "einem Monat"], MM: [e + " Monate", e + " Monaten"], y: ["ein Jahr", "einem Jahr"], yy: [e + " Jahre", e + " Jahren"] };return a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}function Ts(e, a, t, s) {var n = { m: ["eine Minute", "einer Minute"], h: ["eine Stunde", "einer Stunde"], d: ["ein Tag", "einem Tag"], dd: [e + " Tage", e + " Tagen"], M: ["ein Monat", "einem Monat"], MM: [e + " Monate", e + " Monaten"], y: ["ein Jahr", "einem Jahr"], yy: [e + " Jahre", e + " Jahren"] };return a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}l.defineLocale("cs", { months: Ls, monthsShort: cs, monthsRegex: ys, monthsShortRegex: ys, monthsStrictRegex: /^(leden|ledna|\xfanora|\xfanor|b\u0159ezen|b\u0159ezna|duben|dubna|kv\u011bten|kv\u011btna|\u010dervenec|\u010dervence|\u010derven|\u010dervna|srpen|srpna|z\xe1\u0159\xed|\u0159\xedjen|\u0159\xedjna|listopadu|listopad|prosinec|prosince)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(led|\xfano|b\u0159e|dub|kv\u011b|\u010dvn|\u010dvc|srp|z\xe1\u0159|\u0159\xedj|lis|pro)/i, monthsParse: Ys, longMonthsParse: Ys, shortMonthsParse: Ys, weekdays: "ned\u011Ble_pond\u011Bl\xED_\xFAter\xFD_st\u0159eda_\u010Dtvrtek_p\xE1tek_sobota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ne_po_\xFAt_st_\u010Dt_p\xE1_so".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_\xFAt_st_\u010Dt_p\xE1_so".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", l: "D. M. YYYY" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[dnes v] LT", nextDay: "[z\xedtra v] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[v ned\u011Bli v] LT";case 1:case 2:return "[v] dddd [v] LT";case 3:return "[ve st\u0159edu v] LT";case 4:return "[ve \u010Dtvrtek v] LT";case 5:return "[v p\xe1tek v] LT";case 6:return "[v sobotu v] LT";}}, lastDay: "[v\u010Dera v] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[minulou ned\u011Bli v] LT";case 1:case 2:return "[minul\xe9] dddd [v] LT";case 3:return "[minulou st\u0159edu v] LT";case 4:case 5:return "[minul\xfd] dddd [v] LT";case 6:return "[minulou sobotu v] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "p\u0159ed %s", s: ks, ss: ks, m: ks, mm: ks, h: ks, hh: ks, d: ks, dd: ks, M: ks, MM: ks, y: ks, yy: ks }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("cv", { months: "\u043A\u04D1\u0440\u043B\u0430\u0447_\u043D\u0430\u0440\u04D1\u0441_\u043F\u0443\u0448_\u0430\u043A\u0430_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u04AB\u04D7\u0440\u0442\u043C\u0435_\u0443\u0442\u04D1_\u04AB\u0443\u0440\u043B\u0430_\u0430\u0432\u04D1\u043D_\u044E\u043F\u0430_\u0447\u04F3\u043A_\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0432".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u043A\u04D1\u0440_\u043D\u0430\u0440_\u043F\u0443\u0448_\u0430\u043A\u0430_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u04AB\u04D7\u0440_\u0443\u0442\u04D1_\u04AB\u0443\u0440_\u0430\u0432\u043D_\u044E\u043F\u0430_\u0447\u04F3\u043A_\u0440\u0430\u0448".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0432\u044B\u0440\u0441\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u0442\u0443\u043D\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u044B\u0442\u043B\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u044E\u043D\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u043A\u04D7\u04AB\u043D\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u044D\u0440\u043D\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D_\u0448\u04D1\u043C\u0430\u0442\u043A\u0443\u043D".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0432\u044B\u0440_\u0442\u0443\u043D_\u044B\u0442\u043B_\u044E\u043D_\u043A\u04D7\u04AB_\u044D\u0440\u043D_\u0448\u04D1\u043C".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0432\u0440_\u0442\u043D_\u044B\u0442_\u044E\u043D_\u043A\u04AB_\u044D\u0440_\u0448\u043C".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD-MM-YYYY", LL: "YYYY [\u04AB\u0443\u043B\u0445\u0438] MMMM [\u0443\u0439\u04D1\u0445\u04D7\u043D] D[-\u043C\u04D7\u0448\u04D7]", LLL: "YYYY [\u04AB\u0443\u043B\u0445\u0438] MMMM [\u0443\u0439\u04D1\u0445\u04D7\u043D] D[-\u043C\u04D7\u0448\u04D7], HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, YYYY [\u04AB\u0443\u043B\u0445\u0438] MMMM [\u0443\u0439\u04D1\u0445\u04D7\u043D] D[-\u043C\u04D7\u0448\u04D7], HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u041F\u0430\u044F\u043D] LT [\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0435]", nextDay: "[\u042B\u0440\u0430\u043D] LT [\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0435]", lastDay: "[\u04D6\u043D\u0435\u0440] LT [\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0435]", nextWeek: "[\u04AA\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441] dddd LT [\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0435]", lastWeek: "[\u0418\u0440\u0442\u043D\u04D7] dddd LT [\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0435]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return e + (/\u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442$/i.exec(e) ? "\u0440\u0435\u043D" : /\u04ab\u0443\u043b$/i.exec(e) ? "\u0442\u0430\u043D" : "\u0440\u0430\u043D");}, past: "%s \u043A\u0430\u044F\u043B\u043B\u0430", s: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440-\u0438\u043A \u04AB\u0435\u043A\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0442", ss: "%d \u04AB\u0435\u043A\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0442", m: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", mm: "%d \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", h: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440 \u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442", hh: "%d \u0441\u0435\u0445\u0435\u0442", d: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440 \u043A\u0443\u043D", dd: "%d \u043A\u0443\u043D", M: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440 \u0443\u0439\u04D1\u0445", MM: "%d \u0443\u0439\u04D1\u0445", y: "\u043F\u04D7\u0440 \u04AB\u0443\u043B", yy: "%d \u04AB\u0443\u043B" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-\u043c\u04d7\u0448/, ordinal: "%d-\u043C\u04D7\u0448", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("cy", { months: "Ionawr_Chwefror_Mawrth_Ebrill_Mai_Mehefin_Gorffennaf_Awst_Medi_Hydref_Tachwedd_Rhagfyr".split("_"), monthsShort: "Ion_Chwe_Maw_Ebr_Mai_Meh_Gor_Aws_Med_Hyd_Tach_Rhag".split("_"), weekdays: "Dydd Sul_Dydd Llun_Dydd Mawrth_Dydd Mercher_Dydd Iau_Dydd Gwener_Dydd Sadwrn".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sul_Llun_Maw_Mer_Iau_Gwe_Sad".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Ll_Ma_Me_Ia_Gw_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Heddiw am] LT", nextDay: "[Yfory am] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [am] LT", lastDay: "[Ddoe am] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [diwethaf am] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "mewn %s", past: "%s yn \xf4l", s: "ychydig eiliadau", ss: "%d eiliad", m: "munud", mm: "%d munud", h: "awr", hh: "%d awr", d: "diwrnod", dd: "%d diwrnod", M: "mis", MM: "%d mis", y: "blwyddyn", yy: "%d flynedd" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(fed|ain|af|il|ydd|ed|eg)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = "";return 20 < e ? a = 40 === e || 50 === e || 60 === e || 80 === e || 100 === e ? "fed" : "ain" : 0 < e && (a = ["", "af", "il", "ydd", "ydd", "ed", "ed", "ed", "fed", "fed", "fed", "eg", "fed", "eg", "eg", "fed", "eg", "eg", "fed", "eg", "fed"][e]), e + a;}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("da", { months: "januar_februar_marts_april_maj_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"), weekdays: "s\xf8ndag_mandag_tirsdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_l\xf8rdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "s\xf8n_man_tir_ons_tor_fre_l\xf8r".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "s\xf8_ma_ti_on_to_fr_l\xf8".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd [d.] D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[i dag kl.] LT", nextDay: "[i morgen kl.] LT", nextWeek: "p\xe5 dddd [kl.] LT", lastDay: "[i g\xe5r kl.] LT", lastWeek: "[i] dddd[s kl.] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "om %s", past: "%s siden", s: "f\xe5 sekunder", ss: "%d sekunder", m: "et minut", mm: "%d minutter", h: "en time", hh: "%d timer", d: "en dag", dd: "%d dage", M: "en m\xe5ned", MM: "%d m\xe5neder", y: "et \xe5r", yy: "%d \xe5r" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("de-at", { months: "J\xe4nner_Februar_M\xe4rz_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember".split("_"), monthsShort: "J\xe4n._Feb._M\xe4rz_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[heute um] LT [Uhr]", sameElse: "L", nextDay: "[morgen um] LT [Uhr]", nextWeek: "dddd [um] LT [Uhr]", lastDay: "[gestern um] LT [Uhr]", lastWeek: "[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "vor %s", s: "ein paar Sekunden", ss: "%d Sekunden", m: ps, mm: "%d Minuten", h: ps, hh: "%d Stunden", d: ps, dd: ps, M: ps, MM: ps, y: ps, yy: ps }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("de-ch", { months: "Januar_Februar_M\xe4rz_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan._Feb._M\xe4rz_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[heute um] LT [Uhr]", sameElse: "L", nextDay: "[morgen um] LT [Uhr]", nextWeek: "dddd [um] LT [Uhr]", lastDay: "[gestern um] LT [Uhr]", lastWeek: "[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "vor %s", s: "ein paar Sekunden", ss: "%d Sekunden", m: Ds, mm: "%d Minuten", h: Ds, hh: "%d Stunden", d: Ds, dd: Ds, M: Ds, MM: Ds, y: Ds, yy: Ds }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("de", { months: "Januar_Februar_M\xe4rz_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan._Feb._M\xe4rz_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[heute um] LT [Uhr]", sameElse: "L", nextDay: "[morgen um] LT [Uhr]", nextWeek: "dddd [um] LT [Uhr]", lastDay: "[gestern um] LT [Uhr]", lastWeek: "[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "vor %s", s: "ein paar Sekunden", ss: "%d Sekunden", m: Ts, mm: "%d Minuten", h: Ts, hh: "%d Stunden", d: Ts, dd: Ts, M: Ts, MM: Ts, y: Ts, yy: Ts }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var gs = ["\u0796\u07AC\u0782\u07AA\u0787\u07A6\u0783\u07A9", "\u078A\u07AC\u0784\u07B0\u0783\u07AA\u0787\u07A6\u0783\u07A9", "\u0789\u07A7\u0783\u07A8\u0797\u07AA", "\u0787\u07AD\u0795\u07B0\u0783\u07A9\u078D\u07AA", "\u0789\u07AD", "\u0796\u07AB\u0782\u07B0", "\u0796\u07AA\u078D\u07A6\u0787\u07A8", "\u0787\u07AF\u078E\u07A6\u0790\u07B0\u0793\u07AA", "\u0790\u07AC\u0795\u07B0\u0793\u07AC\u0789\u07B0\u0784\u07A6\u0783\u07AA", "\u0787\u07AE\u0786\u07B0\u0793\u07AF\u0784\u07A6\u0783\u07AA", "\u0782\u07AE\u0788\u07AC\u0789\u07B0\u0784\u07A6\u0783\u07AA", "\u0791\u07A8\u0790\u07AC\u0789\u07B0\u0784\u07A6\u0783\u07AA"],ws = ["\u0787\u07A7\u078B\u07A8\u0787\u07B0\u078C\u07A6", "\u0780\u07AF\u0789\u07A6", "\u0787\u07A6\u0782\u07B0\u078E\u07A7\u0783\u07A6", "\u0784\u07AA\u078B\u07A6", "\u0784\u07AA\u0783\u07A7\u0790\u07B0\u078A\u07A6\u078C\u07A8", "\u0780\u07AA\u0786\u07AA\u0783\u07AA", "\u0780\u07AE\u0782\u07A8\u0780\u07A8\u0783\u07AA"];l.defineLocale("dv", { months: gs, monthsShort: gs, weekdays: ws, weekdaysShort: ws, weekdaysMin: "\u0787\u07A7\u078B\u07A8_\u0780\u07AF\u0789\u07A6_\u0787\u07A6\u0782\u07B0_\u0784\u07AA\u078B\u07A6_\u0784\u07AA\u0783\u07A7_\u0780\u07AA\u0786\u07AA_\u0780\u07AE\u0782\u07A8".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "D/M/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0789\u0786|\u0789\u078a/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0789\u078A" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0789\u0786" : "\u0789\u078A";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0789\u07A8\u0787\u07A6\u078B\u07AA] LT", nextDay: "[\u0789\u07A7\u078B\u07A6\u0789\u07A7] LT", nextWeek: "dddd LT", lastDay: "[\u0787\u07A8\u0787\u07B0\u0794\u07AC] LT", lastWeek: "[\u078A\u07A7\u0787\u07A8\u078C\u07AA\u0788\u07A8] dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u078C\u07AC\u0783\u07AD\u078E\u07A6\u0787\u07A8 %s", past: "\u0786\u07AA\u0783\u07A8\u0782\u07B0 %s", s: "\u0790\u07A8\u0786\u07AA\u0782\u07B0\u078C\u07AA\u0786\u07AE\u0785\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", ss: "d% \u0790\u07A8\u0786\u07AA\u0782\u07B0\u078C\u07AA", m: "\u0789\u07A8\u0782\u07A8\u0793\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", mm: "\u0789\u07A8\u0782\u07A8\u0793\u07AA %d", h: "\u078E\u07A6\u0791\u07A8\u0787\u07A8\u0783\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", hh: "\u078E\u07A6\u0791\u07A8\u0787\u07A8\u0783\u07AA %d", d: "\u078B\u07AA\u0788\u07A6\u0780\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", dd: "\u078B\u07AA\u0788\u07A6\u0790\u07B0 %d", M: "\u0789\u07A6\u0780\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", MM: "\u0789\u07A6\u0790\u07B0 %d", y: "\u0787\u07A6\u0780\u07A6\u0783\u07AC\u0787\u07B0", yy: "\u0787\u07A6\u0780\u07A6\u0783\u07AA %d" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 7, doy: 12 } }), l.defineLocale("el", { monthsNominativeEl: "\u0399\u03B1\u03BD\u03BF\u03C5\u03AC\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u03A6\u03B5\u03B2\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03AC\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03C4\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u0391\u03C0\u03C1\u03AF\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u039C\u03AC\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u0399\u03BF\u03CD\u03BD\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u0399\u03BF\u03CD\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u0391\u03CD\u03B3\u03BF\u03C5\u03C3\u03C4\u03BF\u03C2_\u03A3\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03AD\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u039F\u03BA\u03C4\u03CE\u03B2\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u039D\u03BF\u03AD\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2_\u0394\u03B5\u03BA\u03AD\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2".split("_"), monthsGenitiveEl: "\u0399\u03B1\u03BD\u03BF\u03C5\u03B1\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u03A6\u03B5\u03B2\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03B1\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u039C\u03B1\u03C1\u03C4\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u0391\u03C0\u03C1\u03B9\u03BB\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u039C\u03B1\u0390\u03BF\u03C5_\u0399\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u0399\u03BF\u03C5\u03BB\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u0391\u03C5\u03B3\u03BF\u03CD\u03C3\u03C4\u03BF\u03C5_\u03A3\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03B5\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u039F\u03BA\u03C4\u03C9\u03B2\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u039D\u03BF\u03B5\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5_\u0394\u03B5\u03BA\u03B5\u03BC\u03B2\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5".split("_"), months: function months(e, a) {return e ? "string" == typeof a && /D/.test(a.substring(0, a.indexOf("MMMM"))) ? this._monthsGenitiveEl[e.month()] : this._monthsNominativeEl[e.month()] : this._monthsNominativeEl;}, monthsShort: "\u0399\u03B1\u03BD_\u03A6\u03B5\u03B2_\u039C\u03B1\u03C1_\u0391\u03C0\u03C1_\u039C\u03B1\u03CA_\u0399\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD_\u0399\u03BF\u03C5\u03BB_\u0391\u03C5\u03B3_\u03A3\u03B5\u03C0_\u039F\u03BA\u03C4_\u039D\u03BF\u03B5_\u0394\u03B5\u03BA".split("_"), weekdays: "\u039A\u03C5\u03C1\u03B9\u03B1\u03BA\u03AE_\u0394\u03B5\u03C5\u03C4\u03AD\u03C1\u03B1_\u03A4\u03C1\u03AF\u03C4\u03B7_\u03A4\u03B5\u03C4\u03AC\u03C1\u03C4\u03B7_\u03A0\u03AD\u03BC\u03C0\u03C4\u03B7_\u03A0\u03B1\u03C1\u03B1\u03C3\u03BA\u03B5\u03C5\u03AE_\u03A3\u03AC\u03B2\u03B2\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u039A\u03C5\u03C1_\u0394\u03B5\u03C5_\u03A4\u03C1\u03B9_\u03A4\u03B5\u03C4_\u03A0\u03B5\u03BC_\u03A0\u03B1\u03C1_\u03A3\u03B1\u03B2".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u039A\u03C5_\u0394\u03B5_\u03A4\u03C1_\u03A4\u03B5_\u03A0\u03B5_\u03A0\u03B1_\u03A3\u03B1".split("_"), meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return 11 < e ? t ? "\u03BC\u03BC" : "\u039C\u039C" : t ? "\u03C0\u03BC" : "\u03A0\u039C";}, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u03BC" === (e + "").toLowerCase()[0];}, meridiemParse: /[\u03a0\u039c]\.?\u039c?\.?/i, longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendarEl: { sameDay: "[\u03A3\u03AE\u03BC\u03B5\u03C1\u03B1 {}] LT", nextDay: "[\u0391\u03CD\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF {}] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [{}] LT", lastDay: "[\u03A7\u03B8\u03B5\u03C2 {}] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 6:return "[\u03C4\u03BF \u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03B7\u03B3\u03BF\u03CD\u03BC\u03B5\u03BD\u03BF] dddd [{}] LT";default:return "[\u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03B7\u03B3\u03BF\u03CD\u03BC\u03B5\u03BD\u03B7] dddd [{}] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, calendar: function calendar(e, a) {var t = this._calendarEl[e],s = a && a.hours();return H(t) && (t = t.apply(a)), t.replace("{}", s % 12 == 1 ? "\u03C3\u03C4\u03B7" : "\u03C3\u03C4\u03B9\u03C2");}, relativeTime: { future: "\u03C3\u03B5 %s", past: "%s \u03C0\u03C1\u03B9\u03BD", s: "\u03BB\u03AF\u03B3\u03B1 \u03B4\u03B5\u03C5\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03CC\u03BB\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03B1", ss: "%d \u03B4\u03B5\u03C5\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03CC\u03BB\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03B1", m: "\u03AD\u03BD\u03B1 \u03BB\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03CC", mm: "%d \u03BB\u03B5\u03C0\u03C4\u03AC", h: "\u03BC\u03AF\u03B1 \u03CE\u03C1\u03B1", hh: "%d \u03CE\u03C1\u03B5\u03C2", d: "\u03BC\u03AF\u03B1 \u03BC\u03AD\u03C1\u03B1", dd: "%d \u03BC\u03AD\u03C1\u03B5\u03C2", M: "\u03AD\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03BC\u03AE\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2", MM: "%d \u03BC\u03AE\u03BD\u03B5\u03C2", y: "\u03AD\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03C7\u03C1\u03CC\u03BD\u03BF\u03C2", yy: "%d \u03C7\u03C1\u03CC\u03BD\u03B9\u03B1" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\u03b7/, ordinal: "%d\u03B7", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("en-SG", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("en-au", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("en-ca", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");} }), l.defineLocale("en-gb", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("en-ie", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("en-il", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");} }), l.defineLocale("en-nz", { months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("eo", { months: "januaro_februaro_marto_aprilo_majo_junio_julio_a\u016Dgusto_septembro_oktobro_novembro_decembro".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_a\u016Dg_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"), weekdays: "diman\u0109o_lundo_mardo_merkredo_\u0135a\u016Ddo_vendredo_sabato".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dim_lun_mard_merk_\u0135a\u016D_ven_sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "di_lu_ma_me_\u0135a_ve_sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY", LLL: "D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, [la] D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /[ap]\.t\.m/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "p" === e.charAt(0).toLowerCase();}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return 11 < e ? t ? "p.t.m." : "P.T.M." : t ? "a.t.m." : "A.T.M.";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hodia\u016D je] LT", nextDay: "[Morga\u016D je] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [je] LT", lastDay: "[Hiera\u016D je] LT", lastWeek: "[pasinta] dddd [je] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "post %s", past: "anta\u016D %s", s: "sekundoj", ss: "%d sekundoj", m: "minuto", mm: "%d minutoj", h: "horo", hh: "%d horoj", d: "tago", dd: "%d tagoj", M: "monato", MM: "%d monatoj", y: "jaro", yy: "%d jaroj" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}a/, ordinal: "%da", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var vs = "ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.".split("_"),Ss = "ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic".split("_"),Hs = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i, /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i],bs = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;l.defineLocale("es-do", { months: "enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? Ss[e.month()] : vs[e.month()] : vs;}, monthsRegex: bs, monthsShortRegex: bs, monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i, monthsParse: Hs, longMonthsParse: Hs, shortMonthsParse: Hs, weekdays: "domingo_lunes_martes_mi\xe9rcoles_jueves_viernes_s\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom._lun._mar._mi\xe9._jue._vie._s\xe1b.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_s\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: function sameDay() {return "[hoy a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextDay: function nextDay() {return "[ma\xf1ana a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastDay: function lastDay() {return "[ayer a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[el] dddd [pasado a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "en %s", past: "hace %s", s: "unos segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "una hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "un d\xeda", dd: "%d d\xedas", M: "un mes", MM: "%d meses", y: "un a\xf1o", yy: "%d a\xf1os" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var js = "ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.".split("_"),xs = "ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic".split("_"),Os = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i, /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i],Ps = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;l.defineLocale("es-us", { months: "enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? xs[e.month()] : js[e.month()] : js;}, monthsRegex: Ps, monthsShortRegex: Ps, monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i, monthsParse: Os, longMonthsParse: Os, shortMonthsParse: Os, weekdays: "domingo_lunes_martes_mi\xe9rcoles_jueves_viernes_s\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom._lun._mar._mi\xe9._jue._vie._s\xe1b.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_s\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: function sameDay() {return "[hoy a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextDay: function nextDay() {return "[ma\xf1ana a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastDay: function lastDay() {return "[ayer a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[el] dddd [pasado a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "en %s", past: "hace %s", s: "unos segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "una hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "un d\xeda", dd: "%d d\xedas", M: "un mes", MM: "%d meses", y: "un a\xf1o", yy: "%d a\xf1os" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } });var Ws = "ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.".split("_"),As = "ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic".split("_"),Es = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i, /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i],Fs = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;function zs(e, a, t, s) {var n = { s: ["m\xf5ne sekundi", "m\xf5ni sekund", "paar sekundit"], ss: [e + "sekundi", e + "sekundit"], m: ["\xfche minuti", "\xfcks minut"], mm: [e + " minuti", e + " minutit"], h: ["\xfche tunni", "tund aega", "\xfcks tund"], hh: [e + " tunni", e + " tundi"], d: ["\xfche p\xe4eva", "\xfcks p\xe4ev"], M: ["kuu aja", "kuu aega", "\xfcks kuu"], MM: [e + " kuu", e + " kuud"], y: ["\xfche aasta", "aasta", "\xfcks aasta"], yy: [e + " aasta", e + " aastat"] };return a ? n[t][2] ? n[t][2] : n[t][1] : s ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}l.defineLocale("es", { months: "enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? As[e.month()] : Ws[e.month()] : Ws;}, monthsRegex: Fs, monthsShortRegex: Fs, monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i, monthsParse: Es, longMonthsParse: Es, shortMonthsParse: Es, weekdays: "domingo_lunes_martes_mi\xe9rcoles_jueves_viernes_s\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom._lun._mar._mi\xe9._jue._vie._s\xe1b.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_s\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: function sameDay() {return "[hoy a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextDay: function nextDay() {return "[ma\xf1ana a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastDay: function lastDay() {return "[ayer a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[el] dddd [pasado a la" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "s" : "") + "] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "en %s", past: "hace %s", s: "unos segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "una hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "un d\xeda", dd: "%d d\xedas", M: "un mes", MM: "%d meses", y: "un a\xf1o", yy: "%d a\xf1os" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("et", { months: "jaanuar_veebruar_m\xe4rts_aprill_mai_juuni_juuli_august_september_oktoober_november_detsember".split("_"), monthsShort: "jaan_veebr_m\xe4rts_apr_mai_juuni_juuli_aug_sept_okt_nov_dets".split("_"), weekdays: "p\xfchap\xe4ev_esmasp\xe4ev_teisip\xe4ev_kolmap\xe4ev_neljap\xe4ev_reede_laup\xe4ev".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "P_E_T_K_N_R_L".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "P_E_T_K_N_R_L".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[T\xe4na,] LT", nextDay: "[Homme,] LT", nextWeek: "[J\xe4rgmine] dddd LT", lastDay: "[Eile,] LT", lastWeek: "[Eelmine] dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s p\xe4rast", past: "%s tagasi", s: zs, ss: zs, m: zs, mm: zs, h: zs, hh: zs, d: zs, dd: "%d p\xe4eva", M: zs, MM: zs, y: zs, yy: zs }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("eu", { months: "urtarrila_otsaila_martxoa_apirila_maiatza_ekaina_uztaila_abuztua_iraila_urria_azaroa_abendua".split("_"), monthsShort: "urt._ots._mar._api._mai._eka._uzt._abu._ira._urr._aza._abe.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "igandea_astelehena_asteartea_asteazkena_osteguna_ostirala_larunbata".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ig._al._ar._az._og._ol._lr.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ig_al_ar_az_og_ol_lr".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a]", LLL: "YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm", l: "YYYY-M-D", ll: "YYYY[ko] MMM D[a]", lll: "YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm", llll: "ddd, YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[gaur] LT[etan]", nextDay: "[bihar] LT[etan]", nextWeek: "dddd LT[etan]", lastDay: "[atzo] LT[etan]", lastWeek: "[aurreko] dddd LT[etan]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s barru", past: "duela %s", s: "segundo batzuk", ss: "%d segundo", m: "minutu bat", mm: "%d minutu", h: "ordu bat", hh: "%d ordu", d: "egun bat", dd: "%d egun", M: "hilabete bat", MM: "%d hilabete", y: "urte bat", yy: "%d urte" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var Js = { 1: "\u06F1", 2: "\u06F2", 3: "\u06F3", 4: "\u06F4", 5: "\u06F5", 6: "\u06F6", 7: "\u06F7", 8: "\u06F8", 9: "\u06F9", 0: "\u06F0" },Ns = { "\u06F1": "1", "\u06F2": "2", "\u06F3": "3", "\u06F4": "4", "\u06F5": "5", "\u06F6": "6", "\u06F7": "7", "\u06F8": "8", "\u06F9": "9", "\u06F0": "0" };l.defineLocale("fa", { months: "\u0698\u0627\u0646\u0648\u06CC\u0647_\u0641\u0648\u0631\u06CC\u0647_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0622\u0648\u0631\u06CC\u0644_\u0645\u0647_\u0698\u0648\u0626\u0646_\u0698\u0648\u0626\u06CC\u0647_\u0627\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u067E\u062A\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0627\u06A9\u062A\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u0633\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0698\u0627\u0646\u0648\u06CC\u0647_\u0641\u0648\u0631\u06CC\u0647_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633_\u0622\u0648\u0631\u06CC\u0644_\u0645\u0647_\u0698\u0648\u0626\u0646_\u0698\u0648\u0626\u06CC\u0647_\u0627\u0648\u062A_\u0633\u067E\u062A\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u0627\u06A9\u062A\u0628\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631_\u062F\u0633\u0627\u0645\u0628\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u06CC\u06A9\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u062F\u0648\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u0633\u0647\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u0686\u0647\u0627\u0631\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u067E\u0646\u062C\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0647_\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u06CC\u06A9\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u062F\u0648\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u0633\u0647\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u0686\u0647\u0627\u0631\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u067E\u0646\u062C\u200C\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647_\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0647_\u0634\u0646\u0628\u0647".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u06CC_\u062F_\u0633_\u0686_\u067E_\u062C_\u0634".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0627\u0632 \u0638\u0647\u0631|\u0628\u0639\u062f \u0627\u0632 \u0638\u0647\u0631/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /\u0628\u0639\u062f \u0627\u0632 \u0638\u0647\u0631/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0627\u0632 \u0638\u0647\u0631" : "\u0628\u0639\u062F \u0627\u0632 \u0638\u0647\u0631";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0645\u0631\u0648\u0632 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A] LT", nextDay: "[\u0641\u0631\u062F\u0627 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A] LT", lastDay: "[\u062F\u06CC\u0631\u0648\u0632 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u067E\u06CC\u0634] [\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u062F\u0631 %s", past: "%s \u067E\u06CC\u0634", s: "\u0686\u0646\u062F \u062B\u0627\u0646\u06CC\u0647", ss: "\u062B\u0627\u0646\u06CC\u0647 d%", m: "\u06CC\u06A9 \u062F\u0642\u06CC\u0642\u0647", mm: "%d \u062F\u0642\u06CC\u0642\u0647", h: "\u06CC\u06A9 \u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0639\u062A", d: "\u06CC\u06A9 \u0631\u0648\u0632", dd: "%d \u0631\u0648\u0632", M: "\u06CC\u06A9 \u0645\u0627\u0647", MM: "%d \u0645\u0627\u0647", y: "\u06CC\u06A9 \u0633\u0627\u0644", yy: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0644" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u06f0-\u06f9]/g, function (e) {return Ns[e];}).replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return Js[e];}).replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\u0645/, ordinal: "%d\u0645", week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } });var Rs = "nolla yksi kaksi kolme nelj\xe4 viisi kuusi seitsem\xe4n kahdeksan yhdeks\xe4n".split(" "),Cs = ["nolla", "yhden", "kahden", "kolmen", "nelj\xe4n", "viiden", "kuuden", Rs[7], Rs[8], Rs[9]];function Is(e, a, t, s) {var n,d,r = "";switch (t) {case "s":return s ? "muutaman sekunnin" : "muutama sekunti";case "ss":return s ? "sekunnin" : "sekuntia";case "m":return s ? "minuutin" : "minuutti";case "mm":r = s ? "minuutin" : "minuuttia";break;case "h":return s ? "tunnin" : "tunti";case "hh":r = s ? "tunnin" : "tuntia";break;case "d":return s ? "p\xe4iv\xe4n" : "p\xe4iv\xe4";case "dd":r = s ? "p\xe4iv\xe4n" : "p\xe4iv\xe4\xe4";break;case "M":return s ? "kuukauden" : "kuukausi";case "MM":r = s ? "kuukauden" : "kuukautta";break;case "y":return s ? "vuoden" : "vuosi";case "yy":r = s ? "vuoden" : "vuotta";break;}return d = s, r = ((n = e) < 10 ? d ? Cs[n] : Rs[n] : n) + " " + r;}l.defineLocale("fi", { months: "tammikuu_helmikuu_maaliskuu_huhtikuu_toukokuu_kes\xe4kuu_hein\xe4kuu_elokuu_syyskuu_lokakuu_marraskuu_joulukuu".split("_"), monthsShort: "tammi_helmi_maalis_huhti_touko_kes\xe4_hein\xe4_elo_syys_loka_marras_joulu".split("_"), weekdays: "sunnuntai_maanantai_tiistai_keskiviikko_torstai_perjantai_lauantai".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "Do MMMM[ta] YYYY", LLL: "Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo]", LLLL: "dddd, Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo]", l: "D.M.YYYY", ll: "Do MMM YYYY", lll: "Do MMM YYYY, [klo]", llll: "ddd, Do MMM YYYY, [klo]" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[t\xe4n\xe4\xe4n] [klo] LT", nextDay: "[huomenna] [klo] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [klo] LT", lastDay: "[eilen] [klo] LT", lastWeek: "[viime] dddd[na] [klo] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s p\xe4\xe4st\xe4", past: "%s sitten", s: Is, ss: Is, m: Is, mm: Is, h: Is, hh: Is, d: Is, dd: Is, M: Is, MM: Is, y: Is, yy: Is }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("fo", { months: "januar_februar_mars_apr\xedl_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des".split("_"), weekdays: "sunnudagur_m\xe1nadagur_t\xfdsdagur_mikudagur_h\xf3sdagur_fr\xedggjadagur_leygardagur".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "sun_m\xe1n_t\xfds_mik_h\xf3s_fr\xed_ley".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "su_m\xe1_t\xfd_mi_h\xf3_fr_le".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D. MMMM, YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\xcd dag kl.] LT", nextDay: "[\xcd morgin kl.] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [kl.] LT", lastDay: "[\xcd gj\xe1r kl.] LT", lastWeek: "[s\xed\xf0stu] dddd [kl] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "um %s", past: "%s s\xed\xf0ani", s: "f\xe1 sekund", ss: "%d sekundir", m: "ein minuttur", mm: "%d minuttir", h: "ein t\xedmi", hh: "%d t\xedmar", d: "ein dagur", dd: "%d dagar", M: "ein m\xe1na\xf0ur", MM: "%d m\xe1na\xf0ir", y: "eitt \xe1r", yy: "%d \xe1r" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("fr-ca", { months: "janvier_f\xe9vrier_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_ao\xfbt_septembre_octobre_novembre_d\xe9cembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "janv._f\xe9vr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._ao\xfbt_sept._oct._nov._d\xe9c.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Aujourd\u2019hui \xE0] LT", nextDay: "[Demain \xe0] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0] LT", lastDay: "[Hier \xe0] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [dernier \xe0] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dans %s", past: "il y a %s", s: "quelques secondes", ss: "%d secondes", m: "une minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "une heure", hh: "%d heures", d: "un jour", dd: "%d jours", M: "un mois", MM: "%d mois", y: "un an", yy: "%d ans" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {default:case "M":case "Q":case "D":case "DDD":case "d":return e + (1 === e ? "er" : "e");case "w":case "W":return e + (1 === e ? "re" : "e");}} }), l.defineLocale("fr-ch", { months: "janvier_f\xe9vrier_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_ao\xfbt_septembre_octobre_novembre_d\xe9cembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "janv._f\xe9vr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._ao\xfbt_sept._oct._nov._d\xe9c.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Aujourd\u2019hui \xE0] LT", nextDay: "[Demain \xe0] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0] LT", lastDay: "[Hier \xe0] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [dernier \xe0] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dans %s", past: "il y a %s", s: "quelques secondes", ss: "%d secondes", m: "une minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "une heure", hh: "%d heures", d: "un jour", dd: "%d jours", M: "un mois", MM: "%d mois", y: "un an", yy: "%d ans" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {default:case "M":case "Q":case "D":case "DDD":case "d":return e + (1 === e ? "er" : "e");case "w":case "W":return e + (1 === e ? "re" : "e");}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("fr", { months: "janvier_f\xe9vrier_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_ao\xfbt_septembre_octobre_novembre_d\xe9cembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "janv._f\xe9vr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._ao\xfbt_sept._oct._nov._d\xe9c.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Aujourd\u2019hui \xE0] LT", nextDay: "[Demain \xe0] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0] LT", lastDay: "[Hier \xe0] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [dernier \xe0] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dans %s", past: "il y a %s", s: "quelques secondes", ss: "%d secondes", m: "une minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "une heure", hh: "%d heures", d: "un jour", dd: "%d jours", M: "un mois", MM: "%d mois", y: "un an", yy: "%d ans" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "D":return e + (1 === e ? "er" : "");default:case "M":case "Q":case "DDD":case "d":return e + (1 === e ? "er" : "e");case "w":case "W":return e + (1 === e ? "re" : "e");}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var Us = "jan._feb._mrt._apr._mai_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._des.".split("_"),Gs = "jan_feb_mrt_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des".split("_");l.defineLocale("fy", { months: "jannewaris_febrewaris_maart_april_maaie_juny_july_augustus_septimber_oktober_novimber_desimber".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? Gs[e.month()] : Us[e.month()] : Us;}, monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "snein_moandei_tiisdei_woansdei_tongersdei_freed_sneon".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "si._mo._ti._wo._to._fr._so.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Si_Mo_Ti_Wo_To_Fr_So".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD-MM-YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[hjoed om] LT", nextDay: "[moarn om] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [om] LT", lastDay: "[juster om] LT", lastWeek: "[\xf4fr\xfbne] dddd [om] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "oer %s", past: "%s lyn", s: "in pear sekonden", ss: "%d sekonden", m: "ien min\xfat", mm: "%d minuten", h: "ien oere", hh: "%d oeren", d: "ien dei", dd: "%d dagen", M: "ien moanne", MM: "%d moannen", y: "ien jier", yy: "%d jierren" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e || 8 === e || 20 <= e ? "ste" : "de");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });l.defineLocale("ga", { months: ["Ean\xe1ir", "Feabhra", "M\xe1rta", "Aibre\xe1n", "Bealtaine", "M\xe9itheamh", "I\xfail", "L\xfanasa", "Me\xe1n F\xf3mhair", "Deaireadh F\xf3mhair", "Samhain", "Nollaig"], monthsShort: ["Ean\xe1", "Feab", "M\xe1rt", "Aibr", "Beal", "M\xe9it", "I\xfail", "L\xfana", "Me\xe1n", "Deai", "Samh", "Noll"], monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: ["D\xe9 Domhnaigh", "D\xe9 Luain", "D\xe9 M\xe1irt", "D\xe9 C\xe9adaoin", "D\xe9ardaoin", "D\xe9 hAoine", "D\xe9 Satharn"], weekdaysShort: ["Dom", "Lua", "M\xe1i", "C\xe9a", "D\xe9a", "hAo", "Sat"], weekdaysMin: ["Do", "Lu", "M\xe1", "Ce", "D\xe9", "hA", "Sa"], longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Inniu ag] LT", nextDay: "[Am\xe1rach ag] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [ag] LT", lastDay: "[Inn\xe9 aig] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [seo caite] [ag] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "i %s", past: "%s \xf3 shin", s: "c\xfapla soicind", ss: "%d soicind", m: "n\xf3im\xe9ad", mm: "%d n\xf3im\xe9ad", h: "uair an chloig", hh: "%d uair an chloig", d: "l\xe1", dd: "%d l\xe1", M: "m\xed", MM: "%d m\xed", y: "bliain", yy: "%d bliain" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(d|na|mh)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e ? "d" : e % 10 == 2 ? "na" : "mh");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });function Vs(e, a, t, s) {var n = { s: ["thodde secondanim", "thodde second"], ss: [e + " secondanim", e + " second"], m: ["eka mintan", "ek minute"], mm: [e + " mintanim", e + " mintam"], h: ["eka voran", "ek vor"], hh: [e + " voranim", e + " voram"], d: ["eka disan", "ek dis"], dd: [e + " disanim", e + " dis"], M: ["eka mhoinean", "ek mhoino"], MM: [e + " mhoineanim", e + " mhoine"], y: ["eka vorsan", "ek voros"], yy: [e + " vorsanim", e + " vorsam"] };return a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}l.defineLocale("gd", { months: ["Am Faoilleach", "An Gearran", "Am M\xe0rt", "An Giblean", "An C\xe8itean", "An t-\xd2gmhios", "An t-Iuchar", "An L\xf9nastal", "An t-Sultain", "An D\xe0mhair", "An t-Samhain", "An D\xf9bhlachd"], monthsShort: ["Faoi", "Gear", "M\xe0rt", "Gibl", "C\xe8it", "\xd2gmh", "Iuch", "L\xf9n", "Sult", "D\xe0mh", "Samh", "D\xf9bh"], monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: ["Did\xf2mhnaich", "Diluain", "Dim\xe0irt", "Diciadain", "Diardaoin", "Dihaoine", "Disathairne"], weekdaysShort: ["Did", "Dil", "Dim", "Dic", "Dia", "Dih", "Dis"], weekdaysMin: ["D\xf2", "Lu", "M\xe0", "Ci", "Ar", "Ha", "Sa"], longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[An-diugh aig] LT", nextDay: "[A-m\xe0ireach aig] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [aig] LT", lastDay: "[An-d\xe8 aig] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [seo chaidh] [aig] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "ann an %s", past: "bho chionn %s", s: "beagan diogan", ss: "%d diogan", m: "mionaid", mm: "%d mionaidean", h: "uair", hh: "%d uairean", d: "latha", dd: "%d latha", M: "m\xecos", MM: "%d m\xecosan", y: "bliadhna", yy: "%d bliadhna" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(d|na|mh)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e ? "d" : e % 10 == 2 ? "na" : "mh");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("gl", { months: "xaneiro_febreiro_marzo_abril_maio_xu\xf1o_xullo_agosto_setembro_outubro_novembro_decembro".split("_"), monthsShort: "xan._feb._mar._abr._mai._xu\xf1._xul._ago._set._out._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "domingo_luns_martes_m\xe9rcores_xoves_venres_s\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom._lun._mar._m\xe9r._xov._ven._s\xe1b.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_m\xe9_xo_ve_s\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: function sameDay() {return "[hoxe " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "\xe1s" : "\xe1") + "] LT";}, nextDay: function nextDay() {return "[ma\xf1\xe1 " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "\xe1s" : "\xe1") + "] LT";}, nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [" + (1 !== this.hours() ? "\xe1s" : "a") + "] LT";}, lastDay: function lastDay() {return "[onte " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "\xe1" : "a") + "] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[o] dddd [pasado " + (1 !== this.hours() ? "\xe1s" : "a") + "] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return 0 === e.indexOf("un") ? "n" + e : "en " + e;}, past: "hai %s", s: "uns segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "unha hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "un d\xeda", dd: "%d d\xedas", M: "un mes", MM: "%d meses", y: "un ano", yy: "%d anos" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("gom-latn", { months: "Janer_Febrer_Mars_Abril_Mai_Jun_Julai_Agost_Setembr_Otubr_Novembr_Dezembr".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan._Feb._Mars_Abr._Mai_Jun_Jul._Ago._Set._Otu._Nov._Dez.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "Aitar_Somar_Mongllar_Budvar_Brestar_Sukrar_Son'var".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Ait._Som._Mon._Bud._Bre._Suk._Son.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ai_Sm_Mo_Bu_Br_Su_Sn".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm [vazta]", LTS: "A h:mm:ss [vazta]", L: "DD-MM-YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY A h:mm [vazta]", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM[achea] Do, YYYY, A h:mm [vazta]", llll: "ddd, D MMM YYYY, A h:mm [vazta]" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Aiz] LT", nextDay: "[Faleam] LT", nextWeek: "[Ieta to] dddd[,] LT", lastDay: "[Kal] LT", lastWeek: "[Fatlo] dddd[,] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s", past: "%s adim", s: Vs, ss: Vs, m: Vs, mm: Vs, h: Vs, hh: Vs, d: Vs, dd: Vs, M: Vs, MM: Vs, y: Vs, yy: Vs }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "D":return e + "er";default:case "M":case "Q":case "DDD":case "d":case "w":case "W":return e;}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 }, meridiemParse: /rati|sokalli|donparam|sanje/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "rati" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "sokalli" === a ? e : "donparam" === a ? 12 < e ? e : e + 12 : "sanje" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "rati" : e < 12 ? "sokalli" : e < 16 ? "donparam" : e < 20 ? "sanje" : "rati";} });var Ks = { 1: "\u0AE7", 2: "\u0AE8", 3: "\u0AE9", 4: "\u0AEA", 5: "\u0AEB", 6: "\u0AEC", 7: "\u0AED", 8: "\u0AEE", 9: "\u0AEF", 0: "\u0AE6" },Zs = { "\u0AE7": "1", "\u0AE8": "2", "\u0AE9": "3", "\u0AEA": "4", "\u0AEB": "5", "\u0AEC": "6", "\u0AED": "7", "\u0AEE": "8", "\u0AEF": "9", "\u0AE6": "0" };l.defineLocale("gu", { months: "\u0A9C\u0ABE\u0AA8\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC1\u0A86\u0AB0\u0AC0_\u0AAB\u0AC7\u0AAC\u0ACD\u0AB0\u0AC1\u0A86\u0AB0\u0AC0_\u0AAE\u0ABE\u0AB0\u0ACD\u0A9A_\u0A8F\u0AAA\u0ACD\u0AB0\u0ABF\u0AB2_\u0AAE\u0AC7_\u0A9C\u0AC2\u0AA8_\u0A9C\u0AC1\u0AB2\u0ABE\u0A88_\u0A91\u0A97\u0AB8\u0ACD\u0A9F_\u0AB8\u0AAA\u0ACD\u0A9F\u0AC7\u0AAE\u0ACD\u0AAC\u0AB0_\u0A91\u0A95\u0ACD\u0A9F\u0ACD\u0AAC\u0AB0_\u0AA8\u0AB5\u0AC7\u0AAE\u0ACD\u0AAC\u0AB0_\u0AA1\u0ABF\u0AB8\u0AC7\u0AAE\u0ACD\u0AAC\u0AB0".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0A9C\u0ABE\u0AA8\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC1._\u0AAB\u0AC7\u0AAC\u0ACD\u0AB0\u0AC1._\u0AAE\u0ABE\u0AB0\u0ACD\u0A9A_\u0A8F\u0AAA\u0ACD\u0AB0\u0ABF._\u0AAE\u0AC7_\u0A9C\u0AC2\u0AA8_\u0A9C\u0AC1\u0AB2\u0ABE._\u0A91\u0A97._\u0AB8\u0AAA\u0ACD\u0A9F\u0AC7._\u0A91\u0A95\u0ACD\u0A9F\u0ACD._\u0AA8\u0AB5\u0AC7._\u0AA1\u0ABF\u0AB8\u0AC7.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0AB0\u0AB5\u0ABF\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0AB8\u0ACB\u0AAE\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0AAE\u0A82\u0A97\u0AB3\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0AAC\u0AC1\u0AA7\u0ACD\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0A97\u0AC1\u0AB0\u0AC1\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0AB6\u0AC1\u0A95\u0ACD\u0AB0\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0_\u0AB6\u0AA8\u0ABF\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0AB0\u0AB5\u0ABF_\u0AB8\u0ACB\u0AAE_\u0AAE\u0A82\u0A97\u0AB3_\u0AAC\u0AC1\u0AA7\u0ACD_\u0A97\u0AC1\u0AB0\u0AC1_\u0AB6\u0AC1\u0A95\u0ACD\u0AB0_\u0AB6\u0AA8\u0ABF".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0AB0_\u0AB8\u0ACB_\u0AAE\u0A82_\u0AAC\u0AC1_\u0A97\u0AC1_\u0AB6\u0AC1_\u0AB6".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm \u0AB5\u0ABE\u0A97\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC7", LTS: "A h:mm:ss \u0AB5\u0ABE\u0A97\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC7", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0AB5\u0ABE\u0A97\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC7", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0AB5\u0ABE\u0A97\u0ACD\u0AAF\u0AC7" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0A86\u0A9C] LT", nextDay: "[\u0A95\u0ABE\u0AB2\u0AC7] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0A97\u0A87\u0A95\u0ABE\u0AB2\u0AC7] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0AAA\u0ABE\u0A9B\u0AB2\u0ABE] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0AAE\u0ABE", past: "%s \u0AAA\u0AC7\u0AB9\u0AB2\u0ABE", s: "\u0A85\u0AAE\u0AC1\u0A95 \u0AAA\u0AB3\u0ACB", ss: "%d \u0AB8\u0AC7\u0A95\u0A82\u0AA1", m: "\u0A8F\u0A95 \u0AAE\u0ABF\u0AA8\u0ABF\u0A9F", mm: "%d \u0AAE\u0ABF\u0AA8\u0ABF\u0A9F", h: "\u0A8F\u0A95 \u0A95\u0AB2\u0ABE\u0A95", hh: "%d \u0A95\u0AB2\u0ABE\u0A95", d: "\u0A8F\u0A95 \u0AA6\u0ABF\u0AB5\u0AB8", dd: "%d \u0AA6\u0ABF\u0AB5\u0AB8", M: "\u0A8F\u0A95 \u0AAE\u0AB9\u0ABF\u0AA8\u0ACB", MM: "%d \u0AAE\u0AB9\u0ABF\u0AA8\u0ACB", y: "\u0A8F\u0A95 \u0AB5\u0AB0\u0ACD\u0AB7", yy: "%d \u0AB5\u0AB0\u0ACD\u0AB7" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0ae7\u0ae8\u0ae9\u0aea\u0aeb\u0aec\u0aed\u0aee\u0aef\u0ae6]/g, function (e) {return Zs[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return Ks[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0ab0\u0abe\u0aa4|\u0aac\u0aaa\u0acb\u0ab0|\u0ab8\u0ab5\u0abe\u0ab0|\u0ab8\u0abe\u0a82\u0a9c/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0AB0\u0ABE\u0AA4" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0AB8\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0" === a ? e : "\u0AAC\u0AAA\u0ACB\u0AB0" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0AB8\u0ABE\u0A82\u0A9C" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0AB0\u0ABE\u0AA4" : e < 10 ? "\u0AB8\u0AB5\u0ABE\u0AB0" : e < 17 ? "\u0AAC\u0AAA\u0ACB\u0AB0" : e < 20 ? "\u0AB8\u0ABE\u0A82\u0A9C" : "\u0AB0\u0ABE\u0AA4";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("he", { months: "\u05D9\u05E0\u05D5\u05D0\u05E8_\u05E4\u05D1\u05E8\u05D5\u05D0\u05E8_\u05DE\u05E8\u05E5_\u05D0\u05E4\u05E8\u05D9\u05DC_\u05DE\u05D0\u05D9_\u05D9\u05D5\u05E0\u05D9_\u05D9\u05D5\u05DC\u05D9_\u05D0\u05D5\u05D2\u05D5\u05E1\u05D8_\u05E1\u05E4\u05D8\u05DE\u05D1\u05E8_\u05D0\u05D5\u05E7\u05D8\u05D5\u05D1\u05E8_\u05E0\u05D5\u05D1\u05DE\u05D1\u05E8_\u05D3\u05E6\u05DE\u05D1\u05E8".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u05D9\u05E0\u05D5\u05F3_\u05E4\u05D1\u05E8\u05F3_\u05DE\u05E8\u05E5_\u05D0\u05E4\u05E8\u05F3_\u05DE\u05D0\u05D9_\u05D9\u05D5\u05E0\u05D9_\u05D9\u05D5\u05DC\u05D9_\u05D0\u05D5\u05D2\u05F3_\u05E1\u05E4\u05D8\u05F3_\u05D0\u05D5\u05E7\u05F3_\u05E0\u05D5\u05D1\u05F3_\u05D3\u05E6\u05DE\u05F3".split("_"), weekdays: "\u05E8\u05D0\u05E9\u05D5\u05DF_\u05E9\u05E0\u05D9_\u05E9\u05DC\u05D9\u05E9\u05D9_\u05E8\u05D1\u05D9\u05E2\u05D9_\u05D7\u05DE\u05D9\u05E9\u05D9_\u05E9\u05D9\u05E9\u05D9_\u05E9\u05D1\u05EA".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u05D0\u05F3_\u05D1\u05F3_\u05D2\u05F3_\u05D3\u05F3_\u05D4\u05F3_\u05D5\u05F3_\u05E9\u05F3".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u05D0_\u05D1_\u05D2_\u05D3_\u05D4_\u05D5_\u05E9".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [\u05D1]MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D [\u05D1]MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D [\u05D1]MMMM YYYY HH:mm", l: "D/M/YYYY", ll: "D MMM YYYY", lll: "D MMM YYYY HH:mm", llll: "ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u05D4\u05D9\u05D5\u05DD \u05D1\u05BE]LT", nextDay: "[\u05DE\u05D7\u05E8 \u05D1\u05BE]LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u05D1\u05E9\u05E2\u05D4] LT", lastDay: "[\u05D0\u05EA\u05DE\u05D5\u05DC \u05D1\u05BE]LT", lastWeek: "[\u05D1\u05D9\u05D5\u05DD] dddd [\u05D4\u05D0\u05D7\u05E8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D1\u05E9\u05E2\u05D4] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u05D1\u05E2\u05D5\u05D3 %s", past: "\u05DC\u05E4\u05E0\u05D9 %s", s: "\u05DE\u05E1\u05E4\u05E8 \u05E9\u05E0\u05D9\u05D5\u05EA", ss: "%d \u05E9\u05E0\u05D9\u05D5\u05EA", m: "\u05D3\u05E7\u05D4", mm: "%d \u05D3\u05E7\u05D5\u05EA", h: "\u05E9\u05E2\u05D4", hh: function hh(e) {return 2 === e ? "\u05E9\u05E2\u05EA\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : e + " \u05E9\u05E2\u05D5\u05EA";}, d: "\u05D9\u05D5\u05DD", dd: function dd(e) {return 2 === e ? "\u05D9\u05D5\u05DE\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : e + " \u05D9\u05DE\u05D9\u05DD";}, M: "\u05D7\u05D5\u05D3\u05E9", MM: function MM(e) {return 2 === e ? "\u05D7\u05D5\u05D3\u05E9\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : e + " \u05D7\u05D5\u05D3\u05E9\u05D9\u05DD";}, y: "\u05E9\u05E0\u05D4", yy: function yy(e) {return 2 === e ? "\u05E9\u05E0\u05EA\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : e % 10 == 0 && 10 !== e ? e + " \u05E9\u05E0\u05D4" : e + " \u05E9\u05E0\u05D9\u05DD";} }, meridiemParse: /\u05d0\u05d7\u05d4"\u05e6|\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d4"\u05e6|\u05d0\u05d7\u05e8\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e6\u05d4\u05e8\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd|\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e6\u05d4\u05e8\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd|\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d5\u05ea \u05d1\u05d5\u05e7\u05e8|\u05d1\u05d1\u05d5\u05e7\u05e8|\u05d1\u05e2\u05e8\u05d1/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(\u05d0\u05d7\u05d4"\u05e6|\u05d0\u05d7\u05e8\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e6\u05d4\u05e8\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd|\u05d1\u05e2\u05e8\u05d1)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 5 ? "\u05DC\u05E4\u05E0\u05D5\u05EA \u05D1\u05D5\u05E7\u05E8" : e < 10 ? "\u05D1\u05D1\u05D5\u05E7\u05E8" : e < 12 ? t ? "\u05DC\u05E4\u05E0\u05D4\"\u05E6" : "\u05DC\u05E4\u05E0\u05D9 \u05D4\u05E6\u05D4\u05E8\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : e < 18 ? t ? "\u05D0\u05D7\u05D4\"\u05E6" : "\u05D0\u05D7\u05E8\u05D9 \u05D4\u05E6\u05D4\u05E8\u05D9\u05D9\u05DD" : "\u05D1\u05E2\u05E8\u05D1";} });var $s = { 1: "\u0967", 2: "\u0968", 3: "\u0969", 4: "\u096A", 5: "\u096B", 6: "\u096C", 7: "\u096D", 8: "\u096E", 9: "\u096F", 0: "\u0966" },Bs = { "\u0967": "1", "\u0968": "2", "\u0969": "3", "\u096A": "4", "\u096B": "5", "\u096C": "6", "\u096D": "7", "\u096E": "8", "\u096F": "9", "\u0966": "0" };function qs(e, a, t) {var s = e + " ";switch (t) {case "ss":return s += 1 === e ? "sekunda" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "sekunde" : "sekundi";case "m":return a ? "jedna minuta" : "jedne minute";case "mm":return s += 1 === e ? "minuta" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "minute" : "minuta";case "h":return a ? "jedan sat" : "jednog sata";case "hh":return s += 1 === e ? "sat" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "sata" : "sati";case "dd":return s += 1 === e ? "dan" : "dana";case "MM":return s += 1 === e ? "mjesec" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "mjeseca" : "mjeseci";case "yy":return s += 1 === e ? "godina" : 2 === e || 3 === e || 4 === e ? "godine" : "godina";}}l.defineLocale("hi", { months: "\u091C\u0928\u0935\u0930\u0940_\u092B\u093C\u0930\u0935\u0930\u0940_\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A_\u0905\u092A\u094D\u0930\u0948\u0932_\u092E\u0908_\u091C\u0942\u0928_\u091C\u0941\u0932\u093E\u0908_\u0905\u0917\u0938\u094D\u0924_\u0938\u093F\u0924\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930_\u0905\u0915\u094D\u091F\u0942\u092C\u0930_\u0928\u0935\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930_\u0926\u093F\u0938\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u091C\u0928._\u092B\u093C\u0930._\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A_\u0905\u092A\u094D\u0930\u0948._\u092E\u0908_\u091C\u0942\u0928_\u091C\u0941\u0932._\u0905\u0917._\u0938\u093F\u0924._\u0905\u0915\u094D\u091F\u0942._\u0928\u0935._\u0926\u093F\u0938.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0930\u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0938\u094B\u092E\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u092E\u0902\u0917\u0932\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u092C\u0941\u0927\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0917\u0941\u0930\u0942\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0928\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0930".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0930\u0935\u093F_\u0938\u094B\u092E_\u092E\u0902\u0917\u0932_\u092C\u0941\u0927_\u0917\u0941\u0930\u0942_\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930_\u0936\u0928\u093F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0930_\u0938\u094B_\u092E\u0902_\u092C\u0941_\u0917\u0941_\u0936\u0941_\u0936".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947", LTS: "A h:mm:ss \u092C\u091C\u0947", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0906\u091C] LT", nextDay: "[\u0915\u0932] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0915\u0932] LT", lastWeek: "[\u092A\u093F\u091B\u0932\u0947] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u092E\u0947\u0902", past: "%s \u092A\u0939\u0932\u0947", s: "\u0915\u0941\u091B \u0939\u0940 \u0915\u094D\u0937\u0923", ss: "%d \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0902\u0921", m: "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u093F\u0928\u091F", mm: "%d \u092E\u093F\u0928\u091F", h: "\u090F\u0915 \u0918\u0902\u091F\u093E", hh: "%d \u0918\u0902\u091F\u0947", d: "\u090F\u0915 \u0926\u093F\u0928", dd: "%d \u0926\u093F\u0928", M: "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u0939\u0940\u0928\u0947", MM: "%d \u092E\u0939\u0940\u0928\u0947", y: "\u090F\u0915 \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937", yy: "%d \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f\u0966]/g, function (e) {return Bs[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return $s[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0930\u093e\u0924|\u0938\u0941\u092c\u0939|\u0926\u094b\u092a\u0939\u0930|\u0936\u093e\u092e/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0930\u093E\u0924" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0938\u0941\u092C\u0939" === a ? e : "\u0926\u094B\u092A\u0939\u0930" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0936\u093E\u092E" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0930\u093E\u0924" : e < 10 ? "\u0938\u0941\u092C\u0939" : e < 17 ? "\u0926\u094B\u092A\u0939\u0930" : e < 20 ? "\u0936\u093E\u092E" : "\u0930\u093E\u0924";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("hr", { months: { format: "sije\u010Dnja_velja\u010De_o\u017Eujka_travnja_svibnja_lipnja_srpnja_kolovoza_rujna_listopada_studenoga_prosinca".split("_"), standalone: "sije\u010Danj_velja\u010Da_o\u017Eujak_travanj_svibanj_lipanj_srpanj_kolovoz_rujan_listopad_studeni_prosinac".split("_") }, monthsShort: "sij._velj._o\u017Eu._tra._svi._lip._srp._kol._ruj._lis._stu._pro.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_\u010Detvrtak_petak_subota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ned._pon._uto._sri._\u010Det._pet._sub.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_ut_sr_\u010De_pe_su".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[danas u] LT", nextDay: "[sutra u] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT";case 3:return "[u] [srijedu] [u] LT";case 6:return "[u] [subotu] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[u] dddd [u] LT";}}, lastDay: "[ju\u010Der u] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:return "[pro\u0161lu] dddd [u] LT";case 6:return "[pro\u0161le] [subote] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[pro\u0161li] dddd [u] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "prije %s", s: "par sekundi", ss: qs, m: qs, mm: qs, h: qs, hh: qs, d: "dan", dd: qs, M: "mjesec", MM: qs, y: "godinu", yy: qs }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var Qs = "vas\xE1rnap h\xE9tf\u0151n kedden szerd\xE1n cs\xFCt\xF6rt\xF6k\xF6n p\xE9nteken szombaton".split(" ");function Xs(e, a, t, s) {var n = e;switch (t) {case "s":return s || a ? "n\xe9h\xe1ny m\xe1sodperc" : "n\xe9h\xe1ny m\xe1sodperce";case "ss":return n + (s || a) ? " m\xe1sodperc" : " m\xe1sodperce";case "m":return "egy" + (s || a ? " perc" : " perce");case "mm":return n + (s || a ? " perc" : " perce");case "h":return "egy" + (s || a ? " \xf3ra" : " \xf3r\xe1ja");case "hh":return n + (s || a ? " \xf3ra" : " \xf3r\xe1ja");case "d":return "egy" + (s || a ? " nap" : " napja");case "dd":return n + (s || a ? " nap" : " napja");case "M":return "egy" + (s || a ? " h\xf3nap" : " h\xf3napja");case "MM":return n + (s || a ? " h\xf3nap" : " h\xf3napja");case "y":return "egy" + (s || a ? " \xe9v" : " \xe9ve");case "yy":return n + (s || a ? " \xe9v" : " \xe9ve");}return "";}function en(e) {return (e ? "" : "[m\xfalt] ") + "[" + Qs[] + "] LT[-kor]";}function an(e) {return e % 100 == 11 || e % 10 != 1;}function tn(e, a, t, s) {var n = e + " ";switch (t) {case "s":return a || s ? "nokkrar sek\xfandur" : "nokkrum sek\xfandum";case "ss":return an(e) ? n + (a || s ? "sek\xfandur" : "sek\xfandum") : n + "sek\xfanda";case "m":return a ? "m\xedn\xfata" : "m\xedn\xfatu";case "mm":return an(e) ? n + (a || s ? "m\xedn\xfatur" : "m\xedn\xfatum") : a ? n + "m\xedn\xfata" : n + "m\xedn\xfatu";case "hh":return an(e) ? n + (a || s ? "klukkustundir" : "klukkustundum") : n + "klukkustund";case "d":return a ? "dagur" : s ? "dag" : "degi";case "dd":return an(e) ? a ? n + "dagar" : n + (s ? "daga" : "d\xf6gum") : a ? n + "dagur" : n + (s ? "dag" : "degi");case "M":return a ? "m\xe1nu\xf0ur" : s ? "m\xe1nu\xf0" : "m\xe1nu\xf0i";case "MM":return an(e) ? a ? n + "m\xe1nu\xf0ir" : n + (s ? "m\xe1nu\xf0i" : "m\xe1nu\xf0um") : a ? n + "m\xe1nu\xf0ur" : n + (s ? "m\xe1nu\xf0" : "m\xe1nu\xf0i");case "y":return a || s ? "\xe1r" : "\xe1ri";case "yy":return an(e) ? n + (a || s ? "\xe1r" : "\xe1rum") : n + (a || s ? "\xe1r" : "\xe1ri");}}l.defineLocale("hu", { months: "janu\xe1r_febru\xe1r_m\xe1rcius_\xe1prilis_m\xe1jus_j\xfanius_j\xfalius_augusztus_szeptember_okt\xf3ber_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_m\xe1rc_\xe1pr_m\xe1j_j\xfan_j\xfal_aug_szept_okt_nov_dec".split("_"), weekdays: "vas\xE1rnap_h\xE9tf\u0151_kedd_szerda_cs\xFCt\xF6rt\xF6k_p\xE9ntek_szombat".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "vas_h\xe9t_kedd_sze_cs\xfct_p\xe9n_szo".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "v_h_k_sze_cs_p_szo".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "YYYY.MM.DD.", LL: "YYYY. MMMM D.", LLL: "YYYY. MMMM D. H:mm", LLLL: "YYYY. MMMM D., dddd H:mm" }, meridiemParse: /de|du/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "u" === e.charAt(1).toLowerCase();}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? !0 === t ? "de" : "DE" : !0 === t ? "du" : "DU";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[ma] LT[-kor]", nextDay: "[holnap] LT[-kor]", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return, !0);}, lastDay: "[tegnap] LT[-kor]", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return, !1);}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s m\xfalva", past: "%s", s: Xs, ss: Xs, m: Xs, mm: Xs, h: Xs, hh: Xs, d: Xs, dd: Xs, M: Xs, MM: Xs, y: Xs, yy: Xs }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("hy-am", { months: { format: "\u0570\u0578\u0582\u0576\u057E\u0561\u0580\u056B_\u0583\u0565\u057F\u0580\u057E\u0561\u0580\u056B_\u0574\u0561\u0580\u057F\u056B_\u0561\u057A\u0580\u056B\u056C\u056B_\u0574\u0561\u0575\u056B\u057D\u056B_\u0570\u0578\u0582\u0576\u056B\u057D\u056B_\u0570\u0578\u0582\u056C\u056B\u057D\u056B_\u0585\u0563\u0578\u057D\u057F\u0578\u057D\u056B_\u057D\u0565\u057A\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580\u056B_\u0570\u0578\u056F\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580\u056B_\u0576\u0578\u0575\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580\u056B_\u0564\u0565\u056F\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580\u056B".split("_"), standalone: "\u0570\u0578\u0582\u0576\u057E\u0561\u0580_\u0583\u0565\u057F\u0580\u057E\u0561\u0580_\u0574\u0561\u0580\u057F_\u0561\u057A\u0580\u056B\u056C_\u0574\u0561\u0575\u056B\u057D_\u0570\u0578\u0582\u0576\u056B\u057D_\u0570\u0578\u0582\u056C\u056B\u057D_\u0585\u0563\u0578\u057D\u057F\u0578\u057D_\u057D\u0565\u057A\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580_\u0570\u0578\u056F\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580_\u0576\u0578\u0575\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580_\u0564\u0565\u056F\u057F\u0565\u0574\u0562\u0565\u0580".split("_") }, monthsShort: "\u0570\u0576\u057E_\u0583\u057F\u0580_\u0574\u0580\u057F_\u0561\u057A\u0580_\u0574\u0575\u057D_\u0570\u0576\u057D_\u0570\u056C\u057D_\u0585\u0563\u057D_\u057D\u057A\u057F_\u0570\u056F\u057F_\u0576\u0574\u0562_\u0564\u056F\u057F".split("_"), weekdays: "\u056F\u056B\u0580\u0561\u056F\u056B_\u0565\u0580\u056F\u0578\u0582\u0577\u0561\u0562\u0569\u056B_\u0565\u0580\u0565\u0584\u0577\u0561\u0562\u0569\u056B_\u0579\u0578\u0580\u0565\u0584\u0577\u0561\u0562\u0569\u056B_\u0570\u056B\u0576\u0563\u0577\u0561\u0562\u0569\u056B_\u0578\u0582\u0580\u0562\u0561\u0569_\u0577\u0561\u0562\u0561\u0569".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u056F\u0580\u056F_\u0565\u0580\u056F_\u0565\u0580\u0584_\u0579\u0580\u0584_\u0570\u0576\u0563_\u0578\u0582\u0580\u0562_\u0577\u0562\u0569".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u056F\u0580\u056F_\u0565\u0580\u056F_\u0565\u0580\u0584_\u0579\u0580\u0584_\u0570\u0576\u0563_\u0578\u0582\u0580\u0562_\u0577\u0562\u0569".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0569.", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0569., HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY \u0569., HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0561\u0575\u057D\u0585\u0580] LT", nextDay: "[\u057E\u0561\u0572\u0568] LT", lastDay: "[\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056F] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {return "dddd [\u0585\u0580\u0568 \u056A\u0561\u0574\u0568] LT";}, lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return "[\u0561\u0576\u0581\u0561\u056E] dddd [\u0585\u0580\u0568 \u056A\u0561\u0574\u0568] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0570\u0565\u057F\u0578", past: "%s \u0561\u057C\u0561\u057B", s: "\u0574\u056B \u0584\u0561\u0576\u056B \u057E\u0561\u0575\u0580\u056F\u0575\u0561\u0576", ss: "%d \u057E\u0561\u0575\u0580\u056F\u0575\u0561\u0576", m: "\u0580\u0578\u057A\u0565", mm: "%d \u0580\u0578\u057A\u0565", h: "\u056A\u0561\u0574", hh: "%d \u056A\u0561\u0574", d: "\u0585\u0580", dd: "%d \u0585\u0580", M: "\u0561\u0574\u056B\u057D", MM: "%d \u0561\u0574\u056B\u057D", y: "\u057F\u0561\u0580\u056B", yy: "%d \u057F\u0561\u0580\u056B" }, meridiemParse: /\u0563\u056b\u0577\u0565\u0580\u057e\u0561|\u0561\u057c\u0561\u057e\u0578\u057f\u057e\u0561|\u0581\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056f\u057e\u0561|\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056f\u0578\u0575\u0561\u0576/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(\u0581\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056f\u057e\u0561|\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056f\u0578\u0575\u0561\u0576)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e) {return e < 4 ? "\u0563\u056B\u0577\u0565\u0580\u057E\u0561" : e < 12 ? "\u0561\u057C\u0561\u057E\u0578\u057F\u057E\u0561" : e < 17 ? "\u0581\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056F\u057E\u0561" : "\u0565\u0580\u0565\u056F\u0578\u0575\u0561\u0576";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}-(\u056b\u0576|\u0580\u0564)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "DDD":case "w":case "W":case "DDDo":return 1 === e ? e + "-\u056B\u0576" : e + "-\u0580\u0564";default:return e;}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("id", { months: "Januari_Februari_Maret_April_Mei_Juni_Juli_Agustus_September_Oktober_November_Desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Agt_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des".split("_"), weekdays: "Minggu_Senin_Selasa_Rabu_Kamis_Jumat_Sabtu".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Min_Sen_Sel_Rab_Kam_Jum_Sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Mg_Sn_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [pukul]", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]" }, meridiemParse: /pagi|siang|sore|malam/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "pagi" === a ? e : "siang" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "sore" === a || "malam" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 11 ? "pagi" : e < 15 ? "siang" : e < 19 ? "sore" : "malam";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hari ini pukul] LT", nextDay: "[Besok pukul] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [pukul] LT", lastDay: "[Kemarin pukul] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [lalu pukul] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dalam %s", past: "%s yang lalu", s: "beberapa detik", ss: "%d detik", m: "semenit", mm: "%d menit", h: "sejam", hh: "%d jam", d: "sehari", dd: "%d hari", M: "sebulan", MM: "%d bulan", y: "setahun", yy: "%d tahun" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("is", { months: "jan\xfaar_febr\xfaar_mars_apr\xedl_ma\xed_j\xfan\xed_j\xfal\xed_\xe1g\xfast_september_okt\xf3ber_n\xf3vember_desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_ma\xed_j\xfan_j\xfal_\xe1g\xfa_sep_okt_n\xf3v_des".split("_"), weekdays: "sunnudagur_m\xe1nudagur_\xferi\xf0judagur_mi\xf0vikudagur_fimmtudagur_f\xf6studagur_laugardagur".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "sun_m\xe1n_\xferi_mi\xf0_fim_f\xf6s_lau".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Su_M\xe1_\xder_Mi_Fi_F\xf6_La".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\xed dag kl.] LT", nextDay: "[\xe1 morgun kl.] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [kl.] LT", lastDay: "[\xed g\xe6r kl.] LT", lastWeek: "[s\xed\xf0asta] dddd [kl.] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "eftir %s", past: "fyrir %s s\xed\xf0an", s: tn, ss: tn, m: tn, mm: tn, h: "klukkustund", hh: tn, d: tn, dd: tn, M: tn, MM: tn, y: tn, yy: tn }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("it-ch", { months: "gennaio_febbraio_marzo_aprile_maggio_giugno_luglio_agosto_settembre_ottobre_novembre_dicembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "gen_feb_mar_apr_mag_giu_lug_ago_set_ott_nov_dic".split("_"), weekdays: "domenica_luned\xec_marted\xec_mercoled\xec_gioved\xec_venerd\xec_sabato".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom_lun_mar_mer_gio_ven_sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_me_gi_ve_sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Oggi alle] LT", nextDay: "[Domani alle] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [alle] LT", lastDay: "[Ieri alle] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[la scorsa] dddd [alle] LT";default:return "[lo scorso] dddd [alle] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return (/^[0-9].+$/.test(e) ? "tra" : "in") + " " + e;}, past: "%s fa", s: "alcuni secondi", ss: "%d secondi", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minuti", h: "un'ora", hh: "%d ore", d: "un giorno", dd: "%d giorni", M: "un mese", MM: "%d mesi", y: "un anno", yy: "%d anni" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("it", { months: "gennaio_febbraio_marzo_aprile_maggio_giugno_luglio_agosto_settembre_ottobre_novembre_dicembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "gen_feb_mar_apr_mag_giu_lug_ago_set_ott_nov_dic".split("_"), weekdays: "domenica_luned\xec_marted\xec_mercoled\xec_gioved\xec_venerd\xec_sabato".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "dom_lun_mar_mer_gio_ven_sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "do_lu_ma_me_gi_ve_sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Oggi alle] LT", nextDay: "[Domani alle] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [alle] LT", lastDay: "[Ieri alle] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[la scorsa] dddd [alle] LT";default:return "[lo scorso] dddd [alle] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return (/^[0-9].+$/.test(e) ? "tra" : "in") + " " + e;}, past: "%s fa", s: "alcuni secondi", ss: "%d secondi", m: "un minuto", mm: "%d minuti", h: "un'ora", hh: "%d ore", d: "un giorno", dd: "%d giorni", M: "un mese", MM: "%d mesi", y: "un anno", yy: "%d anni" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("ja", { months: "\u4E00\u6708_\u4E8C\u6708_\u4E09\u6708_\u56DB\u6708_\u4E94\u6708_\u516D\u6708_\u4E03\u6708_\u516B\u6708_\u4E5D\u6708_\u5341\u6708_\u5341\u4E00\u6708_\u5341\u4E8C\u6708".split("_"), monthsShort: "1\u6708_2\u6708_3\u6708_4\u6708_5\u6708_6\u6708_7\u6708_8\u6708_9\u6708_10\u6708_11\u6708_12\u6708".split("_"), weekdays: "\u65E5\u66DC\u65E5_\u6708\u66DC\u65E5_\u706B\u66DC\u65E5_\u6C34\u66DC\u65E5_\u6728\u66DC\u65E5_\u91D1\u66DC\u65E5_\u571F\u66DC\u65E5".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u65E5_\u6708_\u706B_\u6C34_\u6728_\u91D1_\u571F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u65E5_\u6708_\u706B_\u6C34_\u6728_\u91D1_\u571F".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY/MM/DD", LL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", LLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", LLLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 dddd HH:mm", l: "YYYY/MM/DD", ll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", lll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", llll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5(ddd) HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u5348\u524d|\u5348\u5f8c/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u5348\u5F8C" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u5348\u524D" : "\u5348\u5F8C";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u4ECA\u65E5] LT", nextDay: "[\u660E\u65E5] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek(e) {return e.week() < this.week() ? "[\u6765\u9031]dddd LT" : "dddd LT";}, lastDay: "[\u6628\u65E5] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek(e) {return this.week() < e.week() ? "[\u5148\u9031]dddd LT" : "dddd LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\u65e5/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "\u65E5";default:return e;}}, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u5F8C", past: "%s\u524D", s: "\u6570\u79D2", ss: "%d\u79D2", m: "1\u5206", mm: "%d\u5206", h: "1\u6642\u9593", hh: "%d\u6642\u9593", d: "1\u65E5", dd: "%d\u65E5", M: "1\u30F6\u6708", MM: "%d\u30F6\u6708", y: "1\u5E74", yy: "%d\u5E74" } }), l.defineLocale("jv", { months: "Januari_Februari_Maret_April_Mei_Juni_Juli_Agustus_September_Oktober_Nopember_Desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ags_Sep_Okt_Nop_Des".split("_"), weekdays: "Minggu_Senen_Seloso_Rebu_Kemis_Jemuwah_Septu".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Min_Sen_Sel_Reb_Kem_Jem_Sep".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Mg_Sn_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sp".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [pukul]", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]" }, meridiemParse: /enjing|siyang|sonten|ndalu/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "enjing" === a ? e : "siyang" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "sonten" === a || "ndalu" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 11 ? "enjing" : e < 15 ? "siyang" : e < 19 ? "sonten" : "ndalu";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[Dinten puniko pukul] LT", nextDay: "[Mbenjang pukul] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [pukul] LT", lastDay: "[Kala wingi pukul] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [kepengker pukul] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "wonten ing %s", past: "%s ingkang kepengker", s: "sawetawis detik", ss: "%d detik", m: "setunggal menit", mm: "%d menit", h: "setunggal jam", hh: "%d jam", d: "sedinten", dd: "%d dinten", M: "sewulan", MM: "%d wulan", y: "setaun", yy: "%d taun" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("ka", { months: { standalone: "\u10D8\u10D0\u10DC\u10D5\u10D0\u10E0\u10D8_\u10D7\u10D4\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D5\u10D0\u10DA\u10D8_\u10DB\u10D0\u10E0\u10E2\u10D8_\u10D0\u10DE\u10E0\u10D8\u10DA\u10D8_\u10DB\u10D0\u10D8\u10E1\u10D8_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DC\u10D8\u10E1\u10D8_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DA\u10D8\u10E1\u10D8_\u10D0\u10D2\u10D5\u10D8\u10E1\u10E2\u10DD_\u10E1\u10D4\u10E5\u10E2\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D8_\u10DD\u10E5\u10E2\u10DD\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D8_\u10DC\u10DD\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D8_\u10D3\u10D4\u10D9\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D8".split("_"), format: "\u10D8\u10D0\u10DC\u10D5\u10D0\u10E0\u10E1_\u10D7\u10D4\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10D5\u10D0\u10DA\u10E1_\u10DB\u10D0\u10E0\u10E2\u10E1_\u10D0\u10DE\u10E0\u10D8\u10DA\u10D8\u10E1_\u10DB\u10D0\u10D8\u10E1\u10E1_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DC\u10D8\u10E1\u10E1_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DA\u10D8\u10E1\u10E1_\u10D0\u10D2\u10D5\u10D8\u10E1\u10E2\u10E1_\u10E1\u10D4\u10E5\u10E2\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10E1_\u10DD\u10E5\u10E2\u10DD\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10E1_\u10DC\u10DD\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10E1_\u10D3\u10D4\u10D9\u10D4\u10DB\u10D1\u10D4\u10E0\u10E1".split("_") }, monthsShort: "\u10D8\u10D0\u10DC_\u10D7\u10D4\u10D1_\u10DB\u10D0\u10E0_\u10D0\u10DE\u10E0_\u10DB\u10D0\u10D8_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DC_\u10D8\u10D5\u10DA_\u10D0\u10D2\u10D5_\u10E1\u10D4\u10E5_\u10DD\u10E5\u10E2_\u10DC\u10DD\u10D4_\u10D3\u10D4\u10D9".split("_"), weekdays: { standalone: "\u10D9\u10D5\u10D8\u10E0\u10D0_\u10DD\u10E0\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8_\u10E1\u10D0\u10DB\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8_\u10DD\u10D7\u10EE\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8_\u10EE\u10E3\u10D7\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8_\u10DE\u10D0\u10E0\u10D0\u10E1\u10D9\u10D4\u10D5\u10D8_\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8".split("_"), format: "\u10D9\u10D5\u10D8\u10E0\u10D0\u10E1_\u10DD\u10E0\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10E1_\u10E1\u10D0\u10DB\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10E1_\u10DD\u10D7\u10EE\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10E1_\u10EE\u10E3\u10D7\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10E1_\u10DE\u10D0\u10E0\u10D0\u10E1\u10D9\u10D4\u10D5\u10E1_\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1\u10D0\u10D7\u10E1".split("_"), isFormat: /(\u10ec\u10d8\u10dc\u10d0|\u10e8\u10d4\u10db\u10d3\u10d4\u10d2)/ }, weekdaysShort: "\u10D9\u10D5\u10D8_\u10DD\u10E0\u10E8_\u10E1\u10D0\u10DB_\u10DD\u10D7\u10EE_\u10EE\u10E3\u10D7_\u10DE\u10D0\u10E0_\u10E8\u10D0\u10D1".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u10D9\u10D5_\u10DD\u10E0_\u10E1\u10D0_\u10DD\u10D7_\u10EE\u10E3_\u10DE\u10D0_\u10E8\u10D0".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u10D3\u10E6\u10D4\u10E1] LT[-\u10D6\u10D4]", nextDay: "[\u10EE\u10D5\u10D0\u10DA] LT[-\u10D6\u10D4]", lastDay: "[\u10D2\u10E3\u10E8\u10D8\u10DC] LT[-\u10D6\u10D4]", nextWeek: "[\u10E8\u10D4\u10DB\u10D3\u10D4\u10D2] dddd LT[-\u10D6\u10D4]", lastWeek: "[\u10EC\u10D8\u10DC\u10D0] dddd LT-\u10D6\u10D4", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return /(\u10ec\u10d0\u10db\u10d8|\u10ec\u10e3\u10d7\u10d8|\u10e1\u10d0\u10d0\u10d7\u10d8|\u10ec\u10d4\u10da\u10d8)/.test(e) ? e.replace(/\u10d8$/, "\u10E8\u10D8") : e + "\u10E8\u10D8";}, past: function past(e) {return /(\u10ec\u10d0\u10db\u10d8|\u10ec\u10e3\u10d7\u10d8|\u10e1\u10d0\u10d0\u10d7\u10d8|\u10d3\u10e6\u10d4|\u10d7\u10d5\u10d4)/.test(e) ? e.replace(/(\u10d8|\u10d4)$/, "\u10D8\u10E1 \u10EC\u10D8\u10DC") : /\u10ec\u10d4\u10da\u10d8/.test(e) ? e.replace(/\u10ec\u10d4\u10da\u10d8$/, "\u10EC\u10DA\u10D8\u10E1 \u10EC\u10D8\u10DC") : void 0;}, s: "\u10E0\u10D0\u10DB\u10D3\u10D4\u10DC\u10D8\u10DB\u10D4 \u10EC\u10D0\u10DB\u10D8", ss: "%d \u10EC\u10D0\u10DB\u10D8", m: "\u10EC\u10E3\u10D7\u10D8", mm: "%d \u10EC\u10E3\u10D7\u10D8", h: "\u10E1\u10D0\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8", hh: "%d \u10E1\u10D0\u10D0\u10D7\u10D8", d: "\u10D3\u10E6\u10D4", dd: "%d \u10D3\u10E6\u10D4", M: "\u10D7\u10D5\u10D4", MM: "%d \u10D7\u10D5\u10D4", y: "\u10EC\u10D4\u10DA\u10D8", yy: "%d \u10EC\u10D4\u10DA\u10D8" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /0|1-\u10da\u10d8|\u10db\u10d4-\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}-\u10d4/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return 0 === e ? e : 1 === e ? e + "-\u10DA\u10D8" : e < 20 || e <= 100 && e % 20 == 0 || e % 100 == 0 ? "\u10DB\u10D4-" + e : e + "-\u10D4";}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var sn = { 0: "-\u0448\u0456", 1: "-\u0448\u0456", 2: "-\u0448\u0456", 3: "-\u0448\u0456", 4: "-\u0448\u0456", 5: "-\u0448\u0456", 6: "-\u0448\u044B", 7: "-\u0448\u0456", 8: "-\u0448\u0456", 9: "-\u0448\u044B", 10: "-\u0448\u044B", 20: "-\u0448\u044B", 30: "-\u0448\u044B", 40: "-\u0448\u044B", 50: "-\u0448\u0456", 60: "-\u0448\u044B", 70: "-\u0448\u0456", 80: "-\u0448\u0456", 90: "-\u0448\u044B", 100: "-\u0448\u0456" };l.defineLocale("kk", { months: "\u049B\u0430\u04A3\u0442\u0430\u0440_\u0430\u049B\u043F\u0430\u043D_\u043D\u0430\u0443\u0440\u044B\u0437_\u0441\u04D9\u0443\u0456\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u043C\u044B\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0443\u0441\u044B\u043C_\u0448\u0456\u043B\u0434\u0435_\u0442\u0430\u043C\u044B\u0437_\u049B\u044B\u0440\u043A\u04AF\u0439\u0435\u043A_\u049B\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043D_\u049B\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0430_\u0436\u0435\u043B\u0442\u043E\u049B\u0441\u0430\u043D".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u049B\u0430\u04A3_\u0430\u049B\u043F_\u043D\u0430\u0443_\u0441\u04D9\u0443_\u043C\u0430\u043C_\u043C\u0430\u0443_\u0448\u0456\u043B_\u0442\u0430\u043C_\u049B\u044B\u0440_\u049B\u0430\u0437_\u049B\u0430\u0440_\u0436\u0435\u043B".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0436\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456_\u0434\u04AF\u0439\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456_\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456_\u0441\u04D9\u0440\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456_\u0431\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456_\u0436\u04B1\u043C\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0431\u0456".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0436\u0435\u043A_\u0434\u04AF\u0439_\u0441\u0435\u0439_\u0441\u04D9\u0440_\u0431\u0435\u0439_\u0436\u04B1\u043C_\u0441\u0435\u043D".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0436\u043A_\u0434\u0439_\u0441\u0439_\u0441\u0440_\u0431\u0439_\u0436\u043C_\u0441\u043D".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0411\u04AF\u0433\u0456\u043D \u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442] LT", nextDay: "[\u0415\u0440\u0442\u0435\u04A3 \u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442] LT", lastDay: "[\u041A\u0435\u0448\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442] LT", lastWeek: "[\u04E8\u0442\u043A\u0435\u043D \u0430\u043F\u0442\u0430\u043D\u044B\u04A3] dddd [\u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0456\u0448\u0456\u043D\u0434\u0435", past: "%s \u0431\u04B1\u0440\u044B\u043D", s: "\u0431\u0456\u0440\u043D\u0435\u0448\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", ss: "%d \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", m: "\u0431\u0456\u0440 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", mm: "%d \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", h: "\u0431\u0456\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442", hh: "%d \u0441\u0430\u0493\u0430\u0442", d: "\u0431\u0456\u0440 \u043A\u04AF\u043D", dd: "%d \u043A\u04AF\u043D", M: "\u0431\u0456\u0440 \u0430\u0439", MM: "%d \u0430\u0439", y: "\u0431\u0456\u0440 \u0436\u044B\u043B", yy: "%d \u0436\u044B\u043B" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0448\u0456|\u0448\u044b)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (sn[e] || sn[e % 10] || sn[100 <= e ? 100 : null]);}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var nn = { 1: "\u17E1", 2: "\u17E2", 3: "\u17E3", 4: "\u17E4", 5: "\u17E5", 6: "\u17E6", 7: "\u17E7", 8: "\u17E8", 9: "\u17E9", 0: "\u17E0" },dn = { "\u17E1": "1", "\u17E2": "2", "\u17E3": "3", "\u17E4": "4", "\u17E5": "5", "\u17E6": "6", "\u17E7": "7", "\u17E8": "8", "\u17E9": "9", "\u17E0": "0" };l.defineLocale("km", { months: "\u1798\u1780\u179A\u17B6_\u1780\u17BB\u1798\u17D2\u1797\u17C8_\u1798\u17B8\u1793\u17B6_\u1798\u17C1\u179F\u17B6_\u17A7\u179F\u1797\u17B6_\u1798\u17B7\u1790\u17BB\u1793\u17B6_\u1780\u1780\u17D2\u1780\u178A\u17B6_\u179F\u17B8\u17A0\u17B6_\u1780\u1789\u17D2\u1789\u17B6_\u178F\u17BB\u179B\u17B6_\u179C\u17B7\u1785\u17D2\u1786\u17B7\u1780\u17B6_\u1792\u17D2\u1793\u17BC".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u1798\u1780\u179A\u17B6_\u1780\u17BB\u1798\u17D2\u1797\u17C8_\u1798\u17B8\u1793\u17B6_\u1798\u17C1\u179F\u17B6_\u17A7\u179F\u1797\u17B6_\u1798\u17B7\u1790\u17BB\u1793\u17B6_\u1780\u1780\u17D2\u1780\u178A\u17B6_\u179F\u17B8\u17A0\u17B6_\u1780\u1789\u17D2\u1789\u17B6_\u178F\u17BB\u179B\u17B6_\u179C\u17B7\u1785\u17D2\u1786\u17B7\u1780\u17B6_\u1792\u17D2\u1793\u17BC".split("_"), weekdays: "\u17A2\u17B6\u1791\u17B7\u178F\u17D2\u1799_\u1785\u17D0\u1793\u17D2\u1791_\u17A2\u1784\u17D2\u1782\u17B6\u179A_\u1796\u17BB\u1792_\u1796\u17D2\u179A\u17A0\u179F\u17D2\u1794\u178F\u17B7\u17CD_\u179F\u17BB\u1780\u17D2\u179A_\u179F\u17C5\u179A\u17CD".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u17A2\u17B6_\u1785_\u17A2_\u1796_\u1796\u17D2\u179A_\u179F\u17BB_\u179F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u17A2\u17B6_\u1785_\u17A2_\u1796_\u1796\u17D2\u179A_\u179F\u17BB_\u179F".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u1796\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u1780|\u179b\u17d2\u1784\u17b6\u1785/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u179B\u17D2\u1784\u17B6\u1785" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u1796\u17D2\u179A\u17B9\u1780" : "\u179B\u17D2\u1784\u17B6\u1785";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u1790\u17D2\u1784\u17C3\u1793\u17C1\u17C7 \u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784] LT", nextDay: "[\u179F\u17D2\u17A2\u17C2\u1780 \u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784] LT", lastDay: "[\u1798\u17D2\u179F\u17B7\u179B\u1798\u17B7\u1789 \u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u179F\u1794\u17D2\u178F\u17B6\u17A0\u17CD\u1798\u17BB\u1793] [\u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u1791\u17C0\u178F", past: "%s\u1798\u17BB\u1793", s: "\u1794\u17C9\u17BB\u1793\u17D2\u1798\u17B6\u1793\u179C\u17B7\u1793\u17B6\u1791\u17B8", ss: "%d \u179C\u17B7\u1793\u17B6\u1791\u17B8", m: "\u1798\u17BD\u1799\u1793\u17B6\u1791\u17B8", mm: "%d \u1793\u17B6\u1791\u17B8", h: "\u1798\u17BD\u1799\u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784", hh: "%d \u1798\u17C9\u17C4\u1784", d: "\u1798\u17BD\u1799\u1790\u17D2\u1784\u17C3", dd: "%d \u1790\u17D2\u1784\u17C3", M: "\u1798\u17BD\u1799\u1781\u17C2", MM: "%d \u1781\u17C2", y: "\u1798\u17BD\u1799\u1786\u17D2\u1793\u17B6\u17C6", yy: "%d \u1786\u17D2\u1793\u17B6\u17C6" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\u1791\u17b8\d{1,2}/, ordinal: "\u1791\u17B8%d", preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u17e1\u17e2\u17e3\u17e4\u17e5\u17e6\u17e7\u17e8\u17e9\u17e0]/g, function (e) {return dn[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return nn[e];});}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var rn = { 1: "\u0CE7", 2: "\u0CE8", 3: "\u0CE9", 4: "\u0CEA", 5: "\u0CEB", 6: "\u0CEC", 7: "\u0CED", 8: "\u0CEE", 9: "\u0CEF", 0: "\u0CE6" },_n = { "\u0CE7": "1", "\u0CE8": "2", "\u0CE9": "3", "\u0CEA": "4", "\u0CEB": "5", "\u0CEC": "6", "\u0CED": "7", "\u0CEE": "8", "\u0CEF": "9", "\u0CE6": "0" };l.defineLocale("kn", { months: "\u0C9C\u0CA8\u0CB5\u0CB0\u0CBF_\u0CAB\u0CC6\u0CAC\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CB5\u0CB0\u0CBF_\u0CAE\u0CBE\u0CB0\u0CCD\u0C9A\u0CCD_\u0C8F\u0CAA\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CBF\u0CB2\u0CCD_\u0CAE\u0CC6\u0CD5_\u0C9C\u0CC2\u0CA8\u0CCD_\u0C9C\u0CC1\u0CB2\u0CC6\u0CD6_\u0C86\u0C97\u0CB8\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CCD_\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0CAA\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CC6\u0C82\u0CAC\u0CB0\u0CCD_\u0C85\u0C95\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CD5\u0CAC\u0CB0\u0CCD_\u0CA8\u0CB5\u0CC6\u0C82\u0CAC\u0CB0\u0CCD_\u0CA1\u0CBF\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0C82\u0CAC\u0CB0\u0CCD".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0C9C\u0CA8_\u0CAB\u0CC6\u0CAC\u0CCD\u0CB0_\u0CAE\u0CBE\u0CB0\u0CCD\u0C9A\u0CCD_\u0C8F\u0CAA\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CBF\u0CB2\u0CCD_\u0CAE\u0CC6\u0CD5_\u0C9C\u0CC2\u0CA8\u0CCD_\u0C9C\u0CC1\u0CB2\u0CC6\u0CD6_\u0C86\u0C97\u0CB8\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CCD_\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0CAA\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CC6\u0C82_\u0C85\u0C95\u0CCD\u0C9F\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CD5_\u0CA8\u0CB5\u0CC6\u0C82_\u0CA1\u0CBF\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0C82".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0CAD\u0CBE\u0CA8\u0CC1\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CD5\u0CAE\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0CAE\u0C82\u0C97\u0CB3\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0CAC\u0CC1\u0CA7\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0C97\u0CC1\u0CB0\u0CC1\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0CB6\u0CC1\u0C95\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0_\u0CB6\u0CA8\u0CBF\u0CB5\u0CBE\u0CB0".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0CAD\u0CBE\u0CA8\u0CC1_\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CD5\u0CAE_\u0CAE\u0C82\u0C97\u0CB3_\u0CAC\u0CC1\u0CA7_\u0C97\u0CC1\u0CB0\u0CC1_\u0CB6\u0CC1\u0C95\u0CCD\u0CB0_\u0CB6\u0CA8\u0CBF".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0CAD\u0CBE_\u0CB8\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CD5_\u0CAE\u0C82_\u0CAC\u0CC1_\u0C97\u0CC1_\u0CB6\u0CC1_\u0CB6".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm", LTS: "A h:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0C87\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1] LT", nextDay: "[\u0CA8\u0CBE\u0CB3\u0CC6] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0CA8\u0CBF\u0CA8\u0CCD\u0CA8\u0CC6] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0C95\u0CC6\u0CC2\u0CA8\u0CC6\u0CAF] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0CA8\u0C82\u0CA4\u0CB0", past: "%s \u0CB9\u0CBF\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC6", s: "\u0C95\u0CC6\u0CB2\u0CB5\u0CC1 \u0C95\u0CCD\u0CB7\u0CA3\u0C97\u0CB3\u0CC1", ss: "%d \u0CB8\u0CC6\u0C95\u0CC6\u0C82\u0CA1\u0CC1\u0C97\u0CB3\u0CC1", m: "\u0C92\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1 \u0CA8\u0CBF\u0CAE\u0CBF\u0CB7", mm: "%d \u0CA8\u0CBF\u0CAE\u0CBF\u0CB7", h: "\u0C92\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1 \u0C97\u0C82\u0C9F\u0CC6", hh: "%d \u0C97\u0C82\u0C9F\u0CC6", d: "\u0C92\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1 \u0CA6\u0CBF\u0CA8", dd: "%d \u0CA6\u0CBF\u0CA8", M: "\u0C92\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1 \u0CA4\u0CBF\u0C82\u0C97\u0CB3\u0CC1", MM: "%d \u0CA4\u0CBF\u0C82\u0C97\u0CB3\u0CC1", y: "\u0C92\u0C82\u0CA6\u0CC1 \u0CB5\u0CB0\u0CCD\u0CB7", yy: "%d \u0CB5\u0CB0\u0CCD\u0CB7" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0ce7\u0ce8\u0ce9\u0cea\u0ceb\u0cec\u0ced\u0cee\u0cef\u0ce6]/g, function (e) {return _n[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return rn[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0cb0\u0cbe\u0ca4\u0ccd\u0cb0\u0cbf|\u0cac\u0cc6\u0cb3\u0cbf\u0c97\u0ccd\u0c97\u0cc6|\u0cae\u0ca7\u0ccd\u0caf\u0cbe\u0cb9\u0ccd\u0ca8|\u0cb8\u0c82\u0c9c\u0cc6/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0CB0\u0CBE\u0CA4\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CBF" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0CAC\u0CC6\u0CB3\u0CBF\u0C97\u0CCD\u0C97\u0CC6" === a ? e : "\u0CAE\u0CA7\u0CCD\u0CAF\u0CBE\u0CB9\u0CCD\u0CA8" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0CB8\u0C82\u0C9C\u0CC6" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0CB0\u0CBE\u0CA4\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CBF" : e < 10 ? "\u0CAC\u0CC6\u0CB3\u0CBF\u0C97\u0CCD\u0C97\u0CC6" : e < 17 ? "\u0CAE\u0CA7\u0CCD\u0CAF\u0CBE\u0CB9\u0CCD\u0CA8" : e < 20 ? "\u0CB8\u0C82\u0C9C\u0CC6" : "\u0CB0\u0CBE\u0CA4\u0CCD\u0CB0\u0CBF";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(\u0ca8\u0cc6\u0cd5)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + "\u0CA8\u0CC6\u0CD5";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("ko", { months: "1\uC6D4_2\uC6D4_3\uC6D4_4\uC6D4_5\uC6D4_6\uC6D4_7\uC6D4_8\uC6D4_9\uC6D4_10\uC6D4_11\uC6D4_12\uC6D4".split("_"), monthsShort: "1\uC6D4_2\uC6D4_3\uC6D4_4\uC6D4_5\uC6D4_6\uC6D4_7\uC6D4_8\uC6D4_9\uC6D4_10\uC6D4_11\uC6D4_12\uC6D4".split("_"), weekdays: "\uC77C\uC694\uC77C_\uC6D4\uC694\uC77C_\uD654\uC694\uC77C_\uC218\uC694\uC77C_\uBAA9\uC694\uC77C_\uAE08\uC694\uC77C_\uD1A0\uC694\uC77C".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\uC77C_\uC6D4_\uD654_\uC218_\uBAA9_\uAE08_\uD1A0".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\uC77C_\uC6D4_\uD654_\uC218_\uBAA9_\uAE08_\uD1A0".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm", LTS: "A h:mm:ss", L: "YYYY.MM.DD.", LL: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C", LLL: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C A h:mm", LLLL: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C dddd A h:mm", l: "YYYY.MM.DD.", ll: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C", lll: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C A h:mm", llll: "YYYY\uB144 MMMM D\uC77C dddd A h:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "\uC624\uB298 LT", nextDay: "\uB0B4\uC77C LT", nextWeek: "dddd LT", lastDay: "\uC5B4\uC81C LT", lastWeek: "\uC9C0\uB09C\uC8FC dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \uD6C4", past: "%s \uC804", s: "\uBA87 \uCD08", ss: "%d\uCD08", m: "1\uBD84", mm: "%d\uBD84", h: "\uD55C \uC2DC\uAC04", hh: "%d\uC2DC\uAC04", d: "\uD558\uB8E8", dd: "%d\uC77C", M: "\uD55C \uB2EC", MM: "%d\uB2EC", y: "\uC77C \uB144", yy: "%d\uB144" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(\uc77c|\uc6d4|\uc8fc)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "\uC77C";case "M":return e + "\uC6D4";case "w":case "W":return e + "\uC8FC";default:return e;}}, meridiemParse: /\uc624\uc804|\uc624\ud6c4/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\uC624\uD6C4" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\uC624\uC804" : "\uC624\uD6C4";} });var on = { 1: "\u0661", 2: "\u0662", 3: "\u0663", 4: "\u0664", 5: "\u0665", 6: "\u0666", 7: "\u0667", 8: "\u0668", 9: "\u0669", 0: "\u0660" },mn = { "\u0661": "1", "\u0662": "2", "\u0663": "3", "\u0664": "4", "\u0665": "5", "\u0666": "6", "\u0667": "7", "\u0668": "8", "\u0669": "9", "\u0660": "0" },un = ["\u06A9\u0627\u0646\u0648\u0646\u06CC \u062F\u0648\u0648\u06D5\u0645", "\u0634\u0648\u0628\u0627\u062A", "\u0626\u0627\u0632\u0627\u0631", "\u0646\u06CC\u0633\u0627\u0646", "\u0626\u0627\u06CC\u0627\u0631", "\u062D\u0648\u0632\u06D5\u06CC\u0631\u0627\u0646", "\u062A\u06D5\u0645\u0645\u0648\u0632", "\u0626\u0627\u0628", "\u0626\u06D5\u06CC\u0644\u0648\u0648\u0644", "\u062A\u0634\u0631\u06CC\u0646\u06CC \u06CC\u06D5\u0643\u06D5\u0645", "\u062A\u0634\u0631\u06CC\u0646\u06CC \u062F\u0648\u0648\u06D5\u0645", "\u0643\u0627\u0646\u0648\u0646\u06CC \u06CC\u06D5\u06A9\u06D5\u0645"];l.defineLocale("ku", { months: un, monthsShort: un, weekdays: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C_\u062F\u0648\u0648\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C_\u0633\u06CE\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C_\u0686\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C_\u067E\u06CE\u0646\u062C\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C_\u0647\u0647\u200C\u06CC\u0646\u06CC_\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645_\u062F\u0648\u0648\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645_\u0633\u06CE\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645_\u0686\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645_\u067E\u06CE\u0646\u062C\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645_\u0647\u0647\u200C\u06CC\u0646\u06CC_\u0634\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0645\u0647\u200C".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u06CC_\u062F_\u0633_\u0686_\u067E_\u0647_\u0634".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0626\u06ce\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0647\u200c|\u0628\u0647\u200c\u06cc\u0627\u0646\u06cc/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /\u0626\u06ce\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0647\u200c/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0628\u0647\u200C\u06CC\u0627\u0646\u06CC" : "\u0626\u06CE\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0647\u200C";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0626\u0647\u200C\u0645\u0631\u06C6 \u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631] LT", nextDay: "[\u0628\u0647\u200C\u06CC\u0627\u0646\u06CC \u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631] LT", lastDay: "[\u062F\u0648\u06CE\u0646\u06CE \u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0644\u0647\u200C %s", past: "%s", s: "\u0686\u0647\u200C\u0646\u062F \u0686\u0631\u0643\u0647\u200C\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643", ss: "\u0686\u0631\u0643\u0647\u200C %d", m: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643 \u062E\u0648\u0644\u0647\u200C\u0643", mm: "%d \u062E\u0648\u0644\u0647\u200C\u0643", h: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643 \u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631", hh: "%d \u0643\u0627\u062A\u0698\u0645\u06CE\u0631", d: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643 \u0695\u06C6\u0698", dd: "%d \u0695\u06C6\u0698", M: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643 \u0645\u0627\u0646\u06AF", MM: "%d \u0645\u0627\u0646\u06AF", y: "\u06CC\u0647\u200C\u0643 \u0633\u0627\u06B5", yy: "%d \u0633\u0627\u06B5" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0661\u0662\u0663\u0664\u0665\u0666\u0667\u0668\u0669\u0660]/g, function (e) {return mn[e];}).replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return on[e];}).replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } });var ln = { 0: "-\u0447\u04AF", 1: "-\u0447\u0438", 2: "-\u0447\u0438", 3: "-\u0447\u04AF", 4: "-\u0447\u04AF", 5: "-\u0447\u0438", 6: "-\u0447\u044B", 7: "-\u0447\u0438", 8: "-\u0447\u0438", 9: "-\u0447\u0443", 10: "-\u0447\u0443", 20: "-\u0447\u044B", 30: "-\u0447\u0443", 40: "-\u0447\u044B", 50: "-\u0447\u04AF", 60: "-\u0447\u044B", 70: "-\u0447\u0438", 80: "-\u0447\u0438", 90: "-\u0447\u0443", 100: "-\u0447\u04AF" };function Mn(e, a, t, s) {var n = { m: ["eng Minutt", "enger Minutt"], h: ["eng Stonn", "enger Stonn"], d: ["een Dag", "engem Dag"], M: ["ee Mount", "engem Mount"], y: ["ee Joer", "engem Joer"] };return a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}function hn(e) {if (e = parseInt(e, 10), isNaN(e)) return !1;if (e < 0) return !0;if (e < 10) return 4 <= e && e <= 7;if (e < 100) {var a = e % 10;return hn(0 === a ? e / 10 : a);}if (e < 1e4) {for (; 10 <= e;) {e /= 10;}return hn(e);}return hn(e /= 1e3);}l.defineLocale("ky", { months: "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044C_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B\u044C_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B\u044C_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044C_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044C_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044C".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u044F\u043D\u0432_\u0444\u0435\u0432_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044C_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044C_\u0430\u0432\u0433_\u0441\u0435\u043D_\u043E\u043A\u0442_\u043D\u043E\u044F_\u0434\u0435\u043A".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0416\u0435\u043A\u0448\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0438_\u0414\u04AF\u0439\u0448\u04E9\u043C\u0431\u04AF_\u0428\u0435\u0439\u0448\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0438_\u0428\u0430\u0440\u0448\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0438_\u0411\u0435\u0439\u0448\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0438_\u0416\u0443\u043C\u0430_\u0418\u0448\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0438".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0416\u0435\u043A_\u0414\u04AF\u0439_\u0428\u0435\u0439_\u0428\u0430\u0440_\u0411\u0435\u0439_\u0416\u0443\u043C_\u0418\u0448\u0435".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0416\u043A_\u0414\u0439_\u0428\u0439_\u0428\u0440_\u0411\u0439_\u0416\u043C_\u0418\u0448".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0411\u04AF\u0433\u04AF\u043D \u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442] LT", nextDay: "[\u042D\u0440\u0442\u0435\u04A3 \u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442] LT", lastDay: "[\u041A\u0435\u0447\u044D\u044D \u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442] LT", lastWeek: "[\u04E8\u0442\u043A\u04E9\u043D \u0430\u043F\u0442\u0430\u043D\u044B\u043D] dddd [\u043A\u04AF\u043D\u04AF] [\u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0438\u0447\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0435", past: "%s \u043C\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043D", s: "\u0431\u0438\u0440\u043D\u0435\u0447\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", ss: "%d \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", m: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u043C\u04AF\u043D\u04E9\u0442", mm: "%d \u043C\u04AF\u043D\u04E9\u0442", h: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442", hh: "%d \u0441\u0430\u0430\u0442", d: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u043A\u04AF\u043D", dd: "%d \u043A\u04AF\u043D", M: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0430\u0439", MM: "%d \u0430\u0439", y: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0436\u044B\u043B", yy: "%d \u0436\u044B\u043B" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0447\u0438|\u0447\u044b|\u0447\u04af|\u0447\u0443)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (ln[e] || ln[e % 10] || ln[100 <= e ? 100 : null]);}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("lb", { months: "Januar_Februar_M\xe4erz_Abr\xebll_Mee_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan._Febr._Mrz._Abr._Mee_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "Sonndeg_M\xe9indeg_D\xebnschdeg_M\xebttwoch_Donneschdeg_Freideg_Samschdeg".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "So._M\xe9._D\xeb._M\xeb._Do._Fr._Sa.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "So_M\xe9_D\xeb_M\xeb_Do_Fr_Sa".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm [Auer]", LTS: "H:mm:ss [Auer]", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm [Auer]", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm [Auer]" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Haut um] LT", sameElse: "L", nextDay: "[Muer um] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [um] LT", lastDay: "[G\xebschter um] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 2:case 4:return "[Leschten] dddd [um] LT";default:return "[Leschte] dddd [um] LT";}} }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {return hn(e.substr(0, e.indexOf(" "))) ? "a " + e : "an " + e;}, past: function past(e) {return hn(e.substr(0, e.indexOf(" "))) ? "viru " + e : "virun " + e;}, s: "e puer Sekonnen", ss: "%d Sekonnen", m: Mn, mm: "%d Minutten", h: Mn, hh: "%d Stonnen", d: Mn, dd: "%d Deeg", M: Mn, MM: "%d M\xe9int", y: Mn, yy: "%d Joer" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("lo", { months: "\u0EA1\u0EB1\u0E87\u0E81\u0EAD\u0E99_\u0E81\u0EB8\u0EA1\u0E9E\u0EB2_\u0EA1\u0EB5\u0E99\u0EB2_\u0EC0\u0EA1\u0EAA\u0EB2_\u0E9E\u0EB6\u0E94\u0EAA\u0EB0\u0E9E\u0EB2_\u0EA1\u0EB4\u0E96\u0EB8\u0E99\u0EB2_\u0E81\u0ECD\u0EA5\u0EB0\u0E81\u0EBB\u0E94_\u0EAA\u0EB4\u0E87\u0EAB\u0EB2_\u0E81\u0EB1\u0E99\u0E8D\u0EB2_\u0E95\u0EB8\u0EA5\u0EB2_\u0E9E\u0EB0\u0E88\u0EB4\u0E81_\u0E97\u0EB1\u0E99\u0EA7\u0EB2".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0EA1\u0EB1\u0E87\u0E81\u0EAD\u0E99_\u0E81\u0EB8\u0EA1\u0E9E\u0EB2_\u0EA1\u0EB5\u0E99\u0EB2_\u0EC0\u0EA1\u0EAA\u0EB2_\u0E9E\u0EB6\u0E94\u0EAA\u0EB0\u0E9E\u0EB2_\u0EA1\u0EB4\u0E96\u0EB8\u0E99\u0EB2_\u0E81\u0ECD\u0EA5\u0EB0\u0E81\u0EBB\u0E94_\u0EAA\u0EB4\u0E87\u0EAB\u0EB2_\u0E81\u0EB1\u0E99\u0E8D\u0EB2_\u0E95\u0EB8\u0EA5\u0EB2_\u0E9E\u0EB0\u0E88\u0EB4\u0E81_\u0E97\u0EB1\u0E99\u0EA7\u0EB2".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0EAD\u0EB2\u0E97\u0EB4\u0E94_\u0E88\u0EB1\u0E99_\u0EAD\u0EB1\u0E87\u0E84\u0EB2\u0E99_\u0E9E\u0EB8\u0E94_\u0E9E\u0EB0\u0EAB\u0EB1\u0E94_\u0EAA\u0EB8\u0E81_\u0EC0\u0EAA\u0EBB\u0EB2".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0E97\u0EB4\u0E94_\u0E88\u0EB1\u0E99_\u0EAD\u0EB1\u0E87\u0E84\u0EB2\u0E99_\u0E9E\u0EB8\u0E94_\u0E9E\u0EB0\u0EAB\u0EB1\u0E94_\u0EAA\u0EB8\u0E81_\u0EC0\u0EAA\u0EBB\u0EB2".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0E97_\u0E88_\u0EAD\u0E84_\u0E9E_\u0E9E\u0EAB_\u0EAA\u0E81_\u0EAA".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "\u0EA7\u0EB1\u0E99dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0e95\u0ead\u0e99\u0ec0\u0e8a\u0ebb\u0ec9\u0eb2|\u0e95\u0ead\u0e99\u0ec1\u0ea5\u0e87/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0E95\u0EAD\u0E99\u0EC1\u0EA5\u0E87" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0E95\u0EAD\u0E99\u0EC0\u0E8A\u0EBB\u0EC9\u0EB2" : "\u0E95\u0EAD\u0E99\u0EC1\u0EA5\u0E87";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0EA1\u0EB7\u0EC9\u0E99\u0EB5\u0EC9\u0EC0\u0EA7\u0EA5\u0EB2] LT", nextDay: "[\u0EA1\u0EB7\u0EC9\u0EAD\u0EB7\u0EC8\u0E99\u0EC0\u0EA7\u0EA5\u0EB2] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0EA7\u0EB1\u0E99]dddd[\u0EDC\u0EC9\u0EB2\u0EC0\u0EA7\u0EA5\u0EB2] LT", lastDay: "[\u0EA1\u0EB7\u0EC9\u0EA7\u0EB2\u0E99\u0E99\u0EB5\u0EC9\u0EC0\u0EA7\u0EA5\u0EB2] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0EA7\u0EB1\u0E99]dddd[\u0EC1\u0EA5\u0EC9\u0EA7\u0E99\u0EB5\u0EC9\u0EC0\u0EA7\u0EA5\u0EB2] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0EAD\u0EB5\u0E81 %s", past: "%s\u0E9C\u0EC8\u0EB2\u0E99\u0EA1\u0EB2", s: "\u0E9A\u0ECD\u0EC8\u0EC0\u0E97\u0EBB\u0EC8\u0EB2\u0EC3\u0E94\u0EA7\u0EB4\u0E99\u0EB2\u0E97\u0EB5", ss: "%d \u0EA7\u0EB4\u0E99\u0EB2\u0E97\u0EB5", m: "1 \u0E99\u0EB2\u0E97\u0EB5", mm: "%d \u0E99\u0EB2\u0E97\u0EB5", h: "1 \u0E8A\u0EBB\u0EC8\u0EA7\u0EC2\u0EA1\u0E87", hh: "%d \u0E8A\u0EBB\u0EC8\u0EA7\u0EC2\u0EA1\u0E87", d: "1 \u0EA1\u0EB7\u0EC9", dd: "%d \u0EA1\u0EB7\u0EC9", M: "1 \u0EC0\u0E94\u0EB7\u0EAD\u0E99", MM: "%d \u0EC0\u0E94\u0EB7\u0EAD\u0E99", y: "1 \u0E9B\u0EB5", yy: "%d \u0E9B\u0EB5" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /(\u0e97\u0eb5\u0ec8)\d{1,2}/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return "\u0E97\u0EB5\u0EC8" + e;} });var Ln = { ss: "sekund\u0117_sekund\u017Ei\u0173_sekundes", m: "minut\u0117_minut\u0117s_minut\u0119", mm: "minut\u0117s_minu\u010Di\u0173_minutes", h: "valanda_valandos_valand\u0105", hh: "valandos_valand\u0173_valandas", d: "diena_dienos_dien\u0105", dd: "dienos_dien\u0173_dienas", M: "m\u0117nuo_m\u0117nesio_m\u0117nes\u012F", MM: "m\u0117nesiai_m\u0117nesi\u0173_m\u0117nesius", y: "metai_met\u0173_metus", yy: "metai_met\u0173_metus" };function cn(e, a, t, s) {return a ? yn(t)[0] : s ? yn(t)[1] : yn(t)[2];}function Yn(e) {return e % 10 == 0 || 10 < e && e < 20;}function yn(e) {return Ln[e].split("_");}function fn(e, a, t, s) {var n = e + " ";return 1 === e ? n + cn(0, a, t[0], s) : a ? n + (Yn(e) ? yn(t)[1] : yn(t)[0]) : s ? n + yn(t)[1] : n + (Yn(e) ? yn(t)[1] : yn(t)[2]);}l.defineLocale("lt", { months: { format: "sausio_vasario_kovo_baland\u017Eio_gegu\u017E\u0117s_bir\u017Eelio_liepos_rugpj\u016B\u010Dio_rugs\u0117jo_spalio_lapkri\u010Dio_gruod\u017Eio".split("_"), standalone: "sausis_vasaris_kovas_balandis_gegu\u017E\u0117_bir\u017Eelis_liepa_rugpj\u016Btis_rugs\u0117jis_spalis_lapkritis_gruodis".split("_"), isFormat: /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?|MMMM?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+D[oD]?/ }, monthsShort: "sau_vas_kov_bal_geg_bir_lie_rgp_rgs_spa_lap_grd".split("_"), weekdays: { format: "sekmadien\u012F_pirmadien\u012F_antradien\u012F_tre\u010Diadien\u012F_ketvirtadien\u012F_penktadien\u012F_\u0161e\u0161tadien\u012F".split("_"), standalone: "sekmadienis_pirmadienis_antradienis_tre\u010Diadienis_ketvirtadienis_penktadienis_\u0161e\u0161tadienis".split("_"), isFormat: /dddd HH:mm/ }, weekdaysShort: "Sek_Pir_Ant_Tre_Ket_Pen_\u0160e\u0161".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "S_P_A_T_K_Pn_\u0160".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.]", LLL: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], HH:mm [val.]", LLLL: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], dddd, HH:mm [val.]", l: "YYYY-MM-DD", ll: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.]", lll: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], HH:mm [val.]", llll: "YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], ddd, HH:mm [val.]" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0160iandien] LT", nextDay: "[Rytoj] LT", nextWeek: "dddd LT", lastDay: "[Vakar] LT", lastWeek: "[Pra\u0117jus\u012F] dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "po %s", past: "prie\u0161 %s", s: function s(e, a, t, _s2) {return a ? "kelios sekund\u0117s" : _s2 ? "keli\u0173 sekund\u017Ei\u0173" : "kelias sekundes";}, ss: fn, m: cn, mm: fn, h: cn, hh: fn, d: cn, dd: fn, M: cn, MM: fn, y: cn, yy: fn }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-oji/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + "-oji";}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var kn = { ss: "sekundes_sekund\u0113m_sekunde_sekundes".split("_"), m: "min\u016Btes_min\u016Bt\u0113m_min\u016Bte_min\u016Btes".split("_"), mm: "min\u016Btes_min\u016Bt\u0113m_min\u016Bte_min\u016Btes".split("_"), h: "stundas_stund\u0101m_stunda_stundas".split("_"), hh: "stundas_stund\u0101m_stunda_stundas".split("_"), d: "dienas_dien\u0101m_diena_dienas".split("_"), dd: "dienas_dien\u0101m_diena_dienas".split("_"), M: "m\u0113ne\u0161a_m\u0113ne\u0161iem_m\u0113nesis_m\u0113ne\u0161i".split("_"), MM: "m\u0113ne\u0161a_m\u0113ne\u0161iem_m\u0113nesis_m\u0113ne\u0161i".split("_"), y: "gada_gadiem_gads_gadi".split("_"), yy: "gada_gadiem_gads_gadi".split("_") };function pn(e, a, t) {return t ? a % 10 == 1 && a % 100 != 11 ? e[2] : e[3] : a % 10 == 1 && a % 100 != 11 ? e[0] : e[1];}function Dn(e, a, t) {return e + " " + pn(kn[t], e, a);}function Tn(e, a, t) {return pn(kn[t], e, a);}l.defineLocale("lv", { months: "janv\u0101ris_febru\u0101ris_marts_apr\u012Blis_maijs_j\u016Bnijs_j\u016Blijs_augusts_septembris_oktobris_novembris_decembris".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_j\u016Bn_j\u016Bl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"), weekdays: "sv\u0113tdiena_pirmdiena_otrdiena_tre\u0161diena_ceturtdiena_piektdiena_sestdiena".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY.", LL: "YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM", LLL: "YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, HH:mm", LLLL: "YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, dddd, HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0160odien pulksten] LT", nextDay: "[R\u012Bt pulksten] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [pulksten] LT", lastDay: "[Vakar pulksten] LT", lastWeek: "[Pag\u0101ju\u0161\u0101] dddd [pulksten] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "p\u0113c %s", past: "pirms %s", s: function s(e, a) {return a ? "da\u017Eas sekundes" : "da\u017E\u0101m sekund\u0113m";}, ss: Dn, m: Tn, mm: Dn, h: Tn, hh: Dn, d: Tn, dd: Dn, M: Tn, MM: Dn, y: Tn, yy: Dn }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var gn = { words: { ss: ["sekund", "sekunda", "sekundi"], m: ["jedan minut", "jednog minuta"], mm: ["minut", "minuta", "minuta"], h: ["jedan sat", "jednog sata"], hh: ["sat", "sata", "sati"], dd: ["dan", "dana", "dana"], MM: ["mjesec", "mjeseca", "mjeseci"], yy: ["godina", "godine", "godina"] }, correctGrammaticalCase: function correctGrammaticalCase(e, a) {return 1 === e ? a[0] : 2 <= e && e <= 4 ? a[1] : a[2];}, translate: function translate(e, a, t) {var s = gn.words[t];return 1 === t.length ? a ? s[0] : s[1] : e + " " + gn.correctGrammaticalCase(e, s);} };function wn(e, a, t, s) {switch (t) {case "s":return a ? "\u0445\u044D\u0434\u0445\u044D\u043D \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434" : "\u0445\u044D\u0434\u0445\u044D\u043D \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B\u043D";case "ss":return e + (a ? " \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434" : " \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B\u043D");case "m":case "mm":return e + (a ? " \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442" : " \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B\u043D");case "h":case "hh":return e + (a ? " \u0446\u0430\u0433" : " \u0446\u0430\u0433\u0438\u0439\u043D");case "d":case "dd":return e + (a ? " \u04E9\u0434\u04E9\u0440" : " \u04E9\u0434\u0440\u0438\u0439\u043D");case "M":case "MM":return e + (a ? " \u0441\u0430\u0440" : " \u0441\u0430\u0440\u044B\u043D");case "y":case "yy":return e + (a ? " \u0436\u0438\u043B" : " \u0436\u0438\u043B\u0438\u0439\u043D");default:return e;}}l.defineLocale("me", { months: "januar_februar_mart_april_maj_jun_jul_avgust_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan._feb._mar._apr._maj_jun_jul_avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_\u010Detvrtak_petak_subota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ned._pon._uto._sri._\u010Det._pet._sub.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_ut_sr_\u010De_pe_su".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[danas u] LT", nextDay: "[sjutra u] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT";case 3:return "[u] [srijedu] [u] LT";case 6:return "[u] [subotu] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[u] dddd [u] LT";}}, lastDay: "[ju\u010De u] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return ["[pro\u0161le] [nedjelje] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [ponedjeljka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [utorka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161le] [srijede] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [\u010Detvrtka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [petka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161le] [subote] [u] LT"][];}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "prije %s", s: "nekoliko sekundi", ss: gn.translate, m: gn.translate, mm: gn.translate, h: gn.translate, hh: gn.translate, d: "dan", dd: gn.translate, M: "mjesec", MM: gn.translate, y: "godinu", yy: gn.translate }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("mi", { months: "Kohi-t\u0101te_Hui-tanguru_Pout\u016B-te-rangi_Paenga-wh\u0101wh\u0101_Haratua_Pipiri_H\u014Dngoingoi_Here-turi-k\u014Dk\u0101_Mahuru_Whiringa-\u0101-nuku_Whiringa-\u0101-rangi_Hakihea".split("_"), monthsShort: "Kohi_Hui_Pou_Pae_Hara_Pipi_H\u014Dngoi_Here_Mahu_Whi-nu_Whi-ra_Haki".split("_"), monthsRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i, monthsStrictRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i, monthsShortRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,2}/i, weekdays: "R\u0101tapu_Mane_T\u016Brei_Wenerei_T\u0101ite_Paraire_H\u0101tarei".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Ta_Ma_T\u016B_We_T\u0101i_Pa_H\u0101".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ta_Ma_T\u016B_We_T\u0101i_Pa_H\u0101".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [i] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY [i] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[i teie mahana, i] LT", nextDay: "[apopo i] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [i] LT", lastDay: "[inanahi i] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [whakamutunga i] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "i roto i %s", past: "%s i mua", s: "te h\u0113kona ruarua", ss: "%d h\u0113kona", m: "he meneti", mm: "%d meneti", h: "te haora", hh: "%d haora", d: "he ra", dd: "%d ra", M: "he marama", MM: "%d marama", y: "he tau", yy: "%d tau" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("mk", { months: "\u0458\u0430\u043D\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0438_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0438_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0458_\u0458\u0443\u043D\u0438_\u0458\u0443\u043B\u0438_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043F\u0442\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u043D\u043E\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0435\u043C\u0432\u0440\u0438".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0458\u0430\u043D_\u0444\u0435\u0432_\u043C\u0430\u0440_\u0430\u043F\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0458_\u0458\u0443\u043D_\u0458\u0443\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433_\u0441\u0435\u043F_\u043E\u043A\u0442_\u043D\u043E\u0435_\u0434\u0435\u043A".split("_"), weekdays: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0440\u0442\u043E\u043A_\u043F\u0435\u0442\u043E\u043A_\u0441\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u043D\u0435\u0434_\u043F\u043E\u043D_\u0432\u0442\u043E_\u0441\u0440\u0435_\u0447\u0435\u0442_\u043F\u0435\u0442_\u0441\u0430\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u043De_\u043Fo_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0435_\u043F\u0435_\u0441a".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "D.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0414\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0441 \u0432\u043E] LT", nextDay: "[\u0423\u0442\u0440\u0435 \u0432\u043E] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0412\u043E] dddd [\u0432\u043E] LT", lastDay: "[\u0412\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430 \u0432\u043E] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:case 6:return "[\u0418\u0437\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430] dddd [\u0432\u043E] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[\u0418\u0437\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043E\u0442] dddd [\u0432\u043E] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u043F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 %s", past: "\u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434 %s", s: "\u043D\u0435\u043A\u043E\u043B\u043A\u0443 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438", ss: "%d \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438", m: "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0430", mm: "%d \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0438", h: "\u0447\u0430\u0441", hh: "%d \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430", d: "\u0434\u0435\u043D", dd: "%d \u0434\u0435\u043D\u0430", M: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446", MM: "%d \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446\u0438", y: "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430", yy: "%d \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0435\u0432|\u0435\u043d|\u0442\u0438|\u0432\u0438|\u0440\u0438|\u043c\u0438)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10,t = e % 100;return 0 === e ? e + "-\u0435\u0432" : 0 === t ? e + "-\u0435\u043D" : 10 < t && t < 20 ? e + "-\u0442\u0438" : 1 === a ? e + "-\u0432\u0438" : 2 === a ? e + "-\u0440\u0438" : 7 === a || 8 === a ? e + "-\u043C\u0438" : e + "-\u0442\u0438";}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("ml", { months: "\u0D1C\u0D28\u0D41\u0D35\u0D30\u0D3F_\u0D2B\u0D46\u0D2C\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D41\u0D35\u0D30\u0D3F_\u0D2E\u0D3E\u0D7C\u0D1A\u0D4D\u0D1A\u0D4D_\u0D0F\u0D2A\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D3F\u0D7D_\u0D2E\u0D47\u0D2F\u0D4D_\u0D1C\u0D42\u0D7A_\u0D1C\u0D42\u0D32\u0D48_\u0D13\u0D17\u0D38\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D_\u0D38\u0D46\u0D2A\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D02\u0D2C\u0D7C_\u0D12\u0D15\u0D4D\u0D1F\u0D4B\u0D2C\u0D7C_\u0D28\u0D35\u0D02\u0D2C\u0D7C_\u0D21\u0D3F\u0D38\u0D02\u0D2C\u0D7C".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0D1C\u0D28\u0D41._\u0D2B\u0D46\u0D2C\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D41._\u0D2E\u0D3E\u0D7C._\u0D0F\u0D2A\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D3F._\u0D2E\u0D47\u0D2F\u0D4D_\u0D1C\u0D42\u0D7A_\u0D1C\u0D42\u0D32\u0D48._\u0D13\u0D17._\u0D38\u0D46\u0D2A\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D\u0D31._\u0D12\u0D15\u0D4D\u0D1F\u0D4B._\u0D28\u0D35\u0D02._\u0D21\u0D3F\u0D38\u0D02.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0D1E\u0D3E\u0D2F\u0D31\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D24\u0D3F\u0D19\u0D4D\u0D15\u0D33\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D1A\u0D4A\u0D35\u0D4D\u0D35\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D2C\u0D41\u0D27\u0D28\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D35\u0D4D\u0D2F\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D35\u0D46\u0D33\u0D4D\u0D33\u0D3F\u0D2F\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A_\u0D36\u0D28\u0D3F\u0D2F\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D4D\u0D1A".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0D1E\u0D3E\u0D2F\u0D7C_\u0D24\u0D3F\u0D19\u0D4D\u0D15\u0D7E_\u0D1A\u0D4A\u0D35\u0D4D\u0D35_\u0D2C\u0D41\u0D27\u0D7B_\u0D35\u0D4D\u0D2F\u0D3E\u0D34\u0D02_\u0D35\u0D46\u0D33\u0D4D\u0D33\u0D3F_\u0D36\u0D28\u0D3F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0D1E\u0D3E_\u0D24\u0D3F_\u0D1A\u0D4A_\u0D2C\u0D41_\u0D35\u0D4D\u0D2F\u0D3E_\u0D35\u0D46_\u0D36".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm -\u0D28\u0D41", LTS: "A h:mm:ss -\u0D28\u0D41", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm -\u0D28\u0D41", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm -\u0D28\u0D41" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0D07\u0D28\u0D4D\u0D28\u0D4D] LT", nextDay: "[\u0D28\u0D3E\u0D33\u0D46] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0D07\u0D28\u0D4D\u0D28\u0D32\u0D46] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0D15\u0D34\u0D3F\u0D1E\u0D4D\u0D1E] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0D15\u0D34\u0D3F\u0D1E\u0D4D\u0D1E\u0D4D", past: "%s \u0D2E\u0D41\u0D7B\u0D2A\u0D4D", s: "\u0D05\u0D7D\u0D2A \u0D28\u0D3F\u0D2E\u0D3F\u0D37\u0D19\u0D4D\u0D19\u0D7E", ss: "%d \u0D38\u0D46\u0D15\u0D4D\u0D15\u0D7B\u0D21\u0D4D", m: "\u0D12\u0D30\u0D41 \u0D2E\u0D3F\u0D28\u0D3F\u0D31\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D", mm: "%d \u0D2E\u0D3F\u0D28\u0D3F\u0D31\u0D4D\u0D31\u0D4D", h: "\u0D12\u0D30\u0D41 \u0D2E\u0D23\u0D3F\u0D15\u0D4D\u0D15\u0D42\u0D7C", hh: "%d \u0D2E\u0D23\u0D3F\u0D15\u0D4D\u0D15\u0D42\u0D7C", d: "\u0D12\u0D30\u0D41 \u0D26\u0D3F\u0D35\u0D38\u0D02", dd: "%d \u0D26\u0D3F\u0D35\u0D38\u0D02", M: "\u0D12\u0D30\u0D41 \u0D2E\u0D3E\u0D38\u0D02", MM: "%d \u0D2E\u0D3E\u0D38\u0D02", y: "\u0D12\u0D30\u0D41 \u0D35\u0D7C\u0D37\u0D02", yy: "%d \u0D35\u0D7C\u0D37\u0D02" }, meridiemParse: /\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d3f|\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d46|\u0d09\u0d1a\u0d4d\u0d1a \u0d15\u0d34\u0d3f\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1e\u0d4d|\u0d35\u0d48\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d47\u0d30\u0d02|\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d3f/i, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0D30\u0D3E\u0D24\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D3F" === a && 4 <= e || "\u0D09\u0D1A\u0D4D\u0D1A \u0D15\u0D34\u0D3F\u0D1E\u0D4D\u0D1E\u0D4D" === a || "\u0D35\u0D48\u0D15\u0D41\u0D28\u0D4D\u0D28\u0D47\u0D30\u0D02" === a ? e + 12 : e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0D30\u0D3E\u0D24\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D3F" : e < 12 ? "\u0D30\u0D3E\u0D35\u0D3F\u0D32\u0D46" : e < 17 ? "\u0D09\u0D1A\u0D4D\u0D1A \u0D15\u0D34\u0D3F\u0D1E\u0D4D\u0D1E\u0D4D" : e < 20 ? "\u0D35\u0D48\u0D15\u0D41\u0D28\u0D4D\u0D28\u0D47\u0D30\u0D02" : "\u0D30\u0D3E\u0D24\u0D4D\u0D30\u0D3F";} }), l.defineLocale("mn", { months: "\u041D\u044D\u0433\u0434\u04AF\u0433\u044D\u044D\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0425\u043E\u0451\u0440\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0413\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0414\u04E9\u0440\u04E9\u0432\u0434\u04AF\u0433\u044D\u044D\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0422\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0417\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0414\u043E\u043B\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u041D\u0430\u0439\u043C\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0415\u0441\u0434\u04AF\u0433\u044D\u044D\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0410\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0410\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043D \u043D\u044D\u0433\u0434\u04AF\u0433\u044D\u044D\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440_\u0410\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043D \u0445\u043E\u0451\u0440\u0434\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0440 \u0441\u0430\u0440".split("_"), monthsShort: "1 \u0441\u0430\u0440_2 \u0441\u0430\u0440_3 \u0441\u0430\u0440_4 \u0441\u0430\u0440_5 \u0441\u0430\u0440_6 \u0441\u0430\u0440_7 \u0441\u0430\u0440_8 \u0441\u0430\u0440_9 \u0441\u0430\u0440_10 \u0441\u0430\u0440_11 \u0441\u0430\u0440_12 \u0441\u0430\u0440".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u041D\u044F\u043C_\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0430_\u041C\u044F\u0433\u043C\u0430\u0440_\u041B\u0445\u0430\u0433\u0432\u0430_\u041F\u04AF\u0440\u044D\u0432_\u0411\u0430\u0430\u0441\u0430\u043D_\u0411\u044F\u043C\u0431\u0430".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u041D\u044F\u043C_\u0414\u0430\u0432_\u041C\u044F\u0433_\u041B\u0445\u0430_\u041F\u04AF\u0440_\u0411\u0430\u0430_\u0411\u044F\u043C".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u041D\u044F_\u0414\u0430_\u041C\u044F_\u041B\u0445_\u041F\u04AF_\u0411\u0430_\u0411\u044F".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "YYYY \u043E\u043D\u044B MMMM\u044B\u043D D", LLL: "YYYY \u043E\u043D\u044B MMMM\u044B\u043D D HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, YYYY \u043E\u043D\u044B MMMM\u044B\u043D D HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u04ae\u04e8|\u04ae\u0425/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u04AE\u0425" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u04AE\u04E8" : "\u04AE\u0425";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u04E8\u043D\u04E9\u04E9\u0434\u04E9\u0440] LT", nextDay: "[\u041C\u0430\u0440\u0433\u0430\u0430\u0448] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0418\u0440\u044D\u0445] dddd LT", lastDay: "[\u04E8\u0447\u0438\u0433\u0434\u04E9\u0440] LT", lastWeek: "[\u04E8\u043D\u0433\u04E9\u0440\u0441\u04E9\u043D] dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0434\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0430", past: "%s \u04E9\u043C\u043D\u04E9", s: wn, ss: wn, m: wn, mm: wn, h: wn, hh: wn, d: wn, dd: wn, M: wn, MM: wn, y: wn, yy: wn }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2} \u04e9\u0434\u04e9\u0440/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + " \u04E9\u0434\u04E9\u0440";default:return e;}} });var vn = { 1: "\u0967", 2: "\u0968", 3: "\u0969", 4: "\u096A", 5: "\u096B", 6: "\u096C", 7: "\u096D", 8: "\u096E", 9: "\u096F", 0: "\u0966" },Sn = { "\u0967": "1", "\u0968": "2", "\u0969": "3", "\u096A": "4", "\u096B": "5", "\u096C": "6", "\u096D": "7", "\u096E": "8", "\u096F": "9", "\u0966": "0" };function Hn(e, a, t, s) {var n = "";if (a) switch (t) {case "s":n = "\u0915\u093E\u0939\u0940 \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0902\u0926";break;case "ss":n = "%d \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0902\u0926";break;case "m":n = "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u093F\u0928\u093F\u091F";break;case "mm":n = "%d \u092E\u093F\u0928\u093F\u091F\u0947";break;case "h":n = "\u090F\u0915 \u0924\u093E\u0938";break;case "hh":n = "%d \u0924\u093E\u0938";break;case "d":n = "\u090F\u0915 \u0926\u093F\u0935\u0938";break;case "dd":n = "%d \u0926\u093F\u0935\u0938";break;case "M":n = "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u093E";break;case "MM":n = "%d \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u0947";break;case "y":n = "\u090F\u0915 \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937";break;case "yy":n = "%d \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937\u0947";break;} else switch (t) {case "s":n = "\u0915\u093E\u0939\u0940 \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0902\u0926\u093E\u0902";break;case "ss":n = "%d \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0902\u0926\u093E\u0902";break;case "m":n = "\u090F\u0915\u093E \u092E\u093F\u0928\u093F\u091F\u093E";break;case "mm":n = "%d \u092E\u093F\u0928\u093F\u091F\u093E\u0902";break;case "h":n = "\u090F\u0915\u093E \u0924\u093E\u0938\u093E";break;case "hh":n = "%d \u0924\u093E\u0938\u093E\u0902";break;case "d":n = "\u090F\u0915\u093E \u0926\u093F\u0935\u0938\u093E";break;case "dd":n = "%d \u0926\u093F\u0935\u0938\u093E\u0902";break;case "M":n = "\u090F\u0915\u093E \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u094D\u092F\u093E";break;case "MM":n = "%d \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u094D\u092F\u093E\u0902";break;case "y":n = "\u090F\u0915\u093E \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937\u093E";break;case "yy":n = "%d \u0935\u0930\u094D\u0937\u093E\u0902";break;}return n.replace(/%d/i, e);}l.defineLocale("mr", { months: "\u091C\u093E\u0928\u0947\u0935\u093E\u0930\u0940_\u092B\u0947\u092C\u094D\u0930\u0941\u0935\u093E\u0930\u0940_\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A_\u090F\u092A\u094D\u0930\u093F\u0932_\u092E\u0947_\u091C\u0942\u0928_\u091C\u0941\u0932\u0948_\u0911\u0917\u0938\u094D\u091F_\u0938\u092A\u094D\u091F\u0947\u0902\u092C\u0930_\u0911\u0915\u094D\u091F\u094B\u092C\u0930_\u0928\u094B\u0935\u094D\u0939\u0947\u0902\u092C\u0930_\u0921\u093F\u0938\u0947\u0902\u092C\u0930".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u091C\u093E\u0928\u0947._\u092B\u0947\u092C\u094D\u0930\u0941._\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A._\u090F\u092A\u094D\u0930\u093F._\u092E\u0947._\u091C\u0942\u0928._\u091C\u0941\u0932\u0948._\u0911\u0917._\u0938\u092A\u094D\u091F\u0947\u0902._\u0911\u0915\u094D\u091F\u094B._\u0928\u094B\u0935\u094D\u0939\u0947\u0902._\u0921\u093F\u0938\u0947\u0902.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0930\u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0938\u094B\u092E\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u092E\u0902\u0917\u0933\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u092C\u0941\u0927\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0917\u0941\u0930\u0942\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930\u0935\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0928\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0930".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0930\u0935\u093F_\u0938\u094B\u092E_\u092E\u0902\u0917\u0933_\u092C\u0941\u0927_\u0917\u0941\u0930\u0942_\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930_\u0936\u0928\u093F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0930_\u0938\u094B_\u092E\u0902_\u092C\u0941_\u0917\u0941_\u0936\u0941_\u0936".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm \u0935\u093E\u091C\u0924\u093E", LTS: "A h:mm:ss \u0935\u093E\u091C\u0924\u093E", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0935\u093E\u091C\u0924\u093E", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0935\u093E\u091C\u0924\u093E" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0906\u091C] LT", nextDay: "[\u0909\u0926\u094D\u092F\u093E] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0915\u093E\u0932] LT", lastWeek: "[\u092E\u093E\u0917\u0940\u0932] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u092E\u0927\u094D\u092F\u0947", past: "%s\u092A\u0942\u0930\u094D\u0935\u0940", s: Hn, ss: Hn, m: Hn, mm: Hn, h: Hn, hh: Hn, d: Hn, dd: Hn, M: Hn, MM: Hn, y: Hn, yy: Hn }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f\u0966]/g, function (e) {return Sn[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return vn[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0930\u093e\u0924\u094d\u0930\u0940|\u0938\u0915\u093e\u0933\u0940|\u0926\u0941\u092a\u093e\u0930\u0940|\u0938\u093e\u092f\u0902\u0915\u093e\u0933\u0940/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u094D\u0930\u0940" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0938\u0915\u093E\u0933\u0940" === a ? e : "\u0926\u0941\u092A\u093E\u0930\u0940" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0938\u093E\u092F\u0902\u0915\u093E\u0933\u0940" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u094D\u0930\u0940" : e < 10 ? "\u0938\u0915\u093E\u0933\u0940" : e < 17 ? "\u0926\u0941\u092A\u093E\u0930\u0940" : e < 20 ? "\u0938\u093E\u092F\u0902\u0915\u093E\u0933\u0940" : "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u094D\u0930\u0940";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("ms-my", { months: "Januari_Februari_Mac_April_Mei_Jun_Julai_Ogos_September_Oktober_November_Disember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ogs_Sep_Okt_Nov_Dis".split("_"), weekdays: "Ahad_Isnin_Selasa_Rabu_Khamis_Jumaat_Sabtu".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Ahd_Isn_Sel_Rab_Kha_Jum_Sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ah_Is_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [pukul]", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]" }, meridiemParse: /pagi|tengahari|petang|malam/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "pagi" === a ? e : "tengahari" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "petang" === a || "malam" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 11 ? "pagi" : e < 15 ? "tengahari" : e < 19 ? "petang" : "malam";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hari ini pukul] LT", nextDay: "[Esok pukul] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [pukul] LT", lastDay: "[Kelmarin pukul] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [lepas pukul] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dalam %s", past: "%s yang lepas", s: "beberapa saat", ss: "%d saat", m: "seminit", mm: "%d minit", h: "sejam", hh: "%d jam", d: "sehari", dd: "%d hari", M: "sebulan", MM: "%d bulan", y: "setahun", yy: "%d tahun" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("ms", { months: "Januari_Februari_Mac_April_Mei_Jun_Julai_Ogos_September_Oktober_November_Disember".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ogs_Sep_Okt_Nov_Dis".split("_"), weekdays: "Ahad_Isnin_Selasa_Rabu_Khamis_Jumaat_Sabtu".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Ahd_Isn_Sel_Rab_Kha_Jum_Sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ah_Is_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [pukul]", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]" }, meridiemParse: /pagi|tengahari|petang|malam/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "pagi" === a ? e : "tengahari" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "petang" === a || "malam" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 11 ? "pagi" : e < 15 ? "tengahari" : e < 19 ? "petang" : "malam";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hari ini pukul] LT", nextDay: "[Esok pukul] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [pukul] LT", lastDay: "[Kelmarin pukul] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [lepas pukul] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dalam %s", past: "%s yang lepas", s: "beberapa saat", ss: "%d saat", m: "seminit", mm: "%d minit", h: "sejam", hh: "%d jam", d: "sehari", dd: "%d hari", M: "sebulan", MM: "%d bulan", y: "setahun", yy: "%d tahun" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("mt", { months: "Jannar_Frar_Marzu_April_Mejju_\u0120unju_Lulju_Awwissu_Settembru_Ottubru_Novembru_Di\u010Bembru".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Fra_Mar_Apr_Mej_\u0120un_Lul_Aww_Set_Ott_Nov_Di\u010B".split("_"), weekdays: "Il-\u0126add_It-Tnejn_It-Tlieta_L-Erbg\u0127a_Il-\u0126amis_Il-\u0120img\u0127a_Is-Sibt".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0126ad_Tne_Tli_Erb_\u0126am_\u0120im_Sib".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0126a_Tn_Tl_Er_\u0126a_\u0120i_Si".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Illum fil-]LT", nextDay: "[G\u0127ada fil-]LT", nextWeek: "dddd [fil-]LT", lastDay: "[Il-biera\u0127 fil-]LT", lastWeek: "dddd [li g\u0127adda] [fil-]LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "f\u2019 %s", past: "%s ilu", s: "ftit sekondi", ss: "%d sekondi", m: "minuta", mm: "%d minuti", h: "sieg\u0127a", hh: "%d sieg\u0127at", d: "\u0121urnata", dd: "%d \u0121ranet", M: "xahar", MM: "%d xhur", y: "sena", yy: "%d sni" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var bn = { 1: "\u1041", 2: "\u1042", 3: "\u1043", 4: "\u1044", 5: "\u1045", 6: "\u1046", 7: "\u1047", 8: "\u1048", 9: "\u1049", 0: "\u1040" },jn = { "\u1041": "1", "\u1042": "2", "\u1043": "3", "\u1044": "4", "\u1045": "5", "\u1046": "6", "\u1047": "7", "\u1048": "8", "\u1049": "9", "\u1040": "0" };l.defineLocale("my", { months: "\u1007\u1014\u103A\u1014\u101D\u102B\u101B\u102E_\u1016\u1031\u1016\u1031\u102C\u103A\u101D\u102B\u101B\u102E_\u1019\u1010\u103A_\u1027\u1015\u103C\u102E_\u1019\u1031_\u1007\u103D\u1014\u103A_\u1007\u1030\u101C\u102D\u102F\u1004\u103A_\u101E\u103C\u1002\u102F\u1010\u103A_\u1005\u1000\u103A\u1010\u1004\u103A\u1018\u102C_\u1021\u1031\u102C\u1000\u103A\u1010\u102D\u102F\u1018\u102C_\u1014\u102D\u102F\u101D\u1004\u103A\u1018\u102C_\u1012\u102E\u1007\u1004\u103A\u1018\u102C".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u1007\u1014\u103A_\u1016\u1031_\u1019\u1010\u103A_\u1015\u103C\u102E_\u1019\u1031_\u1007\u103D\u1014\u103A_\u101C\u102D\u102F\u1004\u103A_\u101E\u103C_\u1005\u1000\u103A_\u1021\u1031\u102C\u1000\u103A_\u1014\u102D\u102F_\u1012\u102E".split("_"), weekdays: "\u1010\u1014\u1004\u103A\u1039\u1002\u1014\u103D\u1031_\u1010\u1014\u1004\u103A\u1039\u101C\u102C_\u1021\u1004\u103A\u1039\u1002\u102B_\u1017\u102F\u1012\u1039\u1013\u101F\u1030\u1038_\u1000\u103C\u102C\u101E\u1015\u1010\u1031\u1038_\u101E\u1031\u102C\u1000\u103C\u102C_\u1005\u1014\u1031".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u1014\u103D\u1031_\u101C\u102C_\u1002\u102B_\u101F\u1030\u1038_\u1000\u103C\u102C_\u101E\u1031\u102C_\u1014\u1031".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u1014\u103D\u1031_\u101C\u102C_\u1002\u102B_\u101F\u1030\u1038_\u1000\u103C\u102C_\u101E\u1031\u102C_\u1014\u1031".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u101A\u1014\u1031.] LT [\u1019\u103E\u102C]", nextDay: "[\u1019\u1014\u1000\u103A\u1016\u103C\u1014\u103A] LT [\u1019\u103E\u102C]", nextWeek: "dddd LT [\u1019\u103E\u102C]", lastDay: "[\u1019\u1014\u1031.\u1000] LT [\u1019\u103E\u102C]", lastWeek: "[\u1015\u103C\u102E\u1038\u1001\u1032\u1037\u101E\u1031\u102C] dddd LT [\u1019\u103E\u102C]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u101C\u102C\u1019\u100A\u103A\u1037 %s \u1019\u103E\u102C", past: "\u101C\u103D\u1014\u103A\u1001\u1032\u1037\u101E\u1031\u102C %s \u1000", s: "\u1005\u1000\u1039\u1000\u1014\u103A.\u1021\u1014\u100A\u103A\u1038\u1004\u101A\u103A", ss: "%d \u1005\u1000\u1039\u1000\u1014\u1037\u103A", m: "\u1010\u1005\u103A\u1019\u102D\u1014\u1005\u103A", mm: "%d \u1019\u102D\u1014\u1005\u103A", h: "\u1010\u1005\u103A\u1014\u102C\u101B\u102E", hh: "%d \u1014\u102C\u101B\u102E", d: "\u1010\u1005\u103A\u101B\u1000\u103A", dd: "%d \u101B\u1000\u103A", M: "\u1010\u1005\u103A\u101C", MM: "%d \u101C", y: "\u1010\u1005\u103A\u1014\u103E\u1005\u103A", yy: "%d \u1014\u103E\u1005\u103A" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u1041\u1042\u1043\u1044\u1045\u1046\u1047\u1048\u1049\u1040]/g, function (e) {return jn[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return bn[e];});}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("nb", { months: "januar_februar_mars_april_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan._feb._mars_april_mai_juni_juli_aug._sep._okt._nov._des.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "s\xf8ndag_mandag_tirsdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_l\xf8rdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "s\xf8._ma._ti._on._to._fr._l\xf8.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "s\xf8_ma_ti_on_to_fr_l\xf8".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[i dag kl.] LT", nextDay: "[i morgen kl.] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [kl.] LT", lastDay: "[i g\xe5r kl.] LT", lastWeek: "[forrige] dddd [kl.] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "om %s", past: "%s siden", s: "noen sekunder", ss: "%d sekunder", m: "ett minutt", mm: "%d minutter", h: "en time", hh: "%d timer", d: "en dag", dd: "%d dager", M: "en m\xe5ned", MM: "%d m\xe5neder", y: "ett \xe5r", yy: "%d \xe5r" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var xn = { 1: "\u0967", 2: "\u0968", 3: "\u0969", 4: "\u096A", 5: "\u096B", 6: "\u096C", 7: "\u096D", 8: "\u096E", 9: "\u096F", 0: "\u0966" },On = { "\u0967": "1", "\u0968": "2", "\u0969": "3", "\u096A": "4", "\u096B": "5", "\u096C": "6", "\u096D": "7", "\u096E": "8", "\u096F": "9", "\u0966": "0" };l.defineLocale("ne", { months: "\u091C\u0928\u0935\u0930\u0940_\u092B\u0947\u092C\u094D\u0930\u0941\u0935\u0930\u0940_\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A_\u0905\u092A\u094D\u0930\u093F\u0932_\u092E\u0908_\u091C\u0941\u0928_\u091C\u0941\u0932\u093E\u0908_\u0905\u0917\u0937\u094D\u091F_\u0938\u0947\u092A\u094D\u091F\u0947\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930_\u0905\u0915\u094D\u091F\u094B\u092C\u0930_\u0928\u094B\u092D\u0947\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930_\u0921\u093F\u0938\u0947\u092E\u094D\u092C\u0930".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u091C\u0928._\u092B\u0947\u092C\u094D\u0930\u0941._\u092E\u093E\u0930\u094D\u091A_\u0905\u092A\u094D\u0930\u093F._\u092E\u0908_\u091C\u0941\u0928_\u091C\u0941\u0932\u093E\u0908._\u0905\u0917._\u0938\u0947\u092A\u094D\u091F._\u0905\u0915\u094D\u091F\u094B._\u0928\u094B\u092D\u0947._\u0921\u093F\u0938\u0947.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0906\u0907\u0924\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u0938\u094B\u092E\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u092E\u0919\u094D\u0917\u0932\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u092C\u0941\u0927\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u092C\u093F\u0939\u093F\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930\u092C\u093E\u0930_\u0936\u0928\u093F\u092C\u093E\u0930".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0906\u0907\u0924._\u0938\u094B\u092E._\u092E\u0919\u094D\u0917\u0932._\u092C\u0941\u0927._\u092C\u093F\u0939\u093F._\u0936\u0941\u0915\u094D\u0930._\u0936\u0928\u093F.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0906._\u0938\u094B._\u092E\u0902._\u092C\u0941._\u092C\u093F._\u0936\u0941._\u0936.".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "A\u0915\u094B h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947", LTS: "A\u0915\u094B h:mm:ss \u092C\u091C\u0947", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A\u0915\u094B h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A\u0915\u094B h:mm \u092C\u091C\u0947" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f\u0966]/g, function (e) {return On[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return xn[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0930\u093e\u0924\u093f|\u092c\u093f\u0939\u093e\u0928|\u0926\u093f\u0909\u0901\u0938\u094b|\u0938\u093e\u0901\u091d/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u093F" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u092C\u093F\u0939\u093E\u0928" === a ? e : "\u0926\u093F\u0909\u0901\u0938\u094B" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0938\u093E\u0901\u091D" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 3 ? "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u093F" : e < 12 ? "\u092C\u093F\u0939\u093E\u0928" : e < 16 ? "\u0926\u093F\u0909\u0901\u0938\u094B" : e < 20 ? "\u0938\u093E\u0901\u091D" : "\u0930\u093E\u0924\u093F";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0906\u091C] LT", nextDay: "[\u092D\u094B\u0932\u093F] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0906\u0909\u0901\u0926\u094B] dddd[,] LT", lastDay: "[\u0939\u093F\u091C\u094B] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0917\u090F\u0915\u094B] dddd[,] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u092E\u093E", past: "%s \u0905\u0917\u093E\u0921\u093F", s: "\u0915\u0947\u0939\u0940 \u0915\u094D\u0937\u0923", ss: "%d \u0938\u0947\u0915\u0947\u0923\u094D\u0921", m: "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u093F\u0928\u0947\u091F", mm: "%d \u092E\u093F\u0928\u0947\u091F", h: "\u090F\u0915 \u0918\u0923\u094D\u091F\u093E", hh: "%d \u0918\u0923\u094D\u091F\u093E", d: "\u090F\u0915 \u0926\u093F\u0928", dd: "%d \u0926\u093F\u0928", M: "\u090F\u0915 \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u093E", MM: "%d \u092E\u0939\u093F\u0928\u093E", y: "\u090F\u0915 \u092C\u0930\u094D\u0937", yy: "%d \u092C\u0930\u094D\u0937" }, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } });var Pn = "jan._feb._mrt._apr._mei_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"),Wn = "jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"),An = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i],En = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;l.defineLocale("nl-be", { months: "januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? Wn[e.month()] : Pn[e.month()] : Pn;}, monthsRegex: En, monthsShortRegex: En, monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i, monthsParse: An, longMonthsParse: An, shortMonthsParse: An, weekdays: "zondag_maandag_dinsdag_woensdag_donderdag_vrijdag_zaterdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "zo._ma._di._wo._do._vr._za.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "zo_ma_di_wo_do_vr_za".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[vandaag om] LT", nextDay: "[morgen om] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [om] LT", lastDay: "[gisteren om] LT", lastWeek: "[afgelopen] dddd [om] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "over %s", past: "%s geleden", s: "een paar seconden", ss: "%d seconden", m: "\xe9\xe9n minuut", mm: "%d minuten", h: "\xe9\xe9n uur", hh: "%d uur", d: "\xe9\xe9n dag", dd: "%d dagen", M: "\xe9\xe9n maand", MM: "%d maanden", y: "\xe9\xe9n jaar", yy: "%d jaar" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e || 8 === e || 20 <= e ? "ste" : "de");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var Fn = "jan._feb._mrt._apr._mei_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"),zn = "jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"),Jn = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i, /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i],Nn = /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;l.defineLocale("nl", { months: "januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: function monthsShort(e, a) {return e ? /-MMM-/.test(a) ? zn[e.month()] : Fn[e.month()] : Fn;}, monthsRegex: Nn, monthsShortRegex: Nn, monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i, monthsParse: Jn, longMonthsParse: Jn, shortMonthsParse: Jn, weekdays: "zondag_maandag_dinsdag_woensdag_donderdag_vrijdag_zaterdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "zo._ma._di._wo._do._vr._za.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "zo_ma_di_wo_do_vr_za".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD-MM-YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[vandaag om] LT", nextDay: "[morgen om] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [om] LT", lastDay: "[gisteren om] LT", lastWeek: "[afgelopen] dddd [om] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "over %s", past: "%s geleden", s: "een paar seconden", ss: "%d seconden", m: "\xe9\xe9n minuut", mm: "%d minuten", h: "\xe9\xe9n uur", hh: "%d uur", d: "\xe9\xe9n dag", dd: "%d dagen", M: "\xe9\xe9n maand", MM: "%d maanden", y: "\xe9\xe9n jaar", yy: "%d jaar" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (1 === e || 8 === e || 20 <= e ? "ste" : "de");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("nn", { months: "januar_februar_mars_april_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des".split("_"), weekdays: "sundag_m\xe5ndag_tysdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_laurdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "sun_m\xe5n_tys_ons_tor_fre_lau".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "su_m\xe5_ty_on_to_fr_l\xf8".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm", LLLL: "dddd D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[I dag klokka] LT", nextDay: "[I morgon klokka] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [klokka] LT", lastDay: "[I g\xe5r klokka] LT", lastWeek: "[F\xf8reg\xe5ande] dddd [klokka] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "om %s", past: "%s sidan", s: "nokre sekund", ss: "%d sekund", m: "eit minutt", mm: "%d minutt", h: "ein time", hh: "%d timar", d: "ein dag", dd: "%d dagar", M: "ein m\xe5nad", MM: "%d m\xe5nader", y: "eit \xe5r", yy: "%d \xe5r" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var Rn = { 1: "\u0A67", 2: "\u0A68", 3: "\u0A69", 4: "\u0A6A", 5: "\u0A6B", 6: "\u0A6C", 7: "\u0A6D", 8: "\u0A6E", 9: "\u0A6F", 0: "\u0A66" },Cn = { "\u0A67": "1", "\u0A68": "2", "\u0A69": "3", "\u0A6A": "4", "\u0A6B": "5", "\u0A6C": "6", "\u0A6D": "7", "\u0A6E": "8", "\u0A6F": "9", "\u0A66": "0" };l.defineLocale("pa-in", { months: "\u0A1C\u0A28\u0A35\u0A30\u0A40_\u0A2B\u0A3C\u0A30\u0A35\u0A30\u0A40_\u0A2E\u0A3E\u0A30\u0A1A_\u0A05\u0A2A\u0A4D\u0A30\u0A48\u0A32_\u0A2E\u0A08_\u0A1C\u0A42\u0A28_\u0A1C\u0A41\u0A32\u0A3E\u0A08_\u0A05\u0A17\u0A38\u0A24_\u0A38\u0A24\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A05\u0A15\u0A24\u0A42\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A28\u0A35\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A26\u0A38\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0A1C\u0A28\u0A35\u0A30\u0A40_\u0A2B\u0A3C\u0A30\u0A35\u0A30\u0A40_\u0A2E\u0A3E\u0A30\u0A1A_\u0A05\u0A2A\u0A4D\u0A30\u0A48\u0A32_\u0A2E\u0A08_\u0A1C\u0A42\u0A28_\u0A1C\u0A41\u0A32\u0A3E\u0A08_\u0A05\u0A17\u0A38\u0A24_\u0A38\u0A24\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A05\u0A15\u0A24\u0A42\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A28\u0A35\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30_\u0A26\u0A38\u0A70\u0A2C\u0A30".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0A10\u0A24\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A4B\u0A2E\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A2E\u0A70\u0A17\u0A32\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A2C\u0A41\u0A27\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A35\u0A40\u0A30\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A41\u0A71\u0A15\u0A30\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A28\u0A40\u0A1A\u0A30\u0A35\u0A3E\u0A30".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0A10\u0A24_\u0A38\u0A4B\u0A2E_\u0A2E\u0A70\u0A17\u0A32_\u0A2C\u0A41\u0A27_\u0A35\u0A40\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A41\u0A15\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A28\u0A40".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0A10\u0A24_\u0A38\u0A4B\u0A2E_\u0A2E\u0A70\u0A17\u0A32_\u0A2C\u0A41\u0A27_\u0A35\u0A40\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A41\u0A15\u0A30_\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A28\u0A40".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm \u0A35\u0A1C\u0A47", LTS: "A h:mm:ss \u0A35\u0A1C\u0A47", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0A35\u0A1C\u0A47", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm \u0A35\u0A1C\u0A47" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0A05\u0A1C] LT", nextDay: "[\u0A15\u0A32] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0A05\u0A17\u0A32\u0A3E] dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0A15\u0A32] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0A2A\u0A3F\u0A1B\u0A32\u0A47] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0A35\u0A3F\u0A71\u0A1A", past: "%s \u0A2A\u0A3F\u0A1B\u0A32\u0A47", s: "\u0A15\u0A41\u0A1D \u0A38\u0A15\u0A3F\u0A70\u0A1F", ss: "%d \u0A38\u0A15\u0A3F\u0A70\u0A1F", m: "\u0A07\u0A15 \u0A2E\u0A3F\u0A70\u0A1F", mm: "%d \u0A2E\u0A3F\u0A70\u0A1F", h: "\u0A07\u0A71\u0A15 \u0A18\u0A70\u0A1F\u0A3E", hh: "%d \u0A18\u0A70\u0A1F\u0A47", d: "\u0A07\u0A71\u0A15 \u0A26\u0A3F\u0A28", dd: "%d \u0A26\u0A3F\u0A28", M: "\u0A07\u0A71\u0A15 \u0A2E\u0A39\u0A40\u0A28\u0A3E", MM: "%d \u0A2E\u0A39\u0A40\u0A28\u0A47", y: "\u0A07\u0A71\u0A15 \u0A38\u0A3E\u0A32", yy: "%d \u0A38\u0A3E\u0A32" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0a67\u0a68\u0a69\u0a6a\u0a6b\u0a6c\u0a6d\u0a6e\u0a6f\u0a66]/g, function (e) {return Cn[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return Rn[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0a30\u0a3e\u0a24|\u0a38\u0a35\u0a47\u0a30|\u0a26\u0a41\u0a2a\u0a39\u0a3f\u0a30|\u0a38\u0a3c\u0a3e\u0a2e/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0A30\u0A3E\u0A24" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0A38\u0A35\u0A47\u0A30" === a ? e : "\u0A26\u0A41\u0A2A\u0A39\u0A3F\u0A30" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A3E\u0A2E" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0A30\u0A3E\u0A24" : e < 10 ? "\u0A38\u0A35\u0A47\u0A30" : e < 17 ? "\u0A26\u0A41\u0A2A\u0A39\u0A3F\u0A30" : e < 20 ? "\u0A38\u0A3C\u0A3E\u0A2E" : "\u0A30\u0A3E\u0A24";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } });var In = "stycze\u0144_luty_marzec_kwiecie\u0144_maj_czerwiec_lipiec_sierpie\u0144_wrzesie\u0144_pa\u017Adziernik_listopad_grudzie\u0144".split("_"),Un = "stycznia_lutego_marca_kwietnia_maja_czerwca_lipca_sierpnia_wrze\u015Bnia_pa\u017Adziernika_listopada_grudnia".split("_");function Gn(e) {return e % 10 < 5 && 1 < e % 10 && ~~(e / 10) % 10 != 1;}function Vn(e, a, t) {var s = e + " ";switch (t) {case "ss":return s + (Gn(e) ? "sekundy" : "sekund");case "m":return a ? "minuta" : "minut\u0119";case "mm":return s + (Gn(e) ? "minuty" : "minut");case "h":return a ? "godzina" : "godzin\u0119";case "hh":return s + (Gn(e) ? "godziny" : "godzin");case "MM":return s + (Gn(e) ? "miesi\u0105ce" : "miesi\u0119cy");case "yy":return s + (Gn(e) ? "lata" : "lat");}}function Kn(e, a, t) {var s = " ";return (20 <= e % 100 || 100 <= e && e % 100 == 0) && (s = " de "), e + s + { ss: "secunde", mm: "minute", hh: "ore", dd: "zile", MM: "luni", yy: "ani" }[t];}function Zn(e, a, t) {var s, n;return "m" === t ? a ? "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0430" : "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0443" : e + " " + (s = +e, n = { ss: a ? "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434" : "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0443_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u044B_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", mm: a ? "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0430_\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B_\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442" : "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0443_\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B_\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", hh: "\u0447\u0430\u0441_\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430_\u0447\u0430\u0441\u043E\u0432", dd: "\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0434\u043D\u044F_\u0434\u043D\u0435\u0439", MM: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446_\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446\u0430_\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446\u0435\u0432", yy: "\u0433\u043E\u0434_\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430_\u043B\u0435\u0442" }[t].split("_"), s % 10 == 1 && s % 100 != 11 ? n[0] : 2 <= s % 10 && s % 10 <= 4 && (s % 100 < 10 || 20 <= s % 100) ? n[1] : n[2]);}l.defineLocale("pl", { months: function months(e, a) {return e ? "" === a ? "(" + Un[e.month()] + "|" + In[e.month()] + ")" : /D MMMM/.test(a) ? Un[e.month()] : In[e.month()] : In;}, monthsShort: "sty_lut_mar_kwi_maj_cze_lip_sie_wrz_pa\u017A_lis_gru".split("_"), weekdays: "niedziela_poniedzia\u0142ek_wtorek_\u015Broda_czwartek_pi\u0105tek_sobota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ndz_pon_wt_\u015Br_czw_pt_sob".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Nd_Pn_Wt_\u015Ar_Cz_Pt_So".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Dzi\u015B o] LT", nextDay: "[Jutro o] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[W niedziel\u0119 o] LT";case 2:return "[We wtorek o] LT";case 3:return "[W \u015Brod\u0119 o] LT";case 6:return "[W sobot\u0119 o] LT";default:return "[W] dddd [o] LT";}}, lastDay: "[Wczoraj o] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[W zesz\u0142\u0105 niedziel\u0119 o] LT";case 3:return "[W zesz\u0142\u0105 \u015Brod\u0119 o] LT";case 6:return "[W zesz\u0142\u0105 sobot\u0119 o] LT";default:return "[W zesz\u0142y] dddd [o] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "%s temu", s: "kilka sekund", ss: Vn, m: Vn, mm: Vn, h: Vn, hh: Vn, d: "1 dzie\u0144", dd: "%d dni", M: "miesi\u0105c", MM: Vn, y: "rok", yy: Vn }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("pt-br", { months: "Janeiro_Fevereiro_Mar\xe7o_Abril_Maio_Junho_Julho_Agosto_Setembro_Outubro_Novembro_Dezembro".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez".split("_"), weekdays: "Domingo_Segunda-feira_Ter\xe7a-feira_Quarta-feira_Quinta-feira_Sexta-feira_S\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Dom_Seg_Ter_Qua_Qui_Sex_S\xe1b".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Do_2\xaa_3\xaa_4\xaa_5\xaa_6\xaa_S\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [\xe0s] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [\xe0s] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hoje \xe0s] LT", nextDay: "[Amanh\xe3 \xe0s] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0s] LT", lastDay: "[Ontem \xe0s] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return 0 === || 6 === ? "[\xdaltimo] dddd [\xe0s] LT" : "[\xdaltima] dddd [\xe0s] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "em %s", past: "h\xe1 %s", s: "poucos segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "um minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "uma hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "um dia", dd: "%d dias", M: "um m\xeas", MM: "%d meses", y: "um ano", yy: "%d anos" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba" }), l.defineLocale("pt", { months: "Janeiro_Fevereiro_Mar\xe7o_Abril_Maio_Junho_Julho_Agosto_Setembro_Outubro_Novembro_Dezembro".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez".split("_"), weekdays: "Domingo_Segunda-feira_Ter\xe7a-feira_Quarta-feira_Quinta-feira_Sexta-feira_S\xe1bado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Dom_Seg_Ter_Qua_Qui_Sex_S\xe1b".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Do_2\xaa_3\xaa_4\xaa_5\xaa_6\xaa_S\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY", LLL: "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Hoje \xe0s] LT", nextDay: "[Amanh\xe3 \xe0s] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0s] LT", lastDay: "[Ontem \xe0s] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return 0 === || 6 === ? "[\xdaltimo] dddd [\xe0s] LT" : "[\xdaltima] dddd [\xe0s] LT";}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "em %s", past: "h\xe1 %s", s: "segundos", ss: "%d segundos", m: "um minuto", mm: "%d minutos", h: "uma hora", hh: "%d horas", d: "um dia", dd: "%d dias", M: "um m\xeas", MM: "%d meses", y: "um ano", yy: "%d anos" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\xba/, ordinal: "%d\xba", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("ro", { months: "ianuarie_februarie_martie_aprilie_mai_iunie_iulie_august_septembrie_octombrie_noiembrie_decembrie".split("_"), monthsShort: "ian._febr._mart._apr._mai_iun._iul._aug._sept._oct._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "duminic\u0103_luni_mar\u021Bi_miercuri_joi_vineri_s\xE2mb\u0103t\u0103".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Dum_Lun_Mar_Mie_Joi_Vin_S\xe2m".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Du_Lu_Ma_Mi_Jo_Vi_S\xe2".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[azi la] LT", nextDay: "[m\xe2ine la] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [la] LT", lastDay: "[ieri la] LT", lastWeek: "[fosta] dddd [la] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "peste %s", past: "%s \xEEn urm\u0103", s: "c\xe2teva secunde", ss: Kn, m: "un minut", mm: Kn, h: "o or\u0103", hh: Kn, d: "o zi", dd: Kn, M: "o lun\u0103", MM: Kn, y: "un an", yy: Kn }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var $n = [/^\u044f\u043d\u0432/i, /^\u0444\u0435\u0432/i, /^\u043c\u0430\u0440/i, /^\u0430\u043f\u0440/i, /^\u043c\u0430[\u0439\u044f]/i, /^\u0438\u044e\u043d/i, /^\u0438\u044e\u043b/i, /^\u0430\u0432\u0433/i, /^\u0441\u0435\u043d/i, /^\u043e\u043a\u0442/i, /^\u043d\u043e\u044f/i, /^\u0434\u0435\u043a/i];l.defineLocale("ru", { months: { format: "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044F_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B\u044F_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B\u044F_\u043C\u0430\u044F_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044F_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044F_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F_\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044F_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044F".split("_"), standalone: "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044C_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B\u044C_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B\u044C_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044C_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044C_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440\u044C_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044C".split("_") }, monthsShort: { format: "\u044F\u043D\u0432._\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440._\u043C\u0430\u0440._\u0430\u043F\u0440._\u043C\u0430\u044F_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044F_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044F_\u0430\u0432\u0433._\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442._\u043E\u043A\u0442._\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431._\u0434\u0435\u043A.".split("_"), standalone: "\u044F\u043D\u0432._\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440._\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440._\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D\u044C_\u0438\u044E\u043B\u044C_\u0430\u0432\u0433._\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442._\u043E\u043A\u0442._\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431._\u0434\u0435\u043A.".split("_") }, weekdays: { standalone: "\u0432\u043E\u0441\u043A\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0435_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0433_\u043F\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0430_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), format: "\u0432\u043E\u0441\u043A\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0435_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A_\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0443_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0433_\u043F\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0443_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0443".split("_"), isFormat: /\[ ?[\u0412\u0432] ?(?:\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043b\u0443\u044e|\u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044e\u0449\u0443\u044e|\u044d\u0442\u0443)? ?\] ?dddd/ }, weekdaysShort: "\u0432\u0441_\u043F\u043D_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0442_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0432\u0441_\u043F\u043D_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0442_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), monthsParse: $n, longMonthsParse: $n, shortMonthsParse: $n, monthsRegex: /^(\u044f\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u044f\u043d\u0432\.?|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440?\.?|\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430?|\u043c\u0430\u0440\.?|\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0430\u043f\u0440\.?|\u043c\u0430[\u0439\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043d[\u044c\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043d\.?|\u0438\u044e\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043b\.?|\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430?|\u0430\u0432\u0433\.?|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442?\.?|\u043e\u043a\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u043e\u043a\u0442\.?|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431?\.?|\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u0434\u0435\u043a\.?)/i, monthsShortRegex: /^(\u044f\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u044f\u043d\u0432\.?|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440?\.?|\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430?|\u043c\u0430\u0440\.?|\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0430\u043f\u0440\.?|\u043c\u0430[\u0439\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043d[\u044c\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043d\.?|\u0438\u044e\u043b[\u044c\u044f]|\u0438\u044e\u043b\.?|\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430?|\u0430\u0432\u0433\.?|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442?\.?|\u043e\u043a\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u043e\u043a\u0442\.?|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431?\.?|\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0440[\u044c\u044f]|\u0434\u0435\u043a\.?)/i, monthsStrictRegex: /^(\u044f\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440[\u044f\u044c]|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043b[\u044f\u044c]|\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430?|\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b[\u044f\u044c]|\u043c\u0430[\u044f\u0439]|\u0438\u044e\u043d[\u044f\u044c]|\u0438\u044e\u043b[\u044f\u044c]|\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430?|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044f\u044c]|\u043e\u043a\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044f\u044c]|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431\u0440[\u044f\u044c]|\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0440[\u044f\u044c])/i, monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(\u044f\u043d\u0432\.|\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440?\.|\u043c\u0430\u0440[\u0442.]|\u0430\u043f\u0440\.|\u043c\u0430[\u044f\u0439]|\u0438\u044e\u043d[\u044c\u044f.]|\u0438\u044e\u043b[\u044c\u044f.]|\u0430\u0432\u0433\.|\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442?\.|\u043e\u043a\u0442\.|\u043d\u043e\u044f\u0431?\.|\u0434\u0435\u043a\.)/i, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0433.", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0433., H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY \u0433., H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0421\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F, \u0432] LT", nextDay: "[\u0417\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0440\u0430, \u0432] LT", lastDay: "[\u0412\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430, \u0432] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek(e) {if (e.week() === this.week()) return 2 === ? "[\u0412\u043E] dddd, [\u0432] LT" : "[\u0412] dddd, [\u0432] LT";switch ( {case 0:return "[\u0412 \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0435\u0435] dddd, [\u0432] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:return "[\u0412 \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439] dddd, [\u0432] LT";case 3:case 5:case 6:return "[\u0412 \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0443\u044E] dddd, [\u0432] LT";}}, lastWeek: function lastWeek(e) {if (e.week() === this.week()) return 2 === ? "[\u0412\u043E] dddd, [\u0432] LT" : "[\u0412] dddd, [\u0432] LT";switch ( {case 0:return "[\u0412 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u043E\u0435] dddd, [\u0432] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:return "[\u0412 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u044B\u0439] dddd, [\u0432] LT";case 3:case 5:case 6:return "[\u0412 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0443\u044E] dddd, [\u0432] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437 %s", past: "%s \u043D\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0434", s: "\u043D\u0435\u0441\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043A\u043E \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", ss: Zn, m: Zn, mm: Zn, h: "\u0447\u0430\u0441", hh: Zn, d: "\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C", dd: Zn, M: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446", MM: Zn, y: "\u0433\u043E\u0434", yy: Zn }, meridiemParse: /\u043d\u043e\u0447\u0438|\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0430|\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u043D\u043E\u0447\u0438" : e < 12 ? "\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0430" : e < 17 ? "\u0434\u043D\u044F" : "\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0439|\u0433\u043e|\u044f)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "M":case "d":case "DDD":return e + "-\u0439";case "D":return e + "-\u0433\u043E";case "w":case "W":return e + "-\u044F";default:return e;}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var Bn = ["\u062C\u0646\u0648\u0631\u064A", "\u0641\u064A\u0628\u0631\u0648\u0631\u064A", "\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0686", "\u0627\u067E\u0631\u064A\u0644", "\u0645\u0626\u064A", "\u062C\u0648\u0646", "\u062C\u0648\u0644\u0627\u0621\u0650", "\u0622\u06AF\u0633\u067D", "\u0633\u064A\u067E\u067D\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u0622\u06AA\u067D\u0648\u0628\u0631", "\u0646\u0648\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u068A\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631"],qn = ["\u0622\u0686\u0631", "\u0633\u0648\u0645\u0631", "\u0627\u06B1\u0627\u0631\u0648", "\u0627\u0631\u0628\u0639", "\u062E\u0645\u064A\u0633", "\u062C\u0645\u0639", "\u0687\u0646\u0687\u0631"];l.defineLocale("sd", { months: Bn, monthsShort: Bn, weekdays: qn, weekdaysShort: qn, weekdaysMin: qn, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd\u060C D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0635\u0628\u062d|\u0634\u0627\u0645/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0634\u0627\u0645" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0635\u0628\u062D" : "\u0634\u0627\u0645";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0627\u0684] LT", nextDay: "[\u0633\u0680\u0627\u06BB\u064A] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0627\u06B3\u064A\u0646 \u0647\u0641\u062A\u064A \u062A\u064A] LT", lastDay: "[\u06AA\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0647] LT", lastWeek: "[\u06AF\u0632\u0631\u064A\u0644 \u0647\u0641\u062A\u064A] dddd [\u062A\u064A] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u067E\u0648\u0621", past: "%s \u0627\u06B3", s: "\u0686\u0646\u062F \u0633\u064A\u06AA\u0646\u068A", ss: "%d \u0633\u064A\u06AA\u0646\u068A", m: "\u0647\u06AA \u0645\u0646\u067D", mm: "%d \u0645\u0646\u067D", h: "\u0647\u06AA \u06AA\u0644\u0627\u06AA", hh: "%d \u06AA\u0644\u0627\u06AA", d: "\u0647\u06AA \u068F\u064A\u0646\u0647\u0646", dd: "%d \u068F\u064A\u0646\u0647\u0646", M: "\u0647\u06AA \u0645\u0647\u064A\u0646\u0648", MM: "%d \u0645\u0647\u064A\u0646\u0627", y: "\u0647\u06AA \u0633\u0627\u0644", yy: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0644" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("se", { months: "o\u0111\u0111ajagem\xE1nnu_guovvam\xE1nnu_njuk\u010Dam\xE1nnu_cuo\u014Bom\xE1nnu_miessem\xE1nnu_geassem\xE1nnu_suoidnem\xE1nnu_borgem\xE1nnu_\u010Dak\u010Dam\xE1nnu_golggotm\xE1nnu_sk\xE1bmam\xE1nnu_juovlam\xE1nnu".split("_"), monthsShort: "o\u0111\u0111j_guov_njuk_cuo_mies_geas_suoi_borg_\u010Dak\u010D_golg_sk\xE1b_juov".split("_"), weekdays: "sotnabeaivi_vuoss\xE1rga_ma\u014B\u014Beb\xE1rga_gaskavahkku_duorastat_bearjadat_l\xE1vvardat".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "sotn_vuos_ma\u014B_gask_duor_bear_l\xE1v".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "s_v_m_g_d_b_L".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "MMMM D. [b.] YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[otne ti] LT", nextDay: "[ihttin ti] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [ti] LT", lastDay: "[ikte ti] LT", lastWeek: "[ovddit] dddd [ti] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s gea\u017Ees", past: "ma\u014Bit %s", s: "moadde sekunddat", ss: "%d sekunddat", m: "okta minuhta", mm: "%d minuhtat", h: "okta diimmu", hh: "%d diimmut", d: "okta beaivi", dd: "%d beaivvit", M: "okta m\xe1nnu", MM: "%d m\xe1nut", y: "okta jahki", yy: "%d jagit" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("si", { months: "\u0DA2\u0DB1\u0DC0\u0DCF\u0DBB\u0DD2_\u0DB4\u0DD9\u0DB6\u0DBB\u0DC0\u0DCF\u0DBB\u0DD2_\u0DB8\u0DCF\u0DBB\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DD4_\u0D85\u0DB4\u0DCA\u200D\u0DBB\u0DDA\u0DBD\u0DCA_\u0DB8\u0DD0\u0DBA\u0DD2_\u0DA2\u0DD6\u0DB1\u0DD2_\u0DA2\u0DD6\u0DBD\u0DD2_\u0D85\u0D9C\u0DDD\u0DC3\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DD4_\u0DC3\u0DD0\u0DB4\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DD0\u0DB8\u0DCA\u0DB6\u0DBB\u0DCA_\u0D94\u0D9A\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DDD\u0DB6\u0DBB\u0DCA_\u0DB1\u0DDC\u0DC0\u0DD0\u0DB8\u0DCA\u0DB6\u0DBB\u0DCA_\u0DAF\u0DD9\u0DC3\u0DD0\u0DB8\u0DCA\u0DB6\u0DBB\u0DCA".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0DA2\u0DB1_\u0DB4\u0DD9\u0DB6_\u0DB8\u0DCF\u0DBB\u0DCA_\u0D85\u0DB4\u0DCA_\u0DB8\u0DD0\u0DBA\u0DD2_\u0DA2\u0DD6\u0DB1\u0DD2_\u0DA2\u0DD6\u0DBD\u0DD2_\u0D85\u0D9C\u0DDD_\u0DC3\u0DD0\u0DB4\u0DCA_\u0D94\u0D9A\u0DCA_\u0DB1\u0DDC\u0DC0\u0DD0_\u0DAF\u0DD9\u0DC3\u0DD0".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0D89\u0DBB\u0DD2\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DC3\u0DB3\u0DD4\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0D85\u0D9F\u0DC4\u0DBB\u0DD4\u0DC0\u0DCF\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DB6\u0DAF\u0DCF\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DB6\u0DCA\u200D\u0DBB\u0DC4\u0DC3\u0DCA\u0DB4\u0DAD\u0DD2\u0DB1\u0DCA\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DC3\u0DD2\u0D9A\u0DD4\u0DBB\u0DCF\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DC3\u0DD9\u0DB1\u0DC3\u0DD4\u0DBB\u0DCF\u0DAF\u0DCF".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0D89\u0DBB\u0DD2_\u0DC3\u0DB3\u0DD4_\u0D85\u0D9F_\u0DB6\u0DAF\u0DCF_\u0DB6\u0DCA\u200D\u0DBB\u0DC4_\u0DC3\u0DD2\u0D9A\u0DD4_\u0DC3\u0DD9\u0DB1".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0D89_\u0DC3_\u0D85_\u0DB6_\u0DB6\u0DCA\u200D\u0DBB_\u0DC3\u0DD2_\u0DC3\u0DD9".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "a h:mm", LTS: "a h:mm:ss", L: "YYYY/MM/DD", LL: "YYYY MMMM D", LLL: "YYYY MMMM D, a h:mm", LLLL: "YYYY MMMM D [\u0DC0\u0DD0\u0DB1\u0DD2] dddd, a h:mm:ss" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0D85\u0DAF] LT[\u0DA7]", nextDay: "[\u0DC4\u0DD9\u0DA7] LT[\u0DA7]", nextWeek: "dddd LT[\u0DA7]", lastDay: "[\u0D8A\u0DBA\u0DDA] LT[\u0DA7]", lastWeek: "[\u0DB4\u0DC3\u0DD4\u0D9C\u0DD2\u0DBA] dddd LT[\u0DA7]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u0D9A\u0DD2\u0DB1\u0DCA", past: "%s\u0D9A\u0DA7 \u0DB4\u0DD9\u0DBB", s: "\u0DAD\u0DAD\u0DCA\u0DB4\u0DBB \u0D9A\u0DD2\u0DC4\u0DD2\u0DB4\u0DBA", ss: "\u0DAD\u0DAD\u0DCA\u0DB4\u0DBB %d", m: "\u0DB8\u0DD2\u0DB1\u0DD2\u0DAD\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DD4\u0DC0", mm: "\u0DB8\u0DD2\u0DB1\u0DD2\u0DAD\u0DCA\u0DAD\u0DD4 %d", h: "\u0DB4\u0DD0\u0DBA", hh: "\u0DB4\u0DD0\u0DBA %d", d: "\u0DAF\u0DD2\u0DB1\u0DBA", dd: "\u0DAF\u0DD2\u0DB1 %d", M: "\u0DB8\u0DCF\u0DC3\u0DBA", MM: "\u0DB8\u0DCF\u0DC3 %d", y: "\u0DC0\u0DC3\u0DBB", yy: "\u0DC0\u0DC3\u0DBB %d" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2} \u0dc0\u0dd0\u0db1\u0dd2/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + " \u0DC0\u0DD0\u0DB1\u0DD2";}, meridiemParse: /\u0db4\u0dd9\u0dbb \u0dc0\u0dbb\u0dd4|\u0db4\u0dc3\u0dca \u0dc0\u0dbb\u0dd4|\u0db4\u0dd9.\u0dc0|\u0db4.\u0dc0./, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0DB4.\u0DC0." === e || "\u0DB4\u0DC3\u0DCA \u0DC0\u0DBB\u0DD4" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return 11 < e ? t ? "\u0DB4.\u0DC0." : "\u0DB4\u0DC3\u0DCA \u0DC0\u0DBB\u0DD4" : t ? "\u0DB4\u0DD9.\u0DC0." : "\u0DB4\u0DD9\u0DBB \u0DC0\u0DBB\u0DD4";} });var Qn = "janu\xe1r_febru\xe1r_marec_apr\xedl_m\xe1j_j\xfan_j\xfal_august_september_okt\xf3ber_november_december".split("_"),Xn = "jan_feb_mar_apr_m\xe1j_j\xfan_j\xfal_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_");function ed(e) {return 1 < e && e < 5;}function ad(e, a, t, s) {var n = e + " ";switch (t) {case "s":return a || s ? "p\xe1r sek\xfand" : "p\xe1r sekundami";case "ss":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "sekundy" : "sek\xfand") : n + "sekundami";break;case "m":return a ? "min\xfata" : s ? "min\xfatu" : "min\xfatou";case "mm":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "min\xfaty" : "min\xfat") : n + "min\xfatami";break;case "h":return a ? "hodina" : s ? "hodinu" : "hodinou";case "hh":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "hodiny" : "hod\xedn") : n + "hodinami";break;case "d":return a || s ? "de\u0148" : "d\u0148om";case "dd":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "dni" : "dn\xed") : n + "d\u0148ami";break;case "M":return a || s ? "mesiac" : "mesiacom";case "MM":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "mesiace" : "mesiacov") : n + "mesiacmi";break;case "y":return a || s ? "rok" : "rokom";case "yy":return a || s ? n + (ed(e) ? "roky" : "rokov") : n + "rokmi";break;}}function td(e, a, t, s) {var n = e + " ";switch (t) {case "s":return a || s ? "nekaj sekund" : "nekaj sekundami";case "ss":return n += 1 === e ? a ? "sekundo" : "sekundi" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "sekundi" : "sekundah" : e < 5 ? a || s ? "sekunde" : "sekundah" : "sekund";case "m":return a ? "ena minuta" : "eno minuto";case "mm":return n += 1 === e ? a ? "minuta" : "minuto" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "minuti" : "minutama" : e < 5 ? a || s ? "minute" : "minutami" : a || s ? "minut" : "minutami";case "h":return a ? "ena ura" : "eno uro";case "hh":return n += 1 === e ? a ? "ura" : "uro" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "uri" : "urama" : e < 5 ? a || s ? "ure" : "urami" : a || s ? "ur" : "urami";case "d":return a || s ? "en dan" : "enim dnem";case "dd":return n += 1 === e ? a || s ? "dan" : "dnem" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "dni" : "dnevoma" : a || s ? "dni" : "dnevi";case "M":return a || s ? "en mesec" : "enim mesecem";case "MM":return n += 1 === e ? a || s ? "mesec" : "mesecem" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "meseca" : "mesecema" : e < 5 ? a || s ? "mesece" : "meseci" : a || s ? "mesecev" : "meseci";case "y":return a || s ? "eno leto" : "enim letom";case "yy":return n += 1 === e ? a || s ? "leto" : "letom" : 2 === e ? a || s ? "leti" : "letoma" : e < 5 ? a || s ? "leta" : "leti" : a || s ? "let" : "leti";}}l.defineLocale("sk", { months: Qn, monthsShort: Xn, weekdays: "nede\u013Ea_pondelok_utorok_streda_\u0161tvrtok_piatok_sobota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ne_po_ut_st_\u0161t_pi_so".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_ut_st_\u0161t_pi_so".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[dnes o] LT", nextDay: "[zajtra o] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[v nede\u013Eu o] LT";case 1:case 2:return "[v] dddd [o] LT";case 3:return "[v stredu o] LT";case 4:return "[vo \u0161tvrtok o] LT";case 5:return "[v piatok o] LT";case 6:return "[v sobotu o] LT";}}, lastDay: "[v\u010Dera o] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[minul\xFA nede\u013Eu o] LT";case 1:case 2:return "[minul\xfd] dddd [o] LT";case 3:return "[minul\xfa stredu o] LT";case 4:case 5:return "[minul\xfd] dddd [o] LT";case 6:return "[minul\xfa sobotu o] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "pred %s", s: ad, ss: ad, m: ad, mm: ad, h: ad, hh: ad, d: ad, dd: ad, M: ad, MM: ad, y: ad, yy: ad }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("sl", { months: "januar_februar_marec_april_maj_junij_julij_avgust_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "nedelja_ponedeljek_torek_sreda_\u010Detrtek_petek_sobota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ned._pon._tor._sre._\u010Det._pet._sob.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_to_sr_\u010De_pe_so".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[danes ob] LT", nextDay: "[jutri ob] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[v] [nedeljo] [ob] LT";case 3:return "[v] [sredo] [ob] LT";case 6:return "[v] [soboto] [ob] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[v] dddd [ob] LT";}}, lastDay: "[v\u010Deraj ob] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[prej\u0161njo] [nedeljo] [ob] LT";case 3:return "[prej\u0161njo] [sredo] [ob] LT";case 6:return "[prej\u0161njo] [soboto] [ob] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[prej\u0161nji] dddd [ob] LT";}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u010Dez %s", past: "pred %s", s: td, ss: td, m: td, mm: td, h: td, hh: td, d: td, dd: td, M: td, MM: td, y: td, yy: td }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("sq", { months: "Janar_Shkurt_Mars_Prill_Maj_Qershor_Korrik_Gusht_Shtator_Tetor_N\xebntor_Dhjetor".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Shk_Mar_Pri_Maj_Qer_Kor_Gus_Sht_Tet_N\xebn_Dhj".split("_"), weekdays: "E Diel_E H\xebn\xeb_E Mart\xeb_E M\xebrkur\xeb_E Enjte_E Premte_E Shtun\xeb".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Die_H\xebn_Mar_M\xebr_Enj_Pre_Sht".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "D_H_Ma_M\xeb_E_P_Sh".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, meridiemParse: /PD|MD/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "M" === e.charAt(0);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "PD" : "MD";}, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Sot n\xeb] LT", nextDay: "[Nes\xebr n\xeb] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [n\xeb] LT", lastDay: "[Dje n\xeb] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [e kaluar n\xeb] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "n\xeb %s", past: "%s m\xeb par\xeb", s: "disa sekonda", ss: "%d sekonda", m: "nj\xeb minut\xeb", mm: "%d minuta", h: "nj\xeb or\xeb", hh: "%d or\xeb", d: "nj\xeb dit\xeb", dd: "%d dit\xeb", M: "nj\xeb muaj", MM: "%d muaj", y: "nj\xeb vit", yy: "%d vite" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var sd = { words: { ss: ["\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0430", "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0435", "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438"], m: ["\u0458\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043D \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", "\u0458\u0435\u0434\u043D\u0435 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0435"], mm: ["\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442", "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0435", "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0430"], h: ["\u0458\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043D \u0441\u0430\u0442", "\u0458\u0435\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0433 \u0441\u0430\u0442\u0430"], hh: ["\u0441\u0430\u0442", "\u0441\u0430\u0442\u0430", "\u0441\u0430\u0442\u0438"], dd: ["\u0434\u0430\u043D", "\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0430", "\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0430"], MM: ["\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446", "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446\u0430", "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446\u0438"], yy: ["\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430", "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0435", "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430"] }, correctGrammaticalCase: function correctGrammaticalCase(e, a) {return 1 === e ? a[0] : 2 <= e && e <= 4 ? a[1] : a[2];}, translate: function translate(e, a, t) {var s = sd.words[t];return 1 === t.length ? a ? s[0] : s[1] : e + " " + sd.correctGrammaticalCase(e, s);} };l.defineLocale("sr-cyrl", { months: "\u0458\u0430\u043D\u0443\u0430\u0440_\u0444\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0443\u0430\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0458_\u0458\u0443\u043D_\u0458\u0443\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043F\u0442\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0430\u0440_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u043E\u0431\u0430\u0440_\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0430\u0440_\u0434\u0435\u0446\u0435\u043C\u0431\u0430\u0440".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0458\u0430\u043D._\u0444\u0435\u0431._\u043C\u0430\u0440._\u0430\u043F\u0440._\u043C\u0430\u0458_\u0458\u0443\u043D_\u0458\u0443\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433._\u0441\u0435\u043F._\u043E\u043A\u0442._\u043D\u043E\u0432._\u0434\u0435\u0446.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0459\u0430_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0459\u0430\u043A_\u0443\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043A_\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0440\u0442\u0430\u043A_\u043F\u0435\u0442\u0430\u043A_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u043D\u0435\u0434._\u043F\u043E\u043D._\u0443\u0442\u043E._\u0441\u0440\u0435._\u0447\u0435\u0442._\u043F\u0435\u0442._\u0441\u0443\u0431.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u043D\u0435_\u043F\u043E_\u0443\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0435_\u043F\u0435_\u0441\u0443".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0441 \u0443] LT", nextDay: "[\u0441\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0430 \u0443] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[\u0443] [\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0459\u0443] [\u0443] LT";case 3:return "[\u0443] [\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0443] [\u0443] LT";case 6:return "[\u0443] [\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0443] [\u0443] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[\u0443] dddd [\u0443] LT";}}, lastDay: "[\u0458\u0443\u0447\u0435 \u0443] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return ["[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0435] [\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0459\u0435] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u043E\u0433] [\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0459\u043A\u0430] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u043E\u0433] [\u0443\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043A\u0430] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0435] [\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0435] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u043E\u0433] [\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0440\u0442\u043A\u0430] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u043E\u0433] [\u043F\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430] [\u0443] LT", "[\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0435] [\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0435] [\u0443] LT"][];}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0437\u0430 %s", past: "\u043F\u0440\u0435 %s", s: "\u043D\u0435\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u043A\u043E \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438", ss: sd.translate, m: sd.translate, mm: sd.translate, h: sd.translate, hh: sd.translate, d: "\u0434\u0430\u043D", dd: sd.translate, M: "\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0446", MM: sd.translate, y: "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0443", yy: sd.translate }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var nd = { words: { ss: ["sekunda", "sekunde", "sekundi"], m: ["jedan minut", "jedne minute"], mm: ["minut", "minute", "minuta"], h: ["jedan sat", "jednog sata"], hh: ["sat", "sata", "sati"], dd: ["dan", "dana", "dana"], MM: ["mesec", "meseca", "meseci"], yy: ["godina", "godine", "godina"] }, correctGrammaticalCase: function correctGrammaticalCase(e, a) {return 1 === e ? a[0] : 2 <= e && e <= 4 ? a[1] : a[2];}, translate: function translate(e, a, t) {var s = nd.words[t];return 1 === t.length ? a ? s[0] : s[1] : e + " " + nd.correctGrammaticalCase(e, s);} };l.defineLocale("sr", { months: "januar_februar_mart_april_maj_jun_jul_avgust_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan._feb._mar._apr._maj_jun_jul_avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "nedelja_ponedeljak_utorak_sreda_\u010Detvrtak_petak_subota".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "ned._pon._uto._sre._\u010Det._pet._sub.".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "ne_po_ut_sr_\u010De_pe_su".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM YYYY H:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[danas u] LT", nextDay: "[sutra u] LT", nextWeek: function nextWeek() {switch ( {case 0:return "[u] [nedelju] [u] LT";case 3:return "[u] [sredu] [u] LT";case 6:return "[u] [subotu] [u] LT";case 1:case 2:case 4:case 5:return "[u] dddd [u] LT";}}, lastDay: "[ju\u010De u] LT", lastWeek: function lastWeek() {return ["[pro\u0161le] [nedelje] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [ponedeljka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [utorka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161le] [srede] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [\u010Detvrtka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161log] [petka] [u] LT", "[pro\u0161le] [subote] [u] LT"][];}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "za %s", past: "pre %s", s: "nekoliko sekundi", ss: nd.translate, m: nd.translate, mm: nd.translate, h: nd.translate, hh: nd.translate, d: "dan", dd: nd.translate, M: "mesec", MM: nd.translate, y: "godinu", yy: nd.translate }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("ss", { months: "Bhimbidvwane_Indlovana_Indlov'lenkhulu_Mabasa_Inkhwekhweti_Inhlaba_Kholwane_Ingci_Inyoni_Imphala_Lweti_Ingongoni".split("_"), monthsShort: "Bhi_Ina_Inu_Mab_Ink_Inh_Kho_Igc_Iny_Imp_Lwe_Igo".split("_"), weekdays: "Lisontfo_Umsombuluko_Lesibili_Lesitsatfu_Lesine_Lesihlanu_Umgcibelo".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Lis_Umb_Lsb_Les_Lsi_Lsh_Umg".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Li_Us_Lb_Lt_Ls_Lh_Ug".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Namuhla nga] LT", nextDay: "[Kusasa nga] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [nga] LT", lastDay: "[Itolo nga] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [leliphelile] [nga] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "nga %s", past: "wenteka nga %s", s: "emizuzwana lomcane", ss: "%d mzuzwana", m: "umzuzu", mm: "%d emizuzu", h: "lihora", hh: "%d emahora", d: "lilanga", dd: "%d emalanga", M: "inyanga", MM: "%d tinyanga", y: "umnyaka", yy: "%d iminyaka" }, meridiemParse: /ekuseni|emini|entsambama|ebusuku/, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 11 ? "ekuseni" : e < 15 ? "emini" : e < 19 ? "entsambama" : "ebusuku";}, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "ekuseni" === a ? e : "emini" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "entsambama" === a || "ebusuku" === a ? 0 === e ? 0 : e + 12 : void 0;}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/, ordinal: "%d", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("sv", { months: "januari_februari_mars_april_maj_juni_juli_augusti_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"), monthsShort: "jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"), weekdays: "s\xf6ndag_m\xe5ndag_tisdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_l\xf6rdag".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "s\xf6n_m\xe5n_tis_ons_tor_fre_l\xf6r".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "s\xf6_m\xe5_ti_on_to_fr_l\xf6".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm", lll: "D MMM YYYY HH:mm", llll: "ddd D MMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Idag] LT", nextDay: "[Imorgon] LT", lastDay: "[Ig\xe5r] LT", nextWeek: "[P\xe5] dddd LT", lastWeek: "[I] dddd[s] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "om %s", past: "f\xf6r %s sedan", s: "n\xe5gra sekunder", ss: "%d sekunder", m: "en minut", mm: "%d minuter", h: "en timme", hh: "%d timmar", d: "en dag", dd: "%d dagar", M: "en m\xe5nad", MM: "%d m\xe5nader", y: "ett \xe5r", yy: "%d \xe5r" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(e|a)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "e" : 1 === a ? "a" : 2 === a ? "a" : "e");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("sw", { months: "Januari_Februari_Machi_Aprili_Mei_Juni_Julai_Agosti_Septemba_Oktoba_Novemba_Desemba".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ago_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des".split("_"), weekdays: "Jumapili_Jumatatu_Jumanne_Jumatano_Alhamisi_Ijumaa_Jumamosi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Jpl_Jtat_Jnne_Jtan_Alh_Ijm_Jmos".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "J2_J3_J4_J5_Al_Ij_J1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[leo saa] LT", nextDay: "[kesho saa] LT", nextWeek: "[wiki ijayo] dddd [saat] LT", lastDay: "[jana] LT", lastWeek: "[wiki iliyopita] dddd [saat] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s baadaye", past: "tokea %s", s: "hivi punde", ss: "sekunde %d", m: "dakika moja", mm: "dakika %d", h: "saa limoja", hh: "masaa %d", d: "siku moja", dd: "masiku %d", M: "mwezi mmoja", MM: "miezi %d", y: "mwaka mmoja", yy: "miaka %d" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var dd = { 1: "\u0BE7", 2: "\u0BE8", 3: "\u0BE9", 4: "\u0BEA", 5: "\u0BEB", 6: "\u0BEC", 7: "\u0BED", 8: "\u0BEE", 9: "\u0BEF", 0: "\u0BE6" },rd = { "\u0BE7": "1", "\u0BE8": "2", "\u0BE9": "3", "\u0BEA": "4", "\u0BEB": "5", "\u0BEC": "6", "\u0BED": "7", "\u0BEE": "8", "\u0BEF": "9", "\u0BE6": "0" };l.defineLocale("ta", { months: "\u0B9C\u0BA9\u0BB5\u0BB0\u0BBF_\u0BAA\u0BBF\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0BB0\u0BB5\u0BB0\u0BBF_\u0BAE\u0BBE\u0BB0\u0BCD\u0B9A\u0BCD_\u0B8F\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0BB0\u0BB2\u0BCD_\u0BAE\u0BC7_\u0B9C\u0BC2\u0BA9\u0BCD_\u0B9C\u0BC2\u0BB2\u0BC8_\u0B86\u0B95\u0BB8\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BCD_\u0B9A\u0BC6\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BC6\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0B85\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BC7\u0BBE\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0BA8\u0BB5\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0B9F\u0BBF\u0B9A\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0B9C\u0BA9\u0BB5\u0BB0\u0BBF_\u0BAA\u0BBF\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0BB0\u0BB5\u0BB0\u0BBF_\u0BAE\u0BBE\u0BB0\u0BCD\u0B9A\u0BCD_\u0B8F\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0BB0\u0BB2\u0BCD_\u0BAE\u0BC7_\u0B9C\u0BC2\u0BA9\u0BCD_\u0B9C\u0BC2\u0BB2\u0BC8_\u0B86\u0B95\u0BB8\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BCD_\u0B9A\u0BC6\u0BAA\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BC6\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0B85\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BC7\u0BBE\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0BA8\u0BB5\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD_\u0B9F\u0BBF\u0B9A\u0BAE\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BB0\u0BCD".split("_"), weekdays: "\u0B9E\u0BBE\u0BAF\u0BBF\u0BB1\u0BCD\u0BB1\u0BC1\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0BA4\u0BBF\u0B99\u0BCD\u0B95\u0B9F\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0B9A\u0BC6\u0BB5\u0BCD\u0BB5\u0BBE\u0BAF\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0BAA\u0BC1\u0BA4\u0BA9\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0BB5\u0BBF\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BB4\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0BB5\u0BC6\u0BB3\u0BCD\u0BB3\u0BBF\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8_\u0B9A\u0BA9\u0BBF\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BBF\u0BB4\u0BAE\u0BC8".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0B9E\u0BBE\u0BAF\u0BBF\u0BB1\u0BC1_\u0BA4\u0BBF\u0B99\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD_\u0B9A\u0BC6\u0BB5\u0BCD\u0BB5\u0BBE\u0BAF\u0BCD_\u0BAA\u0BC1\u0BA4\u0BA9\u0BCD_\u0BB5\u0BBF\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BB4\u0BA9\u0BCD_\u0BB5\u0BC6\u0BB3\u0BCD\u0BB3\u0BBF_\u0B9A\u0BA9\u0BBF".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0B9E\u0BBE_\u0BA4\u0BBF_\u0B9A\u0BC6_\u0BAA\u0BC1_\u0BB5\u0BBF_\u0BB5\u0BC6_\u0B9A".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0B87\u0BA9\u0BCD\u0BB1\u0BC1] LT", nextDay: "[\u0BA8\u0BBE\u0BB3\u0BC8] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0BA8\u0BC7\u0BB1\u0BCD\u0BB1\u0BC1] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0B95\u0B9F\u0BA8\u0BCD\u0BA4 \u0BB5\u0BBE\u0BB0\u0BAE\u0BCD] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0B87\u0BB2\u0BCD", past: "%s \u0BAE\u0BC1\u0BA9\u0BCD", s: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0B9A\u0BBF\u0BB2 \u0BB5\u0BBF\u0BA8\u0BBE\u0B9F\u0BBF\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD", ss: "%d \u0BB5\u0BBF\u0BA8\u0BBE\u0B9F\u0BBF\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD", m: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0BA8\u0BBF\u0BAE\u0BBF\u0B9F\u0BAE\u0BCD", mm: "%d \u0BA8\u0BBF\u0BAE\u0BBF\u0B9F\u0B99\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD", h: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0BAE\u0BA3\u0BBF \u0BA8\u0BC7\u0BB0\u0BAE\u0BCD", hh: "%d \u0BAE\u0BA3\u0BBF \u0BA8\u0BC7\u0BB0\u0BAE\u0BCD", d: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0BA8\u0BBE\u0BB3\u0BCD", dd: "%d \u0BA8\u0BBE\u0B9F\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD", M: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0BAE\u0BBE\u0BA4\u0BAE\u0BCD", MM: "%d \u0BAE\u0BBE\u0BA4\u0B99\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD", y: "\u0B92\u0BB0\u0BC1 \u0BB5\u0BB0\u0BC1\u0B9F\u0BAE\u0BCD", yy: "%d \u0B86\u0BA3\u0BCD\u0B9F\u0BC1\u0B95\u0BB3\u0BCD" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\u0bb5\u0ba4\u0bc1/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + "\u0BB5\u0BA4\u0BC1";}, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/[\u0be7\u0be8\u0be9\u0bea\u0beb\u0bec\u0bed\u0bee\u0bef\u0be6]/g, function (e) {return rd[e];});}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/\d/g, function (e) {return dd[e];});}, meridiemParse: /\u0baf\u0bbe\u0bae\u0bae\u0bcd|\u0bb5\u0bc8\u0b95\u0bb1\u0bc8|\u0b95\u0bbe\u0bb2\u0bc8|\u0ba8\u0ba3\u0bcd\u0baa\u0b95\u0bb2\u0bcd|\u0b8e\u0bb1\u0bcd\u0baa\u0bbe\u0b9f\u0bc1|\u0bae\u0bbe\u0bb2\u0bc8/, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 2 ? " \u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BAE\u0BAE\u0BCD" : e < 6 ? " \u0BB5\u0BC8\u0B95\u0BB1\u0BC8" : e < 10 ? " \u0B95\u0BBE\u0BB2\u0BC8" : e < 14 ? " \u0BA8\u0BA3\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0B95\u0BB2\u0BCD" : e < 18 ? " \u0B8E\u0BB1\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0BBE\u0B9F\u0BC1" : e < 22 ? " \u0BAE\u0BBE\u0BB2\u0BC8" : " \u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BAE\u0BAE\u0BCD";}, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BAE\u0BAE\u0BCD" === a ? e < 2 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0BB5\u0BC8\u0B95\u0BB1\u0BC8" === a || "\u0B95\u0BBE\u0BB2\u0BC8" === a ? e : "\u0BA8\u0BA3\u0BCD\u0BAA\u0B95\u0BB2\u0BCD" === a && 10 <= e ? e : e + 12;}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("te", { months: "\u0C1C\u0C28\u0C35\u0C30\u0C3F_\u0C2B\u0C3F\u0C2C\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C35\u0C30\u0C3F_\u0C2E\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C4D\u0C1A\u0C3F_\u0C0F\u0C2A\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F\u0C32\u0C4D_\u0C2E\u0C47_\u0C1C\u0C42\u0C28\u0C4D_\u0C1C\u0C41\u0C32\u0C48_\u0C06\u0C17\u0C38\u0C4D\u0C1F\u0C41_\u0C38\u0C46\u0C2A\u0C4D\u0C1F\u0C46\u0C02\u0C2C\u0C30\u0C4D_\u0C05\u0C15\u0C4D\u0C1F\u0C4B\u0C2C\u0C30\u0C4D_\u0C28\u0C35\u0C02\u0C2C\u0C30\u0C4D_\u0C21\u0C3F\u0C38\u0C46\u0C02\u0C2C\u0C30\u0C4D".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0C1C\u0C28._\u0C2B\u0C3F\u0C2C\u0C4D\u0C30._\u0C2E\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C4D\u0C1A\u0C3F_\u0C0F\u0C2A\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F._\u0C2E\u0C47_\u0C1C\u0C42\u0C28\u0C4D_\u0C1C\u0C41\u0C32\u0C48_\u0C06\u0C17._\u0C38\u0C46\u0C2A\u0C4D._\u0C05\u0C15\u0C4D\u0C1F\u0C4B._\u0C28\u0C35._\u0C21\u0C3F\u0C38\u0C46.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0C06\u0C26\u0C3F\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C38\u0C4B\u0C2E\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C2E\u0C02\u0C17\u0C33\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C2C\u0C41\u0C27\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C17\u0C41\u0C30\u0C41\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C36\u0C41\u0C15\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02_\u0C36\u0C28\u0C3F\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C30\u0C02".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0C06\u0C26\u0C3F_\u0C38\u0C4B\u0C2E_\u0C2E\u0C02\u0C17\u0C33_\u0C2C\u0C41\u0C27_\u0C17\u0C41\u0C30\u0C41_\u0C36\u0C41\u0C15\u0C4D\u0C30_\u0C36\u0C28\u0C3F".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0C06_\u0C38\u0C4B_\u0C2E\u0C02_\u0C2C\u0C41_\u0C17\u0C41_\u0C36\u0C41_\u0C36".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "A h:mm", LTS: "A h:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0C28\u0C47\u0C21\u0C41] LT", nextDay: "[\u0C30\u0C47\u0C2A\u0C41] LT", nextWeek: "dddd, LT", lastDay: "[\u0C28\u0C3F\u0C28\u0C4D\u0C28] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0C17\u0C24] dddd, LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0C32\u0C4B", past: "%s \u0C15\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F\u0C24\u0C02", s: "\u0C15\u0C4A\u0C28\u0C4D\u0C28\u0C3F \u0C15\u0C4D\u0C37\u0C23\u0C3E\u0C32\u0C41", ss: "%d \u0C38\u0C46\u0C15\u0C28\u0C4D\u0C32\u0C41", m: "\u0C12\u0C15 \u0C28\u0C3F\u0C2E\u0C3F\u0C37\u0C02", mm: "%d \u0C28\u0C3F\u0C2E\u0C3F\u0C37\u0C3E\u0C32\u0C41", h: "\u0C12\u0C15 \u0C17\u0C02\u0C1F", hh: "%d \u0C17\u0C02\u0C1F\u0C32\u0C41", d: "\u0C12\u0C15 \u0C30\u0C4B\u0C1C\u0C41", dd: "%d \u0C30\u0C4B\u0C1C\u0C41\u0C32\u0C41", M: "\u0C12\u0C15 \u0C28\u0C46\u0C32", MM: "%d \u0C28\u0C46\u0C32\u0C32\u0C41", y: "\u0C12\u0C15 \u0C38\u0C02\u0C35\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C38\u0C30\u0C02", yy: "%d \u0C38\u0C02\u0C35\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C38\u0C30\u0C3E\u0C32\u0C41" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\u0c35/, ordinal: "%d\u0C35", meridiemParse: /\u0c30\u0c3e\u0c24\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c3f|\u0c09\u0c26\u0c2f\u0c02|\u0c2e\u0c27\u0c4d\u0c2f\u0c3e\u0c39\u0c4d\u0c28\u0c02|\u0c38\u0c3e\u0c2f\u0c02\u0c24\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c02/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0C30\u0C3E\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0C09\u0C26\u0C2F\u0C02" === a ? e : "\u0C2E\u0C27\u0C4D\u0C2F\u0C3E\u0C39\u0C4D\u0C28\u0C02" === a ? 10 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0C38\u0C3E\u0C2F\u0C02\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C02" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0C30\u0C3E\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F" : e < 10 ? "\u0C09\u0C26\u0C2F\u0C02" : e < 17 ? "\u0C2E\u0C27\u0C4D\u0C2F\u0C3E\u0C39\u0C4D\u0C28\u0C02" : e < 20 ? "\u0C38\u0C3E\u0C2F\u0C02\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C02" : "\u0C30\u0C3E\u0C24\u0C4D\u0C30\u0C3F";}, week: { dow: 0, doy: 6 } }), l.defineLocale("tet", { months: "Janeiru_Fevereiru_Marsu_Abril_Maiu_Ju\xf1u_Jullu_Agustu_Setembru_Outubru_Novembru_Dezembru".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez".split("_"), weekdays: "Domingu_Segunda_Tersa_Kuarta_Kinta_Sesta_Sabadu".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Dom_Seg_Ters_Kua_Kint_Sest_Sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Do_Seg_Te_Ku_Ki_Ses_Sa".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Ohin iha] LT", nextDay: "[Aban iha] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [iha] LT", lastDay: "[Horiseik iha] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [semana kotuk] [iha] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "iha %s", past: "%s liuba", s: "minutu balun", ss: "minutu %d", m: "minutu ida", mm: "minutu %d", h: "oras ida", hh: "oras %d", d: "loron ida", dd: "loron %d", M: "fulan ida", MM: "fulan %d", y: "tinan ida", yy: "tinan %d" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var _d = { 0: "-\u0443\u043C", 1: "-\u0443\u043C", 2: "-\u044E\u043C", 3: "-\u044E\u043C", 4: "-\u0443\u043C", 5: "-\u0443\u043C", 6: "-\u0443\u043C", 7: "-\u0443\u043C", 8: "-\u0443\u043C", 9: "-\u0443\u043C", 10: "-\u0443\u043C", 12: "-\u0443\u043C", 13: "-\u0443\u043C", 20: "-\u0443\u043C", 30: "-\u044E\u043C", 40: "-\u0443\u043C", 50: "-\u0443\u043C", 60: "-\u0443\u043C", 70: "-\u0443\u043C", 80: "-\u0443\u043C", 90: "-\u0443\u043C", 100: "-\u0443\u043C" };l.defineLocale("tg", { months: "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D_\u0438\u044E\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u044F\u043D\u0432_\u0444\u0435\u0432_\u043C\u0430\u0440_\u0430\u043F\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D_\u0438\u044E\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433_\u0441\u0435\u043D_\u043E\u043A\u0442_\u043D\u043E\u044F_\u0434\u0435\u043A".split("_"), weekdays: "\u044F\u043A\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435_\u0434\u0443\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435_\u0441\u0435\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435_\u0447\u043E\u0440\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435_\u043F\u0430\u043D\u04B7\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435_\u04B7\u0443\u043C\u044A\u0430_\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0435".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u044F\u0448\u0431_\u0434\u0448\u0431_\u0441\u0448\u0431_\u0447\u0448\u0431_\u043F\u0448\u0431_\u04B7\u0443\u043C_\u0448\u043D\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u044F\u0448_\u0434\u0448_\u0441\u0448_\u0447\u0448_\u043F\u0448_\u04B7\u043C_\u0448\u0431".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0418\u043C\u0440\u04EF\u0437 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0438] LT", nextDay: "[\u041F\u0430\u0433\u043E\u04B3 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0438] LT", lastDay: "[\u0414\u0438\u0440\u04EF\u0437 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0438] LT", nextWeek: "dddd[\u0438] [\u04B3\u0430\u0444\u0442\u0430\u0438 \u043E\u044F\u043D\u0434\u0430 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0438] LT", lastWeek: "dddd[\u0438] [\u04B3\u0430\u0444\u0442\u0430\u0438 \u0433\u0443\u0437\u0430\u0448\u0442\u0430 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0438] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0431\u0430\u044A\u0434\u0438 %s", past: "%s \u043F\u0435\u0448", s: "\u044F\u043A\u0447\u0430\u043D\u0434 \u0441\u043E\u043D\u0438\u044F", m: "\u044F\u043A \u0434\u0430\u049B\u0438\u049B\u0430", mm: "%d \u0434\u0430\u049B\u0438\u049B\u0430", h: "\u044F\u043A \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442", hh: "%d \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442", d: "\u044F\u043A \u0440\u04EF\u0437", dd: "%d \u0440\u04EF\u0437", M: "\u044F\u043A \u043C\u043E\u04B3", MM: "%d \u043C\u043E\u04B3", y: "\u044F\u043A \u0441\u043E\u043B", yy: "%d \u0441\u043E\u043B" }, meridiemParse: /\u0448\u0430\u0431|\u0441\u0443\u0431\u04b3|\u0440\u04ef\u0437|\u0431\u0435\u0433\u043e\u04b3/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u0448\u0430\u0431" === a ? e < 4 ? e : e + 12 : "\u0441\u0443\u0431\u04B3" === a ? e : "\u0440\u04EF\u0437" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u0431\u0435\u0433\u043E\u04B3" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u0448\u0430\u0431" : e < 11 ? "\u0441\u0443\u0431\u04B3" : e < 16 ? "\u0440\u04EF\u0437" : e < 19 ? "\u0431\u0435\u0433\u043E\u04B3" : "\u0448\u0430\u0431";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0443\u043c|\u044e\u043c)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e + (_d[e] || _d[e % 10] || _d[100 <= e ? 100 : null]);}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("th", { months: "\u0E21\u0E01\u0E23\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E01\u0E38\u0E21\u0E20\u0E32\u0E1E\u0E31\u0E19\u0E18\u0E4C_\u0E21\u0E35\u0E19\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E40\u0E21\u0E29\u0E32\u0E22\u0E19_\u0E1E\u0E24\u0E29\u0E20\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E21\u0E34\u0E16\u0E38\u0E19\u0E32\u0E22\u0E19_\u0E01\u0E23\u0E01\u0E0E\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E2A\u0E34\u0E07\u0E2B\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E01\u0E31\u0E19\u0E22\u0E32\u0E22\u0E19_\u0E15\u0E38\u0E25\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21_\u0E1E\u0E24\u0E28\u0E08\u0E34\u0E01\u0E32\u0E22\u0E19_\u0E18\u0E31\u0E19\u0E27\u0E32\u0E04\u0E21".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u0E21.\u0E04._\u0E01.\u0E1E._\u0E21\u0E35.\u0E04._\u0E40\u0E21.\u0E22._\u0E1E.\u0E04._\u0E21\u0E34.\u0E22._\u0E01.\u0E04._\u0E2A.\u0E04._\u0E01.\u0E22._\u0E15.\u0E04._\u0E1E.\u0E22._\u0E18.\u0E04.".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "\u0E2D\u0E32\u0E17\u0E34\u0E15\u0E22\u0E4C_\u0E08\u0E31\u0E19\u0E17\u0E23\u0E4C_\u0E2D\u0E31\u0E07\u0E04\u0E32\u0E23_\u0E1E\u0E38\u0E18_\u0E1E\u0E24\u0E2B\u0E31\u0E2A\u0E1A\u0E14\u0E35_\u0E28\u0E38\u0E01\u0E23\u0E4C_\u0E40\u0E2A\u0E32\u0E23\u0E4C".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u0E2D\u0E32\u0E17\u0E34\u0E15\u0E22\u0E4C_\u0E08\u0E31\u0E19\u0E17\u0E23\u0E4C_\u0E2D\u0E31\u0E07\u0E04\u0E32\u0E23_\u0E1E\u0E38\u0E18_\u0E1E\u0E24\u0E2B\u0E31\u0E2A_\u0E28\u0E38\u0E01\u0E23\u0E4C_\u0E40\u0E2A\u0E32\u0E23\u0E4C".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u0E2D\u0E32._\u0E08._\u0E2D._\u0E1E._\u0E1E\u0E24._\u0E28._\u0E2A.".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "H:mm", LTS: "H:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32 H:mm", LLLL: "\u0E27\u0E31\u0E19dddd\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48 D MMMM YYYY \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32 H:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0e01\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e40\u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e22\u0e07|\u0e2b\u0e25\u0e31\u0e07\u0e40\u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e22\u0e07/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0E2B\u0E25\u0E31\u0E07\u0E40\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48\u0E22\u0E07" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0E01\u0E48\u0E2D\u0E19\u0E40\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48\u0E22\u0E07" : "\u0E2B\u0E25\u0E31\u0E07\u0E40\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48\u0E22\u0E07";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0E27\u0E31\u0E19\u0E19\u0E35\u0E49 \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32] LT", nextDay: "[\u0E1E\u0E23\u0E38\u0E48\u0E07\u0E19\u0E35\u0E49 \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32] LT", nextWeek: "dddd[\u0E2B\u0E19\u0E49\u0E32 \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32] LT", lastDay: "[\u0E40\u0E21\u0E37\u0E48\u0E2D\u0E27\u0E32\u0E19\u0E19\u0E35\u0E49 \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0E27\u0E31\u0E19]dddd[\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48\u0E41\u0E25\u0E49\u0E27 \u0E40\u0E27\u0E25\u0E32] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0E2D\u0E35\u0E01 %s", past: "%s\u0E17\u0E35\u0E48\u0E41\u0E25\u0E49\u0E27", s: "\u0E44\u0E21\u0E48\u0E01\u0E35\u0E48\u0E27\u0E34\u0E19\u0E32\u0E17\u0E35", ss: "%d \u0E27\u0E34\u0E19\u0E32\u0E17\u0E35", m: "1 \u0E19\u0E32\u0E17\u0E35", mm: "%d \u0E19\u0E32\u0E17\u0E35", h: "1 \u0E0A\u0E31\u0E48\u0E27\u0E42\u0E21\u0E07", hh: "%d \u0E0A\u0E31\u0E48\u0E27\u0E42\u0E21\u0E07", d: "1 \u0E27\u0E31\u0E19", dd: "%d \u0E27\u0E31\u0E19", M: "1 \u0E40\u0E14\u0E37\u0E2D\u0E19", MM: "%d \u0E40\u0E14\u0E37\u0E2D\u0E19", y: "1 \u0E1B\u0E35", yy: "%d \u0E1B\u0E35" } }), l.defineLocale("tl-ph", { months: "Enero_Pebrero_Marso_Abril_Mayo_Hunyo_Hulyo_Agosto_Setyembre_Oktubre_Nobyembre_Disyembre".split("_"), monthsShort: "Ene_Peb_Mar_Abr_May_Hun_Hul_Ago_Set_Okt_Nob_Dis".split("_"), weekdays: "Linggo_Lunes_Martes_Miyerkules_Huwebes_Biyernes_Sabado".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Lin_Lun_Mar_Miy_Huw_Biy_Sab".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Li_Lu_Ma_Mi_Hu_Bi_Sab".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "MM/D/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM DD, YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "LT [ngayong araw]", nextDay: "[Bukas ng] LT", nextWeek: "LT [sa susunod na] dddd", lastDay: "LT [kahapon]", lastWeek: "LT [noong nakaraang] dddd", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "sa loob ng %s", past: "%s ang nakalipas", s: "ilang segundo", ss: "%d segundo", m: "isang minuto", mm: "%d minuto", h: "isang oras", hh: "%d oras", d: "isang araw", dd: "%d araw", M: "isang buwan", MM: "%d buwan", y: "isang taon", yy: "%d taon" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e;}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var id = "pagh_wa\u2019_cha\u2019_wej_loS_vagh_jav_Soch_chorgh_Hut".split("_");function od(e, a, t, s) {var n = function (e) {var a = Math.floor(e % 1e3 / 100),t = Math.floor(e % 100 / 10),s = e % 10,n = "";0 < a && (n += id[a] + "vatlh");0 < t && (n += ("" !== n ? " " : "") + id[t] + "maH");0 < s && (n += ("" !== n ? " " : "") + id[s]);return "" === n ? "pagh" : n;}(e);switch (t) {case "ss":return n + " lup";case "mm":return n + " tup";case "hh":return n + " rep";case "dd":return n + " jaj";case "MM":return n + " jar";case "yy":return n + " DIS";}}l.defineLocale("tlh", { months: "tera\u2019 jar wa\u2019_tera\u2019 jar cha\u2019_tera\u2019 jar wej_tera\u2019 jar loS_tera\u2019 jar vagh_tera\u2019 jar jav_tera\u2019 jar Soch_tera\u2019 jar chorgh_tera\u2019 jar Hut_tera\u2019 jar wa\u2019maH_tera\u2019 jar wa\u2019maH wa\u2019_tera\u2019 jar wa\u2019maH cha\u2019".split("_"), monthsShort: "jar wa\u2019_jar cha\u2019_jar wej_jar loS_jar vagh_jar jav_jar Soch_jar chorgh_jar Hut_jar wa\u2019maH_jar wa\u2019maH wa\u2019_jar wa\u2019maH cha\u2019".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[DaHjaj] LT", nextDay: "[wa\u2019leS] LT", nextWeek: "LLL", lastDay: "[wa\u2019Hu\u2019] LT", lastWeek: "LLL", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: function future(e) {var a = e;return a = -1 !== e.indexOf("jaj") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "leS" : -1 !== e.indexOf("jar") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "waQ" : -1 !== e.indexOf("DIS") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "nem" : a + " pIq";}, past: function past(e) {var a = e;return a = -1 !== e.indexOf("jaj") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "Hu\u2019" : -1 !== e.indexOf("jar") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "wen" : -1 !== e.indexOf("DIS") ? a.slice(0, -3) + "ben" : a + " ret";}, s: "puS lup", ss: od, m: "wa\u2019 tup", mm: od, h: "wa\u2019 rep", hh: od, d: "wa\u2019 jaj", dd: od, M: "wa\u2019 jar", MM: od, y: "wa\u2019 DIS", yy: od }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } });var md = { 1: "'inci", 5: "'inci", 8: "'inci", 70: "'inci", 80: "'inci", 2: "'nci", 7: "'nci", 20: "'nci", 50: "'nci", 3: "'\xfcnc\xfc", 4: "'\xfcnc\xfc", 100: "'\xfcnc\xfc", 6: "'nc\u0131", 9: "'uncu", 10: "'uncu", 30: "'uncu", 60: "'\u0131nc\u0131", 90: "'\u0131nc\u0131" };function ud(e, a, t, s) {var n = { s: ["viensas secunds", "'iensas secunds"], ss: [e + " secunds", e + " secunds"], m: ["'n m\xedut", "'iens m\xedut"], mm: [e + " m\xeduts", e + " m\xeduts"], h: ["'n \xfeora", "'iensa \xfeora"], hh: [e + " \xfeoras", e + " \xfeoras"], d: ["'n ziua", "'iensa ziua"], dd: [e + " ziuas", e + " ziuas"], M: ["'n mes", "'iens mes"], MM: [e + " mesen", e + " mesen"], y: ["'n ar", "'iens ar"], yy: [e + " ars", e + " ars"] };return s ? n[t][0] : a ? n[t][0] : n[t][1];}function ld(e, a, t) {var s, n;return "m" === t ? a ? "\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0430" : "\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0443" : "h" === t ? a ? "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430" : "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0443" : e + " " + (s = +e, n = { ss: a ? "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434" : "\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0443_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434\u0438_\u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", mm: a ? "\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0430_\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0438_\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D" : "\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0443_\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D\u0438_\u0445\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0438\u043D", hh: a ? "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430_\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438_\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D" : "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0443_\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438_\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D", dd: "\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0434\u043D\u0456_\u0434\u043D\u0456\u0432", MM: "\u043C\u0456\u0441\u044F\u0446\u044C_\u043C\u0456\u0441\u044F\u0446\u0456_\u043C\u0456\u0441\u044F\u0446\u0456\u0432", yy: "\u0440\u0456\u043A_\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0438_\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0456\u0432" }[t].split("_"), s % 10 == 1 && s % 100 != 11 ? n[0] : 2 <= s % 10 && s % 10 <= 4 && (s % 100 < 10 || 20 <= s % 100) ? n[1] : n[2]);}function Md(e) {return function () {return e + "\u043E" + (11 === this.hours() ? "\u0431" : "") + "] LT";};}l.defineLocale("tr", { months: "Ocak_\u015Eubat_Mart_Nisan_May\u0131s_Haziran_Temmuz_A\u011Fustos_Eyl\xFCl_Ekim_Kas\u0131m_Aral\u0131k".split("_"), monthsShort: "Oca_\u015Eub_Mar_Nis_May_Haz_Tem_A\u011Fu_Eyl_Eki_Kas_Ara".split("_"), weekdays: "Pazar_Pazartesi_Sal\u0131_\xC7ar\u015Famba_Per\u015Fembe_Cuma_Cumartesi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Paz_Pts_Sal_\xc7ar_Per_Cum_Cts".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Pz_Pt_Sa_\xc7a_Pe_Cu_Ct".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[bug\xfcn saat] LT", nextDay: "[yar\u0131n saat] LT", nextWeek: "[gelecek] dddd [saat] LT", lastDay: "[d\xfcn] LT", lastWeek: "[ge\xe7en] dddd [saat] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s sonra", past: "%s \xf6nce", s: "birka\xe7 saniye", ss: "%d saniye", m: "bir dakika", mm: "%d dakika", h: "bir saat", hh: "%d saat", d: "bir g\xfcn", dd: "%d g\xfcn", M: "bir ay", MM: "%d ay", y: "bir y\u0131l", yy: "%d y\u0131l" }, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "Do":case "DD":return e;default:if (0 === e) return e + "'\u0131nc\u0131";var t = e % 10;return e + (md[t] || md[e % 100 - t] || md[100 <= e ? 100 : null]);}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("tzl", { months: "Januar_Fevraglh_Mar\xe7_Avr\xefu_Mai_G\xfcn_Julia_Guscht_Setemvar_Listop\xe4ts_Noemvar_Zecemvar".split("_"), monthsShort: "Jan_Fev_Mar_Avr_Mai_G\xfcn_Jul_Gus_Set_Lis_Noe_Zec".split("_"), weekdays: "S\xfaladi_L\xfane\xe7i_Maitzi_M\xe1rcuri_Xh\xfaadi_Vi\xe9ner\xe7i_S\xe1turi".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "S\xfal_L\xfan_Mai_M\xe1r_Xh\xfa_Vi\xe9_S\xe1t".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "S\xfa_L\xfa_Ma_M\xe1_Xh_Vi_S\xe1".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "", LTS: "", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY", LLL: "D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY", LLLL: "dddd, [li] D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY" }, meridiemParse: /d\'o|d\'a/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "d'o" === e.toLowerCase();}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return 11 < e ? t ? "d'o" : "D'O" : t ? "d'a" : "D'A";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[oxhi \xe0] LT", nextDay: "[dem\xe0 \xe0] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe0] LT", lastDay: "[ieiri \xe0] LT", lastWeek: "[s\xfcr el] dddd [lasteu \xe0] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "osprei %s", past: "ja%s", s: ud, ss: ud, m: ud, mm: ud, h: ud, hh: ud, d: ud, dd: ud, M: ud, MM: ud, y: ud, yy: ud }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./, ordinal: "%d.", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("tzm-latn", { months: "innayr_br\u02E4ayr\u02E4_mar\u02E4s\u02E4_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_\u0263w\u0161t_\u0161wtanbir_kt\u02E4wbr\u02E4_nwwanbir_dwjnbir".split("_"), monthsShort: "innayr_br\u02E4ayr\u02E4_mar\u02E4s\u02E4_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_\u0263w\u0161t_\u0161wtanbir_kt\u02E4wbr\u02E4_nwwanbir_dwjnbir".split("_"), weekdays: "asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asi\u1E0Dyas".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asi\u1E0Dyas".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asi\u1E0Dyas".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[asdkh g] LT", nextDay: "[aska g] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [g] LT", lastDay: "[assant g] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [g] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "dadkh s yan %s", past: "yan %s", s: "imik", ss: "%d imik", m: "minu\u1E0D", mm: "%d minu\u1E0D", h: "sa\u025Ba", hh: "%d tassa\u025Bin", d: "ass", dd: "%d ossan", M: "ayowr", MM: "%d iyyirn", y: "asgas", yy: "%d isgasn" }, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } }), l.defineLocale("tzm", { months: "\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D62\u2D54_\u2D31\u2D55\u2D30\u2D62\u2D55_\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D55\u2D5A_\u2D49\u2D31\u2D54\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D62\u2D62\u2D53_\u2D62\u2D53\u2D4F\u2D62\u2D53_\u2D62\u2D53\u2D4D\u2D62\u2D53\u2D63_\u2D56\u2D53\u2D5B\u2D5C_\u2D5B\u2D53\u2D5C\u2D30\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D3D\u2D5F\u2D53\u2D31\u2D55_\u2D4F\u2D53\u2D61\u2D30\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D37\u2D53\u2D4A\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D62\u2D54_\u2D31\u2D55\u2D30\u2D62\u2D55_\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D55\u2D5A_\u2D49\u2D31\u2D54\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D62\u2D62\u2D53_\u2D62\u2D53\u2D4F\u2D62\u2D53_\u2D62\u2D53\u2D4D\u2D62\u2D53\u2D63_\u2D56\u2D53\u2D5B\u2D5C_\u2D5B\u2D53\u2D5C\u2D30\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D3D\u2D5F\u2D53\u2D31\u2D55_\u2D4F\u2D53\u2D61\u2D30\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54_\u2D37\u2D53\u2D4A\u2D4F\u2D31\u2D49\u2D54".split("_"), weekdays: "\u2D30\u2D59\u2D30\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D62\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D54\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4E\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D39\u2D62\u2D30\u2D59".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u2D30\u2D59\u2D30\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D62\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D54\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4E\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D39\u2D62\u2D30\u2D59".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u2D30\u2D59\u2D30\u2D4E\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D62\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D54\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D3D\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D4E\u2D61\u2D30\u2D59_\u2D30\u2D59\u2D49\u2D39\u2D62\u2D30\u2D59".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u2D30\u2D59\u2D37\u2D45 \u2D34] LT", nextDay: "[\u2D30\u2D59\u2D3D\u2D30 \u2D34] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u2D34] LT", lastDay: "[\u2D30\u2D5A\u2D30\u2D4F\u2D5C \u2D34] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u2D34] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u2D37\u2D30\u2D37\u2D45 \u2D59 \u2D62\u2D30\u2D4F %s", past: "\u2D62\u2D30\u2D4F %s", s: "\u2D49\u2D4E\u2D49\u2D3D", ss: "%d \u2D49\u2D4E\u2D49\u2D3D", m: "\u2D4E\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D53\u2D3A", mm: "%d \u2D4E\u2D49\u2D4F\u2D53\u2D3A", h: "\u2D59\u2D30\u2D44\u2D30", hh: "%d \u2D5C\u2D30\u2D59\u2D59\u2D30\u2D44\u2D49\u2D4F", d: "\u2D30\u2D59\u2D59", dd: "%d o\u2D59\u2D59\u2D30\u2D4F", M: "\u2D30\u2D62o\u2D53\u2D54", MM: "%d \u2D49\u2D62\u2D62\u2D49\u2D54\u2D4F", y: "\u2D30\u2D59\u2D33\u2D30\u2D59", yy: "%d \u2D49\u2D59\u2D33\u2D30\u2D59\u2D4F" }, week: { dow: 6, doy: 12 } }), l.defineLocale("ug-cn", { months: "\u064A\u0627\u0646\u06CB\u0627\u0631_\u0641\u06D0\u06CB\u0631\u0627\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u062A_\u0626\u0627\u067E\u0631\u06D0\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u0626\u0649\u064A\u06C7\u0646_\u0626\u0649\u064A\u06C7\u0644_\u0626\u0627\u06CB\u063A\u06C7\u0633\u062A_\u0633\u06D0\u0646\u062A\u06D5\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u0626\u06C6\u0643\u062A\u06D5\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u064A\u0627\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u062F\u06D0\u0643\u0627\u0628\u0649\u0631".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u064A\u0627\u0646\u06CB\u0627\u0631_\u0641\u06D0\u06CB\u0631\u0627\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u0631\u062A_\u0626\u0627\u067E\u0631\u06D0\u0644_\u0645\u0627\u064A_\u0626\u0649\u064A\u06C7\u0646_\u0626\u0649\u064A\u06C7\u0644_\u0626\u0627\u06CB\u063A\u06C7\u0633\u062A_\u0633\u06D0\u0646\u062A\u06D5\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u0626\u06C6\u0643\u062A\u06D5\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u0646\u0648\u064A\u0627\u0628\u0649\u0631_\u062F\u06D0\u0643\u0627\u0628\u0649\u0631".split("_"), weekdays: "\u064A\u06D5\u0643\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5_\u062F\u06C8\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5_\u0633\u06D5\u064A\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5_\u0686\u0627\u0631\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5_\u067E\u06D5\u064A\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5_\u062C\u06C8\u0645\u06D5_\u0634\u06D5\u0646\u0628\u06D5".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u064A\u06D5_\u062F\u06C8_\u0633\u06D5_\u0686\u0627_\u067E\u06D5_\u062C\u06C8_\u0634\u06D5".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u064A\u06D5_\u062F\u06C8_\u0633\u06D5_\u0686\u0627_\u067E\u06D5_\u062C\u06C8_\u0634\u06D5".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY-MM-DD", LL: "YYYY-\u064A\u0649\u0644\u0649M-\u0626\u0627\u064A\u0646\u0649\u06ADD-\u0643\u06C8\u0646\u0649", LLL: "YYYY-\u064A\u0649\u0644\u0649M-\u0626\u0627\u064A\u0646\u0649\u06ADD-\u0643\u06C8\u0646\u0649\u060C HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd\u060C YYYY-\u064A\u0649\u0644\u0649M-\u0626\u0627\u064A\u0646\u0649\u06ADD-\u0643\u06C8\u0646\u0649\u060C HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u064a\u06d0\u0631\u0649\u0645 \u0643\u06d0\u0686\u06d5|\u0633\u06d5\u06be\u06d5\u0631|\u0686\u06c8\u0634\u062a\u0649\u0646 \u0628\u06c7\u0631\u06c7\u0646|\u0686\u06c8\u0634|\u0686\u06c8\u0634\u062a\u0649\u0646 \u0643\u06d0\u064a\u0649\u0646|\u0643\u06d5\u0686/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u064A\u06D0\u0631\u0649\u0645 \u0643\u06D0\u0686\u06D5" === a || "\u0633\u06D5\u06BE\u06D5\u0631" === a || "\u0686\u06C8\u0634\u062A\u0649\u0646 \u0628\u06C7\u0631\u06C7\u0646" === a ? e : "\u0686\u06C8\u0634\u062A\u0649\u0646 \u0643\u06D0\u064A\u0649\u0646" === a || "\u0643\u06D5\u0686" === a ? e + 12 : 11 <= e ? e : e + 12;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {var s = 100 * e + a;return s < 600 ? "\u064A\u06D0\u0631\u0649\u0645 \u0643\u06D0\u0686\u06D5" : s < 900 ? "\u0633\u06D5\u06BE\u06D5\u0631" : s < 1130 ? "\u0686\u06C8\u0634\u062A\u0649\u0646 \u0628\u06C7\u0631\u06C7\u0646" : s < 1230 ? "\u0686\u06C8\u0634" : s < 1800 ? "\u0686\u06C8\u0634\u062A\u0649\u0646 \u0643\u06D0\u064A\u0649\u0646" : "\u0643\u06D5\u0686";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0628\u06C8\u06AF\u06C8\u0646 \u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A] LT", nextDay: "[\u0626\u06D5\u062A\u06D5 \u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A] LT", nextWeek: "[\u0643\u06D0\u0644\u06D5\u0631\u0643\u0649] dddd [\u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A] LT", lastDay: "[\u062A\u06C6\u0646\u06C8\u06AF\u06C8\u0646] LT", lastWeek: "[\u0626\u0627\u0644\u062F\u0649\u0646\u0642\u0649] dddd [\u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0643\u06D0\u064A\u0649\u0646", past: "%s \u0628\u06C7\u0631\u06C7\u0646", s: "\u0646\u06D5\u0686\u0686\u06D5 \u0633\u06D0\u0643\u0648\u0646\u062A", ss: "%d \u0633\u06D0\u0643\u0648\u0646\u062A", m: "\u0628\u0649\u0631 \u0645\u0649\u0646\u06C7\u062A", mm: "%d \u0645\u0649\u0646\u06C7\u062A", h: "\u0628\u0649\u0631 \u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A", hh: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0626\u06D5\u062A", d: "\u0628\u0649\u0631 \u0643\u06C8\u0646", dd: "%d \u0643\u06C8\u0646", M: "\u0628\u0649\u0631 \u0626\u0627\u064A", MM: "%d \u0626\u0627\u064A", y: "\u0628\u0649\u0631 \u064A\u0649\u0644", yy: "%d \u064A\u0649\u0644" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(-\u0643\u06c8\u0646\u0649|-\u0626\u0627\u064a|-\u06be\u06d5\u067e\u062a\u06d5)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "-\u0643\u06C8\u0646\u0649";case "w":case "W":return e + "-\u06BE\u06D5\u067E\u062A\u06D5";default:return e;}}, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("uk", { months: { format: "\u0441\u0456\u0447\u043D\u044F_\u043B\u044E\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E_\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u043D\u044F_\u043A\u0432\u0456\u0442\u043D\u044F_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044F_\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043D\u044F_\u043B\u0438\u043F\u043D\u044F_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043F\u043D\u044F_\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043D\u044F_\u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043D\u044F_\u043B\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430_\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043D\u044F".split("_"), standalone: "\u0441\u0456\u0447\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043B\u044E\u0442\u0438\u0439_\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043A\u0432\u0456\u0442\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043B\u0438\u043F\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043F\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442\u0435\u043D\u044C_\u043B\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u043F\u0430\u0434_\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C".split("_") }, monthsShort: "\u0441\u0456\u0447_\u043B\u044E\u0442_\u0431\u0435\u0440_\u043A\u0432\u0456\u0442_\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432_\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432_\u043B\u0438\u043F_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043F_\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442_\u043B\u0438\u0441\u0442_\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0434".split("_"), weekdays: function weekdays(e, a) {var t = { nominative: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u044F_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u043E\u043A_\u0432\u0456\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043A_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u043F\u2019\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u0446\u044F_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0430".split("_"), accusative: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u044E_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u043E\u043A_\u0432\u0456\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043A_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0443_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440_\u043F\u2019\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u0446\u044E_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0443".split("_"), genitive: "\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u0456_\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0434\u0456\u043B\u043A\u0430_\u0432\u0456\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043A\u0430_\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438_\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0430_\u043F\u2019\u044F\u0442\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0456_\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0438".split("_") };return !0 === e ? t.nominative.slice(1, 7).concat(t.nominative.slice(0, 1)) : e ? t[/(\[[\u0412\u0432\u0423\u0443]\]) ?dddd/.test(a) ? "accusative" : /\[?(?:\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u043b\u043e\u0457|\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043d\u043e\u0457)? ?\] ?dddd/.test(a) ? "genitive" : "nominative"][] : t.nominative;}, weekdaysShort: "\u043D\u0434_\u043F\u043D_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0442_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u043D\u0434_\u043F\u043D_\u0432\u0442_\u0441\u0440_\u0447\u0442_\u043F\u0442_\u0441\u0431".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD.MM.YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0440.", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY \u0440., HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY \u0440., HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: Md("[\u0421\u044C\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u0456 "), nextDay: Md("[\u0417\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0440\u0430 "), lastDay: Md("[\u0412\u0447\u043E\u0440\u0430 "), nextWeek: Md("[\u0423] dddd ["), lastWeek: function lastWeek() {switch ( {case 0:case 3:case 5:case 6:return Md("[\u041C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u043B\u043E\u0457] dddd [").call(this);case 1:case 2:case 4:return Md("[\u041C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u043B\u043E\u0433\u043E] dddd [").call(this);}}, sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u0437\u0430 %s", past: "%s \u0442\u043E\u043C\u0443", s: "\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0456\u043B\u044C\u043A\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0434", ss: ld, m: ld, mm: ld, h: "\u0433\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0443", hh: ld, d: "\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C", dd: ld, M: "\u043C\u0456\u0441\u044F\u0446\u044C", MM: ld, y: "\u0440\u0456\u043A", yy: ld }, meridiemParse: /\u043d\u043e\u0447\u0456|\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0443|\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u043e\u0440\u0430/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^(\u0434\u043d\u044f|\u0432\u0435\u0447\u043e\u0440\u0430)$/.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 4 ? "\u043D\u043E\u0447\u0456" : e < 12 ? "\u0440\u0430\u043D\u043A\u0443" : e < 17 ? "\u0434\u043D\u044F" : "\u0432\u0435\u0447\u043E\u0440\u0430";}, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(\u0439|\u0433\u043e)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "M":case "d":case "DDD":case "w":case "W":return e + "-\u0439";case "D":return e + "-\u0433\u043E";default:return e;}}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } });var hd = ["\u062C\u0646\u0648\u0631\u06CC", "\u0641\u0631\u0648\u0631\u06CC", "\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0686", "\u0627\u067E\u0631\u06CC\u0644", "\u0645\u0626\u06CC", "\u062C\u0648\u0646", "\u062C\u0648\u0644\u0627\u0626\u06CC", "\u0627\u06AF\u0633\u062A", "\u0633\u062A\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u0627\u06A9\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631", "\u0646\u0648\u0645\u0628\u0631", "\u062F\u0633\u0645\u0628\u0631"],Ld = ["\u0627\u062A\u0648\u0627\u0631", "\u067E\u06CC\u0631", "\u0645\u0646\u06AF\u0644", "\u0628\u062F\u06BE", "\u062C\u0645\u0639\u0631\u0627\u062A", "\u062C\u0645\u0639\u06C1", "\u06C1\u0641\u062A\u06C1"];return l.defineLocale("ur", { months: hd, monthsShort: hd, weekdays: Ld, weekdaysShort: Ld, weekdaysMin: Ld, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd\u060C D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u0635\u0628\u062d|\u0634\u0627\u0645/, isPM: function isPM(e) {return "\u0634\u0627\u0645" === e;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? "\u0635\u0628\u062D" : "\u0634\u0627\u0645";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0622\u062C \u0628\u0648\u0642\u062A] LT", nextDay: "[\u06A9\u0644 \u0628\u0648\u0642\u062A] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u0628\u0648\u0642\u062A] LT", lastDay: "[\u06AF\u0630\u0634\u062A\u06C1 \u0631\u0648\u0632 \u0628\u0648\u0642\u062A] LT", lastWeek: "[\u06AF\u0630\u0634\u062A\u06C1] dddd [\u0628\u0648\u0642\u062A] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s \u0628\u0639\u062F", past: "%s \u0642\u0628\u0644", s: "\u0686\u0646\u062F \u0633\u06CC\u06A9\u0646\u0688", ss: "%d \u0633\u06CC\u06A9\u0646\u0688", m: "\u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u0645\u0646\u0679", mm: "%d \u0645\u0646\u0679", h: "\u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u06AF\u06BE\u0646\u0679\u06C1", hh: "%d \u06AF\u06BE\u0646\u0679\u06D2", d: "\u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u062F\u0646", dd: "%d \u062F\u0646", M: "\u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u0645\u0627\u06C1", MM: "%d \u0645\u0627\u06C1", y: "\u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u0633\u0627\u0644", yy: "%d \u0633\u0627\u0644" }, preparse: function preparse(e) {return e.replace(/\u060c/g, ",");}, postformat: function postformat(e) {return e.replace(/,/g, "\u060C");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("uz-latn", { months: "Yanvar_Fevral_Mart_Aprel_May_Iyun_Iyul_Avgust_Sentabr_Oktabr_Noyabr_Dekabr".split("_"), monthsShort: "Yan_Fev_Mar_Apr_May_Iyun_Iyul_Avg_Sen_Okt_Noy_Dek".split("_"), weekdays: "Yakshanba_Dushanba_Seshanba_Chorshanba_Payshanba_Juma_Shanba".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "Yak_Dush_Sesh_Chor_Pay_Jum_Shan".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "Ya_Du_Se_Cho_Pa_Ju_Sha".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "D MMMM YYYY, dddd HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[Bugun soat] LT [da]", nextDay: "[Ertaga] LT [da]", nextWeek: "dddd [kuni soat] LT [da]", lastDay: "[Kecha soat] LT [da]", lastWeek: "[O'tgan] dddd [kuni soat] LT [da]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "Yaqin %s ichida", past: "Bir necha %s oldin", s: "soniya", ss: "%d soniya", m: "bir daqiqa", mm: "%d daqiqa", h: "bir soat", hh: "%d soat", d: "bir kun", dd: "%d kun", M: "bir oy", MM: "%d oy", y: "bir yil", yy: "%d yil" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("uz", { months: "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440_\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0440\u0442_\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0435\u043B_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D_\u0438\u044E\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442_\u0441\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u043E\u043A\u0442\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u043D\u043E\u044F\u0431\u0440_\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0431\u0440".split("_"), monthsShort: "\u044F\u043D\u0432_\u0444\u0435\u0432_\u043C\u0430\u0440_\u0430\u043F\u0440_\u043C\u0430\u0439_\u0438\u044E\u043D_\u0438\u044E\u043B_\u0430\u0432\u0433_\u0441\u0435\u043D_\u043E\u043A\u0442_\u043D\u043E\u044F_\u0434\u0435\u043A".split("_"), weekdays: "\u042F\u043A\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430_\u0414\u0443\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430_\u0421\u0435\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430_\u0427\u043E\u0440\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430_\u041F\u0430\u0439\u0448\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430_\u0416\u0443\u043C\u0430_\u0428\u0430\u043D\u0431\u0430".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u042F\u043A\u0448_\u0414\u0443\u0448_\u0421\u0435\u0448_\u0427\u043E\u0440_\u041F\u0430\u0439_\u0416\u0443\u043C_\u0428\u0430\u043D".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u042F\u043A_\u0414\u0443_\u0421\u0435_\u0427\u043E_\u041F\u0430_\u0416\u0443_\u0428\u0430".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "D MMMM YYYY, dddd HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u0411\u0443\u0433\u0443\u043D \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442] LT [\u0434\u0430]", nextDay: "[\u042D\u0440\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0430] LT [\u0434\u0430]", nextWeek: "dddd [\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0438 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442] LT [\u0434\u0430]", lastDay: "[\u041A\u0435\u0447\u0430 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442] LT [\u0434\u0430]", lastWeek: "[\u0423\u0442\u0433\u0430\u043D] dddd [\u043A\u0443\u043D\u0438 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442] LT [\u0434\u0430]", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\u042F\u043A\u0438\u043D %s \u0438\u0447\u0438\u0434\u0430", past: "\u0411\u0438\u0440 \u043D\u0435\u0447\u0430 %s \u043E\u043B\u0434\u0438\u043D", s: "\u0444\u0443\u0440\u0441\u0430\u0442", ss: "%d \u0444\u0443\u0440\u0441\u0430\u0442", m: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0434\u0430\u043A\u0438\u043A\u0430", mm: "%d \u0434\u0430\u043A\u0438\u043A\u0430", h: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442", hh: "%d \u0441\u043E\u0430\u0442", d: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u043A\u0443\u043D", dd: "%d \u043A\u0443\u043D", M: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u043E\u0439", MM: "%d \u043E\u0439", y: "\u0431\u0438\u0440 \u0439\u0438\u043B", yy: "%d \u0439\u0438\u043B" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 7 } }), l.defineLocale("vi", { months: "th\xe1ng 1_th\xe1ng 2_th\xe1ng 3_th\xe1ng 4_th\xe1ng 5_th\xe1ng 6_th\xe1ng 7_th\xe1ng 8_th\xe1ng 9_th\xe1ng 10_th\xe1ng 11_th\xe1ng 12".split("_"), monthsShort: "Th01_Th02_Th03_Th04_Th05_Th06_Th07_Th08_Th09_Th10_Th11_Th12".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "ch\u1EE7 nh\u1EADt_th\u1EE9 hai_th\u1EE9 ba_th\u1EE9 t\u01B0_th\u1EE9 n\u0103m_th\u1EE9 s\xE1u_th\u1EE9 b\u1EA3y".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "CN_T2_T3_T4_T5_T6_T7".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "CN_T2_T3_T4_T5_T6_T7".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, meridiemParse: /sa|ch/i, isPM: function isPM(e) {return /^ch$/i.test(e);}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {return e < 12 ? t ? "sa" : "SA" : t ? "ch" : "CH";}, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM [n\u0103m] YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM [n\u0103m] YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM [n\u0103m] YYYY HH:mm", l: "DD/M/YYYY", ll: "D MMM YYYY", lll: "D MMM YYYY HH:mm", llll: "ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[H\xf4m nay l\xfac] LT", nextDay: "[Ng\xe0y mai l\xfac] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [tu\u1EA7n t\u1EDBi l\xFAc] LT", lastDay: "[H\xf4m qua l\xfac] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [tu\u1EA7n r\u1ED3i l\xFAc] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "%s t\u1EDBi", past: "%s tr\u01B0\u1EDBc", s: "v\xe0i gi\xe2y", ss: "%d gi\xe2y", m: "m\u1ED9t ph\xFAt", mm: "%d ph\xfat", h: "m\u1ED9t gi\u1EDD", hh: "%d gi\u1EDD", d: "m\u1ED9t ng\xE0y", dd: "%d ng\xe0y", M: "m\u1ED9t th\xE1ng", MM: "%d th\xe1ng", y: "m\u1ED9t n\u0103m", yy: "%d n\u0103m" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {return e;}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("x-pseudo", { months: "J~\xe1\xf1\xfa\xe1~r\xfd_F~\xe9br\xfa~\xe1r\xfd_~M\xe1rc~h_\xc1p~r\xedl_~M\xe1\xfd_~J\xfa\xf1\xe9~_J\xfal~\xfd_\xc1\xfa~g\xfast~_S\xe9p~t\xe9mb~\xe9r_\xd3~ct\xf3b~\xe9r_\xd1~\xf3v\xe9m~b\xe9r_~D\xe9c\xe9~mb\xe9r".split("_"), monthsShort: "J~\xe1\xf1_~F\xe9b_~M\xe1r_~\xc1pr_~M\xe1\xfd_~J\xfa\xf1_~J\xfal_~\xc1\xfag_~S\xe9p_~\xd3ct_~\xd1\xf3v_~D\xe9c".split("_"), monthsParseExact: !0, weekdays: "S~\xfa\xf1d\xe1~\xfd_M\xf3~\xf1d\xe1\xfd~_T\xfa\xe9~sd\xe1\xfd~_W\xe9d~\xf1\xe9sd~\xe1\xfd_T~h\xfars~d\xe1\xfd_~Fr\xedd~\xe1\xfd_S~\xe1t\xfar~d\xe1\xfd".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "S~\xfa\xf1_~M\xf3\xf1_~T\xfa\xe9_~W\xe9d_~Th\xfa_~Fr\xed_~S\xe1t".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "S~\xfa_M\xf3~_T\xfa_~W\xe9_T~h_Fr~_S\xe1".split("_"), weekdaysParseExact: !0, longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY HH:mm", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[T~\xf3d\xe1~\xfd \xe1t] LT", nextDay: "[T~\xf3m\xf3~rr\xf3~w \xe1t] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\xe1t] LT", lastDay: "[\xdd~\xe9st~\xe9rd\xe1~\xfd \xe1t] LT", lastWeek: "[L~\xe1st] dddd [\xe1t] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "\xed~\xf1 %s", past: "%s \xe1~g\xf3", s: "\xe1 ~f\xe9w ~s\xe9c\xf3~\xf1ds", ss: "%d s~\xe9c\xf3\xf1~ds", m: "\xe1 ~m\xed\xf1~\xfat\xe9", mm: "%d m~\xed\xf1\xfa~t\xe9s", h: "\xe1~\xf1 h\xf3~\xfar", hh: "%d h~\xf3\xfars", d: "\xe1 ~d\xe1\xfd", dd: "%d d~\xe1\xfds", M: "\xe1 ~m\xf3\xf1~th", MM: "%d m~\xf3\xf1t~hs", y: "\xe1 ~\xfd\xe9\xe1r", yy: "%d \xfd~\xe9\xe1rs" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e) {var a = e % 10;return e + (1 == ~~(e % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === a ? "st" : 2 === a ? "nd" : 3 === a ? "rd" : "th");}, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("yo", { months: "S\u1EB9\u0301r\u1EB9\u0301_E\u0300re\u0300le\u0300_\u1EB8r\u1EB9\u0300na\u0300_I\u0300gbe\u0301_E\u0300bibi_O\u0300ku\u0300du_Ag\u1EB9mo_O\u0300gu\u0301n_Owewe_\u1ECC\u0300wa\u0300ra\u0300_Be\u0301lu\u0301_\u1ECC\u0300p\u1EB9\u0300\u0300".split("_"), monthsShort: "S\u1EB9\u0301r_E\u0300rl_\u1EB8rn_I\u0300gb_E\u0300bi_O\u0300ku\u0300_Ag\u1EB9_O\u0300gu\u0301_Owe_\u1ECC\u0300wa\u0300_Be\u0301l_\u1ECC\u0300p\u1EB9\u0300\u0300".split("_"), weekdays: "A\u0300i\u0300ku\u0301_Aje\u0301_I\u0300s\u1EB9\u0301gun_\u1ECCj\u1ECD\u0301ru\u0301_\u1ECCj\u1ECD\u0301b\u1ECD_\u1EB8ti\u0300_A\u0300ba\u0301m\u1EB9\u0301ta".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "A\u0300i\u0300k_Aje\u0301_I\u0300s\u1EB9\u0301_\u1ECCjr_\u1ECCjb_\u1EB8ti\u0300_A\u0300ba\u0301".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "A\u0300i\u0300_Aj_I\u0300s_\u1ECCr_\u1ECCb_\u1EB8t_A\u0300b".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "h:mm A", LTS: "h:mm:ss A", L: "DD/MM/YYYY", LL: "D MMMM YYYY", LLL: "D MMMM YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A" }, calendar: { sameDay: "[O\u0300ni\u0300 ni] LT", nextDay: "[\u1ECC\u0300la ni] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [\u1ECCs\u1EB9\u0300 to\u0301n'b\u1ECD] [ni] LT", lastDay: "[A\u0300na ni] LT", lastWeek: "dddd [\u1ECCs\u1EB9\u0300 to\u0301l\u1ECD\u0301] [ni] LT", sameElse: "L" }, relativeTime: { future: "ni\u0301 %s", past: "%s k\u1ECDja\u0301", s: "i\u0300s\u1EB9ju\u0301 aaya\u0301 die", ss: "aaya\u0301 %d", m: "i\u0300s\u1EB9ju\u0301 kan", mm: "i\u0300s\u1EB9ju\u0301 %d", h: "wa\u0301kati kan", hh: "wa\u0301kati %d", d: "\u1ECDj\u1ECD\u0301 kan", dd: "\u1ECDj\u1ECD\u0301 %d", M: "osu\u0300 kan", MM: "osu\u0300 %d", y: "\u1ECDdu\u0301n kan", yy: "\u1ECDdu\u0301n %d" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\u1ecdj\u1ecd\u0301\s\d{1,2}/, ordinal: "\u1ECDj\u1ECD\u0301 %d", week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("zh-cn", { months: "\u4E00\u6708_\u4E8C\u6708_\u4E09\u6708_\u56DB\u6708_\u4E94\u6708_\u516D\u6708_\u4E03\u6708_\u516B\u6708_\u4E5D\u6708_\u5341\u6708_\u5341\u4E00\u6708_\u5341\u4E8C\u6708".split("_"), monthsShort: "1\u6708_2\u6708_3\u6708_4\u6708_5\u6708_6\u6708_7\u6708_8\u6708_9\u6708_10\u6708_11\u6708_12\u6708".split("_"), weekdays: "\u661F\u671F\u65E5_\u661F\u671F\u4E00_\u661F\u671F\u4E8C_\u661F\u671F\u4E09_\u661F\u671F\u56DB_\u661F\u671F\u4E94_\u661F\u671F\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u5468\u65E5_\u5468\u4E00_\u5468\u4E8C_\u5468\u4E09_\u5468\u56DB_\u5468\u4E94_\u5468\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u65E5_\u4E00_\u4E8C_\u4E09_\u56DB_\u4E94_\u516D".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY/MM/DD", LL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", LLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5Ah\u70B9mm\u5206", LLLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5ddddAh\u70B9mm\u5206", l: "YYYY/M/D", ll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", lll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", llll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5dddd HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u51cc\u6668|\u65e9\u4e0a|\u4e0a\u5348|\u4e2d\u5348|\u4e0b\u5348|\u665a\u4e0a/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u51CC\u6668" === a || "\u65E9\u4E0A" === a || "\u4E0A\u5348" === a ? e : "\u4E0B\u5348" === a || "\u665A\u4E0A" === a ? e + 12 : 11 <= e ? e : e + 12;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {var s = 100 * e + a;return s < 600 ? "\u51CC\u6668" : s < 900 ? "\u65E9\u4E0A" : s < 1130 ? "\u4E0A\u5348" : s < 1230 ? "\u4E2D\u5348" : s < 1800 ? "\u4E0B\u5348" : "\u665A\u4E0A";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u4ECA\u5929]LT", nextDay: "[\u660E\u5929]LT", nextWeek: "[\u4E0B]ddddLT", lastDay: "[\u6628\u5929]LT", lastWeek: "[\u4E0A]ddddLT", sameElse: "L" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(\u65e5|\u6708|\u5468)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "\u65E5";case "M":return e + "\u6708";case "w":case "W":return e + "\u5468";default:return e;}}, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u5185", past: "%s\u524D", s: "\u51E0\u79D2", ss: "%d \u79D2", m: "1 \u5206\u949F", mm: "%d \u5206\u949F", h: "1 \u5C0F\u65F6", hh: "%d \u5C0F\u65F6", d: "1 \u5929", dd: "%d \u5929", M: "1 \u4E2A\u6708", MM: "%d \u4E2A\u6708", y: "1 \u5E74", yy: "%d \u5E74" }, week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 } }), l.defineLocale("zh-hk", { months: "\u4E00\u6708_\u4E8C\u6708_\u4E09\u6708_\u56DB\u6708_\u4E94\u6708_\u516D\u6708_\u4E03\u6708_\u516B\u6708_\u4E5D\u6708_\u5341\u6708_\u5341\u4E00\u6708_\u5341\u4E8C\u6708".split("_"), monthsShort: "1\u6708_2\u6708_3\u6708_4\u6708_5\u6708_6\u6708_7\u6708_8\u6708_9\u6708_10\u6708_11\u6708_12\u6708".split("_"), weekdays: "\u661F\u671F\u65E5_\u661F\u671F\u4E00_\u661F\u671F\u4E8C_\u661F\u671F\u4E09_\u661F\u671F\u56DB_\u661F\u671F\u4E94_\u661F\u671F\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u9031\u65E5_\u9031\u4E00_\u9031\u4E8C_\u9031\u4E09_\u9031\u56DB_\u9031\u4E94_\u9031\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u65E5_\u4E00_\u4E8C_\u4E09_\u56DB_\u4E94_\u516D".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY/MM/DD", LL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", LLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", LLLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5dddd HH:mm", l: "YYYY/M/D", ll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", lll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", llll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5dddd HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u51cc\u6668|\u65e9\u4e0a|\u4e0a\u5348|\u4e2d\u5348|\u4e0b\u5348|\u665a\u4e0a/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u51CC\u6668" === a || "\u65E9\u4E0A" === a || "\u4E0A\u5348" === a ? e : "\u4E2D\u5348" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u4E0B\u5348" === a || "\u665A\u4E0A" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {var s = 100 * e + a;return s < 600 ? "\u51CC\u6668" : s < 900 ? "\u65E9\u4E0A" : s < 1130 ? "\u4E0A\u5348" : s < 1230 ? "\u4E2D\u5348" : s < 1800 ? "\u4E0B\u5348" : "\u665A\u4E0A";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u4ECA\u5929]LT", nextDay: "[\u660E\u5929]LT", nextWeek: "[\u4E0B]ddddLT", lastDay: "[\u6628\u5929]LT", lastWeek: "[\u4E0A]ddddLT", sameElse: "L" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(\u65e5|\u6708|\u9031)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "\u65E5";case "M":return e + "\u6708";case "w":case "W":return e + "\u9031";default:return e;}}, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u5167", past: "%s\u524D", s: "\u5E7E\u79D2", ss: "%d \u79D2", m: "1 \u5206\u9418", mm: "%d \u5206\u9418", h: "1 \u5C0F\u6642", hh: "%d \u5C0F\u6642", d: "1 \u5929", dd: "%d \u5929", M: "1 \u500B\u6708", MM: "%d \u500B\u6708", y: "1 \u5E74", yy: "%d \u5E74" } }), l.defineLocale("zh-tw", { months: "\u4E00\u6708_\u4E8C\u6708_\u4E09\u6708_\u56DB\u6708_\u4E94\u6708_\u516D\u6708_\u4E03\u6708_\u516B\u6708_\u4E5D\u6708_\u5341\u6708_\u5341\u4E00\u6708_\u5341\u4E8C\u6708".split("_"), monthsShort: "1\u6708_2\u6708_3\u6708_4\u6708_5\u6708_6\u6708_7\u6708_8\u6708_9\u6708_10\u6708_11\u6708_12\u6708".split("_"), weekdays: "\u661F\u671F\u65E5_\u661F\u671F\u4E00_\u661F\u671F\u4E8C_\u661F\u671F\u4E09_\u661F\u671F\u56DB_\u661F\u671F\u4E94_\u661F\u671F\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysShort: "\u9031\u65E5_\u9031\u4E00_\u9031\u4E8C_\u9031\u4E09_\u9031\u56DB_\u9031\u4E94_\u9031\u516D".split("_"), weekdaysMin: "\u65E5_\u4E00_\u4E8C_\u4E09_\u56DB_\u4E94_\u516D".split("_"), longDateFormat: { LT: "HH:mm", LTS: "HH:mm:ss", L: "YYYY/MM/DD", LL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", LLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", LLLL: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5dddd HH:mm", l: "YYYY/M/D", ll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5", lll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5 HH:mm", llll: "YYYY\u5E74M\u6708D\u65E5dddd HH:mm" }, meridiemParse: /\u51cc\u6668|\u65e9\u4e0a|\u4e0a\u5348|\u4e2d\u5348|\u4e0b\u5348|\u665a\u4e0a/, meridiemHour: function meridiemHour(e, a) {return 12 === e && (e = 0), "\u51CC\u6668" === a || "\u65E9\u4E0A" === a || "\u4E0A\u5348" === a ? e : "\u4E2D\u5348" === a ? 11 <= e ? e : e + 12 : "\u4E0B\u5348" === a || "\u665A\u4E0A" === a ? e + 12 : void 0;}, meridiem: function meridiem(e, a, t) {var s = 100 * e + a;return s < 600 ? "\u51CC\u6668" : s < 900 ? "\u65E9\u4E0A" : s < 1130 ? "\u4E0A\u5348" : s < 1230 ? "\u4E2D\u5348" : s < 1800 ? "\u4E0B\u5348" : "\u665A\u4E0A";}, calendar: { sameDay: "[\u4ECA\u5929] LT", nextDay: "[\u660E\u5929] LT", nextWeek: "[\u4E0B]dddd LT", lastDay: "[\u6628\u5929] LT", lastWeek: "[\u4E0A]dddd LT", sameElse: "L" }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(\u65e5|\u6708|\u9031)/, ordinal: function ordinal(e, a) {switch (a) {case "d":case "D":case "DDD":return e + "\u65E5";case "M":return e + "\u6708";case "w":case "W":return e + "\u9031";default:return e;}}, relativeTime: { future: "%s\u5167", past: "%s\u524D", s: "\u5E7E\u79D2", ss: "%d \u79D2", m: "1 \u5206\u9418", mm: "%d \u5206\u9418", h: "1 \u5C0F\u6642", hh: "%d \u5C0F\u6642", d: "1 \u5929", dd: "%d \u5929", M: "1 \u500B\u6708", MM: "%d \u500B\u6708", y: "1 \u5E74", yy: "%d \u5E74" } }), l.locale("en"), l;});
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  2400. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(uni) {/*
  2401. * uCharts v1.8.5.20190815
  2402. * uni-app平台高性能跨全端图表,支持H5、APP、小程序(微信/支付宝/百度/头条/QQ/360)
  2403. * Copyright (c) 2019 QIUN秋云 All rights reserved.
  2404. * Licensed ( )
  2405. *
  2406. * uCharts官方网站
  2407. *
  2408. *
  2409. * 开源地址:
  2410. *
  2411. *
  2412. * uni-app插件市场地址:
  2413. *
  2414. *
  2415. */
  2416. var config = {
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  2445. var assign;
  2446. if (Object.assign) {
  2447. assign = Object.assign;
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  2450. assign = function assign(target, varArgs) {
  2451. if (target == null) {
  2452. throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
  2453. }
  2454. var to = Object(target);
  2455. for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
  2456. var nextSource = arguments[index];
  2457. if (nextSource != null) {
  2458. for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
  2459. if (, nextKey)) {
  2460. to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
  2461. }
  2462. }
  2463. }
  2464. }
  2465. return to;
  2466. };
  2467. }
  2468. var util = {
  2469. toFixed: function toFixed(num, limit) {
  2470. limit = limit || 2;
  2471. if (this.isFloat(num)) {
  2472. num = num.toFixed(limit);
  2473. }
  2474. return num;
  2475. },
  2476. isFloat: function isFloat(num) {
  2477. return num % 1 !== 0;
  2478. },
  2479. approximatelyEqual: function approximatelyEqual(num1, num2) {
  2480. return Math.abs(num1 - num2) < 1e-10;
  2481. },
  2482. isSameSign: function isSameSign(num1, num2) {
  2483. return Math.abs(num1) === num1 && Math.abs(num2) === num2 || Math.abs(num1) !== num1 && Math.abs(num2) !== num2;
  2484. },
  2485. isSameXCoordinateArea: function isSameXCoordinateArea(p1, p2) {
  2486. return this.isSameSign(p1.x, p2.x);
  2487. },
  2488. isCollision: function isCollision(obj1, obj2) {
  2489. obj1.end = {};
  2490. obj1.end.x = obj1.start.x + obj1.width;
  2491. obj1.end.y = obj1.start.y - obj1.height;
  2492. obj2.end = {};
  2493. obj2.end.x = obj2.start.x + obj2.width;
  2494. obj2.end.y = obj2.start.y - obj2.height;
  2495. var flag = obj2.start.x > obj1.end.x || obj2.end.x < obj1.start.x || obj2.end.y > obj1.start.y || obj2.start.y < obj1.end.y;
  2496. return !flag;
  2497. } };
  2498. //兼容H5点击事件
  2499. function getH5Offset(e) {
  2500. = {
  2501. changedTouches: [] };
  2503. x: e.offsetX,
  2504. y: e.offsetY });
  2505. return e;
  2506. }
  2507. // hex 转 rgba
  2508. function hexToRgb(hexValue, opc) {
  2509. var rgx = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i;
  2510. var hex = hexValue.replace(rgx, function (m, r, g, b) {
  2511. return r + r + g + g + b + b;
  2512. });
  2513. var rgb = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
  2514. var r = parseInt(rgb[1], 16);
  2515. var g = parseInt(rgb[2], 16);
  2516. var b = parseInt(rgb[3], 16);
  2517. return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + opc + ')';
  2518. }
  2519. function findRange(num, type, limit) {
  2520. if (isNaN(num)) {
  2521. throw new Error('[uCharts] unvalid series data!');
  2522. }
  2523. limit = limit || 10;
  2524. type = type ? type : 'upper';
  2525. var multiple = 1;
  2526. while (limit < 1) {
  2527. limit *= 10;
  2528. multiple *= 10;
  2529. }
  2530. if (type === 'upper') {
  2531. num = Math.ceil(num * multiple);
  2532. } else {
  2533. num = Math.floor(num * multiple);
  2534. }
  2535. while (num % limit !== 0) {
  2536. if (type === 'upper') {
  2537. num++;
  2538. } else {
  2539. num--;
  2540. }
  2541. }
  2542. return num / multiple;
  2543. }
  2544. function calCandleMA(dayArr, nameArr, colorArr, kdata) {
  2545. var seriesTemp = [];
  2546. for (var k = 0; k < dayArr.length; k++) {
  2547. var seriesItem = {
  2548. data: [],
  2549. name: nameArr[k],
  2550. color: colorArr[k] };
  2551. for (var i = 0, len = kdata.length; i < len; i++) {
  2552. if (i < dayArr[k]) {
  2554. continue;
  2555. }
  2556. var sum = 0;
  2557. for (var j = 0; j < dayArr[k]; j++) {
  2558. sum += kdata[i - j][1];
  2559. }
  2560. / dayArr[k]).toFixed(3));
  2561. }
  2562. seriesTemp.push(seriesItem);
  2563. }
  2564. return seriesTemp;
  2565. }
  2566. function calValidDistance(distance, chartData, config, opts) {
  2567. var dataChartAreaWidth = opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3];
  2568. var dataChartWidth = chartData.eachSpacing * (opts.chartData.xAxisData.xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  2569. var validDistance = distance;
  2570. if (distance >= 0) {
  2571. validDistance = 0;
  2572. } else if (Math.abs(distance) >= dataChartWidth - dataChartAreaWidth) {
  2573. validDistance = dataChartAreaWidth - dataChartWidth;
  2574. }
  2575. return validDistance;
  2576. }
  2577. function isInAngleRange(angle, startAngle, endAngle) {
  2578. function adjust(angle) {
  2579. while (angle < 0) {
  2580. angle += 2 * Math.PI;
  2581. }
  2582. while (angle > 2 * Math.PI) {
  2583. angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
  2584. }
  2585. return angle;
  2586. }
  2587. angle = adjust(angle);
  2588. startAngle = adjust(startAngle);
  2589. endAngle = adjust(endAngle);
  2590. if (startAngle > endAngle) {
  2591. endAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
  2592. if (angle < startAngle) {
  2593. angle += 2 * Math.PI;
  2594. }
  2595. }
  2596. return angle >= startAngle && angle <= endAngle;
  2597. }
  2598. function calRotateTranslate(x, y, h) {
  2599. var xv = x;
  2600. var yv = h - y;
  2601. var transX = xv + (h - yv - xv) / Math.sqrt(2);
  2602. transX *= -1;
  2603. var transY = (h - yv) * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) - (h - yv - xv) / Math.sqrt(2);
  2604. return {
  2605. transX: transX,
  2606. transY: transY };
  2607. }
  2608. function createCurveControlPoints(points, i) {
  2609. function isNotMiddlePoint(points, i) {
  2610. if (points[i - 1] && points[i + 1]) {
  2611. return points[i].y >= Math.max(points[i - 1].y, points[i + 1].y) || points[i].y <= Math.min(points[i - 1].y,
  2612. points[
  2613. i + 1].y);
  2614. } else {
  2615. return false;
  2616. }
  2617. }
  2618. var a = 0.2;
  2619. var b = 0.2;
  2620. var pAx = null;
  2621. var pAy = null;
  2622. var pBx = null;
  2623. var pBy = null;
  2624. if (i < 1) {
  2625. pAx = points[0].x + (points[1].x - points[0].x) * a;
  2626. pAy = points[0].y + (points[1].y - points[0].y) * a;
  2627. } else {
  2628. pAx = points[i].x + (points[i + 1].x - points[i - 1].x) * a;
  2629. pAy = points[i].y + (points[i + 1].y - points[i - 1].y) * a;
  2630. }
  2631. if (i > points.length - 3) {
  2632. var last = points.length - 1;
  2633. pBx = points[last].x - (points[last].x - points[last - 1].x) * b;
  2634. pBy = points[last].y - (points[last].y - points[last - 1].y) * b;
  2635. } else {
  2636. pBx = points[i + 1].x - (points[i + 2].x - points[i].x) * b;
  2637. pBy = points[i + 1].y - (points[i + 2].y - points[i].y) * b;
  2638. }
  2639. if (isNotMiddlePoint(points, i + 1)) {
  2640. pBy = points[i + 1].y;
  2641. }
  2642. if (isNotMiddlePoint(points, i)) {
  2643. pAy = points[i].y;
  2644. }
  2645. return {
  2646. ctrA: {
  2647. x: pAx,
  2648. y: pAy },
  2649. ctrB: {
  2650. x: pBx,
  2651. y: pBy } };
  2652. }
  2653. function convertCoordinateOrigin(x, y, center) {
  2654. return {
  2655. x: center.x + x,
  2656. y: center.y - y };
  2657. }
  2658. function avoidCollision(obj, target) {
  2659. if (target) {
  2660. // is collision test
  2661. while (util.isCollision(obj, target)) {
  2662. if (obj.start.x > 0) {
  2663. obj.start.y--;
  2664. } else if (obj.start.x < 0) {
  2665. obj.start.y++;
  2666. } else {
  2667. if (obj.start.y > 0) {
  2668. obj.start.y++;
  2669. } else {
  2670. obj.start.y--;
  2671. }
  2672. }
  2673. }
  2674. }
  2675. return obj;
  2676. }
  2677. function fillSeries(series, opts, config) {
  2678. var index = 0;
  2679. return (item) {
  2680. if (!item.color) {
  2681. item.color = config.colors[index];
  2682. index = (index + 1) % config.colors.length;
  2683. }
  2684. if (!item.type) {
  2685. item.type = opts.type;
  2686. }
  2687. if (typeof == "undefined") {
  2688. = true;
  2689. }
  2690. if (!item.type) {
  2691. item.type = opts.type;
  2692. }
  2693. if (!item.pointShape) {
  2694. item.pointShape = "circle";
  2695. }
  2696. if (!item.legendShape) {
  2697. switch (item.type) {
  2698. case 'line':
  2699. item.legendShape = "line";
  2700. break;
  2701. case 'column':
  2702. item.legendShape = "rect";
  2703. break;
  2704. case 'area':
  2705. item.legendShape = "triangle";
  2706. break;
  2707. default:
  2708. item.legendShape = "circle";}
  2709. }
  2710. return item;
  2711. });
  2712. }
  2713. function getDataRange(minData, maxData) {
  2714. var limit = 0;
  2715. var range = maxData - minData;
  2716. if (range >= 10000) {
  2717. limit = 1000;
  2718. } else if (range >= 1000) {
  2719. limit = 100;
  2720. } else if (range >= 100) {
  2721. limit = 10;
  2722. } else if (range >= 10) {
  2723. limit = 5;
  2724. } else if (range >= 1) {
  2725. limit = 1;
  2726. } else if (range >= 0.1) {
  2727. limit = 0.1;
  2728. } else if (range >= 0.01) {
  2729. limit = 0.01;
  2730. } else if (range >= 0.001) {
  2731. limit = 0.001;
  2732. } else if (range >= 0.0001) {
  2733. limit = 0.0001;
  2734. } else if (range >= 0.00001) {
  2735. limit = 0.00001;
  2736. } else {
  2737. limit = 0.000001;
  2738. }
  2739. return {
  2740. minRange: findRange(minData, 'lower', limit),
  2741. maxRange: findRange(maxData, 'upper', limit) };
  2742. }
  2743. function measureText(text) {
  2744. var fontSize = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : config.fontSize;
  2745. text = String(text);
  2746. var text = text.split('');
  2747. var width = 0;
  2748. for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
  2749. var item = text[i];
  2750. if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(item)) {
  2751. width += 7;
  2752. } else if (/[0-9]/.test(item)) {
  2753. width += 5.5;
  2754. } else if (/\./.test(item)) {
  2755. width += 2.7;
  2756. } else if (/-/.test(item)) {
  2757. width += 3.25;
  2758. } else if (/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(item)) {
  2759. width += 10;
  2760. } else if (/\(|\)/.test(item)) {
  2761. width += 3.73;
  2762. } else if (/\s/.test(item)) {
  2763. width += 2.5;
  2764. } else if (/%/.test(item)) {
  2765. width += 8;
  2766. } else {
  2767. width += 10;
  2768. }
  2769. }
  2770. return width * fontSize / 10;
  2771. }
  2772. function dataCombine(series) {
  2773. return series.reduce(function (a, b) {
  2774. return ( ? : a).concat(;
  2775. }, []);
  2776. }
  2777. function dataCombineStack(series, len) {
  2778. var sum = new Array(len);
  2779. for (var j = 0; j < sum.length; j++) {
  2780. sum[j] = 0;
  2781. }
  2782. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  2783. for (var j = 0; j < sum.length; j++) {
  2784. sum[j] += series[i].data[j];
  2785. }
  2786. }
  2787. return series.reduce(function (a, b) {
  2788. return ( ? : a).concat(;
  2789. }, []);
  2790. }
  2791. function getTouches(touches, opts, e) {
  2792. var x, y;
  2793. if (touches.clientX) {
  2794. if (opts.rotate) {
  2795. y = opts.height - touches.clientX * opts.pixelRatio;
  2796. x = (touches.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop - opts.height / opts.pixelRatio / 2 * (opts.pixelRatio - 1)) *
  2797. opts.pixelRatio;
  2798. } else {
  2799. x = touches.clientX * opts.pixelRatio;
  2800. y = (touches.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop - opts.height / opts.pixelRatio / 2 * (opts.pixelRatio - 1)) *
  2801. opts.pixelRatio;
  2802. }
  2803. } else {
  2804. if (opts.rotate) {
  2805. y = opts.height - touches.x * opts.pixelRatio;
  2806. x = touches.y * opts.pixelRatio;
  2807. } else {
  2808. x = touches.x * opts.pixelRatio;
  2809. y = touches.y * opts.pixelRatio;
  2810. }
  2811. }
  2812. return {
  2813. x: x,
  2814. y: y };
  2815. }
  2816. function getSeriesDataItem(series, index) {
  2817. var data = [];
  2818. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  2819. var item = series[i];
  2820. if ([index] !== null && typeof[index] !== 'undefined' && {
  2821. var seriesItem = {};
  2822. seriesItem.color = item.color;
  2823. seriesItem.type = item.type;
  2824. =;
  2825. seriesItem.pointShape = item.pointShape;
  2826. seriesItem.disableLegend = item.disableLegend;
  2827. =;
  2828. =;
  2829. = item.format ? item.format([index]) :[index];
  2830. data.push(seriesItem);
  2831. }
  2832. }
  2833. return data;
  2834. }
  2835. function getMaxTextListLength(list) {
  2836. var lengthList = (item) {
  2837. return measureText(item);
  2838. });
  2839. return Math.max.apply(null, lengthList);
  2840. }
  2841. function getRadarCoordinateSeries(length) {
  2842. var eachAngle = 2 * Math.PI / length;
  2843. var CoordinateSeries = [];
  2844. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  2845. CoordinateSeries.push(eachAngle * i);
  2846. }
  2847. return (item) {
  2848. return -1 * item + Math.PI / 2;
  2849. });
  2850. }
  2851. function getToolTipData(seriesData, calPoints, index, categories) {
  2852. var option = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {};
  2853. var textList = (item) {
  2854. return {
  2855. text: option.format ? option.format(item, categories[index]) : + ': ' +,
  2856. color: item.color };
  2857. });
  2858. var validCalPoints = [];
  2859. var offset = {
  2860. x: 0,
  2861. y: 0 };
  2862. for (var i = 0; i < calPoints.length; i++) {
  2863. var points = calPoints[i];
  2864. if (typeof points[index] !== 'undefined' && points[index] !== null) {
  2865. validCalPoints.push(points[index]);
  2866. }
  2867. }
  2868. for (var _i = 0; _i < validCalPoints.length; _i++) {
  2869. var item = validCalPoints[_i];
  2870. offset.x = Math.round(item.x);
  2871. offset.y += item.y;
  2872. }
  2873. offset.y /= validCalPoints.length;
  2874. return {
  2875. textList: textList,
  2876. offset: offset };
  2877. }
  2878. function getMixToolTipData(seriesData, calPoints, index, categories) {
  2879. var option = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {};
  2880. var textList = (item) {
  2881. return {
  2882. text: option.format ? option.format(item, categories[index]) : + ': ' +,
  2883. color: item.color,
  2884. disableLegend: item.disableLegend ? true : false };
  2885. });
  2886. textList = textList.filter(function (item) {
  2887. if (item.disableLegend !== true) {
  2888. return item;
  2889. }
  2890. });
  2891. var validCalPoints = [];
  2892. var offset = {
  2893. x: 0,
  2894. y: 0 };
  2895. for (var i = 0; i < calPoints.length; i++) {
  2896. var points = calPoints[i];
  2897. if (typeof points[index] !== 'undefined' && points[index] !== null) {
  2898. validCalPoints.push(points[index]);
  2899. }
  2900. }
  2901. for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < validCalPoints.length; _i2++) {
  2902. var item = validCalPoints[_i2];
  2903. offset.x = Math.round(item.x);
  2904. offset.y += item.y;
  2905. }
  2906. offset.y /= validCalPoints.length;
  2907. return {
  2908. textList: textList,
  2909. offset: offset };
  2910. }
  2911. function getCandleToolTipData(series, seriesData, calPoints, index, categories, extra) {
  2912. var option = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : {};
  2913. var upColor = extra.color.upFill;
  2914. var downColor = extra.color.downFill;
  2915. //颜色顺序为开盘,收盘,最低,最高
  2916. var color = [upColor, upColor, downColor, upColor];
  2917. var textList = [];
  2918. var text0 = {
  2919. text: categories[index],
  2920. color: null };
  2921. textList.push(text0);
  2922. (item) {
  2923. if (index == 0 &&[1] -[0] < 0) {
  2924. color[1] = downColor;
  2925. } else {
  2926. if ([0] < series[index - 1][1]) {
  2927. color[0] = downColor;
  2928. }
  2929. if ([1] <[0]) {
  2930. color[1] = downColor;
  2931. }
  2932. if ([2] > series[index - 1][1]) {
  2933. color[2] = upColor;
  2934. }
  2935. if ([3] < series[index - 1][1]) {
  2936. color[3] = downColor;
  2937. }
  2938. }
  2939. var text1 = {
  2940. text: '开盘:' +[0],
  2941. color: color[0] };
  2942. var text2 = {
  2943. text: '收盘:' +[1],
  2944. color: color[1] };
  2945. var text3 = {
  2946. text: '最低:' +[2],
  2947. color: color[2] };
  2948. var text4 = {
  2949. text: '最高:' +[3],
  2950. color: color[3] };
  2951. textList.push(text1, text2, text3, text4);
  2952. });
  2953. var validCalPoints = [];
  2954. var offset = {
  2955. x: 0,
  2956. y: 0 };
  2957. for (var i = 0; i < calPoints.length; i++) {
  2958. var points = calPoints[i];
  2959. if (typeof points[index] !== 'undefined' && points[index] !== null) {
  2960. validCalPoints.push(points[index]);
  2961. }
  2962. }
  2963. offset.x = Math.round(validCalPoints[0][0].x);
  2964. return {
  2965. textList: textList,
  2966. offset: offset };
  2967. }
  2968. function filterSeries(series) {
  2969. var tempSeries = [];
  2970. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  2971. if (series[i].show == true) {
  2972. tempSeries.push(series[i]);
  2973. }
  2974. }
  2975. return tempSeries;
  2976. }
  2977. function findCurrentIndex(currentPoints, xAxisPoints, opts, config) {
  2978. var offset = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 0;
  2979. var currentIndex = -1;
  2980. var spacing = 0;
  2981. if ((opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area') && opts.xAxis.boundaryGap == 'justify') {
  2982. spacing = opts.chartData.eachSpacing / 2;
  2983. }
  2984. if (isInExactChartArea(currentPoints, opts, config)) {
  2985. xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
  2986. if (currentPoints.x + offset + spacing > item) {
  2987. currentIndex = index;
  2988. }
  2989. });
  2990. }
  2991. return currentIndex;
  2992. }
  2993. function findLegendIndex(currentPoints, legendData, opts) {
  2994. var currentIndex = -1;
  2995. if (isInExactLegendArea(currentPoints, legendData.area)) {
  2996. var points = legendData.points;
  2997. var index = -1;
  2998. for (var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
  2999. var item = points[i];
  3000. for (var j = 0; j < item.length; j++) {
  3001. index += 1;
  3002. var area = item[j]['area'];
  3003. if (currentPoints.x > area[0] && currentPoints.x < area[2] && currentPoints.y > area[1] && currentPoints.y < area[3]) {
  3004. currentIndex = index;
  3005. break;
  3006. }
  3007. }
  3008. }
  3009. return currentIndex;
  3010. }
  3011. return currentIndex;
  3012. }
  3013. function isInExactLegendArea(currentPoints, area) {
  3014. return currentPoints.x > area.start.x && currentPoints.x < area.end.x && currentPoints.y > area.start.y &&
  3015. currentPoints.y < area.end.y;
  3016. }
  3017. function isInExactChartArea(currentPoints, opts, config) {
  3018. return currentPoints.x < opts.width - opts.area[1] + 10 && currentPoints.x > opts.area[3] - 10 && currentPoints.y > opts.area[0] && currentPoints.y < opts.height - opts.area[2];
  3019. }
  3020. function findRadarChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, radarData, count) {
  3021. var eachAngleArea = 2 * Math.PI / count;
  3022. var currentIndex = -1;
  3023. if (isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints,, radarData.radius)) {
  3024. var fixAngle = function fixAngle(angle) {
  3025. if (angle < 0) {
  3026. angle += 2 * Math.PI;
  3027. }
  3028. if (angle > 2 * Math.PI) {
  3029. angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
  3030. }
  3031. return angle;
  3032. };
  3033. var angle = Math.atan2( - currentPoints.y, currentPoints.x -;
  3034. angle = -1 * angle;
  3035. if (angle < 0) {
  3036. angle += 2 * Math.PI;
  3037. }
  3038. var angleList = (item) {
  3039. item = fixAngle(-1 * item);
  3040. return item;
  3041. });
  3042. angleList.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3043. var rangeStart = fixAngle(item - eachAngleArea / 2);
  3044. var rangeEnd = fixAngle(item + eachAngleArea / 2);
  3045. if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) {
  3046. rangeEnd += 2 * Math.PI;
  3047. }
  3048. if (angle >= rangeStart && angle <= rangeEnd || angle + 2 * Math.PI >= rangeStart && angle + 2 * Math.PI <=
  3049. rangeEnd) {
  3050. currentIndex = index;
  3051. }
  3052. });
  3053. }
  3054. return currentIndex;
  3055. }
  3056. function findFunnelChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, funnelData) {
  3057. var currentIndex = -1;
  3058. for (var i = 0, len = funnelData.series.length; i < len; i++) {
  3059. var item = funnelData.series[i];
  3060. if (currentPoints.x > item.funnelArea[0] && currentPoints.x < item.funnelArea[2] && currentPoints.y > item.funnelArea[1] && currentPoints.y < item.funnelArea[3]) {
  3061. currentIndex = i;
  3062. break;
  3063. }
  3064. }
  3065. return currentIndex;
  3066. }
  3067. function findWordChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, wordData) {
  3068. var currentIndex = -1;
  3069. for (var i = 0, len = wordData.length; i < len; i++) {
  3070. var item = wordData[i];
  3071. if (currentPoints.x > item.area[0] && currentPoints.x < item.area[2] && currentPoints.y > item.area[1] && currentPoints.y < item.area[3]) {
  3072. currentIndex = i;
  3073. break;
  3074. }
  3075. }
  3076. return currentIndex;
  3077. }
  3078. function findMapChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, opts) {
  3079. var currentIndex = -1;
  3080. var cData = opts.chartData.mapData;
  3081. var data = opts.series;
  3082. var tmp = pointToCoordinate(currentPoints.y, currentPoints.x, cData.bounds, cData.scale, cData.xoffset, cData.yoffset);
  3083. var poi = [tmp.x, tmp.y];
  3084. for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
  3085. var item = data[i].geometry.coordinates;
  3086. if (isPoiWithinPoly(poi, item)) {
  3087. currentIndex = i;
  3088. break;
  3089. }
  3090. }
  3091. return currentIndex;
  3092. }
  3093. function findPieChartCurrentIndex(currentPoints, pieData) {
  3094. var currentIndex = -1;
  3095. if (isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints,, pieData.radius)) {
  3096. var angle = Math.atan2( - currentPoints.y, currentPoints.x -;
  3097. angle = -angle;
  3098. for (var i = 0, len = pieData.series.length; i < len; i++) {
  3099. var item = pieData.series[i];
  3100. if (isInAngleRange(angle, item._start_, item._start_ + item._proportion_ * 2 * Math.PI)) {
  3101. currentIndex = i;
  3102. break;
  3103. }
  3104. }
  3105. }
  3106. return currentIndex;
  3107. }
  3108. function isInExactPieChartArea(currentPoints, center, radius) {
  3109. return Math.pow(currentPoints.x - center.x, 2) + Math.pow(currentPoints.y - center.y, 2) <= Math.pow(radius, 2);
  3110. }
  3111. function splitPoints(points) {
  3112. var newPoints = [];
  3113. var items = [];
  3114. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3115. if (item !== null) {
  3116. items.push(item);
  3117. } else {
  3118. if (items.length) {
  3119. newPoints.push(items);
  3120. }
  3121. items = [];
  3122. }
  3123. });
  3124. if (items.length) {
  3125. newPoints.push(items);
  3126. }
  3127. return newPoints;
  3128. }
  3129. function calLegendData(series, opts, config, chartData) {
  3130. var legendData = {
  3131. area: {
  3132. start: {
  3133. x: 0,
  3134. y: 0 },
  3135. end: {
  3136. x: 0,
  3137. y: 0 },
  3138. width: 0,
  3139. height: 0,
  3140. wholeWidth: 0,
  3141. wholeHeight: 0 },
  3142. points: [],
  3143. widthArr: [],
  3144. heightArr: [] };
  3145. if ( === false) {
  3146. chartData.legendData = legendData;
  3147. return legendData;
  3148. }
  3149. var padding = opts.legend.padding;
  3150. var margin = opts.legend.margin;
  3151. var fontSize = opts.legend.fontSize;
  3152. var shapeWidth = 15 * opts.pixelRatio;
  3153. var shapeRight = 5 * opts.pixelRatio;
  3154. var lineHeight = Math.max(opts.legend.lineHeight * opts.pixelRatio, fontSize);
  3155. if (opts.legend.position == 'top' || opts.legend.position == 'bottom') {
  3156. var legendList = [];
  3157. var widthCount = 0;
  3158. var widthCountArr = [];
  3159. var currentRow = [];
  3160. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3161. var item = series[i];
  3162. var itemWidth = shapeWidth + shapeRight + measureText( || 'undefined', fontSize) + opts.legend.itemGap;
  3163. if (widthCount + itemWidth > opts.width - opts.padding[1] - opts.padding[3]) {
  3164. legendList.push(currentRow);
  3165. widthCountArr.push(widthCount - opts.legend.itemGap);
  3166. widthCount = itemWidth;
  3167. currentRow = [item];
  3168. } else {
  3169. widthCount += itemWidth;
  3170. currentRow.push(item);
  3171. }
  3172. }
  3173. if (currentRow.length) {
  3174. legendList.push(currentRow);
  3175. widthCountArr.push(widthCount - opts.legend.itemGap);
  3176. legendData.widthArr = widthCountArr;
  3177. var legendWidth = Math.max.apply(null, widthCountArr);
  3178. switch (opts.legend.float) {
  3179. case 'left':
  3180. legendData.area.start.x = opts.padding[3];
  3181. legendData.area.end.x = opts.padding[3] + 2 * padding;
  3182. break;
  3183. case 'right':
  3184. legendData.area.start.x = opts.width - opts.padding[1] - legendWidth - 2 * padding;
  3185. legendData.area.end.x = opts.width - opts.padding[1];
  3186. break;
  3187. default:
  3188. legendData.area.start.x = (opts.width - legendWidth) / 2 - padding;
  3189. legendData.area.end.x = (opts.width + legendWidth) / 2 + padding;}
  3190. legendData.area.width = legendWidth + 2 * padding;
  3191. legendData.area.wholeWidth = legendWidth + 2 * padding;
  3192. legendData.area.height = legendList.length * lineHeight + 2 * padding;
  3193. legendData.area.wholeHeight = legendList.length * lineHeight + 2 * padding + 2 * margin;
  3194. legendData.points = legendList;
  3195. }
  3196. } else {
  3197. var len = series.length;
  3198. var maxHeight = opts.height - opts.padding[0] - opts.padding[2] - 2 * margin - 2 * padding;
  3199. var maxLength = Math.min(Math.floor(maxHeight / lineHeight), len);
  3200. legendData.area.height = maxLength * lineHeight + padding * 2;
  3201. legendData.area.wholeHeight = maxLength * lineHeight + padding * 2;
  3202. switch (opts.legend.float) {
  3203. case 'top':
  3204. legendData.area.start.y = opts.padding[0] + margin;
  3205. legendData.area.end.y = opts.padding[0] + margin + legendData.area.height;
  3206. break;
  3207. case 'bottom':
  3208. legendData.area.start.y = opts.height - opts.padding[2] - margin - legendData.area.height;
  3209. legendData.area.end.y = opts.height - opts.padding[2] - margin;
  3210. break;
  3211. default:
  3212. legendData.area.start.y = (opts.height - legendData.area.height) / 2;
  3213. legendData.area.end.y = (opts.height + legendData.area.height) / 2;}
  3214. var lineNum = len % maxLength === 0 ? len / maxLength : Math.floor(len / maxLength + 1);
  3215. var _currentRow = [];
  3216. for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < lineNum; _i3++) {
  3217. var temp = series.slice(_i3 * maxLength, _i3 * maxLength + maxLength);
  3218. _currentRow.push(temp);
  3219. }
  3220. legendData.points = _currentRow;
  3221. if (_currentRow.length) {
  3222. for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < _currentRow.length; _i4++) {
  3223. var _item = _currentRow[_i4];
  3224. var maxWidth = 0;
  3225. for (var j = 0; j < _item.length; j++) {
  3226. var _itemWidth = shapeWidth + shapeRight + measureText(_item[j].name || 'undefined', fontSize) + opts.legend.itemGap;
  3227. if (_itemWidth > maxWidth) {
  3228. maxWidth = _itemWidth;
  3229. }
  3230. }
  3231. legendData.widthArr.push(maxWidth);
  3232. legendData.heightArr.push(_item.length * lineHeight + padding * 2);
  3233. }
  3234. var _legendWidth = 0;
  3235. for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < legendData.widthArr.length; _i5++) {
  3236. _legendWidth += legendData.widthArr[_i5];
  3237. }
  3238. legendData.area.width = _legendWidth - opts.legend.itemGap + 2 * padding;
  3239. legendData.area.wholeWidth = legendData.area.width + padding;
  3240. }
  3241. }
  3242. switch (opts.legend.position) {
  3243. case 'top':
  3244. legendData.area.start.y = opts.padding[0] + margin;
  3245. legendData.area.end.y = opts.padding[0] + margin + legendData.area.height;
  3246. break;
  3247. case 'bottom':
  3248. legendData.area.start.y = opts.height - opts.padding[2] - legendData.area.height - margin;
  3249. legendData.area.end.y = opts.height - opts.padding[2] - margin;
  3250. break;
  3251. case 'left':
  3252. legendData.area.start.x = opts.padding[3];
  3253. legendData.area.end.x = opts.padding[3] + legendData.area.width;
  3254. break;
  3255. case 'right':
  3256. legendData.area.start.x = opts.width - opts.padding[1] - legendData.area.width;
  3257. legendData.area.end.x = opts.width - opts.padding[1];
  3258. break;}
  3259. chartData.legendData = legendData;
  3260. return legendData;
  3261. }
  3262. function calCategoriesData(categories, opts, config, eachSpacing) {
  3263. var result = {
  3264. angle: 0,
  3265. xAxisHeight: config.xAxisHeight };
  3266. var categoriesTextLenth = (item) {
  3267. return measureText(item);
  3268. });
  3269. var maxTextLength = Math.max.apply(this, categoriesTextLenth);
  3270. if (opts.xAxis.rotateLabel == true && maxTextLength + 2 * config.xAxisTextPadding > eachSpacing) {
  3271. result.angle = 45 * Math.PI / 180;
  3272. result.xAxisHeight = 2 * config.xAxisTextPadding + maxTextLength * Math.sin(result.angle);
  3273. }
  3274. return result;
  3275. }
  3276. function getRadarDataPoints(angleList, center, radius, series, opts) {
  3277. var process = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 1;
  3278. var radarOption = opts.extra.radar || {};
  3279. radarOption.max = radarOption.max || 0;
  3280. var maxData = Math.max(radarOption.max, Math.max.apply(null, dataCombine(series)));
  3281. var data = [];var _loop2 = function _loop2(
  3282. i) {
  3283. var each = series[i];
  3284. var listItem = {};
  3285. listItem.color = each.color;
  3286. = [];
  3287. (item, index) {
  3288. var tmp = {};
  3289. tmp.angle = angleList[index];
  3290. tmp.proportion = item / maxData;
  3291. tmp.position = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius * tmp.proportion * process * Math.cos(tmp.angle), radius * tmp.proportion *
  3292. process * Math.sin(tmp.angle), center);
  3294. });
  3295. data.push(listItem);};for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {_loop2(i);
  3296. }
  3297. return data;
  3298. }
  3299. function getPieDataPoints(series, radius) {
  3300. var process = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
  3301. var count = 0;
  3302. var _start_ = 0;
  3303. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3304. var item = series[i];
  3305. = === null ? 0 :;
  3306. count +=;
  3307. }
  3308. for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < series.length; _i6++) {
  3309. var _item2 = series[_i6];
  3310. = === null ? 0 :;
  3311. if (count === 0) {
  3312. _item2._proportion_ = 1 / series.length * process;
  3313. } else {
  3314. _item2._proportion_ = / count * process;
  3315. }
  3316. _item2._radius_ = radius;
  3317. }
  3318. for (var _i7 = 0; _i7 < series.length; _i7++) {
  3319. var _item3 = series[_i7];
  3320. _item3._start_ = _start_;
  3321. _start_ += 2 * _item3._proportion_ * Math.PI;
  3322. }
  3323. return series;
  3324. }
  3325. function getFunnelDataPoints(series, radius) {
  3326. var process = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
  3327. series = series.sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt( - parseInt(;});
  3328. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3329. series[i].radius = series[i].data / series[0].data * radius * process;
  3330. series[i]._proportion_ = series[i].data / series[0].data;
  3331. }
  3332. return series.reverse();
  3333. }
  3334. function getRoseDataPoints(series, type, minRadius, radius) {
  3335. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  3336. var count = 0;
  3337. var _start_ = 0;
  3338. var dataArr = [];
  3339. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3340. var item = series[i];
  3341. = === null ? 0 :;
  3342. count +=;
  3343. dataArr.push(;
  3344. }
  3345. var minData = Math.min.apply(null, dataArr);
  3346. var maxData = Math.max.apply(null, dataArr);
  3347. var radiusLength = radius - minRadius;
  3348. for (var _i8 = 0; _i8 < series.length; _i8++) {
  3349. var _item4 = series[_i8];
  3350. = === null ? 0 :;
  3351. if (count === 0 || type == 'area') {
  3352. _item4._proportion_ = / count * process;
  3353. _item4._rose_proportion_ = 1 / series.length * process;
  3354. } else {
  3355. _item4._proportion_ = / count * process;
  3356. _item4._rose_proportion_ = / count * process;
  3357. }
  3358. _item4._radius_ = minRadius + radiusLength * (( - minData) / (maxData - minData));
  3359. }
  3360. for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < series.length; _i9++) {
  3361. var _item5 = series[_i9];
  3362. _item5._start_ = _start_;
  3363. _start_ += 2 * _item5._rose_proportion_ * Math.PI;
  3364. }
  3365. return series;
  3366. }
  3367. function getArcbarDataPoints(series, arcbarOption) {
  3368. var process = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
  3369. if (process == 1) {
  3370. process = 0.999999;
  3371. }
  3372. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3373. var item = series[i];
  3374. = === null ? 0 :;
  3375. var totalAngle = void 0;
  3376. if (arcbarOption.type == 'default') {
  3377. if (arcbarOption.endAngle < arcbarOption.startAngle) {
  3378. totalAngle = 2 + arcbarOption.endAngle - arcbarOption.startAngle;
  3379. } else {
  3380. totalAngle = arcbarOption.startAngle - arcbarOption.endAngle;
  3381. }
  3382. } else {
  3383. totalAngle = 2;
  3384. }
  3385. item._proportion_ = totalAngle * * process + arcbarOption.startAngle;
  3386. if (item._proportion_ >= 2) {
  3387. item._proportion_ = item._proportion_ % 2;
  3388. }
  3389. }
  3390. return series;
  3391. }
  3392. function getGaugeAxisPoints(categories, startAngle, endAngle) {
  3393. var totalAngle = startAngle - endAngle + 1;
  3394. var tempStartAngle = startAngle;
  3395. for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
  3396. categories[i].value = categories[i].value === null ? 0 : categories[i].value;
  3397. categories[i]._startAngle_ = tempStartAngle;
  3398. categories[i]._endAngle_ = totalAngle * categories[i].value + startAngle;
  3399. if (categories[i]._endAngle_ >= 2) {
  3400. categories[i]._endAngle_ = categories[i]._endAngle_ % 2;
  3401. }
  3402. tempStartAngle = categories[i]._endAngle_;
  3403. }
  3404. return categories;
  3405. }
  3406. function getGaugeDataPoints(series, categories, gaugeOption) {
  3407. var process = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 1;
  3408. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3409. var item = series[i];
  3410. = === null ? 0 :;
  3411. if (gaugeOption.pointer.color == 'auto') {
  3412. for (var _i10 = 0; _i10 < categories.length; _i10++) {
  3413. if ( <= categories[_i10].value) {
  3414. item.color = categories[_i10].color;
  3415. break;
  3416. }
  3417. }
  3418. } else {
  3419. item.color = gaugeOption.pointer.color;
  3420. }
  3421. var totalAngle = gaugeOption.startAngle - gaugeOption.endAngle + 1;
  3422. item._endAngle_ = totalAngle * + gaugeOption.startAngle;
  3423. item._oldAngle_ = gaugeOption.oldAngle;
  3424. if (gaugeOption.oldAngle < gaugeOption.endAngle) {
  3425. item._oldAngle_ += 2;
  3426. }
  3427. if ( >= gaugeOption.oldData) {
  3428. item._proportion_ = (item._endAngle_ - item._oldAngle_) * process + gaugeOption.oldAngle;
  3429. } else {
  3430. item._proportion_ = item._oldAngle_ - (item._oldAngle_ - item._endAngle_) * process;
  3431. }
  3432. if (item._proportion_ >= 2) {
  3433. item._proportion_ = item._proportion_ % 2;
  3434. }
  3435. }
  3436. return series;
  3437. }
  3438. function getPieTextMaxLength(series) {
  3439. series = getPieDataPoints(series);
  3440. var maxLength = 0;
  3441. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  3442. var item = series[i];
  3443. var text = item.format ? item.format(+item._proportion_.toFixed(2)) : util.toFixed(item._proportion_ * 100) + '%';
  3444. maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, measureText(text));
  3445. }
  3446. return maxLength;
  3447. }
  3448. function fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, columnLen, index, config, opts) {
  3449. return (item) {
  3450. if (item === null) {
  3451. return null;
  3452. }
  3453. item.width = Math.ceil((eachSpacing - 2 * config.columePadding) / columnLen);
  3454. if (opts.extra.column && opts.extra.column.width && +opts.extra.column.width > 0) {
  3455. item.width = Math.min(item.width, +opts.extra.column.width);
  3456. }
  3457. if (item.width <= 0) {
  3458. item.width = 1;
  3459. }
  3460. item.x += (index + 0.5 - columnLen / 2) * item.width;
  3461. return item;
  3462. });
  3463. }
  3464. function fixColumeMeterData(points, eachSpacing, columnLen, index, config, opts, border) {
  3465. return (item) {
  3466. if (item === null) {
  3467. return null;
  3468. }
  3469. item.width = Math.ceil((eachSpacing - 2 * config.columePadding) / 2);
  3470. if (opts.extra.column && opts.extra.column.width && +opts.extra.column.width > 0) {
  3471. item.width = Math.min(item.width, +opts.extra.column.width);
  3472. }
  3473. if (index > 0) {
  3474. item.width -= 2 * border;
  3475. }
  3476. return item;
  3477. });
  3478. }
  3479. function fixColumeStackData(points, eachSpacing, columnLen, index, config, opts, series) {
  3480. return (item, indexn) {
  3481. if (item === null) {
  3482. return null;
  3483. }
  3484. item.width = Math.ceil((eachSpacing - 2 * config.columePadding) / 2);
  3485. if (opts.extra.column && opts.extra.column.width && +opts.extra.column.width > 0) {
  3486. item.width = Math.min(item.width, +opts.extra.column.width);
  3487. }
  3488. return item;
  3489. });
  3490. }
  3491. function getXAxisPoints(categories, opts, config) {
  3492. var yAxisTotalWidth = config.yAxisWidth + config.yAxisTitleWidth;
  3493. var spacingValid = opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3];
  3494. var dataCount = opts.enableScroll ? Math.min(opts.xAxis.itemCount, categories.length) : categories.length;
  3495. if ((opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area') && dataCount > 1 && opts.xAxis.boundaryGap == 'justify') {
  3496. dataCount -= 1;
  3497. }
  3498. var eachSpacing = spacingValid / dataCount;
  3499. var xAxisPoints = [];
  3500. var startX = opts.area[3];
  3501. var endX = opts.width - opts.area[1];
  3502. categories.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3503. xAxisPoints.push(startX + index * eachSpacing);
  3504. });
  3505. if (opts.xAxis.boundaryGap !== 'justify') {
  3506. if (opts.enableScroll === true) {
  3507. xAxisPoints.push(startX + categories.length * eachSpacing);
  3508. } else {
  3509. xAxisPoints.push(endX);
  3510. }
  3511. }
  3512. return {
  3513. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  3514. startX: startX,
  3515. endX: endX,
  3516. eachSpacing: eachSpacing };
  3517. }
  3518. function getCandleDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config) {
  3519. var process = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : 1;
  3520. var points = [];
  3521. var validHeight = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  3522. data.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3523. if (item === null) {
  3524. points.push(null);
  3525. } else {
  3526. var cPoints = [];
  3527. item.forEach(function (items, indexs) {
  3528. var point = {};
  3529. point.x = xAxisPoints[index] + Math.round(eachSpacing / 2);
  3530. var value = items.value || items;
  3531. var height = validHeight * (value - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3532. height *= process;
  3533. point.y = opts.height - Math.round(height) - opts.area[2];
  3534. cPoints.push(point);
  3535. });
  3536. points.push(cPoints);
  3537. }
  3538. });
  3539. return points;
  3540. }
  3541. function getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config) {
  3542. var process = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : 1;
  3543. var boundaryGap = 'center';
  3544. if (opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area') {
  3545. boundaryGap = opts.xAxis.boundaryGap;
  3546. }
  3547. var points = [];
  3548. var validHeight = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  3549. data.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3550. if (item === null) {
  3551. points.push(null);
  3552. } else {
  3553. var point = {};
  3554. point.color = item.color;
  3555. point.x = xAxisPoints[index];
  3556. if (boundaryGap == 'center') {
  3557. point.x += Math.round(eachSpacing / 2);
  3558. }
  3559. var value = item;
  3560. if (typeof item === 'object' && item !== null) {
  3561. value = item.value;
  3562. }
  3563. var height = validHeight * (value - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3564. height *= process;
  3565. point.y = opts.height - Math.round(height) - opts.area[2];
  3566. points.push(point);
  3567. }
  3568. });
  3569. return points;
  3570. }
  3571. function getStackDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, seriesIndex, stackSeries) {
  3572. var process = arguments.length > 9 && arguments[9] !== undefined ? arguments[9] : 1;
  3573. var points = [];
  3574. var validHeight = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  3575. data.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3576. if (item === null) {
  3577. points.push(null);
  3578. } else {
  3579. var point = {};
  3580. point.color = item.color;
  3581. point.x = xAxisPoints[index] + Math.round(eachSpacing / 2);
  3582. if (seriesIndex > 0) {
  3583. var value = 0;
  3584. for (var i = 0; i <= seriesIndex; i++) {
  3585. value += stackSeries[i].data[index];
  3586. }
  3587. var value0 = value - item;
  3588. var height = validHeight * (value - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3589. var height0 = validHeight * (value0 - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3590. } else {
  3591. var value = item;
  3592. var height = validHeight * (value - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3593. var height0 = 0;
  3594. }
  3595. var heightc = height0;
  3596. height *= process;
  3597. heightc *= process;
  3598. point.y = opts.height - Math.round(height) - opts.area[2];
  3599. point.y0 = opts.height - Math.round(heightc) - opts.area[2];
  3600. points.push(point);
  3601. }
  3602. });
  3603. return points;
  3604. }
  3605. function getYAxisTextList(series, opts, config, stack) {
  3606. var data;
  3607. if (stack == 'stack') {
  3608. data = dataCombineStack(series, opts.categories.length);
  3609. } else {
  3610. data = dataCombine(series);
  3611. }
  3612. var sorted = [];
  3613. // remove null from data
  3614. data = data.filter(function (item) {
  3615. //return item !== null;
  3616. if (typeof item === 'object' && item !== null) {
  3617. if (Array.isArray(item)) {
  3618. return item !== null;
  3619. } else {
  3620. return item.value !== null;
  3621. }
  3622. } else {
  3623. return item !== null;
  3624. }
  3625. });
  3626. (item) {
  3627. if (typeof item === 'object') {
  3628. if (Array.isArray(item)) {
  3629. (subitem) {
  3630. sorted.push(subitem);
  3631. });
  3632. } else {
  3633. sorted.push(item.value);
  3634. }
  3635. } else {
  3636. sorted.push(item);
  3637. }
  3638. });
  3639. var minData = 0;
  3640. var maxData = 0;
  3641. if (sorted.length > 0) {
  3642. minData = Math.min.apply(this, sorted);
  3643. maxData = Math.max.apply(this, sorted);
  3644. }
  3645. if (typeof opts.yAxis.min === 'number') {
  3646. minData = Math.min(opts.yAxis.min, minData);
  3647. }
  3648. if (typeof opts.yAxis.max === 'number') {
  3649. maxData = Math.max(opts.yAxis.max, maxData);
  3650. }
  3651. if (minData === maxData) {
  3652. var rangeSpan = maxData || 10;
  3653. maxData += rangeSpan;
  3654. }
  3655. var dataRange = getDataRange(minData, maxData);
  3656. var minRange = dataRange.minRange;
  3657. var maxRange = dataRange.maxRange;
  3658. var range = [];
  3659. var eachRange = (maxRange - minRange) / config.yAxisSplit;
  3660. for (var i = 0; i <= config.yAxisSplit; i++) {
  3661. range.push(minRange + eachRange * i);
  3662. }
  3663. return range.reverse();
  3664. }
  3665. function calYAxisData(series, opts, config) {
  3666. //堆叠图重算Y轴
  3667. var columnstyle = assign({}, {
  3668. type: "" },
  3669. opts.extra.column);
  3670. var ranges = getYAxisTextList(series, opts, config, columnstyle.type);
  3671. var yAxisWidth = config.yAxisWidth;
  3672. var yAxisFontSize = opts.yAxis.fontSize || config.fontSize;
  3673. var rangesFormat = (item) {
  3674. item = util.toFixed(item, 6);
  3675. item = opts.yAxis.format ? opts.yAxis.format(Number(item)) : item;
  3676. yAxisWidth = Math.max(yAxisWidth, measureText(item, yAxisFontSize) + 5);
  3677. return item;
  3678. });
  3679. if (opts.yAxis.disabled === true) {
  3680. yAxisWidth = 0;
  3681. }
  3682. return {
  3683. rangesFormat: rangesFormat,
  3684. ranges: ranges,
  3685. yAxisWidth: yAxisWidth };
  3686. }
  3687. function calTooltipYAxisData(point, series, opts, config, eachSpacing) {
  3688. var ranges = getYAxisTextList(series, opts, config);
  3689. var spacingValid = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  3690. var maxVal = ranges[0];
  3691. var minVal = ranges[ranges.length - 1];
  3692. var minAxis = opts.padding[3];
  3693. var maxAxis = opts.padding[1] + spacingValid;
  3694. var item = maxVal - (maxVal - minVal) * (point - minAxis) / (maxAxis - minAxis);
  3695. item = opts.yAxis.format ? opts.yAxis.format(Number(item)) : item;
  3696. return item;
  3697. }
  3698. function calMarkLineData(minRange, maxRange, points, opts) {
  3699. var spacingValid = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  3700. for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  3701. var height = spacingValid * (points[i].value - minRange) / (maxRange - minRange);
  3702. points[i].y = opts.height - Math.round(height) - opts.area[2];
  3703. }
  3704. return points;
  3705. }
  3706. function contextRotate(context, opts) {
  3707. if (opts.rotateLock !== true) {
  3708. context.translate(opts.height, 0);
  3709. context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);
  3710. } else if (opts._rotate_ !== true) {
  3711. context.translate(opts.height, 0);
  3712. context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);
  3713. opts._rotate_ = true;
  3714. }
  3715. }
  3716. function drawPointShape(points, color, shape, context, opts) {
  3717. context.beginPath();
  3718. context.setStrokeStyle("#ffffff");
  3719. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  3720. context.setFillStyle(color);
  3721. if (shape === 'diamond') {
  3722. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3723. if (item !== null) {
  3724. context.moveTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
  3725. context.lineTo(item.x - 4.5, item.y);
  3726. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y + 4.5);
  3727. context.lineTo(item.x + 4.5, item.y);
  3728. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
  3729. }
  3730. });
  3731. } else if (shape === 'circle') {
  3732. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3733. if (item !== null) {
  3734. context.moveTo(item.x + 3.5 * opts.pixelRatio, item.y);
  3735. context.arc(item.x, item.y, 4 * opts.pixelRatio, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
  3736. }
  3737. });
  3738. } else if (shape === 'rect') {
  3739. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3740. if (item !== null) {
  3741. context.moveTo(item.x - 3.5, item.y - 3.5);
  3742. context.rect(item.x - 3.5, item.y - 3.5, 7, 7);
  3743. }
  3744. });
  3745. } else if (shape === 'triangle') {
  3746. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3747. if (item !== null) {
  3748. context.moveTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
  3749. context.lineTo(item.x - 4.5, item.y + 4.5);
  3750. context.lineTo(item.x + 4.5, item.y + 4.5);
  3751. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y - 4.5);
  3752. }
  3753. });
  3754. }
  3755. context.closePath();
  3756. context.fill();
  3757. context.stroke();
  3758. }
  3759. function drawRingTitle(opts, config, context, center) {
  3760. var titlefontSize = opts.title.fontSize || config.titleFontSize;
  3761. var subtitlefontSize = opts.subtitle.fontSize || config.subtitleFontSize;
  3762. var title = || '';
  3763. var subtitle = || '';
  3764. var titleFontColor = opts.title.color || config.titleColor;
  3765. var subtitleFontColor = opts.subtitle.color || config.subtitleColor;
  3766. var titleHeight = title ? titlefontSize : 0;
  3767. var subtitleHeight = subtitle ? subtitlefontSize : 0;
  3768. var margin = 5;
  3769. if (subtitle) {
  3770. var textWidth = measureText(subtitle, subtitlefontSize);
  3771. var startX = center.x - textWidth / 2 + (opts.subtitle.offsetX || 0);
  3772. var startY = center.y + subtitlefontSize / 2 + (opts.subtitle.offsetY || 0);
  3773. if (title) {
  3774. startY += (titleHeight + margin) / 2;
  3775. }
  3776. context.beginPath();
  3777. context.setFontSize(subtitlefontSize);
  3778. context.setFillStyle(subtitleFontColor);
  3779. context.fillText(subtitle, startX, startY);
  3780. context.closePath();
  3781. context.stroke();
  3782. }
  3783. if (title) {
  3784. var _textWidth = measureText(title, titlefontSize);
  3785. var _startX = center.x - _textWidth / 2 + (opts.title.offsetX || 0);
  3786. var _startY = center.y + titlefontSize / 2 + (opts.title.offsetY || 0);
  3787. if (subtitle) {
  3788. _startY -= (subtitleHeight + margin) / 2;
  3789. }
  3790. context.beginPath();
  3791. context.setFontSize(titlefontSize);
  3792. context.setFillStyle(titleFontColor);
  3793. context.fillText(title, _startX, _startY);
  3794. context.closePath();
  3795. context.stroke();
  3796. }
  3797. }
  3798. function drawPointText(points, series, config, context) {
  3799. // 绘制数据文案
  3800. var data =;
  3801. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  3802. if (item !== null) {
  3803. //var formatVal = series.format ? series.format(data[index]) : data[index];
  3804. context.beginPath();
  3805. context.setFontSize(series.textSize || config.fontSize);
  3806. context.setFillStyle(series.textColor || '#666666');
  3807. var value = data[index];
  3808. if (typeof data[index] === 'object' && data[index] !== null) {
  3809. value = data[index].value;
  3810. }
  3811. var formatVal = series.format ? series.format(value) : value;
  3812. context.fillText(String(formatVal), item.x - measureText(formatVal, series.textSize || config.fontSize) / 2, item.y -
  3813. 2);
  3814. context.closePath();
  3815. context.stroke();
  3816. }
  3817. });
  3818. }
  3819. function drawGaugeLabel(gaugeOption, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context) {
  3820. radius -= gaugeOption.width / 2 + config.gaugeLabelTextMargin;
  3821. var totalAngle = gaugeOption.startAngle - gaugeOption.endAngle + 1;
  3822. var splitAngle = totalAngle / gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber;
  3823. var totalNumber = gaugeOption.endNumber - gaugeOption.startNumber;
  3824. var splitNumber = totalNumber / gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber;
  3825. var nowAngle = gaugeOption.startAngle;
  3826. var nowNumber = gaugeOption.startNumber;
  3827. for (var i = 0; i < gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber + 1; i++) {
  3828. var pos = {
  3829. x: radius * Math.cos(nowAngle * Math.PI),
  3830. y: radius * Math.sin(nowAngle * Math.PI) };
  3831. var labelText = gaugeOption.labelFormat ? gaugeOption.labelFormat(nowNumber) : nowNumber;
  3832. pos.x += centerPosition.x - measureText(labelText) / 2;
  3833. pos.y += centerPosition.y;
  3834. var startX = pos.x;
  3835. var startY = pos.y;
  3836. context.beginPath();
  3837. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  3838. context.setFillStyle(gaugeOption.labelColor || '#666666');
  3839. context.fillText(labelText, startX, startY + config.fontSize / 2);
  3840. context.closePath();
  3841. context.stroke();
  3842. nowAngle += splitAngle;
  3843. if (nowAngle >= 2) {
  3844. nowAngle = nowAngle % 2;
  3845. }
  3846. nowNumber += splitNumber;
  3847. }
  3848. }
  3849. function drawRadarLabel(angleList, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context) {
  3850. var radarOption = opts.extra.radar || {};
  3851. radius += config.radarLabelTextMargin;
  3852. angleList.forEach(function (angle, index) {
  3853. var pos = {
  3854. x: radius * Math.cos(angle),
  3855. y: radius * Math.sin(angle) };
  3856. var posRelativeCanvas = convertCoordinateOrigin(pos.x, pos.y, centerPosition);
  3857. var startX = posRelativeCanvas.x;
  3858. var startY = posRelativeCanvas.y;
  3859. if (util.approximatelyEqual(pos.x, 0)) {
  3860. startX -= measureText(opts.categories[index] || '') / 2;
  3861. } else if (pos.x < 0) {
  3862. startX -= measureText(opts.categories[index] || '');
  3863. }
  3864. context.beginPath();
  3865. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  3866. context.setFillStyle(radarOption.labelColor || '#666666');
  3867. context.fillText(opts.categories[index] || '', startX, startY + config.fontSize / 2);
  3868. context.closePath();
  3869. context.stroke();
  3870. });
  3871. }
  3872. function drawPieText(series, opts, config, context, radius, center) {
  3873. var lineRadius = config.pieChartLinePadding;
  3874. var textObjectCollection = [];
  3875. var lastTextObject = null;
  3876. var seriesConvert = (item) {
  3877. var text = item.format ? item.format(+item._proportion_.toFixed(2)) : util.toFixed(item._proportion_.toFixed(4) * 100) + '%';
  3878. if (item._rose_proportion_) item._proportion_ = item._rose_proportion_;
  3879. var arc = 2 * Math.PI - (item._start_ + 2 * Math.PI * item._proportion_ / 2);
  3880. var color = item.color;
  3881. var radius = item._radius_;
  3882. return {
  3883. arc: arc,
  3884. text: text,
  3885. color: color,
  3886. radius: radius,
  3887. textColor: item.textColor,
  3888. textSize: item.textSize };
  3889. });
  3890. for (var i = 0; i < seriesConvert.length; i++) {
  3891. var item = seriesConvert[i];
  3892. // line end
  3893. var orginX1 = Math.cos(item.arc) * (item.radius + lineRadius);
  3894. var orginY1 = Math.sin(item.arc) * (item.radius + lineRadius);
  3895. // line start
  3896. var orginX2 = Math.cos(item.arc) * item.radius;
  3897. var orginY2 = Math.sin(item.arc) * item.radius;
  3898. // text start
  3899. var orginX3 = orginX1 >= 0 ? orginX1 + config.pieChartTextPadding : orginX1 - config.pieChartTextPadding;
  3900. var orginY3 = orginY1;
  3901. var textWidth = measureText(item.text);
  3902. var startY = orginY3;
  3903. if (lastTextObject && util.isSameXCoordinateArea(lastTextObject.start, {
  3904. x: orginX3 }))
  3905. {
  3906. if (orginX3 > 0) {
  3907. startY = Math.min(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
  3908. } else if (orginX1 < 0) {
  3909. startY = Math.max(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
  3910. } else {
  3911. if (orginY3 > 0) {
  3912. startY = Math.max(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
  3913. } else {
  3914. startY = Math.min(orginY3, lastTextObject.start.y);
  3915. }
  3916. }
  3917. }
  3918. if (orginX3 < 0) {
  3919. orginX3 -= textWidth;
  3920. }
  3921. var textObject = {
  3922. lineStart: {
  3923. x: orginX2,
  3924. y: orginY2 },
  3925. lineEnd: {
  3926. x: orginX1,
  3927. y: orginY1 },
  3928. start: {
  3929. x: orginX3,
  3930. y: startY },
  3931. width: textWidth,
  3932. height: config.fontSize,
  3933. text: item.text,
  3934. color: item.color,
  3935. textColor: item.textColor,
  3936. textSize: item.textSize };
  3937. lastTextObject = avoidCollision(textObject, lastTextObject);
  3938. textObjectCollection.push(lastTextObject);
  3939. }
  3940. for (var _i11 = 0; _i11 < textObjectCollection.length; _i11++) {
  3941. var _item6 = textObjectCollection[_i11];
  3942. var lineStartPoistion = convertCoordinateOrigin(_item6.lineStart.x, _item6.lineStart.y, center);
  3943. var lineEndPoistion = convertCoordinateOrigin(_item6.lineEnd.x, _item6.lineEnd.y, center);
  3944. var textPosition = convertCoordinateOrigin(_item6.start.x, _item6.start.y, center);
  3945. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  3946. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  3947. context.beginPath();
  3948. context.setStrokeStyle(_item6.color);
  3949. context.setFillStyle(_item6.color);
  3950. context.moveTo(lineStartPoistion.x, lineStartPoistion.y);
  3951. var curveStartX = _item6.start.x < 0 ? textPosition.x + _item6.width : textPosition.x;
  3952. var textStartX = _item6.start.x < 0 ? textPosition.x - 5 : textPosition.x + 5;
  3953. context.quadraticCurveTo(lineEndPoistion.x, lineEndPoistion.y, curveStartX, textPosition.y);
  3954. context.moveTo(lineStartPoistion.x, lineStartPoistion.y);
  3955. context.stroke();
  3956. context.closePath();
  3957. context.beginPath();
  3958. context.moveTo(textPosition.x + _item6.width, textPosition.y);
  3959. context.arc(curveStartX, textPosition.y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  3960. context.closePath();
  3961. context.fill();
  3962. context.beginPath();
  3963. context.setFontSize(_item6.textSize || config.fontSize);
  3964. context.setFillStyle(_item6.textColor || '#666666');
  3965. context.fillText(_item6.text, textStartX, textPosition.y + 3);
  3966. context.closePath();
  3967. context.stroke();
  3968. context.closePath();
  3969. }
  3970. }
  3971. function drawToolTipSplitLine(offsetX, opts, config, context) {
  3972. var toolTipOption = opts.extra.tooltip || {};
  3973. toolTipOption.gridType = toolTipOption.gridType == undefined ? 'solid' : toolTipOption.gridType;
  3974. toolTipOption.dashLength = toolTipOption.dashLength == undefined ? 4 : toolTipOption.dashLength;
  3975. var startY = opts.area[0];
  3976. var endY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  3977. if (toolTipOption.gridType == 'dash') {
  3978. context.setLineDash([toolTipOption.dashLength, toolTipOption.dashLength]);
  3979. }
  3980. context.setStrokeStyle(toolTipOption.gridColor || '#cccccc');
  3981. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  3982. context.beginPath();
  3983. context.moveTo(offsetX, startY);
  3984. context.lineTo(offsetX, endY);
  3985. context.stroke();
  3986. context.setLineDash([]);
  3987. if (toolTipOption.xAxisLabel) {
  3988. var labelText = opts.categories[opts.tooltip.index];
  3989. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  3990. var textWidth = measureText(labelText, config.fontSize);
  3991. var textX = offsetX - 0.5 * textWidth;
  3992. var textY = endY;
  3993. context.beginPath();
  3994. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(toolTipOption.labelBgColor || config.toolTipBackground, toolTipOption.labelBgOpacity || config.toolTipOpacity));
  3995. context.setStrokeStyle(toolTipOption.labelBgColor || config.toolTipBackground);
  3996. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  3997. context.rect(textX - config.toolTipPadding, textY, textWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding, config.fontSize + 2 * config.toolTipPadding);
  3998. context.closePath();
  3999. context.stroke();
  4000. context.fill();
  4001. context.beginPath();
  4002. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4003. context.setFillStyle(toolTipOption.labelFontColor || config.fontColor);
  4004. context.fillText(String(labelText), textX, textY + config.toolTipPadding + config.fontSize);
  4005. context.closePath();
  4006. context.stroke();
  4007. }
  4008. }
  4009. function drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context) {
  4010. var markLineOption = assign({}, {
  4011. type: 'solid',
  4012. dashLength: 4,
  4013. data: [] },
  4014. opts.extra.markLine);
  4015. var startX = opts.area[3];
  4016. var endX = opts.width - opts.padding[1];
  4017. var points = calMarkLineData(minRange, maxRange,, opts);
  4018. for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  4019. var item = assign({}, {
  4020. lineColor: '#DE4A42',
  4021. showLabel: false,
  4022. labelFontColor: '#666666',
  4023. labelBgColor: '#DFE8FF',
  4024. labelBgOpacity: 0.8,
  4025. yAxisIndex: 0 },
  4026. points[i]);
  4027. if (markLineOption.type == 'dash') {
  4028. context.setLineDash([markLineOption.dashLength, markLineOption.dashLength]);
  4029. }
  4030. context.setStrokeStyle(item.lineColor);
  4031. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4032. context.beginPath();
  4033. context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
  4034. context.lineTo(endX, item.y);
  4035. context.stroke();
  4036. context.setLineDash([]);
  4037. if (item.showLabel) {
  4038. var labelText = opts.yAxis.format ? opts.yAxis.format(Number(item.value)) : item.value;
  4039. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4040. var textWidth = measureText(labelText, config.fontSize);
  4041. var bgStartX = opts.padding[3] + config.yAxisTitleWidth - config.toolTipPadding;
  4042. var bgEndX = Math.max(opts.area[3], textWidth + config.toolTipPadding * 2);
  4043. var bgWidth = bgEndX - bgStartX;
  4044. var textX = bgStartX + (bgWidth - textWidth) / 2;
  4045. var textY = item.y;
  4046. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(item.labelBgColor, item.labelBgOpacity));
  4047. context.setStrokeStyle(item.labelBgColor);
  4048. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4049. context.beginPath();
  4050. context.rect(bgStartX, textY - 0.5 * config.fontSize - config.toolTipPadding, bgWidth, config.fontSize + 2 * config.toolTipPadding);
  4051. context.closePath();
  4052. context.stroke();
  4053. context.fill();
  4054. context.beginPath();
  4055. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4056. context.setFillStyle(item.labelFontColor);
  4057. context.fillText(String(labelText), textX, textY + 0.5 * config.fontSize);
  4058. context.stroke();
  4059. }
  4060. }
  4061. }
  4062. function drawToolTipHorizentalLine(opts, config, context, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints) {
  4063. var toolTipOption = assign({}, {
  4064. gridType: 'solid',
  4065. dashLength: 4 },
  4066. opts.extra.tooltip);
  4067. var startX = opts.area[3];
  4068. var endX = opts.width - opts.padding[1];
  4069. if (toolTipOption.gridType == 'dash') {
  4070. context.setLineDash([toolTipOption.dashLength, toolTipOption.dashLength]);
  4071. }
  4072. context.setStrokeStyle(toolTipOption.gridColor || '#cccccc');
  4073. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4074. context.beginPath();
  4075. context.moveTo(startX, opts.tooltip.offset.y);
  4076. context.lineTo(endX, opts.tooltip.offset.y);
  4077. context.stroke();
  4078. context.setLineDash([]);
  4079. if (toolTipOption.yAxisLabel) {
  4080. var labelText = calTooltipYAxisData(opts.tooltip.offset.y, opts.series, opts, config, eachSpacing);
  4081. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4082. var textWidth = measureText(labelText, config.fontSize);
  4083. var bgStartX = opts.padding[3] + config.yAxisTitleWidth - config.toolTipPadding;
  4084. var bgEndX = Math.max(opts.area[3], textWidth + config.toolTipPadding * 2);
  4085. var bgWidth = bgEndX - bgStartX;
  4086. var textX = bgStartX + (bgWidth - textWidth) / 2;
  4087. var textY = opts.tooltip.offset.y;
  4088. context.beginPath();
  4089. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(toolTipOption.labelBgColor || config.toolTipBackground, toolTipOption.labelBgOpacity || config.toolTipOpacity));
  4090. context.setStrokeStyle(toolTipOption.labelBgColor || config.toolTipBackground);
  4091. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4092. context.rect(bgStartX, textY - 0.5 * config.fontSize - config.toolTipPadding, bgWidth, config.fontSize + 2 * config.toolTipPadding);
  4093. context.closePath();
  4094. context.stroke();
  4095. context.fill();
  4096. context.beginPath();
  4097. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4098. context.setFillStyle(toolTipOption.labelFontColor || config.fontColor);
  4099. context.fillText(labelText, textX, textY + 0.5 * config.fontSize);
  4100. context.closePath();
  4101. context.stroke();
  4102. }
  4103. }
  4104. function drawToolTipSplitArea(offsetX, opts, config, context, eachSpacing) {
  4105. var toolTipOption = assign({}, {
  4106. activeBgColor: '#000000',
  4107. activeBgOpacity: 0.08 },
  4108. opts.extra.tooltip);
  4109. var startY = opts.area[0];
  4110. var endY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  4111. context.beginPath();
  4112. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(toolTipOption.activeBgColor, toolTipOption.activeBgOpacity));
  4113. context.rect(offsetX - eachSpacing / 2, startY, eachSpacing, endY - startY);
  4114. context.closePath();
  4115. context.fill();
  4116. }
  4117. function drawToolTip(textList, offset, opts, config, context, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints) {
  4118. var toolTipOption = assign({}, {
  4119. bgColor: '#000000',
  4120. bgOpacity: 0.7,
  4121. fontColor: '#FFFFFF' },
  4122. opts.extra.tooltip);
  4123. var legendWidth = 4 * opts.pixelRatio;
  4124. var legendMarginRight = 5 * opts.pixelRatio;
  4125. var arrowWidth = 8 * opts.pixelRatio;
  4126. var isOverRightBorder = false;
  4127. if (opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area' || opts.type == 'candle' || opts.type == 'mix') {
  4128. drawToolTipSplitLine(opts.tooltip.offset.x, opts, config, context);
  4129. }
  4130. offset = assign({
  4131. x: 0,
  4132. y: 0 },
  4133. offset);
  4134. offset.y -= 8 * opts.pixelRatio;
  4135. var textWidth = (item) {
  4136. return measureText(item.text, config.fontSize);
  4137. });
  4138. var toolTipWidth = legendWidth + legendMarginRight + 4 * config.toolTipPadding + Math.max.apply(null, textWidth);
  4139. var toolTipHeight = 2 * config.toolTipPadding + textList.length * config.toolTipLineHeight;
  4140. // if beyond the right border
  4141. if (offset.x - Math.abs(opts._scrollDistance_) + arrowWidth + toolTipWidth > opts.width) {
  4142. isOverRightBorder = true;
  4143. }
  4144. if (toolTipHeight + offset.y > opts.height) {
  4145. offset.y = opts.height - toolTipHeight;
  4146. }
  4147. // draw background rect
  4148. context.beginPath();
  4149. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(toolTipOption.bgColor || config.toolTipBackground, toolTipOption.bgOpacity || config.toolTipOpacity));
  4150. if (isOverRightBorder) {
  4151. context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4152. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4153. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y);
  4154. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth - Math.round(toolTipWidth), offset.y);
  4155. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth - Math.round(toolTipWidth), offset.y + toolTipHeight);
  4156. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y + toolTipHeight);
  4157. context.lineTo(offset.x - arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio + 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4158. context.lineTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4159. } else {
  4160. context.moveTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4161. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4162. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y);
  4163. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth + Math.round(toolTipWidth), offset.y);
  4164. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth + Math.round(toolTipWidth), offset.y + toolTipHeight);
  4165. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y + toolTipHeight);
  4166. context.lineTo(offset.x + arrowWidth, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio + 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4167. context.lineTo(offset.x, offset.y + 10 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4168. }
  4169. context.closePath();
  4170. context.fill();
  4171. // draw legend
  4172. textList.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4173. if (item.color !== null) {
  4174. context.beginPath();
  4175. context.setFillStyle(item.color);
  4176. var startX = offset.x + arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding;
  4177. var startY = offset.y + (config.toolTipLineHeight - config.fontSize) / 2 + config.toolTipLineHeight * index +
  4178. config.toolTipPadding + 1;
  4179. if (isOverRightBorder) {
  4180. startX = offset.x - toolTipWidth - arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding;
  4181. }
  4182. context.fillRect(startX, startY, legendWidth, config.fontSize);
  4183. context.closePath();
  4184. }
  4185. });
  4186. // draw text list
  4187. textList.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4188. var startX = offset.x + arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding + legendWidth + legendMarginRight;
  4189. if (isOverRightBorder) {
  4190. startX = offset.x - toolTipWidth - arrowWidth + 2 * config.toolTipPadding + +legendWidth + legendMarginRight;
  4191. }
  4192. var startY = offset.y + (config.toolTipLineHeight - config.fontSize) / 2 + config.toolTipLineHeight * index +
  4193. config.toolTipPadding;
  4194. context.beginPath();
  4195. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4196. context.setFillStyle(toolTipOption.fontColor);
  4197. context.fillText(item.text, startX, startY + config.fontSize);
  4198. context.closePath();
  4199. context.stroke();
  4200. });
  4201. }
  4202. function drawYAxisTitle(title, opts, config, context) {
  4203. var startX = config.xAxisHeight + (opts.height - config.xAxisHeight - measureText(title)) / 2;
  4205. context.beginPath();
  4206. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  4207. context.setFillStyle(opts.yAxis.titleFontColor || '#333333');
  4208. context.translate(0, opts.height);
  4209. context.rotate(-90 * Math.PI / 180);
  4210. context.fillText(title, startX, opts.padding[3] + 0.5 * config.fontSize);
  4211. context.closePath();
  4212. context.stroke();
  4213. context.restore();
  4214. }
  4215. function drawColumnDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  4216. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  4217. var ranges = [].concat(opts.chartData.yAxisData.ranges);
  4218. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4219. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4220. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4221. var columnOption = assign({}, {
  4222. type: 'group',
  4223. width: eachSpacing / 2,
  4224. meter: {
  4225. border: 4,
  4226. fillColor: '#FFFFFF' } },
  4227. opts.extra.column);
  4228. var minRange = ranges.pop();
  4229. var maxRange = ranges.shift();
  4230. var calPoints = [];
  4232. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4233. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4234. }
  4235. if (opts.tooltip && opts.tooltip.textList && opts.tooltip.textList.length && process === 1) {
  4236. drawToolTipSplitArea(opts.tooltip.offset.x, opts, config, context, eachSpacing);
  4237. }
  4238. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4239. var data =;
  4240. switch (columnOption.type) {
  4241. case 'group':
  4242. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4243. var tooltipPoints = getStackDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, seriesIndex, series, process);
  4244. calPoints.push(tooltipPoints);
  4245. points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts);
  4246. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4247. if (item !== null) {
  4248. context.beginPath();
  4249. context.setStrokeStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4250. context.setLineWidth(1);
  4251. context.setFillStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4252. var startX = item.x - item.width / 2;
  4253. var height = opts.height - item.y - opts.area[2];
  4254. context.moveTo(startX - 1, item.y);
  4255. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - 2, item.y);
  4256. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - 2, opts.height - opts.area[2]);
  4257. context.lineTo(startX, opts.height - opts.area[2]);
  4258. context.lineTo(startX, item.y);
  4259. //context.rect(startX, item.y, item.width, height);
  4260. context.closePath();
  4261. context.stroke();
  4262. context.fill();
  4263. }
  4264. });
  4265. break;
  4266. case 'stack':
  4267. // 绘制堆叠数据图
  4268. var points = getStackDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config,
  4269. seriesIndex,
  4270. series, process);
  4271. calPoints.push(points);
  4272. points = fixColumeStackData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts, series);
  4273. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4274. if (item !== null) {
  4275. context.beginPath();
  4276. context.setFillStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4277. var startX = item.x - item.width / 2 + 1;
  4278. var height = opts.height - item.y - opts.area[2];
  4279. var height0 = opts.height - item.y0 - opts.area[2];
  4280. if (seriesIndex > 0) {
  4281. height -= height0;
  4282. }
  4283. context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
  4284. context.fillRect(startX, item.y, item.width - 2, height);
  4285. context.closePath();
  4286. context.fill();
  4287. }
  4288. });
  4289. break;
  4290. case 'meter':
  4291. // 绘制温度计数据图
  4292. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4293. calPoints.push(points);
  4294. points = fixColumeMeterData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts, columnOption.meter.
  4295. border);
  4296. if (seriesIndex == 0) {
  4297. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4298. if (item !== null) {
  4299. //画背景颜色
  4300. context.beginPath();
  4301. context.setFillStyle(columnOption.meter.fillColor);
  4302. var startX = item.x - item.width / 2;
  4303. var height = opts.height - item.y - opts.area[2];
  4304. context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
  4305. context.fillRect(startX, item.y, item.width, height);
  4306. context.closePath();
  4307. context.fill();
  4308. //画边框线
  4309. if (columnOption.meter.border > 0) {
  4310. context.beginPath();
  4311. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4312. context.setLineWidth(columnOption.meter.border * opts.pixelRatio);
  4313. context.moveTo(startX + columnOption.meter.border * 0.5, item.y + height);
  4314. context.lineTo(startX + columnOption.meter.border * 0.5, item.y + columnOption.meter.border * 0.5);
  4315. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - columnOption.meter.border * 0.5, item.y + columnOption.meter.border * 0.5);
  4316. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - columnOption.meter.border * 0.5, item.y + height);
  4317. context.stroke();
  4318. }
  4319. }
  4320. });
  4321. } else {
  4322. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4323. if (item !== null) {
  4324. context.beginPath();
  4325. context.setFillStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4326. var startX = item.x - item.width / 2;
  4327. var height = opts.height - item.y - opts.area[2];
  4328. context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
  4329. context.fillRect(startX, item.y, item.width, height);
  4330. context.closePath();
  4331. context.fill();
  4332. }
  4333. });
  4334. }
  4335. break;}
  4336. });
  4337. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  4338. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4339. var data =;
  4340. switch (columnOption.type) {
  4341. case 'group':
  4342. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4343. points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, series.length, seriesIndex, config, opts);
  4344. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4345. break;
  4346. case 'stack':
  4347. var points = getStackDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config,
  4348. seriesIndex,
  4349. series, process);
  4350. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4351. break;
  4352. case 'meter':
  4353. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4354. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4355. break;}
  4356. });
  4357. }
  4358. context.restore();
  4359. return {
  4360. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  4361. calPoints: calPoints,
  4362. eachSpacing: eachSpacing,
  4363. minRange: minRange,
  4364. maxRange: maxRange };
  4365. }
  4366. function drawCandleDataPoints(series, seriesMA, opts, config, context) {
  4367. var process = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 1;
  4368. var candleOption = assign({}, {
  4369. color: {},
  4370. average: {} },
  4371. opts.extra.candle);
  4372. candleOption.color = assign({}, {
  4373. upLine: '#f04864',
  4374. upFill: '#f04864',
  4375. downLine: '#2fc25b',
  4376. downFill: '#2fc25b' },
  4377. candleOption.color);
  4378. candleOption.average = assign({}, {
  4379. show: false,
  4380. name: [],
  4381. day: [],
  4382. color: config.colors },
  4383. candleOption.average);
  4384. opts.extra.candle = candleOption;
  4385. var ranges = [].concat(opts.chartData.yAxisData.ranges);
  4386. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4387. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4388. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4389. var minRange = ranges.pop();
  4390. var maxRange = ranges.shift();
  4391. var calPoints = [];
  4393. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4394. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4395. }
  4396. //画均线
  4397. if ( {
  4398. seriesMA.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4399. var data =;
  4400. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4401. //calPoints.push(points);
  4402. var splitPointList = splitPoints(points);
  4403. splitPointList.forEach(function (points, index) {
  4404. context.beginPath();
  4405. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4406. context.setLineWidth(1);
  4407. if (points.length === 1) {
  4408. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4409. context.arc(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  4410. } else {
  4411. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4412. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4413. if (index > 0) {
  4414. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4415. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y,
  4416. item.x, item.
  4417. y);
  4418. }
  4419. });
  4420. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4421. }
  4422. context.closePath();
  4423. context.stroke();
  4424. });
  4425. });
  4426. }
  4427. //画K线
  4428. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4429. var data =;
  4430. var points = getCandleDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4431. calPoints.push(points);
  4432. var splitPointList = splitPoints(points);
  4433. splitPointList = splitPointList[0];
  4434. splitPointList.forEach(function (points, index) {
  4435. context.beginPath();
  4436. //如果上涨
  4437. if (data[index][1] - data[index][0] > 0) {
  4438. context.setStrokeStyle(candleOption.color.upLine);
  4439. context.setFillStyle(candleOption.color.upFill);
  4440. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4441. context.moveTo(points[3].x, points[3].y); //顶点
  4442. context.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y); //收盘中间点
  4443. context.lineTo(points[1].x - eachSpacing / 4, points[1].y); //收盘左侧点
  4444. context.lineTo(points[0].x - eachSpacing / 4, points[0].y); //开盘左侧点
  4445. context.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); //开盘中间点
  4446. context.lineTo(points[2].x, points[2].y); //底点
  4447. context.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); //开盘中间点
  4448. context.lineTo(points[0].x + eachSpacing / 4, points[0].y); //开盘右侧点
  4449. context.lineTo(points[1].x + eachSpacing / 4, points[1].y); //收盘右侧点
  4450. context.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y); //收盘中间点
  4451. context.moveTo(points[3].x, points[3].y); //顶点
  4452. } else {
  4453. context.setStrokeStyle(candleOption.color.downLine);
  4454. context.setFillStyle(candleOption.color.downFill);
  4455. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4456. context.moveTo(points[3].x, points[3].y); //顶点
  4457. context.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); //开盘中间点
  4458. context.lineTo(points[0].x - eachSpacing / 4, points[0].y); //开盘左侧点
  4459. context.lineTo(points[1].x - eachSpacing / 4, points[1].y); //收盘左侧点
  4460. context.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y); //收盘中间点
  4461. context.lineTo(points[2].x, points[2].y); //底点
  4462. context.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y); //收盘中间点
  4463. context.lineTo(points[1].x + eachSpacing / 4, points[1].y); //收盘右侧点
  4464. context.lineTo(points[0].x + eachSpacing / 4, points[0].y); //开盘右侧点
  4465. context.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); //开盘中间点
  4466. context.moveTo(points[3].x, points[3].y); //顶点
  4467. }
  4468. context.closePath();
  4469. context.fill();
  4470. context.stroke();
  4471. });
  4472. });
  4473. context.restore();
  4474. return {
  4475. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  4476. calPoints: calPoints,
  4477. eachSpacing: eachSpacing,
  4478. minRange: minRange,
  4479. maxRange: maxRange };
  4480. }
  4481. function drawAreaDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  4482. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  4483. var areaOption = assign({}, {
  4484. type: 'straight',
  4485. opacity: 0.2,
  4486. addLine: false,
  4487. width: 2 },
  4488. opts.extra.area);
  4489. var ranges = [].concat(opts.chartData.yAxisData.ranges);
  4490. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4491. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4492. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4493. var minRange = ranges.pop();
  4494. var maxRange = ranges.shift();
  4495. var endY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  4496. var calPoints = [];
  4498. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4499. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4500. }
  4501. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4502. var data =;
  4503. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4504. calPoints.push(points);
  4505. var splitPointList = splitPoints(points);var _loop3 = function _loop3(
  4506. i) {
  4507. var points = splitPointList[i];
  4508. // 绘制区域数
  4509. context.beginPath();
  4510. context.setStrokeStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, areaOption.opacity));
  4511. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, areaOption.opacity));
  4512. context.setLineWidth(areaOption.width * opts.pixelRatio);
  4513. if (points.length > 1) {
  4514. var firstPoint = points[0];
  4515. var lastPoint = points[points.length - 1];
  4516. context.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
  4517. if (areaOption.type === 'curve') {
  4518. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4519. if (index > 0) {
  4520. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4521. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y, item.x, item.y);
  4522. }
  4523. });
  4524. } else {
  4525. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4526. if (index > 0) {
  4527. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
  4528. }
  4529. });
  4530. }
  4531. context.lineTo(lastPoint.x, endY);
  4532. context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, endY);
  4533. context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
  4534. } else {
  4535. var item = points[0];
  4536. context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4537. context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4538. context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, endY);
  4539. context.lineTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, endY);
  4540. context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4541. }
  4542. context.closePath();
  4543. context.fill();
  4544. //画连线
  4545. if (areaOption.addLine) {
  4546. context.beginPath();
  4547. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4548. context.setLineWidth(areaOption.width * opts.pixelRatio);
  4549. if (points.length === 1) {
  4550. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4551. context.arc(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  4552. } else {
  4553. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4554. if (areaOption.type === 'curve') {
  4555. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4556. if (index > 0) {
  4557. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4558. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y, item.x, item.y);
  4559. }
  4560. });
  4561. } else {
  4562. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4563. if (index > 0) {
  4564. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
  4565. }
  4566. });
  4567. }
  4568. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4569. }
  4570. context.closePath();
  4571. context.stroke();
  4572. }};for (var i = 0; i < splitPointList.length; i++) {_loop3(i);
  4573. }
  4574. //画点
  4575. if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
  4576. var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
  4577. drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context, opts);
  4578. }
  4579. });
  4580. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  4581. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4582. var data =;
  4583. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4584. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4585. });
  4586. }
  4587. context.restore();
  4588. return {
  4589. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  4590. calPoints: calPoints,
  4591. eachSpacing: eachSpacing,
  4592. minRange: minRange,
  4593. maxRange: maxRange };
  4594. }
  4595. function drawLineDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  4596. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  4597. var lineOption = opts.extra.line || {
  4598. type: 'straight',
  4599. width: 2 };
  4600. lineOption.type = lineOption.type ? lineOption.type : 'straight';
  4601. lineOption.width = lineOption.width ? lineOption.width : 2;
  4602. var ranges = [].concat(opts.chartData.yAxisData.ranges);
  4603. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4604. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4605. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4606. var minRange = ranges.pop();
  4607. var maxRange = ranges.shift();
  4608. var calPoints = [];
  4610. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4611. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4612. }
  4613. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4614. var data =;
  4615. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4616. calPoints.push(points);
  4617. var splitPointList = splitPoints(points);
  4618. splitPointList.forEach(function (points, index) {
  4619. context.beginPath();
  4620. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4621. context.setLineWidth(lineOption.width * opts.pixelRatio);
  4622. if (points.length === 1) {
  4623. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4624. context.arc(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  4625. } else {
  4626. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4627. if (lineOption.type === 'curve') {
  4628. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4629. if (index > 0) {
  4630. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4631. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y,
  4632. item.x, item.
  4633. y);
  4634. }
  4635. });
  4636. } else {
  4637. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4638. if (index > 0) {
  4639. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
  4640. }
  4641. });
  4642. }
  4643. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4644. }
  4645. context.closePath();
  4646. context.stroke();
  4647. });
  4648. if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
  4649. var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
  4650. drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context, opts);
  4651. }
  4652. });
  4653. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  4654. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4655. var data =;
  4656. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4657. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4658. });
  4659. }
  4660. context.restore();
  4661. return {
  4662. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  4663. calPoints: calPoints,
  4664. eachSpacing: eachSpacing,
  4665. minRange: minRange,
  4666. maxRange: maxRange };
  4667. }
  4668. function drawMixDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  4669. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  4670. var ranges = [].concat(opts.chartData.yAxisData.ranges);
  4671. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4672. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4673. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4674. var minRange = ranges.pop();
  4675. var maxRange = ranges.shift();
  4676. var endY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  4677. var calPoints = [];
  4678. var columnIndex = 0;
  4679. var columnLength = 0;
  4680. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4681. if (eachSeries.type == 'column') {
  4682. columnLength += 1;
  4683. }
  4684. });
  4686. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4687. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4688. }
  4689. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4690. var data =;
  4691. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4692. calPoints.push(points);
  4693. // 绘制柱状数据图
  4694. if (eachSeries.type == 'column') {
  4695. points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, columnLength, columnIndex, config, opts);
  4696. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4697. if (item !== null) {
  4698. context.beginPath();
  4699. context.setStrokeStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4700. context.setLineWidth(1);
  4701. context.setFillStyle(item.color || eachSeries.color);
  4702. var startX = item.x - item.width / 2;
  4703. var height = opts.height - item.y - opts.area[2];
  4704. context.moveTo(startX, item.y);
  4705. context.moveTo(startX - 1, item.y);
  4706. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - 2, item.y);
  4707. context.lineTo(startX + item.width - 2, opts.height - opts.area[2]);
  4708. context.lineTo(startX, opts.height - opts.area[2]);
  4709. context.lineTo(startX, item.y);
  4710. //context.rect(startX, item.y, item.width, height);
  4711. context.closePath();
  4712. context.stroke();
  4713. context.fill();
  4714. context.closePath();
  4715. context.fill();
  4716. }
  4717. });
  4718. columnIndex += 1;
  4719. }
  4720. //绘制区域图数据
  4721. if (eachSeries.type == 'area') {
  4722. var _splitPointList = splitPoints(points);var _loop4 = function _loop4(
  4723. i) {
  4724. var points = _splitPointList[i];
  4725. // 绘制区域数据
  4726. context.beginPath();
  4727. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4728. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, 0.2));
  4729. context.setLineWidth(2 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4730. if (points.length > 1) {
  4731. firstPoint = points[0];
  4732. var lastPoint = points[points.length - 1];
  4733. context.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
  4734. if ( === 'curve') {
  4735. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4736. if (index > 0) {
  4737. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4738. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y, item.x, item.y);
  4739. }
  4740. });
  4741. } else {
  4742. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4743. if (index > 0) {
  4744. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
  4745. }
  4746. });
  4747. }
  4748. context.lineTo(lastPoint.x, endY);
  4749. context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, endY);
  4750. context.lineTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
  4751. } else {
  4752. var item = points[0];
  4753. context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4754. context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4755. context.lineTo(item.x + eachSpacing / 2, endY);
  4756. context.lineTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, endY);
  4757. context.moveTo(item.x - eachSpacing / 2, item.y);
  4758. }
  4759. context.closePath();
  4760. context.fill();};for (var i = 0; i < _splitPointList.length; i++) {var firstPoint;_loop4(i);
  4761. }
  4762. }
  4763. // 绘制折线数据图
  4764. if (eachSeries.type == 'line') {
  4765. var splitPointList = splitPoints(points);
  4766. splitPointList.forEach(function (points, index) {
  4767. context.beginPath();
  4768. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4769. context.setLineWidth(2 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4770. if (points.length === 1) {
  4771. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4772. context.arc(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  4773. } else {
  4774. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4775. if ( == 'curve') {
  4776. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4777. if (index > 0) {
  4778. var ctrlPoint = createCurveControlPoints(points, index - 1);
  4779. context.bezierCurveTo(ctrlPoint.ctrA.x, ctrlPoint.ctrA.y, ctrlPoint.ctrB.x, ctrlPoint.ctrB.y,
  4780. item.x,
  4781. item.y);
  4782. }
  4783. });
  4784. } else {
  4785. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4786. if (index > 0) {
  4787. context.lineTo(item.x, item.y);
  4788. }
  4789. });
  4790. }
  4791. context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
  4792. }
  4793. context.closePath();
  4794. context.stroke();
  4795. });
  4796. }
  4797. // 绘制点数据图
  4798. if (eachSeries.type == 'point') {
  4799. points.forEach(function (pointsa, index) {
  4800. if (pointsa) {
  4801. context.beginPath();
  4802. context.setFillStyle(eachSeries.color);
  4803. context.setStrokeStyle('#FFFFFF');
  4804. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4805. context.moveTo(pointsa.x + 3.5 * opts.pixelRatio, pointsa.y);
  4806. context.arc(pointsa.x, pointsa.y, 4 * opts.pixelRatio, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  4807. context.closePath();
  4808. context.fill();
  4809. context.stroke();
  4810. }
  4811. });
  4812. }
  4813. if (eachSeries.addPoint == true && eachSeries.type !== 'column') {
  4814. var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
  4815. drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context, opts);
  4816. }
  4817. });
  4818. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  4819. var columnIndex = 0;
  4820. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  4821. var data =;
  4822. var points = getDataPoints(data, minRange, maxRange, xAxisPoints, eachSpacing, opts, config, process);
  4823. if (eachSeries.type !== 'column') {
  4824. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4825. } else {
  4826. points = fixColumeData(points, eachSpacing, columnLength, columnIndex, config, opts);
  4827. drawPointText(points, eachSeries, config, context);
  4828. columnIndex += 1;
  4829. }
  4830. });
  4831. }
  4832. context.restore();
  4833. return {
  4834. xAxisPoints: xAxisPoints,
  4835. calPoints: calPoints,
  4836. eachSpacing: eachSpacing,
  4837. minRange: minRange,
  4838. maxRange: maxRange };
  4839. }
  4840. function drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints) {
  4841. var toolTipOption = opts.extra.tooltip || {};
  4842. if (toolTipOption.horizentalLine && opts.tooltip && process === 1 && (opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area' || opts.type == 'column' || opts.type == 'candle' || opts.type == 'mix')) {
  4843. drawToolTipHorizentalLine(opts, config, context, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  4844. }
  4846. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0 && opts.enableScroll === true) {
  4847. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4848. }
  4849. if (opts.tooltip && opts.tooltip.textList && opts.tooltip.textList.length && process === 1) {
  4850. drawToolTip(opts.tooltip.textList, opts.tooltip.offset, opts, config, context, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  4851. }
  4852. context.restore();
  4853. }
  4854. function drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context) {
  4855. var xAxisData = opts.chartData.xAxisData,
  4856. xAxisPoints = xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  4857. startX = xAxisData.startX,
  4858. endX = xAxisData.endX,
  4859. eachSpacing = xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  4860. var boundaryGap = 'center';
  4861. if (opts.type == 'line' || opts.type == 'area') {
  4862. boundaryGap = opts.xAxis.boundaryGap;
  4863. }
  4864. var startY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  4865. var endY = opts.area[0];
  4866. //绘制滚动条
  4867. if (opts.enableScroll && opts.xAxis.scrollShow) {
  4868. var scrollY = opts.height - opts.area[2] + config.xAxisHeight;
  4869. var scrollScreenWidth = endX - startX;
  4870. var scrollTotalWidth = eachSpacing * (xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  4871. var scrollWidth = scrollScreenWidth * scrollScreenWidth / scrollTotalWidth;
  4872. var scrollLeft = 0;
  4873. if (opts._scrollDistance_) {
  4874. scrollLeft = -opts._scrollDistance_ * scrollScreenWidth / scrollTotalWidth;
  4875. }
  4876. context.beginPath();
  4877. context.setLineCap('round');
  4878. context.setLineWidth(6 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4879. context.setStrokeStyle(opts.xAxis.scrollBackgroundColor || "#EFEBEF");
  4880. context.moveTo(startX, scrollY);
  4881. context.lineTo(endX, scrollY);
  4882. context.stroke();
  4883. context.closePath();
  4884. context.beginPath();
  4885. context.setLineCap('round');
  4886. context.setLineWidth(6 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4887. context.setStrokeStyle(opts.xAxis.scrollColor || "#A6A6A6");
  4888. context.moveTo(startX + scrollLeft, scrollY);
  4889. context.lineTo(startX + scrollLeft + scrollWidth, scrollY);
  4890. context.stroke();
  4891. context.closePath();
  4892. context.setLineCap('butt');
  4893. }
  4895. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0) {
  4896. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  4897. }
  4898. if (opts.xAxis.disableGrid !== true) {
  4899. context.setStrokeStyle(opts.xAxis.gridColor || "#cccccc");
  4900. context.setLineCap('butt');
  4901. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4902. if (opts.xAxis.gridType == 'dash') {
  4903. context.setLineDash([opts.xAxis.dashLength, opts.xAxis.dashLength]);
  4904. }
  4905. if (opts.xAxis.type === 'calibration') {
  4906. xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4907. if (index > 0) {
  4908. context.beginPath();
  4909. context.moveTo(item - eachSpacing / 2, startY);
  4910. context.lineTo(item - eachSpacing / 2, startY + 4 * opts.pixelRatio);
  4911. context.closePath();
  4912. context.stroke();
  4913. }
  4914. });
  4915. } else {
  4916. opts.xAxis.gridEval = opts.xAxis.gridEval || 1;
  4917. xAxisPoints.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4918. if (index % opts.xAxis.gridEval == 0) {
  4919. context.beginPath();
  4920. context.moveTo(item, startY);
  4921. context.lineTo(item, endY);
  4922. context.stroke();
  4923. }
  4924. });
  4925. }
  4926. context.setLineDash([]);
  4927. }
  4928. //不绘制X轴
  4929. if (opts.xAxis.disabled !== true) {
  4930. // 对X轴列表做抽稀处理
  4931. var validWidth = opts.width - opts.padding[1] - opts.padding[3] - config.yAxisWidth - config.yAxisTitleWidth;
  4932. //默认全部显示X轴标签
  4933. var maxXAxisListLength = categories.length;
  4934. //如果设置了X轴单屏数量
  4935. if (opts.xAxis.labelCount) {
  4936. //如果设置X轴密度
  4937. if (opts.xAxis.itemCount) {
  4938. maxXAxisListLength = Math.ceil(categories.length / opts.xAxis.itemCount * opts.xAxis.labelCount);
  4939. } else {
  4940. maxXAxisListLength = opts.xAxis.labelCount;
  4941. }
  4942. maxXAxisListLength -= 1;
  4943. }
  4944. var ratio = Math.ceil(categories.length / maxXAxisListLength);
  4945. var newCategories = [];
  4946. var cgLength = categories.length;
  4947. for (var i = 0; i < cgLength; i++) {
  4948. if (i % ratio !== 0) {
  4949. newCategories.push("");
  4950. } else {
  4951. newCategories.push(categories[i]);
  4952. }
  4953. }
  4954. newCategories[cgLength - 1] = categories[cgLength - 1];
  4955. var xAxisFontSize = opts.xAxis.fontSize || config.fontSize;
  4956. if (config._xAxisTextAngle_ === 0) {
  4957. newCategories.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4958. var offset = -measureText(item, xAxisFontSize) / 2;
  4959. if (boundaryGap == 'center') {
  4960. offset += eachSpacing / 2;
  4961. }
  4962. context.beginPath();
  4963. context.setFontSize(xAxisFontSize);
  4964. context.setFillStyle(opts.xAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
  4965. context.fillText(item, xAxisPoints[index] + offset, startY + xAxisFontSize + (config.xAxisHeight - xAxisFontSize) / 2);
  4966. context.closePath();
  4967. context.stroke();
  4968. });
  4969. } else {
  4970. newCategories.forEach(function (item, index) {
  4972. context.beginPath();
  4973. context.setFontSize(xAxisFontSize);
  4974. context.setFillStyle(opts.xAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
  4975. var textWidth = measureText(item);
  4976. var offset = -textWidth;
  4977. if (boundaryGap == 'center') {
  4978. offset += eachSpacing / 2;
  4979. }
  4980. var _calRotateTranslate = calRotateTranslate(xAxisPoints[index] + eachSpacing / 2, startY + xAxisFontSize / 2 + 5, opts.height),
  4981. transX = _calRotateTranslate.transX,
  4982. transY = _calRotateTranslate.transY;
  4983. context.rotate(-1 * config._xAxisTextAngle_);
  4984. context.translate(transX, transY);
  4985. context.fillText(item, xAxisPoints[index] + offset, startY + xAxisFontSize + 5);
  4986. context.closePath();
  4987. context.stroke();
  4988. context.restore();
  4989. });
  4990. }
  4991. }
  4992. context.restore();
  4993. }
  4994. function drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context) {
  4995. if (opts.yAxis.disableGrid === true) {
  4996. return;
  4997. }
  4998. var spacingValid = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  4999. var eachSpacing = spacingValid / config.yAxisSplit;
  5000. var startX = opts.area[3];
  5001. var xAxisPoints = opts.chartData.xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  5002. xAxiseachSpacing = opts.chartData.xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  5003. var TotalWidth = xAxiseachSpacing * (xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  5004. var endX = startX + TotalWidth;
  5005. var points = [];
  5006. for (var i = 0; i < config.yAxisSplit + 1; i++) {
  5007. points.push(opts.height - opts.area[2] - eachSpacing * i);
  5008. }
  5010. if (opts._scrollDistance_ && opts._scrollDistance_ !== 0) {
  5011. context.translate(opts._scrollDistance_, 0);
  5012. }
  5013. if (opts.yAxis.gridType == 'dash') {
  5014. context.setLineDash([opts.yAxis.dashLength, opts.yAxis.dashLength]);
  5015. }
  5016. context.setStrokeStyle(opts.yAxis.gridColor || "#cccccc");
  5017. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5018. points.forEach(function (item, index) {
  5019. context.beginPath();
  5020. context.moveTo(startX, item);
  5021. context.lineTo(endX, item);
  5022. context.stroke();
  5023. });
  5024. context.setLineDash([]);
  5025. context.restore();
  5026. }
  5027. function drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context) {
  5028. if (opts.yAxis.disabled === true) {
  5029. return;
  5030. }
  5031. var rangesFormat = opts.chartData.yAxisData.rangesFormat;
  5032. var spacingValid = opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2];
  5033. var eachSpacing = Math.floor(spacingValid / config.yAxisSplit);
  5034. var startX = opts.area[3];
  5035. var endX = opts.width - opts.area[1];
  5036. var endY = opts.height - opts.area[2];
  5037. var fillEndY = endY + config.xAxisHeight;
  5038. if (opts.xAxis.scrollShow) {
  5039. fillEndY -= 3 * opts.pixelRatio;
  5040. }
  5041. // set YAxis background
  5042. context.beginPath();
  5043. context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#ffffff');
  5044. if (opts._scrollDistance_ < 0) {
  5045. context.fillRect(0, 0, startX, fillEndY);
  5046. }
  5047. if (opts.enableScroll == true) {
  5048. context.fillRect(endX, 0, opts.width, fillEndY);
  5049. }
  5050. context.closePath();
  5051. context.stroke();
  5052. var points = [];
  5053. for (var i = 0; i <= config.yAxisSplit; i++) {
  5054. points.push(opts.area[0] + eachSpacing * i);
  5055. }
  5056. var yAxisFontSize = opts.yAxis.fontSize || config.fontSize;
  5057. rangesFormat.forEach(function (item, index) {
  5058. var pos = points[index] ? points[index] : endY;
  5059. context.beginPath();
  5060. context.setFontSize(yAxisFontSize);
  5061. context.setFillStyle(opts.yAxis.fontColor || '#666666');
  5062. context.fillText(String(item), opts.area[3] - config.yAxisWidth, pos + yAxisFontSize / 2);
  5063. context.closePath();
  5064. context.stroke();
  5065. });
  5066. if (opts.yAxis.title) {
  5067. drawYAxisTitle(opts.yAxis.title, opts, config, context);
  5068. }
  5069. }
  5070. function drawLegend(series, opts, config, context, chartData) {
  5071. if ( === false) {
  5072. return;
  5073. }
  5074. var legendData = chartData.legendData;
  5075. var legendList = legendData.points;
  5076. var legendArea = legendData.area;
  5077. var padding = opts.legend.padding;
  5078. var fontSize = opts.legend.fontSize;
  5079. var shapeWidth = 15 * opts.pixelRatio;
  5080. var shapeRight = 5 * opts.pixelRatio;
  5081. var itemGap = opts.legend.itemGap;
  5082. var lineHeight = Math.max(opts.legend.lineHeight * opts.pixelRatio, fontSize);
  5083. //画背景及边框
  5084. context.beginPath();
  5085. context.setLineWidth(opts.legend.borderWidth);
  5086. context.setStrokeStyle(opts.legend.borderColor);
  5087. context.setFillStyle(opts.legend.backgroundColor);
  5088. context.moveTo(legendArea.start.x, legendArea.start.y);
  5089. context.rect(legendArea.start.x, legendArea.start.y, legendArea.width, legendArea.height);
  5090. context.closePath();
  5091. context.fill();
  5092. context.stroke();
  5093. legendList.forEach(function (itemList, listIndex) {
  5094. var width = 0;
  5095. var height = 0;
  5096. width = legendData.widthArr[listIndex];
  5097. height = legendData.heightArr[listIndex];
  5098. var startX = 0;
  5099. var startY = 0;
  5100. if (opts.legend.position == 'top' || opts.legend.position == 'bottom') {
  5101. startX = legendArea.start.x + (legendArea.width - width) / 2;
  5102. startY = legendArea.start.y + padding + listIndex * lineHeight;
  5103. } else {
  5104. if (listIndex == 0) {
  5105. width = 0;
  5106. } else {
  5107. width = legendData.widthArr[listIndex - 1];
  5108. }
  5109. startX = legendArea.start.x + padding + width;
  5110. startY = legendArea.start.y + padding + (legendArea.height - height) / 2;
  5111. }
  5112. context.setFontSize(config.fontSize);
  5113. for (var i = 0; i < itemList.length; i++) {
  5114. var item = itemList[i];
  5115. item.area = [0, 0, 0, 0];
  5116. item.area[0] = startX;
  5117. item.area[1] = startY;
  5118. item.area[3] = startY + lineHeight;
  5119. context.beginPath();
  5120. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5121. context.setStrokeStyle( ? item.color : opts.legend.hiddenColor);
  5122. context.setFillStyle( ? item.color : opts.legend.hiddenColor);
  5123. switch (item.legendShape) {
  5124. case 'line':
  5125. context.moveTo(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 2 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5126. context.fillRect(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 2 * opts.pixelRatio, 15 * opts.pixelRatio, 4 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5127. break;
  5128. case 'triangle':
  5129. context.moveTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5130. context.lineTo(startX + 2.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight + 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5131. context.lineTo(startX + 12.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight + 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5132. context.lineTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5133. break;
  5134. case 'diamond':
  5135. context.moveTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5136. context.lineTo(startX + 2.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight);
  5137. context.lineTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight + 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5138. context.lineTo(startX + 12.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight);
  5139. context.lineTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5140. break;
  5141. case 'circle':
  5142. context.moveTo(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight);
  5143. context.arc(startX + 7.5 * opts.pixelRatio, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight, 5 * opts.pixelRatio, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  5144. break;
  5145. case 'rect':
  5146. context.moveTo(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5147. context.fillRect(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio, 15 * opts.pixelRatio, 10 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5148. break;
  5149. default:
  5150. context.moveTo(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5151. context.fillRect(startX, startY + 0.5 * lineHeight - 5 * opts.pixelRatio, 15 * opts.pixelRatio, 10 * opts.pixelRatio);}
  5152. context.closePath();
  5153. context.fill();
  5154. context.stroke();
  5155. startX += shapeWidth + shapeRight;
  5156. var fontTrans = 0.5 * lineHeight + 0.5 * fontSize - 2;
  5157. context.beginPath();
  5158. context.setFontSize(fontSize);
  5159. context.setFillStyle( ? opts.legend.fontColor : opts.legend.hiddenColor);
  5160. context.fillText(, startX, startY + fontTrans);
  5161. context.closePath();
  5162. context.stroke();
  5163. if (opts.legend.position == 'top' || opts.legend.position == 'bottom') {
  5164. startX += measureText(, fontSize) + itemGap;
  5165. item.area[2] = startX;
  5166. } else {
  5167. item.area[2] = startX + measureText(, fontSize) + itemGap;;
  5168. startX -= shapeWidth + shapeRight;
  5169. startY += lineHeight;
  5170. }
  5171. }
  5172. });
  5173. }
  5174. function drawPieDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5175. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5176. var pieOption = assign({}, {
  5177. activeOpacity: 0.5,
  5178. activeRadius: 10 * opts.pixelRatio,
  5179. offsetAngle: 0,
  5180. labelWidth: 15 * opts.pixelRatio,
  5181. ringWidth: 0,
  5182. border: false,
  5183. borderWidth: 2,
  5184. borderColor: '#FFFFFF' },
  5185. opts.extra.pie);
  5186. var centerPosition = {
  5187. x: opts.area[3] + (opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2,
  5188. y: opts.area[0] + (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 };
  5189. if (config.pieChartLinePadding == 0) {
  5190. config.pieChartLinePadding = pieOption.activeRadius;
  5191. }
  5192. var radius = Math.min((opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2 - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding - config._pieTextMaxLength_, (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding);
  5193. series = getPieDataPoints(series, radius, process);
  5194. var activeRadius = pieOption.activeRadius;
  5195. series = (eachSeries) {
  5196. eachSeries._start_ += pieOption.offsetAngle * Math.PI / 180;
  5197. return eachSeries;
  5198. });
  5199. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  5200. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5201. if (opts.tooltip.index == seriesIndex) {
  5202. context.beginPath();
  5203. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, opts.extra.pie.activeOpacity || 0.5));
  5204. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5205. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, eachSeries._radius_ + activeRadius, eachSeries._start_,
  5206. eachSeries._start_ + 2 *
  5207. eachSeries._proportion_ * Math.PI);
  5208. context.closePath();
  5209. context.fill();
  5210. }
  5211. }
  5212. context.beginPath();
  5213. context.setLineWidth(pieOption.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio);
  5214. context.lineJoin = "round";
  5215. context.setStrokeStyle(pieOption.borderColor);
  5216. context.setFillStyle(eachSeries.color);
  5217. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5218. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, eachSeries._radius_, eachSeries._start_, eachSeries._start_ + 2 * eachSeries._proportion_ * Math.PI);
  5219. context.closePath();
  5220. context.fill();
  5221. if (pieOption.border == true) {
  5222. context.stroke();
  5223. }
  5224. });
  5225. if (opts.type === 'ring') {
  5226. var innerPieWidth = radius * 0.6;
  5227. if (typeof opts.extra.pie.ringWidth === 'number' && opts.extra.pie.ringWidth > 0) {
  5228. innerPieWidth = Math.max(0, radius - opts.extra.pie.ringWidth);
  5229. }
  5230. context.beginPath();
  5231. context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#ffffff');
  5232. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5233. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, innerPieWidth, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  5234. context.closePath();
  5235. context.fill();
  5236. }
  5237. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  5238. var valid = false;
  5239. for (var i = 0, len = series.length; i < len; i++) {
  5240. if (series[i].data > 0) {
  5241. valid = true;
  5242. break;
  5243. }
  5244. }
  5245. if (valid) {
  5246. drawPieText(series, opts, config, context, radius, centerPosition);
  5247. }
  5248. }
  5249. if (process === 1 && opts.type === 'ring') {
  5250. drawRingTitle(opts, config, context, centerPosition);
  5251. }
  5252. return {
  5253. center: centerPosition,
  5254. radius: radius,
  5255. series: series };
  5256. }
  5257. function drawRoseDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5258. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5259. var roseOption = assign({}, {
  5260. type: 'area',
  5261. activeOpacity: 0.5,
  5262. activeRadius: 10 * opts.pixelRatio,
  5263. offsetAngle: 0,
  5264. labelWidth: 15 * opts.pixelRatio,
  5265. border: false,
  5266. borderWidth: 2,
  5267. borderColor: '#FFFFFF' },
  5268. opts.extra.rose);
  5269. if (config.pieChartLinePadding == 0) {
  5270. config.pieChartLinePadding = roseOption.activeRadius;
  5271. }
  5272. var centerPosition = {
  5273. x: opts.area[3] + (opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2,
  5274. y: opts.area[0] + (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 };
  5275. var radius = Math.min((opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2 - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding - config._pieTextMaxLength_, (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 - config.pieChartLinePadding - config.pieChartTextPadding);
  5276. var minRadius = roseOption.minRadius || radius * 0.5;
  5277. series = getRoseDataPoints(series, roseOption.type, minRadius, radius, process);
  5278. var activeRadius = roseOption.activeRadius;
  5279. series = (eachSeries) {
  5280. eachSeries._start_ += (roseOption.offsetAngle || 0) * Math.PI / 180;
  5281. return eachSeries;
  5282. });
  5283. series.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  5284. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5285. if (opts.tooltip.index == seriesIndex) {
  5286. context.beginPath();
  5287. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, roseOption.activeOpacity || 0.5));
  5288. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5289. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, activeRadius + eachSeries._radius_, eachSeries._start_,
  5290. eachSeries._start_ + 2 * eachSeries._rose_proportion_ * Math.PI);
  5291. context.closePath();
  5292. context.fill();
  5293. }
  5294. }
  5295. context.beginPath();
  5296. context.setLineWidth(roseOption.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio);
  5297. context.lineJoin = "round";
  5298. context.setStrokeStyle(roseOption.borderColor);
  5299. context.setFillStyle(eachSeries.color);
  5300. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5301. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, eachSeries._radius_, eachSeries._start_, eachSeries._start_ + 2 *
  5302. eachSeries._rose_proportion_ * Math.PI);
  5303. context.closePath();
  5304. context.fill();
  5305. if (roseOption.border == true) {
  5306. context.stroke();
  5307. }
  5308. });
  5309. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  5310. var valid = false;
  5311. for (var i = 0, len = series.length; i < len; i++) {
  5312. if (series[i].data > 0) {
  5313. valid = true;
  5314. break;
  5315. }
  5316. }
  5317. if (valid) {
  5318. drawPieText(series, opts, config, context, radius, centerPosition);
  5319. }
  5320. }
  5321. return {
  5322. center: centerPosition,
  5323. radius: radius,
  5324. series: series };
  5325. }
  5326. function drawArcbarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5327. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5328. var arcbarOption = assign({}, {
  5329. startAngle: 0.75,
  5330. endAngle: 0.25,
  5331. type: 'default',
  5332. width: 12 * opts.pixelRatio },
  5333. opts.extra.arcbar);
  5334. series = getArcbarDataPoints(series, arcbarOption, process);
  5335. var centerPosition = {
  5336. x: opts.width / 2,
  5337. y: opts.height / 2 };
  5338. var radius = Math.min(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5339. radius -= 5 * opts.pixelRatio;
  5340. radius -= arcbarOption.width / 2;
  5341. //背景颜色
  5342. context.setLineWidth(arcbarOption.width);
  5343. context.setStrokeStyle(arcbarOption.backgroundColor || '#E9E9E9');
  5344. context.setLineCap('round');
  5345. context.beginPath();
  5346. if (arcbarOption.type == 'default') {
  5347. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, radius, arcbarOption.startAngle * Math.PI, arcbarOption.endAngle *
  5348. Math.PI, false);
  5349. } else {
  5350. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
  5351. }
  5352. context.stroke();
  5353. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  5354. var eachSeries = series[i];
  5355. context.setLineWidth(arcbarOption.width);
  5356. context.setStrokeStyle(eachSeries.color);
  5357. context.setLineCap('round');
  5358. context.beginPath();
  5359. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, radius, arcbarOption.startAngle * Math.PI, eachSeries._proportion_ *
  5360. Math.PI, false);
  5361. context.stroke();
  5362. }
  5363. drawRingTitle(opts, config, context, centerPosition);
  5364. return {
  5365. center: centerPosition,
  5366. radius: radius,
  5367. series: series };
  5368. }
  5369. function drawGaugeDataPoints(categories, series, opts, config, context) {
  5370. var process = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 1;
  5371. var gaugeOption = assign({}, {
  5372. startAngle: 0.75,
  5373. endAngle: 0.25,
  5374. width: 15,
  5375. splitLine: {
  5376. fixRadius: 0,
  5377. splitNumber: 10,
  5378. width: 15,
  5379. color: '#FFFFFF',
  5380. childNumber: 5,
  5381. childWidth: 5 },
  5382. pointer: {
  5383. width: 15,
  5384. color: 'auto' } },
  5385. opts.extra.gauge);
  5386. if (gaugeOption.oldAngle == undefined) {
  5387. gaugeOption.oldAngle = gaugeOption.startAngle;
  5388. }
  5389. if (gaugeOption.oldData == undefined) {
  5390. gaugeOption.oldData = 0;
  5391. }
  5392. categories = getGaugeAxisPoints(categories, gaugeOption.startAngle, gaugeOption.endAngle);
  5393. var centerPosition = {
  5394. x: opts.width / 2,
  5395. y: opts.height / 2 };
  5396. var radius = Math.min(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5397. radius -= 5 * opts.pixelRatio;
  5398. radius -= gaugeOption.width / 2;
  5399. var innerRadius = radius - gaugeOption.width;
  5400. //画背景
  5401. context.setLineWidth(gaugeOption.width);
  5402. context.setLineCap('butt');
  5403. for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
  5404. var eachCategories = categories[i];
  5405. context.beginPath();
  5406. context.setStrokeStyle(eachCategories.color);
  5407. context.arc(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, radius, eachCategories._startAngle_ * Math.PI, eachCategories._endAngle_ *
  5408. Math.PI, false);
  5409. context.stroke();
  5410. }
  5412. //画刻度线
  5413. var totalAngle = gaugeOption.startAngle - gaugeOption.endAngle + 1;
  5414. var splitAngle = totalAngle / gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber;
  5415. var childAngle = totalAngle / gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber / gaugeOption.splitLine.childNumber;
  5416. var startX = -radius - gaugeOption.width * 0.5 - gaugeOption.splitLine.fixRadius;
  5417. var endX = -radius - gaugeOption.width * 0.5 - gaugeOption.splitLine.fixRadius + gaugeOption.splitLine.width;
  5418. var childendX = -radius - gaugeOption.width * 0.5 - gaugeOption.splitLine.fixRadius + gaugeOption.splitLine.childWidth;
  5419. context.translate(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5420. context.rotate((gaugeOption.startAngle - 1) * Math.PI);
  5421. for (var _i12 = 0; _i12 < gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber + 1; _i12++) {
  5422. context.beginPath();
  5423. context.setStrokeStyle(gaugeOption.splitLine.color);
  5424. context.setLineWidth(2 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5425. context.moveTo(startX, 0);
  5426. context.lineTo(endX, 0);
  5427. context.stroke();
  5428. context.rotate(splitAngle * Math.PI);
  5429. }
  5430. context.restore();
  5432. context.translate(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5433. context.rotate((gaugeOption.startAngle - 1) * Math.PI);
  5434. for (var _i13 = 0; _i13 < gaugeOption.splitLine.splitNumber * gaugeOption.splitLine.childNumber + 1; _i13++) {
  5435. context.beginPath();
  5436. context.setStrokeStyle(gaugeOption.splitLine.color);
  5437. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5438. context.moveTo(startX, 0);
  5439. context.lineTo(childendX, 0);
  5440. context.stroke();
  5441. context.rotate(childAngle * Math.PI);
  5442. }
  5443. context.restore();
  5444. //画指针
  5445. series = getGaugeDataPoints(series, categories, gaugeOption, process);
  5446. for (var _i14 = 0; _i14 < series.length; _i14++) {
  5447. var eachSeries = series[_i14];
  5449. context.translate(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5450. context.rotate((eachSeries._proportion_ - 1) * Math.PI);
  5451. context.beginPath();
  5452. context.setFillStyle(eachSeries.color);
  5453. context.moveTo(gaugeOption.pointer.width, 0);
  5454. context.lineTo(0, -gaugeOption.pointer.width / 2);
  5455. context.lineTo(-innerRadius, 0);
  5456. context.lineTo(0, gaugeOption.pointer.width / 2);
  5457. context.lineTo(gaugeOption.pointer.width, 0);
  5458. context.closePath();
  5459. context.fill();
  5460. context.beginPath();
  5461. context.setFillStyle('#FFFFFF');
  5462. context.arc(0, 0, gaugeOption.pointer.width / 6, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
  5463. context.fill();
  5464. context.restore();
  5465. }
  5466. if (opts.dataLabel !== false) {
  5467. drawGaugeLabel(gaugeOption, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context);
  5468. }
  5469. drawRingTitle(opts, config, context, centerPosition);
  5470. if (process === 1 && opts.type === 'gauge') {
  5471. opts.extra.gauge.oldAngle = series[0]._proportion_;
  5472. opts.extra.gauge.oldData = series[0].data;
  5473. }
  5474. return {
  5475. center: centerPosition,
  5476. radius: radius,
  5477. innerRadius: innerRadius,
  5478. categories: categories,
  5479. totalAngle: totalAngle };
  5480. }
  5481. function drawRadarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5482. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5483. var radarOption = assign({}, {
  5484. gridColor: '#cccccc',
  5485. labelColor: '#666666',
  5486. opacity: 0.2 },
  5487. opts.extra.radar);
  5488. var coordinateAngle = getRadarCoordinateSeries(opts.categories.length);
  5489. var centerPosition = {
  5490. x: opts.area[3] + (opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2,
  5491. y: opts.area[0] + (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 };
  5492. var radius = Math.min(centerPosition.x - (getMaxTextListLength(opts.categories) + config.radarLabelTextMargin),
  5493. centerPosition.y - config.radarLabelTextMargin);
  5494. //TODO逻辑不对
  5495. radius -= opts.padding[1];
  5496. // draw grid
  5497. context.beginPath();
  5498. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5499. context.setStrokeStyle(radarOption.gridColor);
  5500. coordinateAngle.forEach(function (angle) {
  5501. var pos = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius * Math.cos(angle), radius * Math.sin(angle), centerPosition);
  5502. context.moveTo(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5503. context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
  5504. });
  5505. context.stroke();
  5506. context.closePath();
  5507. // draw split line grid
  5508. var _loop = function _loop(i) {
  5509. var startPos = {};
  5510. context.beginPath();
  5511. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5512. context.setStrokeStyle(radarOption.gridColor);
  5513. coordinateAngle.forEach(function (angle, index) {
  5514. var pos = convertCoordinateOrigin(radius / config.radarGridCount * i * Math.cos(angle), radius / config.radarGridCount *
  5515. i * Math.sin(angle), centerPosition);
  5516. if (index === 0) {
  5517. startPos = pos;
  5518. context.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
  5519. } else {
  5520. context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
  5521. }
  5522. });
  5523. context.lineTo(startPos.x, startPos.y);
  5524. context.stroke();
  5525. context.closePath();
  5526. };
  5527. for (var i = 1; i <= config.radarGridCount; i++) {
  5528. _loop(i);
  5529. }
  5530. var radarDataPoints = getRadarDataPoints(coordinateAngle, centerPosition, radius, series, opts, process);
  5531. radarDataPoints.forEach(function (eachSeries, seriesIndex) {
  5532. // 绘制区域数据
  5533. context.beginPath();
  5534. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(eachSeries.color, radarOption.opacity));
  5535. (item, index) {
  5536. if (index === 0) {
  5537. context.moveTo(item.position.x, item.position.y);
  5538. } else {
  5539. context.lineTo(item.position.x, item.position.y);
  5540. }
  5541. });
  5542. context.closePath();
  5543. context.fill();
  5544. if (opts.dataPointShape !== false) {
  5545. var shape = config.dataPointShape[seriesIndex % config.dataPointShape.length];
  5546. var points = (item) {
  5547. return item.position;
  5548. });
  5549. drawPointShape(points, eachSeries.color, shape, context, opts);
  5550. }
  5551. });
  5552. // draw label text
  5553. drawRadarLabel(coordinateAngle, radius, centerPosition, opts, config, context);
  5554. return {
  5555. center: centerPosition,
  5556. radius: radius,
  5557. angleList: coordinateAngle };
  5558. }
  5559. function normalInt(min, max, iter) {
  5560. iter = iter == 0 ? 1 : iter;
  5561. var arr = [];
  5562. for (var i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
  5563. arr[i] = Math.random();
  5564. };
  5565. return Math.floor(arr.reduce(function (i, j) {return i + j;}) / iter * (max - min)) + min;
  5566. };
  5567. function collisionNew(area, points, width, height) {
  5568. var isIn = false;
  5569. for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  5570. if (points[i].area) {
  5571. if (area[3] < points[i].area[1] || area[0] > points[i].area[2] || area[1] > points[i].area[3] || area[2] < points[i].area[0]) {
  5572. if (area[0] < 0 || area[1] < 0 || area[2] > width || area[3] > height) {
  5573. isIn = true;
  5574. break;
  5575. } else {
  5576. isIn = false;
  5577. }
  5578. } else {
  5579. isIn = true;
  5580. break;
  5581. }
  5582. }
  5583. }
  5584. return isIn;
  5585. };
  5586. function getBoundingBox(data) {
  5587. var bounds = {},coords;
  5588. bounds.xMin = 180;
  5589. bounds.xMax = 0;
  5590. bounds.yMin = 90;
  5591. bounds.yMax = 0;
  5592. for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  5593. var coorda = data[i].geometry.coordinates;
  5594. for (var k = 0; k < coorda.length; k++) {
  5595. coords = coorda[k];
  5596. if (coords.length == 1) {
  5597. coords = coords[0];
  5598. }
  5599. for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) {
  5600. var longitude = coords[j][0];
  5601. var latitude = coords[j][1];
  5602. var point = {
  5603. x: longitude,
  5604. y: latitude };
  5605. bounds.xMin = bounds.xMin < point.x ? bounds.xMin : point.x;
  5606. bounds.xMax = bounds.xMax > point.x ? bounds.xMax : point.x;
  5607. bounds.yMin = bounds.yMin < point.y ? bounds.yMin : point.y;
  5608. bounds.yMax = bounds.yMax > point.y ? bounds.yMax : point.y;
  5609. }
  5610. }
  5611. }
  5612. return bounds;
  5613. }
  5614. function coordinateToPoint(latitude, longitude, bounds, scale, xoffset, yoffset) {
  5615. return {
  5616. x: (longitude - bounds.xMin) * scale + xoffset,
  5617. y: (bounds.yMax - latitude) * scale + yoffset };
  5618. }
  5619. function pointToCoordinate(pointY, pointX, bounds, scale, xoffset, yoffset) {
  5620. return {
  5621. x: (pointX - xoffset) / scale + bounds.xMin,
  5622. y: bounds.yMax - (pointY - yoffset) / scale };
  5623. }
  5624. function isRayIntersectsSegment(poi, s_poi, e_poi) {
  5625. if (s_poi[1] == e_poi[1]) {return false;}
  5626. if (s_poi[1] > poi[1] && e_poi[1] > poi[1]) {return false;}
  5627. if (s_poi[1] < poi[1] && e_poi[1] < poi[1]) {return false;}
  5628. if (s_poi[1] == poi[1] && e_poi[1] > poi[1]) {return false;}
  5629. if (e_poi[1] == poi[1] && s_poi[1] > poi[1]) {return false;}
  5630. if (s_poi[0] < poi[0] && e_poi[1] < poi[1]) {return false;}
  5631. var xseg = e_poi[0] - (e_poi[0] - s_poi[0]) * (e_poi[1] - poi[1]) / (e_poi[1] - s_poi[1]);
  5632. if (xseg < poi[0]) {
  5633. return false;
  5634. } else {
  5635. return true;
  5636. }
  5637. }
  5638. function isPoiWithinPoly(poi, poly) {
  5639. var sinsc = 0;
  5640. for (var i = 0; i < poly.length; i++) {
  5641. var epoly = poly[i][0];
  5642. if (poly.length == 1) {
  5643. epoly = poly[i][0];
  5644. }
  5645. for (var j = 0; j < epoly.length - 1; j++) {
  5646. var s_poi = epoly[j];
  5647. var e_poi = epoly[j + 1];
  5648. if (isRayIntersectsSegment(poi, s_poi, e_poi)) {
  5649. sinsc += 1;
  5650. }
  5651. }
  5652. }
  5653. if (sinsc % 2 == 1) {
  5654. return true;
  5655. } else {
  5656. return false;
  5657. }
  5658. }
  5659. function drawMapDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5660. var mapOption = assign({}, {
  5661. border: true,
  5662. borderWidth: 1,
  5663. borderColor: '#666666',
  5664. fillOpacity: 0.6,
  5665. activeBorderColor: '#f04864',
  5666. activeFillColor: '#facc14',
  5667. activeFillOpacity: 1 },
  5669. var coords, point;
  5670. var data = series;
  5671. var bounds = getBoundingBox(data);
  5672. var xScale = opts.width / Math.abs(bounds.xMax - bounds.xMin);
  5673. var yScale = opts.height / Math.abs(bounds.yMax - bounds.yMin);
  5674. var scale = xScale < yScale ? xScale : yScale;
  5675. var xoffset = opts.width / 2 - Math.abs(bounds.xMax - bounds.xMin) / 2 * scale;
  5676. var yoffset = opts.height / 2 - Math.abs(bounds.yMax - bounds.yMin) / 2 * scale;
  5677. context.beginPath();
  5678. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  5679. context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#FFFFFF');
  5680. context.rect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  5681. context.fill();
  5682. for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  5683. context.beginPath();
  5684. context.setLineWidth(mapOption.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio);
  5685. context.setStrokeStyle(mapOption.borderColor);
  5686. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(series[i].color, mapOption.fillOpacity));
  5687. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5688. if (opts.tooltip.index == i) {
  5689. context.setStrokeStyle(mapOption.activeBorderColor);
  5690. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(mapOption.activeFillColor, mapOption.activeFillOpacity));
  5691. }
  5692. }
  5693. var coorda = data[i].geometry.coordinates;
  5694. for (var k = 0; k < coorda.length; k++) {
  5695. coords = coorda[k];
  5696. if (coords.length == 1) {
  5697. coords = coords[0];
  5698. }
  5699. for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) {
  5700. point = coordinateToPoint(coords[j][1], coords[j][0], bounds, scale, xoffset, yoffset);
  5701. if (j === 0) {
  5702. context.beginPath();
  5703. context.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
  5704. } else {
  5705. context.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
  5706. }
  5707. }
  5708. context.fill();
  5709. if (mapOption.border == true) {
  5710. context.stroke();
  5711. }
  5712. }
  5713. if (opts.dataLabel == true) {
  5714. var centerPoint = data[i].properties.centroid;
  5715. if (centerPoint) {
  5716. point = coordinateToPoint(centerPoint[1], centerPoint[0], bounds, scale, xoffset, yoffset);
  5717. var fontSize = data[i].textSize || config.fontSize;
  5718. var text = data[i];
  5719. context.beginPath();
  5720. context.setFontSize(fontSize);
  5721. context.setFillStyle(data[i].textColor || '#666666');
  5722. context.fillText(text, point.x - measureText(text, fontSize) / 2, point.y + fontSize / 2);
  5723. context.closePath();
  5724. context.stroke();
  5725. }
  5726. }
  5727. }
  5728. opts.chartData.mapData = {
  5729. bounds: bounds,
  5730. scale: scale,
  5731. xoffset: xoffset,
  5732. yoffset: yoffset };
  5733. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, 1);
  5734. context.draw();
  5735. }
  5736. function getWordCloudPoint(opts, type) {
  5737. var points = opts.series.sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b.textSize) - parseInt(a.textSize);});
  5738. switch (type) {
  5739. case 'normal':
  5740. for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  5741. var text = points[i].name;
  5742. var tHeight = points[i].textSize;
  5743. var tWidth = measureText(text, tHeight);
  5744. var x = void 0,y = void 0;
  5745. var area = void 0;
  5746. var breaknum = 0;
  5747. while (true) {
  5748. breaknum++;
  5749. x = normalInt(-opts.width / 2, opts.width / 2, 5) - tWidth / 2;
  5750. y = normalInt(-opts.height / 2, opts.height / 2, 5) + tHeight / 2;
  5751. area = [x - 5 + opts.width / 2, y - 5 - tHeight + opts.height / 2, x + tWidth + 5 + opts.width / 2, y + 5 + opts.height / 2];
  5752. var isCollision = collisionNew(area, points, opts.width, opts.height);
  5753. if (!isCollision) break;
  5754. if (breaknum == 1000) {
  5755. area = [-100, -100, -100, -100];
  5756. break;
  5757. }
  5758. };
  5759. points[i].area = area;
  5760. }
  5761. break;
  5762. case 'vertical':var
  5763. Spin = function Spin() {
  5764. //获取均匀随机值,是否旋转,旋转的概率为(1-0.5)
  5765. if (Math.random() > 0.7) {
  5766. return true;
  5767. } else {return false;};
  5768. };;
  5769. for (var _i15 = 0; _i15 < points.length; _i15++) {
  5770. var _text = points[_i15].name;
  5771. var _tHeight = points[_i15].textSize;
  5772. var _tWidth = measureText(_text, _tHeight);
  5773. var isSpin = Spin();
  5774. var _x = void 0,_y = void 0,_area = void 0,areav = void 0;
  5775. var _breaknum = 0;
  5776. while (true) {
  5777. _breaknum++;
  5778. var _isCollision = void 0;
  5779. if (isSpin) {
  5780. _x = normalInt(-opts.width / 2, opts.width / 2, 5) - _tWidth / 2;
  5781. _y = normalInt(-opts.height / 2, opts.height / 2, 5) + _tHeight / 2;
  5782. _area = [_y - 5 - _tWidth + opts.width / 2, -_x - 5 + opts.height / 2, _y + 5 + opts.width / 2, -_x + _tHeight + 5 + opts.height / 2];
  5783. areav = [opts.width - (opts.width / 2 - opts.height / 2) - (-_x + _tHeight + 5 + opts.height / 2) - 5, opts.height / 2 - opts.width / 2 + (_y - 5 - _tWidth + opts.width / 2) - 5, opts.width - (opts.width / 2 - opts.height / 2) - (-_x + _tHeight + 5 + opts.height / 2) + _tHeight, opts.height / 2 - opts.width / 2 + (_y - 5 - _tWidth + opts.width / 2) + _tWidth + 5];
  5784. _isCollision = collisionNew(areav, points, opts.height, opts.width);
  5785. } else {
  5786. _x = normalInt(-opts.width / 2, opts.width / 2, 5) - _tWidth / 2;
  5787. _y = normalInt(-opts.height / 2, opts.height / 2, 5) + _tHeight / 2;
  5788. _area = [_x - 5 + opts.width / 2, _y - 5 - _tHeight + opts.height / 2, _x + _tWidth + 5 + opts.width / 2, _y + 5 + opts.height / 2];
  5789. _isCollision = collisionNew(_area, points, opts.width, opts.height);
  5790. }
  5791. if (!_isCollision) break;
  5792. if (_breaknum == 1000) {
  5793. _area = [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000];
  5794. break;
  5795. }
  5796. };
  5797. if (isSpin) {
  5798. points[_i15].area = areav;
  5799. points[_i15].areav = _area;
  5800. } else {
  5801. points[_i15].area = _area;
  5802. }
  5803. points[_i15].rotate = isSpin;
  5804. };
  5805. break;}
  5806. return points;
  5807. }
  5808. function drawWordCloudDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5809. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5810. var wordOption = assign({}, {
  5811. type: 'normal',
  5812. autoColors: true },
  5813. opts.extra.word);
  5814. context.beginPath();
  5815. context.setFillStyle(opts.background || '#FFFFFF');
  5816. context.rect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  5817. context.fill();
  5819. var points = opts.chartData.wordCloudData;
  5820. context.translate(opts.width / 2, opts.height / 2);
  5821. for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  5823. if (points[i].rotate) {
  5824. context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);
  5825. }
  5826. var text = points[i].name;
  5827. var tHeight = points[i].textSize;
  5828. var tWidth = measureText(text, tHeight);
  5829. context.beginPath();
  5830. context.setStrokeStyle(points[i].color);
  5831. context.setFillStyle(points[i].color);
  5832. context.setFontSize(tHeight);
  5833. if (points[i].rotate) {
  5834. if (points[i].areav[0] > 0) {
  5835. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5836. if (opts.tooltip.index == i) {
  5837. context.strokeText(text, (points[i].areav[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].areav[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5838. } else {
  5839. context.fillText(text, (points[i].areav[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].areav[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5840. }
  5841. } else {
  5842. context.fillText(text, (points[i].areav[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].areav[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5843. }
  5844. }
  5845. } else {
  5846. if (points[i].area[0] > 0) {
  5847. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5848. if (opts.tooltip.index == i) {
  5849. context.strokeText(text, (points[i].area[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].area[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5850. } else {
  5851. context.fillText(text, (points[i].area[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].area[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5852. }
  5853. } else {
  5854. context.fillText(text, (points[i].area[0] + 5 - opts.width / 2) * process - tWidth * (1 - process) / 2, (points[i].area[1] + 5 + tHeight - opts.height / 2) * process);
  5855. }
  5856. }
  5857. }
  5858. context.stroke();
  5859. context.restore();
  5860. }
  5861. context.restore();
  5862. }
  5863. function drawFunnelDataPoints(series, opts, config, context) {
  5864. var process = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 1;
  5865. var funnelOption = assign({}, {
  5866. activeWidth: 10,
  5867. activeOpacity: 0.3,
  5868. border: false,
  5869. borderWidth: 2,
  5870. borderColor: '#FFFFFF',
  5871. fillOpacity: 1,
  5872. labelAlign: 'right' },
  5873. opts.extra.funnel);
  5874. var eachSpacing = (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / series.length;
  5875. var centerPosition = {
  5876. x: opts.area[3] + (opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2,
  5877. y: opts.height - opts.area[2] };
  5878. var activeWidth = funnelOption.activeWidth;
  5879. var radius = Math.min((opts.width - opts.area[1] - opts.area[3]) / 2 - activeWidth, (opts.height - opts.area[0] - opts.area[2]) / 2 - activeWidth);
  5880. series = getFunnelDataPoints(series, radius, process);
  5882. context.translate(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
  5883. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  5884. if (i == 0) {
  5885. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5886. if (opts.tooltip.index == i) {
  5887. context.beginPath();
  5888. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(series[i].color, funnelOption.activeOpacity));
  5889. context.moveTo(-activeWidth, 0);
  5890. context.lineTo(-series[i].radius - activeWidth, -eachSpacing);
  5891. context.lineTo(series[i].radius + activeWidth, -eachSpacing);
  5892. context.lineTo(activeWidth, 0);
  5893. context.lineTo(-activeWidth, 0);
  5894. context.closePath();
  5895. context.fill();
  5896. }
  5897. }
  5898. series[i].funnelArea = [centerPosition.x - series[i].radius, centerPosition.y - eachSpacing, centerPosition.x + series[i].radius, centerPosition.y];
  5899. context.beginPath();
  5900. context.setLineWidth(funnelOption.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio);
  5901. context.setStrokeStyle(funnelOption.borderColor);
  5902. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(series[i].color, funnelOption.fillOpacity));
  5903. context.moveTo(0, 0);
  5904. context.lineTo(-series[i].radius, -eachSpacing);
  5905. context.lineTo(series[i].radius, -eachSpacing);
  5906. context.lineTo(0, 0);
  5907. context.closePath();
  5908. context.fill();
  5909. if (funnelOption.border == true) {
  5910. context.stroke();
  5911. }
  5912. } else {
  5913. if (opts.tooltip) {
  5914. if (opts.tooltip.index == i) {
  5915. context.beginPath();
  5916. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(series[i].color, funnelOption.activeOpacity));
  5917. context.moveTo(0, 0);
  5918. context.lineTo(-series[i - 1].radius - activeWidth, 0);
  5919. context.lineTo(-series[i].radius - activeWidth, -eachSpacing);
  5920. context.lineTo(series[i].radius + activeWidth, -eachSpacing);
  5921. context.lineTo(series[i - 1].radius + activeWidth, 0);
  5922. context.lineTo(0, 0);
  5923. context.closePath();
  5924. context.fill();
  5925. context.closePath();
  5926. context.fill();
  5927. }
  5928. }
  5929. series[i].funnelArea = [centerPosition.x - series[i].radius, centerPosition.y - eachSpacing * (i + 1), centerPosition.x + series[i].radius, centerPosition.y - eachSpacing * i];
  5930. context.beginPath();
  5931. context.setLineWidth(funnelOption.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio);
  5932. context.setStrokeStyle(funnelOption.borderColor);
  5933. context.setFillStyle(hexToRgb(series[i].color, funnelOption.fillOpacity));
  5934. context.moveTo(0, 0);
  5935. context.lineTo(-series[i - 1].radius, 0);
  5936. context.lineTo(-series[i].radius, -eachSpacing);
  5937. context.lineTo(series[i].radius, -eachSpacing);
  5938. context.lineTo(series[i - 1].radius, 0);
  5939. context.lineTo(0, 0);
  5940. context.closePath();
  5941. context.fill();
  5942. if (funnelOption.border == true) {
  5943. context.stroke();
  5944. }
  5945. }
  5946. context.translate(0, -eachSpacing);
  5947. }
  5948. context.restore();
  5949. if (opts.dataLabel !== false && process === 1) {
  5950. drawFunnelText(series, opts, context, eachSpacing, funnelOption.labelAlign, activeWidth, centerPosition);
  5951. }
  5952. return {
  5953. center: centerPosition,
  5954. radius: radius,
  5955. series: series };
  5956. }
  5957. function drawFunnelText(series, opts, context, eachSpacing, labelAlign, activeWidth, centerPosition) {
  5958. for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
  5959. var item = series[i];
  5960. var startX = void 0,endX = void 0,startY = void 0,fontSize = void 0;
  5961. var text = item.format ? item.format(+item._proportion_.toFixed(2)) : util.toFixed(item._proportion_ * 100) + '%';
  5962. if (labelAlign == 'right') {
  5963. if (i == 0) {
  5964. startX = (item.funnelArea[2] + centerPosition.x) / 2;
  5965. } else {
  5966. startX = (item.funnelArea[2] + series[i - 1].funnelArea[2]) / 2;
  5967. }
  5968. endX = startX + activeWidth * 2;
  5969. startY = item.funnelArea[1] + eachSpacing / 2;
  5970. fontSize = item.textSize || opts.fontSize;
  5971. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  5972. context.setStrokeStyle(item.color);
  5973. context.setFillStyle(item.color);
  5974. context.beginPath();
  5975. context.moveTo(startX, startY);
  5976. context.lineTo(endX, startY);
  5977. context.stroke();
  5978. context.closePath();
  5979. context.beginPath();
  5980. context.moveTo(endX, startY);
  5981. context.arc(endX, startY, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  5982. context.closePath();
  5983. context.fill();
  5984. context.beginPath();
  5985. context.setFontSize(fontSize);
  5986. context.setFillStyle(item.textColor || '#666666');
  5987. context.fillText(text, endX + 5, startY + fontSize / 2 - 2);
  5988. context.closePath();
  5989. context.stroke();
  5990. context.closePath();
  5991. } else {
  5992. if (i == 0) {
  5993. startX = (item.funnelArea[0] + centerPosition.x) / 2;
  5994. } else {
  5995. startX = (item.funnelArea[0] + series[i - 1].funnelArea[0]) / 2;
  5996. }
  5997. endX = startX - activeWidth * 2;
  5998. startY = item.funnelArea[1] + eachSpacing / 2;
  5999. fontSize = item.textSize || opts.fontSize;
  6000. context.setLineWidth(1 * opts.pixelRatio);
  6001. context.setStrokeStyle(item.color);
  6002. context.setFillStyle(item.color);
  6003. context.beginPath();
  6004. context.moveTo(startX, startY);
  6005. context.lineTo(endX, startY);
  6006. context.stroke();
  6007. context.closePath();
  6008. context.beginPath();
  6009. context.moveTo(endX, startY);
  6010. context.arc(endX, startY, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  6011. context.closePath();
  6012. context.fill();
  6013. context.beginPath();
  6014. context.setFontSize(fontSize);
  6015. context.setFillStyle(item.textColor || '#666666');
  6016. context.fillText(text, endX - 5 - measureText(text), startY + fontSize / 2 - 2);
  6017. context.closePath();
  6018. context.stroke();
  6019. context.closePath();
  6020. }
  6021. }
  6022. }
  6023. function drawCanvas(opts, context) {
  6024. context.draw();
  6025. }
  6026. var Timing = {
  6027. easeIn: function easeIn(pos) {
  6028. return Math.pow(pos, 3);
  6029. },
  6030. easeOut: function easeOut(pos) {
  6031. return Math.pow(pos - 1, 3) + 1;
  6032. },
  6033. easeInOut: function easeInOut(pos) {
  6034. if ((pos /= 0.5) < 1) {
  6035. return 0.5 * Math.pow(pos, 3);
  6036. } else {
  6037. return 0.5 * (Math.pow(pos - 2, 3) + 2);
  6038. }
  6039. },
  6040. linear: function linear(pos) {
  6041. return pos;
  6042. } };
  6043. function Animation(opts) {
  6044. this.isStop = false;
  6045. opts.duration = typeof opts.duration === 'undefined' ? 1000 : opts.duration;
  6046. opts.timing = opts.timing || 'linear';
  6047. var delay = 17;
  6048. function createAnimationFrame() {
  6049. if (typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') {
  6050. return function (step, delay) {
  6051. setTimeout(function () {
  6052. var timeStamp = +new Date();
  6053. step(timeStamp);
  6054. }, delay);
  6055. };
  6056. } else if (typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined') {
  6057. return requestAnimationFrame;
  6058. } else {
  6059. return function (step) {
  6060. step(null);
  6061. };
  6062. }
  6063. };
  6064. var animationFrame = createAnimationFrame();
  6065. var startTimeStamp = null;
  6066. var _step = function step(timestamp) {
  6067. if (timestamp === null || this.isStop === true) {
  6068. opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(1);
  6069. opts.onAnimationFinish && opts.onAnimationFinish();
  6070. return;
  6071. }
  6072. if (startTimeStamp === null) {
  6073. startTimeStamp = timestamp;
  6074. }
  6075. if (timestamp - startTimeStamp < opts.duration) {
  6076. var process = (timestamp - startTimeStamp) / opts.duration;
  6077. var timingFunction = Timing[opts.timing];
  6078. process = timingFunction(process);
  6079. opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(process);
  6080. animationFrame(_step, delay);
  6081. } else {
  6082. opts.onProcess && opts.onProcess(1);
  6083. opts.onAnimationFinish && opts.onAnimationFinish();
  6084. }
  6085. };
  6086. _step = _step.bind(this);
  6087. animationFrame(_step, delay);
  6088. }
  6089. // stop animation immediately
  6090. // and tigger onAnimationFinish
  6091. Animation.prototype.stop = function () {
  6092. this.isStop = true;
  6093. };
  6094. function drawCharts(type, opts, config, context) {
  6095. var _this = this;
  6096. var series = opts.series;
  6097. var categories = opts.categories;
  6098. series = fillSeries(series, opts, config);
  6099. var duration = opts.animation ? opts.duration : 0;
  6100. this.animationInstance && this.animationInstance.stop();
  6101. var seriesMA = null;
  6102. if (type == 'candle') {
  6103. var average = assign({}, opts.extra.candle.average);
  6104. if ( {
  6105. seriesMA = calCandleMA(,, average.color, series[0].data);
  6106. seriesMA = fillSeries(seriesMA, opts, config);
  6107. opts.seriesMA = seriesMA;
  6108. } else if (opts.seriesMA) {
  6109. seriesMA = opts.seriesMA = fillSeries(opts.seriesMA, opts, config);
  6110. } else {
  6111. seriesMA = series;
  6112. }
  6113. } else {
  6114. seriesMA = series;
  6115. }
  6116. /* 过滤掉show=false的series */
  6117. opts._series_ = series = filterSeries(series);
  6118. //重新计算图表区域
  6119. opts.area = new Array(4);
  6120. //复位绘图区域
  6121. for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
  6122. opts.area[j] = opts.padding[j];
  6123. }
  6124. //通过计算三大区域:图例、X轴、Y轴的大小,确定绘图区域
  6125. var _calLegendData = calLegendData(seriesMA, opts, config, opts.chartData),
  6126. legendHeight = _calLegendData.area.wholeHeight,
  6127. legendWidth = _calLegendData.area.wholeWidth;
  6128. //TODO废弃config.legendHeight参数
  6129. config.legendHeight = legendHeight;
  6130. switch (opts.legend.position) {
  6131. case 'top':
  6132. opts.area[0] += legendHeight;
  6133. break;
  6134. case 'bottom':
  6135. opts.area[2] += legendHeight;
  6136. break;
  6137. case 'left':
  6138. opts.area[3] += legendWidth;
  6139. break;
  6140. case 'right':
  6141. opts.area[1] += legendWidth;
  6142. break;}
  6143. var _calYAxisData = {},yAxisWidth = 0;
  6144. if (opts.type === 'line' || opts.type === 'column' || opts.type === 'area' || opts.type === 'mix' || opts.type === 'candle') {
  6145. _calYAxisData = calYAxisData(series, opts, config);
  6146. yAxisWidth = _calYAxisData.yAxisWidth;
  6147. config.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
  6148. opts.area[3] += yAxisWidth;
  6149. } else {
  6150. config.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
  6151. }
  6152. opts.chartData.yAxisData = _calYAxisData;
  6153. if (opts.categories && opts.categories.length) {
  6154. opts.chartData.xAxisData = getXAxisPoints(opts.categories, opts, config);
  6155. var _calCategoriesData = calCategoriesData(opts.categories, opts, config, opts.chartData.xAxisData.eachSpacing),
  6156. xAxisHeight = _calCategoriesData.xAxisHeight,
  6157. angle = _calCategoriesData.angle;
  6158. config.xAxisHeight = xAxisHeight;
  6159. config._xAxisTextAngle_ = angle;
  6160. opts.area[2] += xAxisHeight;
  6161. opts.chartData.categoriesData = _calCategoriesData;
  6162. }
  6163. //计算右对齐偏移距离
  6164. if (opts.enableScroll && opts.xAxis.scrollAlign == 'right' && opts._scrollDistance_ === undefined) {
  6165. var offsetLeft = 0,
  6166. xAxisPoints = opts.chartData.xAxisData.xAxisPoints,
  6167. startX = opts.chartData.xAxisData.startX,
  6168. endX = opts.chartData.xAxisData.endX,
  6169. eachSpacing = opts.chartData.xAxisData.eachSpacing;
  6170. var totalWidth = eachSpacing * (xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  6171. var screenWidth = endX - startX;
  6172. offsetLeft = screenWidth - totalWidth;
  6173. _this.scrollOption = {
  6174. currentOffset: offsetLeft,
  6175. startTouchX: offsetLeft,
  6176. distance: 0,
  6177. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6178. opts._scrollDistance_ = offsetLeft;
  6179. }
  6180. if (type === 'pie' || type === 'ring' || type === 'rose') {
  6181. config._pieTextMaxLength_ = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : getPieTextMaxLength(seriesMA);
  6182. }
  6183. switch (type) {
  6184. case 'word':
  6185. var wordOption = assign({}, {
  6186. type: 'normal',
  6187. autoColors: true },
  6188. opts.extra.word);
  6189. if (opts.updateData == true || opts.updateData == undefined) {
  6190. opts.chartData.wordCloudData = getWordCloudPoint(opts, wordOption.type);
  6191. }
  6192. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6193. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6194. duration: duration,
  6195. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6196. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6197. if (opts.rotate) {
  6198. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6199. }
  6200. drawWordCloudDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6201. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6202. },
  6203. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6204. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6205. } });
  6206. break;
  6207. case 'map':
  6208. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6209. drawMapDataPoints(series, opts, config, context);
  6210. break;
  6211. case 'funnel':
  6212. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6213. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6214. duration: duration,
  6215. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6216. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6217. if (opts.rotate) {
  6218. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6219. }
  6220. opts.chartData.funnelData = drawFunnelDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6221. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6222. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
  6223. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6224. },
  6225. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6226. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6227. } });
  6228. break;
  6229. case 'line':
  6230. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6231. timing: 'easeIn',
  6232. duration: duration,
  6233. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6234. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6235. if (opts.rotate) {
  6236. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6237. }
  6238. drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context);
  6239. drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
  6240. var _drawLineDataPoints = drawLineDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
  6241. xAxisPoints = _drawLineDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
  6242. calPoints = _drawLineDataPoints.calPoints,
  6243. eachSpacing = _drawLineDataPoints.eachSpacing,
  6244. minRange = _drawLineDataPoints.minRange,
  6245. maxRange = _drawLineDataPoints.maxRange;
  6246. opts.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
  6247. opts.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
  6248. opts.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
  6249. drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
  6250. if (opts.enableMarkLine !== false && process === 1) {
  6251. drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context);
  6252. }
  6253. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6254. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  6255. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6256. },
  6257. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6258. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6259. } });
  6260. break;
  6261. case 'mix':
  6262. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6263. timing: 'easeIn',
  6264. duration: duration,
  6265. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6266. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6267. if (opts.rotate) {
  6268. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6269. }
  6270. drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context);
  6271. drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
  6272. var _drawMixDataPoints = drawMixDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
  6273. xAxisPoints = _drawMixDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
  6274. calPoints = _drawMixDataPoints.calPoints,
  6275. eachSpacing = _drawMixDataPoints.eachSpacing,
  6276. minRange = _drawMixDataPoints.minRange,
  6277. maxRange = _drawMixDataPoints.maxRange;
  6278. opts.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
  6279. opts.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
  6280. opts.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
  6281. drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
  6282. if (opts.enableMarkLine !== false && process === 1) {
  6283. drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context);
  6284. }
  6285. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6286. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  6287. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6288. },
  6289. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6290. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6291. } });
  6292. break;
  6293. case 'column':
  6294. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6295. timing: 'easeIn',
  6296. duration: duration,
  6297. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6298. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6299. if (opts.rotate) {
  6300. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6301. }
  6302. drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context);
  6303. drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
  6304. var _drawColumnDataPoints = drawColumnDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
  6305. xAxisPoints = _drawColumnDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
  6306. calPoints = _drawColumnDataPoints.calPoints,
  6307. eachSpacing = _drawColumnDataPoints.eachSpacing,
  6308. minRange = _drawColumnDataPoints.minRange,
  6309. maxRange = _drawColumnDataPoints.maxRange;
  6310. opts.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
  6311. opts.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
  6312. opts.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
  6313. drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
  6314. if (opts.enableMarkLine !== false && process === 1) {
  6315. drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context);
  6316. }
  6317. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6318. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  6319. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6320. },
  6321. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6322. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6323. } });
  6324. break;
  6325. case 'area':
  6326. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6327. timing: 'easeIn',
  6328. duration: duration,
  6329. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6330. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6331. if (opts.rotate) {
  6332. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6333. }
  6334. drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context);
  6335. drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
  6336. var _drawAreaDataPoints = drawAreaDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process),
  6337. xAxisPoints = _drawAreaDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
  6338. calPoints = _drawAreaDataPoints.calPoints,
  6339. eachSpacing = _drawAreaDataPoints.eachSpacing,
  6340. minRange = _drawAreaDataPoints.minRange,
  6341. maxRange = _drawAreaDataPoints.maxRange;
  6342. opts.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
  6343. opts.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
  6344. opts.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
  6345. drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
  6346. if (opts.enableMarkLine !== false && process === 1) {
  6347. drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context);
  6348. }
  6349. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6350. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  6351. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6352. },
  6353. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6354. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6355. } });
  6356. break;
  6357. case 'ring':
  6358. case 'pie':
  6359. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6360. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6361. duration: duration,
  6362. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6363. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6364. if (opts.rotate) {
  6365. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6366. }
  6367. opts.chartData.pieData = drawPieDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6368. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6369. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
  6370. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6371. },
  6372. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6373. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6374. } });
  6375. break;
  6376. case 'rose':
  6377. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6378. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6379. duration: duration,
  6380. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6381. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6382. if (opts.rotate) {
  6383. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6384. }
  6385. opts.chartData.pieData = drawRoseDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6386. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6387. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
  6388. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6389. },
  6390. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6391. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6392. } });
  6393. break;
  6394. case 'radar':
  6395. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6396. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6397. duration: duration,
  6398. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6399. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6400. if (opts.rotate) {
  6401. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6402. }
  6403. opts.chartData.radarData = drawRadarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6404. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6405. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process);
  6406. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6407. },
  6408. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6409. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6410. } });
  6411. break;
  6412. case 'arcbar':
  6413. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6414. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6415. duration: duration,
  6416. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6417. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6418. if (opts.rotate) {
  6419. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6420. }
  6421. opts.chartData.arcbarData = drawArcbarDataPoints(series, opts, config, context, process);
  6422. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6423. },
  6424. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6425. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6426. } });
  6427. break;
  6428. case 'gauge':
  6429. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6430. timing: 'easeInOut',
  6431. duration: duration,
  6432. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6433. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6434. if (opts.rotate) {
  6435. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6436. }
  6437. opts.chartData.gaugeData = drawGaugeDataPoints(categories, series, opts, config, context, process);
  6438. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6439. },
  6440. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6441. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6442. } });
  6443. break;
  6444. case 'candle':
  6445. this.animationInstance = new Animation({
  6446. timing: 'easeIn',
  6447. duration: duration,
  6448. onProcess: function onProcess(process) {
  6449. context.clearRect(0, 0, opts.width, opts.height);
  6450. if (opts.rotate) {
  6451. contextRotate(context, opts);
  6452. }
  6453. drawYAxisGrid(categories, opts, config, context);
  6454. drawXAxis(categories, opts, config, context);
  6455. var _drawCandleDataPoints = drawCandleDataPoints(series, seriesMA, opts, config, context, process),
  6456. xAxisPoints = _drawCandleDataPoints.xAxisPoints,
  6457. calPoints = _drawCandleDataPoints.calPoints,
  6458. eachSpacing = _drawCandleDataPoints.eachSpacing,
  6459. minRange = _drawCandleDataPoints.minRange,
  6460. maxRange = _drawCandleDataPoints.maxRange;
  6461. opts.chartData.xAxisPoints = xAxisPoints;
  6462. opts.chartData.calPoints = calPoints;
  6463. opts.chartData.eachSpacing = eachSpacing;
  6464. drawYAxis(series, opts, config, context);
  6465. if (opts.enableMarkLine !== false && process === 1) {
  6466. drawMarkLine(minRange, maxRange, opts, config, context);
  6467. }
  6468. if (seriesMA) {
  6469. drawLegend(seriesMA, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6470. } else {
  6471. drawLegend(opts.series, opts, config, context, opts.chartData);
  6472. }
  6473. drawToolTipBridge(opts, config, context, process, eachSpacing, xAxisPoints);
  6474. drawCanvas(opts, context);
  6475. },
  6476. onAnimationFinish: function onAnimationFinish() {
  6477. _this.event.trigger('renderComplete');
  6478. } });
  6479. break;}
  6480. }
  6481. // simple event implement
  6482. function Event() {
  6483. = {};
  6484. }
  6485. Event.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener) {
  6486.[type] =[type] || [];
  6488. };
  6489. Event.prototype.trigger = function () {
  6490. for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
  6491. args[_key] = arguments[_key];
  6492. }
  6493. var type = args[0];
  6494. var params = args.slice(1);
  6495. if (!![type]) {
  6496.[type].forEach(function (listener) {
  6497. try {
  6498. listener.apply(null, params);
  6499. } catch (e) {
  6500. console.error(e);
  6501. }
  6502. });
  6503. }
  6504. };
  6505. var Charts = function Charts(opts) {
  6506. opts.pixelRatio = opts.pixelRatio ? opts.pixelRatio : 1;
  6507. opts.fontSize = opts.fontSize ? opts.fontSize * opts.pixelRatio : 13 * opts.pixelRatio;
  6508. opts.title = assign({}, opts.title);
  6509. opts.subtitle = assign({}, opts.subtitle);
  6510. opts.duration = opts.duration ? opts.duration : 1000;
  6511. opts.yAxis = assign({}, {
  6512. gridType: 'solid',
  6513. dashLength: 4 * opts.pixelRatio },
  6514. opts.yAxis);
  6515. opts.xAxis = assign({}, {
  6516. rotateLabel: false,
  6517. type: 'calibration',
  6518. gridType: 'solid',
  6519. dashLength: 4 * opts.pixelRatio,
  6520. scrollAlign: 'left',
  6521. boundaryGap: 'center' },
  6522. opts.xAxis);
  6523. opts.legend = assign({}, {
  6524. show: true,
  6525. position: 'bottom',
  6526. float: 'center',
  6527. backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
  6528. borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
  6529. borderWidth: 0,
  6530. padding: 5,
  6531. margin: 5,
  6532. itemGap: 10,
  6533. fontSize: opts.fontSize,
  6534. lineHeight: opts.fontSize,
  6535. fontColor: '#333333',
  6536. format: {},
  6537. hiddenColor: '#CECECE' },
  6538. opts.legend);
  6539. opts.legend.borderWidth = opts.legend.borderWidth * opts.pixelRatio;
  6540. opts.legend.itemGap = opts.legend.itemGap * opts.pixelRatio;
  6541. opts.legend.padding = opts.legend.padding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6542. opts.legend.margin = opts.legend.margin * opts.pixelRatio;
  6543. opts.extra = assign({}, opts.extra);
  6544. opts.rotate = opts.rotate ? true : false;
  6545. opts.animation = opts.animation ? true : false;
  6546. var config$$1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config));
  6547. config$$1.colors = opts.colors ? opts.colors : config$$1.colors;
  6548. config$$1.yAxisTitleWidth = opts.yAxis.disabled !== true && opts.yAxis.title ? config$$1.yAxisTitleWidth : 0;
  6549. if (opts.type == 'pie' || opts.type == 'ring') {
  6550. config$$1.pieChartLinePadding = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : opts.extra.pie.labelWidth * opts.pixelRatio || config$$1.pieChartLinePadding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6551. }
  6552. if (opts.type == 'rose') {
  6553. config$$1.pieChartLinePadding = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : opts.extra.rose.labelWidth * opts.pixelRatio || config$$1.pieChartLinePadding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6554. }
  6555. config$$1.pieChartTextPadding = opts.dataLabel === false ? 0 : config$$1.pieChartTextPadding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6556. config$$1.yAxisSplit = opts.yAxis.splitNumber ? opts.yAxis.splitNumber : config.yAxisSplit;
  6557. //屏幕旋转
  6558. config$$1.rotate = opts.rotate;
  6559. if (opts.rotate) {
  6560. var tempWidth = opts.width;
  6561. var tempHeight = opts.height;
  6562. opts.width = tempHeight;
  6563. opts.height = tempWidth;
  6564. }
  6565. //适配高分屏
  6566. opts.padding = opts.padding ? opts.padding : config$$1.padding;
  6567. for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  6568. opts.padding[i] *= opts.pixelRatio;
  6569. }
  6570. config$$1.yAxisWidth = config.yAxisWidth * opts.pixelRatio;
  6571. config$$1.xAxisHeight = config.xAxisHeight * opts.pixelRatio;
  6572. if (opts.enableScroll && opts.xAxis.scrollShow) {
  6573. config$$1.xAxisHeight += 6 * opts.pixelRatio;
  6574. }
  6575. config$$1.xAxisLineHeight = config.xAxisLineHeight * opts.pixelRatio;
  6576. config$$1.legendHeight = config.legendHeight * opts.pixelRatio;
  6577. config$$1.fontSize = opts.fontSize;
  6578. config$$1.titleFontSize = config.titleFontSize * opts.pixelRatio;
  6579. config$$1.subtitleFontSize = config.subtitleFontSize * opts.pixelRatio;
  6580. config$$1.toolTipPadding = config.toolTipPadding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6581. config$$1.toolTipLineHeight = config.toolTipLineHeight * opts.pixelRatio;
  6582. config$$1.columePadding = config.columePadding * opts.pixelRatio;
  6583. opts.$this = opts.$this ? opts.$this : this;
  6584. this.context = uni.createCanvasContext(opts.canvasId, opts.$this);
  6585. /* 兼容原生H5
  6586. this.context = document.getElementById(opts.canvasId).getContext("2d");
  6587. this.context.setStrokeStyle = function(e){ return this.strokeStyle=e; }
  6588. this.context.setLineWidth = function(e){ return this.lineWidth=e; }
  6589. this.context.setLineCap = function(e){ return this.lineCap=e; }
  6590. this.context.setFontSize = function(e){ return this.font=e+"px sans-serif"; }
  6591. this.context.setFillStyle = function(e){ return this.fillStyle=e; }
  6592. this.context.draw = function(){ }
  6593. */
  6594. opts.chartData = {};
  6595. this.event = new Event();
  6596. this.scrollOption = {
  6597. currentOffset: 0,
  6598. startTouchX: 0,
  6599. distance: 0,
  6600. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6601. this.opts = opts;
  6602. this.config = config$$1;
  6603., opts.type, opts, config$$1, this.context);
  6604. };
  6605. Charts.prototype.updateData = function () {
  6606. var data = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
  6607. this.opts = assign({}, this.opts, data);
  6608. this.opts.updateData = true;
  6609. var scrollPosition = data.scrollPosition || 'current';
  6610. switch (scrollPosition) {
  6611. case 'current':
  6612. this.opts._scrollDistance_ = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6613. break;
  6614. case 'left':
  6615. this.opts._scrollDistance_ = 0;
  6616. this.scrollOption = {
  6617. currentOffset: 0,
  6618. startTouchX: 0,
  6619. distance: 0,
  6620. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6621. break;
  6622. case 'right':
  6623. var _calYAxisData = calYAxisData(this.opts.series, this.opts, this.config),
  6624. yAxisWidth = _calYAxisData.yAxisWidth;
  6625. this.config.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
  6626. var offsetLeft = 0;
  6627. var _getXAxisPoints0 = getXAxisPoints(this.opts.categories, this.opts, this.config),
  6628. xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints0.xAxisPoints,
  6629. startX = _getXAxisPoints0.startX,
  6630. endX = _getXAxisPoints0.endX,
  6631. eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints0.eachSpacing;
  6632. var totalWidth = eachSpacing * (xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  6633. var screenWidth = endX - startX;
  6634. offsetLeft = screenWidth - totalWidth;
  6635. this.scrollOption = {
  6636. currentOffset: offsetLeft,
  6637. startTouchX: offsetLeft,
  6638. distance: 0,
  6639. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6640. this.opts._scrollDistance_ = offsetLeft;
  6641. break;}
  6642., this.opts.type, this.opts, this.config, this.context);
  6643. };
  6644. Charts.prototype.zoom = function () {
  6645. var val = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.opts.xAxis.itemCount;
  6646. if (this.opts.enableScroll !== true) {
  6647. console.log('请启用滚动条后使用!');
  6648. return;
  6649. }
  6650. //当前屏幕中间点
  6651. var centerPoint = Math.round(Math.abs(this.scrollOption.currentOffset) / this.opts.chartData.eachSpacing) + Math.round(
  6652. this.opts.xAxis.itemCount / 2);
  6653. this.opts.animation = false;
  6654. this.opts.xAxis.itemCount = val.itemCount;
  6655. //重新计算x轴偏移距离
  6656. var _calYAxisData = calYAxisData(this.opts.series, this.opts, this.config),
  6657. yAxisWidth = _calYAxisData.yAxisWidth;
  6658. this.config.yAxisWidth = yAxisWidth;
  6659. var offsetLeft = 0;
  6660. var _getXAxisPoints0 = getXAxisPoints(this.opts.categories, this.opts, this.config),
  6661. xAxisPoints = _getXAxisPoints0.xAxisPoints,
  6662. startX = _getXAxisPoints0.startX,
  6663. endX = _getXAxisPoints0.endX,
  6664. eachSpacing = _getXAxisPoints0.eachSpacing;
  6665. var centerLeft = eachSpacing * centerPoint;
  6666. var screenWidth = endX - startX;
  6667. var MaxLeft = screenWidth - eachSpacing * (xAxisPoints.length - 1);
  6668. offsetLeft = screenWidth / 2 - centerLeft;
  6669. if (offsetLeft > 0) {
  6670. offsetLeft = 0;
  6671. }
  6672. if (offsetLeft < MaxLeft) {
  6673. offsetLeft = MaxLeft;
  6674. }
  6675. this.scrollOption = {
  6676. currentOffset: offsetLeft,
  6677. startTouchX: offsetLeft,
  6678. distance: 0,
  6679. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6680. this.opts._scrollDistance_ = offsetLeft;
  6681., this.opts.type, this.opts, this.config, this.context);
  6682. };
  6683. Charts.prototype.stopAnimation = function () {
  6684. this.animationInstance && this.animationInstance.stop();
  6685. };
  6686. Charts.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener) {
  6687. this.event.addEventListener(type, listener);
  6688. };
  6689. Charts.prototype.getCurrentDataIndex = function (e) {
  6690. var touches = null;
  6691. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6692. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6693. } else {
  6694. touches =[0];
  6695. }
  6696. if (touches) {
  6697. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6698. if (this.opts.type === 'pie' || this.opts.type === 'ring' || this.opts.type === 'rose') {
  6699. return findPieChartCurrentIndex({
  6700. x: _touches$.x,
  6701. y: _touches$.y },
  6702. this.opts.chartData.pieData);
  6703. } else if (this.opts.type === 'radar') {
  6704. return findRadarChartCurrentIndex({
  6705. x: _touches$.x,
  6706. y: _touches$.y },
  6707. this.opts.chartData.radarData, this.opts.categories.length);
  6708. } else if (this.opts.type === 'funnel') {
  6709. return findFunnelChartCurrentIndex({
  6710. x: _touches$.x,
  6711. y: _touches$.y },
  6712. this.opts.chartData.funnelData);
  6713. } else if (this.opts.type === 'map') {
  6714. return findMapChartCurrentIndex({
  6715. x: _touches$.x,
  6716. y: _touches$.y },
  6717. this.opts);
  6718. } else if (this.opts.type === 'word') {
  6719. return findWordChartCurrentIndex({
  6720. x: _touches$.x,
  6721. y: _touches$.y },
  6722. this.opts.chartData.wordCloudData);
  6723. } else {
  6724. return findCurrentIndex({
  6725. x: _touches$.x,
  6726. y: _touches$.y },
  6727. this.opts.chartData.xAxisPoints, this.opts, this.config, Math.abs(this.scrollOption.currentOffset));
  6728. }
  6729. }
  6730. return -1;
  6731. };
  6732. Charts.prototype.getLegendDataIndex = function (e) {
  6733. var touches = null;
  6734. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6735. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6736. } else {
  6737. touches =[0];
  6738. }
  6739. if (touches) {
  6740. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6741. return findLegendIndex({
  6742. x: _touches$.x,
  6743. y: _touches$.y },
  6744. this.opts.chartData.legendData);
  6745. }
  6746. return -1;
  6747. };
  6748. Charts.prototype.touchLegend = function (e) {
  6749. var option = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
  6750. var touches = null;
  6751. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6752. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6753. } else {
  6754. touches =[0];
  6755. }
  6756. if (touches) {
  6757. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6758. var index = this.getLegendDataIndex(e);
  6759. if (index >= 0) {
  6760. this.opts.series[index].show = !this.opts.series[index].show;
  6761. this.opts.animation = option.animation ? true : false;
  6762., this.opts.type, this.opts, this.config, this.context);
  6763. }
  6764. }
  6765. };
  6766. Charts.prototype.showToolTip = function (e) {
  6767. var option = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
  6768. var touches = null;
  6769. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6770. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6771. } else {
  6772. touches =[0];
  6773. }
  6774. if (!touches) {
  6775. console.log("touchError");
  6776. }
  6777. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6778. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6779. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6780. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6781. animation: false });
  6782. if (this.opts.type === 'line' || this.opts.type === 'area' || this.opts.type === 'column') {
  6783. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6784. if (index > -1) {
  6785. var seriesData = getSeriesDataItem(this.opts.series, index);
  6786. if (seriesData.length !== 0) {
  6787. var _getToolTipData = getToolTipData(seriesData, this.opts.chartData.calPoints, index, this.opts.categories, option),
  6788. textList = _getToolTipData.textList,
  6789. offset = _getToolTipData.offset;
  6790. offset.y = _touches$.y;
  6791. opts.tooltip = {
  6792. textList: textList,
  6793. offset: offset,
  6794. option: option,
  6795. index: index };
  6796. }
  6797. }
  6798., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6799. }
  6800. if (this.opts.type === 'mix') {
  6801. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6802. if (index > -1) {
  6803. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6804. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6805. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6806. animation: false });
  6807. var seriesData = getSeriesDataItem(this.opts.series, index);
  6808. if (seriesData.length !== 0) {
  6809. var _getMixToolTipData = getMixToolTipData(seriesData, this.opts.chartData.calPoints, index, this.opts.categories, option),
  6810. textList = _getMixToolTipData.textList,
  6811. offset = _getMixToolTipData.offset;
  6812. offset.y = _touches$.y;
  6813. opts.tooltip = {
  6814. textList: textList,
  6815. offset: offset,
  6816. option: option,
  6817. index: index };
  6818. }
  6819. }
  6820., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6821. }
  6822. if (this.opts.type === 'candle') {
  6823. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6824. if (index > -1) {
  6825. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6826. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6827. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6828. animation: false });
  6829. var seriesData = getSeriesDataItem(this.opts.series, index);
  6830. if (seriesData.length !== 0) {
  6831. var _getToolTipData = getCandleToolTipData(this.opts.series[0].data, seriesData, this.opts.chartData.calPoints,
  6832. index, this.opts.categories, this.opts.extra.candle, option),
  6833. textList = _getToolTipData.textList,
  6834. offset = _getToolTipData.offset;
  6835. offset.y = _touches$.y;
  6836. opts.tooltip = {
  6837. textList: textList,
  6838. offset: offset,
  6839. option: option,
  6840. index: index };
  6841. }
  6842. }
  6843., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6844. }
  6845. if (this.opts.type === 'pie' || this.opts.type === 'ring' || this.opts.type === 'rose' || this.opts.type === 'funnel') {
  6846. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6847. if (index > -1) {
  6848. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6849. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6850. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6851. animation: false });
  6852. var seriesData = this.opts._series_[index];
  6853. var textList = [{
  6854. text: option.format ? option.format(seriesData) : + ': ' +,
  6855. color: seriesData.color }];
  6856. var offset = {
  6857. x: _touches$.x,
  6858. y: _touches$.y };
  6859. opts.tooltip = {
  6860. textList: textList,
  6861. offset: offset,
  6862. option: option,
  6863. index: index };
  6864. }
  6865., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6866. }
  6867. if (this.opts.type === 'map' || this.opts.type === 'word') {
  6868. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6869. if (index > -1) {
  6870. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6871. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6872. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6873. animation: false });
  6874. var seriesData = this.opts._series_[index];
  6875. var textList = [{
  6876. text: option.format ? option.format(seriesData) :,
  6877. color: seriesData.color }];
  6878. var offset = {
  6879. x: _touches$.x,
  6880. y: _touches$.y };
  6881. opts.tooltip = {
  6882. textList: textList,
  6883. offset: offset,
  6884. option: option,
  6885. index: index };
  6886. }
  6887. opts.updateData = false;
  6888., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6889. }
  6890. if (this.opts.type === 'radar') {
  6891. var index = this.getCurrentDataIndex(e);
  6892. if (index > -1) {
  6893. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6894. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6895. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset,
  6896. animation: false });
  6897. var seriesData = getSeriesDataItem(this.opts.series, index);
  6898. if (seriesData.length !== 0) {
  6899. var textList = (item) {
  6900. return {
  6901. text: option.format ? option.format(item) : + ': ' +,
  6902. color: item.color };
  6903. });
  6904. var offset = {
  6905. x: _touches$.x,
  6906. y: _touches$.y };
  6907. opts.tooltip = {
  6908. textList: textList,
  6909. offset: offset,
  6910. option: option,
  6911. index: index };
  6912. }
  6913. }
  6914., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6915. }
  6916. };
  6917. Charts.prototype.translate = function (distance) {
  6918. this.scrollOption = {
  6919. currentOffset: distance,
  6920. startTouchX: distance,
  6921. distance: 0,
  6922. lastMoveTime: 0 };
  6923. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6924. _scrollDistance_: distance,
  6925. animation: false });
  6926., this.opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6927. };
  6928. Charts.prototype.scrollStart = function (e) {
  6929. var touches = null;
  6930. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6931. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6932. } else {
  6933. touches =[0];
  6934. }
  6935. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6936. if (touches && this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
  6937. this.scrollOption.startTouchX = _touches$.x;
  6938. }
  6939. };
  6940. Charts.prototype.scroll = function (e) {
  6941. if (this.scrollOption.lastMoveTime === 0) {
  6942. this.scrollOption.lastMoveTime =;
  6943. }
  6944. var Limit = this.opts.extra.touchMoveLimit || 20;
  6945. var currMoveTime =;
  6946. var duration = currMoveTime - this.scrollOption.lastMoveTime;
  6947. if (duration < Math.floor(1000 / Limit)) return;
  6948. this.scrollOption.lastMoveTime = currMoveTime;
  6949. var touches = null;
  6950. if (e.changedTouches) {
  6951. touches = e.changedTouches[0];
  6952. } else {
  6953. touches =[0];
  6954. }
  6955. if (touches && this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
  6956. var _touches$ = getTouches(touches, this.opts, e);
  6957. var _distance;
  6958. _distance = _touches$.x - this.scrollOption.startTouchX;
  6959. var currentOffset = this.scrollOption.currentOffset;
  6960. var validDistance = calValidDistance(currentOffset + _distance, this.opts.chartData, this.config, this.opts);
  6961. this.scrollOption.distance = _distance = validDistance - currentOffset;
  6962. var opts = assign({}, this.opts, {
  6963. _scrollDistance_: currentOffset + _distance,
  6964. animation: false });
  6965., opts.type, opts, this.config, this.context);
  6966. return currentOffset + _distance;
  6967. }
  6968. };
  6969. Charts.prototype.scrollEnd = function (e) {
  6970. if (this.opts.enableScroll === true) {
  6971. var _scrollOption = this.scrollOption,
  6972. currentOffset = _scrollOption.currentOffset,
  6973. distance = _scrollOption.distance;
  6974. this.scrollOption.currentOffset = currentOffset + distance;
  6975. this.scrollOption.distance = 0;
  6976. }
  6977. };
  6978. if ( true && typeof module.exports === "object") {
  6979. module.exports = Charts;
  6980. //export default Charts;//建议使用nodejs的module导出方式,如报错请使用export方式导出
  6981. }
  6982. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin/dist/index.js */ 1)["default"]))
  6983. /***/ }),
  6984. /***/ 2:
  6985. /*!***********************************!*\
  6986. !*** (webpack)/buildin/global.js ***!
  6987. \***********************************/
  6988. /*! no static exports found */
  6989. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  6990. var g;
  6991. // This works in non-strict mode
  6992. g = (function() {
  6993. return this;
  6994. })();
  6995. try {
  6996. // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)
  6997. g = g || new Function("return this")();
  6998. } catch (e) {
  6999. // This works if the window reference is available
  7000. if (typeof window === "object") g = window;
  7001. }
  7002. // g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...
  7003. // We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's
  7004. // easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}
  7005. module.exports = g;
  7006. /***/ }),
  7007. /***/ 214:
  7008. /*!********************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7009. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/popup.js ***!
  7010. \********************************************************************************************************************************/
  7011. /*! no static exports found */
  7012. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7013. "use strict";
  7014. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.default = void 0;var _default =
  7015. {
  7016. data: function data() {
  7017. return {};
  7018. },
  7019. created: function created() {
  7020. this.popup = this.getParent();
  7021. },
  7022. methods: {
  7023. /**
  7024. * 获取父元素实例
  7025. */
  7026. getParent: function getParent() {var name = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'uniPopup';
  7027. var parent = this.$parent;
  7028. var parentName = parent.$;
  7029. while (parentName !== name) {
  7030. parent = parent.$parent;
  7031. if (!parent) return false;
  7032. parentName = parent.$;
  7033. }
  7034. return parent;
  7035. } } };exports.default = _default;
  7036. /***/ }),
  7037. /***/ 215:
  7038. /*!*************************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7039. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/i18n/index.js ***!
  7040. \*************************************************************************************************************************************/
  7041. /*! no static exports found */
  7042. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7043. "use strict";
  7044. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.default = void 0;var _en = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(/*! ./en.json */ 216));
  7045. var _zhHans = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(/*! ./zh-Hans.json */ 217));
  7046. var _zhHant = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(/*! ./zh-Hant.json */ 218));function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}var _default =
  7047. {
  7048. en: _en.default,
  7049. 'zh-Hans': _zhHans.default,
  7050. 'zh-Hant': _zhHant.default };exports.default = _default;
  7051. /***/ }),
  7052. /***/ 216:
  7053. /*!************************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7054. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/i18n/en.json ***!
  7055. \************************************************************************************************************************************/
  7056. /*! exports provided: uni-popup.cancel, uni-popup.ok, uni-popup.placeholder, uni-popup.title, uni-popup.shareTitle, default */
  7057. /***/ (function(module) {
  7058. module.exports = JSON.parse("{\"uni-popup.cancel\":\"cancel\",\"uni-popup.ok\":\"ok\",\"uni-popup.placeholder\":\"pleace enter\",\"uni-popup.title\":\"Hint\",\"uni-popup.shareTitle\":\"Share to\"}");
  7059. /***/ }),
  7060. /***/ 217:
  7061. /*!*****************************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7062. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/i18n/zh-Hans.json ***!
  7063. \*****************************************************************************************************************************************/
  7064. /*! exports provided: uni-popup.cancel, uni-popup.ok, uni-popup.placeholder, uni-popup.title, uni-popup.shareTitle, default */
  7065. /***/ (function(module) {
  7066. module.exports = JSON.parse("{\"uni-popup.cancel\":\"取消\",\"uni-popup.ok\":\"确定\",\"uni-popup.placeholder\":\"请输入\",\"uni-popup.title\":\"提示\",\"uni-popup.shareTitle\":\"分享到\"}");
  7067. /***/ }),
  7068. /***/ 218:
  7069. /*!*****************************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7070. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-popup/components/uni-popup/i18n/zh-Hant.json ***!
  7071. \*****************************************************************************************************************************************/
  7072. /*! exports provided: uni-popup.cancel, uni-popup.ok, uni-popup.placeholder, uni-popup.title, uni-popup.shareTitle, default */
  7073. /***/ (function(module) {
  7074. module.exports = JSON.parse("{\"uni-popup.cancel\":\"取消\",\"uni-popup.ok\":\"確定\",\"uni-popup.placeholder\":\"請輸入\",\"uni-popup.title\":\"提示\",\"uni-popup.shareTitle\":\"分享到\"}");
  7075. /***/ }),
  7076. /***/ 22:
  7077. /*!**********************************************************!*\
  7078. !*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/regenerator/index.js ***!
  7079. \**********************************************************/
  7080. /*! no static exports found */
  7081. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7082. module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! regenerator-runtime */ 23);
  7083. /***/ }),
  7084. /***/ 23:
  7085. /*!************************************************************!*\
  7086. !*** ./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime-module.js ***!
  7087. \************************************************************/
  7088. /*! no static exports found */
  7089. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7090. /**
  7091. * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
  7092. *
  7093. * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
  7094. * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  7095. */
  7096. // This method of obtaining a reference to the global object needs to be
  7097. // kept identical to the way it is obtained in runtime.js
  7098. var g = (function() {
  7099. return this || (typeof self === "object" && self);
  7100. })() || Function("return this")();
  7101. // Use `getOwnPropertyNames` because not all browsers support calling
  7102. // `hasOwnProperty` on the global `self` object in a worker. See #183.
  7103. var hadRuntime = g.regeneratorRuntime &&
  7104. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(g).indexOf("regeneratorRuntime") >= 0;
  7105. // Save the old regeneratorRuntime in case it needs to be restored later.
  7106. var oldRuntime = hadRuntime && g.regeneratorRuntime;
  7107. // Force reevalutation of runtime.js.
  7108. g.regeneratorRuntime = undefined;
  7109. module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./runtime */ 24);
  7110. if (hadRuntime) {
  7111. // Restore the original runtime.
  7112. g.regeneratorRuntime = oldRuntime;
  7113. } else {
  7114. // Remove the global property added by runtime.js.
  7115. try {
  7116. delete g.regeneratorRuntime;
  7117. } catch(e) {
  7118. g.regeneratorRuntime = undefined;
  7119. }
  7120. }
  7121. /***/ }),
  7122. /***/ 233:
  7123. /*!****************************************************************************************************************************************************!*\
  7124. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/uni_modules/uni-transition/components/uni-transition/createAnimation.js ***!
  7125. \****************************************************************************************************************************************************/
  7126. /*! no static exports found */
  7127. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7128. "use strict";
  7129. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(uni) {Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.createAnimation = createAnimation;function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {var keys = Object.keys(object);if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;});keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);}return keys;}function _objectSpread(target) {for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};if (i % 2) {ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {_defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);});} else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));} else {ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));});}}return target;}function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {if (key in obj) {Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true });} else {obj[key] = value;}return obj;}function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}function _defineProperties(target, props) {for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);}}function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;} // const defaultOption = {
  7130. // duration: 300,
  7131. // timingFunction: 'linear',
  7132. // delay: 0,
  7133. // transformOrigin: '50% 50% 0'
  7134. // }
  7135. var
  7136. MPAnimation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  7137. function MPAnimation(options, _this) {_classCallCheck(this, MPAnimation);
  7138. this.options = options;
  7139. this.animation = uni.createAnimation(options);
  7140. this.currentStepAnimates = {};
  7141. = 0;
  7142. this.$ = _this;
  7143. }_createClass(MPAnimation, [{ key: "_nvuePushAnimates", value: function _nvuePushAnimates(
  7144. type, args) {
  7145. var aniObj = this.currentStepAnimates[];
  7146. var styles = {};
  7147. if (!aniObj) {
  7148. styles = {
  7149. styles: {},
  7150. config: {} };
  7151. } else {
  7152. styles = aniObj;
  7153. }
  7154. if (animateTypes1.includes(type)) {
  7155. if (!styles.styles.transform) {
  7156. styles.styles.transform = '';
  7157. }
  7158. var unit = '';
  7159. if (type === 'rotate') {
  7160. unit = 'deg';
  7161. }
  7162. styles.styles.transform += "".concat(type, "(").concat(args + unit, ") ");
  7163. } else {
  7164. styles.styles[type] = "".concat(args);
  7165. }
  7166. this.currentStepAnimates[] = styles;
  7167. } }, { key: "_animateRun", value: function _animateRun()
  7168. {var styles = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
  7169. var ref = this.$.$refs['ani'].ref;
  7170. if (!ref) return;
  7171. return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  7172. nvueAnimation.transition(ref, _objectSpread({
  7173. styles: styles },
  7174. config),
  7175. function (res) {
  7176. resolve();
  7177. });
  7178. });
  7179. } }, { key: "_nvueNextAnimate", value: function _nvueNextAnimate(
  7180. animates) {var _this2 = this;var step = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;var fn = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
  7181. var obj = animates[step];
  7182. if (obj) {var
  7183. styles =
  7184. obj.styles,config = obj.config;
  7185. this._animateRun(styles, config).then(function () {
  7186. step += 1;
  7187. _this2._nvueNextAnimate(animates, step, fn);
  7188. });
  7189. } else {
  7190. this.currentStepAnimates = {};
  7191. typeof fn === 'function' && fn();
  7192. this.isEnd = true;
  7193. }
  7194. } }, { key: "step", value: function step()
  7195. {var config = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
  7196. this.animation.step(config);
  7197. return this;
  7198. } }, { key: "run", value: function run(
  7199. fn) {
  7200. this.$.animationData = this.animation.export();
  7201. this.$.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  7202. typeof fn === 'function' && fn();
  7203. }, this.$.durationTime);
  7204. } }]);return MPAnimation;}();
  7205. var animateTypes1 = ['matrix', 'matrix3d', 'rotate', 'rotate3d', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'scale', 'scale3d',
  7206. 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ', 'skew', 'skewX', 'skewY', 'translate', 'translate3d', 'translateX', 'translateY',
  7207. 'translateZ'];
  7208. var animateTypes2 = ['opacity', 'backgroundColor'];
  7209. var animateTypes3 = ['width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'];
  7210. animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach(function (type) {
  7211. MPAnimation.prototype[type] = function () {var _this$animation;
  7212. (_this$animation = this.animation)[type].apply(_this$animation, arguments);
  7213. return this;
  7214. };
  7215. });
  7216. function createAnimation(option, _this) {
  7217. if (!_this) return;
  7218. clearTimeout(_this.timer);
  7219. return new MPAnimation(option, _this);
  7220. }
  7221. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin/dist/index.js */ 1)["default"]))
  7222. /***/ }),
  7223. /***/ 24:
  7224. /*!*****************************************************!*\
  7225. !*** ./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js ***!
  7226. \*****************************************************/
  7227. /*! no static exports found */
  7228. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  7229. /**
  7230. * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
  7231. *
  7232. * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
  7233. * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  7234. */
  7235. !(function(global) {
  7236. "use strict";
  7237. var Op = Object.prototype;
  7238. var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;
  7239. var undefined; // More compressible than void 0.
  7240. var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {};
  7241. var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator";
  7242. var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator";
  7243. var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
  7244. var inModule = typeof module === "object";
  7245. var runtime = global.regeneratorRuntime;
  7246. if (runtime) {
  7247. if (inModule) {
  7248. // If regeneratorRuntime is defined globally and we're in a module,
  7249. // make the exports object identical to regeneratorRuntime.
  7250. module.exports = runtime;
  7251. }
  7252. // Don't bother evaluating the rest of this file if the runtime was
  7253. // already defined globally.
  7254. return;
  7255. }
  7256. // Define the runtime globally (as expected by generated code) as either
  7257. // module.exports (if we're in a module) or a new, empty object.
  7258. runtime = global.regeneratorRuntime = inModule ? module.exports : {};
  7259. function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
  7260. // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.
  7261. var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;
  7262. var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);
  7263. var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
  7264. // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,
  7265. // .throw, and .return methods.
  7266. generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context);
  7267. return generator;
  7268. }
  7269. runtime.wrap = wrap;
  7270. // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion
  7271. // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could
  7272. // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be
  7273. // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we
  7274. // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need
  7275. // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming
  7276. // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true
  7277. // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The
  7278. // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which
  7279. // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.
  7280. function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
  7281. try {
  7282. return { type: "normal", arg:, arg) };
  7283. } catch (err) {
  7284. return { type: "throw", arg: err };
  7285. }
  7286. }
  7287. var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart";
  7288. var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield";
  7289. var GenStateExecuting = "executing";
  7290. var GenStateCompleted = "completed";
  7291. // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as
  7292. // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.
  7293. var ContinueSentinel = {};
  7294. // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and
  7295. // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator
  7296. // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your
  7297. // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.
  7298. function Generator() {}
  7299. function GeneratorFunction() {}
  7300. function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
  7301. // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that
  7302. // don't natively support it.
  7303. var IteratorPrototype = {};
  7304. IteratorPrototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () {
  7305. return this;
  7306. };
  7307. var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
  7308. var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
  7309. if (NativeIteratorPrototype &&
  7310. NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&
  7311., iteratorSymbol)) {
  7312. // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead
  7313. // of the polyfill.
  7314. IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;
  7315. }
  7316. var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype =
  7317. Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
  7318. GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
  7319. GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction;
  7320. GeneratorFunctionPrototype[toStringTagSymbol] =
  7321. GeneratorFunction.displayName = "GeneratorFunction";
  7322. // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the
  7323. // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.
  7324. function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
  7325. ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) {
  7326. prototype[method] = function(arg) {
  7327. return this._invoke(method, arg);
  7328. };
  7329. });
  7330. }
  7331. runtime.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {
  7332. var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor;
  7333. return ctor
  7334. ? ctor === GeneratorFunction ||
  7335. // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can
  7336. // do is to check its .name property.
  7337. (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction"
  7338. : false;
  7339. };
  7340. runtime.mark = function(genFun) {
  7341. if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
  7342. Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
  7343. } else {
  7344. genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
  7345. if (!(toStringTagSymbol in genFun)) {
  7346. genFun[toStringTagSymbol] = "GeneratorFunction";
  7347. }
  7348. }
  7349. genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);
  7350. return genFun;
  7351. };
  7352. // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to
  7353. // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test
  7354. // `, "__await")` to determine if the yielded value is
  7355. // meant to be awaited.
  7356. runtime.awrap = function(arg) {
  7357. return { __await: arg };
  7358. };
  7359. function AsyncIterator(generator) {
  7360. function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {
  7361. var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
  7362. if (record.type === "throw") {
  7363. reject(record.arg);
  7364. } else {
  7365. var result = record.arg;
  7366. var value = result.value;
  7367. if (value &&
  7368. typeof value === "object" &&
  7369., "__await")) {
  7370. return Promise.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) {
  7371. invoke("next", value, resolve, reject);
  7372. }, function(err) {
  7373. invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
  7374. });
  7375. }
  7376. return Promise.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {
  7377. // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes
  7378. // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the
  7379. // current iteration.
  7380. result.value = unwrapped;
  7381. resolve(result);
  7382. }, function(error) {
  7383. // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back
  7384. // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.
  7385. return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
  7386. });
  7387. }
  7388. }
  7389. var previousPromise;
  7390. function enqueue(method, arg) {
  7391. function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
  7392. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  7393. invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);
  7394. });
  7395. }
  7396. return previousPromise =
  7397. // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until
  7398. // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,
  7399. // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If
  7400. // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to
  7401. // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,
  7402. // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do
  7403. // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability
  7404. // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its
  7405. // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously
  7406. // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple
  7407. // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially
  7408. // important to get this right, even though it requires care.
  7409. previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(
  7410. callInvokeWithMethodAndArg,
  7411. // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later
  7412. // invocations of the iterator.
  7413. callInvokeWithMethodAndArg
  7414. ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
  7415. }
  7416. // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,
  7417. // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).
  7418. this._invoke = enqueue;
  7419. }
  7420. defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);
  7421. AsyncIterator.prototype[asyncIteratorSymbol] = function () {
  7422. return this;
  7423. };
  7424. runtime.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;
  7425. // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of
  7426. // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of
  7427. // the final result produced by the iterator.
  7428. runtime.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
  7429. var iter = new AsyncIterator(
  7430. wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList)
  7431. );
  7432. return runtime.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn)
  7433. ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.
  7434. : {
  7435. return result.done ? result.value :;
  7436. });
  7437. };
  7438. function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {
  7439. var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;
  7440. return function invoke(method, arg) {
  7441. if (state === GenStateExecuting) {
  7442. throw new Error("Generator is already running");
  7443. }
  7444. if (state === GenStateCompleted) {
  7445. if (method === "throw") {
  7446. throw arg;
  7447. }
  7448. // Be forgiving, per of the spec:
  7449. //
  7450. return doneResult();
  7451. }
  7452. context.method = method;
  7453. context.arg = arg;
  7454. while (true) {
  7455. var delegate = context.delegate;
  7456. if (delegate) {
  7457. var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
  7458. if (delegateResult) {
  7459. if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;
  7460. return delegateResult;
  7461. }
  7462. }
  7463. if (context.method === "next") {
  7464. // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
  7465. // function.sent implementation.
  7466. context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;
  7467. } else if (context.method === "throw") {
  7468. if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {
  7469. state = GenStateCompleted;
  7470. throw context.arg;
  7471. }
  7472. context.dispatchException(context.arg);
  7473. } else if (context.method === "return") {
  7474. context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
  7475. }
  7476. state = GenStateExecuting;
  7477. var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);
  7478. if (record.type === "normal") {
  7479. // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===
  7480. // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.
  7481. state = context.done
  7482. ? GenStateCompleted
  7483. : GenStateSuspendedYield;
  7484. if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {
  7485. continue;
  7486. }
  7487. return {
  7488. value: record.arg,
  7489. done: context.done
  7490. };
  7491. } else if (record.type === "throw") {
  7492. state = GenStateCompleted;
  7493. // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the
  7494. // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.
  7495. context.method = "throw";
  7496. context.arg = record.arg;
  7497. }
  7498. }
  7499. };
  7500. }
  7501. // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the
  7502. // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the
  7503. // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,
  7504. // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.
  7505. function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
  7506. var method = delegate.iterator[context.method];
  7507. if (method === undefined) {
  7508. // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw
  7509. // method always terminates the yield* loop.
  7510. context.delegate = null;
  7511. if (context.method === "throw") {
  7512. if (delegate.iterator.return) {
  7513. // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a
  7514. // chance to clean up.
  7515. context.method = "return";
  7516. context.arg = undefined;
  7517. maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
  7518. if (context.method === "throw") {
  7519. // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from
  7520. // "return" to "throw", let that override the TypeError below.
  7521. return ContinueSentinel;
  7522. }
  7523. }
  7524. context.method = "throw";
  7525. context.arg = new TypeError(
  7526. "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
  7527. }
  7528. return ContinueSentinel;
  7529. }
  7530. var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
  7531. if (record.type === "throw") {
  7532. context.method = "throw";
  7533. context.arg = record.arg;
  7534. context.delegate = null;
  7535. return ContinueSentinel;
  7536. }
  7537. var info = record.arg;
  7538. if (! info) {
  7539. context.method = "throw";
  7540. context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object");
  7541. context.delegate = null;
  7542. return ContinueSentinel;
  7543. }
  7544. if (info.done) {
  7545. // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary
  7546. // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).
  7547. context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;
  7548. // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).
  7549. = delegate.nextLoc;
  7550. // If context.method was "throw" but the delegate handled the
  7551. // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If
  7552. // context.method was "next", forget context.arg since it has been
  7553. // "consumed" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was
  7554. // "return", allow the original .return call to continue in the
  7555. // outer generator.
  7556. if (context.method !== "return") {
  7557. context.method = "next";
  7558. context.arg = undefined;
  7559. }
  7560. } else {
  7561. // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.
  7562. return info;
  7563. }
  7564. // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with
  7565. // the outer generator.
  7566. context.delegate = null;
  7567. return ContinueSentinel;
  7568. }
  7569. // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the
  7570. // unified ._invoke helper method.
  7571. defineIteratorMethods(Gp);
  7572. Gp[toStringTagSymbol] = "Generator";
  7573. // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the
  7574. // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the
  7575. // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator
  7576. // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen.
  7577. // See for more details.
  7578. Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() {
  7579. return this;
  7580. };
  7581. Gp.toString = function() {
  7582. return "[object Generator]";
  7583. };
  7584. function pushTryEntry(locs) {
  7585. var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };
  7586. if (1 in locs) {
  7587. entry.catchLoc = locs[1];
  7588. }
  7589. if (2 in locs) {
  7590. entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];
  7591. entry.afterLoc = locs[3];
  7592. }
  7593. this.tryEntries.push(entry);
  7594. }
  7595. function resetTryEntry(entry) {
  7596. var record = entry.completion || {};
  7597. record.type = "normal";
  7598. delete record.arg;
  7599. entry.completion = record;
  7600. }
  7601. function Context(tryLocsList) {
  7602. // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch
  7603. // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from
  7604. // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.
  7605. this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }];
  7606. tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);
  7607. this.reset(true);
  7608. }
  7609. runtime.keys = function(object) {
  7610. var keys = [];
  7611. for (var key in object) {
  7612. keys.push(key);
  7613. }
  7614. keys.reverse();
  7615. // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep
  7616. // things simple and return the next function itself.
  7617. return function next() {
  7618. while (keys.length) {
  7619. var key = keys.pop();
  7620. if (key in object) {
  7621. next.value = key;
  7622. next.done = false;
  7623. return next;
  7624. }
  7625. }
  7626. // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value
  7627. // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This
  7628. // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.
  7629. next.done = true;
  7630. return next;
  7631. };
  7632. };
  7633. function values(iterable) {
  7634. if (iterable) {
  7635. var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
  7636. if (iteratorMethod) {
  7637. return;
  7638. }
  7639. if (typeof === "function") {
  7640. return iterable;
  7641. }
  7642. if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
  7643. var i = -1, next = function next() {
  7644. while (++i < iterable.length) {
  7645. if (, i)) {
  7646. next.value = iterable[i];
  7647. next.done = false;
  7648. return next;
  7649. }
  7650. }
  7651. next.value = undefined;
  7652. next.done = true;
  7653. return next;
  7654. };
  7655. return = next;
  7656. }
  7657. }
  7658. // Return an iterator with no values.
  7659. return { next: doneResult };
  7660. }
  7661. runtime.values = values;
  7662. function doneResult() {
  7663. return { value: undefined, done: true };
  7664. }
  7665. Context.prototype = {
  7666. constructor: Context,
  7667. reset: function(skipTempReset) {
  7668. this.prev = 0;
  7669. = 0;
  7670. // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's
  7671. // function.sent implementation.
  7672. this.sent = this._sent = undefined;
  7673. this.done = false;
  7674. this.delegate = null;
  7675. this.method = "next";
  7676. this.arg = undefined;
  7677. this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);
  7678. if (!skipTempReset) {
  7679. for (var name in this) {
  7680. // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:
  7681. if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&
  7682., name) &&
  7683. !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {
  7684. this[name] = undefined;
  7685. }
  7686. }
  7687. }
  7688. },
  7689. stop: function() {
  7690. this.done = true;
  7691. var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];
  7692. var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;
  7693. if (rootRecord.type === "throw") {
  7694. throw rootRecord.arg;
  7695. }
  7696. return this.rval;
  7697. },
  7698. dispatchException: function(exception) {
  7699. if (this.done) {
  7700. throw exception;
  7701. }
  7702. var context = this;
  7703. function handle(loc, caught) {
  7704. record.type = "throw";
  7705. record.arg = exception;
  7706. = loc;
  7707. if (caught) {
  7708. // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,
  7709. // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.
  7710. context.method = "next";
  7711. context.arg = undefined;
  7712. }
  7713. return !! caught;
  7714. }
  7715. for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
  7716. var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
  7717. var record = entry.completion;
  7718. if (entry.tryLoc === "root") {
  7719. // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle
  7720. // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to
  7721. // throw the exception.
  7722. return handle("end");
  7723. }
  7724. if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
  7725. var hasCatch =, "catchLoc");
  7726. var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
  7727. if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
  7728. if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
  7729. return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
  7730. } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
  7731. return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
  7732. }
  7733. } else if (hasCatch) {
  7734. if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
  7735. return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
  7736. }
  7737. } else if (hasFinally) {
  7738. if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
  7739. return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
  7740. }
  7741. } else {
  7742. throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
  7743. }
  7744. }
  7745. }
  7746. },
  7747. abrupt: function(type, arg) {
  7748. for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
  7749. var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
  7750. if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&
  7751., "finallyLoc") &&
  7752. this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
  7753. var finallyEntry = entry;
  7754. break;
  7755. }
  7756. }
  7757. if (finallyEntry &&
  7758. (type === "break" ||
  7759. type === "continue") &&
  7760. finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg &&
  7761. arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {
  7762. // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a
  7763. // location outside the try/catch block.
  7764. finallyEntry = null;
  7765. }
  7766. var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
  7767. record.type = type;
  7768. record.arg = arg;
  7769. if (finallyEntry) {
  7770. this.method = "next";
  7771. = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;
  7772. return ContinueSentinel;
  7773. }
  7774. return this.complete(record);
  7775. },
  7776. complete: function(record, afterLoc) {
  7777. if (record.type === "throw") {
  7778. throw record.arg;
  7779. }
  7780. if (record.type === "break" ||
  7781. record.type === "continue") {
  7782. = record.arg;
  7783. } else if (record.type === "return") {
  7784. this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;
  7785. this.method = "return";
  7786. = "end";
  7787. } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) {
  7788. = afterLoc;
  7789. }
  7790. return ContinueSentinel;
  7791. },
  7792. finish: function(finallyLoc) {
  7793. for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
  7794. var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
  7795. if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {
  7796. this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);
  7797. resetTryEntry(entry);
  7798. return ContinueSentinel;
  7799. }
  7800. }
  7801. },
  7802. "catch": function(tryLoc) {
  7803. for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
  7804. var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
  7805. if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
  7806. var record = entry.completion;
  7807. if (record.type === "throw") {
  7808. var thrown = record.arg;
  7809. resetTryEntry(entry);
  7810. }
  7811. return thrown;
  7812. }
  7813. }
  7814. // The context.catch method must only be called with a location
  7815. // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.
  7816. throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
  7817. },
  7818. delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
  7819. this.delegate = {
  7820. iterator: values(iterable),
  7821. resultName: resultName,
  7822. nextLoc: nextLoc
  7823. };
  7824. if (this.method === "next") {
  7825. // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't
  7826. // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.
  7827. this.arg = undefined;
  7828. }
  7829. return ContinueSentinel;
  7830. }
  7831. };
  7832. })(
  7833. // In sloppy mode, unbound `this` refers to the global object, fallback to
  7834. // Function constructor if we're in global strict mode. That is sadly a form
  7835. // of indirect eval which violates Content Security Policy.
  7836. (function() {
  7837. return this || (typeof self === "object" && self);
  7838. })() || Function("return this")()
  7839. );
  7840. /***/ }),
  7841. /***/ 3:
  7842. /*!*************************************************************!*\
  7843. !*** ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-i18n/dist/ ***!
  7844. \*************************************************************/
  7845. /*! no static exports found */
  7846. /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  7847. "use strict";
  7848. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(uni, global) {Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.compileI18nJsonStr = compileI18nJsonStr;exports.hasI18nJson = hasI18nJson;exports.initVueI18n = initVueI18n;exports.isI18nStr = isI18nStr;exports.normalizeLocale = normalizeLocale;exports.parseI18nJson = parseI18nJson;exports.resolveLocale = resolveLocale;exports.isString = exports.LOCALE_ZH_HANT = exports.LOCALE_ZH_HANS = exports.LOCALE_FR = exports.LOCALE_ES = exports.LOCALE_EN = exports.I18n = exports.Formatter = void 0;function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();}function _nonIterableRest() {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");}function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {if (!o) return;if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);var n =, -1);if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =;if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);}function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {arr2[i] = arr[i];}return arr2;}function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;var _arr = [];var _n = true;var _d = false;var _e = undefined;try {for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {_arr.push(_s.value);if (i && _arr.length === i) break;}} catch (err) {_d = true;_e = err;} finally {try {if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();} finally {if (_d) throw _e;}}return _arr;}function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;}function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}function _defineProperties(target, props) {for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);}}function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;}var isArray = Array.isArray;
  7849. var isObject = function isObject(val) {return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';};
  7850. var defaultDelimiters = ['{', '}'];var
  7851. BaseFormatter = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  7852. function BaseFormatter() {_classCallCheck(this, BaseFormatter);
  7853. this._caches = Object.create(null);
  7854. }_createClass(BaseFormatter, [{ key: "interpolate", value: function interpolate(
  7855. message, values) {var delimiters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : defaultDelimiters;
  7856. if (!values) {
  7857. return [message];
  7858. }
  7859. var tokens = this._caches[message];
  7860. if (!tokens) {
  7861. tokens = parse(message, delimiters);
  7862. this._caches[message] = tokens;
  7863. }
  7864. return compile(tokens, values);
  7865. } }]);return BaseFormatter;}();exports.Formatter = BaseFormatter;
  7866. var RE_TOKEN_LIST_VALUE = /^(?:\d)+/;
  7867. var RE_TOKEN_NAMED_VALUE = /^(?:\w)+/;
  7868. function parse(format, _ref) {var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),startDelimiter = _ref2[0],endDelimiter = _ref2[1];
  7869. var tokens = [];
  7870. var position = 0;
  7871. var text = '';
  7872. while (position < format.length) {
  7873. var char = format[position++];
  7874. if (char === startDelimiter) {
  7875. if (text) {
  7876. tokens.push({ type: 'text', value: text });
  7877. }
  7878. text = '';
  7879. var sub = '';
  7880. char = format[position++];
  7881. while (char !== undefined && char !== endDelimiter) {
  7882. sub += char;
  7883. char = format[position++];
  7884. }
  7885. var isClosed = char === endDelimiter;
  7886. var type = RE_TOKEN_LIST_VALUE.test(sub) ?
  7887. 'list' :
  7888. isClosed && RE_TOKEN_NAMED_VALUE.test(sub) ?
  7889. 'named' :
  7890. 'unknown';
  7891. tokens.push({ value: sub, type: type });
  7892. }
  7893. // else if (char === '%') {
  7894. // // when found rails i18n syntax, skip text capture
  7895. // if (format[position] !== '{') {
  7896. // text += char
  7897. // }
  7898. // }
  7899. else {
  7900. text += char;
  7901. }
  7902. }
  7903. text && tokens.push({ type: 'text', value: text });
  7904. return tokens;
  7905. }
  7906. function compile(tokens, values) {
  7907. var compiled = [];
  7908. var index = 0;
  7909. var mode = isArray(values) ?
  7910. 'list' :
  7911. isObject(values) ?
  7912. 'named' :
  7913. 'unknown';
  7914. if (mode === 'unknown') {
  7915. return compiled;
  7916. }
  7917. while (index < tokens.length) {
  7918. var token = tokens[index];
  7919. switch (token.type) {
  7920. case 'text':
  7921. compiled.push(token.value);
  7922. break;
  7923. case 'list':
  7924. compiled.push(values[parseInt(token.value, 10)]);
  7925. break;
  7926. case 'named':
  7927. if (mode === 'named') {
  7928. compiled.push(values[token.value]);
  7929. } else
  7930. {
  7931. if (true) {
  7932. console.warn("Type of token '".concat(token.type, "' and format of value '").concat(mode, "' don't match!"));
  7933. }
  7934. }
  7935. break;
  7936. case 'unknown':
  7937. if (true) {
  7938. console.warn("Detect 'unknown' type of token!");
  7939. }
  7940. break;}
  7941. index++;
  7942. }
  7943. return compiled;
  7944. }
  7945. var LOCALE_ZH_HANS = 'zh-Hans';exports.LOCALE_ZH_HANS = LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  7946. var LOCALE_ZH_HANT = 'zh-Hant';exports.LOCALE_ZH_HANT = LOCALE_ZH_HANT;
  7947. var LOCALE_EN = 'en';exports.LOCALE_EN = LOCALE_EN;
  7948. var LOCALE_FR = 'fr';exports.LOCALE_FR = LOCALE_FR;
  7949. var LOCALE_ES = 'es';exports.LOCALE_ES = LOCALE_ES;
  7950. var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  7951. var hasOwn = function hasOwn(val, key) {return, key);};
  7952. var defaultFormatter = new BaseFormatter();
  7953. function include(str, parts) {
  7954. return !!parts.find(function (part) {return str.indexOf(part) !== -1;});
  7955. }
  7956. function startsWith(str, parts) {
  7957. return parts.find(function (part) {return str.indexOf(part) === 0;});
  7958. }
  7959. function normalizeLocale(locale, messages) {
  7960. if (!locale) {
  7961. return;
  7962. }
  7963. locale = locale.trim().replace(/_/g, '-');
  7964. if (messages && messages[locale]) {
  7965. return locale;
  7966. }
  7967. locale = locale.toLowerCase();
  7968. if (locale.indexOf('zh') === 0) {
  7969. if (locale.indexOf('-hans') > -1) {
  7970. return LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  7971. }
  7972. if (locale.indexOf('-hant') > -1) {
  7973. return LOCALE_ZH_HANT;
  7974. }
  7975. if (include(locale, ['-tw', '-hk', '-mo', '-cht'])) {
  7976. return LOCALE_ZH_HANT;
  7977. }
  7978. return LOCALE_ZH_HANS;
  7979. }
  7980. var lang = startsWith(locale, [LOCALE_EN, LOCALE_FR, LOCALE_ES]);
  7981. if (lang) {
  7982. return lang;
  7983. }
  7984. }var
  7985. I18n = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  7986. function I18n(_ref3) {var locale = _ref3.locale,fallbackLocale = _ref3.fallbackLocale,messages = _ref3.messages,watcher = _ref3.watcher,formater = _ref3.formater;_classCallCheck(this, I18n);
  7987. this.locale = LOCALE_EN;
  7988. this.fallbackLocale = LOCALE_EN;
  7989. this.message = {};
  7990. this.messages = {};
  7991. this.watchers = [];
  7992. if (fallbackLocale) {
  7993. this.fallbackLocale = fallbackLocale;
  7994. }
  7995. this.formater = formater || defaultFormatter;
  7996. this.messages = messages || {};
  7997. this.setLocale(locale || LOCALE_EN);
  7998. if (watcher) {
  7999. this.watchLocale(watcher);
  8000. }
  8001. }_createClass(I18n, [{ key: "setLocale", value: function setLocale(
  8002. locale) {var _this = this;
  8003. var oldLocale = this.locale;
  8004. this.locale = normalizeLocale(locale, this.messages) || this.fallbackLocale;
  8005. if (!this.messages[this.locale]) {
  8006. // 可能初始化时不存在
  8007. this.messages[this.locale] = {};
  8008. }
  8009. this.message = this.messages[this.locale];
  8010. // 仅发生变化时,通知
  8011. if (oldLocale !== this.locale) {
  8012. this.watchers.forEach(function (watcher) {
  8013. watcher(_this.locale, oldLocale);
  8014. });
  8015. }
  8016. } }, { key: "getLocale", value: function getLocale()
  8017. {
  8018. return this.locale;
  8019. } }, { key: "watchLocale", value: function watchLocale(
  8020. fn) {var _this2 = this;
  8021. var index = this.watchers.push(fn) - 1;
  8022. return function () {
  8023. _this2.watchers.splice(index, 1);
  8024. };
  8025. } }, { key: "add", value: function add(
  8026. locale, message) {var override = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
  8027. var curMessages = this.messages[locale];
  8028. if (curMessages) {
  8029. if (override) {
  8030. Object.assign(curMessages, message);
  8031. } else
  8032. {
  8033. Object.keys(message).forEach(function (key) {
  8034. if (!hasOwn(curMessages, key)) {
  8035. curMessages[key] = message[key];
  8036. }
  8037. });
  8038. }
  8039. } else
  8040. {
  8041. this.messages[locale] = message;
  8042. }
  8043. } }, { key: "f", value: function f(
  8044. message, values, delimiters) {
  8045. return this.formater.interpolate(message, values, delimiters).join('');
  8046. } }, { key: "t", value: function t(
  8047. key, locale, values) {
  8048. var message = this.message;
  8049. if (typeof locale === 'string') {
  8050. locale = normalizeLocale(locale, this.messages);
  8051. locale && (message = this.messages[locale]);
  8052. } else
  8053. {
  8054. values = locale;
  8055. }
  8056. if (!hasOwn(message, key)) {
  8057. console.warn("Cannot translate the value of keypath ".concat(key, ". Use the value of keypath as default."));
  8058. return key;
  8059. }
  8060. return this.formater.interpolate(message[key], values).join('');
  8061. } }]);return I18n;}();exports.I18n = I18n;
  8062. function watchAppLocale(appVm, i18n) {
  8063. // 需要保证 watch 的触发在组件渲染之前
  8064. if (appVm.$watchLocale) {
  8065. // vue2
  8066. appVm.$watchLocale(function (newLocale) {
  8067. i18n.setLocale(newLocale);
  8068. });
  8069. } else
  8070. {
  8071. appVm.$watch(function () {return appVm.$locale;}, function (newLocale) {
  8072. i18n.setLocale(newLocale);
  8073. });
  8074. }
  8075. }
  8076. function getDefaultLocale() {
  8077. if (typeof uni !== 'undefined' && uni.getLocale) {
  8078. return uni.getLocale();
  8079. }
  8080. // 小程序平台,uni 和 uni-i18n 互相引用,导致访问不到 uni,故在 global 上挂了 getLocale
  8081. if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.getLocale) {
  8082. return global.getLocale();
  8083. }
  8084. return LOCALE_EN;
  8085. }
  8086. function initVueI18n(locale) {var messages = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};var fallbackLocale = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;var watcher = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined;
  8087. // 兼容旧版本入参
  8088. if (typeof locale !== 'string') {var _ref4 =
  8089. [
  8090. messages,
  8091. locale];locale = _ref4[0];messages = _ref4[1];
  8092. }
  8093. if (typeof locale !== 'string') {
  8094. // 因为小程序平台,uni-i18n 和 uni 互相引用,导致此时访问 uni 时,为 undefined
  8095. locale = getDefaultLocale();
  8096. }
  8097. if (typeof fallbackLocale !== 'string') {
  8098. fallbackLocale =
  8099. typeof __uniConfig !== 'undefined' && __uniConfig.fallbackLocale ||
  8100. LOCALE_EN;
  8101. }
  8102. var i18n = new I18n({
  8103. locale: locale,
  8104. fallbackLocale: fallbackLocale,
  8105. messages: messages,
  8106. watcher: watcher });
  8107. var _t = function t(key, values) {
  8108. if (typeof getApp !== 'function') {
  8109. // app view
  8110. /* eslint-disable no-func-assign */
  8111. _t = function t(key, values) {
  8112. return i18n.t(key, values);
  8113. };
  8114. } else
  8115. {
  8116. var isWatchedAppLocale = false;
  8117. _t = function t(key, values) {
  8118. var appVm = getApp().$vm;
  8119. // 可能$vm还不存在,比如在支付宝小程序中,组件定义较早,在props的default里使用了t()函数(如uni-goods-nav),此时app还未初始化
  8120. // options: {
  8121. // type: Array,
  8122. // default () {
  8123. // return [{
  8124. // icon: 'shop',
  8125. // text: t(""),
  8126. // }, {
  8127. // icon: 'cart',
  8128. // text: t("uni-goods-nav.options.cart")
  8129. // }]
  8130. // }
  8131. // },
  8132. if (appVm) {
  8133. // 触发响应式
  8134. appVm.$locale;
  8135. if (!isWatchedAppLocale) {
  8136. isWatchedAppLocale = true;
  8137. watchAppLocale(appVm, i18n);
  8138. }
  8139. }
  8140. return i18n.t(key, values);
  8141. };
  8142. }
  8143. return _t(key, values);
  8144. };
  8145. return {
  8146. i18n: i18n,
  8147. f: function f(message, values, delimiters) {
  8148. return i18n.f(message, values, delimiters);
  8149. },
  8150. t: function t(key, values) {
  8151. return _t(key, values);
  8152. },
  8153. add: function add(locale, message) {var override = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
  8154. return i18n.add(locale, message, override);
  8155. },
  8156. watch: function watch(fn) {
  8157. return i18n.watchLocale(fn);
  8158. },
  8159. getLocale: function getLocale() {
  8160. return i18n.getLocale();
  8161. },
  8162. setLocale: function setLocale(newLocale) {
  8163. return i18n.setLocale(newLocale);
  8164. } };
  8165. }
  8166. var isString = function isString(val) {return typeof val === 'string';};exports.isString = isString;
  8167. var formater;
  8168. function hasI18nJson(jsonObj, delimiters) {
  8169. if (!formater) {
  8170. formater = new BaseFormatter();
  8171. }
  8172. return walkJsonObj(jsonObj, function (jsonObj, key) {
  8173. var value = jsonObj[key];
  8174. if (isString(value)) {
  8175. if (isI18nStr(value, delimiters)) {
  8176. return true;
  8177. }
  8178. } else
  8179. {
  8180. return hasI18nJson(value, delimiters);
  8181. }
  8182. });
  8183. }
  8184. function parseI18nJson(jsonObj, values, delimiters) {
  8185. if (!formater) {
  8186. formater = new BaseFormatter();
  8187. }
  8188. walkJsonObj(jsonObj, function (jsonObj, key) {
  8189. var value = jsonObj[key];
  8190. if (isString(value)) {
  8191. if (isI18nStr(value, delimiters)) {
  8192. jsonObj[key] = compileStr(value, values, delimiters);
  8193. }
  8194. } else
  8195. {
  8196. parseI18nJson(value, values, delimiters);
  8197. }
  8198. });
  8199. return jsonObj;
  8200. }
  8201. function compileI18nJsonStr(jsonStr, _ref5) {var locale = _ref5.locale,locales = _ref5.locales,delimiters = _ref5.delimiters;
  8202. if (!isI18nStr(jsonStr, delimiters)) {
  8203. return jsonStr;
  8204. }
  8205. if (!formater) {
  8206. formater = new BaseFormatter();
  8207. }
  8208. var localeValues = [];
  8209. Object.keys(locales).forEach(function (name) {
  8210. if (name !== locale) {
  8211. localeValues.push({
  8212. locale: name,
  8213. values: locales[name] });
  8214. }
  8215. });
  8216. localeValues.unshift({ locale: locale, values: locales[locale] });
  8217. try {
  8218. return JSON.stringify(compileJsonObj(JSON.parse(jsonStr), localeValues, delimiters), null, 2);
  8219. }
  8220. catch (e) {}
  8221. return jsonStr;
  8222. }
  8223. function isI18nStr(value, delimiters) {
  8224. return value.indexOf(delimiters[0]) > -1;
  8225. }
  8226. function compileStr(value, values, delimiters) {
  8227. return formater.interpolate(value, values, delimiters).join('');
  8228. }
  8229. function compileValue(jsonObj, key, localeValues, delimiters) {
  8230. var value = jsonObj[key];
  8231. if (isString(value)) {
  8232. // 存在国际化
  8233. if (isI18nStr(value, delimiters)) {
  8234. jsonObj[key] = compileStr(value, localeValues[0].values, delimiters);
  8235. if (localeValues.length > 1) {
  8236. // 格式化国际化语言
  8237. var valueLocales = jsonObj[key + 'Locales'] = {};
  8238. localeValues.forEach(function (localValue) {
  8239. valueLocales[localValue.locale] = compileStr(value, localValue.values, delimiters);
  8240. });
  8241. }
  8242. }
  8243. } else
  8244. {
  8245. compileJsonObj(value, localeValues, delimiters);
  8246. }
  8247. }
  8248. function compileJsonObj(jsonObj, localeValues, delimiters) {
  8249. walkJsonObj(jsonObj, function (jsonObj, key) {
  8250. compileValue(jsonObj, key, localeValues, delimiters);
  8251. });
  8252. return jsonObj;
  8253. }
  8254. function walkJsonObj(jsonObj, walk) {
  8255. if (isArray(jsonObj)) {
  8256. for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {
  8257. if (walk(jsonObj, i)) {
  8258. return true;
  8259. }
  8260. }
  8261. } else
  8262. if (isObject(jsonObj)) {
  8263. for (var key in jsonObj) {
  8264. if (walk(jsonObj, key)) {
  8265. return true;
  8266. }
  8267. }
  8268. }
  8269. return false;
  8270. }
  8271. function resolveLocale(locales) {
  8272. return function (locale) {
  8273. if (!locale) {
  8274. return locale;
  8275. }
  8276. locale = normalizeLocale(locale) || locale;
  8277. return resolveLocaleChain(locale).find(function (locale) {return locales.indexOf(locale) > -1;});
  8278. };
  8279. }
  8280. function resolveLocaleChain(locale) {
  8281. var chain = [];
  8282. var tokens = locale.split('-');
  8283. while (tokens.length) {
  8284. chain.push(tokens.join('-'));
  8285. tokens.pop();
  8286. }
  8287. return chain;
  8288. }
  8289. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-mp-weixin/dist/index.js */ 1)["default"], __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../webpack/buildin/global.js */ 2)))
  8290. /***/ }),
  8291. /***/ 4:
  8292. /*!******************************************************************************************!*\
  8293. !*** ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/mp-vue/dist/mp.runtime.esm.js ***!
  8294. \******************************************************************************************/
  8295. /*! exports provided: default */
  8296. /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
  8297. "use strict";
  8298. __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  8299. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/*!
  8300. * Vue.js v2.6.11
  8301. * (c) 2014-2022 Evan You
  8302. * Released under the MIT License.
  8303. */
  8304. /* */
  8305. var emptyObject = Object.freeze({});
  8306. // These helpers produce better VM code in JS engines due to their
  8307. // explicitness and function inlining.
  8308. function isUndef (v) {
  8309. return v === undefined || v === null
  8310. }
  8311. function isDef (v) {
  8312. return v !== undefined && v !== null
  8313. }
  8314. function isTrue (v) {
  8315. return v === true
  8316. }
  8317. function isFalse (v) {
  8318. return v === false
  8319. }
  8320. /**
  8321. * Check if value is primitive.
  8322. */
  8323. function isPrimitive (value) {
  8324. return (
  8325. typeof value === 'string' ||
  8326. typeof value === 'number' ||
  8327. // $flow-disable-line
  8328. typeof value === 'symbol' ||
  8329. typeof value === 'boolean'
  8330. )
  8331. }
  8332. /**
  8333. * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
  8334. * Objects from primitive values when we know the value
  8335. * is a JSON-compliant type.
  8336. */
  8337. function isObject (obj) {
  8338. return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'
  8339. }
  8340. /**
  8341. * Get the raw type string of a value, e.g., [object Object].
  8342. */
  8343. var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
  8344. function toRawType (value) {
  8345. return, -1)
  8346. }
  8347. /**
  8348. * Strict object type check. Only returns true
  8349. * for plain JavaScript objects.
  8350. */
  8351. function isPlainObject (obj) {
  8352. return === '[object Object]'
  8353. }
  8354. function isRegExp (v) {
  8355. return === '[object RegExp]'
  8356. }
  8357. /**
  8358. * Check if val is a valid array index.
  8359. */
  8360. function isValidArrayIndex (val) {
  8361. var n = parseFloat(String(val));
  8362. return n >= 0 && Math.floor(n) === n && isFinite(val)
  8363. }
  8364. function isPromise (val) {
  8365. return (
  8366. isDef(val) &&
  8367. typeof val.then === 'function' &&
  8368. typeof val.catch === 'function'
  8369. )
  8370. }
  8371. /**
  8372. * Convert a value to a string that is actually rendered.
  8373. */
  8374. function toString (val) {
  8375. return val == null
  8376. ? ''
  8377. : Array.isArray(val) || (isPlainObject(val) && val.toString === _toString)
  8378. ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)
  8379. : String(val)
  8380. }
  8381. /**
  8382. * Convert an input value to a number for persistence.
  8383. * If the conversion fails, return original string.
  8384. */
  8385. function toNumber (val) {
  8386. var n = parseFloat(val);
  8387. return isNaN(n) ? val : n
  8388. }
  8389. /**
  8390. * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key
  8391. * is in that map.
  8392. */
  8393. function makeMap (
  8394. str,
  8395. expectsLowerCase
  8396. ) {
  8397. var map = Object.create(null);
  8398. var list = str.split(',');
  8399. for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
  8400. map[list[i]] = true;
  8401. }
  8402. return expectsLowerCase
  8403. ? function (val) { return map[val.toLowerCase()]; }
  8404. : function (val) { return map[val]; }
  8405. }
  8406. /**
  8407. * Check if a tag is a built-in tag.
  8408. */
  8409. var isBuiltInTag = makeMap('slot,component', true);
  8410. /**
  8411. * Check if an attribute is a reserved attribute.
  8412. */
  8413. var isReservedAttribute = makeMap('key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is');
  8414. /**
  8415. * Remove an item from an array.
  8416. */
  8417. function remove (arr, item) {
  8418. if (arr.length) {
  8419. var index = arr.indexOf(item);
  8420. if (index > -1) {
  8421. return arr.splice(index, 1)
  8422. }
  8423. }
  8424. }
  8425. /**
  8426. * Check whether an object has the property.
  8427. */
  8428. var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  8429. function hasOwn (obj, key) {
  8430. return, key)
  8431. }
  8432. /**
  8433. * Create a cached version of a pure function.
  8434. */
  8435. function cached (fn) {
  8436. var cache = Object.create(null);
  8437. return (function cachedFn (str) {
  8438. var hit = cache[str];
  8439. return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str))
  8440. })
  8441. }
  8442. /**
  8443. * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
  8444. */
  8445. var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
  8446. var camelize = cached(function (str) {
  8447. return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) { return c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''; })
  8448. });
  8449. /**
  8450. * Capitalize a string.
  8451. */
  8452. var capitalize = cached(function (str) {
  8453. return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
  8454. });
  8455. /**
  8456. * Hyphenate a camelCase string.
  8457. */
  8458. var hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g;
  8459. var hyphenate = cached(function (str) {
  8460. return str.replace(hyphenateRE, '-$1').toLowerCase()
  8461. });
  8462. /**
  8463. * Simple bind polyfill for environments that do not support it,
  8464. * e.g., PhantomJS 1.x. Technically, we don't need this anymore
  8465. * since native bind is now performant enough in most browsers.
  8466. * But removing it would mean breaking code that was able to run in
  8467. * PhantomJS 1.x, so this must be kept for backward compatibility.
  8468. */
  8469. /* istanbul ignore next */
  8470. function polyfillBind (fn, ctx) {
  8471. function boundFn (a) {
  8472. var l = arguments.length;
  8473. return l
  8474. ? l > 1
  8475. ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments)
  8476. :, a)
  8477. :
  8478. }
  8479. boundFn._length = fn.length;
  8480. return boundFn
  8481. }
  8482. function nativeBind (fn, ctx) {
  8483. return fn.bind(ctx)
  8484. }
  8485. var bind = Function.prototype.bind
  8486. ? nativeBind
  8487. : polyfillBind;
  8488. /**
  8489. * Convert an Array-like object to a real Array.
  8490. */
  8491. function toArray (list, start) {
  8492. start = start || 0;
  8493. var i = list.length - start;
  8494. var ret = new Array(i);
  8495. while (i--) {
  8496. ret[i] = list[i + start];
  8497. }
  8498. return ret
  8499. }
  8500. /**
  8501. * Mix properties into target object.
  8502. */
  8503. function extend (to, _from) {
  8504. for (var key in _from) {
  8505. to[key] = _from[key];
  8506. }
  8507. return to
  8508. }
  8509. /**
  8510. * Merge an Array of Objects into a single Object.
  8511. */
  8512. function toObject (arr) {
  8513. var res = {};
  8514. for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  8515. if (arr[i]) {
  8516. extend(res, arr[i]);
  8517. }
  8518. }
  8519. return res
  8520. }
  8521. /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
  8522. /**
  8523. * Perform no operation.
  8524. * Stubbing args to make Flow happy without leaving useless transpiled code
  8525. * with (
  8526. */
  8527. function noop (a, b, c) {}
  8528. /**
  8529. * Always return false.
  8530. */
  8531. var no = function (a, b, c) { return false; };
  8532. /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
  8533. /**
  8534. * Return the same value.
  8535. */
  8536. var identity = function (_) { return _; };
  8537. /**
  8538. * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is,
  8539. * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape?
  8540. */
  8541. function looseEqual (a, b) {
  8542. if (a === b) { return true }
  8543. var isObjectA = isObject(a);
  8544. var isObjectB = isObject(b);
  8545. if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {
  8546. try {
  8547. var isArrayA = Array.isArray(a);
  8548. var isArrayB = Array.isArray(b);
  8549. if (isArrayA && isArrayB) {
  8550. return a.length === b.length && a.every(function (e, i) {
  8551. return looseEqual(e, b[i])
  8552. })
  8553. } else if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
  8554. return a.getTime() === b.getTime()
  8555. } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) {
  8556. var keysA = Object.keys(a);
  8557. var keysB = Object.keys(b);
  8558. return keysA.length === keysB.length && keysA.every(function (key) {
  8559. return looseEqual(a[key], b[key])
  8560. })
  8561. } else {
  8562. /* istanbul ignore next */
  8563. return false
  8564. }
  8565. } catch (e) {
  8566. /* istanbul ignore next */
  8567. return false
  8568. }
  8569. } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {
  8570. return String(a) === String(b)
  8571. } else {
  8572. return false
  8573. }
  8574. }
  8575. /**
  8576. * Return the first index at which a loosely equal value can be
  8577. * found in the array (if value is a plain object, the array must
  8578. * contain an object of the same shape), or -1 if it is not present.
  8579. */
  8580. function looseIndexOf (arr, val) {
  8581. for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  8582. if (looseEqual(arr[i], val)) { return i }
  8583. }
  8584. return -1
  8585. }
  8586. /**
  8587. * Ensure a function is called only once.
  8588. */
  8589. function once (fn) {
  8590. var called = false;
  8591. return function () {
  8592. if (!called) {
  8593. called = true;
  8594. fn.apply(this, arguments);
  8595. }
  8596. }
  8597. }
  8598. var ASSET_TYPES = [
  8599. 'component',
  8600. 'directive',
  8601. 'filter'
  8602. ];
  8603. var LIFECYCLE_HOOKS = [
  8604. 'beforeCreate',
  8605. 'created',
  8606. 'beforeMount',
  8607. 'mounted',
  8608. 'beforeUpdate',
  8609. 'updated',
  8610. 'beforeDestroy',
  8611. 'destroyed',
  8612. 'activated',
  8613. 'deactivated',
  8614. 'errorCaptured',
  8615. 'serverPrefetch'
  8616. ];
  8617. /* */
  8618. var config = ({
  8619. /**
  8620. * Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options)
  8621. */
  8622. // $flow-disable-line
  8623. optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null),
  8624. /**
  8625. * Whether to suppress warnings.
  8626. */
  8627. silent: false,
  8628. /**
  8629. * Show production mode tip message on boot?
  8630. */
  8631. productionTip: "development" !== 'production',
  8632. /**
  8633. * Whether to enable devtools
  8634. */
  8635. devtools: "development" !== 'production',
  8636. /**
  8637. * Whether to record perf
  8638. */
  8639. performance: false,
  8640. /**
  8641. * Error handler for watcher errors
  8642. */
  8643. errorHandler: null,
  8644. /**
  8645. * Warn handler for watcher warns
  8646. */
  8647. warnHandler: null,
  8648. /**
  8649. * Ignore certain custom elements
  8650. */
  8651. ignoredElements: [],
  8652. /**
  8653. * Custom user key aliases for v-on
  8654. */
  8655. // $flow-disable-line
  8656. keyCodes: Object.create(null),
  8657. /**
  8658. * Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a
  8659. * component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
  8660. */
  8661. isReservedTag: no,
  8662. /**
  8663. * Check if an attribute is reserved so that it cannot be used as a component
  8664. * prop. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
  8665. */
  8666. isReservedAttr: no,
  8667. /**
  8668. * Check if a tag is an unknown element.
  8669. * Platform-dependent.
  8670. */
  8671. isUnknownElement: no,
  8672. /**
  8673. * Get the namespace of an element
  8674. */
  8675. getTagNamespace: noop,
  8676. /**
  8677. * Parse the real tag name for the specific platform.
  8678. */
  8679. parsePlatformTagName: identity,
  8680. /**
  8681. * Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value
  8682. * Platform-dependent.
  8683. */
  8684. mustUseProp: no,
  8685. /**
  8686. * Perform updates asynchronously. Intended to be used by Vue Test Utils
  8687. * This will significantly reduce performance if set to false.
  8688. */
  8689. async: true,
  8690. /**
  8691. * Exposed for legacy reasons
  8692. */
  8693. _lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS
  8694. });
  8695. /* */
  8696. /**
  8697. * unicode letters used for parsing html tags, component names and property paths.
  8698. * using
  8699. * skipping \u10000-\uEFFFF due to it freezing up PhantomJS
  8700. */
  8701. var unicodeRegExp = /a-zA-Z\u00B7\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u203F-\u2040\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD/;
  8702. /**
  8703. * Check if a string starts with $ or _
  8704. */
  8705. function isReserved (str) {
  8706. var c = (str + '').charCodeAt(0);
  8707. return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5F
  8708. }
  8709. /**
  8710. * Define a property.
  8711. */
  8712. function def (obj, key, val, enumerable) {
  8713. Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
  8714. value: val,
  8715. enumerable: !!enumerable,
  8716. writable: true,
  8717. configurable: true
  8718. });
  8719. }
  8720. /**
  8721. * Parse simple path.
  8722. */
  8723. var bailRE = new RegExp(("[^" + (unicodeRegExp.source) + ".$_\\d]"));
  8724. function parsePath (path) {
  8725. if (bailRE.test(path)) {
  8726. return
  8727. }
  8728. var segments = path.split('.');
  8729. return function (obj) {
  8730. for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
  8731. if (!obj) { return }
  8732. obj = obj[segments[i]];
  8733. }
  8734. return obj
  8735. }
  8736. }
  8737. /* */
  8738. // can we use __proto__?
  8739. var hasProto = '__proto__' in {};
  8740. // Browser environment sniffing
  8741. var inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
  8742. var inWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== 'undefined' && !!WXEnvironment.platform;
  8743. var weexPlatform = inWeex && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase();
  8744. var UA = inBrowser && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
  8745. var isIE = UA && /msie|trident/.test(UA);
  8746. var isIE9 = UA && UA.indexOf('msie 9.0') > 0;
  8747. var isEdge = UA && UA.indexOf('edge/') > 0;
  8748. var isAndroid = (UA && UA.indexOf('android') > 0) || (weexPlatform === 'android');
  8749. var isIOS = (UA && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(UA)) || (weexPlatform === 'ios');
  8750. var isChrome = UA && /chrome\/\d+/.test(UA) && !isEdge;
  8751. var isPhantomJS = UA && /phantomjs/.test(UA);
  8752. var isFF = UA && UA.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/);
  8753. // Firefox has a "watch" function on Object.prototype...
  8754. var nativeWatch = ({}).watch;
  8755. if (inBrowser) {
  8756. try {
  8757. var opts = {};
  8758. Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', ({
  8759. get: function get () {
  8760. }
  8761. })); //
  8762. window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, opts);
  8763. } catch (e) {}
  8764. }
  8765. // this needs to be lazy-evaled because vue may be required before
  8766. // vue-server-renderer can set VUE_ENV
  8767. var _isServer;
  8768. var isServerRendering = function () {
  8769. if (_isServer === undefined) {
  8770. /* istanbul ignore if */
  8771. if (!inBrowser && !inWeex && typeof global !== 'undefined') {
  8772. // detect presence of vue-server-renderer and avoid
  8773. // Webpack shimming the process
  8774. _isServer = global['process'] && global['process'].env.VUE_ENV === 'server';
  8775. } else {
  8776. _isServer = false;
  8777. }
  8778. }
  8779. return _isServer
  8780. };
  8781. // detect devtools
  8782. var devtools = inBrowser && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
  8783. /* istanbul ignore next */
  8784. function isNative (Ctor) {
  8785. return typeof Ctor === 'function' && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString())
  8786. }
  8787. var hasSymbol =
  8788. typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && isNative(Symbol) &&
  8789. typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && isNative(Reflect.ownKeys);
  8790. var _Set;
  8791. /* istanbul ignore if */ // $flow-disable-line
  8792. if (typeof Set !== 'undefined' && isNative(Set)) {
  8793. // use native Set when available.
  8794. _Set = Set;
  8795. } else {
  8796. // a non-standard Set polyfill that only works with primitive keys.
  8797. _Set = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  8798. function Set () {
  8799. this.set = Object.create(null);
  8800. }
  8801. Set.prototype.has = function has (key) {
  8802. return this.set[key] === true
  8803. };
  8804. Set.prototype.add = function add (key) {
  8805. this.set[key] = true;
  8806. };
  8807. Set.prototype.clear = function clear () {
  8808. this.set = Object.create(null);
  8809. };
  8810. return Set;
  8811. }());
  8812. }
  8813. /* */
  8814. var warn = noop;
  8815. var tip = noop;
  8816. var generateComponentTrace = (noop); // work around flow check
  8817. var formatComponentName = (noop);
  8818. if (true) {
  8819. var hasConsole = typeof console !== 'undefined';
  8820. var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
  8821. var classify = function (str) { return str
  8822. .replace(classifyRE, function (c) { return c.toUpperCase(); })
  8823. .replace(/[-_]/g, ''); };
  8824. warn = function (msg, vm) {
  8825. var trace = vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : '';
  8826. if (config.warnHandler) {
  8827., msg, vm, trace);
  8828. } else if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
  8829. console.error(("[Vue warn]: " + msg + trace));
  8830. }
  8831. };
  8832. tip = function (msg, vm) {
  8833. if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
  8834. console.warn("[Vue tip]: " + msg + (
  8835. vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : ''
  8836. ));
  8837. }
  8838. };
  8839. formatComponentName = function (vm, includeFile) {
  8840. if (vm.$root === vm) {
  8841. if (vm.$options && vm.$options.__file) { // fixed by xxxxxx
  8842. return ('') + vm.$options.__file
  8843. }
  8844. return '<Root>'
  8845. }
  8846. var options = typeof vm === 'function' && vm.cid != null
  8847. ? vm.options
  8848. : vm._isVue
  8849. ? vm.$options || vm.constructor.options
  8850. : vm;
  8851. var name = || options._componentTag;
  8852. var file = options.__file;
  8853. if (!name && file) {
  8854. var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/);
  8855. name = match && match[1];
  8856. }
  8857. return (
  8858. (name ? ("<" + (classify(name)) + ">") : "<Anonymous>") +
  8859. (file && includeFile !== false ? (" at " + file) : '')
  8860. )
  8861. };
  8862. var repeat = function (str, n) {
  8863. var res = '';
  8864. while (n) {
  8865. if (n % 2 === 1) { res += str; }
  8866. if (n > 1) { str += str; }
  8867. n >>= 1;
  8868. }
  8869. return res
  8870. };
  8871. generateComponentTrace = function (vm) {
  8872. if (vm._isVue && vm.$parent) {
  8873. var tree = [];
  8874. var currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
  8875. while (vm && vm.$ !== 'PageBody') {
  8876. if (tree.length > 0) {
  8877. var last = tree[tree.length - 1];
  8878. if (last.constructor === vm.constructor) {
  8879. currentRecursiveSequence++;
  8880. vm = vm.$parent;
  8881. continue
  8882. } else if (currentRecursiveSequence > 0) {
  8883. tree[tree.length - 1] = [last, currentRecursiveSequence];
  8884. currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
  8885. }
  8886. }
  8887. !vm.$options.isReserved && tree.push(vm);
  8888. vm = vm.$parent;
  8889. }
  8890. return '\n\nfound in\n\n' + tree
  8891. .map(function (vm, i) { return ("" + (i === 0 ? '---> ' : repeat(' ', 5 + i * 2)) + (Array.isArray(vm)
  8892. ? ((formatComponentName(vm[0])) + "... (" + (vm[1]) + " recursive calls)")
  8893. : formatComponentName(vm))); })
  8894. .join('\n')
  8895. } else {
  8896. return ("\n\n(found in " + (formatComponentName(vm)) + ")")
  8897. }
  8898. };
  8899. }
  8900. /* */
  8901. var uid = 0;
  8902. /**
  8903. * A dep is an observable that can have multiple
  8904. * directives subscribing to it.
  8905. */
  8906. var Dep = function Dep () {
  8907. = uid++;
  8908. this.subs = [];
  8909. };
  8910. Dep.prototype.addSub = function addSub (sub) {
  8911. this.subs.push(sub);
  8912. };
  8913. Dep.prototype.removeSub = function removeSub (sub) {
  8914. remove(this.subs, sub);
  8915. };
  8916. Dep.prototype.depend = function depend () {
  8917. if ( {
  8919. }
  8920. };
  8921. Dep.prototype.notify = function notify () {
  8922. // stabilize the subscriber list first
  8923. var subs = this.subs.slice();
  8924. if ( true && !config.async) {
  8925. // subs aren't sorted in scheduler if not running async
  8926. // we need to sort them now to make sure they fire in correct
  8927. // order
  8928. subs.sort(function (a, b) { return -; });
  8929. }
  8930. for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
  8931. subs[i].update();
  8932. }
  8933. };
  8934. // The current target watcher being evaluated.
  8935. // This is globally unique because only one watcher
  8936. // can be evaluated at a time.
  8937. // fixed by xxxxxx (nvue shared vuex)
  8938. /* eslint-disable no-undef */
  8939. Dep.SharedObject = {};
  8940. = null;
  8941. Dep.SharedObject.targetStack = [];
  8942. function pushTarget (target) {
  8943. Dep.SharedObject.targetStack.push(target);
  8944. = target;
  8945. = target;
  8946. }
  8947. function popTarget () {
  8948. Dep.SharedObject.targetStack.pop();
  8949. = Dep.SharedObject.targetStack[Dep.SharedObject.targetStack.length - 1];
  8950. =;
  8951. }
  8952. /* */
  8953. var VNode = function VNode (
  8954. tag,
  8955. data,
  8956. children,
  8957. text,
  8958. elm,
  8959. context,
  8960. componentOptions,
  8961. asyncFactory
  8962. ) {
  8963. this.tag = tag;
  8964. = data;
  8965. this.children = children;
  8966. this.text = text;
  8967. this.elm = elm;
  8968. this.ns = undefined;
  8969. this.context = context;
  8970. this.fnContext = undefined;
  8971. this.fnOptions = undefined;
  8972. this.fnScopeId = undefined;
  8973. this.key = data && data.key;
  8974. this.componentOptions = componentOptions;
  8975. this.componentInstance = undefined;
  8976. this.parent = undefined;
  8977. this.raw = false;
  8978. this.isStatic = false;
  8979. this.isRootInsert = true;
  8980. this.isComment = false;
  8981. this.isCloned = false;
  8982. this.isOnce = false;
  8983. this.asyncFactory = asyncFactory;
  8984. this.asyncMeta = undefined;
  8985. this.isAsyncPlaceholder = false;
  8986. };
  8987. var prototypeAccessors = { child: { configurable: true } };
  8988. // DEPRECATED: alias for componentInstance for backwards compat.
  8989. /* istanbul ignore next */
  8990. prototypeAccessors.child.get = function () {
  8991. return this.componentInstance
  8992. };
  8993. Object.defineProperties( VNode.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
  8994. var createEmptyVNode = function (text) {
  8995. if ( text === void 0 ) text = '';
  8996. var node = new VNode();
  8997. node.text = text;
  8998. node.isComment = true;
  8999. return node
  9000. };
  9001. function createTextVNode (val) {
  9002. return new VNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, String(val))
  9003. }
  9004. // optimized shallow clone
  9005. // used for static nodes and slot nodes because they may be reused across
  9006. // multiple renders, cloning them avoids errors when DOM manipulations rely
  9007. // on their elm reference.
  9008. function cloneVNode (vnode) {
  9009. var cloned = new VNode(
  9010. vnode.tag,
  9012. // #7975
  9013. // clone children array to avoid mutating original in case of cloning
  9014. // a child.
  9015. vnode.children && vnode.children.slice(),
  9016. vnode.text,
  9017. vnode.elm,
  9018. vnode.context,
  9019. vnode.componentOptions,
  9020. vnode.asyncFactory
  9021. );
  9022. cloned.ns = vnode.ns;
  9023. cloned.isStatic = vnode.isStatic;
  9024. cloned.key = vnode.key;
  9025. cloned.isComment = vnode.isComment;
  9026. cloned.fnContext = vnode.fnContext;
  9027. cloned.fnOptions = vnode.fnOptions;
  9028. cloned.fnScopeId = vnode.fnScopeId;
  9029. cloned.asyncMeta = vnode.asyncMeta;
  9030. cloned.isCloned = true;
  9031. return cloned
  9032. }
  9033. /*
  9034. * not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with
  9035. * dynamically accessing methods on Array prototype
  9036. */
  9037. var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
  9038. var arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto);
  9039. var methodsToPatch = [
  9040. 'push',
  9041. 'pop',
  9042. 'shift',
  9043. 'unshift',
  9044. 'splice',
  9045. 'sort',
  9046. 'reverse'
  9047. ];
  9048. /**
  9049. * Intercept mutating methods and emit events
  9050. */
  9051. methodsToPatch.forEach(function (method) {
  9052. // cache original method
  9053. var original = arrayProto[method];
  9054. def(arrayMethods, method, function mutator () {
  9055. var args = [], len = arguments.length;
  9056. while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
  9057. var result = original.apply(this, args);
  9058. var ob = this.__ob__;
  9059. var inserted;
  9060. switch (method) {
  9061. case 'push':
  9062. case 'unshift':
  9063. inserted = args;
  9064. break
  9065. case 'splice':
  9066. inserted = args.slice(2);
  9067. break
  9068. }
  9069. if (inserted) { ob.observeArray(inserted); }
  9070. // notify change
  9071. ob.dep.notify();
  9072. return result
  9073. });
  9074. });
  9075. /* */
  9076. var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods);
  9077. /**
  9078. * In some cases we may want to disable observation inside a component's
  9079. * update computation.
  9080. */
  9081. var shouldObserve = true;
  9082. function toggleObserving (value) {
  9083. shouldObserve = value;
  9084. }
  9085. /**
  9086. * Observer class that is attached to each observed
  9087. * object. Once attached, the observer converts the target
  9088. * object's property keys into getter/setters that
  9089. * collect dependencies and dispatch updates.
  9090. */
  9091. var Observer = function Observer (value) {
  9092. this.value = value;
  9093. this.dep = new Dep();
  9094. this.vmCount = 0;
  9095. def(value, '__ob__', this);
  9096. if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  9097. if (hasProto) {
  9098. {// fixed by xxxxxx 微信小程序使用 plugins 之后,数组方法被直接挂载到了数组对象上,需要执行 copyAugment 逻辑
  9099. if(value.push !== value.__proto__.push){
  9100. copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);
  9101. } else {
  9102. protoAugment(value, arrayMethods);
  9103. }
  9104. }
  9105. } else {
  9106. copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);
  9107. }
  9108. this.observeArray(value);
  9109. } else {
  9110. this.walk(value);
  9111. }
  9112. };
  9113. /**
  9114. * Walk through all properties and convert them into
  9115. * getter/setters. This method should only be called when
  9116. * value type is Object.
  9117. */
  9118. Observer.prototype.walk = function walk (obj) {
  9119. var keys = Object.keys(obj);
  9120. for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  9121. defineReactive$$1(obj, keys[i]);
  9122. }
  9123. };
  9124. /**
  9125. * Observe a list of Array items.
  9126. */
  9127. Observer.prototype.observeArray = function observeArray (items) {
  9128. for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
  9129. observe(items[i]);
  9130. }
  9131. };
  9132. // helpers
  9133. /**
  9134. * Augment a target Object or Array by intercepting
  9135. * the prototype chain using __proto__
  9136. */
  9137. function protoAugment (target, src) {
  9138. /* eslint-disable no-proto */
  9139. target.__proto__ = src;
  9140. /* eslint-enable no-proto */
  9141. }
  9142. /**
  9143. * Augment a target Object or Array by defining
  9144. * hidden properties.
  9145. */
  9146. /* istanbul ignore next */
  9147. function copyAugment (target, src, keys) {
  9148. for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
  9149. var key = keys[i];
  9150. def(target, key, src[key]);
  9151. }
  9152. }
  9153. /**
  9154. * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value,
  9155. * returns the new observer if successfully observed,
  9156. * or the existing observer if the value already has one.
  9157. */
  9158. function observe (value, asRootData) {
  9159. if (!isObject(value) || value instanceof VNode) {
  9160. return
  9161. }
  9162. var ob;
  9163. if (hasOwn(value, '__ob__') && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) {
  9164. ob = value.__ob__;
  9165. } else if (
  9166. shouldObserve &&
  9167. !isServerRendering() &&
  9168. (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) &&
  9169. Object.isExtensible(value) &&
  9170. !value._isVue
  9171. ) {
  9172. ob = new Observer(value);
  9173. }
  9174. if (asRootData && ob) {
  9175. ob.vmCount++;
  9176. }
  9177. return ob
  9178. }
  9179. /**
  9180. * Define a reactive property on an Object.
  9181. */
  9182. function defineReactive$$1 (
  9183. obj,
  9184. key,
  9185. val,
  9186. customSetter,
  9187. shallow
  9188. ) {
  9189. var dep = new Dep();
  9190. var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
  9191. if (property && property.configurable === false) {
  9192. return
  9193. }
  9194. // cater for pre-defined getter/setters
  9195. var getter = property && property.get;
  9196. var setter = property && property.set;
  9197. if ((!getter || setter) && arguments.length === 2) {
  9198. val = obj[key];
  9199. }
  9200. var childOb = !shallow && observe(val);
  9201. Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
  9202. enumerable: true,
  9203. configurable: true,
  9204. get: function reactiveGetter () {
  9205. var value = getter ? : val;
  9206. if ( { // fixed by xxxxxx
  9207. dep.depend();
  9208. if (childOb) {
  9209. childOb.dep.depend();
  9210. if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  9211. dependArray(value);
  9212. }
  9213. }
  9214. }
  9215. return value
  9216. },
  9217. set: function reactiveSetter (newVal) {
  9218. var value = getter ? : val;
  9219. /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */
  9220. if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) {
  9221. return
  9222. }
  9223. /* eslint-enable no-self-compare */
  9224. if ( true && customSetter) {
  9225. customSetter();
  9226. }
  9227. // #7981: for accessor properties without setter
  9228. if (getter && !setter) { return }
  9229. if (setter) {
  9230., newVal);
  9231. } else {
  9232. val = newVal;
  9233. }
  9234. childOb = !shallow && observe(newVal);
  9235. dep.notify();
  9236. }
  9237. });
  9238. }
  9239. /**
  9240. * Set a property on an object. Adds the new property and
  9241. * triggers change notification if the property doesn't
  9242. * already exist.
  9243. */
  9244. function set (target, key, val) {
  9245. if ( true &&
  9246. (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))
  9247. ) {
  9248. warn(("Cannot set reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target))));
  9249. }
  9250. if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
  9251. target.length = Math.max(target.length, key);
  9252. target.splice(key, 1, val);
  9253. return val
  9254. }
  9255. if (key in target && !(key in Object.prototype)) {
  9256. target[key] = val;
  9257. return val
  9258. }
  9259. var ob = (target).__ob__;
  9260. if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
  9261. true && warn(
  9262. 'Avoid adding reactive properties to a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
  9263. 'at runtime - declare it upfront in the data option.'
  9264. );
  9265. return val
  9266. }
  9267. if (!ob) {
  9268. target[key] = val;
  9269. return val
  9270. }
  9271. defineReactive$$1(ob.value, key, val);
  9272. ob.dep.notify();
  9273. return val
  9274. }
  9275. /**
  9276. * Delete a property and trigger change if necessary.
  9277. */
  9278. function del (target, key) {
  9279. if ( true &&
  9280. (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))
  9281. ) {
  9282. warn(("Cannot delete reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target))));
  9283. }
  9284. if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
  9285. target.splice(key, 1);
  9286. return
  9287. }
  9288. var ob = (target).__ob__;
  9289. if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
  9290. true && warn(
  9291. 'Avoid deleting properties on a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
  9292. '- just set it to null.'
  9293. );
  9294. return
  9295. }
  9296. if (!hasOwn(target, key)) {
  9297. return
  9298. }
  9299. delete target[key];
  9300. if (!ob) {
  9301. return
  9302. }
  9303. ob.dep.notify();
  9304. }
  9305. /**
  9306. * Collect dependencies on array elements when the array is touched, since
  9307. * we cannot intercept array element access like property getters.
  9308. */
  9309. function dependArray (value) {
  9310. for (var e = (void 0), i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
  9311. e = value[i];
  9312. e && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend();
  9313. if (Array.isArray(e)) {
  9314. dependArray(e);
  9315. }
  9316. }
  9317. }
  9318. /* */
  9319. /**
  9320. * Option overwriting strategies are functions that handle
  9321. * how to merge a parent option value and a child option
  9322. * value into the final value.
  9323. */
  9324. var strats = config.optionMergeStrategies;
  9325. /**
  9326. * Options with restrictions
  9327. */
  9328. if (true) {
  9329. strats.el = strats.propsData = function (parent, child, vm, key) {
  9330. if (!vm) {
  9331. warn(
  9332. "option \"" + key + "\" can only be used during instance " +
  9333. 'creation with the `new` keyword.'
  9334. );
  9335. }
  9336. return defaultStrat(parent, child)
  9337. };
  9338. }
  9339. /**
  9340. * Helper that recursively merges two data objects together.
  9341. */
  9342. function mergeData (to, from) {
  9343. if (!from) { return to }
  9344. var key, toVal, fromVal;
  9345. var keys = hasSymbol
  9346. ? Reflect.ownKeys(from)
  9347. : Object.keys(from);
  9348. for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  9349. key = keys[i];
  9350. // in case the object is already observed...
  9351. if (key === '__ob__') { continue }
  9352. toVal = to[key];
  9353. fromVal = from[key];
  9354. if (!hasOwn(to, key)) {
  9355. set(to, key, fromVal);
  9356. } else if (
  9357. toVal !== fromVal &&
  9358. isPlainObject(toVal) &&
  9359. isPlainObject(fromVal)
  9360. ) {
  9361. mergeData(toVal, fromVal);
  9362. }
  9363. }
  9364. return to
  9365. }
  9366. /**
  9367. * Data
  9368. */
  9369. function mergeDataOrFn (
  9370. parentVal,
  9371. childVal,
  9372. vm
  9373. ) {
  9374. if (!vm) {
  9375. // in a Vue.extend merge, both should be functions
  9376. if (!childVal) {
  9377. return parentVal
  9378. }
  9379. if (!parentVal) {
  9380. return childVal
  9381. }
  9382. // when parentVal & childVal are both present,
  9383. // we need to return a function that returns the
  9384. // merged result of both functions... no need to
  9385. // check if parentVal is a function here because
  9386. // it has to be a function to pass previous merges.
  9387. return function mergedDataFn () {
  9388. return mergeData(
  9389. typeof childVal === 'function' ?, this) : childVal,
  9390. typeof parentVal === 'function' ?, this) : parentVal
  9391. )
  9392. }
  9393. } else {
  9394. return function mergedInstanceDataFn () {
  9395. // instance merge
  9396. var instanceData = typeof childVal === 'function'
  9397. ?, vm)
  9398. : childVal;
  9399. var defaultData = typeof parentVal === 'function'
  9400. ?, vm)
  9401. : parentVal;
  9402. if (instanceData) {
  9403. return mergeData(instanceData, defaultData)
  9404. } else {
  9405. return defaultData
  9406. }
  9407. }
  9408. }
  9409. }
  9410. = function (
  9411. parentVal,
  9412. childVal,
  9413. vm
  9414. ) {
  9415. if (!vm) {
  9416. if (childVal && typeof childVal !== 'function') {
  9417. true && warn(
  9418. 'The "data" option should be a function ' +
  9419. 'that returns a per-instance value in component ' +
  9420. 'definitions.',
  9421. vm
  9422. );
  9423. return parentVal
  9424. }
  9425. return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal)
  9426. }
  9427. return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal, vm)
  9428. };
  9429. /**
  9430. * Hooks and props are merged as arrays.
  9431. */
  9432. function mergeHook (
  9433. parentVal,
  9434. childVal
  9435. ) {
  9436. var res = childVal
  9437. ? parentVal
  9438. ? parentVal.concat(childVal)
  9439. : Array.isArray(childVal)
  9440. ? childVal
  9441. : [childVal]
  9442. : parentVal;
  9443. return res
  9444. ? dedupeHooks(res)
  9445. : res
  9446. }
  9447. function dedupeHooks (hooks) {
  9448. var res = [];
  9449. for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
  9450. if (res.indexOf(hooks[i]) === -1) {
  9451. res.push(hooks[i]);
  9452. }
  9453. }
  9454. return res
  9455. }
  9456. LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.forEach(function (hook) {
  9457. strats[hook] = mergeHook;
  9458. });
  9459. /**
  9460. * Assets
  9461. *
  9462. * When a vm is present (instance creation), we need to do
  9463. * a three-way merge between constructor options, instance
  9464. * options and parent options.
  9465. */
  9466. function mergeAssets (
  9467. parentVal,
  9468. childVal,
  9469. vm,
  9470. key
  9471. ) {
  9472. var res = Object.create(parentVal || null);
  9473. if (childVal) {
  9474. true && assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
  9475. return extend(res, childVal)
  9476. } else {
  9477. return res
  9478. }
  9479. }
  9480. ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
  9481. strats[type + 's'] = mergeAssets;
  9482. });
  9483. /**
  9484. * Watchers.
  9485. *
  9486. * Watchers hashes should not overwrite one
  9487. * another, so we merge them as arrays.
  9488. */
  9489. = function (
  9490. parentVal,
  9491. childVal,
  9492. vm,
  9493. key
  9494. ) {
  9495. // work around Firefox's
  9496. if (parentVal === nativeWatch) { parentVal = undefined; }
  9497. if (childVal === nativeWatch) { childVal = undefined; }
  9498. /* istanbul ignore if */
  9499. if (!childVal) { return Object.create(parentVal || null) }
  9500. if (true) {
  9501. assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
  9502. }
  9503. if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
  9504. var ret = {};
  9505. extend(ret, parentVal);
  9506. for (var key$1 in childVal) {
  9507. var parent = ret[key$1];
  9508. var child = childVal[key$1];
  9509. if (parent && !Array.isArray(parent)) {
  9510. parent = [parent];
  9511. }
  9512. ret[key$1] = parent
  9513. ? parent.concat(child)
  9514. : Array.isArray(child) ? child : [child];
  9515. }
  9516. return ret
  9517. };
  9518. /**
  9519. * Other object hashes.
  9520. */
  9521. strats.props =
  9522. strats.methods =
  9523. strats.inject =
  9524. strats.computed = function (
  9525. parentVal,
  9526. childVal,
  9527. vm,
  9528. key
  9529. ) {
  9530. if (childVal && "development" !== 'production') {
  9531. assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
  9532. }
  9533. if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
  9534. var ret = Object.create(null);
  9535. extend(ret, parentVal);
  9536. if (childVal) { extend(ret, childVal); }
  9537. return ret
  9538. };
  9539. strats.provide = mergeDataOrFn;
  9540. /**
  9541. * Default strategy.
  9542. */
  9543. var defaultStrat = function (parentVal, childVal) {
  9544. return childVal === undefined
  9545. ? parentVal
  9546. : childVal
  9547. };
  9548. /**
  9549. * Validate component names
  9550. */
  9551. function checkComponents (options) {
  9552. for (var key in options.components) {
  9553. validateComponentName(key);
  9554. }
  9555. }
  9556. function validateComponentName (name) {
  9557. if (!new RegExp(("^[a-zA-Z][\\-\\.0-9_" + (unicodeRegExp.source) + "]*$")).test(name)) {
  9558. warn(
  9559. 'Invalid component name: "' + name + '". Component names ' +
  9560. 'should conform to valid custom element name in html5 specification.'
  9561. );
  9562. }
  9563. if (isBuiltInTag(name) || config.isReservedTag(name)) {
  9564. warn(
  9565. 'Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component ' +
  9566. 'id: ' + name
  9567. );
  9568. }
  9569. }
  9570. /**
  9571. * Ensure all props option syntax are normalized into the
  9572. * Object-based format.
  9573. */
  9574. function normalizeProps (options, vm) {
  9575. var props = options.props;
  9576. if (!props) { return }
  9577. var res = {};
  9578. var i, val, name;
  9579. if (Array.isArray(props)) {
  9580. i = props.length;
  9581. while (i--) {
  9582. val = props[i];
  9583. if (typeof val === 'string') {
  9584. name = camelize(val);
  9585. res[name] = { type: null };
  9586. } else if (true) {
  9587. warn('props must be strings when using array syntax.');
  9588. }
  9589. }
  9590. } else if (isPlainObject(props)) {
  9591. for (var key in props) {
  9592. val = props[key];
  9593. name = camelize(key);
  9594. res[name] = isPlainObject(val)
  9595. ? val
  9596. : { type: val };
  9597. }
  9598. } else if (true) {
  9599. warn(
  9600. "Invalid value for option \"props\": expected an Array or an Object, " +
  9601. "but got " + (toRawType(props)) + ".",
  9602. vm
  9603. );
  9604. }
  9605. options.props = res;
  9606. }
  9607. /**
  9608. * Normalize all injections into Object-based format
  9609. */
  9610. function normalizeInject (options, vm) {
  9611. var inject = options.inject;
  9612. if (!inject) { return }
  9613. var normalized = options.inject = {};
  9614. if (Array.isArray(inject)) {
  9615. for (var i = 0; i < inject.length; i++) {
  9616. normalized[inject[i]] = { from: inject[i] };
  9617. }
  9618. } else if (isPlainObject(inject)) {
  9619. for (var key in inject) {
  9620. var val = inject[key];
  9621. normalized[key] = isPlainObject(val)
  9622. ? extend({ from: key }, val)
  9623. : { from: val };
  9624. }
  9625. } else if (true) {
  9626. warn(
  9627. "Invalid value for option \"inject\": expected an Array or an Object, " +
  9628. "but got " + (toRawType(inject)) + ".",
  9629. vm
  9630. );
  9631. }
  9632. }
  9633. /**
  9634. * Normalize raw function directives into object format.
  9635. */
  9636. function normalizeDirectives (options) {
  9637. var dirs = options.directives;
  9638. if (dirs) {
  9639. for (var key in dirs) {
  9640. var def$$1 = dirs[key];
  9641. if (typeof def$$1 === 'function') {
  9642. dirs[key] = { bind: def$$1, update: def$$1 };
  9643. }
  9644. }
  9645. }
  9646. }
  9647. function assertObjectType (name, value, vm) {
  9648. if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
  9649. warn(
  9650. "Invalid value for option \"" + name + "\": expected an Object, " +
  9651. "but got " + (toRawType(value)) + ".",
  9652. vm
  9653. );
  9654. }
  9655. }
  9656. /**
  9657. * Merge two option objects into a new one.
  9658. * Core utility used in both instantiation and inheritance.
  9659. */
  9660. function mergeOptions (
  9661. parent,
  9662. child,
  9663. vm
  9664. ) {
  9665. if (true) {
  9666. checkComponents(child);
  9667. }
  9668. if (typeof child === 'function') {
  9669. child = child.options;
  9670. }
  9671. normalizeProps(child, vm);
  9672. normalizeInject(child, vm);
  9673. normalizeDirectives(child);
  9674. // Apply extends and mixins on the child options,
  9675. // but only if it is a raw options object that isn't
  9676. // the result of another mergeOptions call.
  9677. // Only merged options has the _base property.
  9678. if (!child._base) {
  9679. if (child.extends) {
  9680. parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.extends, vm);
  9681. }
  9682. if (child.mixins) {
  9683. for (var i = 0, l = child.mixins.length; i < l; i++) {
  9684. parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.mixins[i], vm);
  9685. }
  9686. }
  9687. }
  9688. var options = {};
  9689. var key;
  9690. for (key in parent) {
  9691. mergeField(key);
  9692. }
  9693. for (key in child) {
  9694. if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) {
  9695. mergeField(key);
  9696. }
  9697. }
  9698. function mergeField (key) {
  9699. var strat = strats[key] || defaultStrat;
  9700. options[key] = strat(parent[key], child[key], vm, key);
  9701. }
  9702. return options
  9703. }
  9704. /**
  9705. * Resolve an asset.
  9706. * This function is used because child instances need access
  9707. * to assets defined in its ancestor chain.
  9708. */
  9709. function resolveAsset (
  9710. options,
  9711. type,
  9712. id,
  9713. warnMissing
  9714. ) {
  9715. /* istanbul ignore if */
  9716. if (typeof id !== 'string') {
  9717. return
  9718. }
  9719. var assets = options[type];
  9720. // check local registration variations first
  9721. if (hasOwn(assets, id)) { return assets[id] }
  9722. var camelizedId = camelize(id);
  9723. if (hasOwn(assets, camelizedId)) { return assets[camelizedId] }
  9724. var PascalCaseId = capitalize(camelizedId);
  9725. if (hasOwn(assets, PascalCaseId)) { return assets[PascalCaseId] }
  9726. // fallback to prototype chain
  9727. var res = assets[id] || assets[camelizedId] || assets[PascalCaseId];
  9728. if ( true && warnMissing && !res) {
  9729. warn(
  9730. 'Failed to resolve ' + type.slice(0, -1) + ': ' + id,
  9731. options
  9732. );
  9733. }
  9734. return res
  9735. }
  9736. /* */
  9737. function validateProp (
  9738. key,
  9739. propOptions,
  9740. propsData,
  9741. vm
  9742. ) {
  9743. var prop = propOptions[key];
  9744. var absent = !hasOwn(propsData, key);
  9745. var value = propsData[key];
  9746. // boolean casting
  9747. var booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, prop.type);
  9748. if (booleanIndex > -1) {
  9749. if (absent && !hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
  9750. value = false;
  9751. } else if (value === '' || value === hyphenate(key)) {
  9752. // only cast empty string / same name to boolean if
  9753. // boolean has higher priority
  9754. var stringIndex = getTypeIndex(String, prop.type);
  9755. if (stringIndex < 0 || booleanIndex < stringIndex) {
  9756. value = true;
  9757. }
  9758. }
  9759. }
  9760. // check default value
  9761. if (value === undefined) {
  9762. value = getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key);
  9763. // since the default value is a fresh copy,
  9764. // make sure to observe it.
  9765. var prevShouldObserve = shouldObserve;
  9766. toggleObserving(true);
  9767. observe(value);
  9768. toggleObserving(prevShouldObserve);
  9769. }
  9770. if (
  9771. true
  9772. ) {
  9773. assertProp(prop, key, value, vm, absent);
  9774. }
  9775. return value
  9776. }
  9777. /**
  9778. * Get the default value of a prop.
  9779. */
  9780. function getPropDefaultValue (vm, prop, key) {
  9781. // no default, return undefined
  9782. if (!hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
  9783. return undefined
  9784. }
  9785. var def = prop.default;
  9786. // warn against non-factory defaults for Object & Array
  9787. if ( true && isObject(def)) {
  9788. warn(
  9789. 'Invalid default value for prop "' + key + '": ' +
  9790. 'Props with type Object/Array must use a factory function ' +
  9791. 'to return the default value.',
  9792. vm
  9793. );
  9794. }
  9795. // the raw prop value was also undefined from previous render,
  9796. // return previous default value to avoid unnecessary watcher trigger
  9797. if (vm && vm.$options.propsData &&
  9798. vm.$options.propsData[key] === undefined &&
  9799. vm._props[key] !== undefined
  9800. ) {
  9801. return vm._props[key]
  9802. }
  9803. // call factory function for non-Function types
  9804. // a value is Function if its prototype is function even across different execution context
  9805. return typeof def === 'function' && getType(prop.type) !== 'Function'
  9806. ?
  9807. : def
  9808. }
  9809. /**
  9810. * Assert whether a prop is valid.
  9811. */
  9812. function assertProp (
  9813. prop,
  9814. name,
  9815. value,
  9816. vm,
  9817. absent
  9818. ) {
  9819. if (prop.required && absent) {
  9820. warn(
  9821. 'Missing required prop: "' + name + '"',
  9822. vm
  9823. );
  9824. return
  9825. }
  9826. if (value == null && !prop.required) {
  9827. return
  9828. }
  9829. var type = prop.type;
  9830. var valid = !type || type === true;
  9831. var expectedTypes = [];
  9832. if (type) {
  9833. if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
  9834. type = [type];
  9835. }
  9836. for (var i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) {
  9837. var assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]);
  9838. expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || '');
  9839. valid = assertedType.valid;
  9840. }
  9841. }
  9842. if (!valid) {
  9843. warn(
  9844. getInvalidTypeMessage(name, value, expectedTypes),
  9845. vm
  9846. );
  9847. return
  9848. }
  9849. var validator = prop.validator;
  9850. if (validator) {
  9851. if (!validator(value)) {
  9852. warn(
  9853. 'Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + name + '".',
  9854. vm
  9855. );
  9856. }
  9857. }
  9858. }
  9859. var simpleCheckRE = /^(String|Number|Boolean|Function|Symbol)$/;
  9860. function assertType (value, type) {
  9861. var valid;
  9862. var expectedType = getType(type);
  9863. if (simpleCheckRE.test(expectedType)) {
  9864. var t = typeof value;
  9865. valid = t === expectedType.toLowerCase();
  9866. // for primitive wrapper objects
  9867. if (!valid && t === 'object') {
  9868. valid = value instanceof type;
  9869. }
  9870. } else if (expectedType === 'Object') {
  9871. valid = isPlainObject(value);
  9872. } else if (expectedType === 'Array') {
  9873. valid = Array.isArray(value);
  9874. } else {
  9875. valid = value instanceof type;
  9876. }
  9877. return {
  9878. valid: valid,
  9879. expectedType: expectedType
  9880. }
  9881. }
  9882. /**
  9883. * Use function string name to check built-in types,
  9884. * because a simple equality check will fail when running
  9885. * across different vms / iframes.
  9886. */
  9887. function getType (fn) {
  9888. var match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/);
  9889. return match ? match[1] : ''
  9890. }
  9891. function isSameType (a, b) {
  9892. return getType(a) === getType(b)
  9893. }
  9894. function getTypeIndex (type, expectedTypes) {
  9895. if (!Array.isArray(expectedTypes)) {
  9896. return isSameType(expectedTypes, type) ? 0 : -1
  9897. }
  9898. for (var i = 0, len = expectedTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
  9899. if (isSameType(expectedTypes[i], type)) {
  9900. return i
  9901. }
  9902. }
  9903. return -1
  9904. }
  9905. function getInvalidTypeMessage (name, value, expectedTypes) {
  9906. var message = "Invalid prop: type check failed for prop \"" + name + "\"." +
  9907. " Expected " + (', '));
  9908. var expectedType = expectedTypes[0];
  9909. var receivedType = toRawType(value);
  9910. var expectedValue = styleValue(value, expectedType);
  9911. var receivedValue = styleValue(value, receivedType);
  9912. // check if we need to specify expected value
  9913. if (expectedTypes.length === 1 &&
  9914. isExplicable(expectedType) &&
  9915. !isBoolean(expectedType, receivedType)) {
  9916. message += " with value " + expectedValue;
  9917. }
  9918. message += ", got " + receivedType + " ";
  9919. // check if we need to specify received value
  9920. if (isExplicable(receivedType)) {
  9921. message += "with value " + receivedValue + ".";
  9922. }
  9923. return message
  9924. }
  9925. function styleValue (value, type) {
  9926. if (type === 'String') {
  9927. return ("\"" + value + "\"")
  9928. } else if (type === 'Number') {
  9929. return ("" + (Number(value)))
  9930. } else {
  9931. return ("" + value)
  9932. }
  9933. }
  9934. function isExplicable (value) {
  9935. var explicitTypes = ['string', 'number', 'boolean'];
  9936. return explicitTypes.some(function (elem) { return value.toLowerCase() === elem; })
  9937. }
  9938. function isBoolean () {
  9939. var args = [], len = arguments.length;
  9940. while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
  9941. return args.some(function (elem) { return elem.toLowerCase() === 'boolean'; })
  9942. }
  9943. /* */
  9944. function handleError (err, vm, info) {
  9945. // Deactivate deps tracking while processing error handler to avoid possible infinite rendering.
  9946. // See:
  9947. pushTarget();
  9948. try {
  9949. if (vm) {
  9950. var cur = vm;
  9951. while ((cur = cur.$parent)) {
  9952. var hooks = cur.$options.errorCaptured;
  9953. if (hooks) {
  9954. for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
  9955. try {
  9956. var capture = hooks[i].call(cur, err, vm, info) === false;
  9957. if (capture) { return }
  9958. } catch (e) {
  9959. globalHandleError(e, cur, 'errorCaptured hook');
  9960. }
  9961. }
  9962. }
  9963. }
  9964. }
  9965. globalHandleError(err, vm, info);
  9966. } finally {
  9967. popTarget();
  9968. }
  9969. }
  9970. function invokeWithErrorHandling (
  9971. handler,
  9972. context,
  9973. args,
  9974. vm,
  9975. info
  9976. ) {
  9977. var res;
  9978. try {
  9979. res = args ? handler.apply(context, args) :;
  9980. if (res && !res._isVue && isPromise(res) && !res._handled) {
  9981. res.catch(function (e) { return handleError(e, vm, info + " (Promise/async)"); });
  9982. // issue #9511
  9983. // avoid catch triggering multiple times when nested calls
  9984. res._handled = true;
  9985. }
  9986. } catch (e) {
  9987. handleError(e, vm, info);
  9988. }
  9989. return res
  9990. }
  9991. function globalHandleError (err, vm, info) {
  9992. if (config.errorHandler) {
  9993. try {
  9994. return, err, vm, info)
  9995. } catch (e) {
  9996. // if the user intentionally throws the original error in the handler,
  9997. // do not log it twice
  9998. if (e !== err) {
  9999. logError(e, null, 'config.errorHandler');
  10000. }
  10001. }
  10002. }
  10003. logError(err, vm, info);
  10004. }
  10005. function logError (err, vm, info) {
  10006. if (true) {
  10007. warn(("Error in " + info + ": \"" + (err.toString()) + "\""), vm);
  10008. }
  10009. /* istanbul ignore else */
  10010. if ((inBrowser || inWeex) && typeof console !== 'undefined') {
  10011. console.error(err);
  10012. } else {
  10013. throw err
  10014. }
  10015. }
  10016. /* */
  10017. var callbacks = [];
  10018. var pending = false;
  10019. function flushCallbacks () {
  10020. pending = false;
  10021. var copies = callbacks.slice(0);
  10022. callbacks.length = 0;
  10023. for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
  10024. copies[i]();
  10025. }
  10026. }
  10027. // Here we have async deferring wrappers using microtasks.
  10028. // In 2.5 we used (macro) tasks (in combination with microtasks).
  10029. // However, it has subtle problems when state is changed right before repaint
  10030. // (e.g. #6813, out-in transitions).
  10031. // Also, using (macro) tasks in event handler would cause some weird behaviors
  10032. // that cannot be circumvented (e.g. #7109, #7153, #7546, #7834, #8109).
  10033. // So we now use microtasks everywhere, again.
  10034. // A major drawback of this tradeoff is that there are some scenarios
  10035. // where microtasks have too high a priority and fire in between supposedly
  10036. // sequential events (e.g. #4521, #6690, which have workarounds)
  10037. // or even between bubbling of the same event (#6566).
  10038. var timerFunc;
  10039. // The nextTick behavior leverages the microtask queue, which can be accessed
  10040. // via either native Promise.then or MutationObserver.
  10041. // MutationObserver has wider support, however it is seriously bugged in
  10042. // UIWebView in iOS >= 9.3.3 when triggered in touch event handlers. It
  10043. // completely stops working after triggering a few times... so, if native
  10044. // Promise is available, we will use it:
  10045. /* istanbul ignore next, $flow-disable-line */
  10046. if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) {
  10047. var p = Promise.resolve();
  10048. timerFunc = function () {
  10049. p.then(flushCallbacks);
  10050. // In problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but
  10051. // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the
  10052. // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser
  10053. // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can
  10054. // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer.
  10055. if (isIOS) { setTimeout(noop); }
  10056. };
  10057. } else if (!isIE && typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' && (
  10058. isNative(MutationObserver) ||
  10059. // PhantomJS and iOS 7.x
  10060. MutationObserver.toString() === '[object MutationObserverConstructor]'
  10061. )) {
  10062. // Use MutationObserver where native Promise is not available,
  10063. // e.g. PhantomJS, iOS7, Android 4.4
  10064. // (#6466 MutationObserver is unreliable in IE11)
  10065. var counter = 1;
  10066. var observer = new MutationObserver(flushCallbacks);
  10067. var textNode = document.createTextNode(String(counter));
  10068. observer.observe(textNode, {
  10069. characterData: true
  10070. });
  10071. timerFunc = function () {
  10072. counter = (counter + 1) % 2;
  10073. = String(counter);
  10074. };
  10075. } else if (typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' && isNative(setImmediate)) {
  10076. // Fallback to setImmediate.
  10077. // Technically it leverages the (macro) task queue,
  10078. // but it is still a better choice than setTimeout.
  10079. timerFunc = function () {
  10080. setImmediate(flushCallbacks);
  10081. };
  10082. } else {
  10083. // Fallback to setTimeout.
  10084. timerFunc = function () {
  10085. setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0);
  10086. };
  10087. }
  10088. function nextTick (cb, ctx) {
  10089. var _resolve;
  10090. callbacks.push(function () {
  10091. if (cb) {
  10092. try {
  10094. } catch (e) {
  10095. handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick');
  10096. }
  10097. } else if (_resolve) {
  10098. _resolve(ctx);
  10099. }
  10100. });
  10101. if (!pending) {
  10102. pending = true;
  10103. timerFunc();
  10104. }
  10105. // $flow-disable-line
  10106. if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
  10107. return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  10108. _resolve = resolve;
  10109. })
  10110. }
  10111. }
  10112. /* */
  10113. /* not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with Proxy */
  10114. var initProxy;
  10115. if (true) {
  10116. var allowedGlobals = makeMap(
  10117. 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,' +
  10118. 'parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,' +
  10119. 'Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,' +
  10120. 'require' // for Webpack/Browserify
  10121. );
  10122. var warnNonPresent = function (target, key) {
  10123. warn(
  10124. "Property or method \"" + key + "\" is not defined on the instance but " +
  10125. 'referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, ' +
  10126. 'either in the data option, or for class-based components, by ' +
  10127. 'initializing the property. ' +
  10128. 'See:',
  10129. target
  10130. );
  10131. };
  10132. var warnReservedPrefix = function (target, key) {
  10133. warn(
  10134. "Property \"" + key + "\" must be accessed with \"$data." + key + "\" because " +
  10135. 'properties starting with "$" or "_" are not proxied in the Vue instance to ' +
  10136. 'prevent conflicts with Vue internals. ' +
  10137. 'See:',
  10138. target
  10139. );
  10140. };
  10141. var hasProxy =
  10142. typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' && isNative(Proxy);
  10143. if (hasProxy) {
  10144. var isBuiltInModifier = makeMap('stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact');
  10145. config.keyCodes = new Proxy(config.keyCodes, {
  10146. set: function set (target, key, value) {
  10147. if (isBuiltInModifier(key)) {
  10148. warn(("Avoid overwriting built-in modifier in config.keyCodes: ." + key));
  10149. return false
  10150. } else {
  10151. target[key] = value;
  10152. return true
  10153. }
  10154. }
  10155. });
  10156. }
  10157. var hasHandler = {
  10158. has: function has (target, key) {
  10159. var has = key in target;
  10160. var isAllowed = allowedGlobals(key) ||
  10161. (typeof key === 'string' && key.charAt(0) === '_' && !(key in target.$data));
  10162. if (!has && !isAllowed) {
  10163. if (key in target.$data) { warnReservedPrefix(target, key); }
  10164. else { warnNonPresent(target, key); }
  10165. }
  10166. return has || !isAllowed
  10167. }
  10168. };
  10169. var getHandler = {
  10170. get: function get (target, key) {
  10171. if (typeof key === 'string' && !(key in target)) {
  10172. if (key in target.$data) { warnReservedPrefix(target, key); }
  10173. else { warnNonPresent(target, key); }
  10174. }
  10175. return target[key]
  10176. }
  10177. };
  10178. initProxy = function initProxy (vm) {
  10179. if (hasProxy) {
  10180. // determine which proxy handler to use
  10181. var options = vm.$options;
  10182. var handlers = options.render && options.render._withStripped
  10183. ? getHandler
  10184. : hasHandler;
  10185. vm._renderProxy = new Proxy(vm, handlers);
  10186. } else {
  10187. vm._renderProxy = vm;
  10188. }
  10189. };
  10190. }
  10191. /* */
  10192. var seenObjects = new _Set();
  10193. /**
  10194. * Recursively traverse an object to evoke all converted
  10195. * getters, so that every nested property inside the object
  10196. * is collected as a "deep" dependency.
  10197. */
  10198. function traverse (val) {
  10199. _traverse(val, seenObjects);
  10200. seenObjects.clear();
  10201. }
  10202. function _traverse (val, seen) {
  10203. var i, keys;
  10204. var isA = Array.isArray(val);
  10205. if ((!isA && !isObject(val)) || Object.isFrozen(val) || val instanceof VNode) {
  10206. return
  10207. }
  10208. if (val.__ob__) {
  10209. var depId =;
  10210. if (seen.has(depId)) {
  10211. return
  10212. }
  10213. seen.add(depId);
  10214. }
  10215. if (isA) {
  10216. i = val.length;
  10217. while (i--) { _traverse(val[i], seen); }
  10218. } else {
  10219. keys = Object.keys(val);
  10220. i = keys.length;
  10221. while (i--) { _traverse(val[keys[i]], seen); }
  10222. }
  10223. }
  10224. var mark;
  10225. var measure;
  10226. if (true) {
  10227. var perf = inBrowser && window.performance;
  10228. /* istanbul ignore if */
  10229. if (
  10230. perf &&
  10231. perf.mark &&
  10232. perf.measure &&
  10233. perf.clearMarks &&
  10234. perf.clearMeasures
  10235. ) {
  10236. mark = function (tag) { return perf.mark(tag); };
  10237. measure = function (name, startTag, endTag) {
  10238. perf.measure(name, startTag, endTag);
  10239. perf.clearMarks(startTag);
  10240. perf.clearMarks(endTag);
  10241. // perf.clearMeasures(name)
  10242. };
  10243. }
  10244. }
  10245. /* */
  10246. var normalizeEvent = cached(function (name) {
  10247. var passive = name.charAt(0) === '&';
  10248. name = passive ? name.slice(1) : name;
  10249. var once$$1 = name.charAt(0) === '~'; // Prefixed last, checked first
  10250. name = once$$1 ? name.slice(1) : name;
  10251. var capture = name.charAt(0) === '!';
  10252. name = capture ? name.slice(1) : name;
  10253. return {
  10254. name: name,
  10255. once: once$$1,
  10256. capture: capture,
  10257. passive: passive
  10258. }
  10259. });
  10260. function createFnInvoker (fns, vm) {
  10261. function invoker () {
  10262. var arguments$1 = arguments;
  10263. var fns = invoker.fns;
  10264. if (Array.isArray(fns)) {
  10265. var cloned = fns.slice();
  10266. for (var i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) {
  10267. invokeWithErrorHandling(cloned[i], null, arguments$1, vm, "v-on handler");
  10268. }
  10269. } else {
  10270. // return handler return value for single handlers
  10271. return invokeWithErrorHandling(fns, null, arguments, vm, "v-on handler")
  10272. }
  10273. }
  10274. invoker.fns = fns;
  10275. return invoker
  10276. }
  10277. function updateListeners (
  10278. on,
  10279. oldOn,
  10280. add,
  10281. remove$$1,
  10282. createOnceHandler,
  10283. vm
  10284. ) {
  10285. var name, def$$1, cur, old, event;
  10286. for (name in on) {
  10287. def$$1 = cur = on[name];
  10288. old = oldOn[name];
  10289. event = normalizeEvent(name);
  10290. if (isUndef(cur)) {
  10291. true && warn(
  10292. "Invalid handler for event \"" + ( + "\": got " + String(cur),
  10293. vm
  10294. );
  10295. } else if (isUndef(old)) {
  10296. if (isUndef(cur.fns)) {
  10297. cur = on[name] = createFnInvoker(cur, vm);
  10298. }
  10299. if (isTrue(event.once)) {
  10300. cur = on[name] = createOnceHandler(, cur, event.capture);
  10301. }
  10302. add(, cur, event.capture, event.passive, event.params);
  10303. } else if (cur !== old) {
  10304. old.fns = cur;
  10305. on[name] = old;
  10306. }
  10307. }
  10308. for (name in oldOn) {
  10309. if (isUndef(on[name])) {
  10310. event = normalizeEvent(name);
  10311. remove$$1(, oldOn[name], event.capture);
  10312. }
  10313. }
  10314. }
  10315. /* */
  10316. /* */
  10317. // fixed by xxxxxx (mp properties)
  10318. function extractPropertiesFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, res, context) {
  10319. var propOptions = Ctor.options.mpOptions &&;
  10320. if (isUndef(propOptions)) {
  10321. return res
  10322. }
  10323. var externalClasses = Ctor.options.mpOptions.externalClasses || [];
  10324. var attrs = data.attrs;
  10325. var props = data.props;
  10326. if (isDef(attrs) || isDef(props)) {
  10327. for (var key in propOptions) {
  10328. var altKey = hyphenate(key);
  10329. var result = checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) ||
  10330. checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey, false);
  10331. // externalClass
  10332. if (
  10333. result &&
  10334. res[key] &&
  10335. externalClasses.indexOf(altKey) !== -1 &&
  10336. context[camelize(res[key])]
  10337. ) {
  10338. // 赋值 externalClass 真正的值(模板里 externalClass 的值可能是字符串)
  10339. res[key] = context[camelize(res[key])];
  10340. }
  10341. }
  10342. }
  10343. return res
  10344. }
  10345. function extractPropsFromVNodeData (
  10346. data,
  10347. Ctor,
  10348. tag,
  10349. context// fixed by xxxxxx
  10350. ) {
  10351. // we are only extracting raw values here.
  10352. // validation and default values are handled in the child
  10353. // component itself.
  10354. var propOptions = Ctor.options.props;
  10355. if (isUndef(propOptions)) {
  10356. // fixed by xxxxxx
  10357. return extractPropertiesFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, {}, context)
  10358. }
  10359. var res = {};
  10360. var attrs = data.attrs;
  10361. var props = data.props;
  10362. if (isDef(attrs) || isDef(props)) {
  10363. for (var key in propOptions) {
  10364. var altKey = hyphenate(key);
  10365. if (true) {
  10366. var keyInLowerCase = key.toLowerCase();
  10367. if (
  10368. key !== keyInLowerCase &&
  10369. attrs && hasOwn(attrs, keyInLowerCase)
  10370. ) {
  10371. tip(
  10372. "Prop \"" + keyInLowerCase + "\" is passed to component " +
  10373. (formatComponentName(tag || Ctor)) + ", but the declared prop name is" +
  10374. " \"" + key + "\". " +
  10375. "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and camelCased " +
  10376. "props need to use their kebab-case equivalents when using in-DOM " +
  10377. "templates. You should probably use \"" + altKey + "\" instead of \"" + key + "\"."
  10378. );
  10379. }
  10380. }
  10381. checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) ||
  10382. checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey, false);
  10383. }
  10384. }
  10385. // fixed by xxxxxx
  10386. return extractPropertiesFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, res, context)
  10387. }
  10388. function checkProp (
  10389. res,
  10390. hash,
  10391. key,
  10392. altKey,
  10393. preserve
  10394. ) {
  10395. if (isDef(hash)) {
  10396. if (hasOwn(hash, key)) {
  10397. res[key] = hash[key];
  10398. if (!preserve) {
  10399. delete hash[key];
  10400. }
  10401. return true
  10402. } else if (hasOwn(hash, altKey)) {
  10403. res[key] = hash[altKey];
  10404. if (!preserve) {
  10405. delete hash[altKey];
  10406. }
  10407. return true
  10408. }
  10409. }
  10410. return false
  10411. }
  10412. /* */
  10413. // The template compiler attempts to minimize the need for normalization by
  10414. // statically analyzing the template at compile time.
  10415. //
  10416. // For plain HTML markup, normalization can be completely skipped because the
  10417. // generated render function is guaranteed to return Array<VNode>. There are
  10418. // two cases where extra normalization is needed:
  10419. // 1. When the children contains components - because a functional component
  10420. // may return an Array instead of a single root. In this case, just a simple
  10421. // normalization is needed - if any child is an Array, we flatten the whole
  10422. // thing with Array.prototype.concat. It is guaranteed to be only 1-level deep
  10423. // because functional components already normalize their own children.
  10424. function simpleNormalizeChildren (children) {
  10425. for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  10426. if (Array.isArray(children[i])) {
  10427. return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], children)
  10428. }
  10429. }
  10430. return children
  10431. }
  10432. // 2. When the children contains constructs that always generated nested Arrays,
  10433. // e.g. <template>, <slot>, v-for, or when the children is provided by user
  10434. // with hand-written render functions / JSX. In such cases a full normalization
  10435. // is needed to cater to all possible types of children values.
  10436. function normalizeChildren (children) {
  10437. return isPrimitive(children)
  10438. ? [createTextVNode(children)]
  10439. : Array.isArray(children)
  10440. ? normalizeArrayChildren(children)
  10441. : undefined
  10442. }
  10443. function isTextNode (node) {
  10444. return isDef(node) && isDef(node.text) && isFalse(node.isComment)
  10445. }
  10446. function normalizeArrayChildren (children, nestedIndex) {
  10447. var res = [];
  10448. var i, c, lastIndex, last;
  10449. for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  10450. c = children[i];
  10451. if (isUndef(c) || typeof c === 'boolean') { continue }
  10452. lastIndex = res.length - 1;
  10453. last = res[lastIndex];
  10454. // nested
  10455. if (Array.isArray(c)) {
  10456. if (c.length > 0) {
  10457. c = normalizeArrayChildren(c, ((nestedIndex || '') + "_" + i));
  10458. // merge adjacent text nodes
  10459. if (isTextNode(c[0]) && isTextNode(last)) {
  10460. res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + (c[0]).text);
  10461. c.shift();
  10462. }
  10463. res.push.apply(res, c);
  10464. }
  10465. } else if (isPrimitive(c)) {
  10466. if (isTextNode(last)) {
  10467. // merge adjacent text nodes
  10468. // this is necessary for SSR hydration because text nodes are
  10469. // essentially merged when rendered to HTML strings
  10470. res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c);
  10471. } else if (c !== '') {
  10472. // convert primitive to vnode
  10473. res.push(createTextVNode(c));
  10474. }
  10475. } else {
  10476. if (isTextNode(c) && isTextNode(last)) {
  10477. // merge adjacent text nodes
  10478. res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c.text);
  10479. } else {
  10480. // default key for nested array children (likely generated by v-for)
  10481. if (isTrue(children._isVList) &&
  10482. isDef(c.tag) &&
  10483. isUndef(c.key) &&
  10484. isDef(nestedIndex)) {
  10485. c.key = "__vlist" + nestedIndex + "_" + i + "__";
  10486. }
  10487. res.push(c);
  10488. }
  10489. }
  10490. }
  10491. return res
  10492. }
  10493. /* */
  10494. function initProvide (vm) {
  10495. var provide = vm.$options.provide;
  10496. if (provide) {
  10497. vm._provided = typeof provide === 'function'
  10498. ?
  10499. : provide;
  10500. }
  10501. }
  10502. function initInjections (vm) {
  10503. var result = resolveInject(vm.$options.inject, vm);
  10504. if (result) {
  10505. toggleObserving(false);
  10506. Object.keys(result).forEach(function (key) {
  10507. /* istanbul ignore else */
  10508. if (true) {
  10509. defineReactive$$1(vm, key, result[key], function () {
  10510. warn(
  10511. "Avoid mutating an injected value directly since the changes will be " +
  10512. "overwritten whenever the provided component re-renders. " +
  10513. "injection being mutated: \"" + key + "\"",
  10514. vm
  10515. );
  10516. });
  10517. } else {}
  10518. });
  10519. toggleObserving(true);
  10520. }
  10521. }
  10522. function resolveInject (inject, vm) {
  10523. if (inject) {
  10524. // inject is :any because flow is not smart enough to figure out cached
  10525. var result = Object.create(null);
  10526. var keys = hasSymbol
  10527. ? Reflect.ownKeys(inject)
  10528. : Object.keys(inject);
  10529. for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  10530. var key = keys[i];
  10531. // #6574 in case the inject object is observed...
  10532. if (key === '__ob__') { continue }
  10533. var provideKey = inject[key].from;
  10534. var source = vm;
  10535. while (source) {
  10536. if (source._provided && hasOwn(source._provided, provideKey)) {
  10537. result[key] = source._provided[provideKey];
  10538. break
  10539. }
  10540. source = source.$parent;
  10541. }
  10542. if (!source) {
  10543. if ('default' in inject[key]) {
  10544. var provideDefault = inject[key].default;
  10545. result[key] = typeof provideDefault === 'function'
  10546. ?
  10547. : provideDefault;
  10548. } else if (true) {
  10549. warn(("Injection \"" + key + "\" not found"), vm);
  10550. }
  10551. }
  10552. }
  10553. return result
  10554. }
  10555. }
  10556. /* */
  10557. /**
  10558. * Runtime helper for resolving raw children VNodes into a slot object.
  10559. */
  10560. function resolveSlots (
  10561. children,
  10562. context
  10563. ) {
  10564. if (!children || !children.length) {
  10565. return {}
  10566. }
  10567. var slots = {};
  10568. for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
  10569. var child = children[i];
  10570. var data =;
  10571. // remove slot attribute if the node is resolved as a Vue slot node
  10572. if (data && data.attrs && data.attrs.slot) {
  10573. delete data.attrs.slot;
  10574. }
  10575. // named slots should only be respected if the vnode was rendered in the
  10576. // same context.
  10577. if ((child.context === context || child.fnContext === context) &&
  10578. data && data.slot != null
  10579. ) {
  10580. var name = data.slot;
  10581. var slot = (slots[name] || (slots[name] = []));
  10582. if (child.tag === 'template') {
  10583. slot.push.apply(slot, child.children || []);
  10584. } else {
  10585. slot.push(child);
  10586. }
  10587. } else {
  10588. // fixed by xxxxxx 临时 hack 掉 uni-app 中的异步 name slot page
  10589. if(child.asyncMeta && && === 'page'){
  10590. (slots['page'] || (slots['page'] = [])).push(child);
  10591. }else{
  10592. (slots.default || (slots.default = [])).push(child);
  10593. }
  10594. }
  10595. }
  10596. // ignore slots that contains only whitespace
  10597. for (var name$1 in slots) {
  10598. if (slots[name$1].every(isWhitespace)) {
  10599. delete slots[name$1];
  10600. }
  10601. }
  10602. return slots
  10603. }
  10604. function isWhitespace (node) {
  10605. return (node.isComment && !node.asyncFactory) || node.text === ' '
  10606. }
  10607. /* */
  10608. function normalizeScopedSlots (
  10609. slots,
  10610. normalSlots,
  10611. prevSlots
  10612. ) {
  10613. var res;
  10614. var hasNormalSlots = Object.keys(normalSlots).length > 0;
  10615. var isStable = slots ? !!slots.$stable : !hasNormalSlots;
  10616. var key = slots && slots.$key;
  10617. if (!slots) {
  10618. res = {};
  10619. } else if (slots._normalized) {
  10620. // fast path 1: child component re-render only, parent did not change
  10621. return slots._normalized
  10622. } else if (
  10623. isStable &&
  10624. prevSlots &&
  10625. prevSlots !== emptyObject &&
  10626. key === prevSlots.$key &&
  10627. !hasNormalSlots &&
  10628. !prevSlots.$hasNormal
  10629. ) {
  10630. // fast path 2: stable scoped slots w/ no normal slots to proxy,
  10631. // only need to normalize once
  10632. return prevSlots
  10633. } else {
  10634. res = {};
  10635. for (var key$1 in slots) {
  10636. if (slots[key$1] && key$1[0] !== '$') {
  10637. res[key$1] = normalizeScopedSlot(normalSlots, key$1, slots[key$1]);
  10638. }
  10639. }
  10640. }
  10641. // expose normal slots on scopedSlots
  10642. for (var key$2 in normalSlots) {
  10643. if (!(key$2 in res)) {
  10644. res[key$2] = proxyNormalSlot(normalSlots, key$2);
  10645. }
  10646. }
  10647. // avoriaz seems to mock a non-extensible $scopedSlots object
  10648. // and when that is passed down this would cause an error
  10649. if (slots && Object.isExtensible(slots)) {
  10650. (slots)._normalized = res;
  10651. }
  10652. def(res, '$stable', isStable);
  10653. def(res, '$key', key);
  10654. def(res, '$hasNormal', hasNormalSlots);
  10655. return res
  10656. }
  10657. function normalizeScopedSlot(normalSlots, key, fn) {
  10658. var normalized = function () {
  10659. var res = arguments.length ? fn.apply(null, arguments) : fn({});
  10660. res = res && typeof res === 'object' && !Array.isArray(res)
  10661. ? [res] // single vnode
  10662. : normalizeChildren(res);
  10663. return res && (
  10664. res.length === 0 ||
  10665. (res.length === 1 && res[0].isComment) // #9658
  10666. ) ? undefined
  10667. : res
  10668. };
  10669. // this is a slot using the new v-slot syntax without scope. although it is
  10670. // compiled as a scoped slot, render fn users would expect it to be present
  10671. // on this.$slots because the usage is semantically a normal slot.
  10672. if (fn.proxy) {
  10673. Object.defineProperty(normalSlots, key, {
  10674. get: normalized,
  10675. enumerable: true,
  10676. configurable: true
  10677. });
  10678. }
  10679. return normalized
  10680. }
  10681. function proxyNormalSlot(slots, key) {
  10682. return function () { return slots[key]; }
  10683. }
  10684. /* */
  10685. /**
  10686. * Runtime helper for rendering v-for lists.
  10687. */
  10688. function renderList (
  10689. val,
  10690. render
  10691. ) {
  10692. var ret, i, l, keys, key;
  10693. if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === 'string') {
  10694. ret = new Array(val.length);
  10695. for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
  10696. ret[i] = render(val[i], i, i, i); // fixed by xxxxxx
  10697. }
  10698. } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
  10699. ret = new Array(val);
  10700. for (i = 0; i < val; i++) {
  10701. ret[i] = render(i + 1, i, i, i); // fixed by xxxxxx
  10702. }
  10703. } else if (isObject(val)) {
  10704. if (hasSymbol && val[Symbol.iterator]) {
  10705. ret = [];
  10706. var iterator = val[Symbol.iterator]();
  10707. var result =;
  10708. while (!result.done) {
  10709. ret.push(render(result.value, ret.length, i, i++)); // fixed by xxxxxx
  10710. result =;
  10711. }
  10712. } else {
  10713. keys = Object.keys(val);
  10714. ret = new Array(keys.length);
  10715. for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
  10716. key = keys[i];
  10717. ret[i] = render(val[key], key, i, i); // fixed by xxxxxx
  10718. }
  10719. }
  10720. }
  10721. if (!isDef(ret)) {
  10722. ret = [];
  10723. }
  10724. (ret)._isVList = true;
  10725. return ret
  10726. }
  10727. /* */
  10728. /**
  10729. * Runtime helper for rendering <slot>
  10730. */
  10731. function renderSlot (
  10732. name,
  10733. fallback,
  10734. props,
  10735. bindObject
  10736. ) {
  10737. var scopedSlotFn = this.$scopedSlots[name];
  10738. var nodes;
  10739. if (scopedSlotFn) { // scoped slot
  10740. props = props || {};
  10741. if (bindObject) {
  10742. if ( true && !isObject(bindObject)) {
  10743. warn(
  10744. 'slot v-bind without argument expects an Object',
  10745. this
  10746. );
  10747. }
  10748. props = extend(extend({}, bindObject), props);
  10749. }
  10750. // fixed by xxxxxx app-plus scopedSlot
  10751. nodes = scopedSlotFn(props, this, props._i) || fallback;
  10752. } else {
  10753. nodes = this.$slots[name] || fallback;
  10754. }
  10755. var target = props && props.slot;
  10756. if (target) {
  10757. return this.$createElement('template', { slot: target }, nodes)
  10758. } else {
  10759. return nodes
  10760. }
  10761. }
  10762. /* */
  10763. /**
  10764. * Runtime helper for resolving filters
  10765. */
  10766. function resolveFilter (id) {
  10767. return resolveAsset(this.$options, 'filters', id, true) || identity
  10768. }
  10769. /* */
  10770. function isKeyNotMatch (expect, actual) {
  10771. if (Array.isArray(expect)) {
  10772. return expect.indexOf(actual) === -1
  10773. } else {
  10774. return expect !== actual
  10775. }
  10776. }
  10777. /**
  10778. * Runtime helper for checking keyCodes from config.
  10779. * exposed as Vue.prototype._k
  10780. * passing in eventKeyName as last argument separately for backwards compat
  10781. */
  10782. function checkKeyCodes (
  10783. eventKeyCode,
  10784. key,
  10785. builtInKeyCode,
  10786. eventKeyName,
  10787. builtInKeyName
  10788. ) {
  10789. var mappedKeyCode = config.keyCodes[key] || builtInKeyCode;
  10790. if (builtInKeyName && eventKeyName && !config.keyCodes[key]) {
  10791. return isKeyNotMatch(builtInKeyName, eventKeyName)
  10792. } else if (mappedKeyCode) {
  10793. return isKeyNotMatch(mappedKeyCode, eventKeyCode)
  10794. } else if (eventKeyName) {
  10795. return hyphenate(eventKeyName) !== key
  10796. }
  10797. }
  10798. /* */
  10799. /**
  10800. * Runtime helper for merging v-bind="object" into a VNode's data.
  10801. */
  10802. function bindObjectProps (
  10803. data,
  10804. tag,
  10805. value,
  10806. asProp,
  10807. isSync
  10808. ) {
  10809. if (value) {
  10810. if (!isObject(value)) {
  10811. true && warn(
  10812. 'v-bind without argument expects an Object or Array value',
  10813. this
  10814. );
  10815. } else {
  10816. if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  10817. value = toObject(value);
  10818. }
  10819. var hash;
  10820. var loop = function ( key ) {
  10821. if (
  10822. key === 'class' ||
  10823. key === 'style' ||
  10824. isReservedAttribute(key)
  10825. ) {
  10826. hash = data;
  10827. } else {
  10828. var type = data.attrs && data.attrs.type;
  10829. hash = asProp || config.mustUseProp(tag, type, key)
  10830. ? data.domProps || (data.domProps = {})
  10831. : data.attrs || (data.attrs = {});
  10832. }
  10833. var camelizedKey = camelize(key);
  10834. var hyphenatedKey = hyphenate(key);
  10835. if (!(camelizedKey in hash) && !(hyphenatedKey in hash)) {
  10836. hash[key] = value[key];
  10837. if (isSync) {
  10838. var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
  10839. on[("update:" + key)] = function ($event) {
  10840. value[key] = $event;
  10841. };
  10842. }
  10843. }
  10844. };
  10845. for (var key in value) loop( key );
  10846. }
  10847. }
  10848. return data
  10849. }
  10850. /* */
  10851. /**
  10852. * Runtime helper for rendering static trees.
  10853. */
  10854. function renderStatic (
  10855. index,
  10856. isInFor
  10857. ) {
  10858. var cached = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = []);
  10859. var tree = cached[index];
  10860. // if has already-rendered static tree and not inside v-for,
  10861. // we can reuse the same tree.
  10862. if (tree && !isInFor) {
  10863. return tree
  10864. }
  10865. // otherwise, render a fresh tree.
  10866. tree = cached[index] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[index].call(
  10867. this._renderProxy,
  10868. null,
  10869. this // for render fns generated for functional component templates
  10870. );
  10871. markStatic(tree, ("__static__" + index), false);
  10872. return tree
  10873. }
  10874. /**
  10875. * Runtime helper for v-once.
  10876. * Effectively it means marking the node as static with a unique key.
  10877. */
  10878. function markOnce (
  10879. tree,
  10880. index,
  10881. key
  10882. ) {
  10883. markStatic(tree, ("__once__" + index + (key ? ("_" + key) : "")), true);
  10884. return tree
  10885. }
  10886. function markStatic (
  10887. tree,
  10888. key,
  10889. isOnce
  10890. ) {
  10891. if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
  10892. for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
  10893. if (tree[i] && typeof tree[i] !== 'string') {
  10894. markStaticNode(tree[i], (key + "_" + i), isOnce);
  10895. }
  10896. }
  10897. } else {
  10898. markStaticNode(tree, key, isOnce);
  10899. }
  10900. }
  10901. function markStaticNode (node, key, isOnce) {
  10902. node.isStatic = true;
  10903. node.key = key;
  10904. node.isOnce = isOnce;
  10905. }
  10906. /* */
  10907. function bindObjectListeners (data, value) {
  10908. if (value) {
  10909. if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
  10910. true && warn(
  10911. 'v-on without argument expects an Object value',
  10912. this
  10913. );
  10914. } else {
  10915. var on = data.on = data.on ? extend({}, data.on) : {};
  10916. for (var key in value) {
  10917. var existing = on[key];
  10918. var ours = value[key];
  10919. on[key] = existing ? [].concat(existing, ours) : ours;
  10920. }
  10921. }
  10922. }
  10923. return data
  10924. }
  10925. /* */
  10926. function resolveScopedSlots (
  10927. fns, // see flow/vnode
  10928. res,
  10929. // the following are added in 2.6
  10930. hasDynamicKeys,
  10931. contentHashKey
  10932. ) {
  10933. res = res || { $stable: !hasDynamicKeys };
  10934. for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
  10935. var slot = fns[i];
  10936. if (Array.isArray(slot)) {
  10937. resolveScopedSlots(slot, res, hasDynamicKeys);
  10938. } else if (slot) {
  10939. // marker for reverse proxying v-slot without scope on this.$slots
  10940. if (slot.proxy) {
  10941. slot.fn.proxy = true;
  10942. }
  10943. res[slot.key] = slot.fn;
  10944. }
  10945. }
  10946. if (contentHashKey) {
  10947. (res).$key = contentHashKey;
  10948. }
  10949. return res
  10950. }
  10951. /* */
  10952. function bindDynamicKeys (baseObj, values) {
  10953. for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) {
  10954. var key = values[i];
  10955. if (typeof key === 'string' && key) {
  10956. baseObj[values[i]] = values[i + 1];
  10957. } else if ( true && key !== '' && key !== null) {
  10958. // null is a special value for explicitly removing a binding
  10959. warn(
  10960. ("Invalid value for dynamic directive argument (expected string or null): " + key),
  10961. this
  10962. );
  10963. }
  10964. }
  10965. return baseObj
  10966. }
  10967. // helper to dynamically append modifier runtime markers to event names.
  10968. // ensure only append when value is already string, otherwise it will be cast
  10969. // to string and cause the type check to miss.
  10970. function prependModifier (value, symbol) {
  10971. return typeof value === 'string' ? symbol + value : value
  10972. }
  10973. /* */
  10974. function installRenderHelpers (target) {
  10975. target._o = markOnce;
  10976. target._n = toNumber;
  10977. target._s = toString;
  10978. target._l = renderList;
  10979. target._t = renderSlot;
  10980. target._q = looseEqual;
  10981. target._i = looseIndexOf;
  10982. target._m = renderStatic;
  10983. target._f = resolveFilter;
  10984. target._k = checkKeyCodes;
  10985. target._b = bindObjectProps;
  10986. target._v = createTextVNode;
  10987. target._e = createEmptyVNode;
  10988. target._u = resolveScopedSlots;
  10989. target._g = bindObjectListeners;
  10990. target._d = bindDynamicKeys;
  10991. target._p = prependModifier;
  10992. }
  10993. /* */
  10994. function FunctionalRenderContext (
  10995. data,
  10996. props,
  10997. children,
  10998. parent,
  10999. Ctor
  11000. ) {
  11001. var this$1 = this;
  11002. var options = Ctor.options;
  11003. // ensure the createElement function in functional components
  11004. // gets a unique context - this is necessary for correct named slot check
  11005. var contextVm;
  11006. if (hasOwn(parent, '_uid')) {
  11007. contextVm = Object.create(parent);
  11008. // $flow-disable-line
  11009. contextVm._original = parent;
  11010. } else {
  11011. // the context vm passed in is a functional context as well.
  11012. // in this case we want to make sure we are able to get a hold to the
  11013. // real context instance.
  11014. contextVm = parent;
  11015. // $flow-disable-line
  11016. parent = parent._original;
  11017. }
  11018. var isCompiled = isTrue(options._compiled);
  11019. var needNormalization = !isCompiled;
  11020. = data;
  11021. this.props = props;
  11022. this.children = children;
  11023. this.parent = parent;
  11024. this.listeners = data.on || emptyObject;
  11025. this.injections = resolveInject(options.inject, parent);
  11026. this.slots = function () {
  11027. if (!this$1.$slots) {
  11028. normalizeScopedSlots(
  11029. data.scopedSlots,
  11030. this$1.$slots = resolveSlots(children, parent)
  11031. );
  11032. }
  11033. return this$1.$slots
  11034. };
  11035. Object.defineProperty(this, 'scopedSlots', ({
  11036. enumerable: true,
  11037. get: function get () {
  11038. return normalizeScopedSlots(data.scopedSlots, this.slots())
  11039. }
  11040. }));
  11041. // support for compiled functional template
  11042. if (isCompiled) {
  11043. // exposing $options for renderStatic()
  11044. this.$options = options;
  11045. // pre-resolve slots for renderSlot()
  11046. this.$slots = this.slots();
  11047. this.$scopedSlots = normalizeScopedSlots(data.scopedSlots, this.$slots);
  11048. }
  11049. if (options._scopeId) {
  11050. this._c = function (a, b, c, d) {
  11051. var vnode = createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization);
  11052. if (vnode && !Array.isArray(vnode)) {
  11053. vnode.fnScopeId = options._scopeId;
  11054. vnode.fnContext = parent;
  11055. }
  11056. return vnode
  11057. };
  11058. } else {
  11059. this._c = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization); };
  11060. }
  11061. }
  11062. installRenderHelpers(FunctionalRenderContext.prototype);
  11063. function createFunctionalComponent (
  11064. Ctor,
  11065. propsData,
  11066. data,
  11067. contextVm,
  11068. children
  11069. ) {
  11070. var options = Ctor.options;
  11071. var props = {};
  11072. var propOptions = options.props;
  11073. if (isDef(propOptions)) {
  11074. for (var key in propOptions) {
  11075. props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData || emptyObject);
  11076. }
  11077. } else {
  11078. if (isDef(data.attrs)) { mergeProps(props, data.attrs); }
  11079. if (isDef(data.props)) { mergeProps(props, data.props); }
  11080. }
  11081. var renderContext = new FunctionalRenderContext(
  11082. data,
  11083. props,
  11084. children,
  11085. contextVm,
  11086. Ctor
  11087. );
  11088. var vnode =, renderContext._c, renderContext);
  11089. if (vnode instanceof VNode) {
  11090. return cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnode, data, renderContext.parent, options, renderContext)
  11091. } else if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
  11092. var vnodes = normalizeChildren(vnode) || [];
  11093. var res = new Array(vnodes.length);
  11094. for (var i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
  11095. res[i] = cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnodes[i], data, renderContext.parent, options, renderContext);
  11096. }
  11097. return res
  11098. }
  11099. }
  11100. function cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult (vnode, data, contextVm, options, renderContext) {
  11101. // #7817 clone node before setting fnContext, otherwise if the node is reused
  11102. // (e.g. it was from a cached normal slot) the fnContext causes named slots
  11103. // that should not be matched to match.
  11104. var clone = cloneVNode(vnode);
  11105. clone.fnContext = contextVm;
  11106. clone.fnOptions = options;
  11107. if (true) {
  11108. (clone.devtoolsMeta = clone.devtoolsMeta || {}).renderContext = renderContext;
  11109. }
  11110. if (data.slot) {
  11111. ( || ( = {})).slot = data.slot;
  11112. }
  11113. return clone
  11114. }
  11115. function mergeProps (to, from) {
  11116. for (var key in from) {
  11117. to[camelize(key)] = from[key];
  11118. }
  11119. }
  11120. /* */
  11121. /* */
  11122. /* */
  11123. /* */
  11124. // inline hooks to be invoked on component VNodes during patch
  11125. var componentVNodeHooks = {
  11126. init: function init (vnode, hydrating) {
  11127. if (
  11128. vnode.componentInstance &&
  11129. !vnode.componentInstance._isDestroyed &&
  11131. ) {
  11132. // kept-alive components, treat as a patch
  11133. var mountedNode = vnode; // work around flow
  11134. componentVNodeHooks.prepatch(mountedNode, mountedNode);
  11135. } else {
  11136. var child = vnode.componentInstance = createComponentInstanceForVnode(
  11137. vnode,
  11138. activeInstance
  11139. );
  11140. child.$mount(hydrating ? vnode.elm : undefined, hydrating);
  11141. }
  11142. },
  11143. prepatch: function prepatch (oldVnode, vnode) {
  11144. var options = vnode.componentOptions;
  11145. var child = vnode.componentInstance = oldVnode.componentInstance;
  11146. updateChildComponent(
  11147. child,
  11148. options.propsData, // updated props
  11149. options.listeners, // updated listeners
  11150. vnode, // new parent vnode
  11151. options.children // new children
  11152. );
  11153. },
  11154. insert: function insert (vnode) {
  11155. var context = vnode.context;
  11156. var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
  11157. if (!componentInstance._isMounted) {
  11158. callHook(componentInstance, 'onServiceCreated');
  11159. callHook(componentInstance, 'onServiceAttached');
  11160. componentInstance._isMounted = true;
  11161. callHook(componentInstance, 'mounted');
  11162. }
  11163. if ( {
  11164. if (context._isMounted) {
  11165. // vue-router#1212
  11166. // During updates, a kept-alive component's child components may
  11167. // change, so directly walking the tree here may call activated hooks
  11168. // on incorrect children. Instead we push them into a queue which will
  11169. // be processed after the whole patch process ended.
  11170. queueActivatedComponent(componentInstance);
  11171. } else {
  11172. activateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
  11173. }
  11174. }
  11175. },
  11176. destroy: function destroy (vnode) {
  11177. var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
  11178. if (!componentInstance._isDestroyed) {
  11179. if (! {
  11180. componentInstance.$destroy();
  11181. } else {
  11182. deactivateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
  11183. }
  11184. }
  11185. }
  11186. };
  11187. var hooksToMerge = Object.keys(componentVNodeHooks);
  11188. function createComponent (
  11189. Ctor,
  11190. data,
  11191. context,
  11192. children,
  11193. tag
  11194. ) {
  11195. if (isUndef(Ctor)) {
  11196. return
  11197. }
  11198. var baseCtor = context.$options._base;
  11199. // plain options object: turn it into a constructor
  11200. if (isObject(Ctor)) {
  11201. Ctor = baseCtor.extend(Ctor);
  11202. }
  11203. // if at this stage it's not a constructor or an async component factory,
  11204. // reject.
  11205. if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') {
  11206. if (true) {
  11207. warn(("Invalid Component definition: " + (String(Ctor))), context);
  11208. }
  11209. return
  11210. }
  11211. // async component
  11212. var asyncFactory;
  11213. if (isUndef(Ctor.cid)) {
  11214. asyncFactory = Ctor;
  11215. Ctor = resolveAsyncComponent(asyncFactory, baseCtor);
  11216. if (Ctor === undefined) {
  11217. // return a placeholder node for async component, which is rendered
  11218. // as a comment node but preserves all the raw information for the node.
  11219. // the information will be used for async server-rendering and hydration.
  11220. return createAsyncPlaceholder(
  11221. asyncFactory,
  11222. data,
  11223. context,
  11224. children,
  11225. tag
  11226. )
  11227. }
  11228. }
  11229. data = data || {};
  11230. // resolve constructor options in case global mixins are applied after
  11231. // component constructor creation
  11232. resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor);
  11233. // transform component v-model data into props & events
  11234. if (isDef(data.model)) {
  11235. transformModel(Ctor.options, data);
  11236. }
  11237. // extract props
  11238. var propsData = extractPropsFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, tag, context); // fixed by xxxxxx
  11239. // functional component
  11240. if (isTrue(Ctor.options.functional)) {
  11241. return createFunctionalComponent(Ctor, propsData, data, context, children)
  11242. }
  11243. // extract listeners, since these needs to be treated as
  11244. // child component listeners instead of DOM listeners
  11245. var listeners = data.on;
  11246. // replace with listeners with .native modifier
  11247. // so it gets processed during parent component patch.
  11248. data.on = data.nativeOn;
  11249. if (isTrue(Ctor.options.abstract)) {
  11250. // abstract components do not keep anything
  11251. // other than props & listeners & slot
  11252. // work around flow
  11253. var slot = data.slot;
  11254. data = {};
  11255. if (slot) {
  11256. data.slot = slot;
  11257. }
  11258. }
  11259. // install component management hooks onto the placeholder node
  11260. installComponentHooks(data);
  11261. // return a placeholder vnode
  11262. var name = || tag;
  11263. var vnode = new VNode(
  11264. ("vue-component-" + (Ctor.cid) + (name ? ("-" + name) : '')),
  11265. data, undefined, undefined, undefined, context,
  11266. { Ctor: Ctor, propsData: propsData, listeners: listeners, tag: tag, children: children },
  11267. asyncFactory
  11268. );
  11269. return vnode
  11270. }
  11271. function createComponentInstanceForVnode (
  11272. vnode, // we know it's MountedComponentVNode but flow doesn't
  11273. parent // activeInstance in lifecycle state
  11274. ) {
  11275. var options = {
  11276. _isComponent: true,
  11277. _parentVnode: vnode,
  11278. parent: parent
  11279. };
  11280. // check inline-template render functions
  11281. var inlineTemplate =;
  11282. if (isDef(inlineTemplate)) {
  11283. options.render = inlineTemplate.render;
  11284. options.staticRenderFns = inlineTemplate.staticRenderFns;
  11285. }
  11286. return new vnode.componentOptions.Ctor(options)
  11287. }
  11288. function installComponentHooks (data) {
  11289. var hooks = data.hook || (data.hook = {});
  11290. for (var i = 0; i < hooksToMerge.length; i++) {
  11291. var key = hooksToMerge[i];
  11292. var existing = hooks[key];
  11293. var toMerge = componentVNodeHooks[key];
  11294. if (existing !== toMerge && !(existing && existing._merged)) {
  11295. hooks[key] = existing ? mergeHook$1(toMerge, existing) : toMerge;
  11296. }
  11297. }
  11298. }
  11299. function mergeHook$1 (f1, f2) {
  11300. var merged = function (a, b) {
  11301. // flow complains about extra args which is why we use any
  11302. f1(a, b);
  11303. f2(a, b);
  11304. };
  11305. merged._merged = true;
  11306. return merged
  11307. }
  11308. // transform component v-model info (value and callback) into
  11309. // prop and event handler respectively.
  11310. function transformModel (options, data) {
  11311. var prop = (options.model && options.model.prop) || 'value';
  11312. var event = (options.model && options.model.event) || 'input'
  11313. ;(data.attrs || (data.attrs = {}))[prop] = data.model.value;
  11314. var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
  11315. var existing = on[event];
  11316. var callback = data.model.callback;
  11317. if (isDef(existing)) {
  11318. if (
  11319. Array.isArray(existing)
  11320. ? existing.indexOf(callback) === -1
  11321. : existing !== callback
  11322. ) {
  11323. on[event] = [callback].concat(existing);
  11324. }
  11325. } else {
  11326. on[event] = callback;
  11327. }
  11328. }
  11329. /* */
  11330. var SIMPLE_NORMALIZE = 1;
  11331. var ALWAYS_NORMALIZE = 2;
  11332. // wrapper function for providing a more flexible interface
  11333. // without getting yelled at by flow
  11334. function createElement (
  11335. context,
  11336. tag,
  11337. data,
  11338. children,
  11339. normalizationType,
  11340. alwaysNormalize
  11341. ) {
  11342. if (Array.isArray(data) || isPrimitive(data)) {
  11343. normalizationType = children;
  11344. children = data;
  11345. data = undefined;
  11346. }
  11347. if (isTrue(alwaysNormalize)) {
  11348. normalizationType = ALWAYS_NORMALIZE;
  11349. }
  11350. return _createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType)
  11351. }
  11352. function _createElement (
  11353. context,
  11354. tag,
  11355. data,
  11356. children,
  11357. normalizationType
  11358. ) {
  11359. if (isDef(data) && isDef((data).__ob__)) {
  11360. true && warn(
  11361. "Avoid using observed data object as vnode data: " + (JSON.stringify(data)) + "\n" +
  11362. 'Always create fresh vnode data objects in each render!',
  11363. context
  11364. );
  11365. return createEmptyVNode()
  11366. }
  11367. // object syntax in v-bind
  11368. if (isDef(data) && isDef( {
  11369. tag =;
  11370. }
  11371. if (!tag) {
  11372. // in case of component :is set to falsy value
  11373. return createEmptyVNode()
  11374. }
  11375. // warn against non-primitive key
  11376. if ( true &&
  11377. isDef(data) && isDef(data.key) && !isPrimitive(data.key)
  11378. ) {
  11379. {
  11380. warn(
  11381. 'Avoid using non-primitive value as key, ' +
  11382. 'use string/number value instead.',
  11383. context
  11384. );
  11385. }
  11386. }
  11387. // support single function children as default scoped slot
  11388. if (Array.isArray(children) &&
  11389. typeof children[0] === 'function'
  11390. ) {
  11391. data = data || {};
  11392. data.scopedSlots = { default: children[0] };
  11393. children.length = 0;
  11394. }
  11395. if (normalizationType === ALWAYS_NORMALIZE) {
  11396. children = normalizeChildren(children);
  11397. } else if (normalizationType === SIMPLE_NORMALIZE) {
  11398. children = simpleNormalizeChildren(children);
  11399. }
  11400. var vnode, ns;
  11401. if (typeof tag === 'string') {
  11402. var Ctor;
  11403. ns = (context.$vnode && context.$vnode.ns) || config.getTagNamespace(tag);
  11404. if (config.isReservedTag(tag)) {
  11405. // platform built-in elements
  11406. if ( true && isDef(data) && isDef(data.nativeOn)) {
  11407. warn(
  11408. ("The .native modifier for v-on is only valid on components but it was used on <" + tag + ">."),
  11409. context
  11410. );
  11411. }
  11412. vnode = new VNode(
  11413. config.parsePlatformTagName(tag), data, children,
  11414. undefined, undefined, context
  11415. );
  11416. } else if ((!data || !data.pre) && isDef(Ctor = resolveAsset(context.$options, 'components', tag))) {
  11417. // component
  11418. vnode = createComponent(Ctor, data, context, children, tag);
  11419. } else {
  11420. // unknown or unlisted namespaced elements
  11421. // check at runtime because it may get assigned a namespace when its
  11422. // parent normalizes children
  11423. vnode = new VNode(
  11424. tag, data, children,
  11425. undefined, undefined, context
  11426. );
  11427. }
  11428. } else {
  11429. // direct component options / constructor
  11430. vnode = createComponent(tag, data, context, children);
  11431. }
  11432. if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
  11433. return vnode
  11434. } else if (isDef(vnode)) {
  11435. if (isDef(ns)) { applyNS(vnode, ns); }
  11436. if (isDef(data)) { registerDeepBindings(data); }
  11437. return vnode
  11438. } else {
  11439. return createEmptyVNode()
  11440. }
  11441. }
  11442. function applyNS (vnode, ns, force) {
  11443. vnode.ns = ns;
  11444. if (vnode.tag === 'foreignObject') {
  11445. // use default namespace inside foreignObject
  11446. ns = undefined;
  11447. force = true;
  11448. }
  11449. if (isDef(vnode.children)) {
  11450. for (var i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
  11451. var child = vnode.children[i];
  11452. if (isDef(child.tag) && (
  11453. isUndef(child.ns) || (isTrue(force) && child.tag !== 'svg'))) {
  11454. applyNS(child, ns, force);
  11455. }
  11456. }
  11457. }
  11458. }
  11459. // ref #5318
  11460. // necessary to ensure parent re-render when deep bindings like :style and
  11461. // :class are used on slot nodes
  11462. function registerDeepBindings (data) {
  11463. if (isObject( {
  11464. traverse(;
  11465. }
  11466. if (isObject(data.class)) {
  11467. traverse(data.class);
  11468. }
  11469. }
  11470. /* */
  11471. function initRender (vm) {
  11472. vm._vnode = null; // the root of the child tree
  11473. vm._staticTrees = null; // v-once cached trees
  11474. var options = vm.$options;
  11475. var parentVnode = vm.$vnode = options._parentVnode; // the placeholder node in parent tree
  11476. var renderContext = parentVnode && parentVnode.context;
  11477. vm.$slots = resolveSlots(options._renderChildren, renderContext);
  11478. vm.$scopedSlots = emptyObject;
  11479. // bind the createElement fn to this instance
  11480. // so that we get proper render context inside it.
  11481. // args order: tag, data, children, normalizationType, alwaysNormalize
  11482. // internal version is used by render functions compiled from templates
  11483. vm._c = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, false); };
  11484. // normalization is always applied for the public version, used in
  11485. // user-written render functions.
  11486. vm.$createElement = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, true); };
  11487. // $attrs & $listeners are exposed for easier HOC creation.
  11488. // they need to be reactive so that HOCs using them are always updated
  11489. var parentData = parentVnode &&;
  11490. /* istanbul ignore else */
  11491. if (true) {
  11492. defineReactive$$1(vm, '$attrs', parentData && parentData.attrs || emptyObject, function () {
  11493. !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$attrs is readonly.", vm);
  11494. }, true);
  11495. defineReactive$$1(vm, '$listeners', options._parentListeners || emptyObject, function () {
  11496. !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$listeners is readonly.", vm);
  11497. }, true);
  11498. } else {}
  11499. }
  11500. var currentRenderingInstance = null;
  11501. function renderMixin (Vue) {
  11502. // install runtime convenience helpers
  11503. installRenderHelpers(Vue.prototype);
  11504. Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function (fn) {
  11505. return nextTick(fn, this)
  11506. };
  11507. Vue.prototype._render = function () {
  11508. var vm = this;
  11509. var ref = vm.$options;
  11510. var render = ref.render;
  11511. var _parentVnode = ref._parentVnode;
  11512. if (_parentVnode) {
  11513. vm.$scopedSlots = normalizeScopedSlots(
  11515. vm.$slots,
  11516. vm.$scopedSlots
  11517. );
  11518. }
  11519. // set parent vnode. this allows render functions to have access
  11520. // to the data on the placeholder node.
  11521. vm.$vnode = _parentVnode;
  11522. // render self
  11523. var vnode;
  11524. try {
  11525. // There's no need to maintain a stack because all render fns are called
  11526. // separately from one another. Nested component's render fns are called
  11527. // when parent component is patched.
  11528. currentRenderingInstance = vm;
  11529. vnode =, vm.$createElement);
  11530. } catch (e) {
  11531. handleError(e, vm, "render");
  11532. // return error render result,
  11533. // or previous vnode to prevent render error causing blank component
  11534. /* istanbul ignore else */
  11535. if ( true && vm.$options.renderError) {
  11536. try {
  11537. vnode = vm.$, vm.$createElement, e);
  11538. } catch (e) {
  11539. handleError(e, vm, "renderError");
  11540. vnode = vm._vnode;
  11541. }
  11542. } else {
  11543. vnode = vm._vnode;
  11544. }
  11545. } finally {
  11546. currentRenderingInstance = null;
  11547. }
  11548. // if the returned array contains only a single node, allow it
  11549. if (Array.isArray(vnode) && vnode.length === 1) {
  11550. vnode = vnode[0];
  11551. }
  11552. // return empty vnode in case the render function errored out
  11553. if (!(vnode instanceof VNode)) {
  11554. if ( true && Array.isArray(vnode)) {
  11555. warn(
  11556. 'Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function ' +
  11557. 'should return a single root node.',
  11558. vm
  11559. );
  11560. }
  11561. vnode = createEmptyVNode();
  11562. }
  11563. // set parent
  11564. vnode.parent = _parentVnode;
  11565. return vnode
  11566. };
  11567. }
  11568. /* */
  11569. function ensureCtor (comp, base) {
  11570. if (
  11571. comp.__esModule ||
  11572. (hasSymbol && comp[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'Module')
  11573. ) {
  11574. comp = comp.default;
  11575. }
  11576. return isObject(comp)
  11577. ? base.extend(comp)
  11578. : comp
  11579. }
  11580. function createAsyncPlaceholder (
  11581. factory,
  11582. data,
  11583. context,
  11584. children,
  11585. tag
  11586. ) {
  11587. var node = createEmptyVNode();
  11588. node.asyncFactory = factory;
  11589. node.asyncMeta = { data: data, context: context, children: children, tag: tag };
  11590. return node
  11591. }
  11592. function resolveAsyncComponent (
  11593. factory,
  11594. baseCtor
  11595. ) {
  11596. if (isTrue(factory.error) && isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
  11597. return factory.errorComp
  11598. }
  11599. if (isDef(factory.resolved)) {
  11600. return factory.resolved
  11601. }
  11602. var owner = currentRenderingInstance;
  11603. if (owner && isDef(factory.owners) && factory.owners.indexOf(owner) === -1) {
  11604. // already pending
  11605. factory.owners.push(owner);
  11606. }
  11607. if (isTrue(factory.loading) && isDef(factory.loadingComp)) {
  11608. return factory.loadingComp
  11609. }
  11610. if (owner && !isDef(factory.owners)) {
  11611. var owners = factory.owners = [owner];
  11612. var sync = true;
  11613. var timerLoading = null;
  11614. var timerTimeout = null
  11615. ;(owner).$on('hook:destroyed', function () { return remove(owners, owner); });
  11616. var forceRender = function (renderCompleted) {
  11617. for (var i = 0, l = owners.length; i < l; i++) {
  11618. (owners[i]).$forceUpdate();
  11619. }
  11620. if (renderCompleted) {
  11621. owners.length = 0;
  11622. if (timerLoading !== null) {
  11623. clearTimeout(timerLoading);
  11624. timerLoading = null;
  11625. }
  11626. if (timerTimeout !== null) {
  11627. clearTimeout(timerTimeout);
  11628. timerTimeout = null;
  11629. }
  11630. }
  11631. };
  11632. var resolve = once(function (res) {
  11633. // cache resolved
  11634. factory.resolved = ensureCtor(res, baseCtor);
  11635. // invoke callbacks only if this is not a synchronous resolve
  11636. // (async resolves are shimmed as synchronous during SSR)
  11637. if (!sync) {
  11638. forceRender(true);
  11639. } else {
  11640. owners.length = 0;
  11641. }
  11642. });
  11643. var reject = once(function (reason) {
  11644. true && warn(
  11645. "Failed to resolve async component: " + (String(factory)) +
  11646. (reason ? ("\nReason: " + reason) : '')
  11647. );
  11648. if (isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
  11649. factory.error = true;
  11650. forceRender(true);
  11651. }
  11652. });
  11653. var res = factory(resolve, reject);
  11654. if (isObject(res)) {
  11655. if (isPromise(res)) {
  11656. // () => Promise
  11657. if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
  11658. res.then(resolve, reject);
  11659. }
  11660. } else if (isPromise(res.component)) {
  11661. res.component.then(resolve, reject);
  11662. if (isDef(res.error)) {
  11663. factory.errorComp = ensureCtor(res.error, baseCtor);
  11664. }
  11665. if (isDef(res.loading)) {
  11666. factory.loadingComp = ensureCtor(res.loading, baseCtor);
  11667. if (res.delay === 0) {
  11668. factory.loading = true;
  11669. } else {
  11670. timerLoading = setTimeout(function () {
  11671. timerLoading = null;
  11672. if (isUndef(factory.resolved) && isUndef(factory.error)) {
  11673. factory.loading = true;
  11674. forceRender(false);
  11675. }
  11676. }, res.delay || 200);
  11677. }
  11678. }
  11679. if (isDef(res.timeout)) {
  11680. timerTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
  11681. timerTimeout = null;
  11682. if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
  11683. reject(
  11684. true
  11685. ? ("timeout (" + (res.timeout) + "ms)")
  11686. : undefined
  11687. );
  11688. }
  11689. }, res.timeout);
  11690. }
  11691. }
  11692. }
  11693. sync = false;
  11694. // return in case resolved synchronously
  11695. return factory.loading
  11696. ? factory.loadingComp
  11697. : factory.resolved
  11698. }
  11699. }
  11700. /* */
  11701. function isAsyncPlaceholder (node) {
  11702. return node.isComment && node.asyncFactory
  11703. }
  11704. /* */
  11705. function getFirstComponentChild (children) {
  11706. if (Array.isArray(children)) {
  11707. for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  11708. var c = children[i];
  11709. if (isDef(c) && (isDef(c.componentOptions) || isAsyncPlaceholder(c))) {
  11710. return c
  11711. }
  11712. }
  11713. }
  11714. }
  11715. /* */
  11716. /* */
  11717. function initEvents (vm) {
  11718. vm._events = Object.create(null);
  11719. vm._hasHookEvent = false;
  11720. // init parent attached events
  11721. var listeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
  11722. if (listeners) {
  11723. updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners);
  11724. }
  11725. }
  11726. var target;
  11727. function add (event, fn) {
  11728. target.$on(event, fn);
  11729. }
  11730. function remove$1 (event, fn) {
  11731. target.$off(event, fn);
  11732. }
  11733. function createOnceHandler (event, fn) {
  11734. var _target = target;
  11735. return function onceHandler () {
  11736. var res = fn.apply(null, arguments);
  11737. if (res !== null) {
  11738. _target.$off(event, onceHandler);
  11739. }
  11740. }
  11741. }
  11742. function updateComponentListeners (
  11743. vm,
  11744. listeners,
  11745. oldListeners
  11746. ) {
  11747. target = vm;
  11748. updateListeners(listeners, oldListeners || {}, add, remove$1, createOnceHandler, vm);
  11749. target = undefined;
  11750. }
  11751. function eventsMixin (Vue) {
  11752. var hookRE = /^hook:/;
  11753. Vue.prototype.$on = function (event, fn) {
  11754. var vm = this;
  11755. if (Array.isArray(event)) {
  11756. for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
  11757. vm.$on(event[i], fn);
  11758. }
  11759. } else {
  11760. (vm._events[event] || (vm._events[event] = [])).push(fn);
  11761. // optimize hook:event cost by using a boolean flag marked at registration
  11762. // instead of a hash lookup
  11763. if (hookRE.test(event)) {
  11764. vm._hasHookEvent = true;
  11765. }
  11766. }
  11767. return vm
  11768. };
  11769. Vue.prototype.$once = function (event, fn) {
  11770. var vm = this;
  11771. function on () {
  11772. vm.$off(event, on);
  11773. fn.apply(vm, arguments);
  11774. }
  11775. on.fn = fn;
  11776. vm.$on(event, on);
  11777. return vm
  11778. };
  11779. Vue.prototype.$off = function (event, fn) {
  11780. var vm = this;
  11781. // all
  11782. if (!arguments.length) {
  11783. vm._events = Object.create(null);
  11784. return vm
  11785. }
  11786. // array of events
  11787. if (Array.isArray(event)) {
  11788. for (var i$1 = 0, l = event.length; i$1 < l; i$1++) {
  11789. vm.$off(event[i$1], fn);
  11790. }
  11791. return vm
  11792. }
  11793. // specific event
  11794. var cbs = vm._events[event];
  11795. if (!cbs) {
  11796. return vm
  11797. }
  11798. if (!fn) {
  11799. vm._events[event] = null;
  11800. return vm
  11801. }
  11802. // specific handler
  11803. var cb;
  11804. var i = cbs.length;
  11805. while (i--) {
  11806. cb = cbs[i];
  11807. if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) {
  11808. cbs.splice(i, 1);
  11809. break
  11810. }
  11811. }
  11812. return vm
  11813. };
  11814. Vue.prototype.$emit = function (event) {
  11815. var vm = this;
  11816. if (true) {
  11817. var lowerCaseEvent = event.toLowerCase();
  11818. if (lowerCaseEvent !== event && vm._events[lowerCaseEvent]) {
  11819. tip(
  11820. "Event \"" + lowerCaseEvent + "\" is emitted in component " +
  11821. (formatComponentName(vm)) + " but the handler is registered for \"" + event + "\". " +
  11822. "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use " +
  11823. "v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. " +
  11824. "You should probably use \"" + (hyphenate(event)) + "\" instead of \"" + event + "\"."
  11825. );
  11826. }
  11827. }
  11828. var cbs = vm._events[event];
  11829. if (cbs) {
  11830. cbs = cbs.length > 1 ? toArray(cbs) : cbs;
  11831. var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
  11832. var info = "event handler for \"" + event + "\"";
  11833. for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
  11834. invokeWithErrorHandling(cbs[i], vm, args, vm, info);
  11835. }
  11836. }
  11837. return vm
  11838. };
  11839. }
  11840. /* */
  11841. var activeInstance = null;
  11842. var isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
  11843. function setActiveInstance(vm) {
  11844. var prevActiveInstance = activeInstance;
  11845. activeInstance = vm;
  11846. return function () {
  11847. activeInstance = prevActiveInstance;
  11848. }
  11849. }
  11850. function initLifecycle (vm) {
  11851. var options = vm.$options;
  11852. // locate first non-abstract parent
  11853. var parent = options.parent;
  11854. if (parent && !options.abstract) {
  11855. while (parent.$options.abstract && parent.$parent) {
  11856. parent = parent.$parent;
  11857. }
  11858. parent.$children.push(vm);
  11859. }
  11860. vm.$parent = parent;
  11861. vm.$root = parent ? parent.$root : vm;
  11862. vm.$children = [];
  11863. vm.$refs = {};
  11864. vm._watcher = null;
  11865. vm._inactive = null;
  11866. vm._directInactive = false;
  11867. vm._isMounted = false;
  11868. vm._isDestroyed = false;
  11869. vm._isBeingDestroyed = false;
  11870. }
  11871. function lifecycleMixin (Vue) {
  11872. Vue.prototype._update = function (vnode, hydrating) {
  11873. var vm = this;
  11874. var prevEl = vm.$el;
  11875. var prevVnode = vm._vnode;
  11876. var restoreActiveInstance = setActiveInstance(vm);
  11877. vm._vnode = vnode;
  11878. // Vue.prototype.__patch__ is injected in entry points
  11879. // based on the rendering backend used.
  11880. if (!prevVnode) {
  11881. // initial render
  11882. vm.$el = vm.__patch__(vm.$el, vnode, hydrating, false /* removeOnly */);
  11883. } else {
  11884. // updates
  11885. vm.$el = vm.__patch__(prevVnode, vnode);
  11886. }
  11887. restoreActiveInstance();
  11888. // update __vue__ reference
  11889. if (prevEl) {
  11890. prevEl.__vue__ = null;
  11891. }
  11892. if (vm.$el) {
  11893. vm.$el.__vue__ = vm;
  11894. }
  11895. // if parent is an HOC, update its $el as well
  11896. if (vm.$vnode && vm.$parent && vm.$vnode === vm.$parent._vnode) {
  11897. vm.$parent.$el = vm.$el;
  11898. }
  11899. // updated hook is called by the scheduler to ensure that children are
  11900. // updated in a parent's updated hook.
  11901. };
  11902. Vue.prototype.$forceUpdate = function () {
  11903. var vm = this;
  11904. if (vm._watcher) {
  11905. vm._watcher.update();
  11906. }
  11907. };
  11908. Vue.prototype.$destroy = function () {
  11909. var vm = this;
  11910. if (vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
  11911. return
  11912. }
  11913. callHook(vm, 'beforeDestroy');
  11914. vm._isBeingDestroyed = true;
  11915. // remove self from parent
  11916. var parent = vm.$parent;
  11917. if (parent && !parent._isBeingDestroyed && !vm.$options.abstract) {
  11918. remove(parent.$children, vm);
  11919. }
  11920. // teardown watchers
  11921. if (vm._watcher) {
  11922. vm._watcher.teardown();
  11923. }
  11924. var i = vm._watchers.length;
  11925. while (i--) {
  11926. vm._watchers[i].teardown();
  11927. }
  11928. // remove reference from data ob
  11929. // frozen object may not have observer.
  11930. if (vm._data.__ob__) {
  11931. vm._data.__ob__.vmCount--;
  11932. }
  11933. // call the last hook...
  11934. vm._isDestroyed = true;
  11935. // invoke destroy hooks on current rendered tree
  11936. vm.__patch__(vm._vnode, null);
  11937. // fire destroyed hook
  11938. callHook(vm, 'destroyed');
  11939. // turn off all instance listeners.
  11940. vm.$off();
  11941. // remove __vue__ reference
  11942. if (vm.$el) {
  11943. vm.$el.__vue__ = null;
  11944. }
  11945. // release circular reference (#6759)
  11946. if (vm.$vnode) {
  11947. vm.$vnode.parent = null;
  11948. }
  11949. };
  11950. }
  11951. function updateChildComponent (
  11952. vm,
  11953. propsData,
  11954. listeners,
  11955. parentVnode,
  11956. renderChildren
  11957. ) {
  11958. if (true) {
  11959. isUpdatingChildComponent = true;
  11960. }
  11961. // determine whether component has slot children
  11962. // we need to do this before overwriting $options._renderChildren.
  11963. // check if there are dynamic scopedSlots (hand-written or compiled but with
  11964. // dynamic slot names). Static scoped slots compiled from template has the
  11965. // "$stable" marker.
  11966. var newScopedSlots =;
  11967. var oldScopedSlots = vm.$scopedSlots;
  11968. var hasDynamicScopedSlot = !!(
  11969. (newScopedSlots && !newScopedSlots.$stable) ||
  11970. (oldScopedSlots !== emptyObject && !oldScopedSlots.$stable) ||
  11971. (newScopedSlots && vm.$scopedSlots.$key !== newScopedSlots.$key)
  11972. );
  11973. // Any static slot children from the parent may have changed during parent's
  11974. // update. Dynamic scoped slots may also have changed. In such cases, a forced
  11975. // update is necessary to ensure correctness.
  11976. var needsForceUpdate = !!(
  11977. renderChildren || // has new static slots
  11978. vm.$options._renderChildren || // has old static slots
  11979. hasDynamicScopedSlot
  11980. );
  11981. vm.$options._parentVnode = parentVnode;
  11982. vm.$vnode = parentVnode; // update vm's placeholder node without re-render
  11983. if (vm._vnode) { // update child tree's parent
  11984. vm._vnode.parent = parentVnode;
  11985. }
  11986. vm.$options._renderChildren = renderChildren;
  11987. // update $attrs and $listeners hash
  11988. // these are also reactive so they may trigger child update if the child
  11989. // used them during render
  11990. vm.$attrs = || emptyObject;
  11991. vm.$listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
  11992. // update props
  11993. if (propsData && vm.$options.props) {
  11994. toggleObserving(false);
  11995. var props = vm._props;
  11996. var propKeys = vm.$options._propKeys || [];
  11997. for (var i = 0; i < propKeys.length; i++) {
  11998. var key = propKeys[i];
  11999. var propOptions = vm.$options.props; // wtf flow?
  12000. props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData, vm);
  12001. }
  12002. toggleObserving(true);
  12003. // keep a copy of raw propsData
  12004. vm.$options.propsData = propsData;
  12005. }
  12006. // fixed by xxxxxx update properties(mp runtime)
  12007. vm._$updateProperties && vm._$updateProperties(vm);
  12008. // update listeners
  12009. listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
  12010. var oldListeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
  12011. vm.$options._parentListeners = listeners;
  12012. updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners, oldListeners);
  12013. // resolve slots + force update if has children
  12014. if (needsForceUpdate) {
  12015. vm.$slots = resolveSlots(renderChildren, parentVnode.context);
  12016. vm.$forceUpdate();
  12017. }
  12018. if (true) {
  12019. isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
  12020. }
  12021. }
  12022. function isInInactiveTree (vm) {
  12023. while (vm && (vm = vm.$parent)) {
  12024. if (vm._inactive) { return true }
  12025. }
  12026. return false
  12027. }
  12028. function activateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
  12029. if (direct) {
  12030. vm._directInactive = false;
  12031. if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
  12032. return
  12033. }
  12034. } else if (vm._directInactive) {
  12035. return
  12036. }
  12037. if (vm._inactive || vm._inactive === null) {
  12038. vm._inactive = false;
  12039. for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
  12040. activateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
  12041. }
  12042. callHook(vm, 'activated');
  12043. }
  12044. }
  12045. function deactivateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
  12046. if (direct) {
  12047. vm._directInactive = true;
  12048. if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
  12049. return
  12050. }
  12051. }
  12052. if (!vm._inactive) {
  12053. vm._inactive = true;
  12054. for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
  12055. deactivateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
  12056. }
  12057. callHook(vm, 'deactivated');
  12058. }
  12059. }
  12060. function callHook (vm, hook) {
  12061. // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking lifecycle hooks
  12062. pushTarget();
  12063. var handlers = vm.$options[hook];
  12064. var info = hook + " hook";
  12065. if (handlers) {
  12066. for (var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++) {
  12067. invokeWithErrorHandling(handlers[i], vm, null, vm, info);
  12068. }
  12069. }
  12070. if (vm._hasHookEvent) {
  12071. vm.$emit('hook:' + hook);
  12072. }
  12073. popTarget();
  12074. }
  12075. /* */
  12076. var MAX_UPDATE_COUNT = 100;
  12077. var queue = [];
  12078. var activatedChildren = [];
  12079. var has = {};
  12080. var circular = {};
  12081. var waiting = false;
  12082. var flushing = false;
  12083. var index = 0;
  12084. /**
  12085. * Reset the scheduler's state.
  12086. */
  12087. function resetSchedulerState () {
  12088. index = queue.length = activatedChildren.length = 0;
  12089. has = {};
  12090. if (true) {
  12091. circular = {};
  12092. }
  12093. waiting = flushing = false;
  12094. }
  12095. // Async edge case #6566 requires saving the timestamp when event listeners are
  12096. // attached. However, calling has a perf overhead especially
  12097. // if the page has thousands of event listeners. Instead, we take a timestamp
  12098. // every time the scheduler flushes and use that for all event listeners
  12099. // attached during that flush.
  12100. var currentFlushTimestamp = 0;
  12101. // Async edge case fix requires storing an event listener's attach timestamp.
  12102. var getNow =;
  12103. // Determine what event timestamp the browser is using. Annoyingly, the
  12104. // timestamp can either be hi-res (relative to page load) or low-res
  12105. // (relative to UNIX epoch), so in order to compare time we have to use the
  12106. // same timestamp type when saving the flush timestamp.
  12107. // All IE versions use low-res event timestamps, and have problematic clock
  12108. // implementations (#9632)
  12109. if (inBrowser && !isIE) {
  12110. var performance = window.performance;
  12111. if (
  12112. performance &&
  12113. typeof === 'function' &&
  12114. getNow() > document.createEvent('Event').timeStamp
  12115. ) {
  12116. // if the event timestamp, although evaluated AFTER the, is
  12117. // smaller than it, it means the event is using a hi-res timestamp,
  12118. // and we need to use the hi-res version for event listener timestamps as
  12119. // well.
  12120. getNow = function () { return; };
  12121. }
  12122. }
  12123. /**
  12124. * Flush both queues and run the watchers.
  12125. */
  12126. function flushSchedulerQueue () {
  12127. currentFlushTimestamp = getNow();
  12128. flushing = true;
  12129. var watcher, id;
  12130. // Sort queue before flush.
  12131. // This ensures that:
  12132. // 1. Components are updated from parent to child. (because parent is always
  12133. // created before the child)
  12134. // 2. A component's user watchers are run before its render watcher (because
  12135. // user watchers are created before the render watcher)
  12136. // 3. If a component is destroyed during a parent component's watcher run,
  12137. // its watchers can be skipped.
  12138. queue.sort(function (a, b) { return -; });
  12139. // do not cache length because more watchers might be pushed
  12140. // as we run existing watchers
  12141. for (index = 0; index < queue.length; index++) {
  12142. watcher = queue[index];
  12143. if (watcher.before) {
  12144. watcher.before();
  12145. }
  12146. id =;
  12147. has[id] = null;
  12149. // in dev build, check and stop circular updates.
  12150. if ( true && has[id] != null) {
  12151. circular[id] = (circular[id] || 0) + 1;
  12152. if (circular[id] > MAX_UPDATE_COUNT) {
  12153. warn(
  12154. 'You may have an infinite update loop ' + (
  12155. watcher.user
  12156. ? ("in watcher with expression \"" + (watcher.expression) + "\"")
  12157. : "in a component render function."
  12158. ),
  12159. watcher.vm
  12160. );
  12161. break
  12162. }
  12163. }
  12164. }
  12165. // keep copies of post queues before resetting state
  12166. var activatedQueue = activatedChildren.slice();
  12167. var updatedQueue = queue.slice();
  12168. resetSchedulerState();
  12169. // call component updated and activated hooks
  12170. callActivatedHooks(activatedQueue);
  12171. callUpdatedHooks(updatedQueue);
  12172. // devtool hook
  12173. /* istanbul ignore if */
  12174. if (devtools && config.devtools) {
  12175. devtools.emit('flush');
  12176. }
  12177. }
  12178. function callUpdatedHooks (queue) {
  12179. var i = queue.length;
  12180. while (i--) {
  12181. var watcher = queue[i];
  12182. var vm = watcher.vm;
  12183. if (vm._watcher === watcher && vm._isMounted && !vm._isDestroyed) {
  12184. callHook(vm, 'updated');
  12185. }
  12186. }
  12187. }
  12188. /**
  12189. * Queue a kept-alive component that was activated during patch.
  12190. * The queue will be processed after the entire tree has been patched.
  12191. */
  12192. function queueActivatedComponent (vm) {
  12193. // setting _inactive to false here so that a render function can
  12194. // rely on checking whether it's in an inactive tree (e.g. router-view)
  12195. vm._inactive = false;
  12196. activatedChildren.push(vm);
  12197. }
  12198. function callActivatedHooks (queue) {
  12199. for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
  12200. queue[i]._inactive = true;
  12201. activateChildComponent(queue[i], true /* true */);
  12202. }
  12203. }
  12204. /**
  12205. * Push a watcher into the watcher queue.
  12206. * Jobs with duplicate IDs will be skipped unless it's
  12207. * pushed when the queue is being flushed.
  12208. */
  12209. function queueWatcher (watcher) {
  12210. var id =;
  12211. if (has[id] == null) {
  12212. has[id] = true;
  12213. if (!flushing) {
  12214. queue.push(watcher);
  12215. } else {
  12216. // if already flushing, splice the watcher based on its id
  12217. // if already past its id, it will be run next immediately.
  12218. var i = queue.length - 1;
  12219. while (i > index && queue[i].id > {
  12220. i--;
  12221. }
  12222. queue.splice(i + 1, 0, watcher);
  12223. }
  12224. // queue the flush
  12225. if (!waiting) {
  12226. waiting = true;
  12227. if ( true && !config.async) {
  12228. flushSchedulerQueue();
  12229. return
  12230. }
  12231. nextTick(flushSchedulerQueue);
  12232. }
  12233. }
  12234. }
  12235. /* */
  12236. var uid$2 = 0;
  12237. /**
  12238. * A watcher parses an expression, collects dependencies,
  12239. * and fires callback when the expression value changes.
  12240. * This is used for both the $watch() api and directives.
  12241. */
  12242. var Watcher = function Watcher (
  12243. vm,
  12244. expOrFn,
  12245. cb,
  12246. options,
  12247. isRenderWatcher
  12248. ) {
  12249. this.vm = vm;
  12250. if (isRenderWatcher) {
  12251. vm._watcher = this;
  12252. }
  12253. vm._watchers.push(this);
  12254. // options
  12255. if (options) {
  12256. this.deep = !!options.deep;
  12257. this.user = !!options.user;
  12258. this.lazy = !!options.lazy;
  12259. this.sync = !!options.sync;
  12260. this.before = options.before;
  12261. } else {
  12262. this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = false;
  12263. }
  12264. this.cb = cb;
  12265. = ++uid$2; // uid for batching
  12266. = true;
  12267. this.dirty = this.lazy; // for lazy watchers
  12268. this.deps = [];
  12269. this.newDeps = [];
  12270. this.depIds = new _Set();
  12271. this.newDepIds = new _Set();
  12272. this.expression = true
  12273. ? expOrFn.toString()
  12274. : undefined;
  12275. // parse expression for getter
  12276. if (typeof expOrFn === 'function') {
  12277. this.getter = expOrFn;
  12278. } else {
  12279. this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn);
  12280. if (!this.getter) {
  12281. this.getter = noop;
  12282. true && warn(
  12283. "Failed watching path: \"" + expOrFn + "\" " +
  12284. 'Watcher only accepts simple dot-delimited paths. ' +
  12285. 'For full control, use a function instead.',
  12286. vm
  12287. );
  12288. }
  12289. }
  12290. this.value = this.lazy
  12291. ? undefined
  12292. : this.get();
  12293. };
  12294. /**
  12295. * Evaluate the getter, and re-collect dependencies.
  12296. */
  12297. Watcher.prototype.get = function get () {
  12298. pushTarget(this);
  12299. var value;
  12300. var vm = this.vm;
  12301. try {
  12302. value =, vm);
  12303. } catch (e) {
  12304. if (this.user) {
  12305. handleError(e, vm, ("getter for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
  12306. } else {
  12307. throw e
  12308. }
  12309. } finally {
  12310. // "touch" every property so they are all tracked as
  12311. // dependencies for deep watching
  12312. if (this.deep) {
  12313. traverse(value);
  12314. }
  12315. popTarget();
  12316. this.cleanupDeps();
  12317. }
  12318. return value
  12319. };
  12320. /**
  12321. * Add a dependency to this directive.
  12322. */
  12323. Watcher.prototype.addDep = function addDep (dep) {
  12324. var id =;
  12325. if (!this.newDepIds.has(id)) {
  12326. this.newDepIds.add(id);
  12327. this.newDeps.push(dep);
  12328. if (!this.depIds.has(id)) {
  12329. dep.addSub(this);
  12330. }
  12331. }
  12332. };
  12333. /**
  12334. * Clean up for dependency collection.
  12335. */
  12336. Watcher.prototype.cleanupDeps = function cleanupDeps () {
  12337. var i = this.deps.length;
  12338. while (i--) {
  12339. var dep = this.deps[i];
  12340. if (!this.newDepIds.has( {
  12341. dep.removeSub(this);
  12342. }
  12343. }
  12344. var tmp = this.depIds;
  12345. this.depIds = this.newDepIds;
  12346. this.newDepIds = tmp;
  12347. this.newDepIds.clear();
  12348. tmp = this.deps;
  12349. this.deps = this.newDeps;
  12350. this.newDeps = tmp;
  12351. this.newDeps.length = 0;
  12352. };
  12353. /**
  12354. * Subscriber interface.
  12355. * Will be called when a dependency changes.
  12356. */
  12357. Watcher.prototype.update = function update () {
  12358. /* istanbul ignore else */
  12359. if (this.lazy) {
  12360. this.dirty = true;
  12361. } else if (this.sync) {
  12363. } else {
  12364. queueWatcher(this);
  12365. }
  12366. };
  12367. /**
  12368. * Scheduler job interface.
  12369. * Will be called by the scheduler.
  12370. */
  12371. = function run () {
  12372. if ( {
  12373. var value = this.get();
  12374. if (
  12375. value !== this.value ||
  12376. // Deep watchers and watchers on Object/Arrays should fire even
  12377. // when the value is the same, because the value may
  12378. // have mutated.
  12379. isObject(value) ||
  12380. this.deep
  12381. ) {
  12382. // set new value
  12383. var oldValue = this.value;
  12384. this.value = value;
  12385. if (this.user) {
  12386. try {
  12387., value, oldValue);
  12388. } catch (e) {
  12389. handleError(e, this.vm, ("callback for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
  12390. }
  12391. } else {
  12392., value, oldValue);
  12393. }
  12394. }
  12395. }
  12396. };
  12397. /**
  12398. * Evaluate the value of the watcher.
  12399. * This only gets called for lazy watchers.
  12400. */
  12401. Watcher.prototype.evaluate = function evaluate () {
  12402. this.value = this.get();
  12403. this.dirty = false;
  12404. };
  12405. /**
  12406. * Depend on all deps collected by this watcher.
  12407. */
  12408. Watcher.prototype.depend = function depend () {
  12409. var i = this.deps.length;
  12410. while (i--) {
  12411. this.deps[i].depend();
  12412. }
  12413. };
  12414. /**
  12415. * Remove self from all dependencies' subscriber list.
  12416. */
  12417. Watcher.prototype.teardown = function teardown () {
  12418. if ( {
  12419. // remove self from vm's watcher list
  12420. // this is a somewhat expensive operation so we skip it
  12421. // if the vm is being destroyed.
  12422. if (!this.vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
  12423. remove(this.vm._watchers, this);
  12424. }
  12425. var i = this.deps.length;
  12426. while (i--) {
  12427. this.deps[i].removeSub(this);
  12428. }
  12429. = false;
  12430. }
  12431. };
  12432. /* */
  12433. var sharedPropertyDefinition = {
  12434. enumerable: true,
  12435. configurable: true,
  12436. get: noop,
  12437. set: noop
  12438. };
  12439. function proxy (target, sourceKey, key) {
  12440. sharedPropertyDefinition.get = function proxyGetter () {
  12441. return this[sourceKey][key]
  12442. };
  12443. sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function proxySetter (val) {
  12444. this[sourceKey][key] = val;
  12445. };
  12446. Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
  12447. }
  12448. function initState (vm) {
  12449. vm._watchers = [];
  12450. var opts = vm.$options;
  12451. if (opts.props) { initProps(vm, opts.props); }
  12452. if (opts.methods) { initMethods(vm, opts.methods); }
  12453. if ( {
  12454. initData(vm);
  12455. } else {
  12456. observe(vm._data = {}, true /* asRootData */);
  12457. }
  12458. if (opts.computed) { initComputed(vm, opts.computed); }
  12459. if ( && !== nativeWatch) {
  12460. initWatch(vm,;
  12461. }
  12462. }
  12463. function initProps (vm, propsOptions) {
  12464. var propsData = vm.$options.propsData || {};
  12465. var props = vm._props = {};
  12466. // cache prop keys so that future props updates can iterate using Array
  12467. // instead of dynamic object key enumeration.
  12468. var keys = vm.$options._propKeys = [];
  12469. var isRoot = !vm.$parent;
  12470. // root instance props should be converted
  12471. if (!isRoot) {
  12472. toggleObserving(false);
  12473. }
  12474. var loop = function ( key ) {
  12475. keys.push(key);
  12476. var value = validateProp(key, propsOptions, propsData, vm);
  12477. /* istanbul ignore else */
  12478. if (true) {
  12479. var hyphenatedKey = hyphenate(key);
  12480. if (isReservedAttribute(hyphenatedKey) ||
  12481. config.isReservedAttr(hyphenatedKey)) {
  12482. warn(
  12483. ("\"" + hyphenatedKey + "\" is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop."),
  12484. vm
  12485. );
  12486. }
  12487. defineReactive$$1(props, key, value, function () {
  12488. if (!isRoot && !isUpdatingChildComponent) {
  12489. {
  12490. if(vm.mpHost === 'mp-baidu' || vm.mpHost === 'mp-kuaishou' || vm.mpHost === 'mp-xhs'){//百度、快手、小红书 observer 在 setData callback 之后触发,直接忽略该 warn
  12491. return
  12492. }
  12493. //fixed by xxxxxx __next_tick_pending,uni://form-field 时不告警
  12494. if(
  12495. key === 'value' &&
  12496. Array.isArray(vm.$options.behaviors) &&
  12497. vm.$options.behaviors.indexOf('uni://form-field') !== -1
  12498. ){
  12499. return
  12500. }
  12501. if(vm._getFormData){
  12502. return
  12503. }
  12504. var $parent = vm.$parent;
  12505. while($parent){
  12506. if($parent.__next_tick_pending){
  12507. return
  12508. }
  12509. $parent = $parent.$parent;
  12510. }
  12511. }
  12512. warn(
  12513. "Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be " +
  12514. "overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. " +
  12515. "Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's " +
  12516. "value. Prop being mutated: \"" + key + "\"",
  12517. vm
  12518. );
  12519. }
  12520. });
  12521. } else {}
  12522. // static props are already proxied on the component's prototype
  12523. // during Vue.extend(). We only need to proxy props defined at
  12524. // instantiation here.
  12525. if (!(key in vm)) {
  12526. proxy(vm, "_props", key);
  12527. }
  12528. };
  12529. for (var key in propsOptions) loop( key );
  12530. toggleObserving(true);
  12531. }
  12532. function initData (vm) {
  12533. var data = vm.$;
  12534. data = vm._data = typeof data === 'function'
  12535. ? getData(data, vm)
  12536. : data || {};
  12537. if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
  12538. data = {};
  12539. true && warn(
  12540. 'data functions should return an object:\n' +
  12541. '',
  12542. vm
  12543. );
  12544. }
  12545. // proxy data on instance
  12546. var keys = Object.keys(data);
  12547. var props = vm.$options.props;
  12548. var methods = vm.$options.methods;
  12549. var i = keys.length;
  12550. while (i--) {
  12551. var key = keys[i];
  12552. if (true) {
  12553. if (methods && hasOwn(methods, key)) {
  12554. warn(
  12555. ("Method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a data property."),
  12556. vm
  12557. );
  12558. }
  12559. }
  12560. if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
  12561. true && warn(
  12562. "The data property \"" + key + "\" is already declared as a prop. " +
  12563. "Use prop default value instead.",
  12564. vm
  12565. );
  12566. } else if (!isReserved(key)) {
  12567. proxy(vm, "_data", key);
  12568. }
  12569. }
  12570. // observe data
  12571. observe(data, true /* asRootData */);
  12572. }
  12573. function getData (data, vm) {
  12574. // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking data getters
  12575. pushTarget();
  12576. try {
  12577. return, vm)
  12578. } catch (e) {
  12579. handleError(e, vm, "data()");
  12580. return {}
  12581. } finally {
  12582. popTarget();
  12583. }
  12584. }
  12585. var computedWatcherOptions = { lazy: true };
  12586. function initComputed (vm, computed) {
  12587. // $flow-disable-line
  12588. var watchers = vm._computedWatchers = Object.create(null);
  12589. // computed properties are just getters during SSR
  12590. var isSSR = isServerRendering();
  12591. for (var key in computed) {
  12592. var userDef = computed[key];
  12593. var getter = typeof userDef === 'function' ? userDef : userDef.get;
  12594. if ( true && getter == null) {
  12595. warn(
  12596. ("Getter is missing for computed property \"" + key + "\"."),
  12597. vm
  12598. );
  12599. }
  12600. if (!isSSR) {
  12601. // create internal watcher for the computed property.
  12602. watchers[key] = new Watcher(
  12603. vm,
  12604. getter || noop,
  12605. noop,
  12606. computedWatcherOptions
  12607. );
  12608. }
  12609. // component-defined computed properties are already defined on the
  12610. // component prototype. We only need to define computed properties defined
  12611. // at instantiation here.
  12612. if (!(key in vm)) {
  12613. defineComputed(vm, key, userDef);
  12614. } else if (true) {
  12615. if (key in vm.$data) {
  12616. warn(("The computed property \"" + key + "\" is already defined in data."), vm);
  12617. } else if (vm.$options.props && key in vm.$options.props) {
  12618. warn(("The computed property \"" + key + "\" is already defined as a prop."), vm);
  12619. }
  12620. }
  12621. }
  12622. }
  12623. function defineComputed (
  12624. target,
  12625. key,
  12626. userDef
  12627. ) {
  12628. var shouldCache = !isServerRendering();
  12629. if (typeof userDef === 'function') {
  12630. sharedPropertyDefinition.get = shouldCache
  12631. ? createComputedGetter(key)
  12632. : createGetterInvoker(userDef);
  12633. sharedPropertyDefinition.set = noop;
  12634. } else {
  12635. sharedPropertyDefinition.get = userDef.get
  12636. ? shouldCache && userDef.cache !== false
  12637. ? createComputedGetter(key)
  12638. : createGetterInvoker(userDef.get)
  12639. : noop;
  12640. sharedPropertyDefinition.set = userDef.set || noop;
  12641. }
  12642. if ( true &&
  12643. sharedPropertyDefinition.set === noop) {
  12644. sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function () {
  12645. warn(
  12646. ("Computed property \"" + key + "\" was assigned to but it has no setter."),
  12647. this
  12648. );
  12649. };
  12650. }
  12651. Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
  12652. }
  12653. function createComputedGetter (key) {
  12654. return function computedGetter () {
  12655. var watcher = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[key];
  12656. if (watcher) {
  12657. if (watcher.dirty) {
  12658. watcher.evaluate();
  12659. }
  12660. if ( {// fixed by xxxxxx
  12661. watcher.depend();
  12662. }
  12663. return watcher.value
  12664. }
  12665. }
  12666. }
  12667. function createGetterInvoker(fn) {
  12668. return function computedGetter () {
  12669. return, this)
  12670. }
  12671. }
  12672. function initMethods (vm, methods) {
  12673. var props = vm.$options.props;
  12674. for (var key in methods) {
  12675. if (true) {
  12676. if (typeof methods[key] !== 'function') {
  12677. warn(
  12678. "Method \"" + key + "\" has type \"" + (typeof methods[key]) + "\" in the component definition. " +
  12679. "Did you reference the function correctly?",
  12680. vm
  12681. );
  12682. }
  12683. if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
  12684. warn(
  12685. ("Method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a prop."),
  12686. vm
  12687. );
  12688. }
  12689. if ((key in vm) && isReserved(key)) {
  12690. warn(
  12691. "Method \"" + key + "\" conflicts with an existing Vue instance method. " +
  12692. "Avoid defining component methods that start with _ or $."
  12693. );
  12694. }
  12695. }
  12696. vm[key] = typeof methods[key] !== 'function' ? noop : bind(methods[key], vm);
  12697. }
  12698. }
  12699. function initWatch (vm, watch) {
  12700. for (var key in watch) {
  12701. var handler = watch[key];
  12702. if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
  12703. for (var i = 0; i < handler.length; i++) {
  12704. createWatcher(vm, key, handler[i]);
  12705. }
  12706. } else {
  12707. createWatcher(vm, key, handler);
  12708. }
  12709. }
  12710. }
  12711. function createWatcher (
  12712. vm,
  12713. expOrFn,
  12714. handler,
  12715. options
  12716. ) {
  12717. if (isPlainObject(handler)) {
  12718. options = handler;
  12719. handler = handler.handler;
  12720. }
  12721. if (typeof handler === 'string') {
  12722. handler = vm[handler];
  12723. }
  12724. return vm.$watch(expOrFn, handler, options)
  12725. }
  12726. function stateMixin (Vue) {
  12727. // flow somehow has problems with directly declared definition object
  12728. // when using Object.defineProperty, so we have to procedurally build up
  12729. // the object here.
  12730. var dataDef = {};
  12731. dataDef.get = function () { return this._data };
  12732. var propsDef = {};
  12733. propsDef.get = function () { return this._props };
  12734. if (true) {
  12735. dataDef.set = function () {
  12736. warn(
  12737. 'Avoid replacing instance root $data. ' +
  12738. 'Use nested data properties instead.',
  12739. this
  12740. );
  12741. };
  12742. propsDef.set = function () {
  12743. warn("$props is readonly.", this);
  12744. };
  12745. }
  12746. Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$data', dataDef);
  12747. Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$props', propsDef);
  12748. Vue.prototype.$set = set;
  12749. Vue.prototype.$delete = del;
  12750. Vue.prototype.$watch = function (
  12751. expOrFn,
  12752. cb,
  12753. options
  12754. ) {
  12755. var vm = this;
  12756. if (isPlainObject(cb)) {
  12757. return createWatcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options)
  12758. }
  12759. options = options || {};
  12760. options.user = true;
  12761. var watcher = new Watcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options);
  12762. if (options.immediate) {
  12763. try {
  12764., watcher.value);
  12765. } catch (error) {
  12766. handleError(error, vm, ("callback for immediate watcher \"" + (watcher.expression) + "\""));
  12767. }
  12768. }
  12769. return function unwatchFn () {
  12770. watcher.teardown();
  12771. }
  12772. };
  12773. }
  12774. /* */
  12775. var uid$3 = 0;
  12776. function initMixin (Vue) {
  12777. Vue.prototype._init = function (options) {
  12778. var vm = this;
  12779. // a uid
  12780. vm._uid = uid$3++;
  12781. var startTag, endTag;
  12782. /* istanbul ignore if */
  12783. if ( true && config.performance && mark) {
  12784. startTag = "vue-perf-start:" + (vm._uid);
  12785. endTag = "vue-perf-end:" + (vm._uid);
  12786. mark(startTag);
  12787. }
  12788. // a flag to avoid this being observed
  12789. vm._isVue = true;
  12790. // merge options
  12791. if (options && options._isComponent) {
  12792. // optimize internal component instantiation
  12793. // since dynamic options merging is pretty slow, and none of the
  12794. // internal component options needs special treatment.
  12795. initInternalComponent(vm, options);
  12796. } else {
  12797. vm.$options = mergeOptions(
  12798. resolveConstructorOptions(vm.constructor),
  12799. options || {},
  12800. vm
  12801. );
  12802. }
  12803. /* istanbul ignore else */
  12804. if (true) {
  12805. initProxy(vm);
  12806. } else {}
  12807. // expose real self
  12808. vm._self = vm;
  12809. initLifecycle(vm);
  12810. initEvents(vm);
  12811. initRender(vm);
  12812. callHook(vm, 'beforeCreate');
  12813. !vm._$fallback && initInjections(vm); // resolve injections before data/props
  12814. initState(vm);
  12815. !vm._$fallback && initProvide(vm); // resolve provide after data/props
  12816. !vm._$fallback && callHook(vm, 'created');
  12817. /* istanbul ignore if */
  12818. if ( true && config.performance && mark) {
  12819. vm._name = formatComponentName(vm, false);
  12820. mark(endTag);
  12821. measure(("vue " + (vm._name) + " init"), startTag, endTag);
  12822. }
  12823. if (vm.$options.el) {
  12824. vm.$mount(vm.$options.el);
  12825. }
  12826. };
  12827. }
  12828. function initInternalComponent (vm, options) {
  12829. var opts = vm.$options = Object.create(vm.constructor.options);
  12830. // doing this because it's faster than dynamic enumeration.
  12831. var parentVnode = options._parentVnode;
  12832. opts.parent = options.parent;
  12833. opts._parentVnode = parentVnode;
  12834. var vnodeComponentOptions = parentVnode.componentOptions;
  12835. opts.propsData = vnodeComponentOptions.propsData;
  12836. opts._parentListeners = vnodeComponentOptions.listeners;
  12837. opts._renderChildren = vnodeComponentOptions.children;
  12838. opts._componentTag = vnodeComponentOptions.tag;
  12839. if (options.render) {
  12840. opts.render = options.render;
  12841. opts.staticRenderFns = options.staticRenderFns;
  12842. }
  12843. }
  12844. function resolveConstructorOptions (Ctor) {
  12845. var options = Ctor.options;
  12846. if (Ctor.super) {
  12847. var superOptions = resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor.super);
  12848. var cachedSuperOptions = Ctor.superOptions;
  12849. if (superOptions !== cachedSuperOptions) {
  12850. // super option changed,
  12851. // need to resolve new options.
  12852. Ctor.superOptions = superOptions;
  12853. // check if there are any late-modified/attached options (#4976)
  12854. var modifiedOptions = resolveModifiedOptions(Ctor);
  12855. // update base extend options
  12856. if (modifiedOptions) {
  12857. extend(Ctor.extendOptions, modifiedOptions);
  12858. }
  12859. options = Ctor.options = mergeOptions(superOptions, Ctor.extendOptions);
  12860. if ( {
  12861. options.components[] = Ctor;
  12862. }
  12863. }
  12864. }
  12865. return options
  12866. }
  12867. function resolveModifiedOptions (Ctor) {
  12868. var modified;
  12869. var latest = Ctor.options;
  12870. var sealed = Ctor.sealedOptions;
  12871. for (var key in latest) {
  12872. if (latest[key] !== sealed[key]) {
  12873. if (!modified) { modified = {}; }
  12874. modified[key] = latest[key];
  12875. }
  12876. }
  12877. return modified
  12878. }
  12879. function Vue (options) {
  12880. if ( true &&
  12881. !(this instanceof Vue)
  12882. ) {
  12883. warn('Vue is a constructor and should be called with the `new` keyword');
  12884. }
  12885. this._init(options);
  12886. }
  12887. initMixin(Vue);
  12888. stateMixin(Vue);
  12889. eventsMixin(Vue);
  12890. lifecycleMixin(Vue);
  12891. renderMixin(Vue);
  12892. /* */
  12893. function initUse (Vue) {
  12894. Vue.use = function (plugin) {
  12895. var installedPlugins = (this._installedPlugins || (this._installedPlugins = []));
  12896. if (installedPlugins.indexOf(plugin) > -1) {
  12897. return this
  12898. }
  12899. // additional parameters
  12900. var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
  12901. args.unshift(this);
  12902. if (typeof plugin.install === 'function') {
  12903. plugin.install.apply(plugin, args);
  12904. } else if (typeof plugin === 'function') {
  12905. plugin.apply(null, args);
  12906. }
  12907. installedPlugins.push(plugin);
  12908. return this
  12909. };
  12910. }
  12911. /* */
  12912. function initMixin$1 (Vue) {
  12913. Vue.mixin = function (mixin) {
  12914. this.options = mergeOptions(this.options, mixin);
  12915. return this
  12916. };
  12917. }
  12918. /* */
  12919. function initExtend (Vue) {
  12920. /**
  12921. * Each instance constructor, including Vue, has a unique
  12922. * cid. This enables us to create wrapped "child
  12923. * constructors" for prototypal inheritance and cache them.
  12924. */
  12925. Vue.cid = 0;
  12926. var cid = 1;
  12927. /**
  12928. * Class inheritance
  12929. */
  12930. Vue.extend = function (extendOptions) {
  12931. extendOptions = extendOptions || {};
  12932. var Super = this;
  12933. var SuperId = Super.cid;
  12934. var cachedCtors = extendOptions._Ctor || (extendOptions._Ctor = {});
  12935. if (cachedCtors[SuperId]) {
  12936. return cachedCtors[SuperId]
  12937. }
  12938. var name = ||;
  12939. if ( true && name) {
  12940. validateComponentName(name);
  12941. }
  12942. var Sub = function VueComponent (options) {
  12943. this._init(options);
  12944. };
  12945. Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype);
  12946. Sub.prototype.constructor = Sub;
  12947. Sub.cid = cid++;
  12948. Sub.options = mergeOptions(
  12949. Super.options,
  12950. extendOptions
  12951. );
  12952. Sub['super'] = Super;
  12953. // For props and computed properties, we define the proxy getters on
  12954. // the Vue instances at extension time, on the extended prototype. This
  12955. // avoids Object.defineProperty calls for each instance created.
  12956. if (Sub.options.props) {
  12957. initProps$1(Sub);
  12958. }
  12959. if (Sub.options.computed) {
  12960. initComputed$1(Sub);
  12961. }
  12962. // allow further extension/mixin/plugin usage
  12963. Sub.extend = Super.extend;
  12964. Sub.mixin = Super.mixin;
  12965. Sub.use = Super.use;
  12966. // create asset registers, so extended classes
  12967. // can have their private assets too.
  12968. ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
  12969. Sub[type] = Super[type];
  12970. });
  12971. // enable recursive self-lookup
  12972. if (name) {
  12973. Sub.options.components[name] = Sub;
  12974. }
  12975. // keep a reference to the super options at extension time.
  12976. // later at instantiation we can check if Super's options have
  12977. // been updated.
  12978. Sub.superOptions = Super.options;
  12979. Sub.extendOptions = extendOptions;
  12980. Sub.sealedOptions = extend({}, Sub.options);
  12981. // cache constructor
  12982. cachedCtors[SuperId] = Sub;
  12983. return Sub
  12984. };
  12985. }
  12986. function initProps$1 (Comp) {
  12987. var props = Comp.options.props;
  12988. for (var key in props) {
  12989. proxy(Comp.prototype, "_props", key);
  12990. }
  12991. }
  12992. function initComputed$1 (Comp) {
  12993. var computed = Comp.options.computed;
  12994. for (var key in computed) {
  12995. defineComputed(Comp.prototype, key, computed[key]);
  12996. }
  12997. }
  12998. /* */
  12999. function initAssetRegisters (Vue) {
  13000. /**
  13001. * Create asset registration methods.
  13002. */
  13003. ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
  13004. Vue[type] = function (
  13005. id,
  13006. definition
  13007. ) {
  13008. if (!definition) {
  13009. return this.options[type + 's'][id]
  13010. } else {
  13011. /* istanbul ignore if */
  13012. if ( true && type === 'component') {
  13013. validateComponentName(id);
  13014. }
  13015. if (type === 'component' && isPlainObject(definition)) {
  13016. = || id;
  13017. definition = this.options._base.extend(definition);
  13018. }
  13019. if (type === 'directive' && typeof definition === 'function') {
  13020. definition = { bind: definition, update: definition };
  13021. }
  13022. this.options[type + 's'][id] = definition;
  13023. return definition
  13024. }
  13025. };
  13026. });
  13027. }
  13028. /* */
  13029. function getComponentName (opts) {
  13030. return opts && ( || opts.tag)
  13031. }
  13032. function matches (pattern, name) {
  13033. if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
  13034. return pattern.indexOf(name) > -1
  13035. } else if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
  13036. return pattern.split(',').indexOf(name) > -1
  13037. } else if (isRegExp(pattern)) {
  13038. return pattern.test(name)
  13039. }
  13040. /* istanbul ignore next */
  13041. return false
  13042. }
  13043. function pruneCache (keepAliveInstance, filter) {
  13044. var cache = keepAliveInstance.cache;
  13045. var keys = keepAliveInstance.keys;
  13046. var _vnode = keepAliveInstance._vnode;
  13047. for (var key in cache) {
  13048. var cachedNode = cache[key];
  13049. if (cachedNode) {
  13050. var name = getComponentName(cachedNode.componentOptions);
  13051. if (name && !filter(name)) {
  13052. pruneCacheEntry(cache, key, keys, _vnode);
  13053. }
  13054. }
  13055. }
  13056. }
  13057. function pruneCacheEntry (
  13058. cache,
  13059. key,
  13060. keys,
  13061. current
  13062. ) {
  13063. var cached$$1 = cache[key];
  13064. if (cached$$1 && (!current || cached$$1.tag !== current.tag)) {
  13065. cached$$1.componentInstance.$destroy();
  13066. }
  13067. cache[key] = null;
  13068. remove(keys, key);
  13069. }
  13070. var patternTypes = [String, RegExp, Array];
  13071. var KeepAlive = {
  13072. name: 'keep-alive',
  13073. abstract: true,
  13074. props: {
  13075. include: patternTypes,
  13076. exclude: patternTypes,
  13077. max: [String, Number]
  13078. },
  13079. created: function created () {
  13080. this.cache = Object.create(null);
  13081. this.keys = [];
  13082. },
  13083. destroyed: function destroyed () {
  13084. for (var key in this.cache) {
  13085. pruneCacheEntry(this.cache, key, this.keys);
  13086. }
  13087. },
  13088. mounted: function mounted () {
  13089. var this$1 = this;
  13090. this.$watch('include', function (val) {
  13091. pruneCache(this$1, function (name) { return matches(val, name); });
  13092. });
  13093. this.$watch('exclude', function (val) {
  13094. pruneCache(this$1, function (name) { return !matches(val, name); });
  13095. });
  13096. },
  13097. render: function render () {
  13098. var slot = this.$slots.default;
  13099. var vnode = getFirstComponentChild(slot);
  13100. var componentOptions = vnode && vnode.componentOptions;
  13101. if (componentOptions) {
  13102. // check pattern
  13103. var name = getComponentName(componentOptions);
  13104. var ref = this;
  13105. var include = ref.include;
  13106. var exclude = ref.exclude;
  13107. if (
  13108. // not included
  13109. (include && (!name || !matches(include, name))) ||
  13110. // excluded
  13111. (exclude && name && matches(exclude, name))
  13112. ) {
  13113. return vnode
  13114. }
  13115. var ref$1 = this;
  13116. var cache = ref$1.cache;
  13117. var keys = ref$1.keys;
  13118. var key = vnode.key == null
  13119. // same constructor may get registered as different local components
  13120. // so cid alone is not enough (#3269)
  13121. ? componentOptions.Ctor.cid + (componentOptions.tag ? ("::" + (componentOptions.tag)) : '')
  13122. : vnode.key;
  13123. if (cache[key]) {
  13124. vnode.componentInstance = cache[key].componentInstance;
  13125. // make current key freshest
  13126. remove(keys, key);
  13127. keys.push(key);
  13128. } else {
  13129. cache[key] = vnode;
  13130. keys.push(key);
  13131. // prune oldest entry
  13132. if (this.max && keys.length > parseInt(this.max)) {
  13133. pruneCacheEntry(cache, keys[0], keys, this._vnode);
  13134. }
  13135. }
  13136. = true;
  13137. }
  13138. return vnode || (slot && slot[0])
  13139. }
  13140. };
  13141. var builtInComponents = {
  13142. KeepAlive: KeepAlive
  13143. };
  13144. /* */
  13145. function initGlobalAPI (Vue) {
  13146. // config
  13147. var configDef = {};
  13148. configDef.get = function () { return config; };
  13149. if (true) {
  13150. configDef.set = function () {
  13151. warn(
  13152. 'Do not replace the Vue.config object, set individual fields instead.'
  13153. );
  13154. };
  13155. }
  13156. Object.defineProperty(Vue, 'config', configDef);
  13157. // exposed util methods.
  13158. // NOTE: these are not considered part of the public API - avoid relying on
  13159. // them unless you are aware of the risk.
  13160. Vue.util = {
  13161. warn: warn,
  13162. extend: extend,
  13163. mergeOptions: mergeOptions,
  13164. defineReactive: defineReactive$$1
  13165. };
  13166. Vue.set = set;
  13167. Vue.delete = del;
  13168. Vue.nextTick = nextTick;
  13169. // 2.6 explicit observable API
  13170. Vue.observable = function (obj) {
  13171. observe(obj);
  13172. return obj
  13173. };
  13174. Vue.options = Object.create(null);
  13175. ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
  13176. Vue.options[type + 's'] = Object.create(null);
  13177. });
  13178. // this is used to identify the "base" constructor to extend all plain-object
  13179. // components with in Weex's multi-instance scenarios.
  13180. Vue.options._base = Vue;
  13181. extend(Vue.options.components, builtInComponents);
  13182. initUse(Vue);
  13183. initMixin$1(Vue);
  13184. initExtend(Vue);
  13185. initAssetRegisters(Vue);
  13186. }
  13187. initGlobalAPI(Vue);
  13188. Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$isServer', {
  13189. get: isServerRendering
  13190. });
  13191. Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$ssrContext', {
  13192. get: function get () {
  13193. /* istanbul ignore next */
  13194. return this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext
  13195. }
  13196. });
  13197. // expose FunctionalRenderContext for ssr runtime helper installation
  13198. Object.defineProperty(Vue, 'FunctionalRenderContext', {
  13199. value: FunctionalRenderContext
  13200. });
  13201. Vue.version = '2.6.11';
  13202. /**
  13203. *
  13204. */
  13205. var ARRAYTYPE = '[object Array]';
  13206. var OBJECTTYPE = '[object Object]';
  13207. // const FUNCTIONTYPE = '[object Function]'
  13208. function diff(current, pre) {
  13209. var result = {};
  13210. syncKeys(current, pre);
  13211. _diff(current, pre, '', result);
  13212. return result
  13213. }
  13214. function syncKeys(current, pre) {
  13215. if (current === pre) { return }
  13216. var rootCurrentType = type(current);
  13217. var rootPreType = type(pre);
  13218. if (rootCurrentType == OBJECTTYPE && rootPreType == OBJECTTYPE) {
  13219. if(Object.keys(current).length >= Object.keys(pre).length){
  13220. for (var key in pre) {
  13221. var currentValue = current[key];
  13222. if (currentValue === undefined) {
  13223. current[key] = null;
  13224. } else {
  13225. syncKeys(currentValue, pre[key]);
  13226. }
  13227. }
  13228. }
  13229. } else if (rootCurrentType == ARRAYTYPE && rootPreType == ARRAYTYPE) {
  13230. if (current.length >= pre.length) {
  13231. pre.forEach(function (item, index) {
  13232. syncKeys(current[index], item);
  13233. });
  13234. }
  13235. }
  13236. }
  13237. function _diff(current, pre, path, result) {
  13238. if (current === pre) { return }
  13239. var rootCurrentType = type(current);
  13240. var rootPreType = type(pre);
  13241. if (rootCurrentType == OBJECTTYPE) {
  13242. if (rootPreType != OBJECTTYPE || Object.keys(current).length < Object.keys(pre).length) {
  13243. setResult(result, path, current);
  13244. } else {
  13245. var loop = function ( key ) {
  13246. var currentValue = current[key];
  13247. var preValue = pre[key];
  13248. var currentType = type(currentValue);
  13249. var preType = type(preValue);
  13250. if (currentType != ARRAYTYPE && currentType != OBJECTTYPE) {
  13251. if (currentValue !== pre[key]) {
  13252. setResult(result, (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key, currentValue);
  13253. }
  13254. } else if (currentType == ARRAYTYPE) {
  13255. if (preType != ARRAYTYPE) {
  13256. setResult(result, (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key, currentValue);
  13257. } else {
  13258. if (currentValue.length < preValue.length) {
  13259. setResult(result, (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key, currentValue);
  13260. } else {
  13261. currentValue.forEach(function (item, index) {
  13262. _diff(item, preValue[index], (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key + '[' + index + ']', result);
  13263. });
  13264. }
  13265. }
  13266. } else if (currentType == OBJECTTYPE) {
  13267. if (preType != OBJECTTYPE || Object.keys(currentValue).length < Object.keys(preValue).length) {
  13268. setResult(result, (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key, currentValue);
  13269. } else {
  13270. for (var subKey in currentValue) {
  13271. _diff(currentValue[subKey], preValue[subKey], (path == '' ? '' : path + ".") + key + '.' + subKey, result);
  13272. }
  13273. }
  13274. }
  13275. };
  13276. for (var key in current) loop( key );
  13277. }
  13278. } else if (rootCurrentType == ARRAYTYPE) {
  13279. if (rootPreType != ARRAYTYPE) {
  13280. setResult(result, path, current);
  13281. } else {
  13282. if (current.length < pre.length) {
  13283. setResult(result, path, current);
  13284. } else {
  13285. current.forEach(function (item, index) {
  13286. _diff(item, pre[index], path + '[' + index + ']', result);
  13287. });
  13288. }
  13289. }
  13290. } else {
  13291. setResult(result, path, current);
  13292. }
  13293. }
  13294. function setResult(result, k, v) {
  13295. // if (type(v) != FUNCTIONTYPE) {
  13296. result[k] = v;
  13297. // }
  13298. }
  13299. function type(obj) {
  13300. return
  13301. }
  13302. /* */
  13303. function flushCallbacks$1(vm) {
  13304. if (vm.__next_tick_callbacks && vm.__next_tick_callbacks.length) {
  13305. if (Object({"VUE_APP_NAME":"vrv-platform","VUE_APP_PLATFORM":"mp-weixin","NODE_ENV":"development","BASE_URL":"/"}).VUE_APP_DEBUG) {
  13306. var mpInstance = vm.$scope;
  13307. console.log('[' + (+new Date) + '][' + ( || mpInstance.route) + '][' + vm._uid +
  13308. ']:flushCallbacks[' + vm.__next_tick_callbacks.length + ']');
  13309. }
  13310. var copies = vm.__next_tick_callbacks.slice(0);
  13311. vm.__next_tick_callbacks.length = 0;
  13312. for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
  13313. copies[i]();
  13314. }
  13315. }
  13316. }
  13317. function hasRenderWatcher(vm) {
  13318. return queue.find(function (watcher) { return vm._watcher === watcher; })
  13319. }
  13320. function nextTick$1(vm, cb) {
  13321. //1.nextTick 之前 已 setData 且 setData 还未回调完成
  13322. //2.nextTick 之前存在 render watcher
  13323. if (!vm.__next_tick_pending && !hasRenderWatcher(vm)) {
  13324. if(Object({"VUE_APP_NAME":"vrv-platform","VUE_APP_PLATFORM":"mp-weixin","NODE_ENV":"development","BASE_URL":"/"}).VUE_APP_DEBUG){
  13325. var mpInstance = vm.$scope;
  13326. console.log('[' + (+new Date) + '][' + ( || mpInstance.route) + '][' + vm._uid +
  13327. ']:nextVueTick');
  13328. }
  13329. return nextTick(cb, vm)
  13330. }else{
  13331. if(Object({"VUE_APP_NAME":"vrv-platform","VUE_APP_PLATFORM":"mp-weixin","NODE_ENV":"development","BASE_URL":"/"}).VUE_APP_DEBUG){
  13332. var mpInstance$1 = vm.$scope;
  13333. console.log('[' + (+new Date) + '][' + (mpInstance$ || mpInstance$1.route) + '][' + vm._uid +
  13334. ']:nextMPTick');
  13335. }
  13336. }
  13337. var _resolve;
  13338. if (!vm.__next_tick_callbacks) {
  13339. vm.__next_tick_callbacks = [];
  13340. }
  13341. vm.__next_tick_callbacks.push(function () {
  13342. if (cb) {
  13343. try {
  13345. } catch (e) {
  13346. handleError(e, vm, 'nextTick');
  13347. }
  13348. } else if (_resolve) {
  13349. _resolve(vm);
  13350. }
  13351. });
  13352. // $flow-disable-line
  13353. if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
  13354. return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  13355. _resolve = resolve;
  13356. })
  13357. }
  13358. }
  13359. /* */
  13360. function cloneWithData(vm) {
  13361. // 确保当前 vm 所有数据被同步
  13362. var ret = Object.create(null);
  13363. var dataKeys = [].concat(
  13364. Object.keys(vm._data || {}),
  13365. Object.keys(vm._computedWatchers || {}));
  13366. dataKeys.reduce(function(ret, key) {
  13367. ret[key] = vm[key];
  13368. return ret
  13369. }, ret);
  13370. // vue-composition-api
  13371. var compositionApiState = vm.__composition_api_state__ || vm.__secret_vfa_state__;
  13372. var rawBindings = compositionApiState && compositionApiState.rawBindings;
  13373. if (rawBindings) {
  13374. Object.keys(rawBindings).forEach(function (key) {
  13375. ret[key] = vm[key];
  13376. });
  13377. }
  13378. //TODO 需要把无用数据处理掉,比如 list=>l0 则 list 需要移除,否则多传输一份数据
  13379. Object.assign(ret, vm.$ || {});
  13380. if (
  13381. Array.isArray(vm.$options.behaviors) &&
  13382. vm.$options.behaviors.indexOf('uni://form-field') !== -1
  13383. ) { //form-field
  13384. ret['name'] =;
  13385. ret['value'] = vm.value;
  13386. }
  13387. return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret))
  13388. }
  13389. var patch = function(oldVnode, vnode) {
  13390. var this$1 = this;
  13391. if (vnode === null) { //destroy
  13392. return
  13393. }
  13394. if (this.mpType === 'page' || this.mpType === 'component') {
  13395. var mpInstance = this.$scope;
  13396. var data = Object.create(null);
  13397. try {
  13398. data = cloneWithData(this);
  13399. } catch (err) {
  13400. console.error(err);
  13401. }
  13402. data.__webviewId__ =;
  13403. var mpData = Object.create(null);
  13404. Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { //仅同步 data 中有的数据
  13405. mpData[key] =[key];
  13406. });
  13407. var diffData = this.$shouldDiffData === false ? data : diff(data, mpData);
  13408. if (Object.keys(diffData).length) {
  13409. if (Object({"VUE_APP_NAME":"vrv-platform","VUE_APP_PLATFORM":"mp-weixin","NODE_ENV":"development","BASE_URL":"/"}).VUE_APP_DEBUG) {
  13410. console.log('[' + (+new Date) + '][' + ( || mpInstance.route) + '][' + this._uid +
  13411. ']差量更新',
  13412. JSON.stringify(diffData));
  13413. }
  13414. this.__next_tick_pending = true;
  13415. mpInstance.setData(diffData, function () {
  13416. this$1.__next_tick_pending = false;
  13417. flushCallbacks$1(this$1);
  13418. });
  13419. } else {
  13420. flushCallbacks$1(this);
  13421. }
  13422. }
  13423. };
  13424. /* */
  13425. function createEmptyRender() {
  13426. }
  13427. function mountComponent$1(
  13428. vm,
  13429. el,
  13430. hydrating
  13431. ) {
  13432. if (!vm.mpType) {//main.js 中的 new Vue
  13433. return vm
  13434. }
  13435. if (vm.mpType === 'app') {
  13436. vm.$options.render = createEmptyRender;
  13437. }
  13438. if (!vm.$options.render) {
  13439. vm.$options.render = createEmptyRender;
  13440. if (true) {
  13441. /* istanbul ignore if */
  13442. if ((vm.$options.template && vm.$options.template.charAt(0) !== '#') ||
  13443. vm.$options.el || el) {
  13444. warn(
  13445. 'You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template ' +
  13446. 'compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into ' +
  13447. 'render functions, or use the compiler-included build.',
  13448. vm
  13449. );
  13450. } else {
  13451. warn(
  13452. 'Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.',
  13453. vm
  13454. );
  13455. }
  13456. }
  13457. }
  13458. !vm._$fallback && callHook(vm, 'beforeMount');
  13459. var updateComponent = function () {
  13460. vm._update(vm._render(), hydrating);
  13461. };
  13462. // we set this to vm._watcher inside the watcher's constructor
  13463. // since the watcher's initial patch may call $forceUpdate (e.g. inside child
  13464. // component's mounted hook), which relies on vm._watcher being already defined
  13465. new Watcher(vm, updateComponent, noop, {
  13466. before: function before() {
  13467. if (vm._isMounted && !vm._isDestroyed) {
  13468. callHook(vm, 'beforeUpdate');
  13469. }
  13470. }
  13471. }, true /* isRenderWatcher */);
  13472. hydrating = false;
  13473. return vm
  13474. }
  13475. /* */
  13476. function renderClass (
  13477. staticClass,
  13478. dynamicClass
  13479. ) {
  13480. if (isDef(staticClass) || isDef(dynamicClass)) {
  13481. return concat(staticClass, stringifyClass(dynamicClass))
  13482. }
  13483. /* istanbul ignore next */
  13484. return ''
  13485. }
  13486. function concat (a, b) {
  13487. return a ? b ? (a + ' ' + b) : a : (b || '')
  13488. }
  13489. function stringifyClass (value) {
  13490. if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  13491. return stringifyArray(value)
  13492. }
  13493. if (isObject(value)) {
  13494. return stringifyObject(value)
  13495. }
  13496. if (typeof value === 'string') {
  13497. return value
  13498. }
  13499. /* istanbul ignore next */
  13500. return ''
  13501. }
  13502. function stringifyArray (value) {
  13503. var res = '';
  13504. var stringified;
  13505. for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
  13506. if (isDef(stringified = stringifyClass(value[i])) && stringified !== '') {
  13507. if (res) { res += ' '; }
  13508. res += stringified;
  13509. }
  13510. }
  13511. return res
  13512. }
  13513. function stringifyObject (value) {
  13514. var res = '';
  13515. for (var key in value) {
  13516. if (value[key]) {
  13517. if (res) { res += ' '; }
  13518. res += key;
  13519. }
  13520. }
  13521. return res
  13522. }
  13523. /* */
  13524. var parseStyleText = cached(function (cssText) {
  13525. var res = {};
  13526. var listDelimiter = /;(?![^(]*\))/g;
  13527. var propertyDelimiter = /:(.+)/;
  13528. cssText.split(listDelimiter).forEach(function (item) {
  13529. if (item) {
  13530. var tmp = item.split(propertyDelimiter);
  13531. tmp.length > 1 && (res[tmp[0].trim()] = tmp[1].trim());
  13532. }
  13533. });
  13534. return res
  13535. });
  13536. // normalize possible array / string values into Object
  13537. function normalizeStyleBinding (bindingStyle) {
  13538. if (Array.isArray(bindingStyle)) {
  13539. return toObject(bindingStyle)
  13540. }
  13541. if (typeof bindingStyle === 'string') {
  13542. return parseStyleText(bindingStyle)
  13543. }
  13544. return bindingStyle
  13545. }
  13546. /* */
  13547. var MP_METHODS = ['createSelectorQuery', 'createIntersectionObserver', 'selectAllComponents', 'selectComponent'];
  13548. function getTarget(obj, path) {
  13549. var parts = path.split('.');
  13550. var key = parts[0];
  13551. if (key.indexOf('__$n') === 0) { //number index
  13552. key = parseInt(key.replace('__$n', ''));
  13553. }
  13554. if (parts.length === 1) {
  13555. return obj[key]
  13556. }
  13557. return getTarget(obj[key], parts.slice(1).join('.'))
  13558. }
  13559. function internalMixin(Vue) {
  13560. Vue.config.errorHandler = function(err, vm, info) {
  13561. Vue.util.warn(("Error in " + info + ": \"" + (err.toString()) + "\""), vm);
  13562. console.error(err);
  13563. /* eslint-disable no-undef */
  13564. var app = typeof getApp === 'function' && getApp();
  13565. if (app && app.onError) {
  13566. app.onError(err);
  13567. }
  13568. };
  13569. var oldEmit = Vue.prototype.$emit;
  13570. Vue.prototype.$emit = function(event) {
  13571. if (this.$scope && event) {
  13572. (this.$scope['_triggerEvent'] || this.$scope['triggerEvent']).call(this.$scope, event, {
  13573. __args__: toArray(arguments, 1)
  13574. });
  13575. }
  13576. return oldEmit.apply(this, arguments)
  13577. };
  13578. Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function(fn) {
  13579. return nextTick$1(this, fn)
  13580. };
  13581. MP_METHODS.forEach(function (method) {
  13582. Vue.prototype[method] = function(args) {
  13583. if (this.$scope && this.$scope[method]) {
  13584. return this.$scope[method](args)
  13585. }
  13586. // mp-alipay
  13587. if (typeof my === 'undefined') {
  13588. return
  13589. }
  13590. if (method === 'createSelectorQuery') {
  13591. /* eslint-disable no-undef */
  13592. return my.createSelectorQuery(args)
  13593. } else if (method === 'createIntersectionObserver') {
  13594. /* eslint-disable no-undef */
  13595. return my.createIntersectionObserver(args)
  13596. }
  13597. // TODO mp-alipay 暂不支持 selectAllComponents,selectComponent
  13598. };
  13599. });
  13600. Vue.prototype.__init_provide = initProvide;
  13601. Vue.prototype.__init_injections = initInjections;
  13602. Vue.prototype.__call_hook = function(hook, args) {
  13603. var vm = this;
  13604. // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking lifecycle hooks
  13605. pushTarget();
  13606. var handlers = vm.$options[hook];
  13607. var info = hook + " hook";
  13608. var ret;
  13609. if (handlers) {
  13610. for (var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++) {
  13611. ret = invokeWithErrorHandling(handlers[i], vm, args ? [args] : null, vm, info);
  13612. }
  13613. }
  13614. if (vm._hasHookEvent) {
  13615. vm.$emit('hook:' + hook, args);
  13616. }
  13617. popTarget();
  13618. return ret
  13619. };
  13620. Vue.prototype.__set_model = function(target, key, value, modifiers) {
  13621. if (Array.isArray(modifiers)) {
  13622. if (modifiers.indexOf('trim') !== -1) {
  13623. value = value.trim();
  13624. }
  13625. if (modifiers.indexOf('number') !== -1) {
  13626. value = this._n(value);
  13627. }
  13628. }
  13629. if (!target) {
  13630. target = this;
  13631. }
  13632. // 解决动态属性添加
  13633. Vue.set(target, key, value);
  13634. };
  13635. Vue.prototype.__set_sync = function(target, key, value) {
  13636. if (!target) {
  13637. target = this;
  13638. }
  13639. // 解决动态属性添加
  13640. Vue.set(target, key, value);
  13641. };
  13642. Vue.prototype.__get_orig = function(item) {
  13643. if (isPlainObject(item)) {
  13644. return item['$orig'] || item
  13645. }
  13646. return item
  13647. };
  13648. Vue.prototype.__get_value = function(dataPath, target) {
  13649. return getTarget(target || this, dataPath)
  13650. };
  13651. Vue.prototype.__get_class = function(dynamicClass, staticClass) {
  13652. return renderClass(staticClass, dynamicClass)
  13653. };
  13654. Vue.prototype.__get_style = function(dynamicStyle, staticStyle) {
  13655. if (!dynamicStyle && !staticStyle) {
  13656. return ''
  13657. }
  13658. var dynamicStyleObj = normalizeStyleBinding(dynamicStyle);
  13659. var styleObj = staticStyle ? extend(staticStyle, dynamicStyleObj) : dynamicStyleObj;
  13660. return Object.keys(styleObj).map(function (name) { return ((hyphenate(name)) + ":" + (styleObj[name])); }).join(';')
  13661. };
  13662. Vue.prototype.__map = function(val, iteratee) {
  13663. //TODO 暂不考虑 string
  13664. var ret, i, l, keys, key;
  13665. if (Array.isArray(val)) {
  13666. ret = new Array(val.length);
  13667. for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
  13668. ret[i] = iteratee(val[i], i);
  13669. }
  13670. return ret
  13671. } else if (isObject(val)) {
  13672. keys = Object.keys(val);
  13673. ret = Object.create(null);
  13674. for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
  13675. key = keys[i];
  13676. ret[key] = iteratee(val[key], key, i);
  13677. }
  13678. return ret
  13679. } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
  13680. ret = new Array(val);
  13681. for (i = 0, l = val; i < l; i++) {
  13682. // 第一个参数暂时仍和小程序一致
  13683. ret[i] = iteratee(i, i);
  13684. }
  13685. return ret
  13686. }
  13687. return []
  13688. };
  13689. }
  13690. /* */
  13691. var LIFECYCLE_HOOKS$1 = [
  13692. //App
  13693. 'onLaunch',
  13694. 'onShow',
  13695. 'onHide',
  13696. 'onUniNViewMessage',
  13697. 'onPageNotFound',
  13698. 'onThemeChange',
  13699. 'onError',
  13700. 'onUnhandledRejection',
  13701. //Page
  13702. 'onInit',
  13703. 'onLoad',
  13704. // 'onShow',
  13705. 'onReady',
  13706. // 'onHide',
  13707. 'onUnload',
  13708. 'onPullDownRefresh',
  13709. 'onReachBottom',
  13710. 'onTabItemTap',
  13711. 'onAddToFavorites',
  13712. 'onShareTimeline',
  13713. 'onShareAppMessage',
  13714. 'onResize',
  13715. 'onPageScroll',
  13716. 'onNavigationBarButtonTap',
  13717. 'onBackPress',
  13718. 'onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged',
  13719. 'onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed',
  13720. 'onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked',
  13721. //Component
  13722. // 'onReady', // 兼容旧版本,应该移除该事件
  13723. 'onPageShow',
  13724. 'onPageHide',
  13725. 'onPageResize'
  13726. ];
  13727. function lifecycleMixin$1(Vue) {
  13728. //fixed vue-class-component
  13729. var oldExtend = Vue.extend;
  13730. Vue.extend = function(extendOptions) {
  13731. extendOptions = extendOptions || {};
  13732. var methods = extendOptions.methods;
  13733. if (methods) {
  13734. Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (methodName) {
  13735. if (LIFECYCLE_HOOKS$1.indexOf(methodName)!==-1) {
  13736. extendOptions[methodName] = methods[methodName];
  13737. delete methods[methodName];
  13738. }
  13739. });
  13740. }
  13741. return, extendOptions)
  13742. };
  13743. var strategies = Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies;
  13744. var mergeHook = strategies.created;
  13745. LIFECYCLE_HOOKS$1.forEach(function (hook) {
  13746. strategies[hook] = mergeHook;
  13747. });
  13748. Vue.prototype.__lifecycle_hooks__ = LIFECYCLE_HOOKS$1;
  13749. }
  13750. /* */
  13751. // install platform patch function
  13752. Vue.prototype.__patch__ = patch;
  13753. // public mount method
  13754. Vue.prototype.$mount = function(
  13755. el ,
  13756. hydrating
  13757. ) {
  13758. return mountComponent$1(this, el, hydrating)
  13759. };
  13760. lifecycleMixin$1(Vue);
  13761. internalMixin(Vue);
  13762. /* */
  13763. /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Vue);
  13764. /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../../../webpack/buildin/global.js */ 2)))
  13765. /***/ }),
  13766. /***/ 5:
  13767. /*!***************************************************************************************!*\
  13768. !*** C:/Users/askin/IdeaProjects/airconditioner/sources/client/vrv-moblie/pages.json ***!
  13769. \***************************************************************************************/
  13770. /*! no static exports found */
  13771. /***/ (function(module, exports) {
  13772. /***/ })
  13773. }]);
  13774. //# sourceMappingURL=../../.sourcemap/mp-weixin/common/